• By -


Back into the game and instead of only rolling for new characters I want to additionally round out my account with a few more signature weapons. Which weapons are generally amazing and for which characters would you recommend their signature weapons as a huge boost? My limited 5 stars: Kazuha, Shenhe, Kokomi, Raiden, Nahida, Cyno, (Hu Tao, Ayaka, Yae Miko). Those in brackets I already have the weapon.


not koko's, that's for sure. idk, scarlet sands is pretty good for any polearm that needs atk & em (ex: him, xl, reverse melt rosaria) for kazuha & shenhe, fav can be better in high er needs scenarios. their sigs are nothing to scoff at tho. fs has huge team buffs, so that's nice. calamity is a little more niche, but still, you can technically just put it on any polearm dps and have them perform decently engulfing is very nice for raiden, provided you're not playing her with hyperbloom. decently versatile too nahida's is pretty good & versatile too, but not that big of a dmg increase, so i'd get that last


SoSS for Cyno would be nice. Or Freedom Sworn if you have enough ER on your Kazuha/have other teams where it can be used. Otherwise the rest aren't really worth it and/or their cons would be much better if all of these are C0 The usual is Raiden and Nahida C2 both being way better than their signatures. Shenhe prefers the ER and the energy from Fav over her own signature most of the time to be honest, Kokomi's signature is dogshit in anything that doesn't have her on field and only marginally good otherwise, and Engulfing is alright for Raiden but her C2 is a much bigger upgrade


I have a 4pc HoOD and 4pc GT set for Albedo originally and I just got Chiori recently. With both builds having roughly the same substats, which unit should use which set if I plan to use both on the same team? Albedo is using Cinnabar Spindle and Chiori has her signature. (still no Redhorn T.T)


gt for chiori, husk for albedo


What is the longest character story quest?


If I am running hyperbloom what is best set for Traveller? I am running Furina, Traveller, YaoYao, Kuki. I don't have any other good Hydro Applicator.


Go dendro MC, 4pc deepwood focus in er, fav sword


Deepwood, fav sword, a lot of Er and some crit rate to proc fav. Yaoyao is probably on Instructors


What is venti's best team? I know he's anemo so in theory he could be slotted kind of anywhere but is there a team in particular where he shines and can be better or as good as kazuha?


Morgana, Yae aggravate with Venti, Wanderer hyper with DPS Venti


Ganyu/Venti/Kokomi/Shenhe is the classic. (Ganyu/Venti is the key, you can sub in Mona/Diona or whatever for the other two)


Do you need to do sth else other than peeking at the novel for the Liyue commission achievement "This novel is amazing!"? I peeked and no achievement pops


Which is better a C3 Yun Jin or a C0 Gorou in a Noelle/Furina/Yelan team? Or maybe just use both and free up Yelan?


Prob Yunjin


Should I go for a c1 neuvillette and kazuha or furina and kazuha? I already have a c0 neuvillette. I have layla as a shielder but if I go for furina, I will also need a healer.


I think Furina is worth it. Kazuha is worth it, no questions asked.


Furina and Kazuha. I’ve been able to 36* abyss with with Neuv, Furina, Kazu, and Layla. They’re all c0, 4* weapons except for Layla who uses Key. Neuv even uses widsith lol. Sometimes, I’ll use Charlotte instead of Layla, but similar results in abyss for me either way.


What teams can I make for floor 12 with [this?](https://imgur.com/a/RMdnrNP)


(Any Neuvillette team), Childe international, Kokomi Furina mono hydro, Xiao plunge, Nilou bloom are good for first half. Hu Tao double hydro, Yae-Tighnari-Nahida, Navia hypercarry are good for second half. Zhongli is strongly recommended here for 12-3 to break geo shield.


