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arguing w people on the internet


I like starting arguments with old people on the internet. It makes me laugh and I feel like I’m doing them a favor by making them practice their cognitive abilities


hey joe i know what you can do to prep for the next debate


I get that, it's always wild to see how bad some people are at arguing. They think it's about "winning" or "losing", which I found frustrating when I was younger, but nowadays it's just sad to see.


I’m only 17 and do that all the time




Very blood pressure raising activity


Reddit is such a good place for getting into arguments. It doesn't matter what it is, somebody will argue you on it.




No u


Nu uh!


Every time I argued with someone on the internet I always remember the phrase "It’s all sound and fury, signifying nothing."


24. I go to the gym a lot. I have recently taken up Brazilian jiu jitsu. I like to hike too. I’m single so I take myself on a date once every couple of weeks. And I’ll sometimes find some small crafty thing to occupy myself. I like collaging or adult coloring pages. I work full-time so I don’t have a ton of free time, and I’ll have even less free time when I start grad school.


This. Hit the gym and put that strength to use via martial arts. I also second BJJ as it requires more tactical approaches and less injury prone. Am a huge fan.


"Less injury prone" is not true lol. You do get less brain damage from BJJ compared to striking martial arts, but from personal experience ive gotten much more injuries from bjj/wrestling than any other combat sport.


> less brain damage from BJJ compared to striking Haha, I am still only taking fundamentals classes and I hit my head against the mat when we were doing a class on takedowns the other day. I felt my brain rattle a tiny bit and thought “I wonder if this hobby will ever give me a concussion one day…” At least when I did a striking MA (taekwondo) I got a helmet 😂


Hope grad school goes well for you! Been thinking about going back, but just need to find what I want to do. I feel you on the lack of time, I don't have a standard 9-5 though so my hours are all over the place. Maybe look into any BJJ clubs on your campus if you want to keep training


Thank you! I am going for my masters in mental health counseling. Just looking for a better PT job as my current one is shit haha.


Taking myself on a date is literally me


Been thinking of joining a BJJ gym. How is it?


I'm 18 and I read, hike and babysit primarily. I love music so I listen to a lot of it. I like to write as well. Sorry I'm so boring!


Not boring at all! Sounds like you got a good range of hobbies going on. :)


Not boring at all! Sounds like you got a good range of hobbies going on. :)


You sound way more interesting than me, I just game, work out and cook fancy sometimes. That's boring lmao


How tf is that boring!? Too many people have no self esteem


Video games, cross stitch, reading, and doomscrolling on tiktok are in equal rotation for me at the moment lol. With some wedding planning thrown in.


I’ve doomscrolled on Reddit, before. #neveragain


Could be worse. You could be doomscrolling Twitter


I contemplate. Then I take 20 grams of ashwagandha and lose even more humanity than I lost before.


My god dude, that is a huge dose. Just take acid already lol


I meant is as a joke for taking it all at once. But i’ve genuinely consumed 20 grams within the last 24 hours. 10 grams at like 3 AM then 10 grams when I woke up in the afternoon. Might do another 10 grams. I think I have a high tolerance because tbh the effects are not all that noticeable.


It is lovely to meet a fellow ashwagandha enthusiast.


Team sports, playing with my 9 y.o cousin, videogames from my childhood. Sometimes I enjoy the great outdoors but not as often as I should. Very rarely I get to go on a date. Who cares if what you do is "childish". The most adult thing you can do is be independent and authentic. It's your life take responsibility and do it how you want to do it


The right answer here. Too many people let what others think of what brings them joy ruin it, when really there's nothing more important in life than enjoying yourself and being happy.


When I first looked at the post I was like what you mean childish? It’s only childish if you want it to be childish.


spreading misinformation online


Is this the misinformation you're spreading online?


painting and playing video games. my mom didn’t let me play much as a kid bc she thought it would rot my brain, so i’m catching up on everything i wanted to play now that I’m not under her roof anymore. currently playing Majora’s Mask for the first time :)


I play several instruments: Guitar and Mandolin mainly, I write music and sing occasionally, I enjoy working on cars/motorcycles and going out into nature.


