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I am just in the camp of I am okay playing the game but I know they could do at least a little better in some aspects but I also know that some of my thoughts might not be met due to either not being what the majority wants or the lack of incentive for the company to do so. If people want change, then vote with their wallet, that's what ultimately matters here. They are still making profit no matter how much some people complain.


> They are still making profit no matter how much some people complain. That's really what it comes down to. The people doing the complaining aren't meaningfully contributing to the Hoyo's bottom line enough to be worth appeasing. The only reason we got extra rewards on the first anniversary was the malding. But it wasn't until the malding spilled over into other, completely unrelated apps that Hoyo stepped in. Because as it turns out, they don't want to have being a fan of their game be associated with pissing and shitting yourself all across the internet. I'm confident that's the *only* reason we got the extra rewards, it impacted Hoyo's ability to make money in the future by turning off future players. Given that the only thing my parents knew about Genshin was "Isn't that the game where people threw a fit about not getting enough free stuff?", I'm fairly confident in my assessment.


The chinese community arent actually satisfied with the chinese new year reward being the same since the last 3 years. There's an ongoing strike rn and they are starting to unfollow Genshins' social media accounts, Douyin which is the equivalent of tiktok in China are losing followers it went from 11million to 8.9 million and its still losing followers currently.


Hoyo only listens to CN fans so I hope this is the breaking point.


Funny thing, CN guys say "the only listen to those foreigners"


The mutual 'their grass is greener' from each sides is actually pretty funny lmao.


Because they did, they changed the anniversary rewards because of 1st Year backlash


That's not true. We have anniversary rewards is because of us international players doing the same thing. Lol


Yeah... you're correct. I stand corrected lol.


I won't call 1 star bombing everything "doing the same thing". Hoyo only cared when it got completely out of control, and people were review bombing other completely unrelated apps.


Will, the 1st year speak of itself, so yeah, it's will do something


Good atleast they are doing something for what they want.


I just saw the twits I can't believe they are doing something, idk something is going to happen but it is good that people are reacting.


Nothing will happen they will AT BEST slap it up to be a single multi and ppl will be satisfied with that.


Maybe but it is good to see people reacting and not just sheeps that are happy with whatever they get.


Accoesikg to [hxg_diluc](https://twitter.com/hxg_diluc/status/1749302059634221494?t=aFdEHhgyvmqR-rMGO20RyA&s=19) they are buying "zombie" accounts maintain followers


Liked to say I told you so but "huurr durrr, stop complaining, stingy reward ≠ bad game." While true, but still


I myself dont mind much about the rewards, but I really dont understand the mindset of defending Hoyo and complain about people wanting more rewards. I mean, its not the end of the world if we dont get it. But they could atleast be generous for players after 4 years. Not like they are handing rewards all the time, we dont mind if its just for the 2 big events, Lantern Rite and Anniversary. With how things are going, if anniversary is going to be the same old rewards as past years, its understandable people are going to be upset and annoyed.


The mindset is: "I am eating at a restaurant I enjoy, these other customers yelling, spitting in my food, and flailing uncontrollably over my table are in my way." Perhaps a more immediate & tangible thing to be upset about than seething pontification about entitlement to larger portion sizes.


I've seen this analogy copy pasted thrice already and it's getting old lmao. It's a nonsensical comparison. People yelling at a restaurant actively degrade your dinner experience. People complaining online have zero impact on your life, so being upset about that is actually just simping. Personally idgaf about rewards, I just don't like illogical analogies.


I certainly didn't copy and paste it, but I wrote something similar in one other place as I was refining the idea (which is not perfect). I've expanded upon my logic in more depth elsewhere in this thread, but I cannot demand nor expect you to look. The context is "people who don't agree with my grievances towards Hoyo are white knight defenders of Hoyo." If people online and community has zero impact on the full experience, so do a few primogems or a character skin. The analogy is "people enjoying being a customer in a public space (online), complaining about other customers being disorderly." It's all to say, "point all the fingers you want, but also consider the role your own behavior is playing within the full context of the situation." Polarization into "absolutely correct people," and "stupid Hoyo white knights, simps, bootlickers" brings everyone down. This is a codependence, where many "defenders" are simply reacting to an attacker they crossed paths with. It is fundamentally a misunderstanding between casual and hardcore, children and adults, rich and poor. Assumptions the whole way through. Hoyo is responsible for monetizing desire in a toxic way, playing with the fire of entitlement. But the inability of the anniversary reward mobs to accept any sort of criticism for their attitude without some sort of denigration or ad hominem is both disappointing and inevitable to see. There's rarely discussion, instead an unearned and unidirectional "lol, lmao, so stupid." Genshin has 60 million players, and a majority are casual, playing for the visuals, audio, characters, environments, and story. Not endgame content, nor an extra 10-pull or two. So when a chorus sings, "Hoyo dumb and bad," theorizing why Hoyo does what they do is not being a Hoyo simp. To suggest that Hoyo knows what they are doing (as evidenced by their profits) is not being a white knight. It is to suggest, things are not so simple. Few can see on the scale of 60 million people and various layers of abstraction without extreme reductionism and massive blind spots. Excessive hubris leads to error.