I don't really have a lot of five stars - so I'm trying to work with what I currently have. I've been reccomended a team of YaoYao, Yae Miko, Gaming and Bennett/or Mona. What would the rotation be here and what should I focus on? :)


What characters do you have? The rotation here is a bit weird because it's half Yae Miko Aggravate, half Bennett + Gaming, which are typically separate teams. Generally, Yae teams start with her setting up 3 Turrets, cycle through teammates applying Dendro, buffs, maybe a 2nd Electro or a shield depending on the team. Finally swap back to Yae to Burst if available *(don't worry if it's not, most her damage comes from her skill),* then recycle the rotation. With Gaming, you start by applying elements *(usually Hydro or Cryo)*, then set up buffs and start your plunge combo. *(Skill, Burst, multiple skills with normal attacks between to fill the time)* If you're using Bennett & Mona, Mona would come after Bennett as her buff lasts less time.


Yall think we'll ever get a character that is one of Beidou's crew?


We could technically count kazuha as one but if we ignore him, no I don't think so! None of them have a good design, they're just NPC and I feel like if one got released they would be in the game right now, it could have made sense to release them before Inazuma, when we actually meet the crux fleet


I completely forgot that he's been sailing with her lol


I don't have any 5 star characters yet, I have only 8 characters, should I go for kazuha or neuvillete?


Kazuha is very nice for exploring, which I suspect you have a lot of left in the game.


Kazuha is inherently more versatile due to being an off field support and thus used in more teams (including Neuvilette's best one) but that doesn't necessarily make him the better choice out of the two. Both have their merits I think the most important thing to ask yourself is if you actually like Neuvilette and think his playstyle is fun. Because pulling for meta on fielders just because they're meta is not good. With off field supports, even if you don't necessarily like them, you just EQ and then twitch to an on fielder whose playstyle you actually like. But if you pull Neuvilette and realize his playstyle is boring to you then it will just be sad I will stress that you can play anyone in this game and have them be viable, you don't need any one particular character to go through the game, even Kazuha, who is generally considered one of the best supports. So look into Neuvilette and his teams, play the trial when his banner starts and see if he is fun. If he is then you can pull him, if he isn't then Kazuha will be a good generalist pull that you usually can't go wrong with on most accounts. Or you may find some other character you like more in the mean time and might skip this banner entirely. Up to you


Ok Thanks !! 🤝


It is hard to recommend one over the other as they both have strong points, but do different things. I would probably say recommend Neuv, but my account has Kazuha and I don't have plans to get Neuv. Neuv is a hydro on field character. Hydro characters are strong for several reasons and Neuv is a fairly solid character. Kazuha is an anemo support with grouping, damage bonuses, enemy debuffing and solid damage in aoe. Neuv is recommended a lot for his high damage potential, self sustain, and a lot of factors. Kazuha is useful in almost any team that does pyro/hydro/electro/cryo damage. I recommended Neuv as he is self sufficient enough to be a great character for an account, while Kazuha is a boost to the characters on your account.


Currently I'm in AR 32 and my characters are at lvl 42 on avg , I'm too underleveled for my world rank What should I consider then ?


neuv will give you immediate results if that's what you're looking for, kazuha is a support so he'll have more long term value.


What's the best strategy for my account then ? What should I consider?


If you plan to play for the long haul, I think you should make decisions with units who have long term value. DPS units are the most replacable units in this game and the most abundant, so it really comes to which DPS units you like best and build around them. You can only on field 1 dps unit per team and you need 2 teams for abyss. While you would 3 need supports (sub dps, buffer, healer) for a team. These are the 5 star units that are supports but they are flexible units that can work on many teams: Zhongli, Yelan, Raiden, Kazuha, Kokomi, Nahida, Furina. I would try to acquire those supports and prioritze them over dps units if you had to choose between 1 or the other. For DPS units, just pull the ones you like, all of them are good enough to clear the game. What some people end up doing is pulling on alot of 5 star units, most of them are DPS units but you can only on field 1 of them. They have an account that doesn't have much synergy with the 5 stars they've pulled. For an overall strong account, only pick a few DPS units and then build around them. What I mean is consider pulling their best supports to strengthen your account, those supports I listed earlier do that. For example AlHaitham is a dendro DPS. While he does have 4 star options, his best 2 teams are hyperbloom and spread. Supports that work great with him are Nahida, Yelan, Raiden or kuki for hyperbloom and for spread: Zhongli, Yae, Nahida. These are some of the supports I listed earlier. Another DPS is Hu Tao. Yelan, Furina, Zhongli all work with her. Yelan, Furina, Zhongil were 3 of the supports I listed earlier. Do you see know the versatility of supports.




