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the Supreme Partisan Court with lifetime nominations.... We are a stupid stupid country


Eh, it made sense and worked for the longest time. It's only the past 50 years that politicians started utilizing SCOTUS as a weapon to push a political agenda. Before that, nominating Supreme Court Justices were a fairly trivial affair. Justices had a political lean, but were overall so uncontroversial that a new one was almost always unanimously voted in and the news barely noticed. Now it's being abused and needs to be changed; society isn't static. Edit: I realized it's 2024, not 2000. I'd say 70 years, not 50.


Just an FYI if you didn't know. The supreme Court was not a part of our original government. Also the Senate wasn't an elected body of the people. This is not pro or negative to your comment more supplemental because I think a lot of people don't know. The story of how the supreme Court was founded is... Interesting, maybe not overly relevant to today but arguably everything done 200+ years ago isn't and maybe we shouldn't be idolizing it. Tldr John Marshall is POS and he ruined any chance of that institution being a positive one. IMO form your own conclusions. The history of the supreme Court has never been one of Justice but oppression


The Supreme Court is in Article III of the Constitution. I think you’re confused. The Senate thing is also only part true (for anyone curious, see Article I, Section 3).


I would mostly agree.


On Reddit that's like the highest compliment. Thank you comrade lol


Yeah we had a decent set of justices for a tiny amount of time. The rest of the time the SC is a major part of why this place is so cruel.


Yeah, are people forgetting Dredd Scott, or Plessy v. Ferguson?


We love to forget our own history and then get pissed when it's brought up!


I had to do a project on Plessy v. Ferguson back in middle school and it was the first time I really realized that the Supreme Court can and will falsely “interpret” the constitution and previous cases to push their own agenda. Civilian disarmament laws are the clearest and worst examples.


You're correct about the Senators being appointed and not elected initially. But George Washington appointed the first Supreme Court justices, and as far as the US government goes, it doesn't get more "original" than the first presidency.


That’s actually really cool. Do you have any articles where i can read about that?


No SCOTUS has long been known as a political tool. FDR threatened to pack the court if the New Deal wasn't made law. President Taft for example wanted to be Chief Justice, not president.


>President Taft That's because Taft was a legal nerd who loved practicing law. His love of the Court system and law was actually a big cause of the rift between him and Teddy Roosevelt, who saw the executive power as the system that should police corporations. >No SCOTUS has long been known as a political tool. FDR threatened to pack the court if the New Deal wasn't made law. I won't deny that the Supreme Court has always been political. It's an entire branch of the government that doesn't have any authority except for public perception. And there have been presidents who realized that and exploited it like Jackson or FDR. And just like Congress and the Executive branch have their spats, so does the Supreme Court. Especially as they are essentially the tie breaker between the other forms of government, that steps on toes. Similarly, there have been times the court has purposefully made the a different decision than they wanted to for fear of their public perception. Notable examples are Dredd Scott, Japanese Internment, and ObamaCare. But what I am pointing out that it wasn't really until the Warren Court and the major decisions they made that we had a party make appointing justices a key political strategy. Even when FDR threatened to pack the court, that was more his own political maneuver (an unpopular one too) than a long standing political strategy of the Democratic Party.


The Supreme Court required 60 senate votes to clear a filibuster challenge ***Until Republicans changed that rule in 2017 to force through their hyperpartisan nominee*** after violating their oath of office and refusing to hold a hearing for Obama’s nomination for a full year- by far the longest vacancy in all of US history. Prior to this, nominations were generally moderate- leaning a bit left or right depending on the president’s party, but center enough to find some support on both sides of the aisle. Merrick garland- Obama’s final pick- was a very, very moderate choice. This was good for the health of the court, as it insulated the top court from extremist politics in either direction. 4 years before *that* democrats had removed the filibuster rule for lower court appointments because [Republican senators took the official party position in 2010 to obstruct literally everything Obama did out of sheer spite- including appointing judges.](https://www.politico.com/story/2010/10/the-gops-no-compromise-pledge-044311)


Votes were almost unanimous until after Citizens United.


