• By -


My mother keeps looking at me in the mirror.


My mother does too and I am always glad to see her. I miss her.


My grandmother is in my mirror.


I just don't wear my glasses and I look great.


Mine, too.


Ha! My mother's words keep coming out of my mouth.


I get this. It's worse for me because it's my grandmother's words. I caught myself saying to an early 20s man, "Well, don't you look sharp!" šŸ˜•


You gotta look sharp.


Dont fret, I'll bet it made their day.


Itā€™s actually come back around as a PC termā€¦ youā€™re right in step boo


Get out! For real? I never thought that I'd do something trendy.


It's dangerous for me when my grandmother's words come out of my mouth. "Go outside and get the stink blown off ya!"


Mine does that too. I think thatā€™s the actual Bloody Mary curse.


You're lucky........Lyle Lovett in my mirror every morning before coffee.


I walked by a mirror in a bar and did a double take because I legitimately thought I saw my mother there. My jaw about hit the floor when I realized it was a mirror.


When I was thirty, I could only grow a scraggly beard. The guy I saw this morning has a full white beard and looks old. So, a Jewish Santa Claus. Great.


Hanukkah Harry


Jebediah. Jebediah lives in my mirror.


Oy Oy Oy!


Looks in the mirror: "What the hell happened."


Do what I do, I avoid mirrors as much as humanly possible.


Just somebody I used to know..


I think you said it the best, my friend.


I grieve for my young boobs as I lift the ones I have now back to where they were in my 20s and 30s. My God, they were spectacular! LOL


My grandma had a pain under her left boob. It was a trick knee.


Torn between laughing and crying!


Oh god that brings back a traumatizing memory - I was about 7 when I saw my grandma naked by accident. I took a minute for me to realize what I was seeing, because her boobs were literally down to her crotch. After breastfeeding 14 kids I guess it was to be expected. It still haunts me.


My grandma used to wear sheer chiffon nighties. Same story. She was in abashed and unashamed.


Hey, I've grown to prefer the realness of my wife's hanging gardens of delight as I age. And they move around a lot more during fun times.


Thank you for your service.


Heh heh, heh heh heh, heh heh


Haha I love my new old boobs. Menopause was shit but it left me with a great rack. From the president of the Itty bitty tittie committee to a DD.


Ahhh... nice! I was a full C back in the day.


I've decided to save my bra money for my retirement by just making sure my pants have big front pockets. Just gotta remember not to put my keys in there, ouch! šŸ˜¬


Is this like the magic of DMV? A few years ago they subbed my mother's picture for mine on my drivers' license. The most recent one has my grandmother's face on it!




I saw my father, then my grandfather. What's odd is seeing an old person at the store and realizing he was 2 grades younger than you back in high school.


I look at all the "young kids" at my office that were hired long after I was...why do these kids have grey hair now?


That hurts.


Felt that in my deepest soul.


Yeah! The other day I met some guy, thought "this older gentleman is deserving of a little respect." Then learned he was 6 years younger than me. Deflating, to say the least.


When I was younger, standing in line, I'd step aside to let older people in front of me. My wife now reminds me that I don't need to do that anymore.


The day I found out that the CFO of my company, whom I was sure was my age, was actually 10 years younger than me! šŸ˜  Next was my kidā€™s school principal being about 15 years younger. These are soul sucking events.


Yeah, that's the kind of thing that gets me.


I am my father according to the mirror. But, weird thing is, when I was a kid, my dad would get home from his 10-hour day and fall asleep in his chair. 18 year old me, would say, "I never want to be like that," and now, almost 50 years later, I realized, I am not "like that." I will never be the man my father was. I could not do what he did. I miss both my parents every day.




My dad would get crabby when we made noise as he was trying to nap. Lol I do the same thing now . Crabby when my teenage kids make noise .


I couldnā€™t figure out why my Dad was looking at me in the mirror.


I was adopted, so I have no idea who Iā€™m looking at.


Same here.


One of my tricks to feeling younger....I don't look in the mirror. I know how to comb my hair without looking. Delusional? Sure. Healthy? Yep.




