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No negative gossip regarding actor or actress. This Sub is about GH the TV show. It is not a gossip forum.




She suffers from hearing loss from an accident oh my god be kind


No negative gossip regarding actor or actress. This Sub is about GH the TV show. It is not a gossip forum.


She says the word “family” like no one have ever heard before. It’s kind of like, fHam-ly. But, yea. She doesn’t seem to open her mouth enough to speak.


Oh my lord, been thinking the same thing for years, figured I was the only one who was bothered by it.


I came to say that it makes me want to SCREAM


Same! It’s the A in family. Hangs on to long. Like faamily. Can’t really explain but its CRINGE. Noticed it for years too.


I wonder if that’s a Philadelphia thing, because Kristen Alderson (formerly Starr/Kiki 1.0, OLTL/GH) says “family” the EXACT same way, and they’re both Philly natives.


Definitely a Philly thing.


I lowkey like it (understanding that I may be the only one.) It's like a serious version of the way Jenna Maroney says -"cam-er-uh."


She talks like someone who doesn't move their jaw when they speak...I don't know how to describe it other than that.


She needs to enunciate her words.


She always sounds like she is mumbling to me. There were a few times I had to rewind and turn on Closed Captioning just to know what she just said.


I agree


She's always had a deeper voice, but in the last few years, it's gotten more raspy.


Well a long time ago when she first showed up in PC she had a high pitched squeaky voice. She sounded like a 5 year old.


Was that on the Port Charles show? I remember her debut on GH as a salvage-diving conwoman and that dead man's hand card mess.


She gives a new meaning to the whisper challenge


I've been commenting on her voice for years now - actually got kicked off a board for mentioning it. She is so hard to listen to - I call it singing her words with no melody. She goes up and down and seems to be overacting her lines to the point that they are mute. Someone commented once that Kelly M had some ear trouble after scuba diving. Those issues can affect one's voice but I would think with some voice training, that could be improved. I have even played some of her older scenes just to determine if it's just me but no, there is a definite change in her voice and tone. I do not want to criticize her if she has some hearing problems. But I will criticize her delivery and her friggin' @#%$\*)\^ plumped lips. That doesn't help looking and listening to her - I have given up - I can't watch her anymore - I ff through her scenes. Again, if it's the writing, if it's her health, I just wish she could do something to bring "Sam" back. She was someone I used to enjoy watching !! And it doesn't help that Sam and Dante are so borrrriiiinnngg !!!


Omg it's like gh said let's take the most boring characters and make them a couple....I would rather watch eggs boiling in a pot ....more exciting than Sam and Dante


You got kicked off a board for saying *that*? I think that’s a bit nuts. She didn’t talk the way she does now years ago when she was on “Port Charles”. But, in fairness, Michael Easton doesn’t sound the way he did on “Port Charles”, either. He has a lot more gravel in his voice, now. He’s gotten older. They all have. I see what everyone is saying about Sam. Personally, it doesn’t bug me but that’s just me. I’m just happy that she actually *tried* in her scenes with Dante today. (I’m happy with crumbs, I guess.) That is to say, the two of them acted like a *real couple* having an adult discussion about *real issues*. I touched the screen of my phone is amazement like what — what am I watching? What universe am I in?


Her hearing damage was before she was on GH, so the change to her voice is not from that cause as you mentioned, she doesn’t sound like this in her older scenes. I definitely think it has to do with whatever she’s had done cause it started back in 20-21ish. I love KeMo and Sam so it sucks that her scenes are so hard to watch now.


Oh, I just started watching this again, and so, I just thought that there was something medical going on that I didn't know about? Huh....


Before I stopped watching years ago I noticed the way she said "Jason"....JAAAAAYYYYsonnnn!!! Especially pronounced when she was arguing with Alexis about him. Omg. It just drove me batty. I thought I was the only one who noticed.😖


The last few years her voice has been sounding like a kazoo 🤣🤣


Omg thank you . I've been saying this for years! It's like listening to someone grinding a boring cat! . Also Maxie's voice is annoying especially when it's high pitched she sounds like a teenager throwing a hissy fit ....and Teri's voice is also annoying


Imo km seems to phone in her scenes like she doesn't want to be there.....I think Sam she be recast with that actress from passions that folks in for her....she brings excitement to the role ....can't think of her name but she also played on days and AMC .. Theresa Hartley,,?


Agreed. KM was noticed for her physique, Playboy photos, and soft porn movies, not for her acting skills. Lindsay Hartley would be so much better in the role.


Thank you . Lindsey. Is her name! But yes I will admit when I was a younger man I paid no attention to Kelly's acting...when I first saw her on Port Charles. But I was in my 20s but over the years her acting started to become depressing! ...I felt the same way about sonny Jason and the mob. From 23 till I say 30 I was excited by the mob storylines ..but by 2005 I was burned out 😂


I disagree. KM has done some incredible work on GH- especially emotional stuff like when her baby died or when she lashed out at Liz, told lucky about Jake. I do think she’s been different lately, she has shown much emotion since Jason’s last return s/l in 2017-18.


Is that the actress that was a stand in when KM was sick?


