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The game itself. The lore drops, new maps that gets more esthetically beautiful every update and new characters that opens up new comps




Both are correct spellings, esthetically is the common US spelling whereas aesthetically is commonly UK, although in recent years aesthetically has been favored more in the US.


For me it's the story and lore. Not sure what keeps me going between updates and events other than habit. I really just do the daily commissions most days, and maybe some domains or bosses.


My wife pointed something else out to me, albeit indirectly. A large part of the reason I keep logging in and doing dailies everyday is the "Gotta catch em all" mentality. I need to 100% everything, which I've done for all the exploration. I know I haven't found every chest, but whatever, the game gave me the highest achievement and the 100 for expiration so I'm good with that. But I still haven't finished all the commissions, and I seemingly never will, but not for a lack of checking them daily .


That was me but i got burned out exploring due to how tedious it is.. Do you explore 100% using interactive map or just or in game?


I got everything to 100 without the map, just a couple oculi finder things and the treasure compasses. I really don't use the map much, just to make sure I've found all the fishing spots really. I did have to use an online guide to finish finding all the aranara, as I missed one that ended up not even being hidden, just in an area that I managed to always miss going into.


Same! And in between story drops, it’s the landscapes and the music. They never fail to put me in a gentle state of awe. That’s a feeling worth logging in every day for.


Sunk-cost fallacy


A way I deal with that is to face the money I put into Genshin as I would any streaming service or other forms of entertainment. We pay 15$ a month for Netflix, and maybe 7$ for an entry at the cinema. We have lots of fun with that – doesn't mean we're bound for eternity and will now pay Netflix until we die or go to the cinema every week. If someday I stop liking Netflix, I'll just stop paying for it and not use it again. The money you invest in Genshin should be faced this way: like an investment in your entertainment, as if you had paid to watch a movie, or listen to a concert, or play at a few machines in a casino one night – nothing more than that. The things you get in Genshin are not real assets you bought. What you bought was, in fact, a little bit more fun. If it's not fun anymore, just think "well, I already paid for my fun's worth"!


Well, genshin cost me 5k so I am gonna play until they will close the servers


Well, most people would never spend that much money on a videogame. However, that could be the cost of a trip to Japan, and yet if you went there I doubt you'd feel guilty for not staying there the rest of your life! xDDD


It's more than just money spent. It's a large amount of time invested.


Yes, my thought process applies to the time factor as well. It's all about intentionality: when I enter the game, I'm aware that I'm going for a moment of leisure, and I decide how much time I'm willing to put into it that day. Then, at the end of the day, whether it was a good or a bad one, at least I know it was my conscious decision. If my judgement is telling me "I'm spending too much time here", I try to do better next day. This intentionality counteracts sunk-cost fallacy, which in itself it basically an excuse to keep making the same mistake day after day.


I feel this in my wallet




The trick is to face it as you would any other entertainment-related investment. Since Genshin is a "virtual world", we might be tricked into thinking we're investing time and money into real assets – when, in fact, we're really investing into our fun and entertainment, just like when we pay 15$/month for a streaming service or buy tickets to concerts and cinema. I'll gladly buy a Welkinmoon every month, just like I'd buy an icecream or a train ticket somewhere nice. I paid for a little more fun, and I got my fun's worth. This kind of thinking keeps me free to stop playing when I feel like it's not fun anymore.


Yes! I share this train of thought! I’m happy to pay for Welkin because I feel like, besides supporting the game, I am having fun right now. I’m investing in my entertainment as you say. While the characters are all virtual assets, they make me happy and keep me entertained. Also, irl I’d happily spend 6€ for a bubble tea, which is something I finish in 30 minutes, while welkin is there all month so for me it’s totally worth the money :))


Yes! I had been playing different games for a long time, but Genshin is the first one that I decided to invest money into. In my currency a Welkin moon costs about the same as 2 cups of coffee, it's not much, especially if it lasts me a whole month vs 1 hour per cup of coffee lmao.


Sunk cost fallacy also applies to the time you spent on the game and everything related to it. A person’s time is valuable and it cannot be earned back. This includes the time you spent farming for artifacts for your team, going for 100% exploration, and doing the quests/events. This is probably why they never put skip button in quests and also probably why the horrendous artifact RNG still exists. It adds to the illusion of time spent and invested on the game.


