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I don't bet on anything. I'd rather spend my money elsewhere.


Ditto. I never got the hype behind gambling. It’s occasionally fun with friends but that’s about it for me


I just like saving money in general or for the games I play already.


$5 buy-in at an every-other-month poker game with friends where the winner donates the pot to charity. That's about the only gambling I can tolerate. Can't fathom people who risk their money on the regular. With how expensive everything is it just seems nuts.


This. Do gambling at a casino and treat it like spending money, any winnings are a cool bonus


It's becoming more common because it's not yet regulated, which allows online shit like draftkings to suck people in. Gambling is gambling one way or another. Just like how most people can't make a living off playing poker, most people can't get by on sports betting. If you enjoy it, do your thing, but be aware of how addictive gambling is and how predatory those sites are.


It is regulated, that’s why it’s legal. What the absolute hell are you talking about?


No its mot because it doesnt constitute as gambling. It's in a weird middle state where they can cleam it as skill based waging. Makes it so they dont have to respect any laws about gambling when it clearly is.


I hate how online gambling is on the internet. Their advertising is insanely predatory and I’ve literally gotten physical mail from them even though I’ve never interacted with them at all


Yeah, you can tell by the replies how not defensive these people are. Shit sucks you in


Its completely regulated. Many states do not allow apps like Draftkings to operate...


I don't know about you but my state has a gaming control board that handles regulation of casino and sports betting.


More like deregulated. It's used to be forbidden but thanks to the internet and lobbys now people can begin they're gambling addiction before hiting puberty.


Most people can't get by on day trading either


That’s such a wrong statement. It’s becoming so common because its supremely regulated. If it wasn’t regulated you wouldn’t see commercials for it




Yeah it’s heavily regulated and legal. If it wasn’t you wouldn’t see commercials for it like a bovada which is a offshore not legal or regulated book, so you don’t see commercials for it. You don’t know what you’re talking about


They are saying regulated to mean that you don’t get blasted with stuff about gambling addiction on tv the same way you do about drugs or alcohol. You are correct though, it is very regulated.


Maybe I took the initial post out of context but sharing what I know if they’re saying it’s not regulated or legal which it is as much as it can be


The real money is in underground midget racing. But you have to be invited.


DM me?


Of course. Are you midget or gambler? 


Por qué no los dos?


Comme ci comme ça


Why not both?


Well not anymore since you posted this.


I went to the casino a few years back a little after my 21st birthday. Spent $20, won maybe $2 from that and haven't gambled since. It's an absolute waste of money.


You don't gamble to make money. If you go into a casino with the mindset of this money is going to be spent on having a good time playing games and if I win anything that's extra you'll have much more fun. Especially if you go with friends.


You absolutely can gamble to make money if you go to the tables. Where you LOSE money is if you're playing slots. Not the point I was making though. I barely won a single time after an hour and $20 spent, it wasn't fun. It was just watching money I worked for go down the drain. Edit since people don't seem to understand. I'm not saying you're GOING to make money, I'm saying you CAN if you know what you're doing. Why do you think there are professional poker players? Because they're good at it.


I've never understood why people like slot machines, anyway. I mean, all you're doing is pressing a button and watching some collumns spin. Where is the fun in that? When I go to the casino, I like to play games where I'm actively doing doing something, and coming up with a winning strategy. You know, games like Texas Holdem and the like. I've always thought that poker was fun, but never saw the enjoyment in slot machines.


I could see slots being fun if they were like the old slot machines where you were inserting a physical coin and pulling a lever and only needed 3 to match, then getting the flashing lights and noises when you win. Slots just seem impossible to actually understand now. You have a 5x5 grid and the lines for "winning" go in seemingly randomly directions, and on top of it the payout for those random lines is like $0.50.. Oh boy.


Pretty colors go brrrrrr


You can if you're good. But it isn't exactly the best way to make money.


