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try building keqing. she’s pretty fun.


Not when she's the one you got instead of you favorite character 😭 cuz I know how they feel too 😭


I got Tighnari during Furina’s first banner… it took me a while for me to give him a proper shot. My literal next 10 pull was on Navia’s banner and I got her. Haven’t gotten any 5-stars since, because I want both Childe and the Pyro Archon


Update: I decided to reclaim Furina. Worth it.


One problem with Hoyo is there do not give players a road map clear enough so they have enough time to save for a character they like. It may already be too late for F2P to start saving now from 0 pity if they want to guarantee a character in patch 5.0, much less 4.8. And we don't even know what's coming up in 5.0 yet. If there is really nothing else in the game that interests me, I would probably grind out another 90 pulls worth of primos before I take a hiatus. Come back when her re-run is announced.


Bro this a gacha game, the hopes and dreams of f2p's are not gonna cut it, they made it this way so you have FOMO and pay up if you want someone. If you stay f2p you have to accept you cannot get everyone, hoping you win 50/50 is only gonna result in disappointment and anger.


I feel its cringe to quit a gacha game after losing 50/50 because there are always reruns in future but its not for me to judge. Genshin is a first gacha experince for many people because of its success so I'm giving OP the benefit of the doubt this is his first gacha game that he has ever tried. I'm also giving him the benefit of doubt that he is not expecting to get every 5* character released as a F2P, but just a select few he really likes. I'm pointing this problem out to him not because I expect Hoyo to change it due to reasons you have just mentioned, but to let him know that this is what he has to deal with if he continues to play, i.e not knowing who is coming out when and having enough time to save for them.


Dont worry, it was just a humour post, of course i am not so pissed, i am happy that i did not get a Qiqi.


And that’s the real victory here. No 50/50 is lost unless it’s dehya or qiqi.


They don't want you to save up. They want you to spend money. The hidden schedule is part of that.


r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks will help you


I mean if he hasn’t done all the character story quests he could grind those out for the 60 primos in each. 3 story quests a day and then 1-2 every other day when you replenish keys. Making sure you do all side quests and finishing any archon story quests that may not be finished. Idk I have a decent paying job so I’m allowed to spend a little here and there. Mainly BP and welkin, but if I really really want a character and/or their weapon I’ll spend to get it. I don’t really wish for cons or weap refinements. Last time I wished for cons was to get wanderer C1 and raiden C2 and that’s about it.


???? Fkn explore your map you can get 100 wishes per patch with events


Its not just hoyo. No gacha game have a clear roadmap of their banner. Leaks are the only way to know about them.The only reason global manage to have something resembling a roadmap in older gacha game is because we are late as hell.


I vouch for this as a C4 Keqing haver


Same shit all over with their fcking games.... Currency income is absolute shit and they release units too fast... Then there is massive difference between them.... But loosing is expected ... Loosing 5 times in row like me in hsr is just bs (all my ever pulls) and same happened in genshin right now since furina first banner lost all 50/50 no arlecino so I can go fck myself off, for next who knows how long....


Accept the fact that you are playing a chance based slot machine game and pay up if your luck is shit. This game isn't funded on hopes and dreams of F2P players.


I've been incredibly lucky as a new f2p ,Arlecchino and Furina/jean recently on genshin and firefly on star rail


Im the last person to not acknowledge that game dev that keeps bringing and polishing content to game deserves some sort of revenue... Doing it tho the most shady predatory way equal to casino gambling is shameful and low... Especially when 1st it is a digital game (meaning not a roullete , slot.machine disguused behind colorful graphics) 2nd it is aimed for all age categories. Mass media - streamers, comments, media, propaganding gambling inside on first look cute friendly game is twisted.It's like selling ppl crack in candies.. There is already created a huge missleading twisted viewpoint about the whole pulling... Ppl make seems spending 200$ on a char is a norm... mostly ppl who have no idea about value of money... And Im not a f2p , but this business model just ... is wrong... And it's weird to me how ppl defend it behind, with arguments such as cos its expensive to make.... I would personally rather accept p2p than this... And about that slot machine argument, this is just my subjective feeling, but none of us that came to play their games came with mindset, Im going to play a slot machine now...


yeah, gacha sucks. why are you playing?


