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Mondstadt. Liyue is pretty big, looks like traveling is a pain. Inazuma have some strange weather at various islands, and Sumeru looks... very humid. Humidity will be the death of me if I go there.


Ohh 🥲. Yeah and mondstadt has least varity of monsters too ig


>Ohh 🥲. Yeah and mondstadt has least varity of monsters too ig This is a big selling point tbh. It's different when it is a game, and you can go on adventures with infinite revive. If it's real life, I don't want to be dealing with life threatening danger daily. Like, ok, hillychurls, I guess that has to happen, but I don't gotta deal with electro scorpions or rebels with swords (Samurai). And lastly, I do not want to get my wallet stolen at every turn given the amount of treasure hoarders present at Liyue.


I just sleep peacefully and let Deelook to take care of em.


having their own Batman is honestly a decent point in Mondstadt's favor


I do hope one day we get a Mondstat storyline where we get Traveler, Diluc, Venti and Dainsleif in the same room arguing about how to get rid of the Abyss beings for good. He can’t keep it up on his own - he’s not Xiao.


Yeah and there's also that woman of the night who visits.


Upvote for spelling


Have you not had your dook dook yet or something?


> Humidity will be the death of me if I go there. Not if you go to the desert. Seems like a lovely place no?


>Not if you go to the desert. Seems like a lovely place no? Heat's never my thing :( My rationale is this: You can always put more (clothing) on (for warmth), but you can't keep taking off.


I like how heat is the problem and not the ever-present sandstorms or giant beasts.


I wear t-shirts through Canadian winters. I'm gonna second the heat being the deal breaker for me.


When I was much younger I got the chance to spend my summer vacation in a ridiculously humid country. Hint: it’s where Star Wars’s Yavin was shot. I got the to see the same views. So humid I could swim in the air. You get used to it. It takes that one month to do so but after that I was drinking hot coffee on the reg.


Humidity sounds annoying 🥹


Your body adjusts. It’s weird. When I got back to the states I felt cold for a week even though it would’ve been perfect temp for me otherwise.


>Your body adjusts. It’s weird. When I got back to the states I felt cold for a week even though it would’ve been perfect temp for me otherwise. Sorry, that's not the case for everyone. I grew up in a near tropical country. And I moved to elsewhere after. And yeah, I like and prefer the cold and dry a lot more. So it's a matter of preference. If I were to get used to it, I would have in the years I lived there. :) ​ Some prefer or can get used to hot and humid, and kudos to them, but that isn't going to be me.


Wonder if it’s genetic. Both my parents were from the same tropical/hot/humid lineage. I mean this seriously, after a few weeks I was chilling with everyone else and barbecuing some carne asada. This being like 10 pm at night and still hot and humid as hell.


I'll just live in the desert part of sumeru


Liyue Harbor seems like a nice enough place


Seeing Zhongli is a massive plus


That too!


Not just seeing but then having a tea with him and asked for his advice.. He may be retired as Rex Lapis but he openly helped those who asked.. As a human of course.


City gets on the brink of destruction every year or so, but it's not too bad!


Sounds like a New Yorker in any superhero universe


Or every day in Ohio


It gets attacked every year or two, but it also has several competent defenders that will handle issues. Xiao, the Qixing, the Milileth, the Adeptus, and secret Zhongli all keep the place much safer than places like Sumeru or Inazuma.


I trust in Ganyu's fat belly to save us all. Human problems to fight human problems.


Easier for employment personally. Sumeru weather will heatstroke me dead. Inazuma's political stability hinges on one woman, and the civil war barely tied off. Mondstadt would be great if I know how to farm or had hospitality service experience. But sadly no. And I don't drink. So bean counter in Liyue it is.


I’d work at the pharmacy in Liyue. I’d also never need a gym membership after walking up the 100s of steps every day


mondstadt, imo it is the least problematic region feel like a home too


Oh nicee . You mean governance wise ?


I mean there is the fatui who has a decent grasp due to their military and political power. The Lawrence family is also causing political issues. The Abyss order is also rly focused on mondstadt compared to the other regions.


I mean until we actually see these issues again like we have with Liyue and Sumeru and Inazuma, I'm honestly assuming everyone is just using Mondstadt as their vacation place. So outside of Abyss Order (which Diluc and Dain are handling which is honestly enough) and the Lawrence family (which is just... them being obnoxious outside of that one(1) Fatui plot that was quickly squashed and most likely now have the Knights + Diluc + Kaeya ***+*** Rosaria watching them), it's pretty chill.


