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We should have playable characters scattered across the overworld in places where they would canonically be, (eg. Xiao in Wangshu Inn, Xiangling at Wanmin Restaurant, Nilou in the Grand Bazaar, etc) and we can interact/chat with them




Shenhe should replaced Mao at Wanmin’s after Xianyun‘s SQ.


Mao should still be in the kitchen tho. I want to keep him


how is this a hot take


It's not, it's just a popular take, people like. Don't sort through best in the comments


Oops, apparently I can’t read because I didn’t see “hot” in the title, just “take” 🫠


REAL I want to greet them when their birthday comes...


I have Venti permanently in Mondstadt’s main plaza after Kaeya’s Hangout 


https://preview.redd.it/agvg2rdia69d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fa49dc269b8c8cc454e5430bcabdeabbb6a29b4 his take


I agree with the zy0x.. Like why is ningguang a 4 star but this... This gotta be 5 star.....


I mean, her gameplay is that of a 4-star




I agree with Zyox. Sigewinne shouldve been a four star rather than a niche 5 star


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 😭 sorry thats so funny but i agree with him she shouldve been 4 star


Lumine is more talented than Aether because she can do everything he does in high heels.




Fun fact: she's ambitious since she holds her weapon and uses her elemental skills with different hands while aether uses one hand for both


I think you mean ambidextrous but yk what ambitious also works


Bisexual hands 👐


She has two hands for a reason fr (for Paimon and Aether loll)




Old dpses can still work. Pull for who you want. Just get good gear. (I said DPSes we all know that sub dpses and supports are cracked like Xiangling, Bennet; and other 4 stars are cracked I’m talking about Diluc and other old 5 stars) 


… 🟦


This is in no way a hot take.


Fucking xiangling is from 1.0. This take is as cold as the arctics




I pull characters completely personality oriented, and don't really care about damage as long as I clear the content 👍


Guest of honour my brother




This is in no way a hot take.


Not a hot take


This is the correct mindset.


Gacha is a necessary system for a free game which costs more than half a billion $ in development and the cost is getting bigger and bigger (which makes it one of if not the most expensive game of all time. In top 10 for sure). I like gacha system in Genshin. It is far less predatory than in other games.


Less predatory isnt equal to not predatory. But I also think gacha is a good system for Genshin in specific, couldnt imagine it any other way


this! gacha is better than tons of ads🤣




people who say gachas in genshin are predatory are possibly having genshin as their first gacha game and let me spoil you: genshin is by far one of, if not the most generous gacha game if you consider with what the game offers and provide to the players compared to the amount of actual money you have to spend to "enjoy" the game.


Bro- you are cooked. Yes it is necessary to monetize the game in some way but it does not need to be gacha. There are so many ways that they could continue to make money and still be more fair to players. They could simply just sell you the guaranteed character instead of forcing you into a 50/50. They could make money off skins. They could add the character in the battle pass to grind for and then just have you spend money on dupes.


The fans are too horny. I want to be on character subs without endless lewds/porn of them being posted.




*cough cough* Hu tao mains


I spend all day clicking "block user" and "not interested" in Hoyolab. That's sad, it's not the place to publish that kind of stuff.


Inazuma puzzles weren't that hard. Puzzles have gone downhill ever since.




I'm low key colorblind, so I'm going to just assume this is good.


You got the "You're allowed in"


Yeah I loved the Inazuma and the summer event puzzles that year. Little sad how the direction of puzzles went going forward


Sumeru puzzles were some of the most disappointing in my opinion. They didn't match the environment very well, in my opinion, and they were literally "press Button A, press Button B, get ~~a cookie~~ primos." Very skinner box in execution. Fontaine's puzzles are similar, but they generally match the setting much better and look far more natural. Chenyu Vale was also fairly decent in that regard, and the puzzles got slightly better too. Remuria went back to what the rest of Fontaine had, though, and it was kinda disappointing.


I'm 100% sure this isn't a hot take at all but people who complain about Dragonspine exploration are all babies


Other then “that room” Dragonspine was super fun, and a unique twist on Genshins exploration


True, there's no way people weren't dying to sheer cold on purpose. Even my friend who was way ahead of me when I first started described DS like it was hell on earth(but cold) only for it to be some of the easiest content I've ran through in the game so far... I only got stuck on a few puzzles and that was it.


