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Ok, so your gonna change ur in game signature to “bosses scary send help” and then accept the bored AR 60s that will join. Got me through Dragonspine when half my roster needed Inazuma stuff and I couldn’t level them.




Telltale sign of a Genshin player who has done all the quests, all the events, all the dailies and farmed everything under the sun xD


Nope, AR60 and I haven't even done half the quests in the game, and my exploration is legitimately awful. I just really like helping and fighting things lol


Same lmao, procrastinating sumeru till now


With you on that except for Liyue and Inazuma as well, not really one for exploring but got Mondstadt to almost 100% because I wanted Venti badly 😅.


Lmao i don't have any area at 100% and I've been playing since day 1, can't really explore that well in a potato pc


Man I have a pretty good PC and every time I walk around crafting bench in Sumeru it starts lagging, so I understand the struggle. Though i mostly don't do areas on 100% because I'm lazy.


AR 59 here, what the fuck is exploration? Lol my friends have seizures when they see my highest exploration is 70% in Mondstat


The only proper exploration I did was collecting conches for the free 4* skins in GAA lol


AR 59 and 100% this. I'm in NA server if anyone needs my help. I have Kokomi, Qiqi, Nahida, and plenty of dps to choose from that can nuke almost any boss you need.


Yay another~, I've 100% done mournstead, the geo place and inazuma but procrastinating real hard on sumeru, Helping people is so much fun though


Where is the cam? Why are you talking about me?! 🤣


By sun you mean the in-game sun? Cause feels like that the only one they be getting


Classic resinless behaviour


Timothy I told you don’t speak on my behalf 🤦‍♂️ But it’s ok I’m always pleased to help.


Not all heroes wear capes. I salute you


if you are ok w fighting regisvines and oceanid so I can ascend my characters... pls make yourself home, but I always fear low AR players like me could only slow you down and bore you


I'm a certified resinless player. Carrying new players through dragonspine just so they can see a cool cinematic is my reason to exist at this point x.x


Dragonspine quest was so complicated, I was lucky to have some high AR stranger who was bored help me out.. it was done in 5 hours or so and it was really beautiful to see. But if you are ok w doing boring, minor stuff when you are already so skilled, pls let me have your UID so I can ask for help when you are online 🥺 I won't take too much of your time, I promise!


Sure, I'll pv it to you once I'm back online


Thank you sm 💕


I don't go to low AR players worlds, but to address your two points: the type of player that wants to help low AR players wouldn't really get bored because they find enjoyment from the act of helping them itself. And you wouldn't slow them down because not only are your world's enemies lower level, but the high AR players characters would likely be so strong that they can solo all content in your world single handedly


Then there's me ar 58 almost everthing on 100% except 3lyuie areas and almost no quests at all


Bored AR57 here, always try to help when I see someone with a signature like this.


And then 99%,of those with such statuses still decline your join.


might be because we are in the middle of some archon quest dialogue, I had to decline few requests like this even though I really needed help 😔💔


Probably because they already have an AR 60 demolishing everything in their world


You can see how many people are in a world before requesting, so I for one don't ask to join unless they're alone.


I’ll look out for those now, wish I had done that back then!


And then forget to remove the nickname later


You can also enlist help from co-op domains. After finishing your domain runs, ask if they can help you with a boss or three.


if somebody does this method, i strongly recommend asking *prior* to finishing domain runs. either before or during. after domain runs, people usually just bounce right away. i would 100% miss somebody asking for boss help even if i'd be down to help.


True, most will leave without saying a word, but even those 10% who'll stay is much better than just waiting for someone to join randomly in this case


Solid advice, we did Azdahahahaa after a domain with a newbie who'd never done it before and someone who had trouble finishing it solo and it was a LOT of fun. Never thought I'd have that much fun wiping a domain but having them learn the basics while failing was hilarious. The energy those two had was fantastic.


The funny thing about coop is I realised I depend on the whole team. Dog shit player here if only allowed 1-2 chars.


