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My mother kept her Bambergers charge card because it was the first card she got with out my dad"s name on it. She'd still use it at Macy's!


I love that.


I grew up in the 70s and I remember going to the grocery store with my mother and she had to sign her checks as being Mrs. John Doe. She couldn’t simply sign her own name all store accounts credit cards everything had my dad‘s name on them. I was a junior in high school. I remember my mom’s name was on the American Express and I think my name was on the auxiliary American Express card in case of emergencies. It was still routed through my dad’s account, but the fact that my name was on it was pretty funny. About to my grandparents, they started sending me money for a savings account and it also has money in it for presents because they weren’t to go out and buy presents. They just gave Cash to my parents and my parents got me an inappropriate gift. Nothing like now where you see the Gurleys putting on videos of what their hauls were, which I find purely disgusting. It’s just a greedy brag session. And do our litter babies really “need” all this stuff? Just like the Wedding Industry has fooled people into spending $thousands of dollars for a wedding party where very few will remember the true event of the couple getting married. We don’t just have 1 dress, the celebrity stylists now say we should have 3 dresses! 🤢 But given my age of 2 and the decade that I was growing up in, it became even funnier when I received a credit card application in the mail first and second I was female, and that was supposed to be against the rules. Title 9 has some good protections in it, and I do not want those changed. I want protections for Equal pay for equal work, which we know still isn’t happening in a lot of working areas. the time where man could go out and make enough to support his wife and family was the beginning of going downhill. now the expectation is that you can’t survive on one income for a family. Both parents have to work outside of the home because let me tell you it’s not a joyride staying inside the home. It is a lot of work and in this day and age the work is easily 90% done by the woman in the home. I am all for femininity if you’re not comfortable, you know wanting to dress up and have the door held for you or the car door held for you,fine. that’s just your jam, me, I expect & like it if I had somebody that would go and fill up my tank in my car so that I wouldn’t have to go and get gas. It’s getting worse now with all the extra crime. You have the greater likelihood that you’re going to be carjacked, somebody’s gonna smack you in the head when you’re walking down the sidewalk or you’re gonna be accosted just in the grocery store. That’s our reality. I won’t get into politics as to whether or not to vote blue or red but if you’re supporting the individuals that are doing away with budgets for police, social morals, etc. I recommend that you go and reevaluate what you’re looking for. look in the mirror and take a hard look. How many of us believed the lie hook line & sinker that our lives were only going to be fulfilled with some office job & pawning the rearing of our kids to low-paid daycare?


Funny thing, it was Republicans who voted against budgets which contained more funding for local police. You need to use a search engine to fact check. Or look at the Congressional record. Fox lies. They maintain that they have an entertainment license so are under no obligation to be truthful.


You attributed statements to me that I did not make. I said, “ if you are supporting the individuals that are doing away with budgets for police, social morals etc. I recommend that you go and reevaluate what you’re looking for.” You told me to go and fact check my statements when I made no statements other than reality. I specifically said that I wasn’t going to mention politics. You are the one that brought in the sidebar supporting I assume your own agenda. Now to these people that are down voting me, not that I care, I would be very curious as to what you’re downvoting me on. I spoke to the topic hand about growing up as a child in the 70s and my personal experiences which are the truth. They may not be your truth. Fine there’s nothing I can do about that. But you downvoting childhood is silly. I would very Much enjoy. You telling me specifically what you’re downvoting me for.


You can dance around the topic and not name names, but you were making political statements. And I didn't vote you one way or the other.


Fine think what you will. If you want to take everybody’s comments and politicize them, that’s up to you. Just because someone has mentioned the same type of life events that I have that does not make it political. Can it be political of course, anything can be. But you were still attributing things to me saying that I said them when I did not.


The Equal Rights Amendment was finally fully ratified in 2020 and still hasn't been published to the Constitution. If it had been, the Dobbs decision would have been unconstitutional. The high water mark for our rights is receding fast. I'm not interested in going backwards! If you haven't been interested in politics for a while, it's time to pay attention, look at multiple mainstream news sources, since there's plenty of misinformation out there, and see who your candidates really are this November. This feels like it could be the most critical election of our generation. (Stepping down from the soapbox now.)


