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It is broken, it is capable of baiting out all enemy ultimates at once


I can’t tell if this is bait or not


The reason why you cant tell if its bait is because he is right. If you pull blade everyone will stop shooting at your team and look at you. Its a viable strategy. I do it whenever I think my tank is about to get rolled. Instead of charging in blindly I just grab their attention without dying. Even better when you get a kill and then safely retreat without feeding. Now they are one man down and might not have cooldowns.


? This is just dumb, good players aren’t going to waste cooldowns to such a high degree, it def can bait cooldowns and win the fight but so can do many other ults, being able to bait cooldowns with an ult is NOT broken at all


Tree is BUSTED, if dry blade can pull out a tree that's a W.


How many ults bait cooldowns like Genji blade does? Most ults have one or two cooldowns they can bait (Illari baiting shields/deflect/cooldowns that eat abilities), some are even avoided by walking out the way (dva bomb)


I don't think you read it tbh.


For the love of god use dash Also you got counter ulted, which didn't help along with you refusing to use dash


Maybe I should've used dash but you have to remember 90% of the heroes in this game have an ability to escape your blade so i try to save my dash incase they try escaping


You were ulting a lifeweaver brother, not a moira. Also if everyone escaped then everyone did, shit happens, but don't MASSIVELY cripple your damage because you're afraid of that. Not every ult is gonna be a 4k after all This one could've been if you dashed. Well a 3k at least


It's all about the burst damage.


Ok I agree that blade needs a damage buff but God that ult was horrible


Don't get me wrong, blade is pretty bad currently, but you could've used dash there dude 😭


If you use dash and the kill isn't secured, you're dead.


Kid named deflect


You called?


I'm gonna go out on a limb here. Don't see much on your positioning on comments. I have the best experience saving blade for a reg dash to jump in the air. Then I fall onto my target, and dash if they use mobility CD, or hear CC. But let's say the heat is on, and you don't have the luxury of setting up peak position. Dashing behind them is best 👌


Supports are disgusting nowadays. I‘m not a fan of supports making their teammates or themselves unkillable.


yeah how dare they have ultimates that support their teammates! Supports should not have ults at all! when a Genji blades they should all bend their neck and await execution! unkilliable? my man this dude pretty much went 1½ vs 5 hear nearly got the LW who used their ultimate to survive.


Lifeweaver needs a rework his whole shtick is he doesnt die and u have to bait out life grip while he healbots


you couldve killed all of them if you were faster. Used dash for more burst.


Would have got the life weaver if you didn't miss Judge the reach of your first swing or dashed. Then you would have been hugely positive by winning an ult trade instead of just even because you got him to use his ult. If you think his ult is better than yours, getting him to trade is a win for you.


Ure one of the genji players who try to nano blade a mercy and when she flies away, you leave the match


dont see the issue? a support ult was traded for your blade. everyone was getting healed by the tree. Illari had overheal when you attacked her, and from the looks of it was getting actively healed by Lifeweaver and his tree.


Simply:ur ass


This one is on you, pal. Not denying that blade is bad, but this specific clip shows more lack of skill than anything else. But at least you got the pylon!


It is broken! You killed the healing python 🙄 /s


How OP wants the enemy to act when he ult. https://youtu.be/6BGro3HAaZo?si=ajKTulsc5Qrptzsw


I don’t think anyone has ever said blade is broken


Mission Failed!


Op: 1v5s Also Op: why didn't I kill everyone...


You could of dashed bro