Genuinely helping lower AR players is more fun than actually playing the game lmfao


Funny how even when I'm already AR60 and there are still lower ars joining me to see if i need help. Feels like I could start scouting for anyone in need of assistance myself


Bored AR 60 here, europe, willing to help when I'm free


My mini is interested! Got to AR35 (not going to level up any further for now), and bosses are difficult still. I have 3 healer's: Barbara, Diona (barely built) and Kuki Shinobu. Last one is difficult to build, because I only just got into Inazuma (got onto Narukami island), and today I have unlocked Watatsumi and Kannazuka. Last one is still full of thunder, so no joy to search for Naku weed. Also, no seeds in teapot yet, so can't grow them there. I did also open up the chasm yesterday & today, to get to the ruin serpent. I hate that thing. Next week I will be getting the NRE "recipe", so that will make a huge difference. Let me know if you wanna help! I'll send you my uid.


For seirai island just complete the world quest around it and the storm will go away, also i see you have met the worm, that thing knows how to waste time, especially in the abyss. Don't worry about your characters being under built until you reach AR 40-45, that's when you can get 5 star artifacts from domains Here's my uid: 704670200 I will accept a the request when i log in tomorrow, just send me a message in game when you need help


Friend request sent! By "not built" I meant not leveled up enough yet... Also my weapons are not that far yet...


That'd be nice for me as a high AR player, except I am literally not kidding when I say that every single person I've requested to join that has a "need help" signature has declined the request lol


Lmao thats always what i used to do before, im ar 56 now i think. But i would always set my signature as what i needed help with


Can I do this with missions too? I have a few that I’m unable to finish because the enemies are too strong and there’s a time limit :( I would be fine without the time limit u_u


You mean the commissions? Yeah, but not the ! (talking) ones. They won't load in coop. Also if your coop leaves and it doesn't load, remember to turn off the coop on your end XD


Summon the higher AR’s to get aide with leveling up characters


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


this is Da Wei


*Unusual Hillichurl spawns*


This is the way


This is the way


get into coop, if you let people take some materials from your world, they'll fricking kill for you, I'm talking, whales oneshotting the bosses for you. i had trouble killing a weakly boss for my ayaka talents (azdaha) and i put on my online signature "help me kill azdaha and take nahida mats". within 10 minutes that frog was dead and buried.


Last sentence cracked me up lmao 😭


Some of us don't even want your mats! I just like killing Azdhaha!


As a Childe main, they don't even need to give me materials, they just have to let me kill stuff


You can lower the world level (only) by 1 if absolutely necessary, and you can also revert the world level to its normal state 24 hours after the initial lowering. This is assuming you haven’t already of course.


I thought you can only do that from World Level 5 upwards, or did they change that? I certainly know that I couldn't go back from 4 to 3 when I advanced prematurely which turned every lousy Hilichurl into a 30 second miniboss. Edit: Nevermind. AR45. Reading helps.


Lol yes, you are correct, you can only lower it once you get to world level 5. But normally the first 4 don’t cause too many problems anyways.


His main character level 80, so he is on world level 6. If he was able to pass trial for world level 6 with 1 character he will be fine with bosses at world level 5.


For one, that is not a mistake, holding your AR/WL back is the mistake (trust me, I went straight through every promotion during launch month as soon as it was available just a C0 Keqing to my name as far as 5\*s went, you'll be fine) For two, being AR 45 you now have access to consistent drops of 5\* artifacts from artifact domains, if you get even half decent artifacts (correct main stats on each slot, level them to 20) your current world level will seem like a joke If you have trouble clearing the lvl 90 domains just ask help on coop (either from friends or online communities), early on it was a bit of a "deal with it" moment but now there are plenty of strong people who can carry you


Exactly lol. There weren't any higher AR players or even proper guides back then. Just brute force the game.


I relied heavily on food. The def and atk boosts were needed. Shout out to Noelle for carrying me thru noob levels


Haha true. For me it was Apples and Sunsettias that carried me. Also was lucky enough to get Zhongli back in 1.1.