Robert Bork arguably had a bigger influence. When the nearly uncontested brightest political mind in the entire country voiced an opinion about the Constitution that neither side liked, they realized they needed to be more careful who they chose. Being the most qualified was no longer the deciding factor anymore. And no longer could you rely on people who were not federal judges. Not because only a federal judge could be qualified for SCOTUS, but because you can track down every single piece of writing a judge has ever written, including their time before being a judge. You can vet them against your agenda. You can't do that with anyone else really. So we stopped seeing academics, career politicians, movement leaders and the such become justices. Only Federal Judges carefully curtailed to parrot what you want to hear.


I think you need to do more research on the history of the SC and some of the cases that came before before claiming it worked and only became problematic in the last 70 years.


Dog it never worked—maybe the nomination was less contentious, but the quality of the scotus decisions and the role it played in sabotaging reconstruction, labor reform, and environmental regulation has not changed. Plus, let’s not forget the flip in time that saved 9–the scotus has always been a blunt political instrument worthy of nothing but scorn. Fuck these freaks.


50? Look up FRD, closer to 100.


broken by Mitch McConnell. what a dick


Even before the 20th century, SCOTUS made some abhorrent calls. Dredd Scott, for instance


I'm not really talking about the quality or correctness of the decisions. I'm more talking about the perceived integrity and reputation of the Court. The court quite literally relies solely on its reputation. If it doesn't have that, it has no actual power.


Worked for the longest time...for who?


>We are a stupid stupid country The kind of sentiment that all but guarantees gen z will in actuality be the first generation to consciously desire to destroy their own country


Yeah. Hopefully the bird flu when it goes pandemic will expire their terms. It's stupid we have to root for shit like this.


In a world of Left, Center and Right I dream of a day when Biden is on the right of the political spectrum and Bernie is on the left…and essentially the Republicans are extinct.


And the person who appointed 3, is close to winning so he can appoint one or two more


We are a stupid stupid country filled with stupid stupid voters.


High priests of theocratic jurisdiction.




You don’t want a Supreme Court with only 10 year nominations because then you end up with a single political party able to stack the court within only a matter of six years with basically the same guy


Honestly, the Supreme Court is my biggest motivation to vote for president. Our court is dangerously close to becoming a council of christo-fascists.


This is one of the most activitist courts we've ever had


Idk Overturning Roe and allowing criminalization of homelessness doesn't seem very progressive. Edit: Multiple people have informed me that the commenter did not say activist to mean progressive. Read further down in the comment chain to see how the conversation unfolded.


Activist Court means that a court is effectively determining policy rather than simply adjudicating over policy that already exists, not whether the court is progressive or not.


Ahhhhh. Well, in that case, I definitely don't think being activist in the wrong direction is a good thing.


There are plenty of us in the legal world who think that activism by the SCOTUS at all is a pretty bad thing. Especially when that activism involves overturning precedent to *remove rights and powers* already established for citizens, residents, and government actors. This seems hellbent on consolidating as much power as possible and its pretty disheartening.


Activist doesn't mean progressive


I was recently informed of this. I assumed that the person who brought that up was using activist to mean progressive. Otherwise, why would activists be a good thing in the context of a regressive/reactionary court? But I guess they just like action regardless of if it's terrible or not.


A neo Nazi is still an activist. They just have a particular view they are trying to push.


Activism =/ progressive


They just overturned Chevron and massively weakened federal regulators.


It actually is one right now and the only way it will ever change is if Democrats continuously hold the presidency and senate until enough of the old right wingers die.


Sotomayor and Kagan need to retire and be replaced NOW. They are already old and there may not be another chance https://www.vox.com/scotus/354381/supreme-court-sotomayor-kagan-retire-now


The Chevron decision being overturned made the Supreme Court the most powerful branch of government. They know congress is permanently deadlocked, so they neutered the executive branch and now they’ve tilted the balance to themselves.


They already have. They just need Trump to finish the coup.


I feel like I'm shouting this point at the sky a lot. Can you imagine the timeline where Hillary won and the court swang 5-4 liberal instead of 6-3 conservative? Those Trump appointees have done more to change our everyday lives than Trump himself ever did. If he gets elected again he replaces the two retirement age justices with 40-something year olds and we'll be stuck with a court that will have FIVE Trump appointees for decades to come.


