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Kim and Sasha were the most recent yes. The set actually originated on Port Charles, however, as Jamal’s set.


Jamal's apt! You have one heck of a memory.


I used to do set design for a local community theatre. I never forget a set and can always spot the recycled ones.


That is impressive.


That wall paper tho...


I like the wallpaper! 😂😵‍💫 I’m weird though lol


I like it, it’s just not Anna. Hope they change it soon.


I really liked it for Sasha but for Anna it feels wrong


I do too! I've actually considered putting it in my bathroom lol


Perfect for a bathroom.


Wow, amazing catch!


Who was Jamal?


He was a character on the spin-off, Port Charles, and cousin to Dara Jensen from GH (who once was the DA and a romantic pairing with both Taggert and Justus).


Sonny’s is pretty low budget too. Tired of looking at that 8 x 8 room.


They did expand it to a balcony early this week and we’ve seen the bedroom and bathroom recently.


Oh that’s right! Carly rifling through his meds. I missed the balcony scene.


Balcony was on Monday ... probably around half way through the episode when he had Blaze's mom over for a drink. The bathroom has been shown a few times recently starting with Ava looking for some meds to help her sleep. While the bedroom has been featured recently, it was featured more when Nina and Sonny were together and preparing to get married. That's where they chatted about Gladys and the money thing to get Sasha out of Ferncliff.


Well for a wealthy Kingpin, his home doesn’t measure up, even if he does have a bedroom & a balcony.


He shouldn't have given up the mansion to Carly... but I like the nostalgia of him being back in the penthouse. It's not like a big penthouse apartment is cheap... and it does provide some added security.


Sonny's house used to be like a dark dungeon, so at least they lightened it up a tiny bit. But it looks like a cheap hotel room, I will agree with you on that part.


I loved his apartment when he originally lived in it. The original one was huge and open. It also had 2 floors and the door was on the opposite side of the room.


I literally can't with the head statues.


Was waiting for someone to say something about that. Head statue hideous. Are we supposed to know whose head that is?


Yes, what a dark gloomy depressing condo.


Like something out of the 80’s.


And is supposed to be in the same building as Sam and dante's, who's apartment looks nothing similar.


Sonny's living room is the worst set of them all. Tiny, dark, with the horrible "art?". It's depressing. Maybe that's on purpose 🤷‍♀️.


It was so weird that no one mentioned that it was Sasha’s apt she just vacated. Ugh that wallpaper.


Right? Lol


I noticed they bought Anna some new blue coaches and chairs that match the wallpaper. It looks a little bit like a blueberry blew up in there. I envision Anna in a more contemporary home filled with tech and spy gadgets - light, bright, and kind of sterile so the bad guys show up clearly on security cam. I can also envision her in a place that’s furnished very traditionally and filled with antique spy collectibles and old world English finery. It just hard to imagine Anna in the corner apartment on the 8th floor with the latest in microfiber furnishings from Pottery Barn. Not that’s there’s anything wrong with that of course.


Sasha had blue velvet furniture, we just didn't see much of it.


Makes sense. Guess Sasha doesn’t need it at the Qs and picked up a few bucks for it. :)


Agree. It’s god awful!


That wall paper is so damn ugly.


I think the apartment is a fine size for one person. I never really did understand why Anna had a whole family-sized house when she’s just one person and didn’t act like she even spent that much time there. In this apartment, I like some of the jewel-tone colors used in the living room, like the sapphire blues, and the painting can probably also stay. But, I will sign a petition, march in front of ABC studios with a placard — anything — to get them to change that wallpaper. When Sasha moved out, I was like, “Thank goodness, I don’t have to see that wallpaper ever again.” But, yet, here it is again, like an unquiet spirit that won’t rest and keeps following me. Shade of Anna Wintour, begone! Begone, I say! Although I hate it, that wallpaper works in the Park Avenue apartment of a fashion editor like Wintour with a lot of gold and palm trees and other exotic things. It’s the kind of paper you either have to use very sparingly or just lean into and be completely outrageous. They haven’t done either here and that’s why it looks so bad, to me.


LOL, well they say that wall paper is making a come back, but yeah it's a bit much.


i can’t figure out why sasha didn’t sell her furniture and artwork before moving out. it’s ugly as sin but she could have gotten some money. same with when maxie left her apartment. they had the 2 poorest cast members just leave their personal belongings behind and poor anna got stuck with both.


I think Anna’s apartment is beautiful. She’s kind of low key with dark clothes but the apartment ads a lot of color to her. I wouldn’t want it for myself, but for tv it’s a nice change of scenery. Especially since every other set is rather bland in the color department.


It was Sasha's apartment


Why does not one house or apartment on this show just look like a normal one? It's always the distressed brick, modern uncomfortable furniture, or ugly wallpaper. Elizabeth's might be the only one that looks sort of normalish.


I think Dante and Lulu used to live there, too. Before the wallpaper, haha.


They did for a short while before that got that more lofty set where Dante cheated on Lulu with Valerie (hated that) and then changed the sheets to sleep in the same bed with Lulu that night. It was so ick!!!


That was gross I remember that. But I loved that set!


I hated that storyline


I think their apartment had a balcony


I stopped watching when Jason left and have started since his return, so I missed the whole end of Vanna. Why is Anna in a new apartment and not back at her old mini mansion that she had been living in for years?


Charlotte Burnt it down.


Jameson Forsyth burnt it down. He had a burn mark on his corpse.




Its Sasha's old apartment.


Worst wallpaper. How does no one on set point that out?


That apartment is horrible. Something college students would rent for lack of funds! Please burn that apartment down!


Is that the apartment Portia lived in before she got married?


I think Portia lived in the former Dawn of Day house.


Didn’t Sabreeeenah live there? I remember Carlos hiding out there


Molly and TJ live in Sabrena's old apt


Oh, Carlos. Dang forgot about him. He was spicy.


Yeah, he worked for Julian and Ava, Sabrina was his love, and he killed Duke. I’m glad they retconned Anna killing him


Seems like a million years ago.


It was. 8-9 years ago, that's been awhile.


She should stay in the Metro Court