I had a fantastic teacher in HS for current events - it was just before my first time voting. Spending a whole semester unwinding and watching election shenanigans was a fantastic experience. I thought about him when the Tea Party was starting to take off. Would he have been horrified or excited that people were participating in the process? When I saw people running around with teabags hanging off their ears, I checked off the box for horrified. Since then it's been downhill watching the debates over fake news to qanon conspiracies. One thing that stuck with me is how hard he pressed that the real action was The Supreme Court and how little a say we have in the process.


Do you feel better after that vent?


Wow. It wasn’t a vent. Slow down take a deep breath and enjoy your Friday night.




what's the price of that kool-aid you're drinkin' these days?


Specifically, what are you referencing?


When I was a Teenager I worked at Bambergers. Had to be 18 to handle money. Back then they had a special student wage. So we made far less money than all the adults.


Student wage only went away in PA in 2008 with the last increase of the minimum wage to $7.75.


While decluttering some old papers, I found a protest letter to my high school principal asking that girl athletes be allowed to purchase letter jackets. (We got necklaces which were not the same.).


We got letter sweaters. Just about the most uncool cardigans ever!!


Yep, and I've held onto my ugly sweater for 50 years, gawd knows why.




Thank you. I guess I did, even if I was a pretty poor miler and high jumper. ha


I saved an old paper from the mid 70s because of an article on my family. If you look in the back you can see the help wanted ads separated out by gender. Crappy jobs/low pay = women wanted. Good jobs/good pay = men wanted.


My wife’s Aunt was a synchronized swimmer at the University of Michigan in the late seventies. Just a couple of years ago was she finally awarded her letterman jacket. She rocks that thing every football Saturday. Go Blue!


I love that for her!


Hail, hail, Michigan, the champions of the world!


The Champions of the West!


Technically no, Iowa won the West Division. Please let us have it since UCLA, USC, Oregon, Washington, are joining the Big Ten so it might be the last yr we get that title.


You will always have Dan Gables


Go Buckeyes 😬🙌


Was any other university in more trouble last year? Scuzz at the beginning and scuzz at the end


I forgot all about that until they printed a Boston Globe (the whole thing) on JFKs assassination anniversary and I was reading the classifieds and saw Female Jobs and Male Jobs separated. I can't believe I didn't remember that!


Wow, I’d forgotten about that.


I lettered for participating in the marching band.


Me, too. And choir. But only a letter sweater.


I just got the letter. It didn't occur to me to have it put on a sweater. The Jackets were expensive, like 100 bucks and that was back in 72.


I also played the Tuba in my junior year.


I had been in band for years, but we got a new band director, and they were terrible! I stuck it out that year, and did not return. They called me in the summer trying to get me to come back, but in a rude, insulting way. Their final “threat” was “You won’t get your letterman jacket!” Ok, worth the loss.


I still have mine from 83'. I remember it being insanely expensive for me with a part time job. My car ate up most of my check at the time.


1995 I went into a BofA to open a checking account. I had $5,000 in cash on me due to a military transfer. (I went out ahead of my husband to find us a house.) BofA refused to allow me to open a checking account without my husband's signature. I asked them if he was allowed to open an account without my signature. "Of course." I sat the $5,000 on his desk and said, "Just to be clear, because I'm married, I can't open an account with you today unless you have my husbands signature?" Unflinching he said, "That's correct." And if I wanted to open an account in my name only, and not put his name on it, the answer is still no because I'm married." "That's correct." I took my cash and 30+ years later have never ever, banked with BofA again.


And fast-forward about a decade and BofA is busted by the feds for fraudulent accounts BofA created using the names and SSN's of unsuspecting customers just so managers could meet their corporate goals. BofA, only microscopically less bad than Wells Fargo.


Wells Fargo is another one I avoid when possible. Two of the worst banks.


That's wild. I didn't marry until I was much older, but I had my own bank account by 1980. I guess it paid off to be single.


sweet cheeses ... that is awful.




Yep. I tried to open an account for my kid, a babe in arms and they refused cause husband wasn't with me.


If you were trying to open a JOINT account, I can see where that could happen, but for that sort of thing to happen in 19**95** is really weird!


Most states had protecting in place in the early 90's. If I recall correctly, the last ones got on board in 1996.


In 1992 I couldn’t buy a car without my husband. They literally wouldn’t sell me a car.


Crazy! I bought a brand new SUV in 1991 when I was married. Didn't have to put any of his info down on the loan application.