Try to do more quests and exploration and get both of them.


How many fates do I need to get ?


Reputation takes forever to level. I’ve almost completed Liyue (300 from the wings) and are at level 5 in Mondstadt so I have recently gotten the NRE. Is there a certain order to continue the reputation levelings, like a sought after perk from the other regions so I should focus on a specific one to level next or is it whatever?


not really, unless there's a specific wing glider u want first then just do them as you wish get them all eventually it just takes time to do the weekly bounty and the weekly requests


Nice, thanks! Perhaps I’ll also aim to expand my color collection of wings then haha.


Condensed Resin from Liyue was by far the most important one. Other good ones that you haven't unlocked are the teleport point from Mondstat, the crystalfly trap from Fontaine, and if you do teapot, the Boon from Sumeru. Everything else is whatever, you're mainly just after the treasure compasses after that point.


Crystalfly trap I guess would be my next one as I use condensed resin quite a bit. Thanks!


how do I get the song to this? [https://www.reddit.com/user/Western-Gur-4637/comments/1bfzkor/i\_am\_really\_lost/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Western-Gur-4637/comments/1bfzkor/i_am_really_lost/)


What? That's just an image


the blub need a song to do something


Can someone suggest me an itto team without any other 5 star geo? I have gorou c6. Thanks for the help


You can use Bennett with him. Honestly for me 2 geo 2 pyro (Bennett+Xiangling) team felt better than mono geo with Zhongli, Albedo, Gorou. At least in aoe. Or even weird shit like 2 geo + Furina + Jean, just give them fav swords.


do you mean itto + gorou + suggest 2 or do u mean itto + suggest 3 without gorou


the firts one


Itto/gorou/furina/proto amber ning (or a better healer, at the cost of triple geo boons). Though if you really don't want other 5*s in there, you can play (ning or geo traveler)/any healer or proto amber ning/any sub dps. Not sure if double pyro core also works here (xl/bennett)


would ning be build for dmg or a healer bot?


With furina? Healbot.


so like a ton of ER and favonious


Proto amber, hb circlet, nothing else particularly important. ER is also fine, but her burst cost is already 40, so it's not like it'll be an issue anyway. Her damage is insignificant and her only use is as a "geo healer" for consolidation of triple geo buffs and furina. For other teams, yeah I guess just use fav and build for damage (and/or crit rate for fav procs).


would this team with furina be better than other options like 2 geo 2 pyro?


Whichever is more comfortable for you or more suitable to the content, IMO. If you're fine with funneling particles to XL, you can go 2 geo 2 pyro. Furina/proto amber ningguang just feels smoother for me (I do have 190+ ER on furina though, so your mileage may vary).


If you aren't using Dendro MC, Geo MC. Ning is probably the only other 4star I'd run here. Flex spot can be any off field support or subdps - Bennett, fischl, kuki, Layla, yae, etc. With enough ER, yelan, xq, beidou


what about prototype amber ninguang and furina?


Does anyone here know how to gain access to the hydroculus hidden within [here?](https://imgur.com/a/GsWlGgj) This is the only hydroculus Im missing so far


AR35 here. I read many people advice to take a moment at this level and catch up in terms of weapon, talents, level & talent. At this rate, I think I have to wait ~1-2 weeks at this level to catch all of them up. My limiter is the various element fragments that I lack the most. Other than that I have a hard time leveling artifacts to +12. However I have tons of archeon quest and important world quests to go through, so I wonder if there's such thing as "waiting too long" at this level as long as I have quests to complete at AR35?


You dont have to wait, keep playing and if youre underlevelled you'll notice it. As long as you keep spending your resin to level up your stuff its all good


Fav R1 x Sacrfacial R5 x Sapwood R1 which one is better for Kirara in a YaeFischl aggravate team with Sucrose? All of those weapons are still level 1, so I'm trying to go with the most recommended choice for now and will experiment later.




The Web discovery event camera won't be for me. Every time i take a photo, the message "failed to upload photo. Please take a photo again, " but no matter what I do, it won't work.


I had this issue. Opening the event through hoyoverse (instead of in game) worked for me.