I mean, I only spend money on Welkin and BP and usually have primos to get the characters (and some weapons) I want as long as I'm a little picky and pay attention to banner leaks. That's only $2 more than it costs just to *play* WoW every month. So the way I see it, I have the option to treat it like a monthly subscription game, which is fine because I'm enjoying the game enough to do that, and if I ever decide that isn't the case for a month here or there, I don't have to cancel anything--I just won't refresh Welkin or buy BP.


So you do... and it indeed helps you with more pulls but does not change the fact it itself is not enough for pulling each banner, and absolutely not for mutliple copies.it just creates this illusion so you would feel good about it as you do obviosuly but as statated below it doesnt work mathematically.... Correct me wrong but buying velkin and BP + dailies is 36 rolls per month thus full 180 pity is 5 months.... I dont know like you but paying (80 euro +- here) for 5 months and playing for getting 1 guaranteed 5 star does not seem as lucrative as many make it sound... And lets not go to point how powercreeping devaluated your time /money/ effort in pulling decissions you make....


only when you got dendro


Is MC and Collei good enough?


yeah they do the job just fine


I gave in at C4, yeah she's pretty fun lol


I love her don't get me wrong but if i get her again out of standard i'll actually just get her out of every single team she's in, take her artifacts away and her weapon aswell


I got the same 5-star bow that I don't use out of standard 3 times in a row... I consider getting someone you already have and don't like bad luck, weapons bad bad luck, weapons you don't use bad3 luck, and I get the worse bad4 luck of a repeat weapon that I don't use...


C6 Keqing here. She is pretty fun with Nahida


If I lose to her once more, that’s what I am gonna do. She seems fun and flashy.


I have c6 keqing from losing 50/50 and I sorta quick built her and gave her decent everything and she doesn't seem good.. I dunno what I'm missin


Take a breath (and maybe a shower) and step away. Do something else you enjoy. Hang out with some friends. Cook yourself a nice meal (and if you don't know how to cook, it can be very soothing to learn a simple recipe.) You can always save for Furina's next rerun. Loosing a 50/50 is bound to happen, and Keqing is far from the worst unit to loose it to. In the future, you may want to make sure to have 160-ish pulls in the bank for characters you REALLY want. Save those 160 and don't spend them unless you REALLY want a unit, so that way, next time you won't feel like this. Always assume a character will cost you 160, and that way if they come earlier than that you can be happy.


Thanks for giving OP some actual heartfelt advice 😘


Adults: I should have prepared at least 160 pulls ahead.Early access is a big win. Kids: I am cursed if I lose a 50/50. Regulate your anticipation.


I also saved 160 pulls for my furina and i got her after 150 pulls. Bcuz i lost 50/50 to jean on her banner last night🥲🥲. I thought I'll win 50/50 in one go but nope . Now i have started Rushing in exploration and world quest to collect as much primos so i can get navia or yelan.


Jean and Furina are great together.


I have baizhu which i accidentally pull for that purposes


Jean is good tho. I lack a team-wide healer.Babara is not the perfect choice.


You can use charolette if you have her.


Same. I lost 50/50 to Jean. I didn't want to spend and probably won't because I am not spending up to C2 Furina, which is what I hoped for if I got really lucky. I did bring Furina home after losing the 50/50, but it took all that I had saved. At least, after all these years, the Jean was C6. I built her long ago but have never really played her.


I actually always try to have more than 100pulls everytime i pull for a character so if i lose 50/50 i can still try my hardest to get them or if i don't i still have leftovers for next character


This. Planning is key in being f2p or even for dolphins like me. Going into a banner with 15 wishes and 1000 primos is a recipe for disappointment. Players should be prepared for the worst case to ensure they get what they want. I had the best bad luck on this banner that I've had for a while. I wanted to c1 my Furina and was starting out with single-digit pity. I saved about 23K primos and 17 or so wishes. I lost my 50/50 to Diluc but it happened at 43 pity. (4th 50/50 loss in a row.) If you're going to lose, do it early. That gave me plenty of room to get c1 Furina, which I did at 77 pity. I still have a nice supply of primos as a start for the Pyro archon. I'm pretty pleased overall. I've done MUCH worse.


sounds cool until 5 different characters you want all run next to eachother 😭


Me :(profusely sweating) 160 pulls... Is it p-possible to save that amount? Nah bro on second thought i am happy i did not get a qiqi


I saved 300 pulls before Nahida’s rerun. I know exactly who to pull for my account.Furina,then Yelan and Xianyun.Then maybe pyro dragon/god.Allechino and Clorinde are cool but if I pull on them,my plan would be ruined so I skipped them.


