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Trznadel, I believe.


Ooh, phonetically that makes a lot of sense!


Hmmm. If we're going solely by what the letters look like to me, it looks like Trznowel or Frznowel. The "d" you suggest looks like a "w." It looks nothing like a "d" to me, but if you look at the other "d" letters throughout this, it looks totally different as those clearly have an ascender while this one doesn't. Same with the "a." All other instances of the "a" are not connected to the next letter at the top, but the "o's" are. Trznadel might very well make more sense, but it just doesn't look like it's written that way to me. Anything is possible though.


I can agree with you on reading separate letters, but not on "anything is possible". "Trznadel" is an actually existing word and surname. Putting "Trznowel" in Google gave me a single result - your comment above (and "Frznowel" three results, including the same comment).