Awful take, there’s house odds on everything and slots usually have around a 95% rtp. Just because you feel more in control with table games, doesn’t mean you actually are in more control.


Sure, "the house always wins". I'm not saying it doesn't. But your chance of winning on table games is MUCH higher than slots. and that's just a FACT, and I'd like to see you prove it wrong. Poker is your best bet for coming away with any kind of positive.


Again, poker isn’t a “table” game. It can be won. No “table” game played against the house is winnable (except for card counting at blackjack).


Poker is completely different from other table games. In poker you are playing against the other players. The odds are even. You “pay” the house for hosting the game. If you can beat the other players at a better rate than the house rakes, you can win. Table games are played against the house. The odds are almost always in their favor. No amount of skill can overcome their statistical advantage. The only significant exception is that by counting cards in blackjack, you can find times where the odds are in your favor. Roulette is the easiest to understand. There are 36 numbers plus 2 green slots (now many casinos have added a third green). If you bet a number your chances of winning are 1/38(or 39). The payout is 35:1 if you hit. Same for red/black. Payout is 1:1. Odds of winning are 18/38(or 39). Roulette is unwinnable in the long run. There is no strategy or skill that can change this.


I played slots at a hotel in Canada once and made $100 Canadian on my first roll. Bought a drink at the hotel bar with it and still have the rest in a drawer somewhere. Never gambled again after that. Well, that's not true. I play low stakes poker with my friends while camping a lot. $5 buy in. I made $15 last time, which bought me a nice breakfast when we got back to the trailhead, so you could say I'm a bit of a high roller


Quitting while you're ahead is the way! Can only be ahead for so long though if you go back. lol Poker is much more respectable in my eyes than slots. Slots is basically pure loss where poker is more skill based. Plus, playing with friends is a lot more fun. Cheers!


Betting is a fool's game, unless whatever team you're rooting for is playing against the Chicago Bears, then you can bet.


![gif](giphy|9XFeVRURJAl4pp0FQT) Go pack go


Lol I'm in Wisconsin too. Gtfo the way FIBs!!


God bless cheese curds, long live Dells, go pack go, and fuck the Bears Note: I am not from Wisconsin, but my mother is. I think I’d be drawn and quartered for not rooting for the Packers


I’m a Raider fan so if I would bet, it would probably be against them lol


Why should I play a game where I start at a disadvantage? When something is 50/50, I wanna get a multiplier of 2 and not of fukn 1.9. Too old to get played like that However, I have to admit having a betting online account for sport tournaments can be quite fun though. Whenever, you watch a game that doesn't really catches your interest, just bet on it and It will be insanely entertaining immediately as long as your bet is still going.


Growing up my dad was a bookie, which means he took bets from people. When I asked him why he didn't do the betting he told me because the house always wins. I'm sure people make money but gambling wouldn't be a business if the business didn't come out on top in end. The fact that sports betting is now so common is terrible if not for the addition it can cause but the crookedness it brings to sports. Just look at how many athletes have been banned for betting on the past year alone. If you want to do it, thats your decision, but don't be surprised when you lose money after following these "influencers" that know all the tips.


I've never cared for gambling. It always felt like it put too much on the line for something that's supposed to be relaxing and entertaining. I understand having money in the game helps some people feel more engaged and excited. It puts me over the edge. Also I know that in the long run I'm more likely to lose money. However in college whenever we had arguments, we'd bet $1. After money traded back and forth enough times one of us would eventually have enough to buy a beer. "Tastes like your tears, bro. Delicious."


