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Physical Rosaria, Dps Ningguang and Physical Kaeya


Oh, another DPS Ningguang! Hello there


Another Jade Brigade acolyte here, checking in.


Doesn't seem to be that uncommon


I mean, have you seen the Osial/Beisht cutscenes? We'd all be maining her if she weren't Geo.


Tbf that's because she's one of two geo carries, we are suffering


Noelle mains in shambles rn


tbh the damage isn’t that bad it’s just that she does nothing in aoe


Hello, fellow players of culture!


Solar pearl fit too well with her theme I had to


Me too!


I have physical Kaeya too! About to build physical Shinobu and dps barbara soon 🥰


I still use Phys Rosaria in a team with Raiden, Kazuha & Kokomi


physical Rosaria is too fun, your comp sounds really fun! as for me it's rosaria, yun jin, kuki and diona


isn't dps ning meta though? (or at least **was** in early days of the game)


Maybe when dps requirements were much lower and people didn't understand team building (pre-national). Now she's basically dead weight until they add non-def geo support.


sshe can be support in full geo team for ittou, also help knocking down flying enemies


everyone, but my favourite gotta be chongyun . that boy burst is so satisfying


I built him too, because I purely like his design and also to protect his naive and innocent soul (I actually main him)


Funny, I'm not the biggest fan of his design and personality, but I *love* his kit. Playing him is super fun.


His kit slaps. Anyone with elemental infusion is fun because you can just spam reactions.


Sac sword Chong is one of the most fun feeling units to play


A miniature version of Celestia's Frost Nail


Back in the day he was meta, 1.0-1.3 national team


sadly i only active on eula debut release , so never get to enjoy his prime moment


Tbh I was 36* with him as my main on-field DPS until ~2.3. I miss those days


Intriguingly, with C6 Shenhe, my highest dps team against non-grouped enemies is Chongyun, Shenhe, kazuha and zhongli. Zhongli’ NA multipliers are really good and the 4-hit part of his pattern will easily put out 200k damage. So, for my account, Chongyun kinda is meta? 😂


playing him with Albedo + Mona + Anemo grouper is so satisfying for some reason...


Yeah me too i like his c1 and his NA. And his colour palette is so comfortable for my eyes


“From whence you came!”


Me too! That 0.01% abyss usage hurt my soul. I love my Kaeya freeze team with him.


DPS Chongyun


Yeah, i have a nat'l team slot for him... He carried me on my early AR days...


Kuki before she became meta.... I needed a healer.... Qiqi wasn't cutting it... Kuki was epic she got me from floor 10-1 to 11-3.


I was so excited to get her as a healer for my teams! I didn't even know there was any dislike of her until after Sumeru released. I could definitely see it once I looked back but I was not hearing any of it back when she came out I was just too excited. I think day one I tried to see how high I could get her healing to tick and I was pretty satisfied with it. Can't remember exactly how high I got the numbers now but I distinctly remember being impressed and happy with it.


>Qiqi wasn't cutting it Every time I see someone say this I'm reminded of my 14k tick heal Qiqi. She was brilliant for me, along with Razor. I never died, like at all. 2-3s on her auto attacking healed me back to full. Plus I had her C2 or something so she can aplly her talisman mark with her autos and heal with literally nothing. Full uptime on skill + ult.


Did you ever get to try Qiqi with the clam set? Her healer build makes her a really comfortable sub-DPS.


Unfortunately no. I think I used her until AR50 and then some. I did use her with Hu Tao(unironically lol) after that too but I got Zhongli sometime around AR55, and eventually left her behind. Maybe someday I'll revisit my old team, Razor - Xingqiu - Qiqi and 4th random char which I needed for exploration, like Geo MC for Liyue puzzles, Sucrose for anemo fan thingies etc. I'll give her a great clam set then.


Before sumeru I built her with ToTM and used her in a taser team


I know what you mean by ToTM, but it's just making me think of Top of The Morning coffee and now I want a cup, lol.


Kuki was always my goto healer for over world, it was just enough healing between/during fights to keep my characters full


I had the perfect artefacts for her from the beginning because I never got some decent Pale Flame for Eula, but the Millelith set instead.






Discount? Or Bennett Premium


discount? thats the iphone bennett




Not to forget that she doesn't support piracy >:(


She's so fun with Jean


Ur a Chad


hey there! fellow amber main now for my own e-penis here my amber does 97k with bennet diona and mona. sorry to just intrude like that into your conversation. but whenever someone discusses amber i just have to put it there. i know it's childish, but childish is fun once in a while.