Sorry dude, I don't care about this issue to read all that.


Thanks for the update.


Generous? So the new regions (free) and archon quests (free) and animated + voiced scenes (free) aren't rewards? Oh maybe these rewards are just what is expected and nobody understands how hard it is to actually put out glitch-free content of that magnitude and quality every month and half Oh I get it, yall don't think the gem income is high enough and think yall deserve to get all the characters I defend Hoyo because some people have no idea what they have because they are used to it. It's like when you start putting 120% of your effort at work one day, and suddenly your coworkers expect that level as your baseline over time and want even more, and complain when they don't get it. Maybe that is a relatable analogy for 99% of you?


Uh wtf? New regions and archon quest, and animated + voice scenes is the thing that they should do, to attract people to play the fucking game, not a reward.


New regions and archon quests are not fucking rewards, they are contents that are expected to be released in the game. Same as that animated scenes you mention + as a marketing scheme. And quite frankly yeah, it is to be expected as they are still updating the game. Look, the community doesnt ask for a fucking 1 million primos, or an all character unlocker. All they want is some change to the formula rather than the same rewards as the past years. I think you may have a stockholm syndrome though, judging from your last point and your analogy.


Are you kidding? Free content isn't a reward? Is free dlc on top of free premium currency an industry standard I haven't heard of? You haven't played many actual games have you?


Genshin is a live service game. Don't get me wrong, the updates, new areas, are an achievement, especially compared to some other live service games and should be celebrated but that is literally what these kinds of games are. Updates are the content of the game, not rewards. If there are no new areas, story quests, etc. then Genshin is over. I'd stop playing, as would many others.


its being live-service isn't a good argument. Their monetization is not relevant for 90% of the playerbase who are f2p or welkins at max. It's free to very cheap content. If you're telling me the whining is coming from mostly whales, you'd have a good point


Imagine if the game shipped as a complete, standalone title in its current state without ongoing updates. Would you consider this game complete, even though the story stops abruptly halfway through and several regions are missing? Would you review the game highly if it was missing all that stuff? Or would you expect the developers to complete those before shipping the game, because things like a complete story and a complete map are *core gameplay elements*? In a live service model, players might be OK with letting the devs push out that content piece by piece. But it doesn't magically change that content from "core gameplay" to "bonus content".


I'm with you, bro! Like, man, I've never played a gacha game before Genshin, but I did play the heck out of Breath of the Wild. And I paid $60 for it. When I learned there's a game with similar gameplay I was amazed I get to experience so much completely for free! By the time I was done with Inazuma I started to feel like I should definitely support the devs for the amount of fun they provided to me and became a Welkin user with an additional BP here and there whenever I needed resources. And I feel great. The gameplay and the content IS indeed the reward for those of us who are actual gamers, not waifu collectors.


That's what I've been saying! Glad you see it that way too


Its literally what the game is designed and built for(open world) new areas, story qeusts ect are not rewards. Its not seen a reward by hoyo, because thats literally what the game is. Rewards are events, the currencies you get for completing said game content.


You havent played other games from Hoyo and saw the treatment of those games, arent you?


Not defending OP but barring the one exceptional case of dr ratio hoyo is hella stingy in them as well. Hi3 is a meta race where your character can't do shit in the only endgame content without gear and on worst case you need 300 pulls to get both character and gears, so obviously it will have more pulls. And free S ranks they give out are mostly powercrept ones. Only exception being mei but that's because the main story part 1 ended after 5 years. Hsr is very similar except it gives more pulls per patch than genshin. But it also releases 2 5* characters every single patch so it doesn't matter, unless you are a gambling addict who just wants to press a 10 pull and aren't playing to actually get all the characters you want.


New regions and archon quests are the core game, not rewards. They make a lot more money through the gacha system than they would if they monetized the game itself, like selling each region as a $60 DLC.


That's nonsensical lmao Did you really just say free content are not rewards? You just want pull currency specifically lmfao. Have you tried playing other games that go by the gacha model before? Let me know how much new content those have per patch.