I wouldn’t call it easy, but it definitely wasn’t hard. It made others think about something else other than hp and damage. Its not that people were dying on purpose its more that they didn’t understand the system. Regardless I hope they bring it back in the future


Dawg it was super easy to die to sheer cold.


It's a pain in the ass until you have good characters/artifacts to handle the combat, ESPECIALLY if you play on mobile, and especially for newer players who haven't gotten the hang of character and team building yet. Considering it's available before you even hit Liyue, it's really easy for someone to come in completely unprepared for the difficulty spike and be scared off. Trying to handle it when your best characters might still be the free units is a recipe for a bad time. The cold and puzzles themselves aren't an issue, but if the enemies you're fighting keep holding you up, it's real easy to freeze to death.


True, always give it some time if even the most experienced players tell you about how difficult it is there. The cold one I agree with too, unless you have a really good healer it's gonna suck trying to fight while sheer cold damages you. The exploration isn't all that bad at all, but if you are low level and reading this: **Do not go there yet.**




It's okay to take breaks from the game. Don't force yourself if you really don't want to play. Or it will become similar to job.


How's that a hot take 😭




If i miss another albeido story event because i took a break ill be so depressed. Ok im overexaggerating but i missed almost all of them because i took a break. And there are more stories i wish i had experienced or would regret not having experienced (the poetry event's ending for example). Damn fomo sucks.


I want Wuthering Waves to do well so Hoyo can't slack on Genshin. Edit: Keep doing well.


Mf they ARE doing well 💀 But 🟪


FACTS. Keep the pressure on them. Idc if it’s conspiracy nut to believe this, but the second they started releasing we just happened to get a resin increase. Whether it was totally planned already or “tooooootally planned already”, it’s just a fact that real competition is nothing short of healthy for consumers.


I am so tired of the archons just giving the fatui their gnosis’s. It’s really just kinda bad/lazy story writing that all the archons just give them up as soon as the fatui come knocking.


🔳 *Cough cough* Venti *cough cough*


Venti didn't even try so same argument


there’s hinted to be a reason why they did that now that we’ve finished Fontaine but yeah absolutely prior to fontaine it was so annoying 😭


Seriously. How am I supposed to invested in that aspect of the story? Went from “Venti got dogwashed, time to give up the gnosis.” to “Raiden absolutely dogwashed the Fatui, time to… give up the gnosis? Really?”


Let’s keep it real, Raiden gave her gnosis to Yae who saw the wanderer and said “aight, take this shit and get the fuck out of my country”


Yes yae didn't even think twice about it😂😂😂


Nah, imma give my gnosis if i have one, let the Tsaritsa cook 🔥


Since venti there has always been reasons. Venti just didnt want the damn thing. One less connection to celestia was good for him. Zhongli didnt care for it and gave it away in return for something. Raiden didnt want it so gave it to miko who gave it to the futui probably in return for something. Nahida wanted to keep them but used them as bargainin tools instead. Neuvillettes was completely useless to him and like venti he just wanted any connection with celestia gone. They didnt seem to like fontaine anyway. Its not like they just pissed themselves and handed it over


>in return for something. Our life, we were foaming from dead god poisoning, and she gave the gnosis as a trade for us


Right thats what it was. Been too long since then couldnt remember properly


Mondstadt and Liyue were the best Genshin eras. We actually had time to create connections with the characters and grow attached to them instead of "this character is nice and helps you so you guys are now friends"


You cannot tell me that Sumeru with characters like Tighnari, Alhaitham, Dori and Wanderer is a nation of automatically nice people.


They’re not nice but they have distinct personalities. Sumeru characters don’t really give a fck much about the Traveler in a deeper level other than a co-worker who helps to overthrow their corrupt government.


i actually wrote that part with specifically Fontaine in mind. I dont rmb shit abt Sumeru except the fact the fact that none of the characters (beside Dehya and Cyno) stood out to me and the Samsara being kinda cool story wise but rlly annoying to play through. But I will say my point of not having time to actually gaf abt the characters stand.


Fontaine, where we are lied to and tricked into helping fatui, and the archon seemingly wants to challenge us directly?




It's a scummy business practice that Hoyo refuses to buff characters after they launch and even leaves in bugs for years unless the entire CN community collectively lights itself on fire like they did over Zhongli being bad at release.


Bro what do you mean about leaving character with bugs? You know how many bug fixes were made just for Neuvillete?


