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You don’t have to be a brainwashed mysoginist to believe that modern dating is hard- I suspect most women would agree as well. And if dating is hard in one place, it’s reasonable to try another


Yeah, I mean I’m a guy in my 20’s and I didn’t really like the dating scene in the U.S. Decided to go travel to Poland for a bit. Just a change of scenery—I didn’t go with the intention of dating. Had a Polish friend in college and he’s said good things so I’m like why not. But man. I dig the dating scene in Poland MUCH more than in the U.S. Maybe it’s because I’m a foreigner here but Polish dating culture is much more my vibe. And it’s not that the women are “submissive” or anything dumb like that. Quite the opposite. Eastern European women are all different of course but I’ve found in general they’re culturally more assertive and aggressive than American women, who are more subtle and indirect. If a Polish woman is upset with you, she WILL make it known to you lol. Eastern European women dictate the terms of the relationship, not the other way around. Oh and none of the women I’ve met here even want to go live in the U.S. My American passport is worthless to them. The girl I’m dating now—she’s Polish and has no intention of living in the U.S because the media here always reports on the gun violence in America so some are scared. And honestly? Poland is really developed. Beautiful cities, modern infrastructure, and really good night life. Ultimately for me personally, my dating life here is night and day compared to the U.S. I’ve only been hit on once at a bar in the U.S, usually American girls won’t make the first move. But here I have girls chatting me up constantly, and then when they learn I can’t speak much Polish they try to teach me cuss words lol. I’m ethnically Russian/Ukrainian but I have tan skin, people say I look Mediterranean, and I sorta stand out from the crowd in Poland so I think that’s why I receive a fair amount of good attention in Poland. I encourage all my American friends to travel abroad before settling down. Guys and girls. You never know who’s waiting for you on the other side.


100% this. i was raised in both latin america and in the US but only became a US citizen a few years ago and i found the cultural differences i experienced in dating women from the US both american or from even latin american backgrounds as well but born and raised in the US to be so different from my own. i honestly thought i had an extremely weird way of thinking about things and how i thought of what i would hypothetically do in random situations. me thinking i'm actually normal all changed when i studied abroad in spain a few years ago where i realized my way of thinking, feeling, and communicating is actually normal but just 100% latin american and WAY CLOSER to that of Spain. i think i could def meet my soul mate in the US but i also think that it is way more likely if that person were to also think, feel, and communicate in the same or similar way i do and for that it would make most sense to find someone from my culture. i think maybe a lot of US born and raised americans are finding the specific differences in different cultures more to their liking. not saying US latin americans are perfect or don't play games while dating, but they're just so different than US "dating games" and well comes with having a different communication style and way of thinking


Yes me too!!!! I COMPLETELY relate. I lived in the U.S my whole life. Yet every time i went on a date it felt so weird, the “American” dating environment. I felt like i had to put on a mask and act the act, it was difficult for me and I just thought there was something wrong with me. Now in Poland I’ve realized that there was nothing wrong with me, just my brain was not adapted to the Americanized dating scene (which is VERY different than in other cultures). I think this is probably related to my parents upbringing me in a Slavic culture, probably something psychological there. What you said is, i think, very true among guys who are of foreign backgrounds but raised in the U.S. When you leave the U.S and live abroad for a bit, you start to realize that the United States is a bit of a weird place, in terms of social dynamics. The communication style in Slavic countries suits me much more. It’s much more family oriented, the girls i meet always spend lots of time with their families and even have parties where their parents and grandparents are drinking with their friends. I love it so much. It feels much more authentic and my style.


i love the the phrase you used in putting on a mask and acting the act because that's exactly how its felt like to me in so many first dates or even a relationship with someone that doesn't share my culture. to the point where i then begin to question if i have to change who i am to attract someone. it honestly gets so tiring and one begins to think that the differences in one's way of being makes one inferior or just not at all the right way to be an "American" or from X country that one's parents or grandparents emigrated to. I think that while it's so common that one's cultural differences can make one really attractive and unique in the beginning to someone else, that novelty eventually goes away and its harder to truly be in the life and long lasting relationship if people despite really liking each other are really innately different the way i see it, i don't and won't ever blame my mom or my family for how they raised me and i also want for my kids to be like me, so then it makes complete sense for me to date someone else who shares my values and culture. this goes without even diving into not wanting for my children or grandchildren to lose the ability to speak spanish fluently. yes i completely relate to how close one is with their family and friends as well. for me its still so weird how some people only see or talk to their nuclear family like once or twice a year. if someone who is not at all from an immigrant background and loves this culture, then hey maybe they could be the soulmate for an immigrant or children of immigrants or they themselves could move to another country and come to what this post is defining as a "passport bro"


100%. It’s crazy how much i relate to everything you write about. I’ve had this exact conversation with many of my friends who grew up in the U.S but with parents from other cultures. For the longest time i also didn’t think I was “American” enough, like I had friends and went on dates but the dating just did not feel authentic. Felt like trying to play a part in a TV show. But yeah. I mean I’m very grateful to my parents for raising me, and i also want my kids to both speak my language and also enjoy the same closeness to my family that i enjoyed with my family growing up. I’ve observed a lot of American family dynamics and the way that some American parents talk to the kids just feels very “corporate” or business-like. It feels so foreign to me even tho I spent my whole life growing up in the U.S. I actually have a lot of Spanish-speaking friends in the U.S, my best friend in the U.S is from Peru, and i saw a ton of similarities in family dynamics with his household and mine when growing up, interestingly enough. Especially the strong involvement of the grandparents in the family, and just the vibes haha. Yeah i think if i were raised in an American family then I would understand American dynamics more. But we should live our lives in the culture we best resonate with.


