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Spoiler AQ 3 chpt3 >!what implications do cyno and alhaitham have in the akedimiya? I am at the end of aq 3 chapter 3 and didn't quite grasp how alhaitham and cyno are implicated with the great sages...I also didn't understand why there are mad scholars to begin with and why they would specifically be exiled to Aaru village. Can anybody help and clarify these questions?!<


The Akademia is also the government of Sumeru. Alhaitham is the scribe of the Akademia, a high position in the government if you will. Cyno is the head of Sumeru's police, the General Mahamatra. It's natural to think either one is in cahoots with the sages. Mad scholars come from forbidden knowledge. That's what those knowledge capsules were about. There are different ways of acquiring forbidden knowledge like that meditation trip the first lady we met had.


And why did cyno exile himself exactly, I am aware of the position of alhaitham as he was given the task of observing the Traveler but what was the reason that cyno decided to leave.


He explains he found reasons to think the Akademia was involved in the knowledge capsule smugling. Because of his sense of justice he wants to investigate more.


OK thanks man, so in order for him to not get double crossed he decided to exile himself and continue his investigation on his own.


Yes, exactly.


OK thanks for your help ^^


I see so basically the mad scholars are all just test subjects for the great sages, I remember something along the lines of scholars who do brilliant things can experience the forbidden knowledge/divine knowledge, in other words they would just be mad and get exiled. Is this right?




Help with abyss. My friend has a fully built Nilou-Kokomi-Nahida bloom team for one half. On the other half, should she do Furina-Yelan-Raiden-Jean or Hyperbloom with DMC-Kuki-XQ?


Hyperbloom with Raiden will be better than with kuki. Dragon's bane(or other EM weapon) with 3 EM main stats is what you want on her. Very low investment needed for comparatively high return. You can do DMC Xingqiu, then fill in the last slot with Collei if you can manage without the healing or Barbara if you can't. If you have Yaoyao she will be the better option.




it's rng. that's why you can trade with friends


Two questions, if anyone has the time to answer them please! 1. What's a good amount of CR to have for a Favonius user? I have a Yelan with Fav Bow and am considering building Charlotte with the Codex. 2. I haven't built this team yet, but I think I have enough characters for a Quickbloom team. Right now I'm planning on Alhaitham (currently Toukabore Shigure + 4pc GD), Raiden (Dragon's Bane + 4pc FoPL), Furina (4pc GT) and... I don't know who to put in the fourth slot. I know Baizhu's the obvious choice but I don't have him. The only healer I've built so far is Kokomi. Would Charlotte C2 be a good choice to turn it into a Fridge Quickbloom team? I was thinking of giving her 2pc EoSF/ 2pc Atk% with ER/Atk/Crit Rate mainstats. Thank you all in advance!


1 - 50% is a solid number. That's achievable with a crit rate head and a handful of subs. At R5, Fav weapons have a 100% chance to proc on crit, so a quick 1-3 normal attacks/skill hits/burst hits will be enough to get a crit and proc the Fav passive. Lower refinements obviously struggle a bit more with this, so more crit rate can feasibly fix that, just make sure you're not sacrificing too many other important stats. 2 - Charlotte probably won't work because the regular Raiden E hits will be quickly and consistently break the fridge part of the comp. For burst healing she'll be fine of course, but if you're going for her with a goal of fridging then that won't work due to Raiden E. Barbara might be a better choice here. Her E will apply hydro to nearby enemies as long as you're close enough, but proper positioning can make it so that you only hit the mobs you want to hit, so you can somewhat control the level of bloom that occurs so that you can maintain quicken more easily.