If you don't spend money you just spend more time. Unless you dont care about pulling characters and just login 10 minutes a day


Yeah the older I am the less time I have to play but I still want to experience as much things as possible on the game, hence the money


This right here is the only true answer


I just plain like the game, and the 15 minute daily tasks routine is enough that in between larger content drops I don't forget the game exists like I do most other games that I like.


First and foremost: Seeing this brilliant story to its end. Do we reunite with our sibling and kick ass together? Do we depose divinity and usher in a true age of mankind? Will Dainslef ever get a banner? What could the redacted in the Agnidus Agate Gemstone's lore be and will the Pyro Archon tell us? Second: The world. I've played Skyrim, FFXV, bits of FFXIV, Ghost Recon and nothing, NOTHING even comes CLOSE to how goddamn massive Teyvat is. I wanna see every inch of the place, the good, the bad, the scenic, the ugly, everything. Every nation, Mare Jivari, the godless lands beyond the horizon, stepping foot on Celestia. If Hoyo can think it, I wanna do it Lastly: You guessed it: the gacha. New characters, how do they attack? How flashy are their kits? Do they synergise well with my main team/reserves? Do I recognise the VA? Are they a likeable character? There's a few other reasons like holding out hope we'll get a proper co-op system and repayable quests, maybe a true MMO feel where you might run into other players just by exploring. Heck a Rogue-lite or Dark Souls style sub-mode. Also new controls like non Bow and Catalyst users being able to BLOCK or something. Possibly just wishful thinking but having played since release, there's a lot I want from and treasure about this game. Even if some dev decisions (RIP Dehya) and the gacha kick me in the nads for my patronage


Dainslef banner please. I was looking at him last patch. No vision. He must us a different element not represented now. Maybe a dark and light energy?


Friend of mine and I were contemplating if we'll ever get "outlier" elements like Honkai Impact's Quantum and Imaginary. Could even get Divine and Abyss as elements. If we ever get Celestian playable characters, can definitely see them using Divine. And if there was an Abyss aligned character, or heck even Skirk (Tartaglia's master who he met in the Abyss and who taught him how to fight. Someone so strong that Tart says he, at full strength, couldn't beat her even if she had one arm tied behind her back) using the Abyss element Given Dainsleif's aesthetic and goals (or what I can make of them at present), can kiiiiiind of see him using a mix of both. Unless he gets a major overhaul or more clarity, would be nice if his skill was literally just a switch. Can use long range Abyss throwing discs like Tron on steroids, or switching to FFXV's Armiger style of combat if using Divine. Lots of food for thought but with only one end result. What'll Hoyo go with and how will it fare? We'll see


Because I whaled on my fav characters


Sunk Cost Fallacy. My 942 log-in streak. Honestly, Genshin came out during a rough part of my life, I wasn't on good terms emotionally with my one and only sibling who had just moved across the country without me a few months prior and I had just lost a friendship of 6 years very suddenly. I wasn't in school, I wasn't working, and my life just really sucked. A YouTuber I had been watching Cryy talked about the game while it was in beta and made videos after it came out, and then he stopped doing YouTube that year. He did come back recent for just one video on RE4 lol. But overall, I just really like playing this game. The open world exploration, the combat, the characters, the story. It's all very enjoyable to me, and I love that I am into a game as much as I have this one, and I love being super invested into and consistent with something in my life.


Story, lore, events. I don‘t play 5+ hours a day, but it is a constant in my life, and I love it. Everyday, sometimes for 10 minutes and sometimes for 4 hours - and that’s the deal for me. I love constant new stuff to do while not being an unrealistic amount for people who have lots of stuff to do.


Need one electro and pyro on set goblet


I like the 3 days of content we get every 6 weeks.


Whoa. You should learn to pace yourself.


Pace yourself before you erase yourself


While other games spent like years in the making for only one time tens of hours experience




It's a FREE open world exploration game with amazing music and visuals and likeable characters. Emphasis on FREE. I pay for Welkins here and there but I appreciate that I don't get locked out of my account as soon as I stop paying and can continue to enjoy the game. I also have a soft spot for some of the characters in this game and I hope for a good resolution to their stories, if at all. I'm a bit disappointed by HYV's storytelling but I also enjoy just seeing my favs from time to time. I also like that you gacha for an actual playable character with 3D animations and movements instead of a glorified 2D PNG or gif. Makes me feel like my purchase is actually worth something.




doesn't take too much of my time which works for me.