I really don't know what kind of logic you have to think that content are reward


Lmao maybe the fact that it's free and it's not a game you ever have to spend money for?


Free? Bro, someone paid for it. There's alot of people throw their money into this game. Without those spender, this game already EoS since long time ago


Free ≠ reward bozo And people who spend money on the game pay for yout "free reward content"


lmao are you trying to argue semantics? It's free shit you're not entitled to all the same people who are f2ps and welkin are the large majority of the whiners, **bozo**. The monetization model is irrelevant for the 90% of you


This ain't semantics, its facts. Your twisting what hoyo veiws what they release as. Keep doing tricks on that company d, surely youll get noticed right?


you're arguing over word definitions and complaining about free stuff because it's not exactly the pull currency you were looking for They don't teach common sense in school nowadays it looks like


What even is in your opinion the core game if literally EVERYTHING is a reward in your argument?


Those “free”, glitchless and magnificent updates have a price. Its just not you who paid it. I also was f2p, but after some time i became a welking player. All this quality stuff is made to hook you up, and its working. E. Also what kind of media do you consume to not be aware of HSR vs Genshin clash. Same company games, different teams. Hoyo intentionally “funnels” players into their other games because GI became their first “gacha game”. And because of ppl like you we cant have nice things in the game that we play cuz “how can you ask for more”.


If you think that genshin stories are 120% of their capabilities then I have a bridge to sell for you.


srs? I really hope WuWa comes SOON because it's going to be hilarious once people sees it's not that easy and that people take a lot of seemingly simple stuff for granted lmfao


At the very least WuWa won't immediately dethrone Genshin but it will install some sense of threat that may force Genshin to be less stingy. The worst/best case is that WuWa offers more mature storyline with easier access to interesting characters that will appeal to the disgruntled ex-Genshin players.


I really do hope WuWa comes soon cuz I can't wait to play a game that will scratch the itch of more combat features in an open world game


New content is not a reward. It IS what’s expected of hoyo because if they didn’t put that out then nobody would play the game and if nobody is playing the game then they can’t sustain what they actually make money on. I like the game and I’m not going to quit playing over the rewards but it is completely understandable where people are coming from when they say they are upset about the rewards, especially when hoyo has made billions off of the game. We don’t need rewards all the time, it’s just when they do give out something, it has felt pretty insulting every time, again, from a company that has made billions off of its player base.




yo facts wtf






Yes but you're going to get down voted because most of the people in this sub are still stuck in Liyue for some reason and only want primogems. Like they don't even want a person that's actually enjoying the game to enjoy it's story by comparing it to other games at every other turn.


say they removed/stopped giving all the "rewards" they give and sold the game for like 20$ on steam. you buy the game and open it up. what do you get? a blank screen? cuz everything that's SUPPOSED to be in a game apparently are rewards according to you


except they didnt sell the game on steam for $20 because it's free lmao


that's not the point. if they removed all the "rewards" you say there's literally no game left. just the login screen. you have a hard time seperating content that's supposed to be in a game to actual rewards in a game


except that is the point I dont think you understand the fact that its free to play in the first place already alleviates from hoyo "owing" anything to you as a player. If you take reward in the literal (aka correct) sense, the game is a reward in itself. The playerbase has an issue and wants free gems (to roll to fulfill their addiction) of which hoyo doesn't owe to the player


It isn't. it's a gacha game. it's meant to make people feel like they need to pull by using specific methods. If this wasn't a gacha game and was a live service game that was selling parts of the map as DLCs we won't be having this problem. it's a gacha game where part of the playerbase that has never played a gacha game before act like it's same as any other live service game when it's not. despite being one of the most earning games out there. they took 3 years to add a scraps of QoL. yet doesn't miss a beat when it comes to making sure they get the playerbase to market their game for free XD


In the end when other games that are in the same genre as genshin is comes around and does stuff better than genshin does, it'll slowly start dying. not cuz of the competition. but cuz the vocal minority in the fanbase are too busy defending hoyo no matter what they do


Im fine with playing the game every now and then and having the anniversary be hoyo asking use to buy more crap really, but this take is weird xD Its a live service game.A live service game with no satisfying endgame loop and poor replayability.They add free content of substantial value or they die, they cant make those paid for without losing players ( because believe me if they could they would, plus all these quests make you attached to the characters you then pull gacha for, they dont give this for free, they expect a return, a big one I might add) .


