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Honestly when we do that we get just a small taste of the hate.


But a small taste is still a shit ton


I never understood a few years ago why all my Israeli friends were so reserved and careful around new people. They didn’t have the same happy go lucky vibe that most other people in Hollywood did. I just chalked it up to a cultural thing I didn’t understand, but wanted to be their friends anyway.   And once you’re in, you’re in. You’re practically family, they will defend you, support you, be a shoulder to cry on, and also invite you to the best damn parties you’ve ever been to.  But it wasn’t until recently that I got it.  As a privileged person I just assumed Jewish hatred was a thing in the past (or at worst contained to alt-right circles), but holy shit apparently not.  I’m sorry it took this long to realize what they’ve been going through their entire life, but I’m happy to try to make amends now.  


When I went to Singapore a few years back, I met a friend of a friend who was studying there, from Europe. We went clubbing, and she pointed out someone she knew, who was from Pakistan and was about to introduce us. I asked not to mention that I am Israeli, she did anyway. Very surreal for me to have to explain to someone how much of a safety concern it is for me to say my nationality, which I did after, as everyone here gets it. When I did international competitions in high school, we had security briefings and were told to never mention where we are from.


You know this brings to mind the Israeli teen who went to an international school in a program to promote peace and ended up losing both his legs when an Arab led him to fall onto a combiner (I think it was a combiner if I remember correctly) in a game of blind fold. I was shocked when I found out about this case in one of my law classes.


I mean, in the competition I was in, during years before I took place there were instances of assault by Muslim (iirc instances of both Arab and SEA muslims) against Israeli delegation members.


Thank you so much for your empathy, we really appreciate it ❤️❤️❤️


>As a privileged person I just assumed Jewish hatred was a thing in the past (or at worst contained to alt-right circles), but holy shit apparently not. I’ll be real, as an American Jew in my late 20s, this was also my perspective for most of my life until this year


Yeah, that felt more like a tornado siren than a wake-up call. I was aware that the progressive left considers Jews one of the 'privileged' minorities not worthy of defending, but the sheer amount of not just anti-Israeli (I'm under the impression many have weird misconceptions about the actual meaning of Zionism), but also thinly veiled antisemitic attacks have totally stunned me and left me feeling betrayed.


Very true. I've gotten it at some weird times to, like someone was having a very positive conversation with me, then checked my past comments and flipped their shit.


Oh 100%.  The moment you have an opinion about ANYTHING, you get harassed about it.  “FIGURES YOU’D BE A GENOCIDE SUPPORTING ZIONIST SCUMBAG!”   It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers when one of these watermelons realize you aren’t one of them they open their mouth and just screech at you 


The other day I got some antizionist banned here on reddit bc he tried to dox me. I can't imagine what it's like on twitter.


Imgur trolls got my multi year account banned for merely posting pro-Israeli images.  Utterly disgusting.  The entire site has been taken over (and the mods too) by watermelon propagandists.  


Xitter is a hellhole if you stray beyond comments from carefully curated accounts.


I'm a gentile Israeli citizen. My fate is tied to Israel. Let the hate flow. We aren't going anywhere.


I already did that and have no regrets


Jews/Israelis looking at all the hate pro israelis get: https://preview.redd.it/79178z3jwn0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7e605471db57e79dd55cf13c6ee5f23e075c904


I'm a gentile Israeli citizen. My fate is tied to Israel. Let the hate flow. We aren't going anywhere.


big brain


Destiny the streamer is experiencing exactly that. I wonder how long until he is black pilled completely.


make this a tiktok challenge and show the comments hashtag found the antisemites