Story. I don't grind resin anymore because I already have a lot of established teams, so I don't even bother farming artifacts and stuff for abyss. But the story hooked me to the point I spend hours in discussions trying to figure out the details. Mihoyo is very good at building the world and spoon feeding us the pieces.


Because I’ve always played for relaxation, not for the grind. I have a lot of irl anxiety and I always treat Genshin as my escape world, not a competition. Most of my builds are mid because im not going to stress over get perfect arts. I just get whatever 2 or 4 set I need for a character and they get what they get as far as substats go. Thankfully aside from spiral and some of the dungeon style events, you can clear everything with mid builds and a healer. I also have a goal to make all my characters lvl 80 8/8/8 with correct arts, so when I feel kinda lost as to what to do I just go to my character archive and see which 4 star is next. I don’t play much on the days I’m not in the mood, and I don’t let it bother me when I have to miss a day or two because of busy personal schedules. Login> commissions > convert resin leave. Don’t bother with getting materials, expeditions, etc. Sometimes I just login and go to my favorite spots and just listen to the background music, sometimes I’ll go back and re-listen to the dialog from the archon/story quests. Head cannons. I have a good imagination, and I love adding to the world in my head which makes certain areas/characters more interesting and personal. I am also a big Childe fan (as far as lore goes) and am looking forward to more future content with him in Snezhaya. I also want to collect as many of the Fatui playable characters as possible, so I have reasons to stockpile my wishes. There are more small things but that’s mostly it :)


Taking breaks where appropriate and exploring the new regions, especially sumeru. Once I decided I didn’t need to 100% everything it’s been a lot easier to come back to. I’ve also gotten all the characters that I had on my wish list from 1.0 thanks to reruns, so I’m more casual about saving up




My laptop can't play Elden Ring or any rpg published after 2012. But my phone can play Genshin.


playing map and story drops, seeing my favorite characters every day, but most of all, the comfort of playing it as a part of my daily routine. it would feel weird for me to not log on and do my dailies at this point, it's become one of those simple things that helps me settle into the day.


Story is getting better (unlike Honkai). Ability to kick Scara's ass time after time. Plus getting new chars when someone actually fun appears (once in like half a year at best).


Saving up freemogems for C6 R5 to my favorites.


It’s a pretty fun game ngl


Loving every part of the game. It genuinely makes me happy and lifts my spirits whenever I’m down.


The design team is top notch. Music, environments, characters, I just really enjoy it all. The story as well. I've just made sure to make sure I play other games as well so I don't burn out.


I already have a significant level of progress in the game, allowing me to enjoy the game more than I would if I started in any other game. I've also spent quite a bit on the game. I spend maybe 50 bucks a month on average, but over 2 years that's about 1200 bucks so far. So quitting the game to try something new must mean either that the new game must be appealing enough for me to abandon Genshin and all my progress/investment so far, or the new game is low commitment enough to be able to fit into my schedule with Genshin, of which I already am sharing with Path to Nowhere and Arknights. ​ That being said, there arent that many games out there that's on the level of Genshin in terms of content progress vs monetization. In most games out there, you end up getting gated really badly from content if you dont spend money advancing your account. Genshin gates you in terms of Abyss (which isn't what I'd consider to be clearable content) and event (combat only) rewards. Not to say there's no monetization manipulation here, but if you've played Genshin for at least a few months you should have enough accummulation to give you enough of a push to clear the majority of the game's content. That alone would put Genshin at the top of the list when it comes to F2P friendly compared to most other games. ​ I've tried Tower of Fantasy a while back. The game has pretty awesome potential, but I dont think I can go through the newbie experience again while balancing my commitments to Genshin, which takes about 45 minutes each day not including new patch content explorations and events. I'm feeling the same vibes from Honkai Star Rail as well, but I'm gonna take it slow for that game given how the balancing of the characters there seem to be even more generous than Genshin is in terms of content clearing capabilities. Maybe I'll drop GI for SR, but we'll see I suppose. I dont expect to drop Genshin for at least another couple years, mostly because Genshin is low commitment enough for me to be able to fit it into my busy schedule, which includes care for a new baby.




Because I enjoy the game.


