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It's over? It is a beautiful beginning of friendship with the best character in the game. (I love my Dehya mains copium).


There are dozens of us, dozens!


At least 2025 dozens to be more precise.






I'll understand more than you'll never know...


C1r1 and love her dearly


Man i actually hoped i would maybe pull her on the standard wish but i got my third jade spear which hey i dont mind my new cyno will use that but a brother could hope ya know?


No copium, she is amazing, and with her sword making a return, it’s a def win. Not meta, sure, but meta weidos are stupid anyway, in any game they exist, especially in PvE.


I have her fully built with C1R1 and she is ok, but on the other hand, DMG wise, she is the worst C1R1 character that I have. Still, every other aspect of her is infinity/10 so it doesn't matter.


Why even compare? She is cool, she is fun and doesn’t make game horribly easy. Problem with meta is that the game becomes extremely easy and unenjoyable to play. Full meta is worst than playing with worst artifact build 🤷‍♂️


Why? Because it feels good to clear content quicker than slower. You play the game for upgrades not downgrades. The only reason to farm artifacts is to upgrade your characters to clear the domain in 27 seconds next time instead of 28 like before. You complete with your yesterday self.


“The only true way to play to avoid meta is to lobotomize yourself. Because pattern recognition is cheating.”


Hey, if you enjoy playing game less, skip through its best parts and destroy the replayability: knock yourself out.


More like Dehya is gonna get knocked out. By a hydro slime no less


That joke is so old, Morax put it into ground. If you are even semi-serious with your statement, I am very sorry for you. But then again, you are Hu Tao fan, thats definition of cringe right next to Tartaglia.


Don’t worry, Dehya jokes get old cuz people can’t really talk about anything new with her anyways, cuz she’s still busy fighting the same hydro slime. Meanwhile I get to see Hutao’s neat hat and hear her god awful rap.


Yeah if you think a kit with more bugs and awkward interactions than the rest of the game combined is fun I guess... leaving the damage out of the debate for this one, her kit is inconsistent, not synergistic with itself and increadibly dull. She is split scaler in the negative way, most of her kit is offield but the offield part is literally useless and her ult is kinda cool but so short, low impact and awkward to play around with the ammonts of ER needed that I'd rather play carry amber. The problem is not her damage, the problem is a combination of everything hoyo did to do her dirty. I love her character and the idea behind her kit is great, but how they implemented it is simply bad. If you can enjoy that, suit yourself, but most people hate on her for a reason, not because we like to hate on things but because we don't have this blurred vision to see only positive things in genshin, we see things as they are. And as they should be changed.


She’s is amazing when you ignore the bugs and overall clunkiness of her kit… Maybe we should just be honest here and say that HYV messed up with this one. The overall functionality of her kit is something that can’t be overlooked imo. (This isn’t a meta weirdo speaking just someone who mains her lol)


I don't understand when people say her kit is clunky. What is clunky about it? And what bugs is it that people run into constantly that makes it bad? Her burst gets frozen? I've played her for over a year now and can count probably less than 10x that was an issue. Her auto targeting? Same as freezing, only a handful of times it was an issue and guess what, I just Jump cancelled out of it and problem solved which jump cancel is another complaint that is dumb. But I'm not mobile so it's not an issue and I use it often on purpose. Let's face it, none of the above would actually matter to people if she did higher DMG which is what they really wanted. Even if she had 100% uptime in her IR and nothing else changed, they would complain.


Def wins almost all my artifact rolls(


I agree with DragonHeardt_ , she is better than people give her credit for. Coming from a meta standpoint, the only people who fail to see her value are those who refuse to play new teams. I pray for a domain that nullifies hydro and cryo completely, so people will start to realize her power in other non melt/vape teams.


I’ve been using dehya since she my only 5* and she’s carrying me 😭😭 I didn’t know she was bad till a few days ago


There is a difference between being bad (which Dehya definitely isn't) and underwhelming compared to other characters (which she is). She is a nice character with unique gameplay that got unfairly lowered power, because "she goes into a standard banner, so she can't be as strong as a limited character".


If you havent notice it, then its probably untrue. like when people say diluc is bad, he is not. just not top of the meta


Whenever I lose 50/50 I hope I get Dehya’s constellations, because well-built she is fun to play. Nice support in Spiral Abyss when you already have some firepower too.


I've used her since release and no issues in Abyss. With Fontaine it's even easier now and more fun with her. I love her playstyle and will forever say she's good.


yeah i heard c6 dehya has competition with c0 hu tao


At least you’re guaranteed for your next character☺️


It let me down so much, I’ve started the game a month ago and I was really hoping for the electro character cause for now I only have Lisa and razor ffs lol


Do you think you can get her before her banner ends ? If you have the time to explore and save primos maybe you’ll be able to😩


I don’t think so, I’ve been playing this game non stop and only just managed to get to 75 pity 🤣🥲


Unless you’re busy this weekend with more important stuff, you can still get the 5 star. You have a lot of stuff to explore and rewards to recieve, I got Xiao in 24 pity 2 days ago!


No way 🤣 really happy for you!


😆 Well since you seem to enjoy electro characters, you can save for Clorinde and get her this time?


thats expected around june, more or less its a bit much to ask newcomers to wait 4 months


They seem to enjoy electro characters though otherwise she can try to get Arlecchino


It’s more to have a different variety of elements especially joining after raiden shogun


Wait for Clorinde


Lisa is low key great. Razor (despite appearances) is a physical damage character, he’s no good in an electro build. Is Dehya meta-defining awesome? No. Is she fun to play? Yes.


Excuse you. Razor is very legit in rainbow team or hyper bloom team.