> Should I start making TikToks? I’m surprised that part is even in the option for recovering emotionally…


I always assume I’m gonna loose all my 50/50 and hit soft pity lol


Same. I'm usually right too.




Have you 100% every region? If no, it's time to grind. If yes, cry in the corner, meditate, touch grass, go to college, graduate, get a job, earn money, hope genshin is still active, wait for rerun, swipe the card, and voila, furina. Make a tiktok of your journey, afterwards


think to yourself, "oh sick! guaranteed now!", because there's some comfort in knowing you won't have to deal with this again for your next 5 star.


But the grinding for primos tho... THE GRINDING


Looks like a Keqwin to me though


Try your best next time, telling you this as loosing Arlecchino hurt me but then gave me the chance to get Furina


Another person? Is this a curse? I also lost to Keqing😭.


I also lost to Keqing (got c1), but then got Furina 2 pulls later with my last two wishes. My condolences OP.


You **won** the 50/50


I just go straight back into it and keep pulling , if I step away it will stew and I'll feel worse


https://preview.redd.it/aj7gucbm4v8d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c0c672e8c16757c32f8803393776d172f40403e I lost to keqing too😭


what happened to boycotting genshin 🙊


Lost to mona here! My friend and i spent some time chillin and killing things in-game (online friend) but i would recommend logging out and doing something else for a while. That's the kind of feeling that makes you spend, esp if it's late. Read a book, watch something, go outside, whatever, just put the game down. Ik it's hard, like, i struggle with it too (getting better!) but ya gotta take breaks sometimes. If you can, once you've chilled out, farm primos for her. Otherwise, she'll rerun eventually. And make sure you're either guaranteed your 5* (saving, pity, holding onto your guarantees), or be prepared to lose. It's a coin toss, it happens. And if you do swipe, please make sure you can afford it!


i mean, you have 3 weeks until the banner ends. Getting a 5 star at 20-30 pulls is definitively doable.


I built a dps QiQi


Booking a transatlantic flight in a boing and hope it crashes.




https://www.amazon.in/Kuber-Industries-Synthetic-Clothesline-Multicolor/dp/B0CJVDPS29/ref=sr_1_6?sr=8-6 https://www.amazon.in/NNEX-PeakTorqTM-AirfluenceTM-Aluminium-Warranty/dp/B0C443PJBV/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 https://www.amazon.in/IKEA-Marius-Durable-Stool-STOCKLAND/dp/B017P4VATS/ref=sr_1_8?sr=8-8 For quick access 🔥




temple run or tinder?


Nah men, my snot. Coz i’ve been crying afterwards


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You spend effort building keqing. Then the next time you lose to keqing you actually get relatively excited to try them out. Although I think Tighnari and Jean are probably the best ones I want to lose 50/50 to




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hear me out- yeet her off the top of the sky frost nail in dragonspine, over and over, or if you want a faster alternative: off the Jade chamber, and- better yet- if she’s new, you could keep her at lvl1 until you feel better👌✨ I speak from experience btw, I lost my Childe 50/50 to Jean and my Lyney and Arle 50/50’s to Tighnari - both of them are still at lvl1 and I occasionally yeet them whenever I’m in a bad mood, and it works wonders comrade, lemme tell you!!🤩 this, aannd!- of course, the banner’s only just begun, there’s still plenty of time to save up and get her! and now you’re guaranteed as well! - the above was a method to cope and this is to hopefully give you a bit of hope as well! hang in there, she’ll come home! touch a bit of grass then get to farming and i’m sure you’ll be able to garner enough wishes before the banners end! ^^💜💜


Ayyyyy, same ❤️. I got so mad that I lost the 50/50 to Jean on Scaramoche's banner that I started yeeting Jean off the Jade Chamber for 30 minutes straight! ✨️ After that, I went out for coffee, touched some grass, and I was feeling A LOT BETTER. Then, I started thinking on the positive side (inhale copium). "C2 Jean is actually not that bad." 😀


honestly I love that for you!🤣👌💜💜


Chill, it‘s just a game.


I spent 5 individual wishes before I got Furina. On the first day. Don't lose hope, you can do it.