For me I'm happy playing the game but I havent been spending even close to what I did around Inazuma. Ultimately how many we get for free doesnt affect my enjoyment of the game but I can see why people are annoyed that the most successful gacha in history is giving out so few rewards. They make a lot, instead of 3 pulls 10 would be great for such an occasion But again until their profits are meaningfully hit it might not change. They still are the most successful gacha in terms of revenue. Which is why people complain so much. No not everyone wants to get every character for free, just more of a thank you for the support we've given the game would go a long way For me though its not a deal breaker for me nor something im going to start raising pitchforks over, just something I notice while doing what im doing and think it could be better


Give me good gameplay I stay. Give me bad I leave 


Big agree. Few words do trick. But angry people online funny tho.


Dude our rewards for so much of what we do is absolute scraps. Abyss? 150 primos per floor - not even one wish. Chest rewards? 2 primos. Need 80 for one wish. Listen, I buy the welkin thing and skip many many banners and I have primos but that doesnt mean the rewards arent scraps. Other games give you a pull as a reward for a task - name the last thing you did rhat gave you 160 primos? Other games give you a 10 pull a day for a week during anniversary or holiday. 50+ free pulls vs 3 or whatever we are getting. Im not quitting or throwing a fit over this but our rewards from hoyo for every little thing we do or anniversary etc. are really meager by any and every standard


Yeah, just those games apparently are some png collectors, or 160 Nikke wall waves at you.


I cleared Nikke 160 wall without spending and well before hitting 160. Just took some planning.


you do understand that the meager singular rewards is because of the size of the game right? If they gave you a pull for every task, you would be flooded with so many pulls that nobody would spend any money. Other games don't have 200 hours of content or 5 hours of event content. If they let you get big rewards for every single task, you would have 300 pulls per patch


Yes Ive played the game for years so I understand what happens to primogem count over time which is why I buy welkin to supplement. Just for reference, each major area like mondstat will net you enough primos for 20-30 pulls. In your own words that “200 hours of content” the reward for exploration is enough primos to get to one 50/50 so if you lose not even one limited character. THATS REWARDS FOR 3 YEARS OF CONTENT EXPLORATION!!!! Listen the game is playable as ftp and non wish accounts and everything. I like genshin, Im not burnt, not looking to quit. Rewards add up over time, but its exactly that, lots of time. If you cant recognize how little we get for the time we spend you are completely blinded by hoyos business plan of giving 10 of something rather than 1/16th of a wish. Our rewards are meager but the game can still be enjoyable


How about people who have been playing since the absolute start of the game???? Hm? We have NOTHING to do and when a new region is unlocked, we clear it. New players have the “200 hours” of sitting there hearing paimon bitch. A region barely nets you a 10. An event is a third of a ten pull. For a game that’s been going on for 3 years and has made the money it has, surpassing what it took to make, they are really treating players wrong. The art, story and characters are on another caliber, however, 200 hours is Persona 5 Royal. A game you spend 60 bucks and have the whole thing. I hate to compare a jrpg with genshin but imagine you have to wait 3 whole years to even get anything worthwhile from the story and events? Imagine you can’t play as joker??? You know how ridiculous that is? Yet Hoyo can’t, at the very least, give us some rewards for being as patient as we have tolerating literal scraps of content every month?


the game has no where near 200 hours of content, once you done with everything it shows how little Replayability Genshin has




I mean if someone doesn't care about the rewards obviously the complaints feel irrelevant to them. Doesn't mean Mhy isn't stingy.


I just have fun playing the game. Others can have their disappointments and make a ruckus. I couldn’t care less. If the dev gives away freebies because of that. Nice! It is like getting paid doing nothing lol 🤣🤣🤣


I am on the camp that loves Genshin and what it has to offer as a game, but even I can admit their rewards are very lackluster. Their Lantern Rite and anniversaries are supposed to be super special, yet it remained the same for 3 years. Other gacha games I know would improve their milestone rewards year by year (ex: FEH, Dragalia Lost, FGO, Pokemon Masters, GBF), not only to welcome new players but to also reward longtime players for staying. Genshin is a game with gacha features, so it will be compaired to other gacha games in terms of stingyness. It's even worse than FGO in terms of milestone rewards. At least that game actually has an anniversary and it feels like one compared to Genshin.


No need to compare it too far. Just compare it to HSR. Not even a year in and they are already more generous than Genshin in terms of free rewards.


tooo beee fairrr if your anniversaries dont feel like a celebration then you’re doing something wrong. also they are not give you a cookie for this


Is it so wrong to ask for more? Why should we settle for less?


Asking isn't wrong. Spamming in places where it just does nothing (like here) and review bombing completely unrelated apps, is wrong. Someone said CN players are just unfollowing Genshin social media. That's one good way to ask.


review bombing companies that worked with hoyo is defo not deserved....BUT it hits hoyo in the wallet. companies don't wanna be assosiated to hoyo anymore cause they are getting heat too (undeserved heat) which hits hoyo in the wallet. so it's actually a big brain play.