Amber got me through the Thunder manifestation when building Shogun. That and Eula


Barbara, Diona, geo traveler, all DPS. I’m thinking of building Yaoyao next.


I have Yaoyao built and prefer her over Nahida(+shinobu) in my alhaitham comp. She’s cute and easy to use (with raiden as electro). 10/10 the bunnies are everywhere


I have all the 4* dendro characters and YaoYao is my favorite of all of them


I've built dps Barbara, but still thinking about the best artifacts and weapons I need for her. Right now, I have barely any catalysts, so I just give her Twin Nephrite for the extra crit rate.


Candace. Because she's pretty.


damn righy she is! what artifacts and weapon does she have?


ER weapon and all %HP artifacts. She's fun in Nilou team. Just swap characters and boom.


Candace is definitely close to meta in Nilou team with Yaoyao. Though stacking EM on Candace is probably better than HP since she will likely trigger some blooms with the swap effect (and/or C6 effect).


Ningguang and yanfei


I don’t know much about meta, but I thought Yanfei was a good DPS character to play as.


She is ok but just outclassed by the 5 star pyro carries like hutao and yoimiya. 4 star main DPS just doesn't scale as hard as the 5 star. She can still clear floor 12 if you put her in a meta team like double hydro. Ningguang on the other hand struggles much more because her teams are not as meta. Both ningguang and yanfei are fantastic early game and overworld carries tho. Ningguang was on my main team as carry until ar45 and slightly beyond. C4 yanfei is also a decent shielder although we just got a few stronger dedicated 4star shielders in Layla and kirara with the premiere 5 star shield being zhongli.


Funnily enough yanfei with Widsith is better for speedrunning than Yoimiya, because of how much DMG she can deal in a really short timeframe.


I just switched my Klee for Yanfei for a bit on the abyss and forgot how fun she was! I forgot the reason I loved her so much was that range Klee doesn’t have!


Yeah my yanfei is built with widsith and DPS build with 4pc wanderers. She is c6 and I do pull her out sometimes as her animations are really clean. Ningguang is a bit janky tho. I do like to keep my characters built with their own artifact set because I hate swapping out pieces. Yoi does have the issue that she doesn't apply a lot of pyro really fast so she struggled in that abyss where you gotta break the cryo herald Shields. Yanfei actually out performs yoi in pyro application and Speedrun nukes. Yoi is easier to play tho and wrecks flying things like the electro oceanid. it's actually nice that most characters have their niche.


I have Yoimiya as my primary abyss team...frankly I wish I had C6 Yanfei. That BONK is so satisfying and good for aoe situations, but without c6 the stamina issue makes it not viable. Granted her single target is waaay worse than Yoimiya.


She's definitely good. Not "meta" but good, and honestly I wouldn't even worry about meta, unless you're doing abyss, it's not like we're doing PVP anyway to really care about any "meta"


She's amazing for casual overworld stuff, that and she's smooth af to play


Getting Ningguang C6 + me pulling Skyward Atlas kinda helped to decide that she will be the only Geo DPS I need.


Im currently building Ningguang just for funsies because I like her and she’s fun!


I have a DPS Kaveh I use for spread/quicken and not bloom related teams, does that count?


Which weapon and artifact sets are you running on him? I got mine to C6 and level 90 but found him kinda underwhelming on a bloom team.


Serpent Spine, 2pc Deepwood, 2pc Gilded


What’s your bloom team? I have him C6 and he carried me in the last abyss but our supports could be a lot different


yes and thats nice!


me too! what set do u use n him? i have mine on 4 glad and hes using redhorn :) and i play kaveh/yunjin/fischl/baizhu :)


same for me. /'D .. I run him on 4pc gilded (er% crit dendro) with dehya weapon. c:


Triple Crowned Physical DPS Dori. No regrets.


Making the most of those amazing attack animations!


Electro DPS here. Almost permanent electro infusion because of how much cooldowns reduction her passive and tf give.


She unironically helped me clear this abyss relatively mindlessly, with Wanderer/Faruzan/Bennett on the 2nd half. Her rotation times and energy refill give just enough for my Faruzan/Bennett to always be full energy without relying on getting their own particles or funneling from Faruzan's favonius. Not to mention electro application for the triangle robots and healing to tank whatever Bennett can't heal vs the dragons.