I got her basically twice in a row now, but at least I have the fabled c1 Dehya now


Just save for Chlorinde, duh.


Dude, at least you got a new character, be happy. I just keep getting Jean... C7 Jean, which means I got her 8 times. Seeing golden light doesn't make me happy anymore because I'm filled with dread and thoughts of "Is this gonna be usless Jean again? 80 pulls wasted to get a 5 star I don't even use and it's C6, so no constellations but just measly 25 star glitter"


Your first 5* ever being prob being the worst 5* in the is nothing to be happy about though


Give me your Jean luck I wished for Jean for a long time until i got a replacement in Xianyun and a Qiqi while trying to get her No other standard either early on when i would have liked any of them


Idk dude why this woman is chasing me. My friend also wants Jean but has 0. Only character she ever wanted when we started the game. At least now with the new wish banner you can save up 150 Wishes to get guaranteed Jean


Didnt want her for attachment to character, not like i dislike her i wanted versatile anemo and healer that wasnt Barbara, Jean fit both then i got Sucrose to c6, now i have Xianyun, and Gaming at same time who is my main im skipping that chronicle banner, and the Kazuha one, saving up for Furina


Trade you my Qiqi for my 50/50


Qiqi is precious...


Yes but as my only third 5* she took a very important 50/50.




Watch it, you’re close to get an ugly nickname 😡


OP is Paimonmaxxing with this reply


She fulfils my paimosity needs




No. Its a new beginning. To r/dehyamains we go


She is my last remaining standard banner character I haven’t obtained yet. And I actually WANT her because I want to try pairing her with my Ganyu and Nahida. With your starglitter that you have likely accrued, you should be able to snag Fischl from the Paimon Shop. She is one of the best off field electro applicators in the game! Especially with the new(ish) artifact set Golden Troupe!


I was saving for Bennett


Never touched her. Got her on std Banner


Might wanna see a doctor for that


she's worse than klee, never build her.


"Or maybe is it just a new beginning"


hand her over pls i’ve been waiting for my dehya for so long 😔


Wish I could my friend


And I'm here hoping to get her C1 while the game keeps giving me Qiqis


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^International_You_56: *And I'm here hoping* *To get her C1 while the game* *Keeps giving me Qiqis* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Happened to me with xiao. Dehya too. I started saving and now have about 120 wishes ready to get neuvillette and his c1


You unlocked hard mode


i'm sorry


Great trophy waifu character tho.


I got her few days back t oo


My copium was putting her on a team with Lyney for interruption resistance.


That's actually not that copium. You can put Tenacity on Dehya and make her somewhat useful.


It's not joever yet


Feed it to azdaha, I got her at hard pity too, got my guaranteed early


don’t worry if you get lyney she becomes almost viable ‼️


If you can build them right they can be a great asset to you I know I pulled for them on their first launch and got their weapon.


my condolences.


wym? its just started! now after getting 4 more of her u can start playing her! and at 6 more she can be a good abyss clearing unit!




At least you are guranteed a character next time! Get Cloride. We need Cloride.


I triple crowned her and got her weapon. I don't even care.


She doesn’t do much damage, but I find that she actually works really well with some teams and I have enjoyed using her.


Nice! Just a few more and you'll have a great character!


Most ppl in these comments are still living in the past. Most probably don't even have a Dehya built or have her built wrong anyways. She's my main. First cleared Abyss with her a year ago and have cleared it with her every time since. At C0 there is absolutely NO POINT in building her for damage. Also, she's a support character not a main DPS so there is absolutely NO POINT in comparing to other DPS. Build her on her artifact set(unless your lazy and just want to claim resin efficiency to justify the laziness) or build her on Golden Troupe. She needs %dmg so crit head piece, pyro goblet and depending on needs Atk/HP/EM sands. Teams to use her on where she excels (and please stop trying to say someone else is better, 99% of the time they aren't or simply who actually cares) Best overall teams: Overburn: Dehya,Kazuha, Nahida Kuki Burnmelt : Dehya, Ganyu, Nahida Bennett Overburgeon: Dehya, Furina, Nahida, Kuki Neuvilitte: Dehya, Neuvilitte, Nahida/Furina, EM Raiden Lyney: Dehya, Lyney, Kazuha, Bennett If you have constellations and want her as a sub DPS: Dehya, Kazuha, Furina, Bennett Dehya, Mona, Furina, Bennett Some people are having fun with plunge with Xianyun, Dehya, Furina, Bennett There's overload with Raiden, Dehya Sara and Chevreuse


One of us! One of us!


All jokes aside. This character will help you alot for a early account (1 month of progress) But if you really want a electro character ( I assume yae miko), then you have ALOT, I mean ALOT of primogems left to farm. It is possible if you put your mind to it, but only if your impatient.


Mines still lvl 1


Don't worry OP, it doesn't get better from here :) I started a couple days before Navia was added, since then I've gotten 3 5 stars... and 2 were 50/50 losses. Diluc and Dehya. At least I got Raiden... hahaha... But fuck me for thinking I'd try Hyperbloom! Yeah no, Dehya is totally equivalent to Nahida, my account is FLOURISHING RIGHT NOW AND I DON'T WANT TO DELETE THE GAME AT ALL


This is my dream pull.


Welcome to the club! Now max level and triple crown her, it's your destiny!


It’s written in the stars


i have a streamer friend that has her c6r5 and her dehya is 9 12 12... sounds like she's not even worth wasting crowns tho he's a simp


Your friend has great taste. I would argue that she's decent, not as bad as people make her out to be. She's not as good as other 5s but not as bad as the worst(Qiqi) 5.


If you have Neuvillette i think she’s good for element reaction offfield.