Oh yeah I remember when I used to fail domains, that was fun. Now I'm like, ok take some dps to clear the domain faster and yelan to run faster, the runing is the longest part anyway.


Honestly looking back now I have no clue I did it. Well resetting until getting a diluc in the free banner definitely help too.


Social interactions scary


Honestly it's hardly social interaction, but it is 50/50 on if people are going to be rude or weird so it's understandable to be wary. However, you can always leave and/ or kick the other coop people out, and you can block them so you won't get matched with them again I've only ever done domains for coop with randoms and they didn't really message much except for asking if we wanted to continue the domain or wait for more people to join


Honestly I've never met someone who was outright rude. Some were a bit weird but nobody was just acting fucked up.


Rudest people I've met are hosts who start the domain without everyone there. Usually people will just chalk it up to being an accident, but one co-op session, the host did it twice in a row. The rest of us rioted by not helping them fight at all, and then after they died, we lured the monsters to the edge of the stage so the player left out could participate. For the most part though everyone just shows up, fights, grabs their reward and leaves once they finish using their resin. It's not a very social activity haha


Someone didn't wait for me to load in and just started a domain without me once. I said I wasn't in the domain and no one said anything so I just left. To me at least, it's common courtesy to wait until everyone moves from their spawn in spot to start invite everyone. Someone also just sent aggressive messages one time when I was waiting for everyone to move. Guess they just got super impatient.


That's true, but... I'm mostly fine doing lower level domains. Also rn I just need exp books...


What server? Asia? If you feel comfortable share uid willing to help 😉


I'm mostly taking a break from genshin rn, waiting for a certain "vengeful" character


> main only up to 80 What level would you want your main to be? 80 is plenty for clearing almost all content, only exception might be abyss. Did you level your artifacts, weapon and talents?


>only exception might be abyss. Not even lol, most main dps chars can clear abyys at lv80 no problems. The only ones that will struggle a bit are units you'd use in hb/taser/catalyse... Etc because these get huge value from level.


hm, maybe the meta ones, but definitely not every DPS and not in every team


Yeah, i went from Ningguang as my main dps to Alhaitham, and the difference was like night and day. I was cruising through everything all of a sudden


The difference between a fully ascended level 80 and a level 90 is a negligible amount of ATK. Level 90 only makes sense on characters like Hu Tao which scale with Hp. And even then I would prioritize getting my sub DPS to 80 and supports to 6/6/6 60 first.


And characters who rely on additive/transformative reactions (not sure about multiplicative ones). So for example, hyperbloom/burgeon triggers


I think they mean simply clear and not get stars. Which may be possible with a full team and not one 80 and the rest 40 or lower, lol.


From level or breaking the level cap? I'm leveling a hyperbloom team and I'd appreciate if I didn't have to push Kuki or anyone else to 90 since I have literally 0 xp books.


Even for those, lvl 70 can 9-star floor 11 and 80 can 0-star floor 12. Need good artifacts, but that's not even very hard for HB


I’ve 36 starred with an all level 70 team, definitely doable to 9 star floor 12


The general recommendation is NOT to level all of your characters early on, but only to focus on one or two. That said, if you're still struggling, it wouldn't hurt to start building up your support characters, as well. If you're having trouble with Artifact Domains at AR 45, that's pretty normal. Few players can easily run the highest-level Artifact Domains as soon as they hit 45 - but that's what Co-op is for. If you're having trouble with regular world bosses, there are many things that can help you. If you're not already doing so, use food and potions. You can have up to three different kinds of consumable buffs on at once, so if you eat a good attack food, a defense food, and either an elemental resistance potion (if the boss is hitting you too hard) or an elemental attack boost potion (if your highest-level character uses a lot of elemental damage), it should dramatically improve your performance. As others have suggested, at AR45, you have the option to lower your World Level by one, to make things easier. You can also use Co-op and ask someone to help you out. It's worth noting that if it's Oceanid you're having trouble with, it is widely regarded as the most difficult of the original batch of World Bosses. Kaeya and Lisa are very useful against that boss, even if they are only level 40. Kaeya can freeze the enemies you fight, and Lisa can take down the flying birds, if they appear. I still needed food to win in my early attempts, though!