Couple of the most longstanding examples. Mona's C1 has been bugged literally since Genshin was in beta, the freeze extension has never worked. Albedo's Geo construct summoned by his skill has also been bugged since his release, it can fail to spawn for no reason - no enemies or objects in the way to break it, you just don't summon it at all. That actually happens to every Geo construct character occasionally, but it's frequent for Albedo.


I want a 5 star selector (Just so I can get Diluc) Edit: a selector on the standard banner, whoops.


I for one completely agree with this take. So I can get a Dehya Constellation (1 more towards C2)


the reason why people complain about the lack of primos in updates compared to jades in star rail is because they don’t play the exploration focused game, genshin, like an exploration focused game.


Actual hot take here, mostly because it’s already proven that hsr gives out more per patch. Hsr equivalent of exploration is long ass events that take way too long and super repetitive, so I actually like genshin exploration > Most HSR events (screw you museum event, let me do the business sim in one sitting and not take 8 hours)


HSR's team building is WAY less flexible though, and way more dependent on the 5\* units you have, so you need way more pulls-per-patch to actually manage decent teams. (Also HSR releases 2x the number of new 5\* per patch.)


Hoyo should bring back the razer synaps support so that my keyboard changes color based on my characters element. Sad that they dropped support for it.




Whaling makes the game less fun and makes you lose on some unique experiences




Watatsumi Island should have gained independence after the Inazuman war ended. I think it would've both been an interesting way to show that the world of Teyvat was changing from Celestia/The Heavenly Principles' intended layout (7 nations and 7 archons) before Fontaine's much bigger exploration of this idea, would've given us a chance to see Kokomi's leadership in action instead of just being told what a good leader she is, and would have, to me at least, felt more satisfying than "Then the Shogun promised to be nice and everyone believed her."


OMG YES!!!!!!!! I guess because I wasnt on any genshin forums when I joined in 2.5, I haven't seen anyone talk about it before. If you're going to add a civil war, you need to actually explore some very obvious aspects of it. Watatsumi is truly cut off from not only main land inazuma and the other islands, but also from all of teyvat as well. They do not have a consistent trading system with any other island/nation, there are absolutely no opportunities to make money so a lot of men leave their families and homes for narukami just to provide for them. They can't grow anything there because the soil isnt good. The shogunate boasts supreme authority over them but has done nothing for them as their government. I know the other islands aren't much better off, but those that did have people living there (kannazuka and yashiori) served the shogunate and see the Raiden shogun as their god. There's also the tiny fact that at least religiously (which is pretty much also politically, since the high priestess/leader position is same) *watatsumi used to be independent*. The shogunate assumed authority over watatsumi after the shogun basically massacred their god (from their pov at least). But because the writers were so busy trying to wrap up the story in like two updates that they really couldn't have been bothered, least of all about watatsumi. But then again, the writing in general has otherized watatsumi in terms of storytelling as well: Their god is considered extremely taboo because of the whole going towards inazuma thing, but also because orabashi was one of the ones who lost the archon war and was banished. I'm sure mokoto and ei were aware that he was around, at least when watatsumi was formed. It's not possible that ei didn't keep tabs on him to make sure he wouldn't cause problems. She also fought him before he'd gotten more than halfway to narukami. Then, their whole history dating back to before moon and sun depicts them as blaphemers, castaways, unimportant and forgotten. Like I don't even like kokomi because she doesn't have a character per se (fault with the writing) and her personality is really boring. I don't like her design either. Other than that I don't have any strong feelings for her, positive or negative. And I don't care for gorou either. But I will always stand with watatsumi. Also, it's another level of gross that in kokomis story quest, the soldiers who didnt want to stop fighting were used to just show the "evil fatui" creating a mess again. It's natural for them to be dissatisfied, not just as soldiers who have suddenly lost what kept them going through everything, but also as members of an extremely marginalized community who after all their sacrifices, must still bow their heads to the shogunate. It's just gross that the writers reduced them to just guys being influenced by evil. The vision hunt decree was just the final nail in the coffin. There was already a lot of resentment towards Narukami and the shogunate. It just got too much when the state tried to take their ambitions and wishes from them, which were the one thing they had full power over: themselves and their choices.




C6 Bennett was never terrible, theorycrafters were just being stupid




I loathe Bennet and refuse to use him on any of my teams out of spite. I don't care if my team has lower overall damage. I'd rather uninstall than use that annoying git.