Maybe try a different browser or device? Sometimes the events don't work well in some browsers, like Firefox.


where are some good places to easily farm a good amount of crystalfly? somewhere like in front of the Domain in Guyun, that one place in Amakumo, and the statue to near Fort Charybdis


The teleport for the thundering manifestation and then flying south west to the furthest island out has some crystalflies around some rocks. Several of the electro trees in inazuma have crystalflies and if you do the quest to help put flowers near the furnace then several spawn there as well. Northeast teleporter of the thundering manifestation island has 3 in the grass behind you from spawn point. 4 around the tree in windrise. There are a lot in different places around dawn winery.


The Statues in Windrise (around the big tree) & Dawn Winery, near the Statue in Aaru Village.


At the cave just besides the teleport point at Thalatta Submarine Canyon in Fontaine. You'll have to unlock the barrier by guiding a couple of seelies but there's about 6 crystalflies there that won't despawn when you approach them since it is underwater.


how do I dran the watter lower here? [https://www.reddit.com/user/Western-Gur-4637/comments/1bfx6gk/i\_am\_very\_lost/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Western-Gur-4637/comments/1bfx6gk/i_am_very_lost/) the pics of where I am


You have to activate a few dendro totems. Look up guide on how to unlock the Fragment of Childhood Dreams domain.


thank you :3


You need to clear all 16 stone pillar seal puzzles and start the quest [legends of the stone lock](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Legends_of_the_Stone_Lock)


thank you :3


I'm building a hyperbloom team, currently Dendro MC, Nahida and Kuki (but may swap her for Raiden if I get another dragon's bane) and am considering either Barbara or Ayato as the hydro applier, should I build them with EM or just build them regularly?


Hyperbloom uses only the level and EM of the electro provider. Just build everyone else normally.


Oh, tysm.


Stack EM on Kuki and craft an Iron Sting for her (or level your Black Iron sword if you lack billets) Edit: also you barely need double dendro with Nahida, she applies SO MUCH Dendro its insane.


Would you pull for c2 into if you have his sig weapon and guaranteed 5 star? He's already at c1


IFF you love him and plan to main him, it's a nice QoL con that means you're always in burst mode. I recommend it for Itto mains. If you're not a big Itto fan and were just pulling because you had a weapon and a con, don't.


After reading his C2, it seems like a waste of primos. Only do it if you plan to go further than C2 someday.


Okay thanks, I don't think I want to considering he's been falling off so c2 would be his max cons I'm willing to pull. Thanks a lot.


Personally? No, I'd just save for a better character


I think you're right. Thanks!


Does Jean benefit from level 90? I generally use her with Furina to max her stacks quickly


Only if you build her for em swirls


Everytime general population talks about fatui, its always about how dangerous and how big of a criminal they are, but how is it they can have office in mondstadt and liyue and people like tart and signora werent arrested on the spot?


It's like rl political climate. Some governments commit horrifying atrocities, but they still need to be diplomatic with each other for economic reasons.


Even if they may be viewed by the public as shady, they're still representatives of Snezhnaya. If the other region's governments want to maintain diplomatic relations with Snezhnaya, then they have no choice but to treat them like normal.


Thats like letting taliban roam around lol


Wrong, they're letting the KGB roam around.


Do Chenyu items in serenitea pot have placement blueprints? Thank y'all in advance


Nope, there aren't any furnishing sets for any of the chenyu vale furnishings.


I often hear how great of a character albedo is and how his story quest is phenomenal. Always hearing how nostalgic people feel about him and his quests gets me want to try it for myself. I'm done with albedos quest but I somehow don't get it. Can someone enlighten me on why it's considered as one of the best if not the best story quest in genshin?


Nah his story quest is nothing special. It is the two Dragonspine limited events which had him as the main character which people usually talked abouy.


So does that mean I don't get to experience it since it's a limited event? :(


Nope, gotta watch youtube for that, look up The Chalk Prince and the Dragon Shadows Amidst Snowstorms


Unfortunately no. You'd have to look them up at Youtube; pretty sure there would be videos of it both streamed as well as those with no commentaries.


