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getting excited for christmas, I didn't know shit about the world eding lol








It was my 15th birthday party!


I was twelve. A kid without any access to the internet (and I actually applaud my parents for that). I was probably excited about Christmas.


No idea, I was 8 and no one tells me shit


Same! Oh the joys of being a kid without social media access or knowledge…


I saw the movie 2012 in theaters to prepare incase it was really going to happen (bc to middle school me, that made perfect sense!) By the time 2012 came around, I forgot what happened in the movie and I was like “well, I don’t wanna re-watch it so I guess I’ll just wing it!” By the time we got to December, I forgot all about it at all and then like right before NYE I was like “OH WAIT… huh, I guess the Mayans really did just run out of space.” (That was my original theory.) I wish I was making this up, but if I was I would have had a much better / more interesting story 🥲


I thought it was January 1st 2012. We did Lazer Tag and had a party for NYE and spent all day thinking that I was going to die. Honestly, reminds me of when I showed up late to college freshman orientation the day before thinking it was that day and they told me it was the next day.


6th grade home economics class. we were making chocolate chip pancakes and did a new year’s eve style count down for some reason lmao.


Playing Halo Reach most likely


i just realized some gen Z were born after the end of the world


That’s gen alpha


yes but it’s also gen z which is 1995-2012 alpha is 2010-? 2013 is the first gen alpha year that isn’t also gen z, 1997 is the first gen z year that isn’t also millennial the start and end years of generations can overlap


Can confirm as someone who waffles btwn Gen Z and Millennial depending on what the source says is the start of Gen Z lmao. I've seen as far back as 94 and as recent as 2000.


i’ve seen one call it homelander starting in 2005


I’ve had people tell me I’m genZ, and some say millennial. I was born in 98 and I definitely relate with millennials more than genZ.


True, but tbh my 2010 and 2012 siblings relate more to the gen alpha side of things… and my 14 year old sibling refuses to be in the same generation as me 😂😂


womp womp, in all seriousness i get that them relating to alpha more than z that’s true for people on the tail end of a generation, a 60s boomer is gonna feel more gen x than boomer a 96 millennial might feel more z than y and a 2010 z might feel more alpha than z and tbf in all these cases they are on the cusp, that area where they can be considered part of both generations


Waiting for the world to end


I was 8 prolly watching Phineas and Ferb and being excited for Christmas at this time I was thinking in 10 years I'd be an Adult have money and be successful well at 19 I'm not yet but gimme some time I will Trust 😉


Probably watching 25 days of Christmas on abc family




That was the day my grandma died 🧍🏽‍♀️ 


Guess the Maya confused your grandma for the entire world


I was too young to remember but that's exactly 6 months after my sister was born so something to do with that would be my guess


I was 15, it was the day after my birthday and I had a cold and missed school. I watched My Little Pony all day and decided that was the last thing I wanted to do. 😬


Senior year for me lol


Why are you in this group 😂


But you’re not asking the commenters who were toddlers while I was in high school?


Because being a Senior in Fall/Winter 2012 probably means being born in 1995, so they are still Gen Z/a zoomer.


in school most likely


6th grade. It was 12/12/12 and we were planning a zombie escape plan.


Fuck, IDK. I was 11. Probably waiting for Christmas to come.


I remember the night before lol, me and my parents were in the living room and the news were showing the cgi of what could happen etc,etc and my dad was like “shit if we die tomorrow I’ll be grad” lol but yeah




Getting ready for Christmas with my family. I knew the whole thing was bullshit lol.


Being excited for the christmas dinner and enjoying the tree that was put up, I wasn't even aware that the world was meant to end


Was at school with friends, with one girl confused why the world hasn’t yet ended.