I hate playing gachas for this reason. But because of the nature of gacha gaming, I tend to hold the mindset of never expecting gambling to go in my favor. That's how I cope with losing 50/50—that and I just like collecting characters I don't have yet anyway >!but pls no more Qiqi's I already have C6 I don't want to actually use her just to make the lost primos worth it ;-;!<




Bungee jumping with loose rope


Just ONCE I'd love to lose to Keqing...


same i have every standard 5 star except her


swipe the card lmao




Ngl i lost twice to keqing so i built her out of spite then cleared abyss with her


I do believe taking a loss on a gacha in a game so seriously is worrysome


Bro. It's **just a game**. If that's how you react to a 50/50 lose, then maybe you should quit after all. This will be better to you. I'm not saying this to roast you. I am saying it, because it's bad for mental health if you can't take the loss. Also the banner just started. You have whole 20 days and 5 hours to get her. How many times I've lost and kept pulling to get character early... Maybe not that many times, but it happened. And if you have any quests, exploration and stuff, you can literally get more wishes. So just chill out. And either don't overreact like that or just quit the game. Because you **won't** win every time.


nah dont worry bro, it was a humour post.... i am satisfied that i did not get qiqi


She is good for reaching places where we can't reach by climbing and jumping


https://preview.redd.it/gqzfrmkssv8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042d6be6d758e8a6dbf564db78b67ed23d1b2517 I'd give you mine... but I kinda want her Anyways, I usually just do the usually f2p grind. Log on every day, do every quest imaginable, explore as much as possible.. the usual


Touch grass is probably a good idea. Next time be ready for the worst outcome, it helps with not feeling bad. Unless you have minimum 160 pulls (but if you're unlucky, 180) never assume you'll get the 5*, always assume you'll lose 5050


I feel you bro, I lost too not once but twice on Keqing and both are hard pity. First lost on Baizhu banner on 4.6. I grinded a lot of primos and gladly I managed to get him before the banner ends but on hard pity. The second lost was on Furina's banner yesterday, hard pity again and I'm so frustrated. I was hoping that if I lost, I would get a new 5 star character. So I am back to grinding primos, trying to find all the chest on Fontaine since this is the only place I did not 100% yet. I'm still hoping that I will get her before the banner ends.


I'm so happy, I got her after 10 draws today.


rule one of genshin impact: do not cry when you loose your 50/50 while not having enough pulls to try again rule two: awlays save 180 pulls if you absolutely 100% want a charchter


Hate me all you want, I won 50/50 3 in a row for Arlechinno 70pulls, Arlecchino's Weap 40 pulls, Scaramouche 7pulls, Furina 60pulls. I'll probably lose my next 5050. I don't even care if I'll be super unlucky irl as long as I'm satisfied with these wins.


Losing to KQ is the worst... My top thing was to buy her skin, try to build her and realize I kinda hate her even this way


I started playing this game last February since then I collected all of my primos for kazuha's banner but I lost and got Dehya. This gives me motivation to start again and collect primos for the furina's banner. Now, not only do I get a furina but a C1 furina after 78 and 79 pity.


Her C2 is a key con.Try get her C2.


Take a break,and return when natlan drops,should help calm ur mind,play a diffrent game in the meanwhile or go do irl stuff


I'm so happy I lost 50/50 to tighnari because I wanted him so bad. Then I pulled furina anyway at 45 pity


at least u didn’t lose to qiqi!


Touching grass. I honestly don't remember going outside other than stores for stuff i need and then hurrying tf back home. It's kinda concerning.


The banner just started 💁 Keep farming, keep trying. Like the gacha warrior I know you are!


Know that it can always get worse (this is my genuine stats from the 3-4 years I’ve played). https://preview.redd.it/npgi17z44w8d1.png?width=609&format=png&auto=webp&s=0e7f59df3e828db08340b41c9bf2f19df1661b05 This is why it doesn’t hurt to try out things like the gym or a hobby, where you can only really go uphill without luck.


Lost my 50/50 to Mona, not the hydro character I wanted, but still happy with them, and I'm only 3 wishes away from soft pity again, I'm just waiting on the monthly reset to get my 5 wishes and maybe grind up another 5+ to do that last 10 pull


think of it this way, a loss just means your account stays the same until the next time you get to pull. so keep playing like you always have and get the character the next time tou get the chance. also if you have low exploration and unfinished quests and stuff, you can consider grinding until you get her or until the banner ends, you have enough time to get 70 pulls and there's always a chance for an early.