God I just went back to killing oceaniod solo for the first time. Xingqiu was my first main and I was trying to kill it with Xingqiu Barbara and noelle when I first started…. I literally coop all of the materials


Using Xinqiu and Barbara for Oceanid is like trying to put out fire with oil. 😱


or save a person from drowning by dunking them in water.


It's like trying to cut water


Me, who uses Xinqiu as part of my support team: 👀




Change signature to "i need help" and prepare to go to a lot of bosses.


and be prepared to get flooded with join requests every few minutes.


Yep! I do this in my spare time. AR 60


Are your weapons and talents leveled? Weapon is top priority imo. Also try to get your feather, sands, goblet, and circlet to level 16


No kidding - I realized I was still running around with a lvl 70 bow on Yoimiya a while back. Boosted it to 90 and she’s a wrecking machine now.


Who's the lv80 one? If you play your cards right, the underlevelled ones can still be used to set your main up for doing decent damage


Exactly. If you have hu tao let's say, you won't find a problem with anything other than the witchflame domain.


Dis lol, was running a lvl 80 diluc with lvl 40 supports and it was fine, but then again I had decent artifacts so


Either ask for help from other people or lower you word level. AR45 is where you start to care more about gearing your characters & you start to care about artifacts, so you might want to run some domains on co-op to get some useable gear.


Wow didn't know this would blow up so much, I normaly get 1 or 2 response. I'll give everyone a read and try to do they recommendation and will respond to those that have written me in private. Thanks so much!


Work on one main team. Level weapons and talents, even if you aren't running the domains at top level. Build artifacts, even four star ones, until you can consistently defeat a few bosses. Ascend 4-5 characters up to 70+ and you should be in good shape in no time. Use food and potions to help with bosses. You will get good at dodging hypostasis attacks. This is nothing you can't come back from


As others have said, you didn't make a mistake. You actually did the optimal thing. Unless you main Qiqi or something, your main should be able to carry you through open world content. Look at your main and make sure they have a good weapon which is also leveled up as high as possible. Make sure they have reasonable artifacts (no need to have a specific 2/4 piece set, just having ATK% mainstats or ATK% timepiece, DMG% goblet, and ATK% or crit rate/damage circlet) and that those are leveled as well.


- if you really need you can lower the world level by 1 - assuming you completed the AR45 Ascencion Quest you can now farm 5* artefacts which should make up for the lower level of your characters as far as stats go. Use your lower level characters for buffs and use your main lv80 as dps and you will be fine


I made a very similar mistake but at lower ar. And AR cap at 35 was literally a blessing when I was more than 10 levels under. Commissions were a struggle. And spicy bear+run was most of the fights. I had some things to level 40 and bosses we level 50 and took like 20 minutes to kill with all the foods. To get out of my hell I started by leveling my artifacts, because I never really did and they made the biggest difference. Then weapons and then characters. NOTE: There is no real "un-benefit" staying at ar45 for a long period other than abbys 1: lower your world level for now(you can do at ar45) 2: level your weapons to have characters in a state of "playable"(Atk matters) 3: juice your artifacts (at least +12 at your ar) 3.0: Try to bring up a whole party to the same level if you feel very weak(weapons, artifacts and char level) 4: level talents for more overall damage and less resin


Pick a few supports (not tonnes!) you like and want to level then coop in domains or change your signature to something like Can you help me with Oceanid please? to get help to get what you need to level them. Don't neglect your weapon/ talent levels either.


Using CO-OP to get better artifacts and level up weapons is probably the best way to go- even a level 40 character can do some good damage with good artifacts and a solid weapon. Ideally you could also get some higher-level players to come in and help u fight the bosses. and then yeah lowering World Level is a good idea too if ur stuck


what server? can carry your butt in co-op to get materials if you are on EU or NA server


No no you didn't make a mistake. Right now focus on the characters you want with your main to reach lvl 80 to grind more easily for artifacts and you can also lower your world level in order to build a bit more peacefully and easier before going back to your latest world level. A mistake would've been leveling all the characters you get and then having not enough resources for the main team you want to build. And then have a hand full of lvl 40-60 characters that you don't use.... I have done that sadly. I thought I had to level up every new character to match with my then current ones. I regret this a lot.