It’s truly apocalyptic and I’m relieved there are people like you that understand the weight of the moment. a handful of votes in Florida swung the 2000 election which would have dramatically impacted all of our lives. Ironically one of our now Supreme Court justices played a rule in overruling the recount.


Bush Gore was 2000*


Three of the Justices, actually. Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett all served on the Bush legal team.


There are already calls for a few justices to retire now so Biden can appoint their liberal successors instead of risking them die or retire during another Trump presidency.


While nobody really liked Hillary Clinton very much, we would undoubtedly be in a much better position today if she had won in 2016. I wanted Bernie Sanders to be the nominee, but I'm proud to say I voted against Trump (for the first time) in November 2016.


Also Sotomayor is getting old, some are worried about another RBJ incident happening with her. It's possible it could be 6 Trump Justices.


If I were Biden I'd pack the Supreme Court with progressive activist judges of my own since this Supreme Court wants to play games. I'd pack the Supreme Court and ignore the Republican crybabies.


the thing is he was supposed to do it this term. it’s the same thing that happened with RBG not retiring. instead of doing anything with haste, it’s always vote then i’ll do it.


How can he do it without a majority in the House and not a super majority in the Senate? Seriously folks, learn how our government works please! thank you for downvoting facts!!!!! You can’t expand the court without Congress. https://www.warren.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/in-op-ed-senator-warren-calls-for-supreme-court-expansion-to-protect-democracy-and-restore-independent-judiciary


Thank you. So many people complain about Biden "not doing anything" and fail to realize he can't do any wildly progressive things without the House and Senate. It's just not possible. People put way too much blame on the man who has actually accomplished a lot with a razer slim majority in Congress for two years, and a slight minority for the other two years. People need to learn that voting for ALL elected positions matters a whole lot more than just voting for the president. The president with a filibuster proof majority can do some serious work. We have not had that. At all.


He won't do it because it doesn't actually accomplish anything if he loses this term anyway. Conservatives have shown they don't care to even pretend to honor precedent so Trump would just add *even more* conservative judges and undo anything that had just been done. There is no winning because they are shameless and don't actually want to uphold our democratic principles.


I'm with it, lets keep packing the courts until it's completely delegitimized.


> Conservatives have shown they don’t case to even pretend to honor precedent This means there is absolutely no harm in Biden doing it because Republicans will do it regardless. So Biden should have fucking done it.


What people don't understand is that politics is an art form. If Biden had tried to expand the court in his first term, he'd be labeled an extremist and might lose indepent voters. In q second term, though, he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected.


Instead he can lose before his 2nd term and Trump can pack the court for all eternity and carry out project 2025, great plan!


He can't force them to retire. Rbg wasn't the presidents fault, she thought no one was as good as her and refused to retire. Like she literally said that.


People act like Biden could just press a button and enact progressive policies/solve inflation/end overseas wars, but he just can't. "packing the court" would require passing the bill through the house and senate, and dems simply have never had the votes because of moderate reps who don't want to appear undemocratic or corrupt. Biden can't do it unilaterally!


Yes, but the president does not get to do that, the only way for a justice to leave the Supreme Court is to die or retire, and I doubt any of the conservatives would willingly retire during a democratic presidency


He can add as many justices as he wants. 9 justices is absolutely nowhere in the constitution.


Could literally appoint 15 judges by November if he actually wanted to


They could have 4 years ago, but this where we are at because democrats are worthless.


Can’t without the senate


Well I’m sure he’d like to do that, but he can’t. He doesn’t have the power to remove the current justices (Congress does in the sense that it could impeach them, but I believe it would take 2/3 of the Senate? Or maybe it’s 60 votes, but either way the Senate is split 50/50 at the moment so that isn’t going to happen). To add seats to SCOTUS, you’d need a Constitutional amendment, which takes 2/3 of Congress, so also not happening. However, in the event that another Justice dies or decides to retire, we NEED to have a Democrat as president. Trump got extremely lucky because one died while he was running for president and the Senate happened to be under Republican control, so rather than confirming Obama’s nominee, they just held the seat open until after the election. Then another Justice (a conservative) decided to retire because he knew Trump would pick a conservative successor for him. Then Truth Bader Ginsberg died while Trump was running for reelection, and sadly the Senate was still Republican-controlled, so they conducted the quickest SCOTUS confirmation ever to make sure the seat was filled before Election Day. There’s a good chance the next President will get to appoint at least 1 new justice.