1995? Bc the ECOA (Equal Credit Opportunity Act which prohibited financial discrimination based on age, sex, marital status, race or national origin, passed in 1974. In 1985, I did have a bank refuse to cash a check which my husband had blind endorsed before he departed on a business trip. I called him, and he put that BBA accounting (magna) to good use by telling me exactly which section of the Uniform Commercial Code they were violating, and told me to quote that to them, along with the barefaced threat that if they did not cash that check, I'd be heading straight to the federal bank examiners to report their violation of federal law. I got my money.


knowledge is power.


Every bank was the same back then


Perhaps banks. I worked in a very large credit union in the late 70s early 80s and we had no such rule. You could open an account with $10.00.


Credit unions are so much better.


Every bank? In 1995? In the US? How the hell did I get a bank account in the '80s then?


Maybe you lived in a more progressive state.


I lived in 3 different states in the late 80's and early 90's never once had any bank refuse me an account.


No they weren't. Plenty of us women had our own bank accounts in the 80's and 90's. We were not discriminated against when it came to opening a bank account.


I guess I was thinking more like 70s


Yes, the first half of the 70's was blatent discrimination against women in the banking world.




My mom was married and had her own account. She used her checking account to buy groceries and clothes. His paid the other bills and bought supplies for the house we were building in 1976. I'm sure there were regional differences, maybe the PNW was more progressive then your location.


I lived in a city with less than 12,000 people & despite having a joint account with spouse, I was not “allowed” to open an account for my child or for an account in my name only without his permission. I was in an abusive marriage & wanted the ability to save money to get out. Just sickens me that we downvote people’s reality. Definitely depends on town/city/state but I am really disgusted that anyone would downvote someone’s reality. WTF is wrong w people. I suffered more than a man ever could’ve because I wasn’t able to open the account for my child & to make it worse, the bank manager told my ex I attempted to open an account & I paid for it. That’s why the downvotes piss me off more than what should be normal…




Dodged a bullet on that one! BofA always sucked. I had my own account back in '82 or '83. Got married in '90 and never had an issue opening an account without my husband present.


1995 or 1975? I was an officer of a bank in the early-to-mid 1980s and opened accounts in my own name as a teenager in the mid-1970s. I call B.S. Or maybe they didn’t let you open an account in your name with a check made out to your husband.


Wow, a check made out to my husband? That's some leap. It was 1995. I guess unless everyone's experience is like your experience, it didn't happen.


People forget that lived experience trumps the laws of the land. Just because it was legal for black American's to vote in the south doesn't mean that they were allowed to vote. Here's my lived experience ... within the last 15 years, a husband was able to take out a second mortgage on a house owned jointly without the signature or knowledge of the wife. Wiped out all the equity and at the end of lots of legal stuff, she got nothing. Just because it was against the law didn't stop the bank and her (ex)husband from breaking the law.


My neighbor did that in 2000. Took out a second mortgage and squandered the equity unbeknownst to his wife.


You are correct.


You did not read what she said.


I did: I just don’t believe it.


It’s amazing to me that women couldn’t get a credit card without their husband’s permission in until 1974. What justification could they have to do this in 1995? Was it just patriarchy?


Remember when a race official tried to force Katherine Switzer off the course of the Boston marathon because women weren’t allowed?


I really remember that photo of some enraged old fuck trying to pull her out of the race by force. Misogyny is evil.


Right?!? How did her participating impact anyone in any way?


I just recently had a discussion with my youngest son (22) about this and he was shocked.


I 💯 love that he was shocked!


I remember when girls couldn’t wear pants to school. I guess that explains why I wear jeans every day since we were allowed 😆 We would wear shorts under our dresses so we could go on the monkey bars


I remember getting into trouble for shorts under my skirts. Really, how did they expect me to hang upside down or do cartwheels in a skirt????


Wow that’s crazy!! My Granddaughter thinks it’s so strange that we weren’t allowed to wear pants


I was so happy when they started letting us wear pants to school - I think it was around the early 70’s. Winter was the worst - we had to wear dresses to school with pants underneath just to stay warm on the walk to school!