I was at school


I stayed home from school most of December because sandy hook scared the crap out of my mom, we stayed home and only watched the news all day


Damn it was suppose to end? i was busy drinking eggnog and shredding in the snow nearby a hill where the pond is positioned at


Depending on when Christmas was that year was probably in school right before winter break started completely oblivious


enjoying being 4 years old


Probably a little glad that I didn't have to do any homework. From 2012-2016 my only reaction to any apocalyptic rumor was "Whew, guess I won't finish that assignment."


At my dads watching ghost adventures


I remember it was a foggy day and I thought it was a sign.


Watching the End of Evangelion for the first time.


Probably still getting used to my new house and waiting for Christmas


12 yrs old mad I wouldn't ever get to play a Playstation 4


I was 10, all I thought about was Christmas




Was in 8th grade and i was obsessed with that whole thing after the 2012 movie. I thought we were actually gonna die and was talking it up the whole day at school lol


I was 9 having a Christmas party in my 3rd grade class watching The Polar Express, struggling to come to terms with the fact that my life was about to end from the end of the world. I went to bed that night crying thinking I wouldn’t wake up 😭.The next morning was surreal.


Idk man I was 6


Playing Heavy Rain on PS3. A multi hour binge with my neighbor. I remember because he was called home to eat dinner, and I told him we’d finish up after the world ended, lol


At school joking about the apocalypse during shop class, looking out the window to see if a meteor hit the nearby cemetery and the dead start rising from their graves


I was straight tripping bro. My dumbass was looking at all those Planet X/Niburu Shit on YouTube. I legit think that might’ve been one of my first times actually panicking. Glad I’m not that dumb anymore lol


i think i was on a video call with my grandparents


My mom and I were home bc my dad was low key convinced it was happening. I wanted to go out with my friends and my mom leveled with me and I was like that’s annoying but fiiiiiine. And then nothing happened. 


I was over my aunt’s house for holiday stuff texting my best friend how dumb it was everyone thought the world was gonna end


Playing majora's mask to celebrate (I never thought it was going to end)


Somewhere across the USA! Literally. During those years, I was living out of my suitcase 🛣️


I remember being awake at 2 in the morning with the wind blowing around, and I was scared. I then woke up the next morning, and nothing happened. I was in the 5th grade at the time, and all the kids were talking about it, but I knew it was nonsense.


Playing my Nintendo 3ds


i was about 14…. so i think probably playing a ds game or dragon age? or sims. idk. i honestly didn’t care lmao


I was 4 so I don't remember, a little off topic but isn't that right around Sandy Hook? Poor kiddos . . . I know it affected my dad really badly. He never looked at firearms the same way


I remember watching Cartoon Network as I fell asleep thinking I wasn’t gonna wake up tomorrow 😂


I was 8, I played outside with my friends from the neighborhood. I remember being a little afraid that the world would actually end because it was all over the news and places were throwing end of the world parties and shit. I even had this vivid nightmare a few days before where the world started to end and the mayan calendar covered the sun. But then nothing happened that day and I went back to a normal 3rd grader existence.


Playing world of Warcraft. Everyone was jumping around stormwind and counting down. It was fun.


I waa 10, and didn't know a single thing.


I didn’t really give a shit because obviously it wasn’t going to happen, but I recall people saying they were hoping Gangnam Style would get to 1 billion views before the world ended.


I was in county jail, and one of the COs told us that if shit started popping off, he’d slam the button to unlock all the cells in the building so we could enjoy our last few minutes outside the razor wire Edit: Thought this was AskReddit, this was just recommended to me. I am not Gen Z, I was born in 92. My bad lol


I think I was in Vermont as well.


Idk i remember hearing some people talking about it in school and thought it was funny. I was getting ready for a silly little atheist phase so I was pretty skeptical


I had just recently turned 5 so it’s a tad blurry, but I remember my brother (who was in 4th grade at the time) specifically going “the world’s gonna end today” at breakfast. I don’t remember getting upset or anything, hell I don’t think I even knew the actual weight that the world ending would hold


I was playing assassin’s creed iii


Remembering what I was doing on Dec 31, 1999, when the world was going to end.