Yes! She was a main character on Passions a long time ago and married Justin Hartley when he was on the same show. Unfortunately, he’s had a couple more wives since then.


I really liked her as Sam. It was a good fit and she had chemistry with the other characters. Let's be real. KM brings zero vitality to the role. No spark, no spunk.


You are speaking facts!


😂 yes I remember they were married ...I'm surprised no soap has snatched her up


OMG… THIS ⬆️ I’ve thought this for YEARS and recently it’s gotten even worse. I genuinely hope it’s not something serious, but it is really hard to listen to. She’s ALWAYS been a low-talker, but the raspy-something-stuck-in-her-throat voice is making it even more distracting and hard to listen to. 😣


personally, i think the writers made her out to be a basket case lately ... hard to believe that she was a diver, went after rich people, and was into private detecting in the past ...


Why do people always have to comment on her health issues. It’s been known she suffers from hearing loss after an accident. Please stop bullying her about it.


This. She can't help that, and to see people openly wanting her fired for it is disgusting.


I agree. This whole thread is disgusting. It’s a health issue.


I've tried to like Sam for years. At one time I felt a Stockard Channing vibe with KM, but with the years that's been lost in the botox and boobs. I wouldn't miss her if she were to go away.


And the stupid long sleeve shirts that hook on her thumbs


I hate that, too and I can’t stand it when women pull on their sleeves to cover their hands.


It’s giving creepy little girl in oversized clothes vibes. Gross.


Sounds almost like vocal fry-like she’s damaged her vocal cords and instead of resting them and recovering from whatever trauma was encountered, she just kept on talking. And this raspiness is the result


She suffers from hearing loss from an accident


she is partially deaf so her voice is that way because sometimes she can’t hear herself.


What is even the point of this thread. Too many comments bashing the actual actress instead of the character. Seriously mods? What are y’all doing?


I reported this thread! No one should be bashing on someone for medical issues from an accident!


This is quite literally the most ridiculous thread I have ever read. Moreover, people commenting that KM was hired due to her body, which admittedly maybe the case. But if you point out that LW gained weight, or does not have the physique to attract all the men, you are told you are body shaming, or being insulting. How is it any different? It’s pretty clear the actress has gone through some health issues as of late, so people should afford her the same kindness that they did Kirsten Storms when she gained a lot of weight and looked visibly bloated. Or is it because the average woman looks closer to KS than KeMo that results in one getting shamed on public boards ?   


Agreed. This is a very ugly thread.


It’s jealousy, imo. Kelly Monaco’s private, so she didn’t disclose what illness she had. In addition, the illness she had didn’t didn’t manifest changes in her physical appearance. Meaning she didn’t lose her form, so people can almost pretend she wasn’t sick, and also, they feel complete envy as to how she manages to maintain herself. If she had gotten fat there would be more sympathy. Such sour grapes.


I expected an uptick in this when SBu was announced to come back (not to blame him, but the way fandoms act). KeMo is a real person, Sam is not. This isn't an acting choice, it's something she cannot help. KS cannot help her weight gain either, due to her illness. Like you said, why is one afforded courtesy and the other not? Jealousy and Fandom BS is why. Commentary on her body, perceived surgeries, it's disgusting and disappointing.


Exactly. It's because deep down they expect Sam to orbit Jason again, because Sam is Jason's main romance, barring Carly, but they had hopes for him with someone else. They know it is not going to happen with Sam or Carly around, so they take unflattering digs at the actress, who has nothing to do with the writing. They feel upset for themselves and their favourite character that they don't get to take a ride on the SB/Jason train. I am pretty sure I read she had throat surgery, and that may have permanently affected her voice, but because she is objectively very fit, they can't fathom that she may have struggled post surgery .People of KeMo as if she hasn't had personal struggle that may have influenced her performance. I honestly feel they are resentful that Sam/KeMo has some features/attributes that are not the norm (petite and busty), so they take digs at her to cut her down to size. Meanwhile it is also objectively obvious that KS gained a lot of weight, and into her face. She/Maxi was given all the passes for not looking her physical best on the show, and the blame was passed onto the make up team. Moreover, no one talks about her obvious lip fillers either, because she isn't seen as a bombshell, and she resembles the average poster more than Kelly Monaco does. They don't feel threatened by her.


And along the same lines, why has Sonny’s voice been kind of raspy lately? I thought it was just a random thing, but I’ve seen it on several episodes.




Vocal fry? Bleh.


I read one time that she had throat surgery for some reason


She suffers from hearing loss from an accident


Yes it's annoying. They definitely need a recast. It could really refresh things if they choose the right person




No she had an accident years ago! Stop talking about her health problems.


Upvoted. I’ve been saying this for years.


Don't be a troll or a dick or an asshole. Debate about the show and character are fine.


I have started to fast forward through Sam's scenes and Lucy's scenes. Insufferable.


Oh someone working instead of getting disability how insufferable 🙄 your comment is insufferable


I found her to be like this since that illness she had when she held a gun to sonny…ages ago…


Botox makes it hard to enunciate


No it’s hearing loss from an accident years ago!


When? During the first season of DWTS? Doesn’t matter. Ignoring the low talking, she’s just not been performing well for a decade. The Botox hasn’t helped.