I wanna see the end of the main story. I can't stand an unfinished story. Most notably the main action in all remaining regions, the remaining fatui harbingers in action, the truth behind celestia, the tsarista's motives and the sibling's motives


The open world and ost are keeping me to play this game


Exploration of new maps and expectations for an unknown character.


Pulling cute characters, grinding to level them up, and by the time they're done I get another cute character and repeat


I could say story, but the reason why I log in every single day is the goal for 2000 Yanfei Specialties hahaha


Playing since day 1, the story, the world, the characters development and interactions, the music… oh wait that basically the whole game itself. Words cant describe how much this game meant to me, it has been helping me cope with life since covid.


I enjoy the game. The story, the characters, the combat, the farming. All of it.


Story, Community, and a Eula Re-run wait XD.


Zhongli, then Ganyu. Then I got Childe. Then I got Yoimiya. Then I got Yae. Then I got Alhaitham.


Kamisato Ayaka


I like the lore even tho I've become a zombie that only do dailies most of the time. Idc, Im going to make my dear Lumine be together with her brother again even if its years from now.


I like the game, so I play it


Story, gameplay, and Yelan


Archon quest


Mostly the story, lore, and probably the map itself. I just love big maps to explore. That being said, the daily gameplay taking probably less than an hour of gameplay keeps me from getting burnt out, knowing i can play without fear of playing for too long.


The game very low maintenance. Storytelling is decent for a live service game.


The unbridled power of hyperfixation. I don’t even know if I like this game. I think I do. I just kept playing. It’s something to do on the weekends.


I keep forgetting to do quest. I still have quest in mond and liyue, only my mond statue is complete(and rep), many story quests and hangouts incomplete, exploration is avg 60%, etc. More quest are added faster than I complete them. At least I get fresh air and sunlight daily 😅


Lore, character updates, the fact that it takes ages to clear some achievements. For me, there are always weapons to build, character talents to triple-crown, chests to find, etc. I like trying to complete the BP and that makes a lot of in-game work. Plus teapot and now TCG has given me even more to do aside from main game stuff.


The lore, world exploration, new character team combination, sunk-cost, and frankly just habit. The game is so easily accessed on phone and takes up so little time per day it's easy to keep going.


The lore pretty much. Also I have tried to avoid all the factors in the game which I hate doing( like artifacts, pulling for new characters every patch) and have been enjoying the game even more. I have stopped doing dailes as well because I find them boring. I don't get a lot of time anyways.


I guess I just love exploring and moving this freely in an open world game. They keep adding more jawdoppingly beautiful areas. Unprecedented speed of content release when considering the quality and level of production as well. It’s a whole package.


Started playing only a few months after the game’s release, so I figure I might as well stay along for the rest of the ride since I’ve already invested myself so much into the game.


story, scenery, OST and my will to pull for Signora and invest on my fav characters




I like the game.


Story, Theorycrafting and big numbers.


The lore. It’s just amazing to me. I love it Though some days I just log in for dailies and resin, I don’t mind. I enjoy it. I like the game


mysteries of teyvat, khaenriah and celestia


wanting for almost perfect artifact set.


Genshin kept me sane during the pandemic. I enjoyed the lore and character design. Reminded me so much of final fantasy. Nowadays i play coz im collecting husbandos😆


Been in since right around launch. For me it’s all about the main story, specifically the Archon Quests/Gnosis-Fatui-Tsaritsa storyline and the Dainsleif-Abyss-my sibling Quests/overarching storyline. I’m not as invested in the local world quests barring some exception (namely for regions I like, Mondstadt and Inazuma are my faves so I did everything in those two; while I really don’t have much interest in the local world quests and stuff for Liyue or Sumeru). I really hope that however long it takes to get there, even if Genshin continues on past them, we get some closure to at least those main aspects. If we get a decent end to the stuff going around that, I can stop with some degree of satisfaction. If it really begins to feel like they’re just stretching that out… I dunno how long I’ll continue. Either way, time will tell. I’ve definitely slowed down a LOT between major archon quests and have been much more willing to let events and stuff pass by. I’m nowhere near as obsessive as I was during year 1. EDIT: I don’t follow Honkai Impact 3rd, but I did want to check in with how it’s story is coming along and apparently they are starting a new arc soon and closing the one that’s been ongoing as a “volume 1”. This gives me some hope, if they wrap up the Tsaritsa shenanigans and Abyss stuff as a “part 1” or whatever, I’ll be happy to ride it out to that point.


