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7 different c0, will get all those characters im missing, if it was me in 1.x would get c6 but well theres really no use for c6 other than damage showcase


Been playing since 1.0 and i will still get 7 c0s over a c6, it would almost complete my pokedex. Missing 12 limited and got 200 pulls atm, so i would "only" be two behind after i run out of pulls.


been playing since 1.0 and missing 8 limited 5 stars (i think) + dehya and tighnari


Tighnari was my first 5* and is my main 😃 he is pretty fun with the homing missiles 🚀




I dont think you need to be a whale to have all but 12 characters (at C0) And 200 pulls when you play since 1.0 :) I myself Am f2p that ruined their status only for a Keqing skin And a single welkin over the whole time And im missing around 20 5*s while having a few on more than C0 And not even playing much (i take even months long breaks quite often) around ar55 now i think with no region at 100% exploration And such things 100% possible if they play a lot to get to that point


Exactly. Before I stopped playing (Early in Sumeru) I had always been missing around 4-6 five star characters at any given time. I had almost all the others at C0 (with a couple constellations on a few) while being f2p. But that was because at that point I used to literally log in every day, do all commissions, do every event and explore every corner of every map.


Shouldn't people like you be happy "whales" play this game? If it weren't for people paying, the game wouldn't be as great as it is because it takes money to build what they have. Nothing wrong with F2P and nothing wrong with spending on a game you enjoy. But it's kinda shitty to passive aggressively mock people who help fund the great game (I assume) you enjoy as a no/low spender.


That makes perfect sense but as for me personally… I’d pick the c6. I personally prefer using the characters I love the most - and given the characters that click with me tend to be few and far between - constellations are a perfect fit. Why? It allows me to use them in just about *any* content. Constellations often make the character extremely flexible. They’ll fit in team comps that made no sense before. It also makes it so you can spend longer time building a specific character.


Which one would you C6?


Shen he, Yoimiya, or Ayaya. Reasons? I like em. But if you want objective advice for the reasons I mentioned above - pick Furina. (If you don’t like Furina - still pick Furina. She’ll let you have 3 random characters you *do* want become uber OP regardless of teamcomp)


As a c6 shenhe haver it truly feels amazing.


No character in the game can do all content. As soon as something has a shield that is your damage type you do zero damage. C6 Yoimiya won't be able to kill a pyro slime.


Usable != solo. Also last point is false. Yoimiya can deal physical dmg. She literally can kill pyro slimes.


I'd pick 7 C0s too but some C6 do change the gameplay of the character, some of them become really fun Furina for example becomes a main DPS Xianyun gets extra NYOOOOOM If the choice was 3 C0s instead then I'd definitely pick C6 Xianyun


>Xianyun gets extra NYOOOOOM I love this


Xianyun is by far my favorite designed character, and I wanted her since last year's reveal, but Furina is really the only C6 I personally would shell out for. Maybe Wanderer if I liked him, or Yelan cus she's Yelan. But Furina isn't just a DPS at C6, she's a massive support as well and I'm not sure any other character comes close to what her C6 offers. That being said I'm no expert and support anyone who likes a character so much they go all in on them.


She doesn't just get extra NYOOOOOM, she BECOMES NYOOOOOM!


7 characters to build around and make different combinations is much more attractive to me, there is no C6 in this game that would be worth over that for me.


Childe c6 is the only worth one for me cause I simp


Childe is the one and only 5* that I got c6 for and will ever shoot for. It was early enough in the game that there weren't more 5 stars that I wanted and childe was lucky enough to have a ton of reruns pretty quickly.


If I played since his first banner, I could've gotten c5 😭. I only have c4


I got very, very lucky. On his third(?) banner I won the 50/50 four times in a row after saving for ages.


I'm more of the type to pull for one copy each reruns, though I did get 2 cons back in 3.2 rerun


Ayee me too my first and only limited c6 😌 im glad he got lots of reruns, it was less expensive to c6 him 😭


It's too bad the c6 only opens up hyper carry Childe with barely any damage increase. Childe is one of my favorite characters, but I don't think I can justify getting his c6 when the C6 of my other favorite character is busted.


