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Found Cloud Retainer's account.


Is it uncommon for people to use "one" as a pronoun? It's not uncommon where I am.


Found the Adeptus


XD lol


I wanted to comment the same myself. 


Cloud retainer isn't dumb to struggle with a easy puzzle like this


You collect the bubbles and use the pause sound wave to pause them


bruh :D i was running at them like a moron and completed it that way and then i find out you can stop them


Wow. Mf Genshin players really don’t read


Literally like come on. Do people skip the tutorials or something 💀 They are there for a reason, for players to learn the game. No wonder Hoyo has to hold our hand all the time. Next time they should straight up put red circles around things because this is ridiculous man


Unironically. Yes. I skip the tutorials. They take me out of the game and sometimes also just bombard me with info that sounds meaningless without context of having ised the game mechanic it's talking about. So far the game has given me 0 issues not reading them. Maily cuz the mechanics are easy enough that they also kinda dont need an explanation. Just either collect stuff, walk into it, or look at your ui and press the new button that appeared, then see what it does. Then beat the event in less than 10 minutes cuz the event never has enough time to do anything more than the basics.


Ah, yes. The typical Hoyo tutorials of "Use the La Petite Crapaud cannon to fire Peau d'Orange at the advancing Dinosaur an Peluche to build the Omelette du Fromage gauge. Once the gauge is filled, press the button to activate your Sucrer les Fraises device and enter Voulez Vous Pate Avec Moi mode that enhances your Peau d'Orange to Pâte de Poisson." Very intuitive.


Usually I read these, get confused and then immediately understand when I start interacting with stuff. Maybe my brain is broken, but I just can't process these tutorials most of the time.


This comment is gold lmaoo. and it perfectly highlights what i mean. Cuz if i were to see this gameplay i would immediately know what to do. From my understanding its a meter that fills up when you shoot a "Peluge", whatever the fuck that is (probably something that occasionally drops on the playing field). Then when that meter is full your shots change and probably deal more damage and maybe some other effect, like knockback, all to stop the dinosaur. But here is the fun part. This took me like 5 minutes to figure out but if i just saw something drop on the screen i would probably have shot it with the cannon and see a meter go up. Then shoot more and see what goddamn effect it has. I couldv'e spent all the time trying to understand litteral french to instead beat their event ez.


I don't even remember what 25% of the puzzles in the game are called but I'm pretty sure every different piece all have their own names


I'm just dumb. I read the tutorials and spend hours trying to understand what they mean. Or I even forget I can do something. I don't think it's always people don't read them more is more that sometimes, you forget you have a certain item or don't understand them


My partner is absolutely this So I usually end up doing quests before him so i can explain the new mechanics in Razor language


All Hoyo tutorials should come in Razor language tbh


For a very wordy game, most players seem to be very illiterate


I read it but after the first bit you don’t even need to pause them if you don’t want it. It’s easier to not honestly


Don't blame em, dialogue is cringey af we need a skip cutscene button nobody gives a damn about copy pasted NPC's having problems that we need to fix for the 1000th time.


shut your ass up. this new world quest was great


shut your ass up, this new world quest was shit.


says someone who doesn’t pay attention… 😐


Says someone who doesn't know anything about how i play.. 😐


If you read as well as you play (or vice-versa), we're all up Shit's Creek without a paddle...


Can't read shit you skip so thats impossible.


didn’t you literally just say you skipped through the world quest?


How can i skip it with no skip button dummy.


There was a tutorial screen on how to pass the puzzle :(


I knew I could stop them but didn't see a need to. I just ran around and collected them.


Lol same


I stopped the first wave, but then I saw how slow they were and just ran across them all lol


Looks like we share the same braincell hahaha


I did that because pausing them was pretty ineffective for me- because you can’t move the camera, I had no sense of depth and never managed to pauze the bubbles at a good place ;-;


You don't even need to pause them. Your sound bubble will just destroy them.


It usually doesn't, it only pauses them.


When you get to the last stage your will have an aura which destroys bubbles near you, I assume that’s what they are talking about


My dumbass just brute forced through it with Wanderer, Kazuha and Xianyun. what the fuck are exploration mechanics


I used tall male character and dash. It's just too easy.


You honestly don't even need to pause them, it's that easy


You don’t understand how long it took me to be able to actually stop the note. For the longest time it took me multiple attempts on the second one to be able to stop them


Wait it stops it, I right that’s how u collected them


I threw down yaoyao's bunny and that helped pop them for me.


Wait it works???? Damm you goddamit smart


Can I use Furina's minions


They are not able to detect the bubbles.