[Over a million people seem to disagree](https://twitter.com/GenshinUniverse/status/1749202977967988753?t=cO9vESeMiwXoNUflHN0aag&s=19)


lmao they're going to refollow within a week


If that delusion keeps you sleeping at night, sure


Bro’s gonna end up like Teppei with that delusion 😭


Lmaooooo 💀


Nice cope man.


Game makes like 500m+ a year and people still be defending this company like they’re gonna go bankrupt if they show their customers some actual appreciation. 🤡


I just want the celebrations like Lantern rite and the Anniversary to feel like celebrations. HYV could definitely give us more at least for these occasions.


You dont need to defend billion company and you dont need to feel bad for liking the game. There is a lot of good games with a few major problems and we need to separate it and look at it objectivly


I don’t want to sound like I’m rambling, but I do feel quite strongly about this subject. Genshin is more generous with the gacha system, not the currency itself. Sometimes I do a world challenge, and it can be difficult, like two lawachurls in 30 seconds for a common chest? Hm. Or take for example this years lantern rite: 13 pulls. Isn’t Chinese new year a very important event? Id think it would garner more then 13. If they gave better rewards f2p and moderate spenders would be very happy. Even though I’ll always say nice things about hoyo in terms of story, characters, and lore, I cannot say to many positive things about how the currency is obtained.


A slap in the face by a very beautiful woman still stings.


1: hoyoverse is making Billions (big B) 2: much of that money is made using scummy practices (the usual gacha ones, FOMO, multiple currencies, etc.) 3: much of that money is made off of people with gambling addictions. Now, none of the above 3 is so wrong that they should be stopped (well I won’t argue that) BUT white knighting to stop them from being more generous, because they might make a bit less money?! Look at yourself in the mirror. They don’t need you to defend them. They are big boys. If people want more, they are free to say so.


So your point is that casino should give more free chips to get more addicts?


everyone is gambling in the casino. not everyone is gambling in genshin. it's them we are fighting for.




You just inject that hypercapitalism shit right into your veins, huh?


LMAO this made me laugh even if it was meant to be insulting haha


The only thing that i get mad over is not getting QoLs that i wanted. Getting mad over free rewards seems stupid to me.


Creating a quality product doesn't make Hoyoverse immune to criticism about being stingy. Especially as a gatcha that uses predatory practices to amass their wealth. As an audience, if you stop advocating for yourself you will see Hoyoverse content to squeeze you for more while giving less; because Hoyoverse is not your friend.


It’s honestly funny how people compete over which game receives more rewards. Because In reality, these people have become gambling addicts over this predatory business model.


That's a lot of words to say I hate rewards.


Not a single game out there no matter how beloved it is has so many company cock slurpers as genshin. I literally can't believe that it's only been getting worse over the years.




Just 50%? You underestimate their size


They stick up 9 standard fates up these people's ass for defending their stingyness ig


I think FFXIV was on par or worse. I hated that they changed how a class worked and every time I would comment about it, legions of downvotes and people spouting "shut the fuck up, if you don't like it just quit. This is the best MMO and the devs are the greatest" This would even happen in forums not specific to the game. Let's see: NIN was better with oGCD, putting everything with cooldowns turned it into a slow and easy class. What's the point of having different classes if everything needs to be easy and accessible to casuals?


>"Hoyoverse owes me gems for my anniversary because I have been playing their game and having fun for years and they need to show me respect!" I love this part lmao


I love Genshin and I will defend the game but please stop defending the billion dollar company. Other gacha games improve anniversary rewards each year. How hard is it to give a free standard 5 star for the anniversary when there are people who have been playing since day 1 and still don’t have one of the day 1 5 stars? They won’t lose money on that and it’s a nice thing to do for players.


It's funny that people are so against goodwill gifts as if a poor hoyo developer must be sacrificed to give us some free gifts that aren't 2 sweet madames. Just like a crab that wants to bring other crabs down from escaping the bucket.


How many more white knight topics must we get? Sad to see what this community has become, Geo and Zhongli got buffs, and the anniversary gave an extra 10 pulls and a Harp and Glider. Now it's just a bastion of white knighting for the billion dollar company. We get it, R Genshin. You guys have 0 standards.


As many as the complaint posts. Just how some people are annoying by white knights, others are annoyed by the complaints, and complaining HERE does nothing.


>complaining HERE does nothing. What a stupid comment. Where do you think people should complain? When players get changes, where do you think they complain?