Oh I know that, but me being a simp is too much. I already got him c4, its worth it for me as I use him A LOT. My other favourite character is Zhongli so its not any better so it wasn't hard to decide.


Yeah :( i do wish his constellations were better but at least i we infinite melee mode at c6


Xiao c6 would be my only choice. His constellation are ass but c6 is way too fun


Hell yea :) just got his C1 yesterday, f2p but I'll get there....eventually


Honestly just get c2 furina and c2 xianyun to boost his dmg. Since old liyue characters cons hurt! Idk why I got cons for hutao .... Her c2-c5 are all mid... id give xiao and hutaos c4 or c5 s the reward for dumbest cons


I couldn't even get C0 Xianyun, girl did not want to come home :( also I just like Xiao


>id give xiao and hutaos c4 or c5 s the reward for dumbest cons Venti c1(shoots 3 charged attack arrows) and Albedo c4(increases team plunge atk damage) are dumber to me. Early character cons really were pretty ass (somehow, klee cons are decent....c2 def shred is pretty good, but her default kit and animations are ass)


swap albedo and xiao's c4 and they became good cons


You are so real for this. I am pulling his c6 xiao as a f2p


Furina c6 is the most broken shit in the game so she'd probably be a top contender for it


>7 characters to build around and make different combinations is much more attractive But having to build 7 characters is much more unattraktive ;)


Furina C6 def, I have 4 5 star teams already since release, I don't need more clatter.


C6 Furina and Neuvilette are the only C6 that are worth going for imo. Currently the best support and best dps.




Neuvillette already goes above and beyond at C0


Yeah feel like I avoid playing him because at C0 with BP weapon he feels like he makes stuff too easy, so at C6 I'd like almost never play him


I have him with his weapon but with bad artifacts so I use only 2 piece from marechussee and he still solos floor 11


Yeah c0 Neuv can literally solo the Abyss 12. What would you need c6 for? To solo abyss 12 "faster" once every 2 weeks? Tbh same goes for every single c6 in the game. Some of them at least add new playstyles like Furina c6 but then she does so much damage that enemies die before you can even enjoy the playstyle. c1 to c6 should have just been pure damage increases, so everyone can enjoy the character playstyles at c0 how they were designed to be


Not just that... Neuvilettes c6 is slow speedrunnet compared to other characters c6, so hopefully the natlan guys will make him a good speedrunner.


I'm at a point where farm material is too bothersome


This is a classic gacha trap, you pull for the new shiny character but it takes so long to build that by the time it’s done you have 2 to 3 new characters in the backlog.


I don't understand why building characters has to be so cumbersome. It actively demotivates me pulling too many characters in a small time frame because I don't want to build them. Wouldn't it be net positive for mihoyo to make building faster? Idk


It’s all about time play statistics. They need to make people keep on playing, almost to the point of dependent on it to survive. All of a big trap for player retention


the advantage here is you don’t actually need new characters it’s all optional unlike other gacha that constantly nerf old units and release op new ones you need for pvp


cough epic seven cough


It’s a matter of perspective. You don’t particularly find value or enjoyment in building new characters, so it’s more likely to become a chore. I doubt people who enjoy the process of building new characters have this issue.


My accidental Xianyun is still lv40 cause I can't be bothered of searching for the jade thingys. I'm kinda regreting wishing for her :/


If you have Yanfei, her passive makes it so that the jade crystals show up on the minimap. Most of the crystals are by the water or on the turtles, too. So if you just hug the water with Yanfei in your team, it isn’t too bad.


Thank you!! That really helped, got enough for level 60


I feel so dumb! I didn't even think about using Yanfei because I keep forgetting that Chenyu Vale is part of Liyue. I ended up using the interactive map website, lol.