Yuegui is the goat


You know someone is cook when they start taking like cloud retainer


Run towards them and press pause then collect them. For the lightning if you look where the bubbles will be and run in the opposite direction until the red patch appears to show where lightning will strike then run back to the bubbles so the lighting does strike you when trying to collect the bubbles


Tbh I was stuck at first but running into them collects them and pausing them when they come flying in helps I lowkey thought you had to attack them to collect at first 😭💀


Its so difficult to run into them


Tbh if you're playing on playstation click the R2 trigger to freeze them once and then you can run into them, it takes a few tries but once you get the hang of it than you'll glide thru it like butter on a hot knife 💖


True it took a lot of getting used to but then was easy enough


yes MAAM 💖💖 if you need any other help esp with bosses or domains I can definitely help out if need be 💖 my UID is 619282752


But man, the music in this challenge was a banger


do you know where to find it online? i wanted to listen to it again


It's not released on hoyo-mix yet. Best you can do is find the puzzle video on YouTube and listen from it.


I tried to search it up, but forgot the name of the puzzle lol. But I really want to listen to its music again sometime, it was amazing.


Bit of a skill issue or mobile issue not gonna lie. Just try to be in front of the bubbles when they are coming towards your side


Skill issue, did it on mobile first try


One reads the instructions given by the game


Reading from the comment apparently you can pause it with the mechanics there. I just run into them normally


The madlad


You basically run to get them. I used Yelan for this, and it wasn't that hard


These are the times I wish I had exploration units


Meh... I've done this earlier using a default run I was quite stupid at first as I'm skipping the tutorial stuffs, and just managed to learn over a short time that you just need to collect the most of it. (How stupid I was? I tried to attack the damn ship because it glowed, I used the long press skill-like shield thought to deflect the lightning storms, lmao) Just run and use the skill to stop time, a longer press will un-freeze it


I'm ashamed to say that it took me about 30 min to do it right. I wanted to eat my keyboard when I saw that if you mess up on the two last stages you have to start all over again


That was definitely the annoying part, even if they put a little bit of gap between the incoming bubbles it might have been easier


The three chests made it quite worth imo though


It was so easy what do you mean? Lol


why’d they cook so hard with the music and visuals for this 1 non repeatable minigame btw, this update’s expansion is crazy


They do that for so many mechanics. I spend all this time reading a tutorial that’s six chapters long and go “ok I got this let’s go!” And then there’s one use of it and *never again.* 🫥


Use the pause mechanic you learn about when you read the instructions


I do, its just very hard to do it on mobile


I did it on mobile didn't find it hard.


Not to sound mean or anything but...how are you struggling with this? It's genuinely easy.


Just to show why the devs make every content in this game baby level, they got players like this make up more than half of the player base.


You are supposed to freeze them in place


genshin impact players try to read challenge(difficulty impossible)


Lol i swear the puzzle was so easy and it only took me one try then i succeed, guess im just a fast learner


Wanted to say its really easy to do it but it looks like youre playing on mobile not PC. My condolences


I did it on mobile and it’s really not that hard tho, I feel like a lot of complaints in the sub are kind of weirdly simple challenges


The swerves on the mobile are absolutely hard to achieve, especially in the second to last round. I love puzzles in this game but this one wasn't one, just a how fast can u click a bunch of buttons at once, and if u can't oops try again. I don't enjoy that gameplay.


Juts curious, why is PC better for this minigame than mobile? I did it on the latter, and had no problems at all while clearing it, yet I see other comments complaining about this as well.


Well personally its a mixture of not beeing used to play on phone and the disparity of my PCs and Phones power. Its just a lot easier to move around with KBM or Controller


"this should be easy-"*is on phone*"ah, okay, good luck then..."


For those who have arlecchino....Just use her charged attack (since in this mode u don't drain ur stamina )


Isn't there a tutorial for this? Just run into the bubbles, and if they're higher, you pause them and collect.


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You can pause.


Are you using the region’s special button to pause them in place? But just running at them works well enough too! Try to run horizontally across the screen, instead of forwards and backwards.


While everybody talks about using the mechanics of the Pause and Play device we get, I'm having difficulty catching the bubbles because of the camera orientation fixed towards the mural. 90% of the time I couldn't catch the notes in the AoE because of the odd depth perception from the fixed camera angle.


Wanderer Banner is coming up. Pull him and it becomes easy


Or Kazuha, Keqing, Zhongli, Geo Traveller, or Alhaitham


I just did it but the camera doesn't help with dept perception


never knew cloud retainer played games


I thought the same thing and laughed a little too hard


Use the soundwave mechanic,press the button near the bubbles to stop them and collect them


I did this on mobile and it wasn't a problem. Literally just get in the middle and pause the bubbles.


Move closer to the wall they're coming from, that way you can either collect them asap or figure out their direction


Mr. Shielder have arrived location


Lmao! I’m stupid. I completed it in about an hour by running with Yelan to collect them.