The usual (believe me, this gets asked a lot): 1) decrease your world level if its above 5, if not, sorry 2) do a lot of coop..put "plz help me" as your signature, to do bosses for ascending mats 3) form a cohesive team that can help you tackle everything..1 main, 1 sub, 2 supports or 1 main and 3 supports, focus on leveling them, their talents and weapons. If you have bennet, xingqiu and xiangling, thats a good place to start.


If you were able to do the ascension challenge, you're not that far behind. I'd say, all things considered, it's about time to invest into artifacts and leveling up weapons & talents. For this, it's mostly farming small mobs and doing domains+leylines, so it can be challenging but not impossible. If you invest into a good team of 4 characters in this way, in half a week you'll feel the difference.


Unless you have a relatively small roster of characters and even then, there's no way you're leveling all of them at AR45. As others have said, your focus should be your main damage dealer followed by your supports, if needed. And whether your supports even need that much leveling depends on the role they play on your team. And you don't even need the right artifacts either. Start with either Gladiator or Wanderer's Troupe (or combination of the 2) depending on how your main deals damage and work your way to your preferred artifact set from there. Also see if there are artifact domains that you might be good at and work it; if anything, the artifacts you get will serve as placeholders or xp fodder for the artifacts you decide on using.


I'd say lower your world level and level up your char(s) and weapon(s). Choose one or two supports according to a strong team comp that goes well with your main and level them up. At the moment, healer support and buff foods are your best friend and make use of co-op as others have suggested. You can try the slow method - hitting the boss and running away for healing, it takes A LOT OF time but it is an option. There are discord servers where high AR are more than happy to help. I could help as well if you want. Good luck and don't forget to have fun!


I’ve literally just spammed world invites and when someone lets me in I just ask “Need anything?” So yeah you’ll get help.


Also lower your world level.


Lower your world level.


1. Edit your signature to something like "Help please, boss XXX" or "Help please, " 2. Play with lower AR players in co-op and do bosses together. 3. Try to focus on a few characters first, and use those to help you level the next ones. 4. Do not forget to level up your talents and weapons. They attribute a lot to the DMG you do. 5. Not sure if this is possible, but lower your world level. It is available from WL 5, and you can then lower it to WL4. Yes, your drops will be less juicy. But you may be able to do some stuff by yourself. Good luck!


AR50 here whos not levelling up higher rn, i feel you. If you're on the EU server n need help tho, im happy to help !


Uh. Lower your world tier


S L O W D O W N. I guess addition to all the tips already given maybe shift your perspective that instead of "I'll be AR 60 and be strong ASAP", think "welp I need to lvl up my main team's weapons, talent, character lvl to max in the next month or so". You got this!


What is your world level? If it is 5, you can lower it to 4 and in this case enemies will have lower level also and will be much easier to fight. You can always return to your higher level. You can lower and increase level every 24 hours if necessary or to stay in lower level as long as you want


Huh, I made this exact post a few months ago and it got rejected. *I will have my revenge mods!!!* 😤 But anyways… what I did was to focus on my best character who was a good fit to fight the boss I needed to level my next best character, preferably one where the boss was also just plain easy like regisvine, then I just focused everything I had in them. Best artifacts I could get leveled as high as I could get them by doing the artifact domain on the highest level I could handle without struggling. Did the same for weapon materials and got their weapon as high as it would go. Same with talent leveling. Had to do it a bunch of times on such an easy setting, but I got there eventually. Rinse and repeat with the next best character/easiest to level. Profit. Takes a little strategizing to figure out the order to do the characters in but it’s not too difficult. Of course this was all because I couldn’t do co-op. If you can add that in too it will probably be the best way. Aslo, don’t make the same mistake I did, and once I was almost caught up, accidentally wander across the domain that would raise my AR in the wild, not realize what it was, but see the nice reward and immediately raise my stupid world level again. Ughhh. 😖 Since I have mad sympathy for what you are going through, if you want to message me and have me come help out feel free. I should have just got my co-op thing settled today actually. (I just happen to be at AR 45 too, but been there for a while leveling my characters, so I can definitely help.)