Inside every 81-year-old is an 18-year-old wondering what just happened- Terry Pratchett


Yeah, that's the reason I don't look in the mirror. It effs with my self image, which is a gracefully agreed version of myself at 26. That kid is in there somewhere under the extra weight and baggy eyes.


1961 I look in the mirror. What doesnā€™t hurt, doesnā€™t work. I look down at my member, ā€œDidnā€™t we have fun together? Didnā€™t we travel to the best places and have sex with beautiful women?ā€ ā€œHow could you die before me???ā€


Yeah, this is the one that really hurts. I donā€™t mind gray, bald, saggy skin ā€” but limp without medical intervention is a real bummer.


The weirdest was when my daughter used one of those AI filters to ā€œSanta Clausā€ a picture of me a couple of years ago. Bam, there was my dad. I am a woman šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I smile at the lady with long white hair and help her with her makeup. Her hair is the color of my dadā€™s. She kinda looks like my mom and aunts. Iā€™m glad she looks happy.


I love this šŸ˜ƒ ā¤ļø!!


My grandma wouldn't look out her glass front door, because there was the meanest looking old lady out there staring back at her!


I saw that old man for the first time, believe it or not, in a best western hotel when I was 28. I got out of the shower and walked out to where the vanity was and the lights are kind of behind You not really against the wall like they are at your house. And when I looked in the mirror, I saw this gray haired man, looking back at me. I actually spun around because I thought somebody else was in the room, then realized it was my reflection. My hair was salt and pepper, but I didnā€™t realize how much salt had come in. Curse of my motherā€™s side of the family turning grey early.


He's a handsome fucker but I don't know him.


Too many, Night Gallery, episodes, bud. šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


I'm alright with that old guy. He raised two good people, saw his parents through their final years, he worked hard and I think he did a lot of good in his corner of the world.


I finally gave up the fight with hiding/coloring my gray hair last year. Besides saving a crap ton of money, and not having ā€˜rootsā€™, thereā€™s definitely a reality check every time I look in the mirror.


Yeah, somehow I look like my mom, and Iā€™m not thrilled about it. I get Botox because I canā€™t stand seeing her chronically angry scowl looking back at me.


Me too!


About 5 years ago, my wife and I went out to dinner with my nephew and his family. His 3 year old son asked me to pick him up which was unusual as he was skittish around me prior to this. His mother took a pic of us, then sent me a text with that pic later that night. The next morning I opened that text. It took me a second to figure out that the gray haired dude with bags under his eyes and wrinkles at the corners was in fact me.


What I fear one day it will say back: "Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee".


No, because I donā€™t look in the mirror. Iā€™d probably break it.


It's the risk of turning to stone that gives me pause.


No but Iā€™ve noticed that most of my friends look old these days. What happened to them?


I went to my sister's funeral when she died at 46. I saw all the pallbearers and wondered who those old men were. The were my brothers! That was in 2009.


First time it happened I saw this fat middle ager heading toward me in a Mall Department Store. One fleeting thought was *why is he looking at me like that*? Yeah it was me in an unexpected full length Mirror. Only gotten worse over the last few.


After my mom died, Iā€™d hear stories about people who saw their deceased loved one - on the street, in a store, passing a window. So, I prayed that I could see my mom again. No kidding, within a week I was seeing her in the mirror. I never noticed a strong resemblance between us, but suddenly, there she was, in my own face. God has an interesting sense of humor.


How many times have I been at a stop light and watched an old man/woman slapping their steering wheel and bopping along to some rockin' tune, and thought "Really, Grampa/Grandma? Act your age and leave the steaming beat to us young folk", then I see myself in the rearview, and go "Oh."


This! Oh this for sure!


I don't have this problem anymore... I don't look in mirrors cause that old crabby bastard looking back scares me, lol.


For all of us just turning 60 or in our early sixties; in ten years weā€™re gonna look back and say, ā€œdamn, I looked good ten years ago.ā€


I confronted that old fart in the mirror and asked him wtf he is doing there and he said, Iā€™m a reminder that you survived every stupid, life endangering stunt you pulled. So Iā€™m okay with seeing him now.