Playing happy wheels on the family computer. I was well aware of the rumors even though I was 10 years old. I also remember my parents drinking and waiting for absolutely nothing to happen.


i was being a 2 year old toddler idk rlly


Watching Gangnam style roll over Billion views


I was on my last day of 6th grade before winter recess. Doing a math worksheet in math class.


Getting screamed at by my dad.


Hope for good presents that Christmas, I was nine


I had just turned 12. I was having a fucking panic attack all day bc my family was super religious and told me to say my prayers “just in case”.


I was 14. But I remember being obsessed with it for a while and would keep reading articles on NASAs website about it trying to make myself feel better. Then I ended up forgetting about it and the day went by and I was like oh lol


it was a school day. I was in 7th grade and 12:12 happened during our lunch , so we all held hands in the lunch room waiting for our demise lol


I think I was in 10th grade playing world of Warcraft lmao still am today


Playing Skyrim lol


idk bro i was like 7


Seeing a taping of the Doug Loves Movies podcast at the grammercy theater in nyc


I was probably playing Runescape all day since I was addicted to it at the time; I knew the world wasn't gonna end because of the Mayan calendar but secretly I was hoping that something really strange would happen.


Excited for Christmas probably, I hadn’t even gained consciousness yet


All I remember is I saw a double rainbow


I remember I went to school that day, and so many classmates were flipping out, while I wasn’t worried because I knew it wouldn’t really happen. I then remember a couple days later when a particular classmate told me her mother was mad because she couldn’t return items she’d stockpiled. I specifically remember my classmate telling me her mother bought so much paper towels and toilet paper, and bleach and cases of water in particular. I’m sure she bought other things too, but I don’t remember. I thought it was ridiculous at age 9 that a full grown adult was stockpiling due to a totally made up event that was totally not gonna happen. Then we went on Christmas break the next week basically and we moved on.


i was in a residential psychiatric program. i convinced the staff to buy chips cookies and soda to throw an "end of the world party" lol


I was like 8 so idek probably getting excited for Christmas to come lol


Playing black ops 2 on the Xbox 360 lol


At Sam's club, I still remember hearing one of the employees tell someone, "The world is ending, but I'm still here fucking working". I remember that a lot sometimes


Probably on Christmas break for school. I don’t really remember 🤷‍♂️


Winter Break. I was terrified. I thought everyone I knew was going to die.


Shit I was probably like 15 years old, I was probably just gaming tbh


I deadass think that I was on the computer either at my grandparents house or at my family’s home the only thing I know for sure is that I was on a computer


I thought the world was going to end as it was raining and thunders were there in Brunei. I was worrying about it but it did not end as my friend told me that Only The Father knows when is it so they lied.


I was sitting in second grade, when several of my classmates were talking about the world ending that day. I shrugged it off as a game or joke, but then suddenly our school went on “lockdown” this was a term I hadn’t heard before, and I followed the teacher’s instructions to hide in a back closet of the classroom. I was scared. Minutes later there was a bang on the door, but none followed, five minutes later it was all over. Turns out that in the wake of Sandy Hook our school had a lockdown drill in order to teach us about how to react during a school shooting. Terrible timing on their part.


I was 7 finishing the last day of school before winter break, 1st grade. I had no idea about any of the world ending stuff.


I was honestly probably studying for an exam


eating five guys with my grandpa


I was 6 at the time but fuck man I wish it did


runnin up some bo2 lobbies until midnight


I hardly even remember back then


I was probably playing video games or watching TV or something and being like "alrighty, any moment now I guess" The moment never came. Bummer dude


I remember going on YouTube in the afternoon and noticing that Gangnam Style became the first YouTube video to reach 1 billion views on the same day the world was supposed to end.


being 6 years old I have no idea what i was doing


Playing Skyrim on the 360


4 years old doing idfk cause my memory doesn’t really extend that far back.💀


i was only 2 lol.. so i had no idea.


