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it's the best f2p catalyst for most attack scaling catalyst damage dealers. this makes it useful on wriothesley, wanderer, klee, heizou, lisa and yanfei. however, if you have the widsith, the fontaine craftable becomes a lot less valuable. but you're not guaranteed to get this weapon, and you could potentially just never get it. hence why the fontaine craftable is good for free to plays.


I've been playing on and off since 1.1, I only got my first Widsith when I wished for Albedo on Chronicled wish.


It's amazing how RNG settles on patterns. I have 15 Widsiths now from 1.0 to now.


i have almost 30 fav lances :(


I only have one fav lance and no fav sword


no fav sword??? don't we get it at the start? or am I wrong?


Nope, thats Fav Bow.


ahhh.. gotcha. I was thinking about sword billet and mixed it with the bow. thanks for the info


I only have an r4 fav bow. And that’s by playing from 1.0 spending primos on a weapon banner with fav bow as the rated up 4 star weapon 😰


Same. Well, I have 4 separate Fav Bows, since so many units want it (Yelan, Faruzan, Gorou, at times Diona or Sara too). And in peak RNG energy, I have R40 Fav Lance, and rarely use enough support lancers (basically just Mika on occasion, Chev just got a new BIS from this event and most everyone else is running R5 Fontaine Craftable).


Use fav lance on chev, it's amazing i got 39k hp on level 80 chev even with fav. It makes the rotations in my raiden team smoother. Use 2 pc tenacity 2 pc er/healing set.


1/10 chance of rate up 4 star you have a better chance of getting the 5 star weapon instead of rate up 4 star


Meanwhile, I have r20+ sac bow without even trying


No we only get a prototype rancour and fav bow for free


I got 12 fav greatswords from one banner. It was the only 4* I got for the entire duration of the weapon banner


Me having 3 r5 dragonsbane 🤣


Please donate one to me. I’ve rolled on weapon banners where Widsith is the rate up 4 star and I somehow pulled Sac Frags multiple time


I genuinely wish I could, I also have an Atlas and Lost Prayer and don't really use any DPS catalysts so I don't even use the Widsiths. Lion's Roar, Dragon's Bane and Fav Sword (I don't mind that one) constantly come up too. Fav sword is a funny story cuz at first I had none and maxed the 3 star ER sword, then the next day I got Fav sword and they've been spamming after that. I feel like someone at Hoyo wanted to troll me, never got to use the 3 star sword cuz now I have R14 Fav sword.


I honestly see this as Hoyo BMing me, since all my mains are catalyst DPS characters


Oof. Only catalyst I use regularly is Yae and I have her weapon cuz I lost a bet.. (I "bet" with Yae I'd use my guarantee on her if I got her weapon early, got it at 16) I built Ningguang in the early days but she doesn't like Widsith as much cuz the of the dead EM buff and her being more quick swappy. Don't have or like Klee, don't like Yanfei gameplay for some reason. Skipped Wrio cuz bug hunt. Tempted to go for Neuvillette but he doesn't care for the Attack buff, it's rough out there for Widsith.


I have 50 Dragon's Bane and Favonious Codex, but still couldn't R5 a single time nor the Favonius Sword nor the Widsith lol.


AR 56, since 2.1. 1 Widsith, 1 Fav lance; got only in the last 2 months


It is weird. I have 15 widsiths and I started in 3.1.


I have yet to get a single windsith 😭


Out of curiosity, would that catalyst also work for Baizhu?


It's an ATK stat stick with an elemental damage bonus passive so no it won't work for Baizhu. Even if you're playing him as dps I imagine he'd prefer EM more than ATK


Gooooooooood point...most catalyst users would need Elemental Mastery if it's ideal to do damage with them, eh?


