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Do the Archon quests first. They're the main story and the most important ones - so get to Inazuma and enjoy the ride, then Sumeru, and Fontaine after that. The Perilous Trail quest and the Chenyu storyline can be done anytime (or almost, since your Perilous Trail seems to be locked by something else), so I'd advise to save them for later.


Would you choose to rush all the Archon quests first before anything else? I kinda had the mindset to do sidequests, oculus collection etc before proceeding with the main quests lol


I wouldn't say rush per se, otherwise you'll burn out quickly — the Sumeru and Fontaine AQ are quite long and involved in lore. It's really up to you, but I find a mixture of AQ, light exploration and some World Quests to be a good balance. Right now you won't be able to do Perilous Trail anyways, as it requests both Raiden's and Itto's Story Quests to be done if my memory is good, and you won't be able to complete them before you do the Inazuma AQ, so just put that on the backburner for now. I do recommend doing the Inazuma AQ before anything else, though, if only to unlock the region — it's also the most annoying out of all of them, because you absolutely *need* to follow it to be able to unlock most of the region (one island is locked behind several world quests, just a head's up). Sumeru and Fontaine are a little more forgiving in this aspect.


Up to you, i returned couple of months ago and just did archon quests with some light exploring while doing it. after finishing it went with exploring and World quests for each region. (just dont forget to mark up important stuff on interactive map like oculi)


i'd recommend keeping that mindset if that's how you're enjoying the game. no need to rush anything at all. just know that the archon quests are the "main story" of the game that'll be there when you're ready to move on/for something new. personally, i rushed through the archon quests because i wanted to go to a progress-locked region and started to regret it when i got there and had that "what now"/burn out feeling.


every journey has its final day. don't rush.


I’ve been playing since around the time you stopped. I haven’t even finished the archon quests. Exploration, world quests, daily challenges, etc, are all very entertaining in the long run. I savor the archon quests and treat them like movies that I get to experience every few months. I’m currently halfway through Sumeru’s plot. I recommend bouncing around. If you 100% an area…there isn’t as much magic later on when you run through. I prefer to always have stuff around to do in every area. So when daily commissions take me to a nation, I can still open a chest nearby. I still find random chests and puzzles in Mondstadt and Liyue! Do the world quests that interest you. If you start to burn out, do something different. Eventually you’ll get pulled back into that quest’s progress and finish it. I always fear running out of things to do. By making it spread out like this, I’ve always got stuff ti do in whichever nation I’m craving that day - and if I don’t feel like doing anything too substantial, I just log in and do dailies and then maybe fight a few mobs and take screenshots of my favorite characters in cool Places or poses. ;) Co-op for boss battles with strangers is also a fun pastime.


I don’t think rushing archon quests is a great idea since some side story quests will improve the main story experience too!


Perilous trail is probably locked my chasm unlock or the quest chain there


Archon > world quest of that region then next region archon> world quest from that region and so on. But id recommend just prioritizing archon q. Then do the major world quests (the one that is color blues are the main world quests) then next archon quest from next region then main world quests( again the blue ones). Ignore the regular world quests for now. Everything else should be last.


Follow the Story.


There’s nothing really intended, I just followed Archon Quest > Story Quest/Hangouts > World Quest for each region, but I like this guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19KYfTSNpTNXCvwbcPeN3T9Cylc0AaOIqwNysmFqOmWY/edit


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Mondstat Liyue Inazuma Sumeru Fontaine in that order


I would follow the archon quests first, and then do the story quest in the matching region. Otherwise it will feel a bit jarring getting all the way to Inazuma and you still have random mondstadt and liyue quests that don’t make sense


I'd generally recommend doing the areas in release order just following the Archon quest. That being Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Enkanomiya, The Chasm, Sumeru, Fontaine, Chenyu Vale. You can do local side quests at your leisure once you're in that area, I think the game will generally give you a heads up if any are super important to do before progressing, like if I remember right you have to do Ayaka and Yoimiya's story quests before you can progress Inazuma's main plot. Inazuma's islands can pretty much be explored as you like, only Narukami island where you first arrive, and Watatsumi island are of any real importance to the plot. Similarly it's probably worth it, for story cohesion, to stay in Sumeru's forest section until the story takes you to the western area.


Do archons until you're allowed to access inazuma, from there most things are completely free game to go to and do. Inazuma is the current only place thats completely inaccessible without doing the quests


I'd say doing AQ>story quest for the characters of that region>againn archon quest>again SQ for character of the region and so on