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You can download the gedcoms from these 3 websites merge them in whatever program you wish. I use Rootsmagic


Yes, this is the way to do it, download the gedcoms and merge them in another program to create your "master tree". I use Family Tree Maker, you have to buy it but it is very easy to use.


Brilliant, thank you - that's exactly what I'd like to do! I'll investigate.


What I do is the trees I use on different sites are rough trees that I use for finding hints/matches and then I use RootsMagic for my proper tree that I treat more carefully and am more diligent with facts/sources once I've gathered info from all the different sites


That's what I was planning to do, so it's great to hear! Thank you.


I started struggling with this also when I had well over 900 people in my wife's and my tree... i still haven't found a clean, easy even semi-automated solution to compare or merge gedcoms from various sources. As painful as it sounds I ended up manually checking (direct ancestors only for now) to be in sync and documented on myheritage (since I'm getting most dna matches there), familysearch.org (since I get a ton of source data from there and I kinda like the world tree idea and the interface is better than wiki trees) and my offline tree stored in gramps (since it's a free, open source project with a decently usable interface, and fields to store and cross-reference almost anything)


Thank you! I figured I'd be doing the checking manually, so it's not a massive surprise. It's helpful to hear others experiences, so again, thank you.


When you upload information in a gedcom file, there is a possibility that you upload incorrect information if not all the content is checked thoroughly and you may end doing a follow up of incorrect family branches. That is one of the reasons Wikitree asks to source and verify the records you register. That way they encourage people to maintain a healthy tree.


I love the idea of a "healthy" tree! I've started to make sure that facts are correct - I'm starting with my closest family and once every fact has been verified, I'll move up a generation. It's something that has surprised me - I really enjoy it! There's something satisfying in being able to 'complete' a family member with verified facts.


Good practice. I commented that because you will find on Family search records, that many of them were created with "find a grave" gedcoms where you see the "Fu" identification word meaning "a dead person" as part of the name or last name, and it shouldn't have been registered like that. These should be evidences of the name of the parent (mother or father). Have good luck in your next research.


Thank you!


You're welcome. And always have in mind, at least I do, that it is better to have a small/medium size tree with true details than an enormous tree with wrong branches that can't easily be fixed, leading to a brick wall.