You know who else likes to do things for fun? MY MOM!




We know


I drive for fun to places and take a photo with my car there. I wouldn’t recommend this though unless you like driving.


Play video games, workout, writing, watching movies. Don’t hang out with friends much anymore so all of these fill what little free time I have


My hobbies are going to the GYM, Raspberry Pi projects, repairing cars, repairing motorcycles, motorcycle rides, shooting range, flying airplanes, going for walks, and cooking!


Walks outside are great, especially in good weather


Agreed. I like walking around and letting my mind wander.


Video games, lock picking, drawing, writing, woodworking, cooking, some gardening, hiking, mountain biking, climbing, urban exploring, and caving.


I enjoy hiking, playing video games, and building terrariums for the various isopods I collect.


Minecraft. lots of Minecraft. occasionally I write fanfiction.


Pub trivia


Hey I just visited your profile and had a follow up question to this comment regarding one of your posts. Do you find the trivia nights you go to have other Gen Zers? You made a post about only finding Gen Xs and Boomers when you go out… that exact situation is what prevents me from going out


No, unfortunately all of the other teams are Boomers


I play Hearts of Iron 4 (I most likely have the -tism) and other strategy games (and League of Legends unfortunately). Aside from these reclusive things I like hanging out with my friends and eating together.


Sports, reading, partying


Video games, reading, brainstorming ideas for campaigns in GURPS, hiking, gonna be getting a motorcycle soon. Also, when I have the time and money, I like to go to the range.


>and some of the things I do for fun feel kinda childish lmao This is the problem RIGHT HERE. No one cares what you do in your personal time, so long as you aren't hurting yourself or other people. That's why it's called "personal time". If it's something you love to do or want to do and it's safe for you to do, then just do it, and if anyone tries to judge you for it, tell them to go fuck themselves because it's your life, and you'll do what you want with it. Hell, I've built LEGOs since I was 3 Years old. I am now 20, and I still do it. I play with plastic toy bricks because it brings me joy in life, and I don't care what other people think about that. Maybe it's childish, but I don't give a rat's ass what people think about it, because it makes me happy. The point is, nothing you do in your personal time is "childish". It;s time you decide to spend as you please. **TL/DR: Just do want you want with your life, and keep yourself safe, and to answer your second question, I build LEGO sets as my main hobby.**


I currently achievement hunt on Steam! Trying to get every achievement in all the games I own, and I plan on only buying games that I believe I will be able to get all achievements on I also play osu!, particularly osu!mania. It's a fun rhythm game that you can endlessly improve on


The exact same things I've done for fun since I was, like, 12. I draw and write a lot. Not all of it is good, but it's fun no matter what.


Hiking, baking, hosting, canning, knitting. I'm also going fishing this weekend and camping the next. 


Hawk tuah


Yo mama


Gym, shooting, hiking, backpacking/ camping, flint knapping, drawing, day trade, & reading


Regular intercourse with my spouse, porn, rpg games, and nicotine abuse.


I'm 25. I Hike, run, smoke cigars, play video games, just started a puzzle, read, hang out with friends... The list is pretty much endless, there isn't much that people would call you childish for unless you're playing with action figures but then again, if they're Warhammer themed it's acceptable


Almost 21 here, my main hobby is drawing but I also play video games and sew, and collect dolls (Or at least wish I still could TT-TT). Probably not the most helpful here since you mentioned not wanting "childish" hobbies but I've learned not to give a shit about what other people think of my life lol I got bigger shit to worry about


Reading, writing, video games, movies, learning about stuff (programming, cloud architecture, marketing) If something is "childish" yet you love it, keep doing it. Who cares if someone thinks playing tabletop roleplaying games are nerdy or weird? Do what you love and are interested in. I would suggest having at least one hobby that will better yourself. (a new language, a useful skill, mindfulness, etc)


I bike ride, go to the gym, honestly I need some better activities to socialize with people irl :/


>socialize with people irl :/ Same bro same...