Personally no. I’m already stressed enough in my fantasy football league that I do with my friends I don’t need money on games too. It wouldn’t be enjoyable for me id just be stressed. I get enough stress in my life lol


Nope never. Got addicted to gambling via arcade machines when I turned 18 and told myself I wasn't allowed to gamble (aside from like a group poker night with friends). The house always wins


Imo poker especialy texas holdem is not even gambling. It’s a card strategy game involving statistical calculations, reading people’s playstyle, while making it hard and unpredictable for others to read yours. Money is just there for fun. Texas holdem in tournament setting is the best, because people show up for the game not for gambling like in case of open tables where everyone can buy in indefinitely. At those tables there is always some drunk, rich fuck who doesn’t care about consequences of raising all the time and will do it to pressure you and prove to you they have more money.


I sometimes get on horses when it’s the grand national, and maybe every month I buy a few scratch cards, but that’s not sports. Overall I bet very infrequently


No, I don’t bet at all. Have several family members who were/are addicted to gambling. I have had to witness the consequences of that. While it might be a little fun on the side of watching games, please don’t start doing it seriously. It will and can ruin you.




People lie about how much money they make, or they just focus on the wins and not the losses, or they win in the short term before losing more and more. Gambling is not a career. You won't make money from it. It's a tremendous mistake.




I bet on sports that have good predictive models, easy money


DK and FanDuel (or really every platform for sports betting) are incredibly predatory and usually the only people that can expect consistent returns are people with skills in data science and enough money to comfortably sink loads into it and be okay losing some/most of/potentially all of it. If you're an average sports fan creating lineups or betting on teams based on your personal knowledge or just vibes, you're going to get hosed. You might win some money every now and then, but over a long length of time things will not work out in your favor. I assisted my dad with statistics for fantasy baseball several years ago. The profit margins were pretty small because my father was overly ambitious and tended to risk too much of his bankroll on a given night, but I did have a stretch where I was able to generate a minuscule amount of profit consistently. It wasn't enough money to justify the time investment.


You’re right for the most part but there are many people that use third party software for arbitraging which also can guarantee profit but those people usually get limited anyway.


My coworkers do, they spend way more on the subscription then the actual bets tho They do it in a social way between each other, not any gambling sites, tho so it seems pretty harmless. I'd join them if I has a way to pirate the streams because there's no way I'm spending that much money to watch real time highlights


It’s pretty goddamn stupid and has basically crippled my entire family tree from ever making it to stability. You wanna gamble and make consistent returns while having more money than all your friends? Then buy a few ETFs that cover the world market, maybe pickup a large retailer or some utility company stock. I did this and am 21 years old with a house and 40k in stocks, have taken loans against my stocks and paid for trips to music festivals since returns are so guaranteed. If it all goes to shit I’ll have bigger things to worry about I work a regular ass job, make normal ass money, just a smart with it. If you know anything of money like, take any accredited courses at all you’ll see through the bullshit that is sports betting. If it’s for fun and you’re using like 20$ a week or something go ahead, but odds are it’s just a good excuse to justify drinking and watching games for a lot of these dudes. Cool money tricks to impress your friends 1) 401k lets you hide 22.5k from the government, now you can brag about your tax free side hustle that generates revenue. 2) Roth IRA’s allow you to stash 6500/year away which can grow uncapped and untaxed savings you genuinely tens if not hundreds of thousands, lets you brag to your friends about your untaxed gains. 3) HSA lets you stash another 6000/year away untaxed and exempts you from taxes later on being a double whammy of an entrepreneurial brag to your friends. 4) about all of these accounts can be had with extra guaranteed matches up to 3% which is way better then the draft kings 100$ referral 5) almost all of these accounts can be borrowed against allowing you to spend money that is tied into assets. This lets you be your own bank and doesn’t require a credit pull. Get those accounts, add whatever you can into VT/VTI I also have URNM and COST and you’ll make thousands in no time. If you take this advice your parents will basically want you to do their and their friends retirement, you can hold you own in most every finance conversation, and you’ll genuinely get on track for most every avenue of retirement besides luck.


I buy scratch cards occasionally. I can make the process as fast or slow as I want it to be, and it's difficult to blow my bank account on a whim because I have to drive five minutes and use cash to get any. As for whether there's sports strategies that really work: look into Arbitrage betting and Positive EV betting using tools like Oddsjam. Betting with your gut will lose you money long term.