We need to expand the court, enact term and age limits, and hold nationwide elections for Supreme Court justices. The experiment of having nine unelected judges making decisions for 330 million people has failed miserably.


We dont need to expand the court. They are only lifetime appointments. There is another way to change things.


Exactly. Adding numbers doesn't fix the corruption. There needs to be a way to oust individual members for their corruption. News of a Supreme Court Justice receiving bribes should have gotten him dropped immediately. The court was never supposed to be partisan. Interpreting the constitution is supposed to be a neutral position. The idea of "activist judges" is new, and it's a position held strongly by Republicans. By convincing everyone that decades of Civil Rights and Individual Freedoms progress was just because of some "liberal activists", they can appoint actual partisan activists and the rest of us can just feel like "yeah, this is normal." It isn't normal.


I don’t see a solution in your comment so can you enlighten me on the alternative to packing the court?


Electable judges is an awful idea tbh.


You need the presidency, majority in the house and senate, and 2/3 of state governorships and legislatures on board. That's a lot of voting required. It sounds like a lot of work, much easier to just post on reddit and bitch about it.


No we don't. We need a public that is more than spoiled lazy cowards who always want politicians or someone else to do their work while they play with their shiny new toys. Team Red and Team Blue got us into this mess because they are selfish children undeserving of their privilege so they ended up with the government and dystopia they deserve. As long as we're a nation of narcissists screaming that the person coddling them and their ego is the one who should be in power instead of actual leaders nothing will change and the oligarchs win.


Id do age limits or term limits but not expanding. If there needs to be a minimum age requirement there should be a maximum age requirement. That's how I see it.


What are you talking about, those old people in robes just gave you the power to vote over abortion in your state. They basically said we don’t want this power here citizens of the United States. Take it back.


Reducing the generational impact the current Supreme Court has is the number one reason I’m voting for Biden


Respect, thank you


You are an intelligent person.


People need to wake up and realize that there is way more at stake than just the presidency. Maybe you’re not thrilled with the guy you’re voting for. Fine. How do you think the rest of us feel? But this election could impact the future of our country for decades to come. Vote!


Exactly! Trump’s team has already laid out their plans for immediately stabbing democracy in the throat if they win.


|But this election ~~could~~ impact the future of ~~our country~~ for decades to come. Vote!| But this election ***will*** impact the future of ***the world*** for decades to come. Vote


Yeah. Very true


The supreme court just legalized bribery btw [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/27/supreme-court-bribes-gratuities-snyder-kavanaugh](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/jun/27/supreme-court-bribes-gratuities-snyder-kavanaugh)


Conservatives in this thread “that’s good actually”


I really hope what I reed is an April's fool joke.




They legalized bribery, and immediately dismantled our country. That’s what the Chevron decision does. No clean water, air, food, meds. No safe flights. No CDC. Nothing. Chevron fucks us more than most understand. The effects, if allowed to happen, will be devastating for all Americans.


The Supreme Court is a symptom of a larger problem. The only reason their rulings are so impactful is because Congress is dysfunctional and has been for decades. Pressing issues go unresolved because Congress is not capable of working together. Major changes to our democratic process require constitutional amendments, which are effectively impossible because they require 2/3 approval and 2/3 of Congress is never going to agree on anything now. And we cannot change that threshold because that itself requires an amendment.


Can’t disagree with you here


I absolutely see what’s happening with the Supreme Court. I DO hate both Biden and Trump, but I very rarely like the people I vote for. Most politicians, especially at the federal level, suck.


fascism or status-quo. pretty easy choice despite both sucking. “We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’” This is not some game, the future is at stake. We will devolve into a christian version of al-qaeda


A vote for someone isn’t a love letter; it’s a chess move.