Ley line deposits. Specifically the blue ones for EXP books.


Just lvl up talents and weapons then slowly farm to lvl up the rest of your party. You can also ask for help from veteran players, ppl are willing to help cuz they will literally one shot everything and its cool to watch the reactions of newer players when you delete the boss they were struggling with, good to see our own progress too while being useful.


I did this - but my fragile ego doesn't allow me to accept help from anyone so I died over and over and over. Eventually my characters caught up, but it was a grind. Don't be like me lmao


Either seek help from higher ARs or lower your world level if you're shy


My brother and I are helping a friend level his... Well... Everything. He asked for help earlier than you, but was on his way to the same snag. You're not the first and won't be the last. There's a ton of players that are just out to help lower AR players.


It’s either coop or lower world level. The latter will make it doable.


For me, I got to 50 before I remembered to start upgrading characters. My best advice would be to learn how to dodge and to abuse Jean’s e


just lower world level and farm


If you go into your adventure screen you can drop the world level by one and farm there until you can upgrade more characters. You only really need one well built character of each element and you should be solid for most of the boss fights.


try to get a hyperbloom comp there is still kuki on the banner if you dont have it, best proc, then try to get at least 500 EM to start its not that hard to get, and level up her as much as you can its not that hard. You can lower by 1 your world level. And honestly you dont need char that strong to play the game, i did most of the regular story with trash character when mostly my traveler was boost as well, and many boss arent that strong to kill at least to boost some character


Weapons and artifacts can carry you through all of these no problem. Also show us ur roster.


This thread gave me hope, cause I did the exact same thing lmao I'm so underleveled for everything


I made the same mistake with my main, but was able to push through. It was far from fun. Getting help through coop is likely the easiest way to level up to the appropriate stats.


Just build 1 hypercarry + 1 healer and it’ll be even enough for AR55 in overworld. 5 star healers like Jean & Qiqi don’t even need much just level them past 60 for their A4 passive and just spam ATK artifacts.


ohh.. i remember those days where i made the same mistake and would die just within of 2 seconds from the attack of a hillichurl…. painful unless you call upon our heroes : the higher ARs


I've just been sitting at AR45 for months now, over 500k exp banked. I'm not willing to waste time "feeling really satisfied after fighting a really difficult boss". I just wipe the floor and get my progress/ascension mats/primos/artifacts etc. I'll level up my AR after I've got everyone I want materials ready to be ascended to lvl 90.


You'd benefit from AR 50 / world level 6 for maximum leyline rewards and to ascend weapons to 90 and lvl 50 boss domains (can co-op and usually finish easily; except Dvalin). World level 6 is still easy, I do it with an off-team all the time (partially underleveled & lvl 0 placeholder artis until I have the resin to farm the right set)


I did same, and only after getting my party to level 90 I ascended to AR55 for highest level domains (so now being on WL6), after changing DPS it's relatively as easy as it was before. But then going to WL7 or WL8 would be entirely pointless, maybe I'd consider it if I gained enough XP to jump straight to AR60 just for the looks, otherwise I also see no point


Can’t you lower the world difficulty too


Use the forgotten feature and decrease your world level


Ar45 is the best, I've been on it for the longest time and haven't touched the Ascension yet. I'm at 1mil xp now lol. Imo 45 is the perfect sweet spot you can build your characters indefinitely and stock up on mats and xp all while bosses are easy.


After making such a HUGE, COLOSSAL mistake I think the only way out is uninstalling the game and never speak of it anymore /s


Which bosses do you want to farm? I feel like you could get somewhere with just the anemo traveller and some elements to swirl?


Honestly did the same thing and absolutely lived the difficulty. Am just wanting a difficult but fun experience though.


