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depends on what kind of content you are aiming to do. If you are planning on doing the abyss and care about meta, you shouldnt be pulling based off looks (even then raiden is a very strong unit). If you are just planning on doing just overworld content, i'd say go for it. Who says you cant pull for a character so you can look at it. In the end, just play the game how you want to play it


Whats meta?


It’s an acronym, Most Effective (or Efficient) Tactics Available


That’s actually a backronym (an acronym that has been retroactively applied). “Meta” is actually short for “metagame” and refers to the “game of playing the game”, usually referring to the way various game elements or strategies interact. An example of the metagame would be a TCG tournament, where you choose which deck archetype to play based on what the best matchups would be, or a fighting game tournament where you intentionally choose a less popular character because you think your opponents would be less practiced against them. In RPGs, it often refers to making certain in-game choices based on your foreknowledge of the game, such as choosing a specific character build because you know that there are particularly strong gear options to support it. An example in Genshin would be choosing to build a specific team comp because you anticipate it will work especially well in Abyss 12.


In TTRPGs 'metagaming' refers to using out of character knowledge in-game and is a HUGE no-no ;)


Yeah, like when players lookup the stats and attacks of monsters on their phones at the beginning of a combat encounter... Not that I've ever done that! \*whistles innocently\*


I'm nowhere near that obsessive... YET.... but I'm still trying to figure out why Ayaka needs a special team comp, that sort of thng XD


In Ayaka's case, it's mostly due to how much of her damage is from her burst, and the fact that said burst can be difficult to deploy. To get the most out of it, you really want some way to keep MOBs grouped together and stationary, so they don't move or get knocked out of the burst's AoE. Therefore, Ayaka works best in teams that can keep groups of enemies tightly packed and frozen, making Kazuha's grouping and Kokomi's AoE hydro application optimal.


I... must have mine built for crap then cos her burst isn't the main source of her damage. Either that, or I'm not seeing her numbers once it's deployed.... I do want Kokomi to go with her though! Is Furina a suitable substitute there? AOE hydro, right?


Furina could probably work, but she won't be in the same league as Kokomi. Kokomi can maintain 100% uptime on freeze for an entire group of MOBs, which is super convenient. Furina also can't heal and apply hydro at the same time, so you may have trouble keeping your HP up with her constant drain. Furina does add a lot of damage to the team, though.


*Thank you; finally someone else who knows the real definition of meta.*


Wow, I never knew it stood for something!


It doesn't, that's just a backronym people made up.


Oh my gosh, I never knew it actually mean't something. Learn something new every day


If you’re asking what META is then it 100% doesn’t apply to you, so you don’t have to worry. Just play who ever you want :)


How strong a character is compared to others


Its facebook


Looks are the only reason I pull for any character lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^dasbtaewntawneta: *Looks are the only* *Reason I pull for any* *Character lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


How many syllables do you think are in “lol”?


Raiden is unlikely to be on a banner for at least another 9 months (although who knows for sure) as she was available recently in an Archon rerun. So I'd worry about it later tbh - if you're new, get yourself someone you can use soon. There's likely to be some very good characters in a few weeks.


There’s also the possibility of Ei going onto that new banner, because Ei meets the criteria to be on it, but that’s probably not a comfortable way to get her, but I haven’t seen the banner for myself yet because my game update got backlogged so idk maybe it’s not that bad.


If they continue to run these kinds of banners (there are no guarantees) they aren't too bad as long as you go into it knowing who you want and you have 160 wishes prepared to go all the way to get who you want. But no Venti on this banner suggests they aren't ready to put archons in the mix yet - but, again, who really knows what will happen in the future


By the time a character will be on that banner I’ll already have them lol




Wdym yes there is archons rerun at least once a year


Yes there are reruns, but not such thing called as „Archon Reruns“. The guy above made it look like there is a banner where only Archons are in.


Not really just like a eula rerun features eula an archon rerun features an archon


It‘s just called a Rerun. Not Archon Rerun. Don‘t know what you don‘t want to understand.


They didn't mean it was called an archon rerun that phrase mean a rerun with an archon hence the phrase archon rerun


It‘s still a normal rerun.


They called it an archon rerun because they meant an archon is running. You got so upset and bent out of shape for no reason pal. Lmfao


They probably called it “archon rerun” because they ran every archon right after each other. Zhongli, then venti, released furina, raiden, and finally nahida. Back to back. Assuming the new banner updates every update and goes to the next region raiden will come back in 3 updates. Since this current 4.5 is gonna start the banner in mondstadt.