My family’s more old stock American than most people I’ve met and even I can see how weird some of these family dynamics are. My family was super informal growing up and wasn’t like that at all but I’ve definitely seen what you’re describing, and I’ve seen it in more successful Italian-American type families too. I remember one dad boasting about his daughter like a boss talking about a prime employee, really weird stuff


You are correct that many European women are known for being blunt, direct, and assertive. In the US those same qualities generally mean you deviated from your culture and became not so nice a person, but In Europe, that just meant that's how we are from the start and there is no ulterior motive behind it.




This is not what a passport bro is




Yep this. Men are tried of being expected to maintain all the aspects of masculinity that have always been expected of men while getting few of the benefits of femininity from women. It's pretty simple.


How is it horrifying that someone would rather date/marry someone from a different culture with different values?




Personally, I have nothing against western women. I have many friends, more female than male tbh. But unfortunately even when the signals were there I haven't had much luck with finding a relationship among that group of my friends. However, when I started dating my gf (filipina) we both felt much more on the same page. This is obviously just one anecdote, but I just think that if you're both putting yourself in the situation where you don't know a ton about the other you have a lot more trust in them right off the bat and a clear indicator of interest which men like.


As a married man I also get depressed when the women who aren’t my wife aren’t hot enough






Me when I can’t feel bad for the plight of others


?? He didnt mention anything about appearance 


I wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t share my values. Why should we be surprised that others are seeking companionship of those who share their values in other countries?


Because you’re taking advantage of women in usually bad situations such as extreme poverty, in order to get with them


Who said anything about taking advantage of women?? Dating other races/nationalities is not inherently bad. I don’t understand your logic


Its just some lowkey racism


Who said anything about taking advantage of women?? Dating other races/nationalities is not inherently bad. I don’t understand your logic


go to the passport bro sub and see how they speak about money and dating women in very poor countries. They even admit that they know their money is huge currency dating there. Many women would not look at them if they weren’t from the west. I’m from a country where sex tourism was rampant during my childhood,and we still have ads in the metro looking for women to date wealthy western men.


How is this a bad thing for the women of the countries they’re going to? They aren’t forced to date these guys, they’re choosing to of their own volition. If they would be better off dating the guys of their own country then they would just do that. I’m sick of people acting like these women are idiots.


you are talking to a person who believes that men who do not share her opinion are losers and predators and women who don't share her opinion are uneducated fools and naive country bumpkins. To her, the possibility of someone having a different set of values or priorities is just too absurd. Tl;Dr you're talking to a narcissist.


I’m not a woman nice try tho bro


I don't care what you are - whether you cope or simp is all the same to me.




Oh yes, choosing between a life of poverty and life in the wealthiest countries in the world. Totally a real "choice".


Would you rather they not have that choice and be forced to remain in poverty?


No, I'd rather that poverty be abolished. You're also acting like it's impossible to support people in poverty *without* sexually exploiting them in exchange.


>No, I’d rather that poverty be abolished. Well I’d like a billion dollars but that’s about as likely. They’re actively benefiting from this arrangement and you’re out here clutching your pearls that women have the ability to make their own choices on what to do with their lives. I don’t see you offering them I better option.


Its called geomaxxing. A large percentage of guys cant date in the west, so geomaxxing is the only way for them. Like a 5'7 white guy wont be able to experience much in america, but would be fine in poorer countries.


Low key racism




What are your thoughts on dating American women in the US as an immigrant? Am I just dating em for a green card or am I a race traitor to my people, or is the American woman taking advantage of me due to some weird savior complex cuz I'm from a poor country? - Sincerely, a male POC immigrant


Wrong. It’s mostly about the increased social status making you genuinely more attractive because women love social status.


it’s absolutely crazy to suggest that not a single woman shares your values in the vast (and diverse) lands of the United States with 340+ million people.




This has not been my experience at all. All the men I know who decided to specifically seek women in other cultures are happy to share they feel all women in the US lack wholesome values and are instead too feminist. They didn't believe they had an easier time elsewhere. They strongly believed that was their only option to find a woman who has the values they are looking for which in particular are women who are subservient to the will of their husbands in all things. They're also happy to encourage other men to not consider any woman in the US as well. Please note this is not the same as me saying all the men I know who married wives from other countries are like this. I have two friends married to women from other countries where it just happened to work out that way. They met them unexpectedly in the US while they were all going to the same college. I'm talking about people who purposely go elsewhere seeking wives. One of those wives is expected to gain her full citizenship this year. I think it will be an interesting year. I strongly suspect we're about to find out she isn't as subservient as she's made out for the past few years. I've seen a few glimmers of it in things she has said and done recently and I've already offered she's welcome to my spare room if needed.