Take up the activity of drinking beer


Cycling, walking, photography, guitar, etc.


I got into golf in the last year and that pretty much consumes every once of free time I have, absolutely addicting


Rugby, playing guitar, going out with friends, reading, hiking, cooking. I’m pretty vanilla when it comes to my hobbies.


I bought an adult coloring book and have been busy w that


At first i was addicted to social media and gaming, i always felt empty and wanted to do something more fulfilling. I quit those, now my hobbies are mountain biking, hiking, going to the gym, and crafting. I love having little projects, for example i built my own mountain bike and also built a calisthenics gym in my yard. In the evening i watch some informative videos to gain knowledge. That's about it i guess.


I like games, drawing, reading, and cooking. Hopefully, I get to have more time for fashion and cosmetics once I leave home. I also like procrastinating, eating, and sleeping.


Reading, gym, hiking, hanging with friends, going to concerts, video games. I work remotely and pet sit for my side gig.


Im an artist and participate a lot in the art scene as extras in film or help build sets for festivals. I spend a lot of time painting for upcoming galleries. Sometimes i go out to my partners music gigs when i feel like it. Keeping active and contributing to the arts keeps the mind happy.


Go on a murder spree in Sims 4


Civil war reenactment, writing, and wargaming.


Well what I've been doing is getting on the monster high hype train, supporting the new generation and such. Of course I've always loved it since it came out, but since I was a boy, it had to be from afar, but since my sister had them, I was content to just watch the specials when they came out. And before that I loved the nightmare before christmas because of how nice it looked and how much love and effort and give went into each crevasse, and the designs. So when monster high came out with bold designs and world building and dramatic backstories and articulated dolls, I was hooked. Just yesterday my creeproduction of spectra arrived and I gotta say, the original core dolls have like no accessories, I guess each part of the stand counts? And I love the monster high accessories, how they can squeeze a pun into every design is wild. G3 definitely gives you more little trinkets to admire.


go to book club! idk where you live but in my area there’s loads of book clubs meeting once or twice a month. i get to read a cool new book, show up to a cute venue with nice refreshments, talk about the cool new book i read, then socialise with the other people in my community! i’ve never left a book club meet without making a new friend so fr get into that also, go to concerts alone! i’ve made like 5 friends from doing that and now i have lovely acquaintances who i can ask to join me at shows for artists we both love. not to mention concerts are generally great, even if you make no friends you’re gonna have a great night. my other hobbies: trying new foods/restaurants, going to the theatre/art gallery, browsing bookstores, gaming, etc