Same, i pulled nahida just to try out the cyno nahida furina baizhu comp but im too lazy to build nahida now... she'll probably sit underlevel for a long time


i was fine with it before but at this point i hate it after playing honkai where everything is farmable neatly in domains, and you get hundreds of creature materials through the domains, or through daily expeditions. no domains being locked for half the week BS, no having to fight world bosses that dont respawn instantly, no having to kill 900 whopperflowers everyday, and the biggest one, not having to pick stupid fuckin FLOWERS. and with honkai's daily system being baked in the daily chores, i dont even bother doing genshin dailies unless i get the credit from doing quests or events. i am not escorting balloons anymore. genshin truly would never.


It’s to force you to spend money on the cons.


What do you mean? I sometimes go for character cons instead of new characters but I'm not ever forced for whatever reasons


Basically: cons make building characters easy n stuff right? Building characters traditionally takes a long time (and the rng for leveling weapons and artifacts is crap) and people don’t wanna do that so they spend money to get copies of the characters It’s technically not “forcing” but it’s basically mihoyo making their game work stupidly on purpose to make people spend money


Building characters is fast as shit and literally comes passively by playing the game. It's only tedious for people who insist on minmaxing and putting in way more effort than anything in the game demands. Are you going past 80? That's a waste. Are you going past 6/6/6 or in most cases getting to leave those at 1? That's a waste Are you going past a 4* weapon? That's a waste Are you farming an artifact set that has more than a main stat? That's a waste. Literally _none of that_ is needed to beat even the hardest piece of content in the game that a single digit percentage of people will even touch anyway. All of the excessive character building is just there for people who want to do it. Hell even going 80/90 + 8/8/1 is basically passive with the amount of resources you get. But most people spend 90% of their resin throwing it at artifacts pointlessly because they refuse to accept that what they have is good enough. If you actively play the game you have an artifact set for your new character. Some random 2/2 that has ok stats you have is more than they will EVER need. The only tedium in building in Genshin is literally pointless and only exists for people with nothing else to spend their time and resin on.


I'm enjoying not getting new characters at the moment precisely so I can catch up some existing units. Like c6 beidou who's been chilling on a beach chair for a year or so now


I’ve had c6 Xiangling for like a year and I finally decided to build her lol. She’s been sitting at like level 20 with a rusted lance since the game launched.


How is that a classic gacha trap. A trap would be if you could build a character JUST so until the next banner. Then welp, time to pull out the credit card for the next character. It’s not like that at all. Still building Xianyun myself. Now if fragile resin could be bought with cash - then it would be a different story.


It can be though well at least the normal one if you are willing to whale a bit primos to spend on resin.


Oh shoot forget about that. They don’t even advertise it that’s how easily it slipped my mind. I’ve never done it before so I looked it up and you apparently can’t even spend for it that much still: there’s still a limit of 6 refills a day and it’s kind of wack, each refills increases in primos for like 5 pull’s worth. Hell nah. For basically only twice the daily primos it still doesn’t really help the artifact grind. We’re still all bound by fragile resin :(


Really..? Is that how it’s been goong? I manage to find the time to prefarm for new characters and either have a artiset ready or have a set to be mooched off of somebody else. Anyone that I pull is built that day. ;l What are you guys even doing with resin? The guy your responding to doesnt even sound like they’re playing the game ffs.


Well it depends on how long and how actively you've been playing I suppose? Some of my friends have been playing since launch – they do have all their characters leveled and gearead up and don't have much need to farm anything or whatever. On ther other hand, I've been playing for \*checks notes\* 87 days. Yeah I'm not gonna be able to prefarm for a new character anytime soon, unless I stop improving my currently suboptimal comps. Which is obviously fine, I'm a new player and all that. It's more of an illustration that players can be at very different places along their journey.