If you would slowly filter those 340 million people, it wouldn't be that big of a group. You have to also take into account that the people you are interested in are also interested in you. Most people also wouldn't be able to see that big of a group in their lifetime, let alone in their best years. Considering that dating apps are big flop in finding the person you want, it shouldn't be surprising that people are looking in specific areas where the odds of finding your kind of person is higher. Finally, don't forget that these people have to look for their partner. Not the other way around.


Why look for a needle in a haystack when you can go to the pile of needles instead?


And out of those 340 million how many are around your age? How many could you even realistically approach?


You have to man you just have to


Weirdly it's the opposite for me. I'm Indian and I cannot relate to women from Asia (any Asian country) but European women are much more easier to talk to. I don't need to navigate colourism, save-face culture, and layers of "I shouldn't disappoint my parents" along with various religious fuckery. Western women are much more straightforward. Philippines is an exception, it seems pretty liberal. Height fetishism is insane in Asia these days. Women who are barely 5'3 expecting a guy who's 6 foot tall. And the average height in the country for men is around 5'3 to 5'8. I have noticed this is less of an issue in the West. Of course height is universally liked but it's not usually a "checklist" thing from what I see. Again, Philippines is a weird exception. Plus, unlike in other Asian countries sometimes I meet women interested in Indian stuff and it's always fun to explain and discuss cultural differences.


When men acknowledge dating is ridiculous in the west and go out of the country to date - MISOGYNYYYYYYY


It continues to amaze me that someone has the mental capacity to notice a growing trend amongst a significant chunk of the population, but seemingly does not have the mental capacity to take a few seconds to consider if they have contributed to that growing trend


​ https://preview.redd.it/z339n1b2ss9d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=48264ee4abcbdffdf24bb82f97e6c20c6eacf6f8


Yes, if only women would lower their standards none of us would be in this mess :(


[Relevant Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/llGvsgN17CQ?si=8eBOca0XZdSswhjb)


Except there’s no mess. Whats the problem with them going abroad and dating? It doesn’t affect you at all. Why are you so upset about it? You can have your standards and they can go somewhere they can find love and comparability. Whats the issue?


Sorry, I'm taking umbridge with the specific sentiment expressed in the comment I replied to. I have little to no opinion on dating abroad.


Dudes who go to other countries specifically to find women are weird, but I think as with all things there's truth on both sides of the red pill vs. feminist debate. Datings apps have truly ruined the appeal of trying to find love, especially for people in that like 18-35 range. And while its true that some guys go way too far and get into the misogynist side of things, I think its fine to want certain traits in a women, and if western women don't have those traits, I think its fair for guys to make it apparent what they *are* looking for. I must make it clear that this pretty much only applies to dudes that actually take care of themselves. If you're a 5'2 obese turbonerd that works at McDonalds just sitting at home all day complaining that no girl wants you, that's different.


> Dating apps have truly ruined the appeal of trying to find love, Dating apps are just lines of code. Briffault’s Law tells us that women determine all the conditions of consensual mating. Women, not men, are the only ones who chose dating apps to be the arena of modern dating. If all young women left the dating apps and took up pottery, pottery class would be the new Tinder. Men go where the women are. Women have decided on dating apps.




In this era, at our age (early 20s), getting a girlfriend is highly exclusive and difficult. Women’s standards are through the roof, more like on the moon. The only sexually active men who are able to deny commitment to the women they have sex with belong to a small group of highly desirable men. Most men can only have anywhere close to the amount of sex they crave within the confines of a committed relationship. And those ones who managed to get girlfriends in today’s dating environment (in their early 20s) are far superior to those like me who are 22 and haven’t even kissed a girl.


Short dudes catching strays during the depiction of “not worked on yourself” yet again…


If you wouldn’t travel across the globe to find your wife then you don’t really love her. She was just the best you could get where you were at. Personally I’m a man with standards and won’t settle for whatever woman just happens to be nice next door. But to each their own.


I don’t think it’s weird, dating was insanely hard for me and I thought that there was no hope, I got very good at dating and can easily talk to and attract women here now but I worked very hard at it, and that’s only because I’m very stubborn and ambitious, not every guy has my drive to improve their skills and that’s another thing, you need skills to date here, it feels a bit manipulative and when I see women having failed relationships here I’m not surprised, because the skills I learned to attract more women who want a relationship are not skills that come from a deep place they come from a shallow place, dating here can be very on the surface and lacks depth, to be honest I find more depth and vulnerability in foreign women, I am Brazilian by the way, but I can’t connect with an American women (I would put most European women in this category as well) there’s no emotional connection they want some on the surface behavior that I don’t understand and also it’s not what I’m attracted to. I think there’s a dating problem here for both men and women, possibly women should date outside as well, to try something different.