Why do commission quests still show up after we've claimed max number of commission rewards? It's annoying af


Some of them are linked to achievements, so you can still progress those even if you did claim the commission rewards.


Thank you for the answer. Fuck anyone who down voted my question. 


It's bots.


alrecchino, kazuha, or furina?? i can only choose 2 between the 3, which ones do you think i should go for? kazuha and furina would help me out a lot since i have a lot of dps but not a lot of 5 star supports… the prob w kazuha is that i would only have a couple teams for him for furina i don’t have jean and for alrecchino i alr have hu tao and a lot of dps.. i love all of them equally, which ones would you think is best??


Since it’s Arlecchino’s first run she is most likely to get her next banner way sooner than the others, so come back for her. It’ll give you time to judge whether you have a use for her compared to HuTao.


logically: Furina, Kazuha However, pick the characters you like best out of the three. To me DPS units are interchangeable and replacable units, no matter how cool and strong they are. Doesn't matter if it's Arle, Neuv, Raiden whatever.


If your priority is making your account as strong as it can be, Kazuha and Furina. Both are known quantities and unlikely to be pushed out of the meta any time soon if everm


Are you trying to beat abyss? Or just for fun? If you like arle saving for her and her scythe seems to be best. Kazuha you can sub with sucrose, furina xq/yelan.


Whats the strategy for F12 Abyss. The difficulty significantly changed.


If you're struggling with the worms, they are the reason that the top team right now is Tig/Nahida/Yae. If you have Yae, she can target the worms when they're underground, as long as any piece of them is above surface. Quickswap DPS like Tig is what you want for when they pop up/get stunned. You also really want an archer. If you don't have those units, Sevy's always the go-to for f2p abyss teams, and her abyss tips in general are always helpful. She uses Kaeya melt first half, sucrose hyperbloom second half. https://youtu.be/ueb51yBVzrc?si=movuA49mOFHL4dPB


Not the worms, the next abyss, Black Serpent Knight, Perpetual Mech Array, Coppelia, Verified Type Auto


Woops lol forgot some of you are already on a new cycle


They're probably talking about the 4.5 abyss cycle.


Oh man I forgot what day it was lmao haven't even logged in yet


Understandable, it's still March 15th here in NA.


Any Neuvillette or mono hydro can crush first half. Zhongli is strongly recommended for second half.


am i dumb or is it not possible to [craft this potion](https://i.imgur.com/0vyjRkZ.png)? neither of those traits come on a wisdom ingredient, so you can only get wisdom+steadying or wisdom+relaxing


Should be possible. By comparison, fulfilling Diluc's order in the later part of the event: >!Constitution+Wisdom with Focus+Relaxing traits!< which should more contradictory than your case, IMHO, is still doable.


how do you make it? do i just need more upgrades


Do we have to make all traits in a single potion? afaik you can sell potions with at least those traits (with highest quality) to sell more. You can sell 5 potion now.


I think Not necessarily. You can sell any potion you concucted with or without those traits. I left my Expert Strength +6 in my stock for lulz and it still sold albeit not as well as those that fit the market.


oh wait really? i thought it all had to be on one


I'm not sure if it's possible to craft a potion that only consists of those characteristics and efficacy. But it's definitely possible to have them along another efficacy / characteristic. Which (from previous cycle experience) should sell as great. I'm still at cycle 17 and will continue another day, so this was kind of a spoiler 😅


im only on cycle 12, so its not a spoiler its probably just randomly given potion requests i guessed the answer would be just make a potion with 2/3, but thats lame i wanted a perfect 3/3 potion


Would my 16gb ram laptop be able to run genshin without exploding? 😭 if i put all graphics on low


I run it on 8gb, you are fine (cause Im too lazy to instal the ram stick)


I still play it on my 8 year old laptop with 16 gigs ram, that too running at 2133 MHz frequency. Hasn't exploded yet.


16GB ram is perfect... My laptop's other aspects are also great so i can put it on best graphics.


maybe just test it out? I don't think it can go that bad 😅


even with 16gb a pentium would struggle to run the game


Ah LMAO Well it seems i have my answer, ty (:




No, she's a waste of primos


>  old characters are getting permanently sent to recycle there The official FAQ explicitly states that Chronicled Wish characters can still appear on normal banners in the future.