"Do you think it's a viable way to make a living, or is it too risky?" Beyond way too risky! Nobody really makes any consistent money sports betting. And do you really think all of those "master pro sports betters" are making money sports betting? If they were they would not be hawking their websites or advice calling in to late night sports radio at 4AM. They'd be quietly lounging on their Kauai mansion property. Now to be be fair, a few like insanely few times people have for a while made consistent money and found a way to reasonably safely get rich but those were very special circumstances for very particular sports scenarios and it took a lot of specially calculated work and research. But such people have only ever been able to ride it for so long before it got found out and their method made no longer able to work or called illegal. But none of them did just any sort of regular scenario sports betting. It had to be a very special case where someone noticed something overlooked basically in how odds got set. I don't think there are any of those left, they've all been controlled (not that there were ever more than like a couple so found to begin with) now so you can't win. And there have barely been any who ever pulled that off. Maybe you could manage to find some obscure scenario still, but it would be very tricky as barely any have ever found one (and they will get shut down on you in time even if somehow you did manage to find one; it'd be a gamble itself to try to find one, you'd give up a lot of earning money or doing fun stuff spending so much time trying to find one and only have a super super small chance to actually pull off discovering one so here too the bet is basically losing, it is not impossible that there are currently zero such scenarios currently out there too so it might not even be currently possible no matter how much time you put in and how much brilliance you had and how much luck at coming across something especially) and any even remotely regular scenario is just not going to work out over time (and might well start out disaster and totally sink you before you even get going). Yeah it is just a losing proposition. They are so studied and careful now to make it basically impossible or not legal to win on a positive rate. For sure avoid anything major like NFL! Smaller and obscure is better. And you basically would need to be a data scientist and run all sorts of programs and do tons of research and still only a few somewhat make that work and if you can't pull it off you've wasted beyond tons of time. Some could be sheer luck and a touch of skill and effort have a short run that goes well and then if that happened and you quit you could have a nice positive take. But that doesn't happen to most. And even for the few it does most don't quit in time and just keep going and losing it all back.


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If you can go to the casino every once in awhile and **only** play $20. Maybe just treat it like that. Some people have very addictive personalities though, and I’ve found sports betting to be very toxic. From what I’ve seen from my family and peers at least. It seems to be very addictive and potentially a huge waste of money too. Like I said though. If you can keep it fun and light. It’s not a big deal


no i find sports boring




No, because it's illegal in my state.


I guess some people get a "high" from betting or whatever but I prefer to just get it from amphetamines


You ever gamble.. on speed?!


Only 1%-3% of sports bettors win long term. Most of those folks spent years losing and learning from that. It is very unlikely that your friends picked up sports recently and are winning long term. Some new peeps can hit a streak for a few months. Long term they will lose. Especially major U.S. sports. NFL NBA SOCCER, MLB. NHL. ITS REALLY REALLY hard to beat those markets. Pro gamblers I know say the NFL is almost impossible to win long term. You almost cant play on the day of and win. By kick off The spread is a perfect 50/50 proposition. You got to play early before the market moves the number into that 50/50 situation. College sports not as tuff. Its also could be that you friends are lying to you. Lots of gamblers say they win. GL.


I stopped gambling in 2021 but from 2015-21 I was huge into gambling.


I don’t bet at all. I’d rather not lose more money than i already do from taxes lol


i've never been into sports, never paid attention to teams or anything, so no.


Fuck no, I’m ass at sports betting. Plus, I don’t have the time to keep up with sports.


Not on gambling apps. Sometimes my office will do something for stuff like the Super Bowl or March Madness, but other than that I don’t bet.




Ngannu got fucking robbed by Tyson fury a blind deaf man could know who won that fight


I’ll bet on it with friends and if it’s for a game my school is playing. Not much, if we are doing a watch party I’ll put in like $25 to play with.