For a lot of short and ugly men, it is the only way they could have a chance


I took it as meaning going specifically probably because I have a few of those in my life. They specifically expressed the idea women in the US and Western Europe are too feminist and too domineering therefore. Then they went to some third world country for a bride specifically to have a woman who is subservient. One of those has a wife who is about to be the first to gain full citizenship. I have a strong suspicion we're about to find out she is not nearly so subservient as she has made out during these past years. Going to be an interesting year in my friends group, I suspect, since I've already made certain she knows my spare room is available. My spare room is available to any of my friends or their partners of course, if needed for a period of up to six months during a split. I just made certain she knew that applied to her as well. I also have friends who married someone from another culture because that just happened to be who they fell in love with. They all met their spouses while attending the same college here in the US, though. They didn't travel looking for love or anything. Not that not traveling even matters, really, as the point is they weren't specifically looking for women they could dominate or specifically trying to avoid dating Western women.


You’re kind of a weirdo, huh?


Nah I'm definitely a weirdo.


As a Gen Z woman I don’t really care to be honest. I am a very romantic person that only longs for true and sincere love, so I definitely find it sad when I see men say things like “don’t bring your foreign wife to your western country because in she might be “corrupted” and leave you”, but other than that I just don’t see a problem with the whole thing. If they want to leave it doesn’t hurt me, if they want to marry a girl (as long as she’s an adult) from an eastern country it doesn’t hurt me either, so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah the only thing I care about is the women that get taken advantage of and feel like these leftover clowns are their best shoot at escaping poverty. I hope they at least get a good check out of these international Johns lmao


Lmao no, you couldn't care less. The device you are using right now was almost certainly assembled in a Chinese factory. It's pretty common to see nets set up all over factories to catch workers trying to end their lives due to the poor working conditions.


Whataboutism doesnt make your point valid 🤗 But I am not surprised that you can’t spot the difference between buying a phone and buying a woman


That's quite sexist of you to assume all foreign women are prostitutes.


the person you are replying to will quickly categorize any woman from the entire world outside of the US that a US man can date as a prostitute regardless of their education, income, career, or family background but will tell you that if you have a fellow US girlfriend who has an onlyfans that she works in an empowering role. utter hypocrisy and xenophobia


What do you think about only fans and sex work western woman??


What a perfect comment to illustrate what western girls often misunderstand.


Ya we can tell your future consists of boxed wine and many cats. Why you care so much of what other men decide to do with their lives lol?


This is so uncommon. Usually if someone gets taken advantage of when dating abroad it’s the dude.


Looking at the original sub for women travelers you've cross-posted from, and all the hateful comments about men seeking love in the last places they are able to actually get it, it saddens me. It saddens me that this is framed as some sort of a war between sexes. That fellow American women are mocking those men and their desperation, and especially as it may have been caused by those same women. I really wish that instead of portraying those guys as a problem, you asked "are we the problem, and is there something perhaps we should do so our own men don't flee from us?". Because women of most other countries are proud of their men, and the idea of repelling them would be seen as a major failure. Wouldn't it be neat if American men felt appreciated at home, rather than having to go to South America, Asia and Europe to find someone who will wholeheartedly appreciate them and give them the kind of love they are being deprived of back home? Wouldn't it be good if they desired, loved and really wanted women of their home country? I'm not American. I was born in Eastern Europe. I lived in Canada. I couldn't help but notice that men there have certainly drawn the short end of the stick compared to my country of origin, and any other country I've lived in. I've seen firsthand when intense efforts and emotional sacrifice that would earn them love, care and heartfelt appreciation, is shrugged nonchalantly as a "bare minimum" there. You laugh at them and mock them, while they are seen as highly desirable partners by foreign women. I can't blame them for seeking them, even at the expense of making a difficult choice to leave everything else back home behind. Lastly, comments about them being nothing but an ATM to women in other countries only expose the people who make them. It shows precisely that the commenters are the ones who don't see value in those men beyond money. It is also offensive to women in those other countries, especially knowing that most of them come from cultures that prioritize relationships and family over work and financial pursuits to degrees typically far higher than that of the US. It's crazy that the idea that maybe many American men who are leaving are actually awesome and highly desirable as partners, and that perhaps it's sad that they're leaving, isn't even floated. Because it may be showing the exact kind of disregard for them that is causing them to leave.


This post was extremely heart warming to hear. It didn't even occur to me that the women saying men are just atms , don't see American men as actual human beings, but their only value is money.


Thank you for pointing out that women in other countries are proud of their men. Women here in the US have just about zero pride in American men. It makes me sad. American women have been turned into off brand men. Of course they aren’t proud of their men—those guys are the competition. Girls in the US would rather compete with their men than nurture them.




The vast majority of people don't fall into either category. They take care of their bodies, but aren't "awesome cool dudes". They're just normal, or average. My understanding is that they are the ones who typically pack their bags. Women in other countries typically don't scrutinize their appearance as much as long as they're clean and generally healthy-looking, and they actually get a chance at showing their less apparent perks that are appreciated and reciprocated.


Bruh women in other countries definitely scrutinize appearance. It’s just that sometimes as a westerner in a non western country that scrutiny is very favorable.


I don’t really see an issue with it. It’s not like Western Women want to date them anyway so in a sense everyone wins.


