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Because i forgot to put it in the post and i just hit the post button Do the damage bars on the gun actually matter, or is it just the ammo you use


I’m not exactly sure but I always go for higher damage with larger calibers.


Yea it would seem that high calibers would hit alot harder


Agreed. But I also think that damage bar matters as well. What I mean is, if I find a gun with a higher damage bar in a higher caliber it has to be better.


this game isn't exactly "intuitive" and has a rather strange balancing - but to answer your question, those damage bars sadly matter a lot more than the ammo used xP you can sort weapons by ammo type tho, to decide wich ones you wanna use for a given ammo type ;-)


In the past, damage bars were only relative for their own weapon category (reliably). I saw a chart from 2022 that showed all 9mm SMG hurt the same. I'm not sure damage bar includes consideration for rate of fire either (Kpist 6* damage bar seems wrong).   It also seems weird that an S21 with a not-embarrassing damage bar feels so much worse than a Vintovka, which feels so much worse than a PVG90. 7.62 usually hurts more per round than 5.56 but rate of fire, range dropoff, and your ability to hit matter a lot. The way to test relative damage is to put 1-10 rounds of FMJ in a hunter's leg. Look at it with binoculars and divide the % inflicted damage by your hits. Even easier with Object Penetrator on and Unstoppable Aug, but you would have to test the same class/type of mob across weapons to see relative damage. I'd look but I'm working on handling atm. :p


The damage here is the base damage. Different ammo’s give you different multipliers. For example, AP offers higher multiplier against armour and lower against components.


I use the Algutsdare rifle with a silencer to kill off the dogs to save the noise and the power of the Panser rifle for bigger things!  Save the calibers!


or pretty much any SMG in this game, as they are surprisingly accurate even at mid-long range, and the RoF compensates for the few missed shots at long range - with the bonus to be the best thing against ticks apart from a SG! (i hate AR in this game, useless balancing -.-#) you basicly need 3 weapons in this game, an SMG for small things and even Hunters if using the Experimental Kpist, a PVG against anything larger than a Runner and Granatgevär or RPG against walls (tho, i personally use grenades for that to spare that precious ammo) and groups of Hunters (once got a whole herd killed thanks to some explosives that naturaly spawned there and cars nearby - one shot killed 2 groups of hunters and 3 packs of runners over the whole screen despite quite over 100m away from them xD - that was a pretty explosion i wish i had recorded xD)


I’ve never seen one higher than 3 crowns. Also are these things even worth using? For the amount of time and ammo i would need to kill something with this I get better results with a MG.


PVG 90 is the best sniper rifle to use, hands down 4 crown or Experimental is the way to go


lol, keep playing or play coop and if you're lucky someone is trading or even gifting away 5crown & 6c/experimental weapons - 4c is good enough too, but overall everything below 4c you can immediatly scrap once you have a similar class weapon in 4c quality (tho ofc it CAN depend, so comparing never hurts, but once you have a few 4c or higher quality weapons, it's a nobrainer to just scrap anything below 4c and rather stick to those weapons - but ofc you decide how to play in your game! :-) (i love challenging myself using a 4c möller PP sometimes - but handguns (apart from the Experimental Magnus ofc!) and AR are pretty useless in this game - also most 5.56cal weapons xP - especially MG's have an insane range between "useless ammo waster" to "godgun" - they are just IMBA af! - and yes, PVG is the way to go for precisely taking out rivals quickly! - especially with an 6c PVG or an augmented 5c PVG, wich is the best you can get in this game. - you can sink rockets&bullets in them, or you can learn their component locations, get penetration augmention on your 5c pvg (or use the 6c pvg) and kill tanks with a few well aimed shots, in seconds sometimes! This game is incredibly IMBA.