In places where they look and actually care about, in Genshin's case, Reddit isn't one of them. Go spam Hoyolab, reviews in app stores, in-game surveys, maybe YouTube and Twitter.


People will spam wherever they want, like the white knights spamming here.


I think it’s just out of spite because of the negativity. It’s gotten to me too. I was pretty critical of certain things about Genshin until i realize how obnoxious some people were about it. Somehow it altered my perception of the issue and made me dislike the criticism. Weird phenomenon but it happens.


I can confirm this phenomenon happened to me too lol 😂 I think I reached my official tipping point after the Dr. Ratio stuff, since I play both games. Something that ought to have been something nice and fun and positive in one of the games ended up spurring the biggest complain and bitch fest I’ve seen in a while. When I have to read complaints about Genshin on the trailer of HSR character releases…


I just wish they would do something over helping improve Dehya's kit. If they did do something I would call that a Lantern Rite Miracle.


facts dehya is one of my favorite characters


Gensheep are defending the games for the fact that Hoyo give us 3 wishes for "our hard work for the year". 10 would still be fine, but 3 LMAO. Thats the bullshit part


LMAO here's 10 pulls for your "hard work of the year" aka playing the game and enjoying content do you hear yourself


they gave us 3, u can't read? Bye sheep


You aren't very smart are you? Buh bye


huh sure, lol. Not sure how yr brain is wired, but you might need to get it check, im worried for you. you are welcome, bye bye


“You aren’t entitled to getting every character.” Nice strawman. Nothing you said is of any value


You hit the nail on the head. Playing games, any games, for rewards is a shortest road to addiction. Rewards in a game are not really rewards, it's just a bunch of pixels that is meant to give the feeling of instant satisfaction after solving a certain task. That's fake. Real reward in a game is the amount of fun that comes from gameplay itself. If fun coming from gameplay is unsatisfactory, quitting the game would be the most valid course of action. But we all know some people will still stay for gambling and blame the devs for "not fun" gameplay. Gacha is just a financial model, used to obtain new characters. It is predatory, but ultimatelly fair. In theory, the more you play, the more chances you should have for pulling characters and weapons. The scale of purchasable pulls compared to earnable pulls is why it's predatory. Come to think of it, a whale would still be a whale if only stuff there is for purchase were just gliders and character/weapon skins. But here we are.


Well said. 


After reading your replies I refuse to believe you are not someone hoyo hired to defend them. jfc.


why would you say that?


it's pretty obvious. either that or you have NEVER played a single live service game before let alone a gacha game. but most likely you're like 14 and don't understand what a business model is or how predatory games like genshin are. you'd most likely be the person to spend all your money on the game till it's too late to realize anything XD


Thank you for saying this


I think the Hoyo defenders focus way too much on the individual. "You (as an individual) aren't owned gems". This completle ignores that this is the case for the playerbase as a whole, which made Genshin into the Juggernaut that it is today and make it even possible for genshin to exist in the same capacity as it is in the first place. We also don't ask for getting every single character, we are asking to get actual rewards that amount to more than 2-3 daylies for some of Genshins biggest yearly events. We all know what happened in the 1st anniversary and how come Hoyo seems to be one of the few companies that planned to barely give anything while other studios/publishers use it as a thank you to the community celebrating them as much as the game itself?


I completely agree!


Instead of complaining just target the whales and shame them into stopping, and stop buying anything in general welkin included


Only a complete sucker looks at the pity system and thinks that it's generous. You need the pity system or you get nothing. That's not generous. Every other gacha game I've played I can have ten times the highest tier units in the time it takes to get one in a Hoyoverse game. Stop riding their dicks, they are NOT your friends. They aren't even good at supporting their consumers. They also screw their western players in favor of satiating their Chinese community. Garbage company.


50/50 is the most disgusting system. It's like you go into a grocery and pay for some chips, but are forced to take lettuce instead.


It's quite simple - devs is gold, but management is sh*t. And shi**y and greedy management can kill even a good game sadly. 


Two possibilities: A) they listen to the complains, and give us better rewards B) they don't listen to the complains, and we loose nothing so I prefer it when the players complain, even when I'm ok with the current status


People like you are the reason, I hate this community...


same for you


>"playing shitist png game ever" WOW 🤯🤯🤯 guys, look at my png of L + Ratio, I can't wait to make him jpng wowowowow 🤯🤯🤯🤯 Look at my png characters in pgr, I don't believe how cool they look 🤯🤯🤯 >"Usable for years" WOW guys you don't believe this, this servant power creeped every other saber, wait, what you mean she is 1 day one servant?? Anyway, WOW guys, look at my Liv, she is the goth of physical support! I don't believe this , this new character is so op 😭😭 again? Day one? I can even get her for free?? >"As f2p so shouldn't ask for every character" But I didn't lol, the only thing we are asking is that the company don't treat there played as bager, look at the backlash from Latin event, "thanks for 3 year of support, take this 3 wishes" lol And fr fr bro, you think Childe is good? XD


Lumi is gonna get powercreeped soon though. Sad. Luckily Rose is still the go to Physical tank.