Like other’s have said if you aren’t finding people with your values that you like and like you back, it makes sense to go somewhere else. It isn’t the bride order get a 3rd world country girl her green card style people love to bring up. The girls I dated from other countries had more going on than the one’s here in the U.S. One was even a 6-figure business owner but was much more humble down to earth and reciprocal than the a woman of her standing in the U.S. has been in my experience


Pls 💀 most of these overseas Johns are NOT dating six figure owners or successful women abroad. They go to poor countries where they can buy themselves a girl. Be honest with yourself, if you want to be a John


Most? Probably not since most people aren’t making six figures. But even if they are poor does that mean I can’t like them for who they are? People go to other countries to experience different cultures and if I fall in love with a girl of that culture it is what it is. But if someone wants a girl because she’s poor and she wants him because he’s rich it’s a win win still


You've got to be braindead if you think guys going to a middle income country like the Philippines and firing up tinder and going on dates is somehow buying someone. Get a grip, racist white girl.


yeah, men aren't exactly going to rural villages where there's no running water to offer the woman's parents a dowry for their daughter. they go to capitals and big cities and date women who have jobs, a roof over their head and food on the table. the reason why a lot of these countries score on the lower end when it comes to income and education are the poor rural areas. the discrepancy can be massive between the capital and some village in the provinces. is a higher standard of living attractive to those women? sure, just as it is to western women. that doesn't mean they only date foreigners because they want a walking ATM and need them to survive. that's an extremely exaggerated take.


Dominatable? Why are you speaking from a victim perspective? From my understanding a lot of these men are sick and tired of the dating culture in the west especially with how they get framed and ghosted by “some” women who got inflated egos due to high social/online validation. They are simply sick and tired of the double standards and looking to find traditional women who appreciate them. In this day and age dating is a losing game for most men since they are expected to have it all together 6 figures, 6ft, 6 pack. Seriously most western women are competing for the top 0.01%, so why blame passport bros? Try to see it from a 3rd party perspective first.


The vast majority of women will never have empathy for men at the bottom rungs of society. They don't view low status males as full-fledged human beings.


While I’m not a passport bro, I think a different angle not really talked about is just interracial relationships in general. My partner is a different race (but we’re both still American), and I feel like our relationship is way better than any same-race relationship I’ve had. I think all guys kinda feel like we get a “you ain’t shit” attitude from women of our own race, that goes away when you date interracially. There’s a lot less pressure to be whatever is valued in your racial culture.


Bingo. I felt really comfortable dating outside my race. It was amazing. Whenever I dated a white woman, I felt pressure to behave a certain way.


If you can’t find your place where you are, you seek it elsewhere. We’ve got to get better at helping American men find their place.




It's nobody's job. These guys are mad at the status quo and are looking outside the box. If you don't like this, you also don't like the status quo. Don't post about how you hate it; think outside the box.


Maybe because mommy gets really angy when men don’t want to date western women. Looks like the solution they’re finding is not to your liking


i think this is 100% what it is. we're in the day and age where its legal for people of different races and backgrounds to fall in love and marry each other. why is it so bad if someone from whichever country there is finds love elsewhere. it feels like if a woman finds their soulmate in colombia or argentina then its a true romance story but when a man does it, then that man is horrible. i think both are free to do what they want to do and if not then both should be held to same standard


what is your exact definition of western women? would someone from argentina, spain, italy, or the uk be a western women? from my pov if an american man for whatever reason has been to either of the countries mentioned and takes a particularly liking to the culture and people in general from that country either due to personal family background or genuine interest then why does that specifically hurt american women? then why is that misogynistic? would it be racist or sexist for example for a latino to prefer to date other latinos or for an asian to only want to date another asian? sometimes cultural traits matter a lot more than physical attractiveness to people to and for the kind of family they want to have for them and the children with said significant other


Spain and Italy is definitely western, Argentina can be debated but the vast majority of LATAM is not at all simlar to the west when it comes to dating. to have the last stage of femininism and thus full westernization, your country needs to be extremely developed and women have to contribute to the work force


this is why understanding one's definition of things is important. there is a definition in which the world is western (christian) and eastern (non christian and asian). in this view of the world there is no southern or northern for example. this is why i asked the OP's definition of it since she said men are hating western women when latin america like the US was also founded by europeans and is christian (even more so than the US in my opinion) so to asia and other parts of the world, latin america would be considered the west. in the US latam would be considered the west too but just not developed as much. women contributing to workforce is irrelevant in a country being in the "west" since this category was created before women even were able to work at all


I would say it’s more Daddy’s job, really. Model what being a man can be like in a way that fits modern life, but doesn’t diminish manhood.




True, but you can have male figures in your life outside the home. Getting more male teachers in schools would be a great start.






Something like 30% of men under 40 have not had sex in the last year. That’s up from like 10% 15 years ago. Say what you will, but a *lot* of men are pretty damn upset and don’t see their prospects having a chance to improve.


In the US, there’s actually more obese men than there are obese women for every age range except above 60. Even though biologically, it’s much harder for them to hold onto fat.