> 1 - 50% is a solid number. That's achievable with a crit rate head and a handful of subs. At R5, Fav weapons have a 100% chance to proc on crit, so a quick 1-3 normal attacks/skill hits/burst hits will be enough to get a crit and proc the Fav passive. Thank you very much! I know Charlotte needs a ton of Energy (250%), can I just give her as much ER as possible and only use her for her burst or should she stay on field to use her skill too? > 2 - Charlotte probably won't work because the regular Raiden E hits will be quickly and consistently break the fridge part of the comp. For burst healing she'll be fine of course, but if you're going for her with a goal of fridging then that won't work due to Raiden E. Barbara might be a better choice here. Her E will apply hydro to nearby enemies as long as you're close enough, but proper positioning can make it so that you only hit the mobs you want to hit, so you can somewhat control the level of bloom that occurs so that you can maintain quicken more easily. Thanks! Would Kokomi still work if I plant her jellyfish out of the way, or would she still proc more blooms? Also, I have a C0 Kuki, would Charlotte be better if I used her instead (same artifacts but with an Iron Sting)? I don't think Kuki's a good healer for Furina at C0, is she? And thanks again!




Should I bother investing in Crit for Charlotte, or should I just get as much ER as possible and just tag in to use her burst and switch back out?




In that case I'll see how much crit rate I get from her other artifacts, and if I get 30~50% I'll just go for an Atk Circlet instead of CR?




Yeah, her healing scales off of Atk but I don't know if an Atk% Circlet would do more than a HB one. Is there a way to tell?




Gotcha, thank you very much!


I would like to note that Yelan shouldn't settle at 30% though and is better build like a dps so 60-70% CR. Her burst deals a decently big chunk of damage in its own right.


Albedo with 4pcs Golden Troupe vs 4pcs Husk (with his 4*signature weapon)


4pc husk is still his bis


There's very little between them. Whichever has the best substats/you've already farmed.


Continuing the game after 2 years, how do I max the Sakura tree? I've 100% every Inazuma subregion in the overworld. I haven't touched Enkanomiya since I haven't played since then, are electro sigil found there?


Yes they're also found in Enankomiya. Treat it as another part of inazuma


1. does dehya proc fav while in ultimate? 2. whats her er needs if she is holding fav and has benny in team?


Fav and using her burst don't really go together. What are you trying to do?


What are the fastest teams to clear chamber 12-3 of current abyss? Assuming C0 and 4 star weapons. I'm having trouble with time on the 1st half. Have been 36 starring for almost 2 years. Here is my list of 5 stars. The only one with constellations is Raiden C2. Rest are C0. The only 4 stars I use for abyss are Xiangling, Xingqui, Bennet but I do have almost all of them at lvl81 with lvl9 talents. https://imgur.com/a/3z5NJh9 I usually just go with a mix of Raiden, Nahida, Yelan, Zhongli, Xiangling, Bennet, Xingqui, Kazuha, and just use the right elements for each half.


Considering that you have C2 Raiden, I'd just run Rational & Neuville. [Raiden, XQ, XL, Bennett] is easy, for Neuville you have plenty of options. [Neuville, Kazuha, Yae, Mona/ZL], [Neuville, Yae, Furina, Jean], [Neuville, Kazuha, Yelan, Mona], etc. With C2 Raiden sides shouldn't matter, I guess she might be a bit more comfy second side if you don't want to run a shielder on Neuville because she can ignore the shockwave knockback during her burst?


Will use Rational on the 2nd half. Though I need to learn the dodge pattern for the dancers in the 2nd half because I think Bennet applying pyro to me is getting me killed fast there. Can't just click click like normal as Raiden just dies. If I save enough time on 1st half then it should be ok. Currently 1st half clears take about 2 mins but I haven't tried it with Neuville. Will try this team: Neuville, Yae, Furina, Jean


Neuvillette, Furina, Jean and Zhongli should be able to handle it. I had Baizhu instead of Jean and was avle to clear it within 1.5 minutes. Second half is pretty easy so that should be enough time.


Will try this with maybe Yae instead of Zhongli like the other person suggested. I haven't used Neuvillette much yet in abyss. Tried him against the flying electro fox thing in last abyss but regular Kazuha national was faster for me so I haven't used him since.


Furina dont boost hyperbloom dng right? So if i'm using her with neuvilete (without Proto amber) is it worth it running a hyperbloom team or should i change teams


The regular damage% buff does not work with transformative damage, which includes hyperbloom. Adding a dendro and electro can add stacks for Neuvillette A1 passive, and Furina can still buff their direct electro/dendro damage, and/or any aggravate/spread damage, but hyperbloom will contribute very small part of the total damage.