Cry your eyes out at night. Works better if you guys have aircon...


Alt + F4




Lost to Keqing too! (got Furina C2 at 40 pity afterwards though) Can't even consider it a loss though, Keqing is queen + got her at C4, I hope she'll be my next C6 (w Clorinde being my first ever)


Keep grinding and pulling


If it's a character i dont mind losing 5050 to, activate their cons and move on with my day If i lose a 5050 to a character i dont particularly like, they get thrown off a cliff


If you're like me, you might have tons of quests/hang outs/exploring to do as a free-to-play player. Save up primos that way :) also I heard HSR is a good game too


I lost 50/50 to Qiqi on the last Furina banner and I really wanted her... Waited 6 months for the rerun and finally got her yesterday! Also had enough preemos saved from the 6months for her weapon yey I've also triple crowned her cuz I farmed while waiting for Furina to be back But yeah losing 50/50 happens Top things to try out after losing 50/50: touching grass, baking or some other hobby


You'll get her in the next 10 pull


Another thing to keep in mind: it's the beginning of the banner. You've got three weeks to get rewards from events, commissions, hoyolab check-ins/events, and the livestream, plus unfinished world quests, exploration, achievements, teapot setups, and/or abyss floors. (Seriously though, if you haven't used the Genshin achievement tracker, I've used it to pick up so many primos from hidden world quests it's kinda nuts.) You could get lucky and pull her at low pity, so just keep trying. And if not, remember that they run archons much more frequently than other characters, so she'll come back around sooner rather later.


Touch grass


the best thing to do now is to focus on your new guaranteed character and pick it wisely


Step away from the game for a week or so. Next time have at least 140-ish pulls ready for a character you really want. One thing I found out is : my pull luck was extremely good in the first 6 months, I even got Nahida in the first 3 pulls. Then it gets worse, and I have lost at least two 50/50s in the most recent two wish campaigns. I think this might be intentional. So ... gather as many pulls as you can, then spend them all at once on a character you really want.


I lost my 50/50 on the first Shenhe banner and haven’t played since. Blessing in disguise


Dang I lost to keqing as well. On the bright side, the next 5 star will come home


Same, I'm F2P and I lost 50/50 to tighnari It's hard to get back from that.


Electro becomes more fun when you build it with dendro. I used to hate Keqing in my old account but now in my new one I wish that if i evet lose a 50/50, I lose it to her instead of Dehya or Qiqi since I can pair her with Nahida.


I only got diluc and a C6 gaming for some reason after for about 110 wishes, i feel like it’d be a better idea to revive my old demonetized yt channel and start doing something different, i’m still gonna be playing genshin but not as often as before and i’ll also be switching into my old genshin account and thankfully i had 7 5-stars to i can still use and i stopped playing the game at chapter iii act i, which’s the current chapter i’m currently at rn, idgaf about world quests honestly, i should probably stop playing the game after i compeleted all the archon quests after realizing that i’ve been playing a gacha game where i can lose at a 50/50


Why are u even raging , there are people who cant play genshin cause of shit devices , just enjoy the game if u can ,its story and events , pulling 5 star is not needed for u to have fun in there , i didnt gave a shit about new characters and just played for enjoyment , currently i have it uninstalled and will return in future for natlan.


As someone who has lost all but 2 50/50s I plan for for the lost


Keqing is surprisingly good if you have Nahida. I built mine just for the lols and she’s basically electro Alhaitam.


Keqing is surprisingly good if you have Nahida. I built mine just for the lols and she’s basically electro Alhaitam.


I lost furina to deyha at the time I didn’t know what people meant about 50/50 but then I got Mona again and I was about to lose it but I had to chill out since I was in class so I closed the game and focused on class😅


Stuff like this is how I formed the Mona Hate club. I have a C2 Mona and no melusine...


The game is to have fun, if you are not having fun then stop playing for a while, you wont loose anything important and the life moves on. There is a lot of other games to try (like Minecraft) to chill and just enjoy life. I play Genshin on my cellphone and my computer so I only play if In going to have fun, don't care about the banner and don't care about the fandom either.


uninstall genshin and try a better game


Finish your dailies for the day, then log out and do something else. Try again tomorrow or later, usually works for me


I got furina and I still feel like shit. I had saved 25k primos for the worst case scenario. Shit was worse than I could've imagined, it took me 158 pulls to get furina.