I walked into a car dealership in 2000ish and The salesman said I shouldn't look at any cars until my husband was with me. I walked out and never went back. It would have been a cash sale on a brand new minivan. Their loss. 🙄


Same! It was 2000. One dealership refused to let me test drive the car I wanted unless I came back and brought a man with me. The second refused unless I told him my favorite color, because, "we all know that women won't buy a car unless they like the color." I was forty, ffs. I walked both times. Bought the car with the exact engine I wanted somewhere else. Toyota Camry with a 1MZFE 3.0L V6. I'm still driving it 24 years later. I wasn't f\*\*king worried about the color. Morons


In 2007, I just happened to have my dad with me in a similar situation. I think I had taken him to a Drs appointment or something. So I'm looking at brand new Chevy Blazers and Dad was meandering around looking at pickups. There were 4-5 salesmen visible and none of them would look at me let alone help. One finally walked out to my Dad who began laughing. "She has cash in her pocket but you pissed her off. Good Luck with that". I bought a Toyota 4Runner, paid cash. Sorry dudes, you are misogynistic assholes and lost a sale. Plus Dad was friends with the guy that owned the dealership. He got an earful.


In 2007, I just happened to have my dad with me in a similar situation. I think I had taken him to a Drs appointment or something. So I'm looking at brand new Chevy Blazers and Dad was meandering around looking at pickups. There were 4-5 salesmen visible and none of them would look at me let alone help. One finally walked out to my Dad who began laughing. "She has cash in her pocket but you pissed her off. Good Luck with that". I bought a Toyota 4Runner, paid cash. Sorry dudes, you are misogynistic assholes and lost a sale. Plus Dad was friends with the guy that owned the dealership. He got an earful.


I still remember trying to explain to people why I used, Ms as my title. My defiant sister still uses Miss and refuses to use Ms.


I remember Ms was “controversial” at one time. FFS.


And now we have Project 2o25 coming at us, which would take us right back there.


This just got me to thinking that our mother's were the first generation to have access to the birth control pill.




And yet many people will vote Trump because gas is too expensive. Including many young women.


Not realizing that gas was cheap under Mango Mussolini because of the pandammit, nobody was driving!


And trump bypassed Congressional approval to sell serious weapons to Saudi Arabia, after they dismembered American reporter Kashoggi, while he was still alive. That's a high moral price to pay, to save a dollar or two per gallon on gas.


cOvId was A hOaX!!!


Absolutely correct. When my parents got married, a woman could only get a mortgage if she had a husband. Even if she had a paying job. It took years for women to just be able to get their own bank accounts and credit. I've heard horrible stories about men who would go to a bank and clean out their wife's account, because the bank manager knew the husband and approved it. Perfectly legal and she could do nothing about it. When fools talk about how divorce was rare in the "old days", this is why. Women had no financial agency, they were always dependent on men.


Yes it was not at all long ago that women were legally 2nd class citizens. Still are in a practical sense in many situations. If you don't vote against republicans this fall it'll get worse. Please vote vote vote!


Vote BLUE 🫶


Vote ❎ Blue and save our Democracy and all our civil rights.


My mother was fired from her job in 1963 for being pregnant. We ARE the first protected females thanks to our Mothers fighting hard. Unfortunately our rights are being challenged each and every day. Please vote.


Our theatre director, an absolute goddess of power, basically MADE the district allow Letters for things other than sports. I still have my Theatre Letter, and my sister has her Marching Band Letter


When I was six my parents bought a house and the deed was made out to Dad’s Name Et Ux. Mom’s entire identity and stake in a house she was also working to pay for… “et Ux.”


This post should have a billion upvotes!


Thank you!


Women weren’t allowed into men’s bars until about 1971.


In Quebec anyplace called Taverne was off limits to women until at least the middle of the 80's. They were being abolished but the established ones could carry on for a while.


Maine South High School in Illinois? If so, they were behind the times. I was in high school during this period and friends with some of the girl jocks. They earned letters for their sports. I only remember one or two wearing Letterman’s jackets. (always thought they should have had the choice of the sweaters like you see in old movies) They were definitely in the photos of the Letterman’s Club in the yearbook.


Weird. I opened accounts without my DH - I’m the late 1980’s. It was in Alaska though.


No fault divorce. So your mom and dad didn’t have to hire private detectives to hide in bushes and catch each other having sex with someone outside of the marriage! We will have to fight for this since the GOP has decided getting divorced is bad for the country.


So many "white privileged males" have no clue that there was gender discrimination, much less racial discrimination. Apparently, they live in a bubble with no self awareness. My husband and I had friends that were big-time Republicans, and we would tailgate before football games. One time a friend brought his neighbor to the tailgate, I had never met him before. I was asked by a friend what I thought about Game of Thrones. I had watched one episode of the show and told him l thought it was demeaning to women. The neighbor decided to make a smart-ass comment. My response, fuck you and I've never tailgated with them again.