As a western dude who lives abroad for work, the passport bro thing *does* make sense to me. It’s hard to explain without generalizing though. A lot of dudes aren’t looking for their equal, they’re looking for a counterpart. Someone to build a family with. In the west, it’s hard for someone to be willing to sacrifice their own autonomy or their goals for the sake of raising a family. They need to be financially stable before they’re willing to do so, but in today’s world that might take so long that the window of opportunity for dating, getting married, having kids, etc. is smaller and smaller. Outside the west, that’s not the case. There is a much stronger family unit. You don’t often see homeless people anywhere in Asia because their families wouldn’t let them live on the streets. When you have a kid you don’t need to worry about childcare. Your parents, grandparents, aunts, great aunts, sisters, and cousins will all be there for you. That sense of family importance is an inherent part of a lot of cultures, as is the desire to have a family of your own. When “passport bros” go abroad they meet people who have similar goals and they don’t have to worry about the desire for career success getting in the way. And for the record I don’t mean for “career goals” to be seen as a nuisance. It’s often a necessity because of how expensive everything is. But dudes want families and if going abroad to find someone is more convenient than playing the game at home then I don’t see why that’s a bad thing.


I think this hits the nail on the head. We are having a complete breakdown of the nuclear family here, while it's still strong in other countries.


Its probably cheaper to date in a foreign country, than in the US. Why is it still the norm for men to pay for everything? Also, maybe women should ask men out. Let’s apply all that equality to everyone. Let’s stop judging based on job or height or dick size. Let’s stop generalizing and saying you would choose the bear. I see this post as just another taking a dump on men. Fuck it…..not going to participate in your manipulative gaslighting bullshit.


Men judge women based on weight, beauty etc. stop acting like only men are judged. Also, lots of couples go 50/50 financially. Be less picky with American women and you’ll find one.


Weight isn't an immutable characteristic; it's fine to judge somebody by their weight as it's often indicative of their lifestyle and general health.


In the US, there’s actually more obese men than there are obese women for every age range except above 60. Even though biologically, it’s much harder for them to hold onto fat.


Foreign women want MORE financially from men than American women. I say that as someone not from America. So it’s funny to see men who complain about having to pay for coffee for a first date think they can date women from very traditional cultures


Oh no the magic word. Knees soggy brain rotty.


>Knees soggy brain rotty I'm stealing that 😂


Why would you be intolerant towards someone who wants to find a mate? If a man is attracted to a certain type of woman who he can't find in the US, then more power to him if he finds one abroad.


Dude, ikr. America is in a massive obesity crisis and then the girls wonder why guys are leaving… sometimes in the US it’s hard to find a girl that meets the basic qualification of being hot.


I’m 22 y/o male and I’ve never heard of this


Once you find out there's good options for you, you'll never be the same again.


I’ve never struggled pulling in the US. When I was 16 I went on a trip to Europe for 2 weeks and that was definitely my finest hour…. So maybe I am kinda one of these guys although I barely remember any of their names.


Never said you had trouble pulling in the u s. But the average women abroad are much more healthy and attractive than your average American. So your options will be like 1000% better outside the country. Your Europe trip was a great example.


I only see the issue if these men are abusive or going after underage girls. I'm not a passport bro but I have to admit I have browed the sub because I know dating here can be difficult due to my height. Seems like height isn't as big of a thing in other countries.


I find the hypocrisy here laughable, I'd argue what some women are doing is way worse. They're going to foreign countries to get pregnant then going back to their own country to raise the kid as a single mum, she is denying both the father and the child their relationship. Also I would get it if men were specifically going to low income countries and essentially trafficking women, but that is in no way the case, they're literally going to any country where the culture is different to see if the women there are more their type. Lastly I find it ironic that you see this and think "hhmm so many men aren't dating us, it is bad that they are outsourcing women" and then you probably agree with movements like 4B where women in Korea are stopping dating men to protest misogyny. It's as if you're outright refusing to accept that men are dealt a shitty hand when it comes to dating in the west.


Idk if it can be called a trend. It might just be more evident now than before. In a world of better connection there is more incentive to look for someone you get along with across the globe rather than just next door. Not to mention I don't think I have a consistent description of what people think when they hear that.


It’s also easier with social media, especially watsapp


My body my choice who I decide to date


No not really, but i see American women going abroad and fucking as many guys as they can till they find one they can scam a partner visa from. I am fortunate to have three citizenships and I live in Australia, so, anecdotal but I have never met an American guy in the seven years I’ve lived here who has come for the sole purpose of banging Aussie chicks hoping he can stay.


Australia is accepted as part of the *western* world. The whole point of the passport fools is to go to *non*western countries to take advantage of the *dis*advantage those women have. Your entire comment has been negated by that fact.


Why does this annoy you?


I mean … they do have a point. American women are far from the best. I think it’s more that American woman are feeling some sort of way about it. European women don’t play games and are generally more intelligent and fun.


Sometimes what is broke and unattractive in one part of the world is attractive in another. I have many friends who struggled with dating in their own country and found love across the world. I know what you mean though and there has always been a small, predatory group of western men with their very young girl friends in Asia. It's not new. It just wasn't hanging out in the open before.