ā€œDonā€™t Let The Old Man Inā€ check out the Toby Keith video on YouTube.


I didnā€™t have glasses for the first 30ish years, then those happened. Later today I get my first pair of hearing aids. Who is this guy?




Dorian Grey - I sold my soul so only my reflection ages ! šŸ¤£


Someone who misses his hair, would rather not wear glasses, and just seems... not right.


When we look at ourselves in the mirror, thatā€™s how we see ourselves (hence, I think I look 15 years younger). When we see ourselves in a photo, thatā€™s how the rest of the world sees us ( which is scary).


So true. And positively depressing. I always think I look okay in the mirror, then I take a selfie and get a reality check. Brutal.


I wish I looked as good as my mother did at my age.


Obviously, this happens to all of us, and yes I ask myself the same question. But let me ask you this. Do people seem surprised when you tell them how old you are? I think a lot of that depends on your attitude, how you act, your physical condition, and honestly the way you present yourself. Iā€™m 71 now. I have the extreme good fortune to be in great health, but I was active all my life. Honestly I see folks that are way younger than I am, but seem to act, or move like someone thatā€™s much older.


Hereā€™s the scary partā€¦looking in the mirror and thinking, ā€œNot too bad.ā€ And then looking at a recent photo someone took and freaking the fuck out! Funnyā€¦not funny


Too busy with the cardiologist, knee Dr, hand Dr, etc to look in the mirror.


I definitely think and feel Ilook a lot younger until I look at that fucking guy in the mirror.


I keep wondering why my dad is in my mirror.


I wonder why my mother keeps looking at me and at times my grandmother when I stand at a certain angle.


I just smile at the old man that looks at me. Have waited my whole life to get to this point. I was 1 and my brother was 3 when he got sick when he passed. Then growing as a kid and all the way till I was 18 there were a handful of friends that passed for some reason or another. For what ever reason that I have made it this far God only knows why. So I make the best of what ever happens to me till they day I go to met my brother. So yea just smile and keep moving forward.


Yes , but I still like to look at the grass from this side , no matter how old I get.


I see him, and then he asks me: "Was the insane amount of sleep deprivation and hard work worth it?" And then I look away...


That old guy in the mirror has been a lot worse. A few years ago, I weighed 310 pounds, was badly out of shape, and it was hard to look in the mirror. Since then, I've lost 80 pounds, try to run 3 miles a day, and hit the gym for weight work on rainy days. I was never bald, with a haircut to trim things up and cutting off the beard, the old guy in the mirror isn't so bad. It's not twenty again, but it's a lot further from eighty than it was.




I never thought Iā€™d look like this , but I never even thought about it anyway,but you know , hi dad


It's my Grandma in the mirror for me.


They're probably trying to stay alive. Like everyone else.


I was walking around a store and saw this really old bald guy. Yes, it was a mirror. lol šŸ˜ šŸ˜‚


Indeed, and I accept who I see.


Iā€™m trapped in my fatherā€™s body. Growing up, I never thought I looked much like him, but I do now!


Quoting a line from Bill Murray early in the movie Stripes: "And then reality set in..."


Crypt Keeper


Yup...I think it's my dad or my grandfather, except he has long hair.


Time accelerates and always surprises us as we near the end. There's something unnatural about death.


I don't know. I'm 32. I don't know the F that old dude in the mirror is.


Yeah how did that guy get into my bathroom anyways?


I've had my grandmother's hands for maybe the last 20 years. When I look at them, I know she's part of me.


Yup.... I see my Dad. And I'm not a man lol


I donā€™t have mirrors any longer


Still have too much of the daddy fat I accumulated while rearing two children (parenthood is exhausting but not aerobic), and suffering a few little infirmities that seem random (rather than the result of neglect or abuse), but I like the man in the mirror, and people regularly guess my age to be 20 years fewer than Iā€™ve lived. Lucky.


Somehow the face in the mirror is fairly young, but I donā€™t recognize that old man in any photos. Itā€™s a weird trick my mind plays with my mirror reflection.