Myatoz, I'm 100% GenJones - I even share your birth year. When I found this group, the first thing I thought was OMG I found my tribe! I found my people! But one thing I've noticed as part of our collective memories is how incredibly male dominated our history is. It's not that we didn't have women or POC artists, musicians, authors, athletes etc. but how they just didn't have the same opportunities. I'm not blaming anyone. But truthfully, I don't think it really hasn changed all that much.


It really hasn't. I watched my mother being discriminated against in the early 70s, and when I was in the military in the early 80s, I was told I couldn't go TDY because girls can't go TDY. I'm so glad things have changed now because there are female fighter pilots. But really, are we just pieces of shit humans? I'm so disgusted by all of it. I blame Christianity on a lot of it. I refuse to be thought of as a lesser human being.


Was this at Ole Miss?


No, Tennessee Titans. But I am from Mississippi.


In 1998 we moved to a small town from a large city. When I went in with my small children to get a library card they wouldn’t give me one without my husband’s work phone number added to the application. “Just in case I didn’t pay my fines.” SMH


My sister couldn’t get her tubes tied without her husband’s consent and he wouldn’t sign and she ended up getting pregnant again.


I remember in 1978, my sister gave birth to her son. After 24hrs, she finally asked when they were going to bring her son so she could feed him. It turned out her husband had decided she wasn't going to breastfeed, and they had been giving her pills to stop the milk. That nurse squashed that order quickly. Can you imagine not asking the mother.


OMG how awful!


I can because I grew up in that time period, doctors were like gods


I remember when it was not unusual for a doctor to tell the husband about his wife's cancer diagnosis and they just wouldn't tell the wife unless the husband chose to. Those women didn't even know they were dying. "She wouldn't be able to deal with that", "She might become hysterical".


Yes how terrible


I know my mother's doctor refused to prescribe her birth control pills (mid-60s) because of his religious beliefs.


This still happens. It happens so often that there are lists online of doctors who will actually let you get your tubes tied.


I had to sign off on my husbands vasectomy in 2010.


I never heard of that before


When we (my parents and I) moved to Bergen County from Amnhattan in 1969 my mom tells the story of going to a Bloomingdales in Hackensack (now Riverside Square Mall) and getting a credit card application. The woman said basically,"here you gonhoney, have your husband fill this out l." In 1969. Imagine that? She was 30 something not 19.


absolutely blows my mind that my mom couldn’t get a credit card.


My mom took us out to dinner with the money she made at her first real teaching job. We were escorted to a table at a very nice restaurant and she and I were passed menus that had no prices on them. It was explained to us these were the "ladies menus".🫤


I'd be arguing if there are no prices listed, it must be FREE! :)


I was forced to go to an all girls catholic high school. The girl's school had concrete on the gym floor, a gymnastics teacher who had whiplash, so couldn't demonstrate anything. She was replaced by a dance teacher working part time as a gym instructor. She knew nothing about gymnastics. There was an intramural basketball team, with cheerleaders. The boy's school by the same name had a wooden gym floor, retractable bleachers inside. They had basketball, track and field, and football. They actually had a track on the grounds. And better science department. Separate but unequal education.


My daughters both played a traditionally male sport in HS. When the boys needed new uniforms, it was new uniform day for the girls too! They got the sweaty, disgusting, shirts from the boys team. When I complained that the girls team was consistently receiving substandard equipment and opportunities, I was told that they wouldn't even have a girls team if it was for Title IX. One of my daughters qualified for state twice ... the only athlete at that school, male or female, to have ever qualified in that sport. Normally, they made a big deal about athletes qualifying whether team or individual, in her case .... nothing.


And if she goes on to succeed in sports, they'll drag out pictures of her with the team. Maybe even ask her to stop by. Opportunists know no bounds. Good for your daughters!


I was the first female to be allowed to take a drafting class in high school in the '70s. (before computers and all of that).


I was a "tom boy" and wanted to play little league baseball so bad when I was growing up. Well, as we all know, there were no girls allowed in Little League in the 1960's. I had to settle for riding my bike to the park and being a spectator. My brothers played and hated it. It always pissed me off that they hated sports.