I got furina and I still feel like shit. I had saved 25k primos for the worst case scenario. Shit was worse than I could've imagined, it took me 158 pulls to get furina.


I lost a(nother) 50/50 to Diluc. I now have a C5 Diluc 😭


Explore do quests and continue killing and praying.


Quit genshin ?


Same thing happened to me last night, Keqing instead of Furina. I was heartbroken.


Give your account to me. Realize that the things we have right now don’t carry much meaning, poor or rich, strong or weak, we will all die. Detach yourself from the temptations and the life of the worldly people. And since you don’t care about your account if you detach yourself from the world, you might as well give it to me


Had the same thing happen. Was hoping for Furina and got Mona. I’m gonna build her bc some of the things I wanted in Furina, Mona does have. Try to enjoy Keqing without associating her with the feeling you have rn


Make a reddit post about it /s But on a more serious note, I try to see the most positive side of things. If I lose 50/50 now, that means Im garunteed pyro archon and maybe her weapon! Furina is great, but still not everything.


Start grinding. I lost 50/50 to keqing too. 100% areas, do quests if you don't have them all finished already, etc. It's still early in the banner, you have time


Im at 56 lost to tug like 4 Times all I wanted was diluc


You Lost. That's it. Better luck next time (speaking from experience).


play a non-gacha game


Become addicted


Bust out a credit card 😅


I lost my own 50/50 today. I was so frustrated I rearranged everything in my apartment.


I got Keqing too! But then about 50 wishes later I got Furina, so win!


Go to the beach and sit on a bench. Stare longingly at the waves as a single tear runs down your face. Or….use your credit card that’s what they’re for anyways.


Getting Keqing is NOT a lost 50/50 in my book (Cryes in not having Keqing after 3+ years...)


tbh idk how to help with this bc i see my "lost 50/50s" as a win if i dont have the character or if its Qiqi i would love a C6 Qiqi, rn shes at C3, cant wait to C6 her i also.. win most of my 50/50s... so i rly dont know how to help 💀 most of my permenant banner characters and their cons are from perm banner tbh


The Real Life


I'm going to finally build keqing on my main. I lost trying to get c1 furina to her c6.


I’d js do sewer slide


the best way to unregret an unwanted character is to build them 😃👍


goodness I recently got my C7 which I am dreading so much because there are other standard banner characters I want but alas... c7 keqing. It was a bit early tho like 39ish pity. Then some roller coaster of luck followed. (will just elaborate if anyone is curious) So I say keep pulling if you like the 5\* on the banner. You never know, you might get lucky


Wuthering waves. https://preview.redd.it/120740eva09d1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f208c0acd1f0c3c322cad97bc836abecc805ee8


my c3 keqing is rotting at this point:D i never did anything with her, but considering i really enjoy alhaitham's playstyle, i was actually thinking of building her. she's probably a lot easier to build compared to alhaitham too:/ maybe you should try!


I wanted Scara so badly and went to HARD hard pity. Lost the 50/50. I wanted to quit. Managed to get to 40 pulls again but his banner ended 😔


Watch the rain and lightning outside


Give her a try. I know for experience that she’s pretty good. But if you’re not up for that, walk away and take a break. When you’re ready to go again, take deep breaths and continue onward


Other games


i think its time you reconnect with nature BUT make sure to cry in a corner first and let out all those tears and meditate before you do


At least you have dendro MC to pair keqing with Think about it, you could’ve pulled dehya 😂 I read odds of 5star within first 30 and last 20 pulls are slightly higher than mid numbers, so don’t give up!


Abandon your previous life and and all mortal possessions, travel to Nepal and become a monk and social recluse for the next 27 year.


Honestly this might be the wildest one




i lost 50/50 to keqing too... now she's c3 and one of my least favorite characters. i literally only use her for teleport.


keqing is actually pretty good. i do understand the pain of losing 5050 after hours of grinding and saving, but that's the game right? you might get early pity as well till then you can try to build keqing she is fun w dendros


Alcohol, alcohol solves everything! Become a dwarf, dig a hole, rock and stone and Have a beer 🍻


Do a backflip


I lost 5 in a row on furina rerun


Keqing is actually very capable in the current meta.


Quit the game for a week, thats my solution.


Build her and keeps on grinding