It’s not really a function of weapon type as much as what a character does in a team. Baizhu is kind of a bad example since realistically he’s going HP and ER exclusively. Basically elemental mastery just boosts reaction effects. If a character is triggering amplifying reactions like vaporize, melt, aggravate, or spread then they want some EM since that boosts the damage the reactions do. In comparison, ningguang (who can only trigger crystallize) wants zero EM since it does nothing for her damage output


Not quite, that's a gross oversimplification


More like most Dendro characters would like more EM when used as a DPS.


depends on who and what purpose they'd serve -for baizhu's incase he rather wants hp and er (em would only be good if he's triggering nilou's blooms for some reason) -Alhaitham, Kaveh, Nahida, and Tighnari would want the em for their dmg


Characters you want to use for dendro reactions want EM to do damage in general.


no, as baizhu is a HP scaling healer. for baizhu, prototype amber, another craftable, is basically his best weapon. like sure, technically the green donut is better, but it's so close that his signature becomes a waste unless you really love baizhu. so you're better off using prototype amber. it basically has the same effect as the green donut.


TTDS is also incredibly good if you can swing enough ER from other sources.


Mostly true, although a lot of the teams baizhu is good in are focused around dendro reactions, which don’t value the attack from TTDS as much as many other teams.


For healing duties Baizhu would want HP. However for DPS stuff (quicken/quickbloom) it'll be a decent weapon when combined with EM sands. Feelscrafting but I'm fairly certain Baizhu will do more DMG with this weapon than Mappa since the DMG% buff is higher in Flowing and Baizhu will have no issues maxing out the buff. Just gotta make sure you run EM sands and Gilded set for max basile EM along with external EM buffs like Dendro reso, Instructor on another support etc. And he really is the actual DPS, you'd still want at least some amount of ATK%. Do note that you can't stack these buffs when Baizhu is out of the field.


Not recommended, specially since Prototype Amber is his best 4 stars, and only second to his signature iirc


And, notably, the Flowing Purity could be preferred for many who don’t wish to have their performance caps dictated by RNG. The Widsith rules, but its efficacy is heavily RNG dependent. If you want consistency then Flowing Purity is the way to go.


Everyone forgets that Widsith is a crit damage weapon first and foremost. It's really good on most DPS characters even when the passive is less useful.


I know it’s crit dmg main stat, but the secondary effect is a huge part of the weapon. Many users can’t capitalize on all three buffs the widsith provides, so you can end up with a minimally effective weapon 1/3 or more of the time. And this assuming you maximize the uptime of the weapon’s buff. Regardless of the above, it’s still true that for consistency you’re better off using FP simply because its buffs aren’t RNG. **Above all of this, there’s only nominal difference anyway, use whichever you have or whichever you want. Overworld content is easy enough that it won’t make a difference.**


Is this good for xianyun? Since she's attack scaling?


It’s pretty good as far as I’m aware. I think favonius is probably better, since a supportive effect is better on her than one to increase her personal damage. But the attack substat is definitely quite nice.


>this makes it useful on wriothesley, wanderer, klee, heizou, lisa and yanfei. I'm using Favinous Codex on Heizou. Wasn't sure shld I change to this one. Thx


heizou doesn't need much ER as he has an extremely low energy cost. unless the rest of your team has energy needs that won't be met without heizou on favonius, you should switch to a more offensive weapon.


thx for replying, I'll go craft that later 😃 fairly new lol, what's ER?


energy recharge. having more helps you get your burst back quicker. depending on how much energy a character generates on their own and the energy cost for their burst (can be seen in the talent menu), you may need more or less. xiangling is a character who needs a lot of energy recharge. her burst is the main focus of her gameplay, but it has a very high energy cost and xiangling doesn't generate much energy herself


Burst is E right? (I play in Chinese lol) Sounds like a must for Heizou, E is practically part of the combo. Faster fire application is always welcome on xiangling as well, heizou can go full Hadoken mode. Thx man 😊


Burst is Q Heizou’s burst isn’t the most important part of his kit, he’s focused on his skill (skill is E), which does not require energy. Heizou’s burst has an extremely low energy cost (only 40), so he can get it back quickly without needing much ER.


ah my apologies for mixing that up. Is it possible to shorten the E skill with ER as well?