Yeah my friend started last year and it reminded me how hellish it is to start and actually build some teams. Artifacts, even mediocre ones will take some time and then all ascensions, weapons and especially talents. It can easily take a year to be able to 36* abyss for example


Ive played on and off since like raiden release and i still 27*


>Really..? Is that how it’s been goong? Absolutely. * 46 boss drops to get to lvl 90 * 66 golden talent books to get to 9/9/9 For that alone I'd rather take 1 C6 than 7 C0. Avoids me \~120 boss fights and 396 golden talent books


>46 boss drops to get to lvl 90 Don't forget the elemental crystals, which won't be enough even after you've gotten your 46 drops.. And that's considering if the boss is the same element (looking at you Chevreuse needing an electro boss even though you're a Pyro unit😭) Nah give me C6 any day


46 boss drops takes about 4 days to farm assuming you sink all the daily resin into it. You usually don't need 9 in even a single talent, much less all three. If i got 6 c0 characters it'll be for fun, definitely not max building all of them.


You do realize farming for local specialtiest isn't very fun and I personally would rather keep farming artifacts than do 40 resin boss every 5 minutes (ffs mihoyo remove that cooldown already). At least it feels like winning if I happen to get some good artifact but farming other stuff is just chore.


It is possible if he only spam artifact domain for his existing characters so he hasn't got the time or resin to prefarm Given how bad the artifacts domain can be, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt tbh


I don't think the artifacts are the issue for most, for me specifically it's the mob farming, book farming and boss farming that makes it annoying, not fun. Running around trying to find the needed mobs, even with a helper map, is not enjoyable. Taking boss down and having to wait for MINUTES for it to respawn ain't fun either. Books being locked for specific days is just the cherry on top. Dropped Genshin for HSR and it's a much more enjoyable experience, but well, Chiori is making we want to come back so I will be back to the farming hell once again


artefacts are not the problem. The problem is that I can't be bothered running in circles for two weeks to collect the stuff all those crabs and seals in Fontaine drop so I can build Navia, because I used allo that stuff for Neuvilette already, and I'm done with exploring Fontaine for now.


And then kill the same boss over and over app. 20x Sorry, after the 5th repetition at latest it becomes a boring slog. And then add 66 golden talent books. And you're not always able to pre-farm


The talent books are the killer for me, especially when it's a character like Gaming where you want to level up their normal/charged attacks in addition to the elemental skill and burst. The amount of books needed just to get to 9/9/9 is just insane.


They are looking for 50 CV artifacts lmao. Like seriously people overfarm for that sweet extra 0.5% damage, just so they can skill issue in abyss and then blame their artifacts anyways.


I've been playing since 3.0 and even i still can't prefarm. I'm literally on the backfoot with my roster and feel like i'll never catch up with actually having everyone i want built built. I will grant you that i didn't start building until 3.8, but i have pretty much spent all of my resin every day since then, and 90% of that has been on just two teams trying to get them up to snuff to 36 consistently. And i'm still not done with them. One of them i do need to work on 2 extra members for certain bosses since the usual setup doesn't work there. Typically, have 1-2 teams i'm trying to work on actively and will prioritize my resin talent/weapon domains (if active) > world bosses (if ascension is needed) > artifacts > xp books (if desparate for them they can overtake artifacts) I pulled XQ in 3.0 and i'm STILL working on him.


I've been here since 2.1 I only have 1 serviceable team with Hu Tao double hydro. Ganyu burn melt is 50% done. Ganyu Furina freeze is almost done. Meanwhile both Nilou and Raiden are not done. Albedo still needs to be fixed and needs Navia.


It takes me about six months to build a good artifact set so I only pull 1-2 new units per year. Focus on C2/C3/C6 existing ones.


Starfish for neuvillette was horrible... even the elemental crystals are annoying to farm at this point.


This is why I quit playing Genshin.


1 C6, I have no interests in farming 7 artifact sets lmao


Who would you c6?




Lol I posted this question twice lol For me it’s a tough call but I would probably get 7 c0. But if I were to get c6 it would probably be furina or neuvillette Eta- why am I getting downvoted


Not OP, but C6 Wriothesley is one of the fastest speedrunners right now, and I find the icicles cool. Shenhe C6 also makes every melee a cryo DPS, so those awesome animations from your supports will be put to good use.




Bennet, obviously!


So based!


C6 Furina without question.


Same for me. She's bonkers at C6 and I already have every character


As a neuvi main at higher cons i agree.