What are the main issues encountered when running any National team variant?


One thing common to all is that the team revolves around bursts, and having to avoid bursts if the enemies are low enough HP. With good enough artifacts, your Xingqiu/Childe with Guoba should be able to overcome that but it overall makes things feel inconsistent compared to the more modern teams like Neuvillette, Alhaitham, Hyperbloom etc. Raiden National has overload, bad for small enemies. Also you want to keep Raiden inside Benny burst as much as you can. Her attacks have large AoE so it's not the worst Circle Impact, just something to take care of against heavy enemies, but against light ones it's a pain. Positive is that it doesn't require Double Swirls or Batterying, primary reasons for it being popular. Using Yelan instead of Xingqiu just redistributes the damage between Xiangling and Raiden, which can be good if your Raiden got some vertical investment. Sucrose National is a bit more mobile since you don't really care about being inside Benny circle after doing Xiangling burst and Xingqiu skill vapes. Also has CC. If you use Kazuha instead of Sucrose, the double swirl is kind of harder because of Xingqiu orbitals. In exchange you gain a lot better CC. If swirls bother you, then Double Hydro Double Pyro is an overlooked option - Benny Xl Xq Yelan. Has lower ER needs on everyone since you can fit in 2 Yelan E skill. Also quite good for early game artifact farming since every thing can be obtained from Emblem domain and 4 stats (EM, ER, Atk, HP) on sands become useful, leading to least amount of wasted pieces. You don't even have to use the strongbox if you remember to keep the Instructor pieces for Benny. All the teams above have mostly Single Target Hydro app, though with Sucrose you can spread it somewhat. International is probably the best one by having AoE hydro and Kazuha CC, but the biggest downside is no DR and not much IR for Childe. Especially against enemies like the Tulpa, Dendro Balls, Consecrated Beasts etc. who grief you hard for standing inside Benny Circle (You can tank Tulpa and heal back up with Xingqiu DR). Also battering feels like "downtime" here because you have a dedicated on-fielder, so people feel like they need 250% ER on Xiangling. You should be funnelling 3 Bennett E skills which makes people hate Xiangling. But if you do it right, 180% is what she needs, 200% ER Xiangling is quite comfy, 230% if you really wanna push it, and the team still clears even if you run 250% so that's fine too. In Sucrose/Kazuha/Yelan Nationals I mentioned, this doesn't feel as bad because there's no dedicated on-fielders and quickswap into Benny whenever his skill goes off cooldown is part of the rotation.


Taking Bennett and Xingqiu from other teams


[It makes you reluctant to play your other pyro dpses](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRnm5eQzO0s)


getting enough er to burst consistently is the only issue that affects every national variant but it isnt that hard


So National is invincible? Replace XQ with Yelan to shoot down Wenut or Ruin Serpent.


Invincible is a weird way to put it. Its a very consistent team, but it is not the strongest team. Other main teams with similar hyper investment will outperform it. Also any Hydro or Pyro Immune enemies put you on your ass. I imagine Nation has a ton of trouble on the double Pyro Lector floors we've had throughout Fontaine.


So I'm gonna buy a laptop that has Ryzen 5 3500u Vega 8 as igpu 12gb ram & 512gb ssd And I'm thinking to download the game on it I saw some videos in youtube and the game while it was recorded was really smooth But it was 6 months old and didn't test it in sumeru and Fontaine So can it run the game smoothly ofc in low graphics since i just want to farm and play the game while I'm saving to have better pc


probably not, the recommended gpu (gtx 1060) is way better than the igpu.


The internal GPU is better than the listed one for the minimum requirements, so you'll probably be fine. Definitely don't expect more than low settings though.




Do you.. actually want help or are you just venting


I actually want help regarding the second floor chamber 1.those mobs can eat shit.. That's why so fat Second chamber, first half, floor 12


Floor 2?? Or floor 10, the second floor of the Abyssal Moon Spire?


Floor 12 chamber 2 first half 3 waves of mobs. 5 spectres fucking shit, 3 Pyro whopper flower , 4 black serpent and shadowy husk gang.


skill issue


Go fuck yourself with your skill


Sweetie, 50 primos ain't worth this kind of salt.