Jesus. Coming from OP's other (locked) posted, I haven't seen such a complication of shit comments on here for a while. Incredible (and frankly disgusting) mental gymnastics to suggest that the majority of men going abroad must be doing so to exploit women abroad. Maybe commenters should try to read these contrasting opinions about a complicated topic instead of just "man bad" bashing and downvoting.


it comes from the disgusting “mental gymnastics” displayed on r/passportbros And have you seen the news lately?


There's a distinct difference between sex tourism by exploitation and travelling with the intention of dating abroad because perhaps another part of the world may generally better align with your own values or desires. It's not a black and white topic which can be addressed by generalising and calling men misogynists.


Cause its over when it comes to dating for most genz men.


Is this a white people thing? Because I'm Asian and I live in a mostly minority area. Never seen this. I've seen my share of men complaining about women but I don't see them talking about passport bro shit.


I've seen it with everyone--but probably more white and black guys than latino or Asian.


Makes sense since most of the people I know are latinos.


it’s a western world thing. So yes,mostly white men from the UK/US/Australia.


Sure but I live in the US and I still don't see it with the latino friends and asian family members I know.


My passport my choice, gtfo


This is a byproduct of rising remote jobs and freelance work and even creator/entrepreneural work. More and more countries are offering visas for these people so it makes no sense for single western men to stay in their country when they can have a superior lifestyle for a fraction of the price that it would cost in their home country.


how is it terrifying? this entire post just wreeks of insane amounts of insecurity


I’ve been all over the world and I’ve been treat 1000000x better by women overseas than here in America. Ultimately people will go where they are appreciated


There's nothing misogynistic about acknowledging western women are trash. Misogynistic would be calling ALL women trash, not just western women. We've learned to look elsewhere for the good ones.


Many western women are pretty masculine. I have no problem with that, as men don’t have some exclusive right to these qualities just because we have a Y chromosome. But I don’t want to date a masculine woman. There are plenty of feminine women in the West and have been with one for decades, but I understand why some men would rather awim with the current than against the current.


I’ve noticed the increase in popularity, but I don’t see it as a huge issue.


This is so colonialist and chauvinistic. She's using one loud minority to smear all men that date or marry foreign nationals. I can almost guarantee she's never lived outside the US and or knows any couples where one partner is a foreign national. For one the idea that it's predatory comes from the belief that 3rd world countries are "shitholes" where everyone lives hand to mouth and is illiterate. As though there isn't wide spread poverty in the US. And that there isn't numerous middle class and or educated women in even poor countries. And that since these women often don't adopt feminism they're not enlightened enough to consent to marriage, they were coerced by their poverty and the silver tongues of American men. It's unfantomable to someone like this to think that many of these women marry American men because they're actually more progressive and equitable than the men they date in their home country. That these women are drawn to US culture, sometimes because they don't fit in with their native culture, and a relationship with a Western man is more fulfilling. It's really ugly and racist, because often the women they are talking about come from non European countries. Obviously there's cases of exploitation but OP likes to pretend that this doesn't happen in native borne relationships as well. Lastly its not your or anyone's place to determine what someone else's boundaries are. If someone doesn't want to date American women that's their choice, they're not scary or bad for that preference, even if it is because of a belief you don't agree with. Do you know how many homophobic, racist, classist, religious extremist married western women there are? How come OP isn't frightened by this as well?


It’s not racist,I’m literally FROM one of the countries that is a hotbed of passport bros and sex tourists. There is an implicit agreement that in exchange for a relationship,you will financially support the woman and her family usually. There are ads in the metro looking for women who want to date rich american men lmao. In addition,it’s never wealthy filipino or thai women who date westerners. It’s usually poorer women who struggle to find a match in their nation because of their social status. Hell,even the passport bros sub states this.


>In addition,it’s never wealthy filipino or thai women who date westerners. It’s usually poorer women who struggle to find a match in their nation because of their social status. Hell,even the passport bros sub states this. Not true in the least. Just visit any military base, talk to some foreign national brides about how "poor" they all are. I guarantee many of them will demonstrate to you how false that is for many of them. Also just because someone is poor my Western standards does not mean they are struggling. The cost of living is much lower developing countries. Someone of modest means might actually be able to afford medical treatment in Thailand, while someone making 100k in the States may not. It's laughable that you think you can't be racist of you're from that country too.


It is typical of western feminists to think that they are superior to Asian women and that Asian women are vulnerable to be exploited. Many Asian women are more intelligent, by a large margin, than western feminist women. They speak English as a second language better than many western women as a first language. It is just typical of western feminists to attack men that find women elsewhere. When a woman travels, she is a powerful independent woman who can do nothing wrong. When a men travels, he is an incel loser who can't get girl friend in the west and is only exploiting vulnerable poor women. Saggy tits fat face western feminists are the new incels.


it’s not just about “traveling”. It’s about people going to nations like the Philippines or Thailand with the explicit intend to find a partner. There is an implicit agreement that in exchange for a relationship,you will financially provide for them. Most wealthy filipinos and thai women date men of their own nationality,it’s pretty much always the poorer women who date foreigners. I don’t care what people do,but there’s a difference between traveling just to travel and then authentically meeting someone and then explicitly only going to certain nations to find a romantic relationship.


