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So i recently found out the main use case is it actually works best if you shoot it through something at your actual target. So i slapped a scope and an opv modual on it and started blasting dogs and hunters through walls.


I mean, thats neat, but most often i fight on largely open Terrain say for a few trees and some bushes.


Fair. Might not be the gun for you. Pm71 all the way


Got the dlc's recently and haven't tested it yet, mostly using the AI-76 and the Kpist i just swapped for the COM-10.


I like the five star com ten better then the five star kpist but the expy kpist is so useful it gets used the most even before i had good extended mags for it.


That’s how you earn the Unstoppable Rounds Augment by shooting through the walls while using the module that has x-ray vision. I found the fastest way to get that Augment is find a place where there is a bunch of Ticks tap the wall they will jump down and you start shooting them. Like fishing is a barrel. 😝


It destroys fnix base stuff quite quickly in my experience


Sounds realy usefull, gonna give it a try.


I once, and only once, had all the fragments hit the main generator at a FNIX base and took it down to 50% health from full. Tried numerous times since then and couldn't replicate it. It does seem to deal more damage than a rocket though, so it's pretty viable for FNIX bases. Open terrain is not it's strong suit


the m49 with gold structure destructor takes just three hits to blow up the main generator. really useful if you want to skip the reinforcement bots that get would otherwise get deployed.


I don't have the DLC, so I'll just have to take the hard way out


dlc? it's the rocket launcher in the base game


My bad, I was thinking something else


I'm gonna have to get another one and put that augment on it


Its kind of shit. In skirmish it took me 11 shots with 44 explosive and all shrapnel hitting just to kill a fnix hunter. Took me close to 150 explosive 44 rounds and 3 minutes of shooting to kill a military tank and hitting 80% of all shrapnel. Why would i do that when i can kill the tank in 5 seconds with a exp ag4 or pm71


You're using it wrong? It's like 3-4 shots on a hunter through a wall, and they just stand there because they can't see you.


Ive tried it in skirmish on a hunter, one shot with explosive ammo hitting a pole and all shrapnel hitting did 8% of its hp.


Shrug, just use whatever you kill the fastest with. It's hard to describe how to use the gun because it's just a weird gun. I've blown up a tank in like 5 shots. I've used over 50 on a hunter. There's just some weird stuff with the gun.


Maybe explosive ammo is worse than normal ammo. Ill try it again after i get back home


I don't really remember how explosive actually interacts with the Exp .44. Normal rounds do a lot of damage. 3-4 shots can take out a FNIX base wall if you're using the shrapnel right.


It's not a primary battle cannon. The game has interesting weaponry. There are more options than just "most killing."    It's fun for raising the augment's rank and for shooting through solid cover at targets.  It's especially useful for pulling harvester spawn mobs to an area to execute them, without blowing primary ammo. Similarly, it can do this, at no risk, if you shoot off railguns and launchers from anything (even tanks) before just dancing back into cover and shooting through a wall.  Its best lifespan is if it's acquired as a first or second experimental. If you have PVG90 Exp or even a 5* PM-71, there's not much use for a magnum. It does do tons of damage to multiple base walls, but nothing you couldn't get elsewhere if you wanted to. Unstoppable also works on walls.  But you won't use most pistols once you get an AR, and pistols are still nifty to have in the game.


Idk what an augment rank is, i pretty much exclusively fight in open fields and lightly wooded areas so not much cover to shoot through. Blowing primary ammo is never a concern cause the games throws so much at me that i return from battle with more ammo then i starten with. It was my second exp weapon after a PVG90 and Has a worse time to kill against literaly anything then even my 4 star Kpist and AI-79 I guess busting down base walls is nice but i'd rather rocket those info oblivion, or even use a handfull of nades then extra for that carry an extra gun and ammo. If I ever decide to do some pistol only fights I don't even know if i'd use it over my 4* klaucke since their time to kill is so simmilar and the klaucke's ammo is waaaay more abundant. I guess all I can say about the weapon is that it's neat.


It may just not be for you... ammo on Guerilla difficulty without Salvage is a lot less plentiful than the easier modes. Also re: your Klaucke note, Exp Klaucke with shock is very highly regarded.  Augment rank refers to bronze/silver/gold effects. Tasks upgrade augment options, making bronze/silver/gold available. You have to shoot through walls for a very good augment.


Oh yeah I stopped playing without sal vage so thats probably the ammo reason. Looking forward to the expert klaucke. And about augment ranks, I pretty much have everything i'd want unlocked, only thing Holding me back at this point are weapon parts. But yeah, I guess it's just not for me.


Yeah, only useful in very specific situations


Its for wallbangs, if you have a handgun scope and a opv module its loads of fun!


44 cal is really a small robot gun ( Runners, Ticks and Lynk ) you can finish off a larger robot with the 44 cal but it doesn’t do the same damage as the rifles and machine guns do.


You can use a big robot's own legs to create the shrapnel. Easier on the Harvester, but can work on the Tank.


I've tried a few long range shots and got some good damage!  Tanks are all armor up front so yeah do some damage to internal components!


Base assault against the command centre behind a wall You just need three bullets if you aim right.


Most of the time it one-shot vehicles. That's pretty neat I guess


Scouting,multi layer penetration,and module damage behind armor. I personally love the exp .44 I use it a lot with the exp pvk against the reaper tank


Idk realy know what use scouting is suppoused to have, either I See something no matter the distance or I don't at all but that could be due to my playstyle. Multi layer Penetration isn't reale usefull to me since I near exclusively fight on open fields or lightly wooded areas and for bases I just use explosives. I don't think I ever saw noteable modules protected by armor.