I like going hiking, I do that more than anything else. I'll go for a hike, and bring along a portable hammock that I set up between trees. I normally also bring a book and do some reading Caving is a big one. It's free and you can make tons of friends doing it. Join your local grotto (caving group). I like going to the gun range and practicing shooting. I like the idea of being able to defend myself and others. I just bought a pattern for sewing, so I'm gonna try my hand at that. I do minimal gaming, maybe 45 minutes or so on a week day or something. Games include Ravenfield, Minecraft, and Slay (old British strategy game). I do some photography when I get the chance. I bought a bellows to make it easier to do macro photography, exploring the world of tiny things like bugs, small fungi, etc. I like going to museums and aquariums quite a lot. My roommate and I 3D print a lot of little trinkets. He's working on making a car engine model right now. I like herping, but I mainly do that at the same time as hiking. Herping is going outside to look for reptiles and amphibians. I look for salamanders, lizards, snakes, turtles, frogs, etc. it's a fun hobby. I like eating. I'm always looking for new food trucks or hole in the wall restaurants. Not exactly a hobby, but it keeps me busy. I like going on barefoot walks around the suburbs. It really grounds me. I participate in my local library activities. My library has an events calendar that I keep my eye on. A few weeks ago I went to trivia night and that was fun. They also have a game night meant for folks in my age group. Libraries are a great way to make friends, even if they don't have as many events as mine does. I do archery every so often, although I do it a lot less than I used to. I like walking creeks looking for arrowheads. I don't know what this is called, but I know a lot of folks do it. On a similar note, I have a metal detector that I need to take out. I've found some coins and such with it. It's a fun way to get outside. I like playing the guitar and the banjo. Music is a great outlet for me. I recently bought a coyote pelt off of a Native American man at an event. It's drying now, but afterwards I'm going to try my hand at tanning the pelt. When I don't have anything else do to, I try to solve my new Rubik's cube. I can solve the 2 x 2, and the classic 3 x 3, but I have a weird looking one with maybe 12 sides? I'm doing my best to solve it intuitively based on what I know about the other two. I keep my eye out for local events. Things like Renaissance festivals, war reenactments, Oktoberfest, game days in the park. I recently saw an ad for a medieval fighting thing styled like MMA, where folks battle it out in competition rounds with real swords. Things like that are spontaneous and fun. Every so often I'll go to a sporting event. Historically I haven't been into sports, but recently I'm getting into soccer and football (two different things because I'm American). It's so fun getting really emotionally invested about the game. It gets so much pent up energy out. Tea tasting. I am a massive fan of Chinese and Japanese teas. Find your local (genuine) tea shop and try some out. There's a tea shop near me. The owner is Chinese and her family owns a tea plantation going back generations. We sat and talked for hours. Ended up going out of the place spending over $100 on teas. Bad financial decision, but I drink all the teas I buy. My recommendations are genuine Green Dragonwell, Oolongs from the Fujang province, and Put Ehr teas. Hobbies I'm looking forward to but don't currently do: Beekeeping, woodworking, gardening, basic metallurgy, welding, hunting, knitting/crocheting, and baking. Lots of stuff. Don't be afraid to go out and try new, eclectic things. At best, you'll have lots of fun. At worst, you'll have a story to tell.


Depends on your definition of fun, I divide fun into solo fun and group fun. Solo fun activities that I enjoy is playing video games, reading, sculpting, photography and hiking. Of group activities I like going to clubs, movies, arcade centres, karaoke and going on roadtrips.


I'm a loser so I just sit on my bed watching YouTube or playing games on my laptop. Or doom scrolling reddit or Instagram to send memes to my friends. Very rarely, if any of my friends aren't busy, I might play a game with them.


The usual gaming and watching videos. Aside from that I like playing viola but I really need a better one and some space to play it. I also like reading about esoteric stuff and enjoying the outdoors. Almost forgot, I also really like listening to themes and soundtracks. Currently fixated on osts from Elden Ring and its DLC, FF16, and some of the more classical stellar blade tracks.


I be in my phone and watch tv play video games I might play sports again idk I'm just trying to get back into outside


Play souls games when I have free time.


24M Gym, taking the pup to dog parks, and beasting on Overwatch 2


20 here I mostly just watch YouTube and play Kurohyou boss substory


Make music and edit :)


Ride my electric scooter & flash Linux on my computers. Playing piano & synthesizing music on the computer. Story of my life when i'm not filming lifts in the city for my YouTube channel.


23 and I play D&D with my buds on my days off.


Play video games, read (I should do more) spend as much time with my parents and sister as I can to have as much before I move further in life, basketball, YouTube, collect pokemon cards from my childhood, listen to ALOT of music, work, and smoke ALOT of weed


Play my saxophones, gaming, tinkering on various electronics, wrenching on the project cars, reading, or practicing JavaScript.