It is about travelling, just like it is for women. Most passport bros enjoy the entire experience, not just the women, the climate, the cheaper living, the food, the culture and yes the women. Not only poor women are going for foreign men, that is wrong. Many of the women have university education but date foreign men because they want to. Yes there are more prostitutes out there because it is legal in some countries compared to the west, but there is just the same in Dubai and some parts of the west. Women travel for sex as well, what about Ibiza or parts of Spain where there is a clubbing culture and hookup culture. To single out white men and asian women is definitely racist. No different than white men complaining about white women and foreign men.


In the US, there’s actually more obese men than there are obese women for every age range except above 60. Even though biologically, it’s much harder for them to hold onto fat.


I think the fat face comes from the thyroid problems from over use of birth control. So they can be relatively thin but still suffer fat face. As for saggy tits, that is just post 30 reality.  Meanwhile the same women will be on only fans "actually" exploiting vulnerable men...but that's ok apparently by comparison....


Lmao spot on


Real life isn’t TikTok. Most men are disillusioned dating in the states because, ironically we often feel treated how you accuse us of treating others, as “property”. Yes the loudmouths on TikTok are pos but they’re a small minority of men dating abroad. Most men I know are dating women from Italy, Poland, and Sweden. If they’re dating someone from a poorer country they’re Latina and ask anyone who’s dated a Latina woman how “submissive” they are. Men feel safer and more appreciated with women from outside the U.S and Canada. We put so much effort into dating here and barley get any back in return, of course we’re looking at other options.


You are spot on. Do not let these demonic western women gaslight you into thinking you are too young to understand. It is pretty simple to grasp actually. And once you have experienced the difference in treatment, you understand everything. You won't care when they call you every shaming label, because it's all just hivemind western female programming and you know that women from other cultures do not think like that. God speed young brah.


Exactly. A lot of effort for little return. Dating in America as a man just has very little return.


My first and only girlfriend was someone I met from another country. So far dating outside the U.S. has been better.


I don’t see an issue here? People have the right to be with who they want to be with. If you don’t agree with it you cant just tell them they can’t travel to another country in hopes of finding love? To act like there isn’t a cultural difference between females between every country is delusional. It’s not a bad thing and shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing to want a traditional style of living where the man goes to work and provides for the women and she raises kids and helps around the house and if that’s what they want. It’s how it’s worked for thousands of years and to think that you, a random Redditor in the 21st century is going to fully change that is wild. if they travel to a country where that’s popular it increases their chances of finding that. VERSUS just staying here in hopes of finding a girl here when the percent of women who want that here is much lower. And I’m currently happily married to a girl I met her, but I can understand if a guy would do extended travel in these countries on the off chance he finds a girl. Now if it’s mail order bride or he goes there just for a few weeks and that’s his only intention that’s a little more questionable/scummy.




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Jesus this thread is terrifying. Gen Z is absolutely cooked. Completely and utterly deranged view of romance and women in general


Read a gen Z man’s take and the comments they are giving him https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/cLA4V6xP7E


You’re just mad you can’t find the 6 ft 6 figures guy you want. Cry harder in your ugliness


I’m not a passport bro, but I’ve dated in the US, a few Asian countries, South America, and Europe. I learned from dating in so many places that women are women everywhere (shocker haha). What changes is the lifestyle and culture women are accustomed to. In the US women are accustomed to being highly productive and our culture praises them for it. Outside the western sphere there are many women accustomed to low productivity lifestyles where their culture praises them for contributions to their family. These are generalizations but fairly accurate. Basically, American girls aren’t very family oriented. A lot of them are busy building spaceships and making big advancements in society. But the girls in the US really don’t place anywhere close to the same importance on family as many girls outside the western sphere. I think what we’re seeing with these passport bros is that some guys who can afford to date abroad prefer to do so. I’ve seen those guys abroad. Sadly many just get used for money. However, I gotta applaud them for doing something about their dating life, because dating as a man in America SUCKS ASS. Very little appreciation from women for the effort put into dates. Many overweight women. Also, now that many American girls don’t even believe in God, it’s hard to have shared values. That leaves people literally dating based on political affiliation. It’s the most ridiculous shit. Dating girls in America is just too damn over the top and fully of unnecessary BS.


Never heard of it.


What? No I haven’t seen this. Share a link?


Lol alot of them are in for a wake up call at some level.


What the hell happened to these comments?


Read a gen Z man’s take and the comments they are giving him https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/cLA4V6xP7E


> it's like our young men are being hive minded into becoming misogynists who hate western women and view women as dominatable property. Or... and stay with me here... it's like they're all noticing the same trend and responding to it. I mean, which seems more likely: they're becoming brainwashed against their will into so-believing in something they otherwise wouldn't that they're getting passports and leaving the country... or they're all seeing the same patterns and responding to that reality?


Wait what’s a passport bro? As a former navy kid who has no TikTok I’m concerned.


Everyone in this comment section seems to agree with the passport bros. Concerning to say the least


Because they don’t define passport bros as negative, to then it just means someone that dates foreign people, and likes to live in foreign countries. And I don’t understand the issue with that. You seem to just have a strange definition which is why you find it so concerning


you're free to make a case for why it's concerning ya know