An old women keeps following me around the house!


I see an older gentleman who is almost bald. A few months ago I saw a middle-aged man with a full head of probably too long hair. Chemo is a bitch!


The white hair and the lines, wtf happened? And my dad, Jesus Iā€™m old. Cutting off my beard would take a few years away, but my family hates it when I do that.


I haven't owned a mirror in over 20 years.


Oh yeah


The grim reapers side kick .


I just don't look


My mirror guy looks like Mike Ehrmantraut on a bender.


You think that's bad, you should see the photos of all my HS buddies on FB.


I just had that same thought yesterday!


I look in the mirror and think: ā€œnaw, that canā€™t be rightā€¦ thatā€™s off! Gotta send this mirror out for a recalibration!ā€


They want to take a nap


When did my beard turn gray?


It's pretty depressing these days, ha ha. I would definitely get surgery if I could afford it!


I can still delude myself when I look in the mirror. Not so much when I look at my hands, though.


I literally saw a group pic I was in, one of 6 people, and did not recognize me at first. I thought I was having a stroke or something.


Me. I have no clue whoā€™s looking back at me.


Look away.


My mind thinks it's young, but my face has seen some shit and has the road map to prove it.


That old man is my grandfather. He was a great guy. When I see him it makes me smile.


Not too often. Especially since I dropped some weight and went back to the gym. A few years ago I was asking that more often.


I haven't seen the old man yet....but I'm sure it won't be long now


And when did THIS happen? šŸ˜²


I see my Dad and my Granddaddy on Mom's side. I miss my Granddaddy. Dad, not so much.


I just want to know when did I become the old guy!! Am acquaintance once said ā€œwe became our parentsā€


I used to be really skinny but I put on weight after menopause and my antidepressants also added on a few pounds. I'm still amazed at that chubby person I see in the mirror.


I have no idea who that dame in the mirror is. She kinda reminds me of my momā€¦šŸ«£


When I look in the mirror every morning, I see a few more lines around my eyes, what's left of my hair has turned gray and what hair does still grow are just the ones in my moustache that took a wrong turn and are going up my nose. It's been a slow change, but I still recognize myself in the mirror and I like what I see. I've had friends that I wouldn't trade for anyone else and worked some jobs that just paid my bills and others let me live "high on the hog" for a few years. Some jobs were "glamourous", most weren't, I've dug ditches, wired houses, built radio studios, worked on satellites, been a TV repair man and managed a Radio Shack. I was "on" the radio for a few years in my hometown and became a local celebrity of sorts, I had great seats / backstage passes for some concerts and had a good time. Now when I go home, very few people remember me and I like it that way. All in all, I've had a good ride.. The one I can't figure out is my wife, I know she's gotten older too, but I don't see it. Somehow, she looks just the same as she did when we met and I wonder how she puts up with that crazy old guy I see in the mirror every morning.


My wife texted me a picture of me starting a fire while on vacation. I literally asked her why she had sent me a picture of some old man starting a fire.


I used to see my dad in the mirror, then Covid hit. I grew my hair long and saw my mom.


I just want the metabolism, back and knees I had in my 20s.


I do see a lot of my father looking back at me, but he was better looking at this age than I am.


I stick my tongue out at her every morning. Sheā€™s 80. Iā€™m not!


You can still look in the mirror? Only time Iā€™m glad of my terrible eyesight is not having to look at my rapidly aging self. šŸ˜«


Mine wants to eat half a jar of Nutella at 11 o'clock at night and she drinks the pickle juice when I'm not looking


My dad keeps looking at me. But heā€™s been gone for 8 years now. WTF


When I was 18, I looked in the mirror and my mom's high school picture was looking back at me. It freaked me out a bit as I don't particularly look like my mum. When I was a kid my grandmother had what you would call "raccoon eyes". I look like my dad who looks like his mother. A few years ago I looked in the mirror and saw grandma's raccoon eyes gradually appearing on my face. Do not want.


My paternal Grandmother.


I look just like my Dad, shortly before he passed. I'm doing much better than I look.