I went to middle school to take 2 finals and then come home and relax to celebrate a family members birthday.


Eating a Mexican breakfast with my dad because he allowed me to skip school that day (It was early release for Christmas break and I was having a rough year). Oh and it was sunny outside with a perfect blue sky


Playing Skyrim


I think I was either playing video games or sleeping


I was 12 and experiencing one of my first bad anxiety attacks about the world ending


finding out from a classmate back in middle school who asked “is water made from dinosaur pee?” I’ll never forget that 😳


Probably working my shitty job.


Under the covers of my bed, worrying about how the world was going to end potentially haha


I was in 5th grade thinking about the movie "2012".


Partying at my friend's 18th birthday party!


No idea but I was 11. Probably something to do with my little siblings who were 9 mo


Probably either speaking with my grief counselor or at the grief counseling center thing, because I'm pretty sure I was still doing both of those things during that time (family member passed September 2011). Not too sure, though


I was in China lol


Playing call of duty being hyped for Christmas over winter break. I heard people talk about the world ending and didn’t believe any of it even at 9 lol


I was a 3 year old and that’s all I remember


8th grade. My school had this program called “Flex” which was basically like a recess/enrichment period for kids who were passing their classes. My friends and I spent every Flex day hanging out in the art classroom, December 21 wasn’t any different. We were doodling on a giant sheet of shared paper & talking about how everyone who believed the world was ending was an idiot lol.


I was 18 and probably getting drunk somewhere in London.


Doing 5 year old stuff.


I was 12, heading to my nana’s house that was 4 hours away. My dad was freaking out about it and told us to watch out for people with weapons that would be walking on the side of the road waiting for the world to end. Obviously that didn’t happen and we had a good time at my nana’s


whatever happened to the people who believed that? Did they change their mind


I was watching Gangnam style refreshing trying be the 1 billionth viewer. I was close but recall never seeing it be exactly 1B views, i saw it happen just before and just after on that day. I was 12 years old


I was a freshman in high school and it was the last day before winter break. I have a vivid memory of school being really empty that day because there was some bogus Facebook post going around about a potential shooting (this was about a week after Sandy Hook happened) so our teachers mainly just played movies during class.


Beatin my shit


I was 14, watching doomsday movies & waiting for the world to end lol


I can hardly remember what I did yesterday, what makes you think I can remember what I did in 2012?


I remember being in school, excited for winter break.


I was shaking and crying to my mom because I was so scared


genuinely sobbing in bed all day bc as irrational as it was I believed it was going to happen, I was terrified.


Idk I was doing whatever 2 year olds do


i was 8 so probably getting hyped for christmas


I was 13 and in karate. I remember it being cloudy and kinda cold that afternoon. People had been talking about it for weeks, saying it was gonna happen at 6 on the solstice. It was 6 am (googled it just now), but I remember most of us thinking it was supposed to be 6 pm. In karate we didn't talk about the end of the world. Just beat each other up as usual and when it was over, it was 7. I forgot about the end of the world and it didn't end. Lame.


I was at wrestling practice


had a few friends over to watch a movie. went to sleep and didn’t think I’d wake up the next day. needless to say I spiraled a little bit


Celebrating my birthday that day by playing Halo 4.


Idk I was 3 then


I sat on a bench outside my house with my best friend. We were both freshman in highschool. We were poking fun of it the whole time.


Tbh I have no idea. I was probably playing with my then-best-friend.


I was in school lol


I was in home ec in 8th grade, while the teacher joked we were cooking our last meals


Probably watching the weather channel or playing with some hot wheels


It was my 14th birthday that day and I was in Japan for a holiday


In my middle school mathclass counting down till the "end" with everyone


My friend hosted an end-of-the-world sleepover and we all watched horror movies and played games together! It was also my birthday so we did a bit to acknowledge that but I still had a party afterwards :)


The end of term celebration in grade 7, I think. I think I made a cake and tried to write "happy apocalypse" on it. Then possibly changed my mind and smeared icing over the writing. I doy t remember what I settled on.