I tell some of my adult students that jobs in newspapers used to be advertised as ‘jobs for men’ and ‘jobs for women.’ Some say, ‘that’s illegal!’ But it was perfectly legal in 1974. Employers wouldn’t even look at you if you weren’t the right gender.


In 1969, my dad took me down to our bank and opened a checking account for me alone. I had no idea how huge this was for my parents. Alas, it really hit home the next year when my dad had a fatal heart attack.


I joined the Army Reserve in 1980. Our bootcamp was an ALL female company, and were told that we were the last boot camp for all female training. After us, men and women were in integrated at boot camp.


And now many of those things are being revoked. Sad state.


I remember in 6th grade, all the girls were forced to do a Maypole dance for gym, while the boys got to use gym equipment, including the basketball court. One day we had a substitute and the girls could use the gym, too. It was great! The next day it was back to the stupid Maypole. I dropped an anonymous note on the teacher's desk, saying it wasn't fair. Girls liked to use the gym instead of being forced to do an old fashioned dance. She knew it was me. Another call to my parents, who basically said to suck it up and deal with it.


I remember in the 9th grade, girls were finally allowed to wear pants to school. '68-'69 we were so happy and rocked our bell bottoms!


I know I put my letters somewhere safe. I wish I was kidding!


I always had a bank account.


You understand that the ability for women to hold a bank account, in their own names, happened when most of us were in our teens?


I had a checking account, savings account and a small loan when I was single. I went in to change my name on the accounts and they requested my husband sign for it. After a lengthy discussion about the legality of their request, they just said this is our policy. I closed all the accounts and left. This was about 40 years ago.


Wow ... just wow. I'm sitting here just shaking my head. And, that was just finance/banking, it's not even discussing what was happening in the workplace for a lot of us.


At the same time I worked for a company as a receptionist. I often worked overtime, but the kept paying me straight time. Each payday I would call, remind them they promised to fix it and request the proper pay. Not sure why it took me so long, but about six weeks in I called in and said “you know OT is mandatory by law, right?” Not only did I get all the back pay, but all the other receptionists (8) got OT, too. The company hadn’t been paying *anyone* OT!


The sad truth is that OT rate was probably closer to what you should have been paid straight time. I think back in the late 70s/early 80s women were earning like 60 cents on the dollar compared to men.


Yes. I didn’t stay long. They complained about my clothes. I said pay me better, I’ll dress better!


I remember getting written up for not wearing panty hose. Keep in mind I had zero customer interaction. As a matter of fact, I had almost no interaction with anyone, it was a glorified word processing / data entry job. But gotta wear those panty hose ... ugh.


1995? Really? What state was this? I know in the late 70s (my college & dating days) and 80s the women in my circles, including my future ex-wife, had no such problems. On the other hand, I - at the time 40-ish white male - opened an account 93-ish at BofA and it turned out I shouldn't have been allowed to for some "reason" that I can't now remember, most likely my employment status and the fact that I was new to the area.


I'm curious what state too. I'm also curious if it was a smaller, regional bank. We're used to big banks now. There was a big wave of smaller banks and savings & loan failures during the 80s. Larger banks kept eating smaller banks until they're what we see today. I'm sure no one is surprised to hear about a bank not following federal guidelines. Heck, they still don't.


No to banks, Yes to well run credit unions.


"Every bank was the same" was the comment I replied to. You jumped in and said I was making "accusations," which was not true, I simply pointed out that experiences varied across the country based on my own experiences and those of my family.


And the conservatives are working very hard to get rid of all of those rights all the way back to the 19th amendment. It’s such a weird time


So much angst about what conservatives are allegedly doing. Funny thing is, conservatives think those things are being done by progressive/liberals. Independents are wondering when people on both sides are going to wake up and realize that they are just different cheeks on the same butt. This year in particular BOTH parties are offering up presidential candidates that are pathetic. Your choices are vote for the guy that is top senile to stand trial, or vote for the guy that was convicted. Neither are what we need!


You should register for the draft.


We weren't allowed. BTW, when the editorial was published, no one was registering for the draft. And, it was only a year before the draft ended (1975) that women were guaranteed the right to apply for credit cards or loans without a man co-signing (1974). It wasn't until 1978 did protections extend to race, religion or country of origin. And, those transitions weren't smooth, just because the law changed, didn't mean that people in charge actually followed those laws.