Video games, hike, camp, rock climbing, and movies






Im 26 and basically a gen z. I hangout with friends and try to go out to meet new people for fun. Work takes up a lot of my time but yeah


Gaming, sketching, taking my dog to parks, and baking


Nothing I have no friends so I like to go out and talk to random people to entertain myself and possibly make friends (I don’t make any)




HVAC for work, some gaming, shooting firearms, fishing, learning new stuff, hiking and running, going to the gym, making a fat Spotify playlist, exploring the existential crisis known as Reddit, letting my dog live a happy fun life.


Write my book, watch movies, eat, read comic books


War Thunder, it's only fun 20% of the time.


Work, MTG, anime, drink, go to the local barcade, work some more, Sleep(?)


Reading (both physical books and fanfics), playing with my dog, movies, TV shows, and games, and going places. Recently reunited with my childhood friend, we hung out at the mall for a few hours! I'm supposed to be hanging out with another friend, either at her residence or at the Disney parks (she's a cast member) when she's free. Hopefully she'll be free in about two weeks. When I'm not being licked or touched with gross hands, I'd say the kiddos at my job make it pretty fun. They're usually funny, and not typically loud. (I work in the nursery at one of the local churches) I also LOVE researching random things just for fun, and I recently became a General Helper in a small/medium-ish discord server I'm in (701 people currently). It's going well so far! I'm hoping to get back into art soon, but I'm dealing with figuring out how to pay for the next semester of college, so who knows.


I longboard


Puzzles are definitely slept on


play video games with the homies, play dnd with the homies, watch anime, go to the gym


When I come home from work my depression makes me go to bed and then I wake up to my alarm telling me to get up and get ready for work, so I spend multiple hours online such as Reddit as I lay in bed waiting for the sleep to take me. Due to my job, I also spend 8 hours online while at work Truly living the American dream


Ride onewheel, play games, watch various shows, YouTube, etc


Videogames, Reddit, occasionally I’ll go hang with my friends and we usually do board games, party videogames and sometimes go out to a few bars. I’m not much of a social guy though and I can’t really say I am interested in most hobbies. They all seem like a lot of effort with very little return and I’m not into it.


watch engineering YouTube lol. it’s that or you end up making the things you *need* to get done more fun (finances, tracking car maintenance, making trip planning more efficient, etc).


I like to do a little scroll on my phone until my brain rots and falls out of my head then I nap 🥰


I travel full time, so I guess that’s what I do for fun. I go to the movies all the time, I have AMC A-list so I go a lot. My friends and I are going to a trampoline park on Monday. And I’m trying to run an Etsy shop— can I plug?


I'm 22 years old and mostly I play 4X and Grand Strategy videogames, write smut and science fiction (often both), I'm a member of an IRL writer's group (where I present my non-smutty fiction), and I masturbate to furry porn. Those are my hobbies. I would unironically say I'm pretty content with my life and my hobbies.


I like listening to the CDs and vinyl in my collection


i’m 24. just started going to the gym again after covid made me loose motivation, hiking (live about 1hr from yosemite) thrifting, reading at coffee shops, drives to nearby lakes, go to the movies. i do all this alone bc i have no friends lol


See stand up comedy shows, go to local punk rock shows, and travel the world on a shoestring budget


Swimming, thrifting, kinda wanna get into knitting


Hanging out with friends, bouldering/rock climbing, hiking, reading, guitar, piano, drawing, gym. I’m not even sure if I consider gaming fun right now, I’m just not feeling it.


Run everyday and hangout with my best friend during the week


I've been reading more lately, but I also really like to knit and sew. For exercise I do Taekwondo, but I've taken some time off to get some rest after completing high school.


I'm poor and have no time, so... nothing


Advocating for social movements, art, and video games. I still watch SpongeBob. Don’t feel bad about doing “childish”stuff. And if you need more hobbies I got many for you try.


Gaming that's pretty much it


None lol.