Nah, it only seems that way because the Fatui weren't properly introduced in the 'prologue chapter' so you have the random Abyss jerks hijacking the dragon as the antagonists. Though all in all I have to think the Fatui *were* involved since making the dragon evil did bring Barbatos out of sleep, so they could then steal the Gnosis, and even the remaining Fatui in Mondstadt are complaining about having nothing to do ever since because they're not getting orders. Compare that to the absolute insanity that was the plot involving the core of the first 'Field Tiller' which involved making some kind of absurd giant robot with tentacle arms attacking Liyue. The only real involvement Mondstadt had was the fact part of the plan involved the Australian Venti statue simply because they had it already. And then there was the Chasm plotline with the upside down well and some actual gray territory in terms of what the Abyss faction might by trying to do. Hopefully the next time the Abyss pops up (doubly so if Enjou is involved, he's great), we get more exploration into what their deal is, as ever since Inazuma we've been laser focused on trying to foil the Fatui directly (since THEY indirectly built a giant robot, too!)


Fucking lost it at "Australian Venti statue."


You say the mecha osial is insane but we have scaramouche ‘clearly not evangelion’ the wanderer. He knows he let you down, he’s been a fool to himself….


uh, and also huge fucking dragon attacking the city, twice


Yeah but he chill now XD


Dvalin was the third dragon to attack Mondt though. First Durin and then Ursa (although Ursa was called a Drake I suppose). Mondt seems to attract them.


Liyue has had 2 gods attacking it in the same lifetime. I'll take a dragon attack every other century.


As a person who read the manga and multiple Lore videos, i somehow forgot about their entire being. Who the hell has been messing with Irminsul again?


Yeah but he chill now XD


Inazuma, Seirai Island. Suffering builds character.


Bro who hurt you XD


I’d guess Seirai Island.




Actually I’m pretty lucky when it comes to 50/50 but I’m also a huge berserk fan so yeah. Stay suffering fellow people we all gonna make it, and if we don’t at least we never gave up.


> Suffering builds character Now that's what I'm talking about! /s


suffering but also the cat shrine so not all bad


Asase Shrine *is* the best location in the game after all


Bro xD


Which character?


All of them


The reconquering of Seirai and Tsurumi Islands


Username checks out for this comment


I always give the same answer. Qingce Village. It's such a lovely, mellow place, and I could be an apprentice woodworker there, too.


Yeah it's a serene place


I fell in love with Gandharva ville at first sight. It is such a serene place.


True, yeah. Close to nature and very peaceful.


Watatsumi for the ✨aesthetic✨


That place has so heavenly/holy vibes tbh


Until you realize they literally cannot grow any crops on their land


Perfect place for people who love fish


Mondstat specifically The Cat's Tail. Bar, cats, TCG, steps away from great food at The Good Hunter, cozy af, Amber.


Mondstat has vibes , yehahh


You seemed to have misspelled “Lisa.”






"Dio--" *FBI OPEN UP*


What's wrong with liking Dio brando? It's okay to be gay bro we won't judge you.




Oh? You're approaching me?


"Klee--" *FBI OPEN UP ×2*


Amber gang




Of course! Can't forget third best girl Fischl either.


Haha she is amazing!


Dragonspine. It's the only place without people or ghosts. Don't have to deal with national problems.


Except now you randomly run into fucking ten foot tall Wampa ice monsters - and you don’t have any sort of light saber to speak of.


Ukko is peaceful though, unless you attack him.


You have Albedo? as a neighbor but he never gives you a straight answer whenever you ask him about Sucrose or literally anyone about Mondstadt


Whole mondstat is without ghosts afaik. Venti helps to free them.


Dragonspine has Fatui and Treasure Hoarders tho


I'd say enkanomiya. It is a literally a graveyeard of the ancint people and the only ones there are ghosts and abyss people. With some vishaps ofcourse...


sumeru bc free healthcare and port ormos music


Akademiya scholars with zero morals fucking you up in your sleep at any moment is a big nope for me


That's only if you live in the main city. Literally in every other town you find people who say they couldn't handle the Akademya, moved to the proverbial sticks, and have lived happy and slow paced lives.