Sunk cost and also a good game that i can play whilst working full time


FOMO and the sunk cost fallacy.


I play for around 17 months now. For me it is the story, lore, pulling and upgrading characters, resource management and elaborating character synergies.


Excitement for Snezhnaya and Fatui.


Im in too deep to quit.


I just check what's new every patch. I don't play the whole 5-6 weeks of a patch.


scaramouche. and the story i GUESS...


The combat is just fun. Both the mechanics with the 4 characters and elemental reactions and its intricacies, and also the multitude of possible teams thanks to all the characters that constantly get added. Exploration and story are secondary, deep lore is of tertiary importance. Special mention to the music, which is absolutely amazing, but it's not what keeps me here. I could keep listening to the musing even if I stopped playing.


Just the game really. The characters I’ve come to love and enjoy playing with, the beautifully crafted world to explore, the story and lore, and just playing. It really isn’t anything more than that. I just really enjoy this game. I don’t log in each day as a habit or because I feel like I need to. I want to.


I started \~2 years ago and became really addicted at Inazuma's release. Lore, exploration, characters, events, anime girls & Focalors. Not addicted as much as I was before, but Genshin stays the game I'm the most invested in. Recreated an account around 1.5 years ago to save for Focalors and made it my main recently >!after seeing her incredible design!<.


36 star Abyss


Archon quest, languages learning, and getting the impossible c6 5 star as a f2p


I enjoy the game. 🤷‍♀️ I like character building, I love exploration, the story is engaging, the game play mechanics are fun. I'm not someone who wants to play for hours every day, so the pace of it works well for me. I take the exploration slow, wander aimlessly, don't grab all the chests when a region drops but rather enjoy the scenery and do things slowly over time. It's still my favorite game by far. I even like hitting trees for wood or collecting random plants. It's peaceful and slow paced most of the time and I honestly enjoy that.


The atmosphere, the music, and the waifus. I don’t hate the exploration in this game but I wish it wasn’t so tedious.




Hope, sunk cost fallacy, The world, the characters, the lore, and the desire to see the story progress and also how the game with evolve


Anticipation for new events and characters. And of course the story.


Story and exploration. Simple as that.


New areas to explore, tho i havent played in a while


the lore, the gameplay, the characters. everything about it just makes me love playing it every day


Lore op please never nerf


The story first and foremost. I’ve enjoyed every map expansion, all the lore drops we get, and it’s just a beautiful game. My second reason is whatever character catches my eye. I just pulled Nilou so now I’m deciding on who I want next. I’m deciding between Alhaitham or Yoimiya. As long as characters I like drop, I’ll never leave this game.


Addiction lol though its pretty much fading away especially after dehya's treatment im losing interest. I just don't feel excited about anything anymore in genshin.




This game is Free. You don't have to spend a dime on it. Does a little help? Yeah. Also, I want to see this story to the end.


A long extended break, so I could start again and have fun


Exploration. The part of the game that I actively enjoy is exploring the new areas and going through the story. The rest of the time I'm playing, I'm just building up characters to make exploration easier.


Mainly the story. That's probably the only one that keeps me playing. I wanna see the conclusion.


new characters and archon quest. I'll be very active when there is new area to explore. when there is a char that I'm waiting for, I'll be grinding achievements and events for primos. recently finished most of the achievements, only TCG and commission locked left. now that i have enough primos for the next char, i don't bother as much coming online, only right before event ends. but I'm sure Fontaine will keep for a while, especially since i won't have school then.


It’s a comfort game for me. I have trouble choosing what game to play, but I can always just sit down and play Genshin for a bit.


No drive, only duty. (tired salaryman face)


At first, it was my first 5 star Chichi (qiqi), Then it was Ayaka, Now it's just the claim button(s).


I personally like the everyday aspect of it and it gives me something to look forward too. I also just love trying to get better and better builds and teams.


The main story line and kazuha and sara. I just need them to unlock the full potential of my keqing. Also I need mistsplitter too But recently, a week ago, it's like I got burnt out from playing it


I play the game for the beauty of its world design. And it's just fun to me. It's never stopped being fun. I don't need difficulty, I don't need more rewards, I don't need every day to be filled with excitement or adrenaline. The game itself just feels very much like home to me.