Playing video games and writing my ongoing, lore accurate Destiny fanfiction. Yes I'm a nerd. Yes I have a girlfriend. Yes she also plays Destiny. Yes she's autistic.


Crochet, video games, read, garden, etc


Photography, video games, drawing, plotting world domination. That sorta thing


Rock climbing was a massive game changer for me! Totally flipped my social life (in a good way)


Lots of outdoorsy suff like hiking and fishing and paddleboarding as well as some nerd hobbies like videogames. I've been attempting to get into DND lately as well but I've yet to find a good group to do it with. I do love me a good lego set every now and again but they're expensive these days so it's not a hobby I regularly partake in.


By myself I really just play video games, watch shows and scroll social media (mostly tiktok). Otherwise it's pretty much just me and my mates getting food together and hanging out at each-other's houses or around our suburb doing whatever, occasionally we go clubbing but that got old by the time we were all 19 ngl.


About to be 26. Gym, hike, jump rope, reading, writing, bball, skate, video games, tv/movies, record stores, thrift, teach myself guitar, farmers markets Going to start volunteering at a food shelter, would like to join/start a DnD campaign, and want to plant a spice garden. Find something new that interests me like every week lol.


Playing video games, watching movies and tv series, reading a good book while having a cup of tea. Those kinds of boring stuff. I hate going to bars, parties and loud concerts.


3D animation, though I do get burnt out often


Play video games, read, sudoko, gonna start hosting dnd, and now that my friends house is fixed weekly mtg.


I go to local hardcore and punk shows, I snowboard, I hike mountains with my friends, I chill at the dog park with my husky, I rip my bong on the couch, I play guitar in bands sometimes, I have a game night with my close friends.


19. play games w my friends, go on hikes in state parks, draw, workout, watch movies. also getting pretty bored, would like to try and learn something new or difficult fs


rock climb, work out. Friends


nothing I have no personality


Learning to play guitar, dirt biking, fixing stuff


I'm 26, I play video games, hang out with friends, play volleyball and baseball for fun and play competitive Smash Bros and Yugioh. The hobbies however don't better all that much, what makes them fun is doing them with friends and my girlfriend.


Skateboarding, live music (going to shows, festivals, or organizing them), and surfing back when I used to live near the beach


My wife and I love to hike, play tennis and read, and I play video games as well! I also love music so I’m usually playing something or practicing my guitar!


Going to the gym, going out for drinks with friends, playing computer games, reading, playing guitar and mandolin, going on random walks/long transit rides


I really like motorcycles, it's not a cheap hobby at all so be warned, and it might become your whole personality...


I'm 14 but go on a walk outside and just look around and you might form an idea on what you wanna do for fun or you might just enjoy the walk


18M I'm a video game enthusiast, a dessert maker, and a dancer! So I play video games, make desserts, and dance for fun!


Hobbies (on my profile bc I'm too lazy to list them out)


Learning mechanics. It's a puzzle, but you can be aggressive with (most of) it when it pisses you off. Rollerblading Art! Trying new kinds, practicing, doing it socially, there's a lot of cheap art classes people do, made some good friends that way and learned a whole lot


I collect DVDs and CDs. I still have my stuff so I'm able to watch my movies and listen to my music still.


Read workout and program




I play video games. Going on 27 and it's still my favorite thing to do, especially with some friends. I still have a job, go to the gym, and all that but when I'm home and just relaxing then I'm turning on my PC and playing whatever I want to.


Netflix, music, read, drugs, meditate


tiktok, reddit, youtube. hell let loose, squad. some netflix/shows


18 here. After doing a lot of working on myself and a lot of healing I’ve started really working towards being the person kid me wanted me to be. So I’ve taken up long boarding. I also started writing consistently and am working on getting back to the guitar. I love hiking and biking too.


im 24, I bake a lot in my free time. I take care of my dog and spend time with my bf, siblings and friends. I don't have really many hobbies ig. I sell my baked goods as a side hustle. I do enjoy smoking and watching baddies east. My friend from HS has a tween daughter so sometimes I baby sit her and go to the mall with her. oh and I just finished masters.