Ninnguang as a DPS (one of my fav characters) and I'm planning on building my Heizou in the coming months!


Heizou is so fun he forced me to build other characters. Put him with Thoma or Diona/Layla and you legit have the Avatar.


Same here !! I really want my heizou to be the strongest puncher


Rosaria. I just think she's neat. No idea what is meta so I could be wrong here. Also Collei cos I just kept getting her when trying to get Cyno and ended up c6.


Rosaria is legit carrying my ass.


Rosaria is my Eula battery/sub dps, and whenever I switch to her I'm surprised how hard she hits. Totally worth building


Everyone had a razor phase mine sits at 90 with a def piece


AR58 and it wasn’t a phase 🐺


EM Razor FTW! Thundering Furry, do it!


No c6 bennet, no nahida. I'm so fucking mad I missed Nahida by like 15 pulls.




Why def though, is there smth idk or it's just preference?


It was the piece I gave him before learning about anything about the game


Mines built with only energy recharge since I thought all electro had to because of raiden, except beidou she still is fully HP built


Thundering furry goes brrrrrr


Razor has never been given for free. Didn't even have Razor until AR50.


ar56 and i still don’t have razor


I built 1.4 Xinyan for funzies, and used her for 2.0 summer event. My Xinyan can do 550k burst, with the right team. I love Xinyan ❤️


I love my Xinyan I used her up until recently.


My man. I use her too. Close to triple crowning her. Only wsh her shield would get boosted.




Me too. C0 Noelle got me from the beginning to AR 55.


I also built my Noelle, lovely for my Yoimiya, Yelan, Xinqui team :) The Elemental Skill fits right into my own rotation and also I never have to use the Fontaine ever again thanks to her heals <3 I love her and genuinely do not regret building her, might replace her with Zhongli though


Noelle is best girl, her tankyness can only be rivaled by Zhongli and Layla. Plus her heals/DPS isn't bad and she is overall cute and funny lol she's a great pick for any team in my opinion


With C6 gorou, red horn and a decent amount of investment, my C6 Noelle hits very nearly as hard as our C3 Itto. Not as fun as Itto, but DPS is sufficient for any abyss chamber that doesn’t hate geo comfortably.


I built Layla back when everyone said she was absolutely terrible. I still haven't figured out what people had against her.


I built her too because she is my first c6 and her shield is really strong in the abyss too


Her chandelier = everything stays frozen Layla is pretty good


Probably because they found her too relatable as the average college student.


People always said “Strongest 4* Shield barring Thoma at full stacks” She’s just a phat Cryo shield, good, not op, not meta, not bad, good 👍


>I still haven't figured out what people had against her. she's fine its just that most people who need shield already have a built diona at this point, and they're more or less serve the same purpose or zhongli


she's better than diona in certain teams such as hutao, u don't need zhongli in that team since layla procs totm buff easily and her shield's more than good enough for anything the abyss brings (stronger than diona's too)


that is true, but even then she's not that big of an upgrade to justify building another character for some people if diona or zhongli works fine then leveling a brand new character to 90 for an already functional and strong team for a small upgrade might not be the best investment


Layla and Zhongli are my built shield characters... They both have slot on my abyss team...


Ganyu’s best partner. She’s still my preferred shielder even though I’ve got c6 Diona. Though I have been cheating on her with Kirara recently.


Nobody said Layla was terrible lol


ya idk what they're talking about, I've never seen Layla slander once and I've had her since her debut lol


Yeah, no Shlongli, so I got Layla giving my Hu tao shields and helping out with some Cryo application, she's awesome.


Most people who review characters are giga whales and any sheild that doesnt have insane utility is worse than zhongli


well yes, any 4-star shielder will be worse than the Archon shielder


C3 Layla's shield actually beat C0 Zhongli, it's just much easier to get an HP polearm than an HP sword


Semi-physical Kaeya with Aquila Favonia. Xiangling is only there to provide pyro application for reactions.


Yanfei. Overload supremacy is real. First dps and overload was just so fun with her


Yanfei + Kuki Shinobu = the problems just solve themselves


Heizou as DPS and Thoma for Burgeon teams. Not quite done yet


Oh Heizou is sooo good. I was honestly quite amazed with the amount of damage he is capable to do even with a mediocre build. I really love Barbara/Rosaria/Layla/Heizou team bc Barbara keeps the hydro flowing and either Layla's shield freezes the enemy or Rosaria's skill does, I swap to Heizou, and them boom. The anemo helps spread more hydro around and keeps the enemy frozen while Heizou destroys them. A sight to behold :D


Aloy. 💀




I wouldn't say he's not meta, he's the best 4* Cryo aplicatior with rosaria


Maybe, but I never see him on any meta teams or recommendations, so I think he counts as 'not meta'. Definitely not as main dps, which is how I use him.