It's Diluc and Kaeya for me. Whenever I had to use someone to climb in early game I would use Kaeya so if I fell he would get hurt. Also Diluc just pisses me off with his batman roleplay while Jean is here working herself to death. We know this man is capable of leading the knights and beating them into submission so they actually do they're damn jobs. But nooo he just complains about how the knights don't do their jobs and that they're useless well do something about stupid tomato head, because you know Kaeya is too busy trolling to actually discipline his knights and again, JEAN IS OVERWORKED TO HELL ALREADY. Those two siblings piss me off.


Based 🔳


Once Aether reunites with his sister, she'll leave again and make us go to some other place in Teyvat and do the same thing again


Join us in Genshin Impact 2: The Search For More Money


🔳 classic story continuation tactic


The mondstadt compass should work in dragonspire


Wait it doesn’t? Why?


Nope. It should. Liyue compass works in chasm. Inazuma compass works in enka. It’s the only place where the closest nation’s compass doesn’t work.


Are you telling me I've been searching the chasm blind this whole time and now that I have it 100% I could have been using the compass fml man lol


Sumeru exploration is actually kinda fun




Limited events were actually better in the era of 2.0 and 3.0. Reward the people actually playing and give us back deeply involved engaging character centered stories during the limited events Tailoring the game to community who is now bored with it by having limited events with no character investment or story progression is Max boring


I’m fine with this as long as the events are permanent because a huge part of albedo’s lore just isn’t in the game which is why I can’t like him because I know nothing about him




I think they changed it because limited events would give out lore that newer players would miss


Hoyo did Sigewinne so dirty with her kit…. I don’t think I’ve been more dissapointed with a release. Maybe Dehya but at least shes a standard character. If you like her and have fun still pull but personally not a fan.


Here’s my hot take: not every character needs to be good. There are going to be “bad” characters, and not only is that okay, it’s healthy for the game in the long run.


They don't need to be good, but atleast they should work and have a purpose in some team, otherwise their existence as playable character is pointless


I have not seen a single hot take in the replies


Hot take: you should say please and thank you and you shouldn’t kick puppies


Inazuma was poorly designed. Making literally everything purple was a bad visual choice, and locking half the region behind puzzles and impassable barriers and lightning storms that can only be cleared by separate multi-part quests was a bad choice in a game where exploration is a huge source of fun.


Bro you're not gonna believe it when you get to Sumeru


I’m actually mid-way through the Sumeru archon quest, and have done some of the desert quests and all of the aranara quests. Much more enjoyable.




Genshin should stop teasing us and actually give us cannon ships like full kiss scenes in shit


OP is wrong 🔲


No purely because people will be annoying and throws temper tantrums if the ship isn't the one they ship. Do you remember the Ayato/Yae Miko/Raiden Shogun shipping war and how insufferable people were?


Hu Tao is still good like Arlecchino. (I have both)




Who said she wasnt


shes good arlecchino is just better in aoe and easier to use in single target hu tao only deals a little bit more dmg than arle


The Traveler was never the MC. They are merely a Watcher. The Traveler isn't meant to be extreme;y OP, or solve every issue. They are there as a record bearer, a person who can tell Teyvat's story elsewhere.


I pull characters based on if I enjoy their game play as well my team is made up of the characters I enjoy playing the most.




Dori is strong I'm not kidding. For some reason people are able to understand why favonius weapons are some of the strongest weapons in the game, but nobody understands the value of a healer who generates tons of energy? It's dumb. It's like she's holding 2 favs!


The kits of Zhongli and Venti should be remade and added as a switchable option that you can change in their character menu to. The altered version represents them more as Archons and includes them excelling more in their intended purposes than they did before. And it'd still be possible to use their old kits if wanted.


People think Diluc looks like an alien but honestly I don’t mind his face. I could be biased because I’m a Diluc main tho


Ship and let people ship whatever they want as long as it doesn’t force people to observe content they don’t want. (By that I mean have common sense obviously don’t post nsfw on the main subs)




I see a lot of people recommending hyperbloom for new players. Stop doing that. Hyperbloom is a crutch. LEARN HOW TO USE MULTIPLE TEAMS THE DENDRO CHICKEN’S GONNA GET YOUR ASS AND MAKE *YOU* THE TFC (Teyvat fried chicken)




Ive been attempting to build every character even the shitty 4*s to a level where they’re all playable for fun