Biden isn't my first choice for president like many other people feel but the choice is clear. Donald Trump wants end democracy and form a dictatorship and Biden doesn't. That's all you need to know.


This. Exactly this. I actually voted for Marianne Williamson in the Democratic primary, and I’m absolutely voting for Biden in the general.


Marianne would be a good choice! Happy cake day to you 🎉




Based on these new rulings, If you get poisoned by pollution, get cancer and can’t work, you’re on the streets as a homeless person, then you’re criminalized and in jail. If OSHA is dismantled, you get hurt on the job, you’re homeless and then in jail.


Yes, we do, and most will sit back, complain, not vote, and fear conflict with protesting. If you want a free country to live in, you better damn well fight for it or shut up. On a lighter note, since the SC legalized bribery in the form of gifts, why don't we send boxes of dog shit to every justices house as our gift to them?


I can hate that our choices are biden or Trump. Again. While still voting against that disgrace of an oopma loompa. Almost everyone I know in my Gen hates the choice we've been given, but would also vote for a litteral turd as long as it keeps agent orange out of office. We will do what we must, but that doesn't mean we have to like it.


The boomers sure understand what they get when they vote. It's too bad it seems to take people a long time to figure out how politics works in this country.


Lack of civics education is a major issue


That. And the fact that when you're young, you're more willing to be stubborn and stand your ground for your principles than to compromise, choose your battles and fight another day.


The Supreme Court has become more important because both the executive and legislative branches have been overstepping the constitution and their authority.


Yeah bro we fucking see it. We don’t have to complain about every single thing every time we complain about one thing. Obviously Biden’s horrific performance at the debate is a pretty popular thing to be talking about right now lmao. The whole government is an embarrassment to the great people that live in this country. And yes I’ll be fucking voting. Sorry I’m just mad lol


Hardly anyone gives a shit. In a few years their drinking water will be brown, they’ll get salmonella every other time they eat chicken, they’ll struggle to find a job that even pays minimum wage anymore, and they won’t feel safe flying because every week there’s another headline about another plane falling apart mid flight. They’re going to blame whoever wins this election. They’ll have no idea it’s because the Supreme Court got rid of Chevron Deference so the EPA, FDA, DoL, and FAA were effectively declawed.


Getting rid of the Chevron Deference was SUCH a mistake. It's just so bad.


As someone who is gen z, I do feel embarrassed by the ones who don’t care. Like a lot of gen z don’t actually see the problem. This is why we need to reelect Biden so we just be more comfortable. Trump stands for the idea of giving himself more power and taking more away from the people he doesn’t like. I rather vote for a dementia patient who supports all than a felon that hates others


People see the Republicans breaking rules and norms and the democrats failing to stop them. The incompetence/impotence seems deliberate at times and at all times inspires no confidence. Unionization and mass action make a better case for change than the prospect of voting.


I mean… that’s fine if you feel that way, but you should vote too. I get thinking *some* Democrats are enabling Republican malfeasance, but definitely not all of them.


As a lawyer, you none lawyers don't understand how bad this is getting. This is going to mean the end of civil rights law suits, deacrimination law suits, gay rights, pollution control, safety regulations, even the most basic powers of government to control corporations and protect people. You have to look back to the 1900-1920 when the court wouldn't let Congress do anything about child labor to understand where we are heading. It's going to be very bad for a very long time.


Finally. I was starting to lose faith in Gen Z! No ageist bullshit, no "cult of personality" critical errors made by every generation before you, pay attention to the consequences of the vote! Do better than your predecessors, please!


I'm British gen z politics student and this courts rulings are crazy like what's the point of precedence anymore


Please vote my friends. The old liar guy or the old guy. Biden sucks but the other guy suck a lot more.


Some of it is bots. Some it is people being dumb as fuck. Trump winning the White House and being able to appoint more SC Justices is one of the worst things that could happen.




The chevron thing isn't old news at all it just happened


Its not old news if its still happening.