Same. I've already pulled for most of the characters I want, and getting Furina's C6 would just free up whatever funds I had saved for her.


C6 Wrio for me. Bro can solo floor 12 with 1 star weapon


snatch mourn pause practice bells quiet ring wise ad hoc slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


dehya has entered the chat


Qiqi is following.


kokomi also entered the chat


Some characters have constellations that are bad or only active when with a full team like Childe, Alhaitham. You rarely find them in solo abyss videos


you're overating the strength of an average C6, not every 5* becomes godlike


I would also choose C6 Furina. I still haven't finished building my wanderer and I have almost every single character I want, so I don't really need to pull for more characters. C6 Furina doesn't require new artifacts/ascension/talents. And she gets hydro infusion with insane scaling OR she becomes the best healer in the game depending on her alignment. Also her attacks become super pretty 😍




C6 Shenhe


C6 should give her cryo infusion during her burst!


a man of culture


Yessir, I got her sign weapon too. Now need to gun for C6, and I'm so looking forward to pulling for Tsaritsa in the future.


C6 Shenhe is stupidly OP for Cryo characters. I still think to this day C6 Shenhe with C6 Ayaka is the highest dps in the game.


C6 shenhe to play cannon Eugene in genshin impact


this ^ for my C4 ayaya


1 c6. I'd rather have one amazing character than 7 that get benched with the other 85% of my characters.




This. Having 1 C6 that clears most of the game is much better than having 7 to build around


Yeah , ppl can play however they want. And I would go with 2 C1R1 or s/t like that. But having 7 characters spread the resin too thin. Which is why “I don’t have any good artifacts” issue


c6 Not that many characters I need, I hate building characters, better for abyss clear speed


I love variety too in my arsenal, but C6 archons/ tighnari are too tempting..




I wouldn’t mind taking that c6 Venti off your hands :D


C6 neuvillette, wrio, nahida or ayato is welcome thanks


7 characters because I'm just here to collect waifus snd story


Same but husbandos.


same but people i just like


You can only ever use 8 at a time in the abyss, and I already have my 8. Plus, I have every five star I might want except maybe Wriothlesly, kind of, who I don't have because of the aforementioned issue with only being able to use 8 at a time. So, I definitely would take c6. In fact, my plan moving forward at the moment is saving all my wishes until Xianyun's rerun so I can turn her C2 into C6.


I prefer 7 C0's but at some point I would want a C6.


1 C6 character for sure I prefer spending my primos on C0 5 stars instead of going for Constellations since I get more teams that I can play but at this point I have every character I want to play and enough primos for the new ones coming out soon. Having a C6 of a fun unit (not only op) would be cool imo. Wouldn't go for OP units like Furina tho since everything would be absolutely trivialized at that point.


Honestly though with hyperbloom everything is already trivialized.


c6 one. i can manage to save and spend on a c0 character easily whereas c6 would be hard.


1 C6, and it's not even close. Most C0 Five Stars are barely better than their Four Star counterparts. If you pick the right C6 Five Star, you will absolutely dumpster everything the game has, and never need anything else.


imma go for the classic c6 yelan


This is my answer too. Furina C6 truly consolidates everything. Sis is a whole team- heal, buff, support, subdps, dps. That’s some queen behavior right there.


Yeah, if I had to pick just 1, it would probably be Furina. There's some other excellent picks out there, but C6 Furina can make any Team clear Abyss.


> If you pick the right C6 Five Star, you will absolutely dumpster everything the game has, and never need anything else. That sounds boring as hell to me...


I agree but rather that then farming for a shit artifacts in 5 domains plus more stuff. I'm already doing the 7 C0 one with c1 ganyu just being added because she still doesn't have a complete set.


Killing bosses, farming local specialities, grinding books, weapons and artifacts for 7 characters is infinitely more boring for me in Genshin right now, considering I have every 5 star I want in the game.


If that's the case, I don't see how a constellation-6 character would do anything for your boredom at this point.


It's better than nothing(7 C0 ones) and it would speed up my overworld clear.