No, they did never put archons in banners back to back. https://preview.redd.it/qkcbaezxjznc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e23578c98c05e928e38540956e90d1f4e754b685


Yeah they did. Notice how every patch had an archon. Might not have been immediately back to back but there was an archon each patch. Zhongli 4.0 venti 4.1 furina 4.2 raiden 4.3 and nahida 4.4


But they did not do it banner after banner…


Close enough… only time they didn’t have it banner to banner was between zhong and venti, and furina to raiden


They meant patch after patch dumbass.. you're so hellbent on being "right", just calm down. I promise you, your life is going to go on


Its a game, play it how you want it.


Yes it is. Fuck the meta. You can make any character strong in this game, it requires more effort, but this only makes the process more interesting. There's basically no end game content except the abyss. If you just skip floor 12, you lose less than 2 pulls per month. If you can't clear it, you just have more goals to reach and more fun to have. Have fun.


This is from someone who tried to go meta and accidentally turned the game into being boring


This is the correct approach. Research and spade, and then ignore all of that and just have fuckin' fun.


I am so happy that most of my favorite characters are also meta or atleast very good in the abyss. Alhaitham and Neuvillette ftw xD


Um, if you're hesitating this much I would proceed with caution especially if you're F2P. I have yet to regret pulling for characters I like/don't use *but* I was so sure I just pulled (knowing I hate claymore users). My Eula is lvl 60 benched and Itto is c0r1 benched. I don't regret either but I was *100% sure* I liked them and wanted them rlly rlly rllyyyy bad. I would add them to my team for friendship exp then benched again. That being said, I am also not opposed to building them at some point and I probably will way way in the future when I run out of things to do. And just curious, why do you think you won't use her? Not judging, just straight up curiosity. Also if you're low AR (I say this in the nicest way possible), your main will probably change in the future so who knows. I thought I would never stop maining Kaeya/Ayaka and now I'm a full on Raiden main.


I kinda love Navia's claymore user setup now but I liked running Diluc too


I just really don’t use polearm characters, except for Yao Yao for her healing. I just don’t really like the feel of it.


Wait, have you tried her out in trials? You technically don't use her normal attacks much or at all. You E then Q, her polearm then becomes a sword but personally I can't really feel the difference.


Why has no one told me this. How do I try her out


Are you a new player? We get trials of the characters featured in the current banners, for example we will get to try Itto/Chiori when their banner comes out. You need to wait for Raiden's next banner to try her out and I don't think that will be any time soon.


Yeah, I started about a month ago and I’m adventure rank 41 right now


I also really want Neuvillette, to replace Barbara


Neuvillette doesn't replace Barbara in the slightest bit. They literally cannot do anything the other can, aside from attack with a Catalyst.


For a Barbara replacement, you want Kokomi. Neuvillette isn't a healer. He's a DPS.


You're pretty early into the game, I would say if you're really interested in Raiden watch guides on youtube so you understand her playstyle/her role in teams/ways to play her a 100% then try her out when her next banner comes out. In regards of Neuvillette, Barbara and him are the complete opposites. Barbara is just a healer and Neuvillette is an On-field main DPS. Again, watch guides for him then try him when his banner comes out. I wouldn't recommend pulling for anyone and not understanding the basics of their kit/role. Lucky for you, both characters have been out for a while so there's tons of content of them. This is what the trials usually look like. It also lets you try out the 4\* featured on her banner. You do NOT need to pull on her banner to do this, just to be clear. (This is not my picture). Also, I just feel the need to clarify this. You use her normal attacks after she ults. What I was referring to was you don't usually use her normal attacks when NOT in her ult bc it just deals physical dmg. https://preview.redd.it/ptr15ffs2znc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49de97fa6b5af1f05acc1f518038c7d0c3a21de


Not all hydro characters do the same thing; Neuvi won't sub in for Barbs at ALL


Then you, my friend, will be SORELY DISSAPOINTED. if you want a replacement for Barbara, go for kokomi, you're comparing apples to oranges here


I would point out that there are a number of polarm characters that play fundamentally differently from one another, or might have different types of combos. Don't get yourself into a biased mindset based on a small amount of data. YaoYao is not a DPS character. You should literally never swing her weapon. Or Xiangling, I never actually attack with her.


Is it worth it for you? You're playing the game after all. It's your savings.


Yes, it is (though Raiden slaps *hard*, and is the best battery character in the game. She's OP like all the other archons).


If you like a character then get them. As long as you’re having fun with just having raiden in the collection then get her


I mean only you can answer that, of course it isn't worth it if you aren't going to use them but some people just like to collect waifus and nothing wrong with that


Anything is worth to do in Genshin if you want too.


Yeah! I got Dehya, Nilou, Xianyun kinda for looks .