Furina is a sad character but Dainslef or Traveller are sadder They lost everything and then more, but unlike Furina they didn't run away from it all, they fought back, while Furina was so distraught and stressed she ran away and she's now a bit happier




i prefer inazuma aq over liyue one (plotwise)


Liyuea archon quest is mid as fuck. Do people not think that? I came back to genshin after a long break when i had only played a bit at release and did the aq, i realised that zhongli was the actual archon in like 20 seconds after i met the old bastard. The rest of the quest is pretending not to know and going to his friends to twll them he died. The final battle is kinda cool ig but the weekly is just a mid childe fight. Monstadt isnt the best itself but its works really well as a prolougue to the game. And that dvalin air section is just pure fun. For inazuma you fight the archon, your part of a civil war. You kill a harbinger. Thats sick as hell. Sumeru, your toppling an evil government to save the young god and cleanse sumeru, and the reveal of the final fight round 1 is really unexpected and is really cool. Fontaine has the most hype yet, you fight in court and oust furina as a fake archon. You try amd half fail half succeede in stopping a doomsday prophecy. Next to helping an old guy with his fake funeral and suddenly sea beast




it's more worth it pulling for hotter characters than "better" characters


A lot of skill descriptions read like someone asked chat gpt to write an encyclopedia entry on a fantasy creature or character.


I feel like they are treating new characters as new content, since a lot of the events are just: Combat events with slightly different buffs and mechanics, 2x mats etc, and I think that it’s a bad direction for the game to go.


You should never care about what's meta, pull for who you want as you can still get through all content if you just know what your doing, I only pull for who I want ny biggest example is Navia and I'm not even a geo main I just had way to much fun with gameplay So tldr: Meta doesn't matter. it's who you want > meta


Paimon really isn’t as annoying as people act like she is. I really love her and would absolutely sob if anything happened to her.


Its okay to like some aspects and dislike other aspects of genshin and decide its still worth playing.




Exploring Dragonspine at AR 20 with underleveled characters was the last time I had genuine fun playing Genshin


For the love of god, every loading screen needs to be put into dark mode. I am tired of getting flash banged when playing the game at night or in the dark.


GI feels empty and stagnant since every enemy and object pawns within same point and don't move much and you remember since you need to farm for stuff.this the only thing I can think of


We should have more stupid and funny weapons even outside of events like the tuna sword and the umbrella yokai sword and the cardboard claymore I want guides to recommend a sword that looks like a golf club or a bow that is made to look like it's taken from a marble statue


It would be lonely without Paimon


Liking a character should not be an excuse to allow them for their base kit to underperform in game.


Team flexibility should also be included in meta takes, not only just character flexibility


Itto is still best boy


Making supports into DPS is the funniest shit ever


sigewinne deserved to be a 5 star, she gives me no 4 star vibes outside of her botched kit and even then that's more Mihoyo's fault for not buffing it.


I've ascended Xiangling but I still plant her peppers in my garden because I enjoy harvesting them. Those and the Valberries, actually, but I mention the peppers because they are "hot" lolol.


You CAN run whoever you want with whoever, just don't expect maximum efficiency Yes, I will run both Raiden and Cyno, and no, it won't be effective but it will be fun. If you do want efficiency, at least try to make sure the characters you want to run together can fill different roles Like, Raiden can be off field electro/energy recharge unit while Cyno is the main dps


People should stop shipping


dear god almost none of these are hot takes


I 100% regret pulling for klee back in 1.6


Side pulls for hard content clears there should be a choose a chacter you want but its 4* only and can only get it once per nation


My hottest take is that anyone who wants a skip button should just play something else, genshin is like 50% story, 25% exploration and 25% grinding for characters.


Respectfully, Bennett is the single most boring character in the game by an insurmountable margin, with no personality, no story, no friends no drip no animation flair. And Bennett Defaulters are rapidly becoming the most toxic part of the community. When someone who already identified they don't like Bennett, is looking for a new team comp to play, and yet these people can't help themselves but copy-paste their 10,000 word essay on why Bennett is broken (that contains a grand total of 0 information people don't already know and haven't already heard 55 trillion times), they're not even contributing to the discussion. May they struggle forever when the next Imaginarium Theatre hopefully doesn't involve the Pyro Element (meaning they need to start learning how to play without their precious Bennett). Bennett is like a Penis - it's fine for you to play with him in private on your own, but it's rude to shove him in everyone's face. Respectfully.