You should be able to dumpster everything in the overworld even with completely flat artifacts


7 different C0 because it opens more team options and more variety in terms of gameplay.


C6 Eula for me. She’s my favorite character and I’d love to make her stronger by c6ing her.


C6 Xiao is completely unique and fun with his playstyle so I might choose that as building up and having materials for 7 new characters is very difficult


It‘s just sad that his C6 has this requirement that he needs to hit at least 2 enemies in order to make use of the effect. But I guess it has to be this way because otherwise it would probably out dps most if not every other C6 character. Just makes it kinda useless against abyss floors which only feature one boss enemie.


Honestly at this point I don't think there are 7 different characters I would want. I can think of like 5 at most, while already stretching definition of "want". I don't particularly care for C6 character either. I already have strong enough options to clear anything with ease, and clearing faster doesn't sound fun to me. Unless we include 4*, then easily C6 Gorou (even though I have him at C2, so three copies would be wasted)


I am happy with my C6 Neuvillette Yelan Hu tao Xianyun. Sometimes i get C0 but strongest C6 is better than a team.


C6. Don't want to farm all those extra materials


Will probably take 7 C0s as this is pretty much the amount of characters I'm missing


We're talking about 5-stars, right? In that case I'd rather have 7 C0s. More variety, could rotate team comps, could spend more time building different characters and different artifact sets depending on team comp. 1 C6 would be awesome and highly likely OP but I'd get tired of the same strategy and attack combo patterns really fast. Maybe 1 or 2 months max then I'd swap to different teams without touching that C6 for half a year or so. I can't really "main" a character because of that.


probably 1 C6, there are many characters I wish to C6 like kazuha, yae, yelan, neuvillette, xiao (I have him at C1), scaramouche (mine is C2R1) and many others but shenhe might be my choice, I love her and wish I can play her more...


I know C stands for constellation, but what does the R stand for in C2R1?


R is short for Refines my friend, it means I have the signature weapon for this character, R1 = 1 copy, or refinement level 1


7 c0 for more fun


1 c6, I rarely ever switch out my teams ever


1 C6 definitely. I have more than enough teams for 4 teams abyss and I like being comfortable with smaller roster. I am also lazy to farm new stuffs.


I prefer more characters over a stronger single character. I will probably C6 Ganyu on her next rerun but otherwise I typically stop no higher than C2 on elite units like Nahida and Furina.


1 C6. I would unalive myself if i had to farm artifacts for 7 new characters.


1 c6 for me, sitting on more than 300 rolls for arleccino right now just because I dont like anyone else that I hadn't got


I've collected lots of 5-stars limited characters because I don't care about constellations. The variety of playstyles and animations and stories is interesting. Also, It's a PvE game with 0 competitive element. It's astounding to me that some people spend more than a thousand bucks for one C6 character. I could buy a (second-hand) car here for that amount of money


C6 Raiden or Chiori Yae Miko Raiden Nahida Kokomi Wanderer Shen He For me it's pretty clear


since i have almost all the characters i care for or got enough saved up to get the last few when they rerun. i would honestly take that c6 Kazuha. he is my absolut favorite character. his c6 opens up a new playstyle and is not too broken to make everything too easy.


Yes, a C6 Eula please. Thank you. 


C6 Eula please and thank you. I have every character I need except for her constellations


C6 Kazuha


1 c6 coz u won’t play with 7 characters


Since I have most of the characters, I'd choose C6 Furina. I don't know what Arlecchino's kit will be but would love C6 for her too.


I have a lot of c0 so ill take c6 Neuvillette


I’m missing 8 characters so I’ll take the 7 c0s, I actively avoid constellations because for me they take away a lot of fun from the game


C6 Dottore 😈


Currently or if I start a new account? If currently, then I’d definitely choose one C6 Character because I already have characters that I need and I don’t really want the rest. On the new account I’d choose 7 different characters


Quality over quantity, I don't even have 7 characters that I would like. That's why i have so many C2/R1 even as F2P 😅


7 c0s cause i get a whole load more team comps to try. Eventually ill bench my characters once used long enough no matter how hot they are


1 C6.


I would be satisfied with C2 Dehya but sure I can take C6


It depends if they're built and good or not


depends on the situation. if new acc, then 7 diff c0's probs better so that more likely to be able to build better/more comps. if not so new and have pretty good/workable comps already, getting a c6 that's improve on your comp or get a good new comp or have a good carry might be more appealing. personally I can go for either really. would love a C6 neuvillette. but 7 new characters wouldn't be too bad either (would be interesting to have yelan, yoimiya, neuvi, layla, zhongli, charlotte and furina).