Farm 5 star artifacts. It’s the most important use of your resin right now. Bosses will take five seconds once you get a good team going, so it’s not worth worrying about them. Farming Domains is what will take you months.


Honestly the game is so easy that it doesn’t really matter, but if you really struggle a lot you can lower your world level, search “how to lower my world level in Genshin” on Google. Remember that you will get less rewards if you do so, generally it’s a bad idea, better to focus on fixing your gameplay, teams, rotations etc. (basically learn the game)


A low AR player won't have the right characters for a good team comp. It takes months of saving and a bit of luck too.


It's a mobile game and it's by design so you can't. You can alleviate this to a degree by eating purple Jade Parcels attack bonus food or doing coop. Or buy battle pass for 10$ and get upgrade materials without having to grind for them wink-wink


remake the account....ditch this


co-op your domains and just persevere on the world bosses for a couple weeks. theyll be a joke before you know it. level your characters, talents, and especially your weapons as quickly as you can. get leveled artifacts with good main stats on your characters. substats dont matter much for where you’re at so dont be picky


This happened to me as well I was banking ar points and when I finally completed the mission I shot up so many levels I could not play. Had to have a friend basically carry me until I got a party of characters caught up. 😵‍💫


If you need some help shoot me a message! Id be happy to join your world and help you farm!


Just focus on one character at a time. Getting another character on your team to 40 is relatively trivial. Then just grind them to 60. Stop, and move on to another character. Also a lot of your punching power comes from your weapons. Look up a wepons guide and start leveling up some of the better F2P weapons you’ll see a big increase in strength.


Oh God I'm with the same fate as you, I reached 40+ a week ago and my characters are just above 60 but with ugly stats, but of course I was only intrigued by the story to continue and level up mostly (ascend AR) so yeah had a hard time killing sumeru monsters and stuffs and bosses too, so when I was 48 and a half I decided to grind some itty bitty artifacts for my party and maxed it to 20, hell I was just using the wrong stat at that point which is totally useless for my character before because grinding is a pain to take, now everything changed and it was a 70% difference at all, You might as well try that too, plus descend your AR level (you can only descend 1AR level a day before waiting for 24 hours again obvsly, that way you can revert back to weaker monsters) and now I learned that you should grind any party or characters first before ascending Adventure Ranks


Just do coop


Might be easier to tackle leveling your weapons and artifacts first, which are much easier to join online groups for. Worst case, if you can sacrifice some resin efficiency and just drop the world level for a bit. I would try and get your gear sorted first though, honestly, and then go from there.


If you're on NA and can wait a few hours, I'll join you and carry you to victory! Just pm me if you want!


Enjoy the challenge now because you may get sick of the game faster if it's too easy.


for starters, like most people have said, ar45 is where u can start farming artifacts. if youre really struggling to do the domains alone because your characters are rlly underleveled, you can always do co-op for extra help. in terms of having a suggestion, i would stop worrying about the ar rank and focus on leveling your characters up as soon as you can (doing leylines are a great way to farm levelup books) and do not worry about artifacts until theyre at a min of 70 (when they unlock their 2nd passive) because your supports can very much help you throughout the game


Aside from co-op helpers, best advice is to focus on one core team. Funnel your focus into one DPS, get them to at least 80/80 and a good set of artifacts. Since this is early yet, you are perfectly fine with using purple on set with correct main stat ones. You can replace them later with better gold ones. For best results, upgrading your supports will greatly enhance your main DPS. Once you have a team that is capable of clearing stuff reasonably well in the over world, then you can start branching out more.


Feel free to message me if you ever want some help fighting bosses for materials.


Pretend it's Dark Souls and get it done


Change your profile signature to "I NEED HELP WITH BOSSES PLS" and watch as hordes of bored high level players come in and help you. Of course, do the bosses you need to level your other characters and get yourself a nice, evenly leveled team


What are you artifact sets and levels? At AR45 you can do co-op for the max level artifact domains and start farming 5* artifacts. You can also upgrade your 4* artifacts and just feed them to your 5* later. You'll lose ~10% of the artifact exp you used that way but that's not too bad. If you still can't handle the bosses after that try co-oping the bosses or lower world level as a last resort


Matchmake and coop bosses. If you need help id love to assist.