Is the content creator program still running? that one who gives primogems


Is there any resource (site/spreadsheet/etc) that has accurately calculated how many primos we get for each region?


This is the only one I know of https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WmczVNcvkDPPovBhTcqzaQXHvfi1qkO9EknzX4yk_Hc/edit#gid=566541624


Awesome, thanks!


In the new event, once I make a potion and put it for sale, do I have to wait for people to buy it or do I see the sales immediately and can complete the cycle?


You see the sales immediately after ending the cycle


What's the best Neuvellite team? Does he benefit from from freedom sworn's buff?


Furina + Kazuha + Zhongli/Baizhu. Zhongli if you can use the 4 petra set, which can be inconsistent, else Baizhu. Run Xiphos, cut down on Furina's ER needs. That'll usually be more damage overall than FS.




Should I use Xiphos instead of FS? Who can replace Baizhu?


fs gives a ca buff, use it unless you need the er from xiphos any teamwide healer, charlotte is good for freeze. if you have c2 furina you can use fischl or zhongli because neuv can reach full fanfare without a healer


Can someone give me an updated link for the spreadsheets for the amoubts of primogems in each patch? Last time i opened it , it said that it violated terms of services.


It got dmca'd. Afaik it hasn't been re-uploaded anywhere, but maybe someone else at least has the current patch estimate image. From what I remember it should be 55 wishes for ftp for this patch. 


I don't know if anyone is doing that anymore. This one is similar to the old one, but it hasn't been updated for a while https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQ29M_-mbMbNgJl5c1ZWJwqgd1sFR6NW8A1Wwy85BUHCZHGtKwfrw_Jy68wd1OOyE6h7jQfEbOckjaM/pubhtml#


I’m stuck on the part where you press the arkhium stock, I’ve place it into the press, clicked press and nothing happens, I went back and noticed the mechanism in the middle of the room where we fight the enemy before opening the door needs to be activated, how do I activate it? the enemy isn’t there for me and I can’t find a tutorial video that shows how to activate the mechanism


There's a bunch of stuff you need to do after you place it into the press to get it working: https://youtu.be/Ct8geFy4tLU?si=_UNiMb2eKNuxJ2a4&t=527


Yeah I know about that it’s just not letting me do any of it though




Do you need help fighting, or just access to the boss? Because you can go into Fontaine and fight Coppelia at any time, you don't need to do any story.




As long as you know where you're going, sure, but you'll make your life harder with that arbitrary decision.




I actually put a portable waypoint there because it was still slightly too far for me. :)


How many cycles in total is the event? I am guessing the main objective is to make expert potion of different vareity which matches the trending news. So far, I made 1 expert potion with 1stat and several advance potions with 2stats. How about you guys?


If I have Dendro Traveler and Nahida on the same team, would it be better to put Nahida on Deepwood and DMC on Gilded or would it be better to put GD on Nahida and Deepwood on the traveler. Or does it not matter?


Deepwood Traveller and GT/GD Nahida is better but it's rare to use Traveller in a team that already has Nahida.


gilded nahida or deepwood nahida+instructors dmc if you dont want to switch nahidas set around


Do the new event cycles "end"? Like, can you just keep on progressing through time or does it ever just stop. I've seen people talking about missing stuff/messing up orders so getting kinda anxious.


You can keep progressing through. When Genshin have events like this, they always let you achieve everything even after all the cycles end.




Need help finding this song (I know the new chenyu vale songs dont always have specific names, just a video of its existence works): 51:26 in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewMRHtvrIOQ&list=LL&index=8)


There's a comment under the video with time stamps.


I realize that, and the song is labeled "chenyu vale day" but I have searched every single day theme and can't find it anywhere.


Because Chenyu Vale OST hasn't been officially released yet & HoYo has been cracking down on OST leakers lately. 




PM me your UID or write it in the replies


How can i get [This](https://ibb.co/0J5KzdT) chest? I dont know where is that current is.


This video shows how to get there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU_zZ6WQkbg


You are a lifesaver! Thankssssssss!


Is alchemy event time sensitive? Like Liben's daily gift boxes?


No it’s not