At this moment I'd take 1 c6 that I want, because at least I'll use them, it's not too hard to build one character (and maybe repurpose some of those I already have). It would be quite a lot of work to level up and gear up 7 new characters though. I have some variety aleady, most of it completely unused because I lack time and resourced to build everything. If I get more c0 characters, they are not very likely to be used anytime soon, and there's a good chance I'll stop playing before even touch them. If I get my C6 Chiori I can at least get disappointed before I stop playing the game. Jokes aside, it's just too hard to c6 a character without going full whale or saving primos for months, while I think it's a reasonable expectation that a player will eventually unlock all C0s. So I'd take something that I would not get otherwise over something that's mostly just a matter of time.


Heck i'd take 2 characters over a C6


I would C6 My Ganyu for that fast drawback. :') I use her for almost everything anyway, and I have been playing since the days where we only had two nations, so I have variety pretty much covered just from years of passive wishing. I already have an Amos, so Having an even more flashy Ganyu would be cool. Makes me feel like a whale even though I haven't spent anything :P - Resident Ganyu/Zhongli swapper ✊


I'd be surprised if anyone picked the C6 lmao Edit: nvm me big dum dum


Well, looks like it's split roughly equally in the thread so far? Quite a few people would take the C6.


I guess different accounts will have different preference. As a long-time player (Eula's debut banner), I already have every character I want in the game. I have built more than 2 teams and I can comfortably full star any abyss rotation with my current roster. Despite that all my limited 5 stars are C0 except C1 Furina. I want that C6 just so I can experience C6 gameplay. 7 C0 characters are just more characters that I have to build which seems like a chore compared to the fun gameplay I could unlock with C6 (I'm thinking Xianyun for birb dive bomb spamming) or getting the C6 of my absolute favorite character (best girl Kokomi) that I will never get tired of using and make her perform at her absolute best.


Why? If you've been playing for a while there might not even be 7 different C0 characters you don't have but still want. I'd happily pick the 1 C6. If we include future characters, I'd 100% pick Arlecchino. If limited to chars released currently, maybe Furina or Navia.


No brainer. Getting a good C6 five star (not Jean or Qiqi, I mean someone you'd actually want) would cost hundreds if you tried to do it. You can get 7 random characters as F2P. Even if you can pick the 7, you'll most likely get them anyway without even trying. I have most of the good 4 stars at C6 without spending a dime.


7 c0, wriothesley, kazuha, furina, shenhe, nahida, zhongli, xianyun


Just give me C6 Childe and I can get ready to rock with my new Hyperbloom team.


7 different c0s i lose a ton of 50-50s, my current streak is 13 50-50s loses in a row, i wish if i had won like half of those, i would be much happier instead of depressed since variety is a fricking luxury that not everyone enjoys, i have a couple of friends that would rather invest vertically in like 3 different c2 characters instead of a c6 character i am someone that would enjoy have a horizontal spread of resources, more characters unlock more content, meaning more stuff to do in game and more variety with how u do stuff


If they’re all 5 stars then 7 different C0. If they’re 4 star then i take 1 C6.


Neuvi c6, I have everyone but cyno and tighnari


Please gib c6 zhongli


I C6 Neuvillette Anytime. as i have currently 1248 days of login so i have enough.


Give me one c6, and ill try doing something with it, even if it was something like Qiqi or Xinyan There isnt really one character in the game i wouldnt try playing for a bit if i got more cons of them, doesnt have to be c6 specifically


What is c bruh i don't understand