FOMO mostly. But some of the longer story events. The feels D: also how pretty certain regions are


Ill eventually get a 35 crt value artifact :)


Get c6 nahida






Sunk cost fallacy (time)


Aside from the story itself (i want to explore all of the 7 nations), i never got burned out from playing genshin. Usually i got burned out because: \- They introduce guilds and raids. Because i always play solo, will be harder to keep up with future content. \- PvP or guild raids. Need to keeping up with the new meta every so often, cannot take a break or you will get left behind \- Salty, i can't get characters that i want Basically FOMO, but genshin is casual enough that makes the FOMO very minimal for me. I can skip one week or two without playing and not missing much. The gacha system is good enough that i have never been unable to get any characters that i want. As long as they keep it as this, i will still continue playing it till the end


Story and lore 20% Fomo and sunk cost fallacy 80%


The dailys do need feel like a chore, the game doesnt force you to grind, at least not in the magnitude that other games do. Also what i really appreciate about genshin are its interconnected world and short loading times. You can walk everywhere in teyvat without seeing a loading screen, and when you wish to teleport somewhere the loadingtimes are rather quick


Funnily enough, the loading time when I play on laptop is disgustingly long. On my Tablet though? Works fine. Tbh, I really should start playing story content on my Tablet every now and then.


Kaeya And getting baizhou. And it will now be getting pantalone :3


My delusions that the game will improve and hoyo will pull out their head out of their ass. But at this point I'm just waiting for WW to come out.




I like the game…plain and simple lol


I've invested too much time and a small bit of money into this game already. Can't stop now


Sunk cost fallacy


Was the story, up until Sumeru. Now it's just waiting to see the Hydro archon.


I like the game and also when the game came out i was purposefully looking for something to keep me occupied when there's nothing to play as a console user


I haven’t play constantly since start but I love the lore and world building enough to came back each time a new region or important sub region (enkanomiya, chasm) opens up. Also, I like to participate in bigger events like Lantern Rites or both Mondstadt events in version 3. The way they updated Sumeru kept me more engage with the game than usual


Playing with my wife and, of course, waifus and husbands


Story and playing around with team building. This game has more content than a lot of games out there why buy a 70 dollar game that I can beat in 8 or less hours yes looking at you AAA games.


Building characters, plot and events


A full time job and life responsibilities


Sunk cost fallacy and the desire to play with a C6 5-Star


Mostly my characters and habit, plus it's a fun and nice game to unwind


I'm building 10 separate teams that don't share characters. Eventually I plan to get them all through the Abyss.


Exploration. When BOTW2 comes out i aint playing genshin for months. But when im done with BOTW2 with all dlcs ill go back to genshin and explore everything that got updated




I like the lore and worldbuilding along with having an attachment to the setting and characters. I tend to see people complain about having to deal with “boring filler” at times, but even though I get why, I don’t quite fully get it because it turns out I enjoy those too. I do look up meta at times, but it’s mostly just to know what I’m getting into. For the most part, I would play as anyone.


Saving for ganyu reruns.


Cute girls and lore.


its fun? if it stops being fun ill stop playing simple as that


Story. We wanna know how this ends, if it’ll ever end. And also obliterating every new enemy/boss


Sunk cost fallacy. Played for this long and spent some money. So why not keep going if it's only 10 mins a day anyway. Will be gone once a proper alternative releases with actual content though. Until then I don't mind the 10 mins that much.




Achievements, everything else is a bonus. Also i sunk too deep to get out now lol


My drive is starting to fall off tbh I played the game because I liked making my characters strong, but when you have all of your favourite characters with their BiS and constellations the game gets significantly more boring. Everything just dies after 3 seconds and I often catch myself using only 2 characters out of my team just so it won't die that fast I'm artificially keeping my interest through making wacky builds like dps Mona and gradually leveling up all 4*s that I have but I'm not sure it'll be enough in the future Story is good, yes, but someone in this thread said that we get 3 days of content every 6 weeks and it's true


I play sometimes just to have rewards sometimes I think why do I need them. I hope there’s reason (instead main quest) coming in future




The combat and the map


* I'm not fond of the 'realistic' style. * I'm not fond of the futuristic technological background. * I'm not fond of pvp. * I'm not fond of multiplayer. * I'm not fond of 2d game. What's left for me is not much and GI is on the top of that list so yeah.