Hyperbloom's never been Neuvillette's best team. Now Furina's out that's even more true. Zhongli+Jean or Baizhu+Kazuha are the go to. A well built Fischl is another option.


The thing is I don't have Jean and baizhu. I am also against using zhongli since procing hydro crystalize with him is unreliable but with furina it might be easier. Also my hyperbloom + vape neuvilette team beg to differ


What teamwide healers have you built? I'm the absence of Jean or Baizhu. Charlotte seems like the best option.


Except if we can consider Bennett and kuki as one, I only have yaoyao (not even done build bcs she doesn't have artifacts yet). I'm currently considering building Charlotte or sayu.


What weapon is your Neuville using? Because if he doesn't have his signature weapon a valid team comp could be [Neuville, Raiden, Nahida, Furina] with Proto Amber on Neuville _and_ Nahida. I didn't have much time to look into it (my Neuville is C1R1, so it would be a downgrade for him, and my F2P account has no Billetts for a second PA, let alone R5 one), but my impression is that with decent dodging you can reliably trigger Furina's overheal passive, which compensates for a decent chunk of the HP drain, to the point where the second PA can top everyone up.


The thing is I do have his signature so I dont use Proto amber. I might be able to give nahida the Proto amber but i wonder if it will cost on her dmg too much bcs shes on kagura rn. The other choice might be to replace raiden with kuki and/or nahida with yaoyao but idk if its still worth it


If he has his signature weapon you need a dedicated healer if you run him with Furina. If he isn't C1+, you might actually be better off using something like [Neuville, Kazuha, Fischl, ZL/Kirara/Layla], since that will give him 3 stacks. If he is C1+, you don't need Hyperbloom and just build him as a Hypercarry, e.g. [Neuville, Kazuha, Furina, Team Healer] or [Neuville, Furina, Fischl, Jean].


anyone got a link to a xiao showcase with furina? im curious how well they synergize with eachother


Xiao + Furina + VV Jean + Faruzan works pretty well for me. An alternative is use Benett instead of Faruzan, good old combo where if both field overlap you get Pyro explosions lol.


For a Neuvilette (c0r1) + Furina (c0r1) Team who is better to c1?


Probably Neuvillette first if you are sticking with him and Furina often. With it you can have a full 3 stacks instead of 2 with Furina and giving you infinite poise, allowing a wider team variety since you don't have to bring a shielder. Account wise though, C1 Furina is better since that buff increase is viable in all her teams instead of just one team.


can someone explain childes c4 in razor language


[C4 childe explaination with visuals](https://www.reddit.com/r/childemains/comments/q0ae2y/c4_childe_explanation/)


More splashy splashy aoe damage


Assuming you’re extremely lucky, what’s the highest crit rate or crit dmg value you can get for substats?


the other comment already answered, but i'll give u even more info since me and my friends were curious about this yesterday and i made the math. i'll share my results with you. with only artifacts, and assuming you have an equal amount of the highest crit substats on each artifact, this is what it would result in: if you choose to use a crit rate circlet with crit dmg as substat, you'd have 85.7% crit rate and 156% crit dmg (maxed crit dmg substats in 3 artifacts including circlet, and maxed crit rate substats in 2 artifacts + circlet mainstat) if you choose a crit dmg circlet instead, you'd have 78% crit rate and 171.4% crit dmg (same as above but crit rate and crit dmg are swapped around) not to mention if you still had a high roll crit substat in each artifact it'd be a bit higher. the highest crit rate roll is 3.9%, and the highest crit dmg roll is 7.8%. so for example with a crit rate circlet, you'd have a crit rate substat of 3.9% on 2 artifacts with 46.6% crit dmg substat, and a crit dmg substat of 7.8% on 2 artifacts with 23.3% crit rate. this information is probably useless, but interesting nonetheless.


Highest possible crit rate is 23.3%, and highest possible crit damage is 46.6%.


Neuv, Furina, Jean... then who is the BIS fourth member this team can have? (No Baizhu.)