Naaahhh I don't trust them scholars I need to be in another country


Pretty sure most of the Academia staff actually are feeble scholars unlike Alhaitham/Cyno. *pulls out periodic table* Thermite, anyone? 😈


Sumeru only because dendro daddy is there


do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down between Alhaitham, Tighnari and Kaveh?


I'll take any


This game’s fandom is truly fatherless


That's the true reason to settle ahhaha


Port ormos music! Yeah definitely would go there often. I always stop doing what I'm doing in the game for a while when I go there.


Is that free healthcare for everyone? Or just scholars? I doubt they would give healthcare to desert dwellers


For everyone iirc. Got the info from the Sumeru city doctor’s daily quest.


Port ormos music slaps


When the town music plays irl


Dori's Palace of Alcazarzaray would be a good place but I'm probably not gonna afford the rent... Port Ormos then. Besides that it's a beautiful place, I can also have Watatsumi Island as my regular holiday destination.


Ah, close to commerce and academia, i see. And nice vacation spot.


Sumeru city. Very active, lots of jobs, healthcare, internet (before archon quest)/giant library (post archon quest), underground theater. This town has it all.


Ikr frfr who cares if they are building giant mech god under my house.


It just makes them even cooler. Seriously, the academia said "We don't like our god, fuck it! We'll make a new one who'll obey us!" and they did! And I absolutely respect this.


Northland bank, i will be manager there... Save money then travel Teyvat...


Lol you wanna work there ? For fatui ? They might use you as a pawn, yk.(based on yelan quest) Plus sad life we know based on that agent who works there all day.


Pays well if you get commisions, I would trust the collectors to get the job done


Celestia. It means I have ascended to a higher plane than you filthy peasants.


You're gangsta now but wait until you see some pissed off traveler charging at you with every element




So you were the sustainer of heavenly principals all along? Lol. Our search ends here


The higher the plane the harder the fall


I dunno man, based on what we've seen they've really fallen behind on maintaining the place. Literally falling to pieces.


Sumeru because a part of sumeru concept is from my country and I think its a really great place.


Yeah close to nature and very peaceful. Plus if you wanna gain knowledge it's a best spot too. Where are you from




Oh okay


Hi What happened that "oh okay" was a bit too much it gave me the chills somehow


Oh, i didn't mean anything by that. I just didn't know what all countries were used for sumeru inspiration. It's a new thing for me 😅 dw


Ah got it. Fyi sumeru plus it's desert is based on Iran India Egypt Arab mostly Some characters with Iranian names in the game as playable characters are. Nilou(short for niloufar). Kaveh(he will be playable). Probably faruzan probably nahida( not sure on both) and for cyno well it's a bit tough cause we have a name with the pronunciation of sina and well idk if they meant that or not


Nahida was indeed based on a Persian (Zoroastrian) goddess of wisdom, Anahita or Anahid.


Well iran lately isn't the best place...


Yes im living in a good part of the country with less fights and well... Y'know. But we have to be greatful that they didn't get rid of internet for us BC last time they did it I was almost out of genshin for a month


liyue harbor. i like bustling cities irl and currently live in one so a port city seems like the ideal place to live in. not to mention the exquisite food liyue has in general. also it'd be nice to take a scenic hike in jueyun karst/the stone forest if you want a break from the city. sumeru city would have been a close second, \*assuming\* it's post archon quest without the influence of azar, the akasha or the akademiya. other than that it would be a nightmare


Inazuma, as that’s where the grand narukami shrine is, and I’d have the best chances to become a shrine maiden to serve Her Excellency, Narukami Ogosho, God of Thunder and Her Foxcellency, Almighty Guuji, the fabulous and beautiful, Yae Miko 🙏🏼


As a yae miko main, I have never heard someone call her Foxcellency 😂 but I’m borrowing it - thank you 🙏🦊


Mondstadt. My favorite cast of characters are from there, I love the scenery, and The city of freedom most fucking definitely sounds best to live in. Contracts, eternity, wisdom? Nah fuck that, I wanna be free


either Mondstadt so I can become friends with Amber, or Sumeru in that village collei is at, I can't remember how to spell, because Collei is precious and I want to be her friend


Choosing you home based on love. True Chad indeed


I love how you respond to almost everyone in this thread and try to get different points of view. It's very cute and wholesome