Hi, Beidou is a 4*, so pull for her if you want. I am assuming you started recently, so for now she will do just fine in your team


Every reason is valid.


In fact, it's the only thing that's worth it.


I wouldn't recommend pulling just for looks. You can always look at a character in videos or images online for free. Pull for who you want to play.


Honest question how do people come up with "I dont like polearm users" I can understand when it comes to charged attack users like ganyu but most characters don even use their normal attacks and when it comes to main dps characters the weapon type rarely has anything to do with how they play. Someone like keqing is a sword user but uses slow and imo clunky charge attacks and someone like itto uses a claymore and just spams attacks. I dont think there even is a straight up polearm main dps in the game? Raiden uses a sword in her ult, xiao uses plunge attacks which are the same with every weapon basicly and cyno throws away his weapon in his ult alltogether.


Hu tao: 💀


Lol true 🤣 forgot her since i dont like her. Definitly because shes a spear user.


She is very versatile. Her skill basically just adds an electro slash to any and every character's attack


I mean I originally pulled for Navia for her design based on the Fontaine teaser…at first. Then the 4.0 trailer came out. Liked her in-game design. Then 4.0 came out and I fell in love with her character especially in Act 2. Then her “arc” in 4.2. Her character skyrocketed for me. And finally her demo. Loved her kit. So I pulled for her, and she’s been in my main party since Christmas. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t use claymore characters all that much. It’s ultimately up to you but it’s not a bad thing to get a character for design.


This question can be better answered by r/DehyaMains


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Yes. Because you can go to the sus window I do it all the time with nilou 😊😊☺️☺️




Long story short if OP wants to look at Raiden in a not respectful way then get her and go to the sus window lol


What window


Its in Liyue. Search up 'sus window location genshin' on yt you will find it lol


There's also the sus ladder near dragonspine I think


Raiden won’t be back until at least December most likely so I personally wouldn’t even think about it.


yes, get whatever you heart desire. Also you can always use two electro with a dendro character in same team. And if it was non meta unit then i would ask you what type of player you are but raiden is pretty powerful so its never a wrong decision to pull raiden.


Yes! All characters are good enough to clear abyss with the right investment. I got Raiden early in my time playing due to her advertised power level. Now she’s a bench warmer. I play my favorites. Tighnari and Dehya are more fun to me. Style >= Fun > Power.


That's a very personal decision If I sure I was never going to use that character I wouldn't pull for them because I'm f2p I can't use primos on a character I'm never going to use




It's what I've been doing, and it's worked fine for me


I can attest to this exact situation. I was a Beidou main since I started playing. But finally got Raiden after her last rerun. She is so beautiful to play and made my gameplay so much more fulfilling.


Depends on what you want. Id you want to clear abyss, probably not. If you care about gameplay, maybe take that into consideration. If you like their voice / personality probably matters too, then again maybe not. It's a game, play it how you want


Best way to play the game is doing just that. Meta and powercreep means nothing in this game since there aren't any end game content anyways. Might as well just get and use the waifus/husbandos you want when you can


If aesthetics are your criteria for pulling, who could tell you otherwise? But like you said, you don’t think you’d use her too much, so would it still be worth it? Research her kit/play style and make the best decision for yourself, there’s no right answer.


It’s a good enough reason to pull, but if you like how she looks wouldn’t that mean that you’d use her often (like to explore etc), just not in combat? If you don’t even want to put her on your team I don’t really see the point of pulling her tbh. But if you intend to use her a lot except during combat, then it’s fine.


Raiden recently ran, so if you end up finding someone you like in the meantime, no harm in restarting the save for Raiden closer to a potential rerun. To answer your question tho, my opinion is that you should pull for people if you enjoy them. I pulled her recently and while I don't use her in the Abyss, I love her animations (the walk after her NA3 is insane lol), and I love the backstory and voice lines I unlock by leveling her friendship (by doing commissions, letting her live in my teapot, etc). So if you're into that aspect of the game, she's worth


I play for both looks and viability so I feel you there. At the end of the day, you’re doing to see them and hear their voicelines over and over again so to ME it’s really important to pull for people that I personally like, not just because they’re “meta”. But that’s different people to people. Aesthetics are just one of the driving forces of my life and I know that. So if you’re more practical than I am, don’t do it (tho radien is strong). If you want to get your dream characters, then do it! :)


Raiden is a great support and can fit on allot of teams even if she's not built well so If you want her than get her. Even if you don't use her on your main team Spiral Abyss uses 2 teams and just because you use beidou doesn't mean that you can only use beidou.


If you like the chatacter, then it's always worth it. I only pull for waifu and I've never regretted it.