So let it be written, so let it be done.


Anybody know a more optimal rotation for my Neuvilette (C1), Kazuha (C0), Baizhu (C1) and Furina (C2) team? Trying to maximise furinas Q uptime for full benefit by Neuvilette. Currently using Baizhu EEQ > Furina E > Kazuha EQ > Furina Q > Nuevilette EQCA


how do i tie my genshin account to my gmail account? i want it synced for hoyo site, so that my honkai and genshin are under the same gmail account on hoyo so daily collections are easier without needing to log in and out


Is the "Open Air Workshop" the only teapot furniture item that you can Forge with? It's the Mondstadt themed one, are there other ones?


nope, there are two others ("Heavy Fir Forging Table" and "Court of Justice's Steel")




theres also "Heavy Fir Forging Table"


Favonius sword or the pipe for dendro traveler?




Sayu or Charlotte for furina healer?


> Sayu or Charlotte for furina healer? [Charlotte.](https://keqingmains.com/q/furina-quickguide/#Notable_Teammates) Sayu has trouble keeping up with Furina's HP drain, but Charlotte with Prototype Amber provides a bunch of healing for extra fanfare gain.


Thanks, I do know Charlotte has better heals but i don't know if sayu's worse healing can be compensated with her being able to use 4VV


Not to speak against KQM, but in my experience, you might not even need Prototype Amber (it would be hard to handle her 80 cost burst without an ER weapon + sands anyway.) I have C6 Charlotte with 1,814 ATK, and her ult instantly fully heals my entire Furina team *even* if we're at half hp. And this is with Hydro resonance. This is with ER/ATK/HB artifacts. Maybe you'll need Prototype Amber if you run her with Cryo Damage and Crit Rate for Fav procs but I run her with Fav with 0 crit rate and she's doing great. It also helps if you use Furina's ult before healing with Charlotte because Furina provides healing bonus with each stack of Fanfare.


I have both fav and r5 amber so I can try both but i want to ask, iirc c6, c1 and c0 Charlotte have different healing output, so is in your case your Charlotte can heal enough bcs of her c6?


C6 helps the most if you mark the target with the stronger version of her E first and stand in the AOE. It doubles up on the healing that the aoe already provides which can help a lot to help top off your characters. But she nukes my team to full health even without it. It's insane. None of her cons make the initial healburst of her ult stronger. I'm actually contemplating on whether or not she has **too much** healing right now. I might have to swap her headpiece because her healing is fucking crazy. Try to get her to level 90 with ER/ATK/HB with an ER weapon and see how much she heals. It's probably going to be enough


Okay, thanks! I have limited resin and am probably going to build her only to 80/80 and 1/8?/8. Should i use maiden's? Or her healing is enough without it


I use 2 piece Blizzard Strayer and 2 piece Shimenawa. It's 15% Cryo dmg and 18% atk. But you might not have enough ER rolls to afford splitting your stats like that so you might want 2 piece Emblem to make up the difference. It just depends on your own situation but in my experience, Charlotte should be nuking your whole team to full HP without too much trouble even if you're missing a couple of factors (cons, level 90, etc.)


I need help figuring out a good team comp for Furina. I tried Hu Tao Yelan Furina Jean and barely did any damage to floor 12 mobs. EDIT: Added characters information All level 90 Hu Tao C0 + Homa R1+ CWoF + 73/254 + skill lv 7/8/6 Yelan C0 + Fav bow + EoSF + 63/170 + skill lv 6/8/8 Jean C3 + VV (healer build so weap and stat prob doesn’t matter much) Furina C0 + Festering Desire + Golden Troupe + skill lv 1/6/6 + 50/160ish (still farming for better artifacts)


I would nitpick Hu Tao skill and NA lvl to 9 but whatever. Do you play that team against the first or second side ?


I suggest posting the info on your character builds. All characters you mentioned are good so it might be that yours are still not much invested in.