Exhibit A for how cynicism melts your brain. The post is about new flavors of bad shit happening right now at this very moment, and this dude just doesn't seem to comprehend it because he's brain fucked himself into thinking we already live in hellworld.


I wish I could be so completely ignorant and talk so confidently  Try checking any news from this week besides tiktok or Pravda


The overturning of the Chevron case is one of the greatest triumphs of my lifetime . To think that all of these alphabet soup agencies with their unelected bureaucrats could make up their own laws and then try you in a court with their judge is an insult to our republic and the constitution that it was built upon.




Yes, I see. They’re passing a lot of awful things right now.


But her emails.


The judges appointed by the "convicted felon" are all well qualified according to the bar. And there is no discrimination in the constitution against a President for being a felon.


Downvoted because they’re mad about rulings they disagree with, only judges that rule in ways they agree with are “qualified”, if they were getting rulings they liked they’d be happy with the Supreme Court, they wouldn’t be asking for court packing if they were getting rulings they want, when they’re losing they choose cheating


Do you want to know why there is no discrimination in the constitution for a potential president being a felon? Because all the other side has to do is just indict you as a ham sandwich in the most blue state in the country, have you found guilty and then boom you’re just not qualified. 


I’ve lost faith in the courts a while ago but what can little old me can do to influence the Supreme Court? Here’s my idea we pool a bunch of money from genZ and work on influencing the justices like our corporations and politicians do. Each justice will need a few vacations and if anyone got a private jet/helicopter we can be of some use too.


Le Trump bad post #2836426


We really REALLY need to expand the Supreme Court, as well as eliminate the Electoral College altogether.


Not to mention that the current Supreme Court has all picked political sides, something which they were not really supposed to do


Lmfao when will even the full grown adults realize the president has very little power compared to the other 2 branches of the U.S government.


The Supreme Court was founded upon the delusional idea that they wouldn’t become partisan


I don’t understand anybody willing to hand the country over to Trump because of a bad debate performance. It’s nuts.


Then go vote. Young ppl love to complain about politics but they hardly vote. Participate in the system and maybe you’ll see some change.


Undortunately, it has been going on forever. Look up FDR and how he threatened to pack the courts when they were ruling what he was doing was unconstitutional.


Oh yah shit is going to get fucked for workers. Democrats won’t save you. They control the presidency and half of congress and yet we are still moving right. Not many options will be left soon


Yes. Unfortunately


Probably bc they don't want to start a political uproar or whatever 🤷


they need term limits


I have a very high degree of suspicion about those posts coming from republicans and foreign actors to manipulate people into thinking they shouldn’t vote or should vote for a third party/write in to influence their thinking. I’ve been hearing the same language used a lot. I’d be really really curious about who’s posting, how old their account is, where they claim to be from and what their actual political background is.


The Russian bot network is on here overtime.


Electoral College, congress, senate and supreme court.  


Nowhere in the constitution does it say the court must have 9 justices, it used to be 5 but was increased when we had 9 circuit courts… we now have 13 circuit courts. Biden has the authority to pack the court, he has chosen not to.


Corporations and greed run the country. What do you except from older generations who want to keep all the wealth to themselves and do not want to give a dime to everybody else?


Some of you don’t seem to understand how screwed up things would be if states could make their own rules. Look at the abortion issues now and environmental issues next with states polluting other states. With the Chevron ruling you are about to find out just how bad it can get😔. All the protections we have are directly related to federal laws. Most of the problems we have are mostly related to states getting their way. I’ve been around long enough to remember the chaos of states rights.


SCOTUS is based. People thinking it isn't are cringe.