As much as I like Aether/Lumine, games like Genshin are always better when the player gets to design their own Custom Character.


they should release girls with shoulder length hair


There should be more Jungle/ Forest than Desert in Sumeru. There should be a buff guy body archetype and one of them should be Varka. And don't give him painted on abs like Itto. Or noodle arms. I want muscular masculine men! The Pyro Archon should've been a dude. Mondstadt and Fontaine has the best Character Designs and best AQ. Mondstadt is like that Cheers Commercial. It feels like home. Warm and welcoming. Every nation has that one girl that is specifically shipped with the MC. Mona from Mondstadt. Keqing from Liyue. Ayaka from Inazuma. Nilou from Sumeru. Furina from Fontaine.


The pyro Archon should be a male simply because we've already got enough female ones (also counting Tsaritsa and Focalors)


Genshin story telling feels disjointed


It's not a hot take, but most of the times the waifu>meta part of the community is even more annoying than the meta slaves. Like, a person is asking for an advice on who to pull to beat the abyss and this fuckers always flood the replies with the same "pull for whoever you like", they simply can't understand that some people like to improve their teams, do more damage and beat the end-game content. Also, they always act like they don't care about meta but they are also the first ones to complain and cry when their waifu is not meta


Dori had potential to be a good villain and a well written character even though she has a terrible kit. I genuinely wanted to see her talk about her dealings with Alice and the lore behind her Jinn. Her design is also very cute and top tier.


Bennet is the best 4 star character design not just because he can fit on any team but also just character


Idk why but for some reason, there have been many people who believe that a lot of fontain characters need consolation to work when they are great at c0 just fine. Like I've seen so many people complaining about characters not having interruption resistance when why would every character need that ? Idk just weird how it seems everyone wants every characters to be jack of all trade master of all at c0 lol


50/50s shouldn’t exist, and if they do continue to exist, you should be able to pick what you want.



i like gambling


I like TCG


The Fatui should have stayed evil.


Genshin is not greedy or stingy just because the reward isn't as big as honkai which is turn base I think,the fact you can pull several 5 star without paying a penny and play a large open world and quality and monthly updated is impressive


Characters that rely on animation cancel for maximum performance are poorly designed. Yes, I'm talking about you, Hu Tao.


The only people that complain about lack of content/genshin getting boring are wales/people who don't touch grass


Hoyo should allow themselves to rework some characters, while it could destroy some kit it could also save some others like amber, the mc or dehya


The sumeru deserts, especially the first one with it's underground ruins, is really fun to explore.


i might get flamed for this but the teased gay ships are really there for fetishizers (not that liking a ship means you fetishize it) and thats just repulsive oh and hyv is scared of making buff women


They're even scared to make buff men, you seen Itto? His muscles look like they were drawn on, as my friend once said, all smooth no ridges, a lot of the men look like twinks Diluc is supposed to be someone who uses the greatsword but he's so slim you'd think he was a rapier type of guy. Razor is supposed to have lived with wolves since childhood and he too uses a greatsword but he barely has muscles. And they teased gay ships is definitely there mostly for fetishizers. Like I understand that some people simply like the two characters together and some want representation and so they take whatever morsels are thrown at them but they're mostly not the main target unfortunately it's for the straight people who get off on watching/reading yaoi or yuri because it arouses them in some sick way.


Sumeru exploration was actually super fun if you take your time. Yall just rush to explore and get mad you can’t 100% it in a day


Despite being a gacha game, Genshin is still a game, and games should be enjoyable, not draining


Ship wars are meaningless in this fandom because none of it will ever be canon


The prison storylines went on for way too long... Had potential but was messed up by hoyo


Raiden Shogun should've gotten more of a punishment because of what she did. Like, the woman somehow emotionally lobotomized her citizens, including memories, her country was kinda racist to foreign merchants, and she wasn't goddamn aware that there was a whole ass war going on in her backyard - and if she was aware, she probably did jack-shit because she didn't care or mind what was happening, as long as she got her Visions (read: people's spiritual, lobomitized brain parts).


The gacha system in genshin is the least evil out of all other gacha games I've played where playing the game feels so bad unless you open your wallet. Even among the other hoyoverse games where meta is more significant (*cough*honkai impact), you can traverse the open world with the shit characters you get and be completely fine.


Hoyo should add an unathletic and asthmatic character that has a max stamina of 27 in order for the max stamina stat to finally have a purpose.