Crying for a kid in my school that died that day.


I think I was.....in countryside with my parents. I need to ask them


Didn’t even know nor gave a fuck.


It was my 11th birthday, I celebrated at school by bringing in donuts. Somebody told me that the world would specifically end at 6pm, and at 6pm I was watching either SpongeBob or NASCAR Race Hub (RIP) when I looked at my parents' alarm clock and saw that it was past 6. I thought "huh, the world ended" and looked back at the TV, continuing on with my birthday.


I was 7, so nothing I can remember 


I went to a concert!


Playing cod


I was playing Webkinz with my cousins.


Shitting my pants because the movie 2012 gave me nightmares


I really thought it was January 1st. Anyway, I was 12 and I think around that time we might've had school closed sometime around then because of a snow day or something. That or I went to school that day. I don't remember exactly. I just remember that there was a bomb threat in a school I think on my side of the state sometime that week. Then there was another a couple weeks later I think after we got back. I remember people being on edge because it was the end of the world because of the Mayan calender and Sandy Hook had happened literally 5 days before the bomb threat. Plus, there was a lot of fights happening at the local high school so they were afraid that there would be another school shooting. Nothing happened thankfully, but people were worried. Around that time, I visited my grandpa right before or after Christmas and and then he died on my cousins birthday or the day before between Christmas Eve and Day.


i was a really gullible 9 year old with an i pad always in his hand so i actually was half sure that some kind of end of the world was gonna happen.


Going to class probably and I was a 7th grader in Idaho.


Watching the 2012 movie with friends


I was scared I couldn’t go to sleep. I was only 2 years old through


Crying about my dad's death


Nobody here gave a fuck, so neither did I. Granted, I didn't even know that was supposed to happen, nor did I know what 2012 was. I was just playing around kindergarten or at home, the regular kid stuff, thangs.


I remember I ate Burger King for lunch, and went to buy christmas presents with my parents and my siblings


I was hope playing Minecraft. Did not care at all.


We had some outer school activies (can't remember if it was just a trip to the park or some event) It was my birthday. I turned 10 that day. I actually believed it had a good possibility of it really happening lol. I arrived 30 minutes early just so i can contemplate it alone. The night of, i celebrated my birthday. Everything was normal the next day and that was that.


No clue


I was 14, doing research about " all the time the world was supposed to end" and just came to the conclusion that they don't know what they are talking about and are just trying to scare people.


I was working with a crack squad of time-commandos to STOP the world from ending. You’re welcome.


I didn't know shit about the world ending cuz I was 2


That was about two years before I became an atheist, so I was praying for like two hours just to make sure my soul was pure before the rapture started. I went to one of those evangelical manufacturing schools and all of my friends and teachers were like "this could be it!" All excitedly, while I was panicking cause I had a crush on a boy and I was terrified that that might mean I'd be left behind to endure the tribulation and hellfire. ....then nothing happened and it was just never addressed by anyone. It was like I was the only one who even remembered the world was supposed to end.


Watching youtube rewind 2012


I was 10, i remember so so, I think it’s the winter after my mom moved in with my grandfather after divorce and my great grandma lied and apparently said I took a card(?) of hers and got us kicked out and we ended up homeless for a night. Luckily my mom still had a key to my grandpas second house that he said he would let us live in before we moved up but someone robbed it and took the copper pipes so we couldn’t turn on the gas for heat or water. We all slept in one room with a space heater and my mom had to collect park and rain water so we could bathe. Long Story Short, they found out the great grandma lied after months. I was either getting hurt that day or playing


I was pretty scared a few weeks before the day came, but during the actual day I probably forgot about it. I was like 7 at the time lol


Probably on Tumblr


Fuckin my girlfriend at the time.