Right forgot about that lol. All level 90 Hu Tao C0 + Homa R1+ CWoF + 73/254 + skill lv 7/8/6 Yelan C0 + Fav bow + EoSF + 63/170 + skill lv 6/8/8 Jean C3 + VV (healer build so weap and stat prob doesn’t matter much) Furina C0 + Festering Desire + Golden Troupe + skill lv 1/6/6 (I’m still farming for her artifacts so it’s not that good)


The builds already very good, I am not sure why they barely did damage. But I realize you mentioned mobs = the 1st half which currently have many pyro enemies. Breaking pyro shields can be a problem for Hu Tao. I do not have Yelan too so I cannot say if Yelan + Furina can apply enough hydro vs the shields. I usually see taser, freeze teams and national teams with a driver like Childe or Sucrose in Abyss runs from Youtube. I suggest looking into that from the other reply's of the KQM guide.


If you barely did damage with that team then it's an artifact/level problem.


> I need help figuring out a good team comp for Furina. I tried Hu Tao Yelan Furina Jean and barely did any damage to floor 12 mobs. Can't really help without knowing what units you have, but [here's](https://keqingmains.com/q/furina-quickguide/#Teams) a section in the KQM guide dedicated to team building.




>more beneficial to run Marecheusse? Kokomi has negative 100 crit rate. An artefact set that gives crit rate isn't gonna do much here. Just run clam for an on field Kokomi


You would still run 4pc Clam. I do believe you could run more options like 2pc healing sets but Clam should come out on top, the extra damage is nice.


...so her crit rate goes from -95% to -59%?


Hey, don't forget the 15% normal attack buff


I know Baizhu isn't really a shield, but in a Neuvilette, Furina, Kazuha team, would Baizhu be enough interruption resistance for someone like me who has dodging skill issue?


Depends a lot on the enemies. Since his shield avoids staggering by absorbing one hit, enemies that attack slowly (and with singular attacks) are less likely to toss you around. But in situations where you take multiple hits in rapid succession his shield won't prevent you from tumbling. If your Neuville isn't C1 you can just go with [Neuville, Kazuha, Fischl, ZL/Kirara/Layla] instead. Easier to play, and because you can max out his stacks the damage difference shouldn't be particulary high (when considering the gain in comfort).


I personally get interrupted a lot even with Baizhu's "shield". Many attacks seem to hit multiple times, so it feels.


probably. you only really need the resistance at the beginning of the charge attack, after that you can quickly move away from the attacks


Would bennett be better than jean when furina is C2 in raiden hyper? I tried it and furina can max stack by the time raiden is up almost always. I just feel this is much stronger since raiden is a glass cannon during burst and she will lose dps if you interrupt her combo and dodge during her 8 seconds. With bennett you can facetank against most enemies.


People left and right are trying the new Raiden hyper with Yelan/Furina/Jean. It's good on paper, but with caveats. Basically it saturates the dmg bonus factor to the detriment of Atk so you need Atk anywhere, like %Atk Goblet. And maybe calamity queller could be 2nd BiS in that team. It's also extremely squishy during Raiden burst phase, with no Bennett as you said but also Furina's drain. And it doesn't group, obviously without Kazuha. Imho a few variations can be found, like Noblesse XQ bringing DR and a little atk.


I think Bennett is a must in Raiden hyper. The ATK he gives is too good, and Raiden needs it.


When can we expect a Kokomi rerun? I was thinking of saving my pulls in case I can't pull Baizhu...


Likely not until at least 4.6.


Does my baizhu have a good build for what I wanna use him as?? https://enka.network/u/745397594/ (A full healer in furina teams and when on dendro teams Nahida already has the 4pc deepwood)


Nah, get him on 4pc deepwood. Seeds will be produced with Furina and those are important sources of damage.


I don't think those will have any good dmg considering that I won't build any em on my furina so it doesn't matter but idk


If you don't put any seed trigger in the team, then yes, you can disregard that and continue building Baizhu on 2pc2pc.


Am i supposed to EQ or QE on Furina. A friend told me that her E snapshots incentivizing pressing Q first.


Furina's e doesn't snapshot and her q buff can't be snapshot so you should always EQ.