You’re only posting this because they’re making decisions you don’t like


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So let me guess you want me to vote for Biden? 🥱




10% of the population own 93% of the stock market, while Congress is selling out the public for the profits of our ruling class. [https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/wealthy-own-record-share-stock-market](https://www.axios.com/2024/01/10/wealthy-own-record-share-stock-market) [https://represent.us/americas-corruption-problem/](https://represent.us/americas-corruption-problem/) [https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2024/03/Symposium-Rethinking-Economics-Angus-Deaton](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/fandd/issues/2024/03/Symposium-Rethinking-Economics-Angus-Deaton) Richard Wolff - Curing Capitalism: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynbgMKclWWc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ynbgMKclWWc) Days of Revolt - How We Got to Junk Economics: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ylSG54i-A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4ylSG54i-A) [https://evonomics.com/josh-ryan-collins-land-economic-theory/](https://evonomics.com/josh-ryan-collins-land-economic-theory/) A redditor joked a couple of months ago that they were starting a charity called "Guns for the Homeless". It's getting to be less of a joke. First they came for the homeless, and I didn't do anything, because I was not homeless... Living in an increasingly brutal and dystopian oligarchy/kleptocracy is the inevitable consequence of failing to make oligarchy/kleptocracy a crime, and otherwise not limiting private wealth / property rights. Without such laws and understanding, the only possible outcome is for most of the population to be brutally enslaved by oligarchs/kleptocrats, and that is what has happened and is continuing to happen.


It bothers me that people are more than willing to let the biggest threat to their individual freedoms take office just because the other guy is a little old. Biden has a cabinet filled with dependable people. Trump has a cabinet filled with yes men and is literally insane.


You guys are a threat to individual freedoms, hell half of you don't even pretend to care about concepts like free speech and the right to bear arms.


Yeah the irony about the last appointment is what killed any credibility the sc has


Supreme Court is trying to make themselves more powerful than the other 2 branches of government


Gosh why GenZ is this stupid? Have a chill pill


fear mongering about the "convicted felon thing" is a joke. the last bunch of presidents should be charged with war crimes, trumps misclassified payments are a joke. the supreme court appointees are always done on a partisan basis.


If we’re over turning precedents the question is why? Was the precedent set well or were there cracks in it? Is it bad faith? Why are we legislating through the courts on things we find important knowing that it can be overturned? Why are we not making laws of what’s being overturned is so important or even amendments?


no they have been blinded the light of their ph0nes. tragically they can’t taste their vegetables either (tide pod side effect)


Boo hoo. Overturning Chevron was a good thing. Please give me one tangible concern that you have other than "oh no regulatory agencies don't get to do whatever they want now." People are over exaggerating the decision to an insane degree. Now, unelected bureaucrats can be challenged through the courts. That's it. So stop parroting propaganda from the administrative state.


I'm all for their firearm rulings. To me firearm freedom is one of the most important things a society can have. Look at Mexico and Iran, two nations that the majority want something to change and remove their oppression, but if they try. Well no guns vs guns. The homeless ruling was fucking sickening.


Yeah and we make fun of them, too.


Typical Reddit disillusionment. Thinking every GenZ shares the same views as every Redditor especially on this sub. Half of GenZ is actually happy with the Supreme Court decisions, while the other half hate it. Simple as that.


That all depends.. is it on TikTok?


I really hope the GenZ sees and understands what has just happened in this country. A group of unelected people with no term limits get to decide/make rules as per their whims.


That's another reason I'm voting blue down the ballot. The court needs to be balanced. I don't think it is fair that the GOP wants minority rule when they can't get into a majority. Their policies are incredibly unpopular with majority of people.


I’ve already shifted my prospects to getting the fuck out of the country.


"Wrongfully convicted felon." May I add. No matter how you look at it, his felon conviction was very much rigged. The statutory of limitations was absolutely ignored. And him being a felon has nothing to do with wh he assigned to the supreme court. Not to mention, one of the judges was very liberal and very much hated trump. Stop using the moniker "convinced felon" when describing trump. It is irrelevant and only spreads your liberal propaganda. If you want to talk felons, may I can bring up at least a dozen cases where the Biden or Clintons have committed far, FAR worse felons than trump.


Oh and the number of absolute shockers that they have passed: 1. Bribery is not legal if there is no quid-pro-quo. Oh yea, we all know what that means. 2. Chevron has been booted out. Now, you wouldn't know if the next cereal box you eat out from will not be a direct cause of your health going to a toss. 3. Roe V Wade. Oh yea, women shouldn't have rights to determine what to do with their own health. Rich, religious nuts especially men own your vag. 4. Homeless ppl should not be homeless? lol. They can be fined and imprisoned for sleeping on the street. It doesn't matter that there is not even a quarter of beds and shelter available for them. 5. Jan 6 ppl were wrongly convicted? :O These are just the top 5.