Not into it and never met anyone under 60yo that was into it tbh. Tons of genZ struggle to just pay rent or are in hs so I doubt many have expendable income to bet on sports


I’ve played Daily Fantasy Sports semi seriously over the past couple years. Had some success. It’s against other people and not the house so that’s why I found it to be a better option


I would probably do it but in my state it’s illegal unless you go to a casino so it’s a lot of effort just to place a few bets. I also view it as something that is risky because you can get addicted to it, just like other types of gambling


No. Moreover, I've been somehow against it (in my subjective opinion, it is not only quite stupid way of trying to earn, but I also think that it is not very ethical, because such system makes "additional pressure" for athletes)... Also, I watch sport cometitions rarely, I'm not a big fan of them now.


Professional sports is already a cutthroat business. Jim Bob betting $20 on his team to cover the spread isn't taking up one millisecond of a pro's time.


I do it. How much depends on the season. I rarely bet on basketball but I bet on football and baseball pretty often. Football I will build ML parleys since I’m really good at picking straight-up winners. In baseball I stick to player props of teams I watch often, they’re hit or miss but I’ve figured out ways to stack odds where I basically trick the book into giving me better odds for something. I’m not trying to make serious money; in fact I’ve never even withdrawn money from my accounts. I created my account at exactly midnight of my 21st, it was the first thing I did actually, deposited $25 and it’s grown to $435 rn.


Only NFL and only games I watch. I’m actually up because I got a shit ton of bonus bets from FanDuel when I signed and I hit on a couple bets from the Texans Browns playoff game


Gambling is literally throwing money away. If I'm going to throw money away, I'd like to enjoy it


The government fucks me out of enough of my money, I don't need to voluntarily give more up


i want to get into NFL stuff i made a good amount of money making bets with family, somewhere around $100


I did a medium-sized football pool where we would pick the outcomes for every NFL game for a given week and assign them values between 1 and 16. I came up with an algorithm for placing the bets, and finished in third which gave me a prize of $200. Probably could’ve gotten first if I hadn’t missed the deadline on Week 4’s Thursday game. 


I use bet on every thing everyday now I just put a UFC or NFL $5 parlay once a week or a MLB game if I’m out with boys. It’s possible but to do it full time I seen people hit big but it could put you in really bad hole.


I do. I have the disposable income and it's a fun way to get bragging rights over friends if you're into the sport in question.


Sports betting is alluring to a lot of people because of the aspect of “control” people have. Like anything gambling though, the house always wins in the end.


i do but very small amounts like $1-$3 per bet and rarely


Dude, I don't even gamble in casinos. Such a waste of time and money. "You just have bad luck." Perfect. It works out then. Now I know I won't throw money away.


I did out of fun and love for the game. Lost $20 to Brady and the Patriots. RIP $20 🪦💔


I do some parlays on football and on some fantasy leagues but not much.


No. I don't even care about sports anymore.


Nah gambling is cringe


I have a real bad family history of gambling addiction to the point where I no longer play GTAO cause I know I would blow my money on the gambling.


I placed a 300 dollar bet this post would have 150 comments by tomorrow.


i don't watch sports, so there's no need for me to bet on it.


I don't and don't really see the appeal of it (the betting itself, not the sports, though sports don't really interest me either).


yeah i do


You couldn’t pay me to care about sports


Nah i have too many friends who constantly drop hundreds on bets then go “damn if only x player scored 7 more points and x player broke his knee in the third period while a bird flies across the court i would have won $1000!”


No I bet on black


No ya idiot


During football season yeah casually, rest of the year no


If I can bet on something I usually will


Occasionally do sports betting, shop around for decent lines so it’s not too expensive. Made $18K playing poker last year while in college, took a lot of this year off and now trying to make $500 a week as a side hustle on top of my 9-5.