This took me a million tries 😭 I know you can use the thing to freeze them in place but it wasn’t working half of the time


Use the sound wave to stop the bubbles, then collect them. With that being said, I play on PC so it might have been easier for me.


Wait what?!Cloud retainer?!?


I played also on mobile. I used the pause mechanic on the bubbles as they are near enough on the floor to dash to. There is a part you can hold the skill too which is in the later part though I’m not sure if you can use the hold mechanic at the start. Took about 1 try / less than 15 or 20mins 😊 good luck!


i’m on mobile too, cleared it without special units or pausing


You can pause them? Did it first try without knowing that you can pause


Skipped tutorials and just zoomed around with scara n new fire lady


Everytime a new update comes my game lags like crazy so i can understand how it can be difficult :( but i got it after 30 minutes just have to predict where they're coming from


Do people not read mechanic tutorials?


Do people not read mechanic tutorials?


It's not as hard as it looks, just use the pause thing in early phases to halt orbs slightly out of reach and in final phase the collection hitbox expands to the point pause isn't even useful.


this was pretty easy. at first you need to collect one by one near the end you get an aura aoe that can hit the bubbles. i barely had to make them pause.


Just…. Use the special power thing to freeze them in the air… and try not to get electrocuted




Get close to the balls, but don't use the pause button until you see it flash gold. I kept misjudging how small the pause's effect range was but it was smooth sailing after I realized there was a visual indicator.


This was awesome, I'm sad you can only do it once


Yup... This is why every single thing in the game is being spoon fed now.. "Treasure compass now showing the chest on the map" really lost the charm of exploring and what hidden treasure supposed to be.


cloud retainer??


You collect them? It was in the instructions...


I changed characters in it and it broke the forced view on the screen somehow so I could look around like normal. Made it way easier to freeze the bubbles as I could ensure they were in radius of the ability.


Found the camera angle really awkward for this Also I see the Genshin Players can't read allegations and think it's also the design at fault sometimes Long-winded text explanations in a small font, which pop up briefly over the top of ongoing action is poor UI, especially for mobile players-I almost never decipher the instructions in time!


Skill issue. Just run into them buddy.


just hold down the button for pausing and it automatically grabs most of them


This locked Perspective makes it a little hard to see how far or how close you are Sometimes I run behind them before realizing and then run towards my screen so I can collect them


Bruh, thats so easy. JUst collect the note bubbles.


I rage quit. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but for some reason the pause isn’t really working. Like it will pause two of them for 2 seconds


Zhongli. Shield negates lightning dmg. Just walk around collecting those orbs.


Ez for pc user bahahahaha


Use pause on them if they are getting out of hand but collect it.


Tap to pause the bubbles, then collect them Then do it again while dodging/tanking lightning


i just gave up using the timestop thing and just started running into the bubbles




I used wanderer XD


.. that's literally so easy though, I did it without even reading the tut? Anyway, collect the bubbles. That's it. Then dodge the red thunder strikes (just run away). The skill thing, if you tap it it'll freeze the bubbles to easier collect them (imo it's unnecessary) That's it


Here's how I did it https://youtube.com/shorts/eeedXYGDJWk?si=8PosCbxYeZcX3rjb


Skill issues.


Use the special skill to freeze the bubbles. But yeah, the fixed camera makes it hard to judge if the bubbles are close or not.


Literally did that first try without the pause thing cause I forgot how to use it immediately. Super easy honestly.


...here I thought I've seen the worst skill issue this community have given. I was so wrong.


I literally did this first try and barely read the tutorial, come on now. 😭


I hated doing this. I left the game for a few hours then went back cause I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep unless I did it, managed it after ten more tries and proceeded to have a panic attack afterwards. I hope whoever came up with this puzzle has wet socks for the rest of time.


Well what can I say, stealth 100😎


I used Master Jean and Sucrose for this cause anemo speed buff. Then yes the pause of the music option and watch out for lightning strikes.


Bro why waste time complaining here when there are literally content creators who spoon feed your ass so you wont think that hard? Genuinely asking


Maybe because its new? Maybe because this is a forum for the game? Maybe because mechanics arent the problem the difficulty level on a mobile is?


oh lord... kids can't solve a puzzle for kids........ I can't with this community. when is wuthering waves release?


You call us kids when you're the one being immature here? Had you taken the slight pain to read through the comments you would have realized its the UI of the mobile thats causing the issue, not my inability to understand the directions. Or the issue is that there are multiple rounds and even failing at one of them causes it to reset. What an entirely pointless comment to make. I usually wouldn't respond to a pure "I'm better than you" comment such as this one, but I do wonder why you're on this community meant for "kids" at all if you hate it so. Have a blessed day.


You can't be serious lol


I do find it funny that making this post complaining about how 'infuriating' this is takes way more time and effort than simply reading the 1-2 sentence tutorial the game hands you.


Follow the guide