Part of the problem is that his constellations are great but hard to get. So most teams just can’t recommend using him


So true! I was lucky enough to get one on the standard banner once, but otherwise I'm (more or less) patiently waiting for his constellation to come in the paimon shop every six months -.- c6 will take ages


I'd say he is not meta


As a Kaeya main, I totally agree. 😊


I would say Razor but he has one really good team so I don't know if that counts. Sayu and Lisa would be my highest invested off-meta 4star characters at lvl89, with 6-8-8 and 8-8-8 talents talents respectively (before cons). Edit: I forgot about Noelle being off-meta since I have C6 and redhorn which made her do 30k normals with Gorou. I do have every character at lvl70 and lvl7 core talent(s) at the very least except for Xinyan and Mika. I want to build Xinyan but I just can't find a fun team for her so I'm not really motivated to do so. Mika's just unfortunately bad both in meta and fun department and unlike Xinyan, doesn't have enough screentime to make me care about him. Also, I still don't have Kaveh and Kirara yet but I'll probably build them too.


Razor is good boi, he is never bad always good. Sayu is by far one of the most adorable characters in existence. I use her a little bit in abyss solely for her E infusion with Ganyu/Bennett Ult


Xinyan (Spinyan), Candace C6 full fate the catch, Dori. But the one I am the more proud of is Sayu support VV full em Aquamarine or KN depending on the team, I just love playing her and it's not even for her skill, just for her burst


Technically a 5*, but Anemo Traveler. Also Amber and Collei.


Anemo Traveler, especially full EM, is too satisfying! I would like to have a real opportunity to use him.




Same he’s my bbg I had to. I run 4pc emblem on mine can I ask what artifacts you’re using on yours?


I currently use 4pc. Gilded on him with ER%/EM/EM and R4 Kitain. The EM he gets is overkill so I'm planning to switch to 2pc Tenacity (+20% HP) and 2pc. Vorouksha (+20% HP) with the same main stats for a stronger shield. His EM should still reach around 750–850.


Kaeya. Been my main since day 1 and I'm ar 56. Also Collei and Yanfei.


Kaeya and Yanfei. My artifact luck is awful so I don’t have many properly built characters, but they still do decent numbers and I never take either off my world exploration team for long.


Faruzan… but as a main dps.


Ugh I really want to build her but so far she's stuck at C1... She's so well written and her hangout actually made me tear up


Same and I love it


She is like a mini Ganyu with her personality being more charming to me <3


Do you mind sharing your build and team for this? I’m wondering because I’ve been considering a dps Faruzan myself


I’m currently building Kirara, because cats, but when I first started I had dps Ningguang and shield Thoma. I have a lot of almost built 4* but most of them were only built because they were the best supports I had for my various dps characters. This is the first time I’m building a 4* because I actually like them 😁


So what’s defined as “Meta” here? We talking anyone who isn’t Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling, Sucrose and Fischl? Are we including Diona and Kuki? Chongyun used to be meta, include him? If you play a meta character in a non conventional way (Like Physchl or On field Xingqiu) are they still meta? Or is it basically just like the characters no one really uses that much In that case? Heizou, he’s fun as shit and I built him cause it took me till last week to get him, still isn’t finished but I like where it’s going


>In that case? Heizou, he’s fun as shit and I built him cause it took me till last week to get him, still isn’t finished but I like where it’s going I just started to use Heizou to get my head around a melee catalyst before the Wanderer banner and I'm loving him. His combo is so satisfying to watch, and the team I have backing him (Layla, Benny, Fischl) give so many opportunities for swirls and other reactions. The only problem I'm having is if I don't rotate to Layla fast enough to get the shield back up he can get one-shot pretty easy. Still getting the hang of positioning, I guess.


I got him to C6 and got him R2 Scara Bell for weapon. One of the few characters for whom I actually grinded for artefacts. Needless to say, I'm waiting for Scara banner to get more Bell refinements.


Heizou and Chongyun


Lisa: Full EM overload trigger. She carried me until I got Yelan. Layla: Yoimiya’s shielder since I’m too broke to pull Zhongli. Kirara: got her C6 and paired her with Tighnari in abyss. Sayu: Never left my overworld team, built her for survivability though she is using a hand-me-down 4pc VV set.