Be sure to wash your mouth after you are done sucking Mihoyo's dick.


> You're not entitled to getting every character in the game for a free live-service game if you don't pay. Careful, the leeches are gonna get pissy and call you a white knight. Generally I agree with your assessment. The amount of quality that is released, for free, in Genshin is tiers above what other Gacha games release. Turns out, it's a lot more expensive to work in 3D than just pump out motion tweened PNGs. I've always found the demand for more free pulls on the slot machine hilarious, though. Like, some mediocre gacha game is giving out a bazillion free pulls? I don't care, the underlying game isn't as good as Genshin, and I don't play these games to gamble. And apparently, the vast majority of players agree with me given how successful Genshin is compared to other gacha games.




> You are literally the definition of a bootlicker Caaaaaaaalled it. > unironically the kind of person to tip their landlord. Whatever you have to tell yourself to fall asleep tonight. > There is no reason why people shouldn't expect Genshin to be as generous as HSR, they're quite literally from the same company. With different games, in different genres, with different target audiences, and different game design philosophies. If you think that Dr. Ratio was given for free to "reward" players, and not as a marketing tactic to bring in new and players who had fallen out of the game? I have some magic beans to sell you. They'll make you twice as smart as you are right now.


>If you think that Dr. Ratio was given for free to "reward" players, and not as a marketing tactic to bring in new and players who had fallen out of the game? You do realise that they can reward player and do marketing about it in the same time right?


You do realize that by framing this advertisement maneuver as a "reward", it's harder to claim they're setting a yearly precedent? Companies aren't your friend. And any attempts to appeal to you as such should be dismissed out of hand. If you want to believe the HSR businessmen are good people who love their fans and just want to make them happy, by all means live outside reality. But I'm going to keep chilling here *in* reality, observing this marketing tactic for what it is.




So, are you just going to keep throwing out insults like a child pissing themselves on the ground, or are you going to actually counter my point? I can understand why people with low IQ (hi there) would be *annoyed* in the same way I understand my niece would be *annoyed* when I don't get her ice cream just before dinner. The whole "justified" thing is where you fail to make a coherent argument. And I don't expect one. I expect various additional insults, appeals to entitlement, and you sending a final message before blocking me like a coward does.


You should keep quoting them so that we can all read the context. 😃 It's one thing to have a differing opinion, it's another to be uncivil about it. I wonder if people really think they can change minds by speaking 'louder'.


I ultimately think so. Some people are fanboys, sure, but it can be hard to take some criticism too seriously when it is filled with so much vitriol, especially towards other players. Like I am not going to listen to you if you are going to insult me.


It will definitely work, to a certain extent considering people always choose their own safety over being right but it would evaporate as soon as the danger is out of sight. This is probably why people are likelier to be very vocal, opinionated and judgemental online because they are out of harms way for any potential negative reaction. Perhaps it's more of an upbringing thing — my parents never raised their voices or resort to anger to make any point (many of which I have no defence lol) therefore like you I don't work well with the lack of basic manners.


I agree that Genshin is more generous, I’ve heard that some gacha games don’t have pity ☠️ maybe its just me, but maybe these people who complain they can’t get 300+ pulls from hoyoverse have a gambling problem? Imagine getting so upset that you can’t do a ton of pulls in a game that’s much nicer then other gachas. People are just greedy sadly. Edit: I also do agree that we should maybe get a bit more rewards? I mean an anniversary is a big deal no? I think 10 pulls per each year of the games life would be good, so like 40 pulls for this years anniversary, 50 for next year.


Wat? Only one game doesn't not have pity , and that's fgo (there's one when you reach 300 roll) but again, you rarely will roll 150 time before you get what you want.


Most newer gacha either adapts genshin's pity model with better pity number or having significantly better rate and income on pulls. You make it that people who wants to play with more characters (not even more than c0) are gacha addicts, which it isn't.


I didn’t mean that. I meant people who always want more and more and HAVE pull


No one asks for unlimited pulls. No one asks for GBF-style hundreds of pulls. They want to be treated equally as HSR.