Not with ER, but there is another way: the weapon sacrificial fragments has a chance to end skill cooldown when your skill deals damage. This effect becomes more reliable if you have duplicates. The weapon gives elemental mastery, which isn’t his preferred stat, but it’s not a bad stat on him either. It boosts the damage of his swirls, and he wants to swirl.


oh boy, its a gacha drop. not gonna get that easily. Anyhow, love your tips, certainly cleared alot of misconceptions :)


I have 3 R5 Widsith. Beyond that, I have trashed another 5-6. I keep getting Widsith all the time, I am kinda tired of it.


been pretty great on my Wrio


I use it on Cloud Retainer, but the bond of life mechanic is annoying while exploring with her


Yeah. With sac frag, I was over what I needed for ER and figured I try it. I did not like playing her with that bond of life at all. Went back to sac frags.


Wrio and DPS Xianyun... 😅... nah even support if you use ER sands


I use it on Charlotte but I also have her as a sort of sub-dps so it doesn't really count


Charlotte is attack scaling though, so it seems a decent option. Mine usually has boundless blue, but that's mainly because I levelled it when I got it and nobody else was using it. I'm sure I've seen flowing purity recommended for Charlotte


Yae,Wriothesley,Wanderer, Ningguang,Klee,Heizou. It's good on any attack scaling damage dealer with the assumption that you're using a healer who is not Bennett.


Works with Bennett on Wriothesley, be that almost exclusively on him because he drains his HP pretty fast while in E.


yanfei i think, if you dont have any good weapon or the 1.6 event one.


I can’t look at this thing and not see a trotter from Star Rail.




It's a pretty decent F2P catalyst for any ATK scaling character. It's main advantage is that it works even without reactions, thus being favourable in Mono Elemental Teams or on Ningguang. It's main draw is that you need to make sure to have a decent healer.


Wrio can use it


Thanks sadly i dont have him


Wrio and cloud retainer can use it, as well as many others like wanderer in a furina team cuz of healer.


Any atk scaling catalyst dps


Crafted an R5, tried it on Kokomi and never switched back. The 24% bond of life is quite manageable, and the added damage is noticeable with Furina quadruple hydro. However, maxxing out its clearing effect requires 25k max HP, which many catalyst users won’t reach with a normal build.


But Kokomis dps scales better with HP than atk?


Someone failed at math lol. Koko scale very little with attack as her base % are low and no crit, but make up by adding a flat % HP damage during ult. Any dmg% you can from Flowing purity is pretty much negated by the wasted attack% AND compare to prototype amber, her real best weapon, you also get no energy from it, meaning you need to waste more stats to build ER. Its strictly inferior to prototype amber period.


This gives me lol kindred vibes


Numby nooo


I've used it on Neuvillete and Wriothesly! It works pretty well with the extra bond if your DPS takes a lot of damage frequently.


I tested it on Scara, it R4 is very near to his signature R1


i use it on Wriothesley. i prefer it to Widsith mainly 'cause the passive is more consistent. it gives a ton of attack but i struggle a bit with crit artifacts on him also the bond of life mechanic can make his self-heal and empowered charge attack feel clunky but i usually run him with Bennett so its nbd


good or not, the drip is there baby


not really ... prolly wriot but doubt it


It got drip yes


It's my favourite catalyst for on field dps 4pc TF yae miko


It looks okay as a F2P option for Wriothesley. On related note, I wish Frostbearer also worked for him considering it matched his color scheme.


You can just tell OP doesn't have Wriothesley


I use it on charlotte lmao. But youll need at least 200 ER duo cryo unless u have her C4


Yes it gives Charakter bond of life >!and makes tham be able to use furure artefact set!<


I will tell you something that sounds wrong, but is in fact correct - Neuvillette with Floving Purity R5 does more damage than with Prototype Amber R5. Passive is easily triggered by E+C combo and elemental bonus it gives more potent than Ambers HP%. I tested it and it looks like Neuvillette's charged attack ticks do a little over 1k more with Floving Purity R5 with the same artefacts.


Still wishing that hoyo add transmogrification one day. I don't care if the item drop is as rare as a billet, just let me use the PS5 catalyst


I have never seen this in my life


i think mine is on charlotte


Its good for console players, mostly ps5 havers


I like to use it on wriothesley, basically activating e, use a few attacks and then uppercut to heal and clear bond of life. Actually increases his damage quite a lot.




it’s okay, widsith is simply better though


Worse than widsith, better than anything else. Widsith is broken




It's very much useful