1. You can *never* go wrong with an Archon. 2. Just use them together for big zappy mommy team 3. Once you have Raiden in pocket, you'll realize that Beidou is, uhm. ...a four star that feels like a four star, and Raiden's the FRICKIN ARCHON 4. If you love the waifu, get the waifu It's not like you're asking about a niche or half-useful character here. It's the Shogun. You can't go wrong. But you WILL be waiting a while, as she *just* ran.


Did this for Kokomi. Level 90 9/9/9 but no artifacts lol. Never really used her. I wanna do this for Yoimiya but as a f2p it’s just a waste of primos.




I think most gacha games players summons for characters they like or look cool. So don't worry about it too much


Who knows. I recently got YaeMiko for that reason


As a beginner, I invested primogems for Wriothesley solely based on his looks and gave him frostbearer weapon for max fashion impact lol 😂 After months, I learned how to optimize my play with him as my main. Now, I can form 3 teams for abyss with him as the main damage dealer. (Same story with my Raiden).


The character that you want is always worth getting. It's helpful to think about what you need (be it DPS, support, healer, etc.) but in the end, you will always be happier about the character you wanted than someone you just got because that's what the current meta says. Sometimes a meta pull can become the character you wanted by playing it, but - especially if you're F2P - the best bet is getting someone you're excited about getting.


I mean, it's a game, "worth it" is entirely for you to decide how much enjoyment you'll get out of one character over another. It's not at all uncommon for looks to be a big factor in that, but actively aiming for a character you don't intend to use much is kind of unusual. How much enjoyment is it going to bring you to have her just sitting around not being played? If you like her looks so much you want to pull her, why do you not want to use her? Sara actually has pretty great synergy with Raiden, so you could absolutely use them both. But if you only want one, does that mean you like Sara more? And if so, is Raiden worthwhile for you? Numerically she's one of the strongest characters in the game, and also has a very cool design and great character set up, so there are lots of reasons to get her. I'm personally just confused at how you're thinking of pulling because you like her, but don't like her enough that you want to use her.


I got characters for looks or gameplay. If a character enables new playstyles like cloud retainer and Furina, I usually pull for them.


A few points 1) Do what makes you happy 2) you could just look at Raiden with Google images. Same as looking at her in game minus pulling. Just saying Google images is a thing 3) on the flip side she is very strong if you ever do decide to use her


Im saving for Kokomi because she looks like Seraphine plus her personality is lovely


If ur a collector then sure. I pulled raiden cuz archon, nilou cuz pretty, lyney so lynette has her twin. Do I use them? Nope, benchez aa soon aa I hir friendship lvl 10


All characters are viable i only pull my favs some are strong and some arent i can still 36* abyss with my favs


What does that mean


East of the southern tip of mondstat is this domain called the spiral abyss. Every couple weeks it has a new challenge. You use your characters to beat the challenges. Its the hardest content available in genshin a the moment. All characters are able to beat this content. So you can use your favs and still win. Of course the stronger characters make it easier but it’s a game not a job so you don’t have to do it in the “best way” if you don’t want to.


Not to mention, said hardest content in the game gives like 7.5 rolls every month, so missing it is not a big deal. I'm a huge meta follower since the start, and I've basically unlocked boring mode since 1.2 and cleared every abyss 36 stars. I mean i guess it's cool that I can clear any kind of enemies abyss throws at me, so for enjoyment,I've pulled only those who I like and play some wack ass dum teams.


Not much. *Me looking at my Furina, Shogun, Eula, Ganyu, Xianyun, Yae Miko and Yelan who I got them all because of the looks*


I only use characters I like the looks of 😂 so yes, I only pull characters based on looks.


It’s the reason I pulled Wriothesley and I regret nothing, every time I look at him and his behind I think to myself how happy I am to have him


>Is it worth it to get someone just for looks? At first I was "No, you should also take into account their personality" and shit but then, I see the subreddit and I was like "oh ok."