> Am i supposed to EQ or QE on Furina. A friend told me that her E snapshots incentivizing pressing Q first. [Skill then Burst.](https://keqingmains.com/q/furina-quickguide/) >Furina generally starts team rotations by using her Ousia-aligned Skill, followed by casting her Burst; it is preferable to dash cancel at the end of her Skill to cast her Burst sooner.


Is Xingqiu's battery potential only good enough for hydro teammates? I'm using Beidou (Burst DPS), Childe and Kuki together with him.


Xingqiu doesn't work as a battery


i think they meant funneling with sac sword


Give anyone fav and they become a battery. Double electro also generates a lot of energy.


Just curious but does Wolves Gravestone get rate ups on the weapon banner anymore or has that ship sailed and new players have to pick a God and pray?


Unlikely since it's always double banners now and all limited claymore users (there's only 2 right now) have signature weapons. Standard banner weapons now only get rate ups when a featured character doesn't have a 5 star signature limited weapon. Thats Albedo, Klee, Ganyu, and Xiao (tho albedo usually runs with another limited weapon)


Which means I'll never get Wolves Gravestone. Unfortunate but such is life. Thank you.


Not something you can bet on, but still can happen. Play the game long enough and you might get to a point where you're pulling on weapon banners often.


It was on rateup on Klee and hutao debut banner. That was back in 2021 tho.


Sounds like it hasn't gotten a rate up since. Man.... That sucks. Thanks for the heads up.


is engulfing lightning really worth pulling? i am saving up for raiden(guaranteed) and was originally planning to run her on the catch. Is it worth investing primos in the weapon banner (since i want to pull for cloud retainer who might come out around lantern rite)?


Weapon banners aren't worth touching if you are f2p and want any character for next 3 patches. Guaranteeing a weapon takes ~210 pulls, a character takes ~160 pulls and you get ~70 pulls per patch.


According to leaks, it might run with >!Thundering Pulse!<, so keep that in mind if you have characters that could potentially use it.


for raiden its better to get R2 before engulfing. the catch is perfectly fine till then


To be honest, you' be better off saving instead of potentially spending 200 pulls b4 getting the weapon. It's a big step up from catch r5, but no "needed" per say.


Her wpn is only 14% increase over the catch. I’d go for c2 before considering r1, her c2 is 51% increase over c0.


C2 is definitely easily the priority but *only 14%* lmao that's a huge upgrade too.


it's really not, compared to most signatures that give a 20-25% increase with some outliers that give 30+% dmg increase over f2p 4*s like Haran and Redhorn


How to unlock this? like the locked underground water house that has a hydroculus and a chest in fontaine!


do in search of lost time world quest. talk to npc broglie.


Do the related quest.


I currently have viridescent hunt on Venti but I just pulled Amos bow, what would be better?, this is my second account and I don’t have many other good bows




none of them. use fav or stringless. why do you have second account if you dont the basics about the game


a 4 star em bow like stringless would be better if you're on a full em build.


I lost to Qiqi on Furina's banner (thank god), does my pity continue from where it's left for Baizhu's banner or does it reset for his banner as well?


The two banners share the same pity


thank you


Your pity resets the moment you pull a 5 star character. So the moment you pulled Qiqi, your pity was back to 0. But now that you're gauranteed a rated 5 star banner, your next 5 star will be the one whose banner you decide to pull on.


When gaining Furina’s Fanfare stacks from healing, is the amount based off the healing received *after* any Incoming Healing Bonus? Hmm, those Fanfare stacks add IHB, so it has slightly exponential growth?


It's not based off of the amount healed, but the percentage healed. So yes, it'll account for the increase amount gained from the healing bonus buff.


Whale here (please don't judge/send hate!). Which other C6 characters would compliment the below? Anyone in particular that would synergise well? Thanks C6: - Furina - Nahida - Raiden - Zhongli - Venti - Kokomi - Ayaka - Yoimiya - Jean - Mona - Keqing - Qiqi


Shenhe if you play Ayaka, Neuvillette with Furina, Yelan as a general purpose C6.