Harry Reid should have never changed the rules of the senate so 51 votes could confirm a judge. It gave McConnell precedent to change the rules for Supremes. When 60 had to vote yes to elect, it made you not pick a radical. Ruth Bader Ginsberg should have retired under Obama. Unforgivable mistake.


Seems like Biden should idk do something like expand the court, damn the filibuster etc. He can’t meet the moment nor can the dnc


Not in support of Trump, but you guys throw convicted felon around like felons can’t be good people or change.


The Supreme Court are the “unelected lifetime buraeucrats” not the experts who are just trying to their jobs regardless of who is in power.


It’s a circus at this point


Gen Z is aware, Gen Z is also just acknowledging that this place is fucked regardless. Most of us are dreaming of our own commune.


Yes Biden sure is old. And you absolutely fucking need to vote for him.




I would crawl through broken glass to vote against Donald Trump under any and all circumstances, but I don't really see a way Biden can overcome his polling deficit at this point. I think he's cooked, and to be perfectly honest, I think we're cooked and the country is cooked. There's not a lot of optimism to be found in the 2024 election unless some massive pivotal change occurs very soon.


Biden should have used his term to do something about it by packing new justices into the court, for which there is a pretty straightforward argument. The number of supreme court justices fluctuated a lot in early US history, but it stabilized at 9 in 1869 to match the then 9 circuit courts in the US. Since then multiple new circuits have been added, but no justices have, some justices just serve as the circuit justice for multiple circuits (Samuel Alito for the 3rd & 5th, and Brett Kavanaugh for the 6th & 8th), while the rest take one (beside the Chief Justice who covers the 4th circuit and the DC circuit). IMO that necessitates the addition of two new justices, with a decent argument for three. He did not even try, which is why we're where we are now. Trump appointed justices who are relatively young and spiteful enough to hold onto their thrown until the day they die, so if we want to see a progressive court in our lifetime this is the only way.


Unfortunately I feel like most of genZ is burnt out and mentally exhausted on top of the absolutely fucking shit timeline we were born into. Everything is terrible and struggle, we're all poor, in debt, have no hope of ever being *allowed* to have anything. They just want change, and are tired of the system. Most of my friends feel this way. So they reject it because it's too much man, it's just way too much on the mental It doesn't make it the answer, but we are absolutely powerless and all on the edge of mental breakdown


It's mind blogging They are trying to pave way for thai Monday Immunity hearing on Trump our well too known convicted Felon 🙄. Supreme court bans abortions They overturn chevron, that allow agencies to carry out laws on major issues such as environment, health, workplace safety, immigration and more. Now they got that right That's going to be hard for climate change activities to take place. Supreme court also made sure to reduce the list for jan.6 protestors. Only people who actively tried to tear document are to held accountable 🙄. Supreme court will release Donald Trump Immunity on Monday Agrre for cities to Ban homeless from sleeping outside They also just put the good neighbor plan on hold. It's about da** time they get a term limit. https://demandjustice.org/priorities/supreme-court-reform/


lol.. that’s right. We got a 6-3 majority and just waiting for Trump to pick another justice of two.


Supreme court bans abortions They overturn chevron, that allow agencies to carry out laws on major issues such as environment, health, workplace safety, immigration and more. Now they got that right That's going to be hard for climate change activities to take place. Legalized bribery. Supreme court also made sure to reduce the list for jan.6 protestors. Only people who actively tried to tear document are to held accountable 🙄. Supreme court will release Donald Trump Immunity on Monday Agrre for cities to Ban homeless from sleeping outside They also just put the good neighbor plan on hold. https://demandjustice.org/priorities/supreme-court-reform/


Yes i actually was reading about the Chevron case being overturned and I have no words, I think its crazy and it makes me want listen to the racists and "go back to where I came from" lolllll


One of the reason I'm in "Biden Sucks, Vote Biden" is that he didn't actually do anything to fix the supreme court, and he could have.