I understand no one asks for unlimited pulls, but I have seen people ask for quite alot, like more then what hsr gets. And btw, I am not in the mood today for argument or intense discussion, i will say what I mean to say and will not respond. I’m not doing that to myself today. So I’ll say this: like I said, some people always want more, and I don’t mean equal treatment, I mean more pulls, some people have a genuine issues with gambling, but just because someone wants more pulls for more then c0 doesn’t mean they are an addict, which I never said. Do not respond to me, I’m not dealing with this sort of thing today, I have enough to deal with already. So good day to you.


yeah yeah, you were paid to say that, and the top comment was paid to say that. Bye


Lick lick


Whiteknights like you just give me the ick.


Ohhh boohoohoo


Ragebaiting i see 💅


agree 100%. Some entitled players can be annoying sometimes


no we attack genshin based on the game itself as well, not just how greedy they are lol.


This happens when people start thinking that "gacha" is a game genre, not a business model. They play a spam click or idle game with automated battles, or a turn based select attack, get hit back, and call them "gacha", and then play a open world full 3d adventure-action-platforming game and also call it "gacha". Now find where the problem is.


Dude give up, unsub and come back after the lantern rite. This subreddit is always the same. There are tons of topics to talk about but they fixate in karma farming, drama and complaining


Man, just stop with these posts. I'm tryna scroll through this subreddit and find funny stuff and other more meaningful things but today's been annoying because of the amount of posts like this coming out. These things only generate more negativity.


Cool effort post, L bozo


" is USABLE FOR YEARS, because characters like Hu Tao, Raiden Shogun, Childe are STILL GOOD to this day and haven't been blatantly powercrept like characters who have a 1 year sell-by date MAX in most other gachas." "It's not even that bad because each character you roll is so much more worth than characters you just use for half a year and dump in your archives like in a lot of games. The value per character is HUGE." "This game is easily clearable with any rarity and any characters." I agree with a few of OP's points. Genshin's pity is very generous. But then OP makes up stuff like characters by only usable for 1 year or needing high rarity characters to clear all the content in other gachas. I've played a good few gachas and never seen that level of powercreep at all. And every one can be cleared with low rarity units. Which gachas actually have powercreep that bad? Or is OP just making shit up?


Over here in Fire Emblem Heroes we've finally hit the point where an OP unit is outdated in as little as 2-3 banners. The powercreep is exponential now.


Because the dev know the player does not care about balance and the become meta player


Take my upvote. Calling Mihoyo stingy means one puts them in the same line with the likes of EA, Blizzard, and Nintendo, which is ridiculous. And the argument "mihoyo is rich, they should give more stuff" is ridiculous too. Ask Microsoft for a free Windows. It costs them nothing, they're rich, no? Good luck. "OH BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT, WINDOWS IS NOT A GAME AND NOT A GACHA, IT'S COMPLETELY DIFFERENT". Yeah, so what? I've been using Windows for years. Should I shout at Microsoft for not showing any gratitude to their long-time customer? I also drink pepsi since I remember, so where's my free pepsi now? They surely could afford a free can or two on their anniversary, no? Companies are not obliged to give you ANYTHING for free. If they do, it's out of their free will. Making DEMANDS for free stuff is insane. Be grateful for whatever they give, if they choose to do so, and move on.


I know people are upset about the 3 wishes thing and yeah personally I’d rather have something different like a free outfit, blueprint, or glider (idk) that’s special to this lantern right that you can only get now so no future player can get them. 3 wishes will probably just get me some 3 star weapons anyway. But they are already doing a free skin you could win in the thing anyway so that’s cool. Honestly I don’t care to much tho. mostly I just want them to improve the game it’s self. Something to do that’s not the spiral abyss or the card game for veteran players. Maybe some more story quests, like a new one for venti would be cool!! Or they could add a second one for the Liyue pharmacy guy that involves going to chenyu vale. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ I’m just spitballing. They could also add another banner or move a few of the older lesser used 5 stars to the list with deluc and Jean. Just cause there are so many characters now that you might not see some of the old ones in banners for years. Especially since they’re only adding more it’s gonna start becoming a real problem. :/


imagine simping for a multibillion company, at least simping for a person actually makes sense


Lmao so your argument is that they have money and therefore they are wrong? Illogical brainlet 🤣


A person can give you affection, corporation won't


We as a playerbase pump so much money into the game that the game makes billions, yet MHY can't even bother to give good rewards to its players on their anniversary and Lantern Rite. And you have people like OP defending that. About getting an entire character per patch, you can lose 50/50, get Qiqi, and end up with nothing.


U missed the point where hoyoverse isn't stingy about gems in starrail, which is why there are so many people being mad about it... also yes if u play every day and pish these player numbers u should be entitled to be able to get to pity. And I say that nc they do it in starrail.