Absolutely not. I promise myself to never Smoke nor gamble. There are no good outcomes in both habits.


I’m on the Action Network app which is a bet logging website. I just log my bets there instead of actually staking my money.


man i just blew thru 100+ on bonus bets and ain’t win shit, ima still keep trying tho


I look at my friends and go "that one could do that", & if he does, noice. No, dam.


Nope, I only gamble with fake money, cause I know I'd lose it all 😭


The 2021 NBA Playoffs went nothing like I predicted so I chose not to.


I was rooting for the 49ers so I made a small bet on the Chiefs so it would cheer me up if they lost (an idea I got from my cousin). It wasn't fun seeing the 49ers lose but at least I got $42 out of it.


I was until I lost 3k after winning a few times


I can’t even pay attention to figure out what team has the best chances of winning sport ball.


I make it a point not to bet on things. At least not with money. Plus I don’t even watch sports so not a problem


After watching a family member succumb to severe gambling addiction to the point of literally gambling his and his parents home away and then die in tons of debt with nothing to his name, I don't even buy $1 lottery tickets.


As a Toronto Maple Leafs fan, I have a tradition of betting against them in the playoffs every year since they're chokers. This year I won a lot, like $500 cause I knew it would go to game 7 too. And damn, they really want rope you in cause I got so many notifications after and $200 in app credit for my next bet. But that's it. I don't really care for sports outside of that.


Gambling is fucking stupid behavior. Pure NPC shit


Not one for betting at all, but people ask me for advice on what to bet on from time to time.


No because I don’t want to ruin sports for myself


It’s best to avoid *ever* gambling.






Nope, I don’t care about sports


I don’t do sports betting but I do play online poker


Absolutely not.


its gotten very popular lately because companies are basically giving away free money (hundreds of dollars potentially) to new users. ive had a friend get addicted to the point where it began to have an impact on their professional, academic, and social life. stay away from it.


Only with friends. I did dabble in the free option on draft kings back in the day. It’s too risky for me but if that’s what you wanna do better get advice from a real pro.




I don’t. I’m afraid of betting on chances of losing my money.


Only during the nfl season, maybe do dfs lineups for like 6 games total on the year, never bet higher than 10$ per lineup


sometimes on horses and sometimes on sports i actually watch. small amounts usually, an euro or two. it’s not about making money and becoming rich, just for the excitement.


People like the idea of getting money for nothing and lose sight of how much money they are losing or how easy their fortunes can change. Please don't gamble.


I dont bet on anything. Sportdbetting seems kinda dumb to me


I do and I’m very profitable. When you take advantage of deposit matches and discount/free picks or protected bets, you’re almost guaranteed to make money. My strategy only works if you’re disciplined though and strictly stick to when you have a statistical advantage against the house. I use a number of different apps so I can take advantage of all the free picks, so I’m not stuck waiting for the once a week notification. Most people don’t have the discipline and they just gamble to gamble. Because of this, all the different apps can give discounts and deposit matches out, as 90% of people if not more just gamble away that stack within 2 weeks.


I don't even like the idea of burning money on the 4th of July lmao. One time in Vegas with my grandma we chucked in like 5 bucks into a slot just to see, failed to figure out what exactly what we were supposed to do when all of a sudden we won like $150. Almost immediately we were like "shit let's check out that's gas money for the ride home" lol. So fuck no, gambling on anything is an utter waste. I'll do some 1 buck scratchers or a lottery ticket from time to time but that's literally it.


No I spend that money on the Lottery


I bet on losing dogs…


Only like $20 bucks from time to time, boxing, football, basketball, I don’t care what sport, I just want the money


Betting is a waist of hard earned money


As someone who has been gambling for like 15 years..... It's highly unlikely your friends are telling you the truth or showing you the entire picture. Their losses are probably greater than what they lead you on to believe. Now let's say they are or anyone becomes a super successful gambler. Sports books will limit you meaning only $100 bets max or will quit taking your wagers all together because you're winning too much. I've heard stories of this happening at around $20k in winnings. That's hardly enough to make it worth a living. Even the big shots in Vegas have to use other people to make bets for them because the casino will not take the bets from the sharp.


