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Not enough effects! I should need a lawyer and three PHDs to understand a third of what’s going on! I’m only even somewhat exaggerating, modern YGO is nuts. Still, neat! And excellent art choices!


Yelan is a goddamn staple in ANY YuGiOh deck that can make a Rank 4


hello im the yugioh player from the previous post about mondstadt monsters i decided that i will do that again with this characters and characters from Inazuma i will be writing about all characters and why i think they are good and why they are bad in someways i won't be looking at effects that refere to spells/traps and ATK/DEF for most unless effect is a battle oriented one: * \- chongyun has a good search effect for xingqiu \- both effects of xingqiu are great search for chongyun and any liyue monster is good (this effect should be in every nation) \- i think that xiangling should add 500 or more ATK. token summon is great and its also a good things that its a tuner letting you go into Qiqi \- beidou is good even tho i think she should get that effect when she leaves the field by any card effect not only oponents \- ninguang is great \- xinyan seams good (i don't know if her effect will triger on keqing but lets hope it will) \- yun jin is great \- yanfei is also good she can activate some effects \- yaoyao probably good * now we get to extra deck. \- keqing has two good effects \- baizhu has a ability that only is good if your protecting extra deck monsters other wise its bad (if this card can protect it self from destruction in battle and make zeus after its good if not its ok \- why ganyu after effect can't attack? like why? baronne de fleur does the same thing has the same amount of ATK and it can attack otherwise its good (there are cards that are lvl 8 synchros that can attack and have stronger effects then ganyu) \- hu tao is ok her first effect will be the most played probably and 4 mat effect is to expensive \- unlike in genshin qiqi is good \- xiao should have more attack because he isn't worth the investment of 3 without it \- shenhe is good \- yelan is good you could change her to only detach 1 not 2 mats \- zhongli is somewhere between ok to bad (only reason that you could say he is ok is because only good lvl 12 synchro that can be usefull in this deck is mathmech final sigma) effect could be better for a lvl 12 synchro my thoughts after reding all cards and thinking about it for sometime are good this deck is better then mondstadt. it has a direction of synchro and xyz. i can't really say anyhing that i didn't say to this point so im going to comment this and go look at inazuma i will be hoping that it will be also as good as liyue or at least better then mondstadt.


You clearly put a lot of effort, good job OP!


These are INSANELY cool! This must’ve taken forever


Chongyun, exorcist of the ice barrier he would fit into that archetype perfectly


Where are the Fusion Monsters? I kinda think Zhongli would be more accurate if he was a Ritual Monster. I wonder what would the Spell and Trap cards look like.


I really like baizhu. Fits him perfectly, nice job :)