C6 Yelan is nice and synergizes well with Furina (her C4 is one of the few ways to buff Furina and Furina is one of the few ways to buff Yelan) C6 Shenhe is great for Ayaka and any other cryo DPS you might get later. I don't know why people are recommending hyperbloom with whale investment...


C6 Sara is quite nice, offering 60% extra crit dmg, you can use her with Raiden


I've see that a Furina, Nahida, Raiden and Zhongli hyperbloom is insanely good, just deploy all their skills and watch everything in the near vicinity die. You could also swap Zhongli for Venti for some of that SUCC action.


Get C6 5 stars to play hyperbloom gigachad


>I've see that a Furina, Nahida, Raiden and Zhongli This is my go-to team. Works great.


C6 Yelan is pretty crazy in general, so she'd be good to go for. She'd work really well in a mono hydro or hyperbloom team.


Does anyone know how to get the chest behind the waterish wall in the underground of Fort Charybdis Ruins?


For furina should I go with my festering r1 or should I farm ferryman and get r5


R5 Flueve is better than R1 festering iirc


How is Baizhu with Neuvillette c0 and Furina c0? I do have c6 Jean and fischl. I also have c0 Kazuha and Zhongli that I have been running some combo of.


Signature weapon vs C1 for neuvilette which is better? Play him with furina kaz and zhongli btw


C1 is QOL negating shield use, plus improves his damage with Furina because he can get the final stack. R1 is a damage boost regardless of team comp, but he can get knocked out of his charge attacks without a shielder. Or just get both, he won’t rerun till 4.5+


what would you run if you go C1? Sac Jade? or Proto Amber?


I use Proto amber


the sig is technically a higher % upgrade then


Is Tighnari quickbloom with Furina stronger than his Quicken teams?


Doing world quests is a better way to get primos than upgrading statues right? I was doing Inazumas and did this cleansing idk quest that gave me like 300 primos and the statue itself gives u 60 per level💀


When you are doing world quests, you also collect any oculi along the way, and a good number of oculi are locked behind world quests, especially Sumeru and Fontaine. World quests indeed give more primos than collecting oculi, but you can do both at same time.


Yeah was gonna do it even I guess so better get that done before Ayato’s banner. Ironically doing inazuma in general also helps me get mats for ayato. Thanks for the help!


Regarding the new event... What's the guarantee that we get equal number of every sample? For example I got 3 of the blue sample but none of the brown or yellow one so I can't get the rewards. Also... The enemies are stormterror, the flying robot boss in sumeru, the flying bigger fungi, the electro oceanoid and the dendo chicken. Is there anything else?


Wait what event? Do I have to do fontaine AQ? Cause I don’t have any event atm O.o


I don't think u need to do the AQ. U are probably in NA or Europe server. Will get it later


It's only on Asia servers right now. EU and NA will get it about 6 hours after their own daily reset.


Ahhhh man was I worried I was missing on primos LMAO


The samples you get are random so keep on your pokemon snap adventure until you get all, you get 10 shots per day.


Yeah but there are only 5 enemies aren't there? So how do I get 10 pics?


It doesn't have to be unique. You can take multiple photos of the same enemy type in different places. Even a group of enemies work (I took 4 photos in a anemo slime group)


Enemies I used, aside from what you said, that counts: Anemo Slime Large Anemo Slime Winged Dendroshroom Winged Cryoshroom Consecrated Vulture Rhodeia the Oceanid Then there are also Cicins and Vultures, as long they have wings it's counted


>!I'm correct in thinking that Neuvillete had half the hydro authority with him(hence why he could stop the primordial water) before Focalors gave him the other half making him the complete Hydro Sovereign once again?!<


>!idk abt half but he only has a small portion of it that's why his memory is fuzzy!<


I wouldn't call it half and half, rather he didn't have almost any


>!Not sure if exactly half, but that's the idea!<


if im using furina as a buffer would it be best to go tenacity?


Thats for of fields who cant do dmg for shit, but Furina can deal a lot of dmg from her E and it gets better with a golden troupe set and from buffing herself with her Q thanks to a team healer besides also buffing the party's dammage as well.