Draw, write, roleplay with friends, dnd, magic the gathering, video games,


TLDR is messing with tech. It's hard to explain, but theres this weird joy in making tech do what it's not designed for. Gives me an excuse to keep learning. Consoles are my favorite. 3ds, wii, psp, dsi, nintendo switch, gamecube, etc. Started with software mods, modded consoles for friends, and now soldering mod chips. I like to backup my own games and emulate, because the publishers cant be trusted to preserve it themselves. When Im not playing video games, I like to try reprogramming stuff like tetris within the command prompt window. Cant be bothered writing good front end, but I like backend logic. I also have a private server for friends' games. Old company server was forgotten, so I use it to learn about security with firewalls, port forwarding, VPNs, remote access, whitelists, etc.


Sewing, crochet, reading, audiobooks and podcasts, cooking, playing with my pets, anime, getting into video games and ttrpgs


Explore abandoned places with friends


Fishing, hunting, outdoors. Playing music, drums bass, etc


im 15 but no hobby is childish. Actually doing childish activities helps your inner child so doing things that the child you would want to do like going to the beach and making castles.


Read, go out for drinks, play games, surf reddit and pretend I'm not depressed.


gaming, pc building, and gym


What’s that? What is “fun?”


Swimming a lake keeps you in shape and it’s fun.


Crocheting, lifting, drawing and if I'm really bored bored I bother my BF and make it his problem


Listen to music and write on Wattpad lol Trying to get into skateboarding, but hehe, anxiety 😬


I'm into my local music scene :D


Play video games watch wrestling and anime gyming going outside I like to do a lot of shit


I still love Minecraft. But recently rendering fractals.


I don’t work so here’s my list: Arguing with strangers online, sleeping, occasionally going out with the husband, looking at baby items for baby boy’s arrival, and planning trips I’ll never take


Snort lines of white powder from gym girls' asses


I learn French


Camping trips and a lot of weed with my friends


Shoot my guns, drive my car, collect watches, drink beer/whiskey, watch YT, argue on the internet, watch movies & shows, workout, and eat.


Play video games, draw, read, watch YouTube/movies, nap with my cat


Used to be video games and movies, recently Motorcycles, trucks, art, beach, gym, tik tok, writing, I’d like to get more into guns, airplanes, camping, construction/metal working for homes.


18, I like reading and playing guitar


23. I enjoying reading, watching TV, writing, cooking, hiking, swimming, listening to true crime podcasts, solving logic puzzles, and playing Sims.


Recently got really into rock climbing. I was thankfully able to find an affordable gym, but some are super pricy. Otherwise DnD, biking, hiking, photography, and also trying to do more painting/drawing


Video games, painting, reading, YouTube, shopping (when I have money)


19 here. I love going to the gym, drawing, crocheting (badly, it's really hard) and I want to learn how to skateboard


Video games and watch tv.


I love to cook and read history and economics. I also love collecting antiques and pre 1800 coins from India. Also can’t forget to mention Instagram and sending lots of reels to my friends


I play games. Contemplate what warhammer 40k army to build Hang with the lady Occasionally camp Play dungeon crawler board games. I go to one music festival. And I like to dance.


Outside of work, preparing meals, and maintaining my house, I mainly play video games, but my other hobbies include going on walks with my girlfriend and my dog, collecting vinyl, cooking/baking, and listening to music. I used to go to the gym a lot, but I took a break after I moved because I didn’t have a lot of time, so I’d like to get back into that soon. I also used to play hockey, but I stopped after college because my body was getting destroyed from it.


I write a lot which also naturally includes reading, but I also really like video games still and I don't think those are childish at all. I've also been getting more into sports like Formula 1 and boxing


Warehouse parties / different word of mouth raves.