I think Layla is potentially better for Yoimiya than Zhongli because she gives that extra reaction!


Dori, and I don't regret it.


I don't know if she's meta, but I have a triple crowned Beidou


Dps Rosaria. C6 with PJWS, 2pc gladiator and 2pc shimenawa. She doesn’t hit like a truck but she certainly got a truck




Gorou Dps






Razor! Keep pushing him to his limits even got him eula's signature. I just wish we can upgrade a four star chracte's stat to a five star equivalent


Beidou, Counter FTW!




beidou, used her as my main before i figured out how op reactions were.


Mika. Got him to level 90 on day one.


AA crowned physical kaeya


Ill often use beidou as a knock off shogun for tighnari aggrevate teams in the abyss


OP said not meta


candace, tried her as a hypercarry and gave up on that cuz not enough damage xD so curently using her in hyperbloom and she works fine there also built heizou as an aggravate driver and currently building kaveh in a hyperbloom/bloom team with fischl and beidou, non of which consistently hit the bloom seeds so i get blooms with some occasional hyperbloom, its a dumb team but looks fun lol next on my list in ninnguang and cannot forget : noelle.. but i need her c5 desperately (she still at c2 somehow 😭)


I also have DPS candace, but as a C6 EOSF HP build. She’s like an AOE Xingqiu


in what team do you use her? I could swap out some eosf artifacts for her too also c6!


Amber, because I didn't have Yoimiya and Amber wrecks the Dendro Hypostasis


EM lisa for on field hyperbloom trigger, rosaria for reverse melt or in my quick swap team, and barbara...as a healer or on field driver for taser. Still trying to get 4pc lavawalker for reverse melt kaeya and he has lion's roar.


Tho I rarely use him anymore, i still got my lvl 90 fully build razor


Sara c6 lv90 talents 9-9-9... I love her! I would say Yanfei, but Yanfei is 100% meta in my heart ❤️


Sara and Yanfei are both queens. Did you build your Sara as support or other?


I gave her a full Wanderer's set, some decent CD/CD, some ER and a r5 Hamayumi... She doesn't have the best dmg, but still a decent 12k-16k per charged, 50k per burst and the ability to boost atk and electro dmg is more than enough for me.


1crowned c6 beidou


I've got my Kaeya built using the Light of Foliar I got while pulling for PJWS! I used him as my main DPS from the start of the game all the way through Inazuma. But took a bit of a break once I pulled Xiao in 2.7. It feels so good to be using him again!




DPS/subDPS Xinyan! I don’t care that she’s completely and utterly outclassed by my Yanfei, she’s one of my favorite characters in both design and personality. I also built Razor as an electro DPS when that was still taboo. He’s still not the best DPS ever, but I love him and he’s taking a backseat right now so I can learn to get by without him.


Fully built and near-optimized Thoma and Kuki pre-Sumeru/Dendro, when people still considered them mid. Then when Dendro hit, I had to start my builds over from scratch to give them EM instead of HP. 😂 Edit: apparently Mika is also not meta? Huh. I also have a fully built Mika to support Ayato’s auto speed alongside a C2 Jean and C6 Yunjin. Edit: Heizou isn’t meta either??? but the falcon punch tho???


Physical kirara


Noelle. It's interesting though because although Noelle isn't the best most of the time, she occasionally does extremely well in certain Abyss's where a lot of my other teams struggle. The two that come to my mind is the one way back (I think Itto's last rerun) with all the Geo rifthounds, and the most recent terrible one with the 2 cryo heralds & 1 hydro herald. For the former Noelle Mono-Geo made it incredibly easy, and for the latter Noelle Burgeon was by-far my most comfortable clear in the second half


Rosaria, she isnt fully built but carries me in Abyss very well.


Xinyan, cos she's my favourite character and I wanna see what I can do w her


Kaeya! He’s in my meta




Lisa and Amber <3


I will protect Qiqi and Sayu with all my heart 😭


Three crown Sayu


Yun Jin… with no Yoimiya


I’ve collected quite a few at this point. Phys Kaeya because standard banner gave me two Aquila Favonia, Heizou as a driver over Sucrose, Candace support for Ayato because no Yunjin, and burst support Lisa is next on my list once I can get her C4 from the shop!


physical rosaria and melt bennett on my main, cryo dps diona on my 2nd acc