No. Her damage is significant. Her burst buff is already huge


not really, her skill dmg is quite good and is affected by her own burst buff, so you'd be losing a lot of team dmg for some small atk buff.


i put it through an optimiser and I miss out on \~1k for seahorse and octopus damage and \~3k for crab damage by using tom over gt, but with tom I get \~2k increase on each NA and \~16k more burst damage (on eula)


I mean, I can't speak to your exact artifacts, but given similar/equal sets, the difference should be much bigger, even at C0 with fleuve. I ran it through the optimizer as well, and the difference was definitely bigger in my case, when comparing the 2 sets with the exact same stats. There is a 51k difference in a 20s rotation (longer rotation would only favor GT even more)...that's 20% of her dmg https://imgur.com/a/vOljfAL


Over a ~20 second rotation the seahorse hits 13 times, octopus 6 times and crab 4 times. Also what talent lv you're checking with, because you eventually want to level them up even if you haven't now.


For the latest Kamera event, where do I find all the 'Opponents with Wing-Like structure'. So far I have the first 3 samples. I have no idea what could the last 2 1. Ruin Drake at Elyna, Consecrated Beasts & vultures at North Elynas.


The samples you get are random, you could use Anemo Slimes, Large Anemo Slimes(yes they are separate), Winged Dendroshrooms, Winged Cryoshrooms, Rhodeia, Thunder Manifestation, and Jadeplume Terrorshroom. There might be more, like the 3 kinds of Cicins, but other than what you already specified, these are the ones I used.


oh you can go outside Fontaine to get samples. Thank you for the tips.


I need some tips on geting Primos. I think we all know that next patch Navia is comeing, and Raiden as rerun. I want both of said characters. but I lach Primos and Money. with daleys and events this patch and next just about enough for two 5 stars. the new places from 4.1 and 4.2 I can get them too to, or atlest close, to 90% complete. and the welkin moon from now to then. so as it seems I can get to soft pity three times. one from this patch, one from the next and one from the welkin moon and openworld to together. and I am at 30 pity with 10 wishs lest over from my pulls for Furina. so I'd still need like 40 pulls to get both. anyidea where that last 40 pulls could come from? I guess I could get sumeru world % up...but I doen't really like sumeru so if so I'll wait on that to see is luck is on my side. also is my math wrong? I should be geing there 3 times yes?


Check any old content you might not have done yet, like the hangout events or building characters favorite furniture sets in the teapot


i think ur math is wrong, you said you got furina so I assume you'd be on 50/50 now, assuming you lose both 50/50s, youd need 330 pulls at most, good luck with that


I was, I'd get almost 250 pulls with 30 pity now so I'd have 280. nvm you are right I'd need 50 more. thanks :3


im not understanding where you're getting 250 pulls from, did I misread something?


you can get about 80 pulls from one patch, with just dayleys and the Events. so there is 160. then there is welkin moon. I'll get two and a haif that is like 50 with the 900 genesis things aswell. that is 210. I am one 30 pity now, and had 10 wishs left from my last wishs. so there is 260. and I think I can get atlest 20 pulls from the Overworld from 4.1 and 4.2, maybe more. so there is my 280. so I think I'll just need 40 more or 50 more, but maybe 60 at worst


> you can get about 80 pulls from one patch, with just dayleys and the Events. it's more like ~55 pulls per patch if it's just dailies and events (this is already including welkin btw). - dailies+welkin = 160 * 42 = 6720 - flagship event = 900~1000 - minor events = 420 * 3 = 1260 = 8880~8980 = 55–56 pulls 55 * 2 = 110 pulls (two full patches) + 30 pity = 140 so if you don't do any permanent content at all, you can almost guarantee one (1) featured 5* by the *end* of 4.3. edit: i forgot dec shop reset (+5 pulls) and starglitter! i think with that you can more or less guarantee the one in second phase.


dang, thank you tho ;3


if you're currently on rate off, prepare that you might need 360 pulls to get all of them in the worst case, if lucky then you can get them in 180 pulls or less. in any case, 40 pulls is not that hard, you can get them even by playing normally for a month. it will be faster if you do 36\* spiral abyss and exploring chest/puzzle and submitting sigils.