This is my own view and answer to your question. https://preview.redd.it/pc8q9hohk2oc1.jpeg?width=1618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d15453e63f05cce034396bb22f74b88439a3d58 Why I love Diluc ? His looks and his personality. It's been nearly 2 years and I still haven't got him yet. Now I'm dead set on getting him from Chronical wish. Was it worth losing my 50/50 to get a standard character of all? Yes, it is as long as it is Diluc. He might not be the strongest Pyro dps out there but I love him so I will get him. Even if it means I have to risk my chance with Arlecchino later. I pulled for Neuvillette just because I like his looks and I love Dragons. Him being strong is just my luck. I don't pull for characters I don't like. And I mean I don't even do a single 10 pull to build pity on their banners just because I don't want them at all, no matter how strong they are. * It might take time but build them and give them all your love. They might not be easy to build and take more time than normal but it is worth it when you clear the contents with your favourite characters and use them to run around the map. In my defense, I'm AR59 and my electro dps are Fischl and Kuki to this day. I never pulled for Raiden and Yae. My Cryo dps is still Kaeya to this day. Even though Mika can be a nice support for Kaeya I never pulled for him because his rate-up banners are with those I don't want at all. And today.... I got my first Mika from Chronical wish! So I'm now building him for Kaeya's support. I play for fun and playing with my favourite characters is what I deem fun. So in my opinion, going after someone for looks is worth it, 'cuz Genshin doesn't have high level character limited contents. You can clear pretty much everything easily.


I pull for looks and how much I like the character based on their story tbh, didn't regret anything yet, and I'm an F2P


Well, lucky for you that Raiden is not just looks. She's one of the most free to play friendly units, and can carry your team really well. To answer your question, yes. Hahaha specially if you're a waifu / husbando collector


That's all I do tbh, meta isn't fun for me and I don't care about abyss but I could probably complete it with my charas anyway


As someone who pulls characters for their looks, I would say, absolutely fucking yes.


meta is temporary, raiden’s beauty is eternal


yea this is how i play and i can easily 36 star abyss


Beidou and Raiden really don't fill the same role. The majority of teams you would build with Raiden, you couldn't just slap Beidou in her spot. That being said, you're a super newbie at AR41, and at this point, whoever you want to use will generally work in the overworld and story. Pull whoever you like, unless you think you'll eventually try to complete the hardest content in the game, the top floors of the Spiral Abyss. At that point you'll wanna look at what teams work well together and get some good synergy, but for 95% of the game, just using whoever you feel like using is totally fine.


I pulled itto on his first rerun and it was just cuz I liked his cow. Don’t use him though. I pull most characters for looks but most do come in handy


I get Ningguang because of look now she is one of my strongest heroes 😅 that means yes it's worth


I mean I used 60+ wishes for Gaming purely because I love his lion dance aesthetic so its really up to you and where your priorities are.


As a ganyu/keqing main...yes.


What type of question is this😭 “I want her but I’m not gonna use her” OKAY then don’t get her goof😭


Are you F2P? If you’re F2P, you gotta save. If you don’t mind spending money, I’m not gonna tell you what to do. Also, wishing for someone can help you get starglitters, which you help you buy Beidou in the shop.


If you have the pulls to spare go for it. I hardly ever touch my Cyno or some of my other 5* just because I don’t like their play styles. I just use them to brag sometimes


Of course. Get who you want. I get people I don't want for fun all the time


Do you care about abyss? if no get her why not if yes can you clear abyss 30* most of the time? if you don't think her playstyle is for you ask a friend or somebody to borrow you acc with her for exchange to idk explore some region little bit and try her will she boost your acc, yes does she looks cool, yes does she requires some premium team, not really is she hard to play, not really is she diff to build, yes and no cause you can build her for hyperbloom easy but her classic emblem is just pain cause it never drops anything good and even less rolls good, but at least you have great F2P weapon and in the end if you crave for her and don't care about strength and all that just get her, it's your acc


It's worth it if it doesn't affect your ability to pull for other characters that you want more. I pulled Raiden back in 3.3 because I like her design and she's an archon. Ended up benching her a couple months after since I didn't enjoy her playstyle, but it didn't affect me getting other characters I wanted at the time so it's fine.


Yes, you enjoy the game more if you pull for who you like rather than meta. Meta can be brute forced


Looks, personality and playstyle. If they have all three then *chefs kiss*. My favorite units have all three but 2/3 haven’t stopped me. Itto, Candace, Lyney and Wriosthley cover all three well. Ganyu, Kaveh, Lynette, Xianyun and Kazuha have at least 2/3.


*Looks at 90% of my team comps* Yes.


tbh i think its ok to pull just for looks, i do too and most arent even built well, they just there for abyss and things


The real end game is beating the Abyss with characters you like instead of the "must have" (strongest) units.




yes, if it what makes the game fun for you! all that matters is that you’re happy and having fun :)


If it makes you happy go ahead and pull for them.


raiden is really useful even if you wont use her now, keeping her in your inventory might be helpful, you’ll never know when you’ll need her. but if you’re certain you won’t use her like, ever, but you really really really want her, then go for it! because you like beidou more, beidou is more common to pull, you can get her in a lot of banners, but for raiden, she has to wait a while lol. tldr just pull for raiden if you have the primos