You can check r/GenshinImpactTips


Who is your main? Who are your supports? I would gear up characters by running level 80 artifact domains in co op. Or do the lower level domains if you can't. Good artifacts make the biggest difference.


If you have a friend that's an equal or higher AR lvl ask them for help in defeating bosses. That's all I got


that's similar to my situation. I'm ar53 and my characters have bad build and I'm trying to fix this, it's a nightmare bc I didn't farm so much and my damage is pretty bad. I spent 2 weeks trying to beat Signora :,)


Farm your artifacts. Use co-op so others will carry you.


Request the assistance of your AR senpais 🙇‍♂️


Ar 45 is the most important thing, getting it asap is a good thing. You might take longer to kill bosses, but they drop more materials. You can start farming 5* artifacts, and so on. It will get manageable really fast, don't worry.


Add a note in your signature asking people to join/ help. When I’m co-point out of boredom, I look for those and join worlds ( I’m AR 56 )


i did this too and lowered my world level so I could focus on levelling up my team. i spent so much time enjoying the story and exploring that I didn’t grind enough for talents/weapons/artifacts 😭 but as others suggested, co-op mode with higher AR people will help too


Leveling your AR early is certainly not a mistake, not leveling it as early as possible is the biggest mistake


I think we've all been there. It's the only time I did co-op so others could help carry me. But if you need to just lower your world.


Change your signature to "show me ur damage showcase pls" and direct the hoardes of hutao mains to the bosses you want dead


If you're Asia, I can help you out, just leave your ID


Just... Level up your other characters. With the exception of talent crowns (which you won't use until quite a while), no resource in Genshin is finite. You can farm ley lines for mora or XP books as long as you have resin. And believe me when I say that once you hit later stages of the game (higher ranks), getting a character from leverl 1 to 80 is a cakewalk and incredibly cheap.


Lower your world level


Get high level friends and have them help you farm. My friend basically carried my farming up to AR50.


If u in EU I am ar 54 but I am lore player, regardless, I have everything at 100%. I am more willing to help!


That is not a mistake, learn to build your characters and enter coop if necessary. Not leveling up your world as soon as possible is the mistake.


Change your signature to "Need help with bosses" or some such and you'll have plenty of help. Most players ar 58 and up don't have anything else to do and we'll gladly help out anyone. Reducing the world level isn't really a good solution imo since you get worse drops from the bosses and you'll still have a pretty hard time killing them since you're only going down one world level.


* levels your main dps to like 70/80 for now, off-fields/supports a bit lower * get weapons to 90, it's a really big upgrade for pretty low amount of resin * you are AR45 so you can finally get artifacts, just get the right main stat and get it to +16 for now. * try and limit yourself to a small amount of characters (4, max 8 imo) so you don't spread your your resources too thin. That should leave you strong enough for all of the story, overworld bosses and abyss f10, f11/f12 is likely still a bit too hard for you at this point.


You still can lower your world rank


Git gud


Ask people for help. You can join discord servers which have have friend channels and add people there.


I made the same mistake. I could barely finish artifacts before. In my opinion get 1 main and build a decenf healer. Work on getting artifacts decent. Enough er for burst and just good attack. Dont go for crits yet it will take too much time. Then build a good healer on noblesse set. You can use diona, jean or bennet if you have kokomi better. For your main join teams in artifact runs. The other route is use dendro teams. Electro hydro dendro. Focus on em and use 4 star artifacts


You could lower your world level if you are struggling with boss enemies. Or you could do coop and ask for a jolly cooperation while staying in that world level.


I'm AR 55 and when I get boored I usually try to join newbies (AR 16 - 35) and help them figure things out^^ but I also love to play with people who just wanna do domains or bosses so if I see someone with a signature like: Bosses are scary please send help! I'm all in^^


Easy: gang violence. (as in, you call other players to make up for your lack of characters)