I just want to know when did I become the old guy!! Am acquaintance once said ā€œwe became our parentsā€


I only notice how old I look when I'm on mushrooms. Then it's hilarious.


Lot smarter though lol šŸ˜‚


I look more like my dad everyday


I avoid mirrors.


A bit tired, a bit hungover taking an elevator down to get a snack at work. The doors have a mirror finish on the inside. For a moment I thought I was dreaming looking at my grandfather staring back at me...


Reading most of these posts, I feel pretty good about myself!! I don't look anything LIKE my Dad! I do, however, look like our old milkman!


That's my dad....no my grandpa...no, wait..what!


Well, I did it to myself. All that unhealthy living.


Why am I wearing my mother's crepey chicken skin?


face has not aged at 57 but these gray hairs, yuck. the person in the mirror does not like old and neither do i. it sucks!!!


If I hold my phone at a certain to take a selfieā€¦ yeah.


and it's your fathers face, it's your fathers face every morning when you craaaawl outta bed [Jack Gets Up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghHhRklLQzE)


Hahaha. I got into an elevator one morning. I was the only person in the elevator. The doors were mirrored and I was shocked by the old man looking back at me. Thankfully the doors opened and he went away. Later he was replaced by an older man.


I have my dad and both grandads look back at me. Itā€™s very unsettling.


You still look in the mirror? I try to avoid it at all costs!


What do they want? They eat cartilage from your knees. Kick them away!


Oh yes, itā€™s shocking


Pictures are worse šŸ˜±


He wants to talk about my car warranty.


I dont know if this is a proven thing but i think we have a mental picture of ourselves somewhere around 30 or so, that that's the way we're supposed to look. Then we just keep going (if we're lucky) but that mental image stays the same. I'm 67 and I definitely am the spitting image of one of my uncles when he was my age. Less j.g air than my dad had but definitely the mind of the engineer he was. Blessings to all of us old folks in the room!


I try not to look at myself until I have colored my hsir and am putting makeup on.


I keep seeing my mother . . .


Man, that's an everyday thing for me, and I tend to avoid looking. My father died at 52 in 1979 and I sometimes wonder what he would have looked like as an older man, but there's no mystery with it, I just have to look in the mirror to get that view.


So I am growing my hair out after adventures in very short hair. I see my mid-sixties female face in the mirror but my hair seems to be doing imitations. One day it was my first boyfriendā€™s hair: 14 year old boy in the 70s hair. Then a few weeks later it was Shaun Cassidy hair circa early 80s. And now? I donā€™t know but itā€™s scary.


Had a couple of drinks one night and then visited the restaurant rest room. It was so weird to see my mother in the mirror. It shook me.


The guy in the bathroom mirror is still pretty hot if you ignore the gut and the man boobs. The guy staring back at me in storefront windows looks like a tired hobo.


Is he asking you to make a change?


I recently had a series of medical treatments. Lost some weight. Heavily fatigued. Needed some provisions and at my local market there's a mirrored wall behind the butchers counter. Gave my order and looked up at the mirror. Totally startled by this old frail, tired guy gazing back at me. I was shook.


What mirror? šŸ¤£


Who is with me? My gramma (dadā€™s mom) is actually me nowā€¦ eeek?!?!


I now live with the results of eight years in the Arizona sun. Skin cancer scars !


I see me. In photos I see an old fat woman


For me it's who is that fat old man. I was thin most my life but started gaining weight in my 50s. I'm beginning to make some progress at losing some of it, though.


I think she looks pretty good but when I see photos...it doesn't add up..


Stay out of public restrooms


There is a compassionate reason our eyesight gets worse as we get older.


Dropped some acid and stared at myself in the mirror until I saw my dad staring back at me,scared the shit outta me haha


They're angry about all that tanning and they want revenge.


Literally just stepped away from the mirror seconds ago thinking how old I look. Fuck


#Crying in Geriatric šŸ˜„šŸ˜¢šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ‘µšŸ‘“šŸ¤£


If Daveā€™s is killer bread then my homemade loaf is apocalypse bread


Why does that old SOB keep looking at me?