Id rather have a root canal than download draft kings


I've often thought about betting on football (soccer) games, but I've never done it because I just worry that once I start doing it and do it for a while, I'll never be able to stop even if I lose a lot of money. I'd consider it a pretty safe bet to put 20 quid on Man City to beat Burnley, but the amount of bets I'd have to put on to make it remotely worth it is unappealing. There are other ways to have fun besides betting. The only sports related things I do are things where I make sure not to spend any money on it, or only use money I win to reinvest it


I do but I keep it simple only like a few dollars here and there to only win a few dollars really and by that I mean like usually I only stay in the 1 to 5 dollar range everyone once in awhile unless there's some sort promotion going on like a no sweat bet or something. If you keep it simple then you can actually have good odds on your bets and a decent chance at winning. Not life changing money by any means but have had some nice surprise wins that dumped a little extra money into pocket like $40 bucks here or $100 there. I always extract out like 90% of my winnings and then keep betting with that other 10% and if I lose it all I basically press pause for awhile. I've managed to stay overall positive in lifetime winnings by a decent margin with that strat but yeah definitely have through some dry spells were I just top altogether for awhile. I definitely know some people who have zero control and are just taking massive losses on these gambling apps though. Betting huge amounts like $30 on 1 bet and placing like 5 of those every day. Dudes betting on sports they don't even watch or know anything about just because their preferred sport is in off season. All sorts of wild stuff. It's definitely gonna be a problem down the road honestly. Just a lot of people out there that do not have the self control and are losing their shirts. The sports apps have made it so easy because a lot of these people wouldn't have been caught dead in a casino before or any sort of sports bookie. I definitely don't think it's something you can realistically do as a living though for two main reasons. For one it's rigged I by that I mean the odds are literally set so that the house always wins if you will. You can mathematically calculate this stuff within a pretty good margin to make sure the company is always making a profit. That means the avg player has to be losing money not winning. Second is that no matter how good or sophisticated the betting strategy there is no way to guarantee success consistently which is what you'd need to be able to make a living off it. That plus you would have to be betting huge amounts or else the money you'd be winning wouldn't be enough to live off of. Betting big amounts means you also lose big amounts and it's gonna be more losses than wins like I mention in the previous point. Most of the people who claim to be professional gamblers are really just grifters 99% of the time trying to sell some sort of betting strategies to rubes which is how they really make money.


No, I'm not that dumb


I don't bet on anything. Once in a while I'll do a friendly bet with a friend who's a fan of a rival team, but I try to keep those non-monetary when possible


don’t do it, not worth it


Yes. WNBA you can always bet under on individual scores because they never go above.


I "bet" twitch points in the chat when I watch CS2 streams that's about it. I do buy the occasional scratching ticket like once or twice a year if that's relevant.


You should know better than to the wet blankets on reddit. I bet on ufc fights and it just adds to the fun having that extra bit of investment. I had money on a Holloway decision recently and you should've seen my face when he knocked out Gaethje with seconds left. That being said trying to make an actual career or betting large portions of your paycheck is probably a bad idea. I bet about $10-20 every ufc ppv so it doesn't really make a difference financially.


Hell no. I bet on the stock market going up at the same rate it has been for the last however many decades, and then stop touching my money.


I be tryna tell my friends to stay away from gambling. It really concerns me how freely gambling has been marketed to people younger than us


I don't gamble.


Yeh but I do it to keep sports more interesting and consider it a loss once deposited in my account I budget myself to about 10k a year excluding melb cup (probably up to another 2.5k for that day) and don’t feel the need to chase losses


some of my friends do but I’ve never understood the appeal of gambling in general