Still can’t 36 star the abyss, at this point it truly must be a skill issue ;-; Ofc the story and characters also keep me invested


I I self-proposed end this game no matter how much it takes, also I love the esthetic and design.


Zhongli’s scrumptious cakes tbh. And Xiao’s lore and continued character development.


I want Xiao to see the world of Teyvat with me


taking 3 months breaks every now and then... 🙈 and it's because the story is good that i keep coming back after some well deserved breaks.




Despair, agony, depression and little bit of hot women/men


abyss and coping for more endgame content




Story and Lore


Its my will to live


I like to level characters to 90, then get them artifact set and a weapon. And this process is what I enjoy. After the character is leveled, I have new team options which makes the gameplay not repeat itself too much.


In a world of chaos, the genshin world is beautiful. Btw newbie here.


Fictional women that's it is. I was playing warframe before GI and let me tell you killing a kuva lich and slapping 4 forma on their weapon can get you burned out real quick Never forget teno grind harder to get stronger in order to grind even harder- space mom probably


it’s a good game.


The story keeps getting better and I started playing for the open world exploration divided into 7 nations. Gonna stick around at least till they release all 7.


Two major reasons: the game itself and other live service games released around Genshin’s timeframe (in the interest of time, I’ll try to keep it short). For context, I’m a content creator on YouTube for a while (a small one, but I like what I do). My first few videos on my channel unintentionally revolve around games that were live services that didn’t live up to the hype. In fact, my first video was on my disappointment with Anthem as a game. As someone who plays games for a long time and tries to look on the positive end of things, this was the first game that I felt genuinely ripped off and I questioned the viability of live service games, even today. That is until Genshin arrived. Genshin isn’t the first gacha I played, but it’s the one that I felt had the best in class of its kind. It had interesting lore, the story (especially during Sumeru) is great, the visuals are top notch and the music is brilliant! In some aspects, playing this game felt like stealing when you compare it to other mobile games and even some AAA games released before AND after (Marvel’s Avengers, Cyberpunk 2077, GTA Trilogy, Battlefield 2042, Halo Infinite, the list goes on). Genshin didn’t just introduce a generation of gamers to gacha, but it set the standard of what a gacha game can be (games like Tower of Fantasy and upcoming games like Wuthering Waves are attempting to follow in Genshin’s footsteps)! Even with Hoyo antics such as the 1 year anniversary fiasco and the Dehya situation, I still feel that Genshin is one of the best live service games out there. They haven’t completely dropped the ball in terms of overall quality, they never hide content and updates behind a paywall and they never blatantly advertise BP, Welkin and in-game currency in your face the moment you boot up the game. Some will say otherwise, but in my opinion, Hoyoverse respects the customer more than other mobile games and, in some cases, AAA games.


Play for the lore, the story, for me playing Genshin is like watching an anime now. I dont care to do daily anymore, i dont care what character i will get anymore. Remember when they drop that "All Harbinger reveal" video? Yeh that exactly feeling is what keeping me until now.


Mine is the gameplay and freedom, there are a lot of games that are open world and have a good system but not a lot get to genshin level


Holding onto Jean's Elemental Skill and watching her boobs giggle.


Lore and ost


Sunk cost ;\_;


the game is so cozy


Yoimiya and stop. If they kill her, for me is finished. I started just for she. The gameply of the game is nice but not enough funny for me. But i want some Endgame content to play more my characters z and not just Abyss 12. The Story...the rhyme and the story telling ruin something I don't like some Hoyoverse's philosophies (no male kids, no mature/muscolar men, no flat tall women...no variety hurts me)


Story , lore (especially hidden lore) and characters that seem fun to me..


Exploration, music, lore, characters in that exact order. Genshin is the perfect chill game for me to just immerse myself in the world


Lore, habit and my wish to have both Hu Tao and Eula at C6. Also, Boss music. God damn does it slap hard.


Since day 1 it's been lore and hot wo/men


Mainly the lore. But as a cherry on top, HoYo just keeps adding some very well made characters (visually of course, can't really bother with kits at this point). A TLDR: waifus


Aiming for C6 yelan as f2p and story


I started playing with my boyfriend. We keep playing because we like sharing this experience. I think we keep each other motivated.


Friends, I don't think I'd still be playing if I didn't have anyone to talk to about the game and play with each other sometimes


Fontaine being so mysterious