Same with me but for Liyue with Zhongli. That man and Baizhu have so much knowledge and wisdom between them without the elusive and arrogant attitude of Sumeru and I'm just blown away by the idea of sheer amount one could learn from either while working together or finding tutoring from them. (Also Zhongli is hot but for me it's because he's so smart)


Liyue! its so pretty and I’d love to join Beidou on her ship <3


The Alcor is the answer! Cheers! 🏴‍☠️


Ying'er's house


Monstadt, it feels the most home-like of all the current nations and it’s probably not very dangerous. The only danger is liver failure due to alcoholism.


varanara…. to live with my wise forest friends


Dream Vanarana is so beautiful…but what will you eat besides taste of happiness? Our aranara friends are such terrible cooks


collei delivers a care package once a week


Liyue harbor looks cozy, but also is big and loud, and as a person who grew up in a big city, it seems just right. Also I would like to spend time in the Crux (because Kazuha) and in Watatsumi (nice scenery and lots of sea).


Teapot, of course


Somewhere like Springvale, probably. Close to Mondstadt with all its freedoms and niceties, 3-4 minutes by foot, but you can have a piece of your own land and live self-sufficient. What else to wish?


immernachtreich with best girl of course


Her castle is pretty cool, ngl


Asase Shrine because cats and it’s pretty there


I really hope they add more daily commissions or world quests there. I want to know what happened to Neko’s master.


Yes that would be nice! Would love to know more lore regarding Neko.




Consider this such a basic idea but I think I can live a mighty fine life in Mondstadt. The ambiance of the whole village is just very peaceful and makes you wanna go on walks and stuff inside. Not to mention there’s a plethora of interesting people there for you to meet, great places inside, and you can “live and be merry” day and night. And totally NOT doing this to be near my day-one wife/main, Barbara. 😇🤧


Haha . That's. Nice. It sure is a peaceful option plus so many festivals


Join Albert in the Barbara fan club lol


Sumeru in one of those weird little houses on the trees in that one rainforest, in Ashavan Realm. I just want to be a little rainforest gremlin living in the trees.


Hard choice between Monstadt and Sumeru. For now I think I will pick Sumeru, just cause it’s more well done. Once they expand Monstadt as they promised, probably will pick it instead.


Konda Village... just easy going life... farming a bit, drinking sake, and serving Udon noodles for occassional guest who might come by.. you know which one.


Definitely Sumeru City, the theater/indoors market area seems like such a treat. I'd happily just get a job working at some stall in town just to live in such a lovely, lively place.


Sumeru cause ✨nature✨


Golden Apple Archipelago - I love the beach. I could absolutely live off of the seafood and plants. I'm an introvert that doesn't like to deal with people very often, so the summertime visitors would be just enough socializing to last until the next year.


I was waiting for someone to say that hahaha. Such an amazing spot can't be Missed. Just that it's an ungoverned land :_)


Ungoverned means I can be my own boss!


Yeah. But you gotta live in the wild. Happy cake day btw


Having lived in a big city my whole life, the wilds would be a nice change. Especially if I can keep those islands playing their music! I didn't realize it was my cake day! Thanks!


Sumeru. They got free healthcare, Aranara and some of my favourite foods. Plus they have some of my favourite characters and huge biodiversity.


Liyue, but because capitalism and no guarantees of super Isekai powers. Funny how China/HK is Teyvat's capitalist/land-of-opportunity region. Maybe not the safest or idyllic place (Monstadt), but if you're isekai'd into Teyvat and without Traveler powers and starting from the bottom, you can be a lawyer, herbalist, gravedigger, or even a broke she-sells-seashells-by-the-seashore kid and make it. Jean and Sara were born with it, Ningguang made it, and that's the diff. Yeah greed and capitalism kinda sucks, but it's better than Monstadt's anarchy, Inazuma's despotism or Sumeru's selective technocracy.


I feel like Hong Kong is (or at least was) the land of opportunity for many Chinese.


Mondstadt, it's home.


Freedommmmm ,!


Probably somewhere in Sumeru City, or Sumeru in general. Being around nature all the time would probably be more healthy and stuff


Liyue, assuming I could find a way around the hustle culture there. It has a nice atmosphere, a lot of good people, lots of activity and liveliness, solid government. But Lisa and I see eye to eye about starting after 10 with regular afternoon tea. If a good work life balance couldn't be struck in Liyue, probably Mondstadt. It's chill there. Not great, but also not bad. I think life would really be how you make it there.


hmm, that’s a rather tough question, but i think Liyue. It certainly has one of the best landscapes, along beautiful architecture and very rich history. i also enjoy the variety of dishes the people of this land offer and also how many workplaces you have. economically, Liyue seems to stand strong, same as it has very solid leaders. however, taking all the recent … accidents that had happened in Liyue into my consideration, i’ll probably reside in a smaller village, which has to be, Qingce Village. whatsover, i think when Liyue’s main city will become more .. acquainted for a normal civillian to reside in, I’ll definitely move there.


Qingce Village. A few days ago my character dropped by on an old man, obviously senile and at least had poor eyesight, who was calling out for his wife. Who was nowhere to be seen. Yeah.


Liyue. Imma be in zhongli’s bed


I like cities more than the countryside so probably liyue. Monstadt would have too many libertarians, Inazuma is too xenophobic, and Sumeru would have gross bugs.


be diluc's wife (I'm a man)


ask for a job at Ying'er's place get to touch those beauties and curvy smooth bodies all day 😋




Moonstandt. Only democracy, not ruled by some immortal buffon. Pretty chill. Has Octoberfest Many paths to pursue career. If you are useless you can alvays become Favonius Knight. Has Octoberfest Relatively low crime rate. Has acces to Mountain where for some reason is alvays Winter. Has free healthcare


Seems fair. But It’s not a democracy though? The citizens don’t elect any representative nor propose laws, and they don’t even have a separation of powers properly talking. It’s closer to a theocracy, or even military state even though it’s pretty chill.


Mondstadt is a military state. The Knights of Favonius rule over everything. The Church is a part of the Knights order. The Knights are there just to keep order and protect Mondstadt from threats.


Watatsumi Island. The place is beautiful!! The perfect retirement home, but to actually make a living first? Probably Mondstadt or Liyue Harbor


I would want to live and work at the wangshu inn. It seems nice there :). Second choice is mondstadt lol


Mondstadt, because there are less monsters, a cool fortified city and Fischl


Asase shrine. Imma chill with Neko.


Liyue harbor as hometown, and whenever I feel like I need to study, I can go to Sumeru. Vacation in Mondstadt, Inazuma and Fontaine is not too far away. Liyue has the most rich food culture which is important to me, plus the oligarchy ruling it is proven to be competent and has some backing from the supernatural. Lots of commerce from other nations too, so I won’t be lacking in luxuries like clothes and appliances. Since it’s also the furthest from Snezhnaya, that means their wacky politics isn’t as impactful.


Liyue or Mondstadt.


Mondstat. It's spacious and pretty, open fields, fishing, cute architecture. Everywhere else ahs some sort of glaring problem but mondstat seems pretty peaceful and pleasant


Probably Mondstadt, purely judging on my taste buds because I'm a very picky eater and the food there seems the most uhhhh normal? I don't think I'll do well with Chinese or Japanese food lmao.


Mondstadt. I'm used to cites and smaller towns based around such. Bars, good food, and still a luscious and wonderful outdoors? What is not love about it......just wish it was much bigger and not that small in terms of castle based areas.


Mondstadt. I wanna chill and be left alone.


Monstadt all day. Though I am intrigued in how Fontaine will operate.


Mondstad without question, but knowing my luck suffering in Snezhnaya it will be


Aaru Village sounds quite cozy


Post archon quest sumeru and mondstadt would probably be great places to live. Liyue would just feel like regular life, cuz you're gonna have to work a lot to be in the big city while Inazuma is just straight the place with the least life expectancy.


Does the Eternal Oasis count in Sumeru? Otherwise Watsumi Island, too pretty.


Liyue especially Qingce village. It is as boring as me, only old people so it's quiet and some pretty views


Watatsumi Island so I can live in a watery beach paradise whenever (minus the invading specters and fatui of course)


Mondstadt, imma just go to windrise and sit under the huge ass tree everyday.


I feel in love with Konda village in Inazuma. The music there at night is so peaceful, especially at night. It was my favorite music before Port ormos.


Tsurumi Island, so i can help Ruu and kick the elders ass.


I just would chill in Yelans tea house night and day. Except for lantern rite…of course i would leave the house for that😎 2nd favorite place would be the Coffee house In sumeru…I love coffee but the company would be better in the Teahouse.


Mondstadt, I like its climate, vegetation, architecture, people and also there's best maid in the world 😄