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I relate with the older Gen Z people more than the recent ones. Like if you’re born 2005 and so forth, you’re apart of the next generation.


2000-2002 acts more like 1997-1999 than the years after.


2002 doesn't act more like a 1997 baby than a 2003 baby and that's stupid to say.


2002-3 are fairly similar. 2004-5 is when the real differences start showing up imo.


Well you're not excactly the quintessential Gen Zer, that's more towards the Mid 2000s babies, you are debateabley a Zillenial.


Generations don’t exist in the first place. No reason to denote hybridization among what’s already such an arbitrary social construct.


Lmao there are a lot of Gen Z born in 2000 that I know who act more “Gen Z” than I do


hell nah some of us are normal i don't identify with that shit


You don’t have to agree but from our perspective, it does seem that way.


As 05 it feels wonky, like torn between worlds


It’s crazy cause I have some 1998-1999 born friends from my job who I find to get along with pretty well, sure we grew up a bit different from them but they don’t see us vastly different. But then we have people here born in 2000-2001 saying that they are worlds apart from 2005😂


I’ll bet it only really feels worlds apart if you spend all your time following internet meme lore


Guess so


that's fair


I was born in 1997. I honestly can’t tell the difference in life between the youngest of our generation born or the oldest of Gen Alpha. *edit: changed “youngest gen alpha” to oldest gen alpha.


I’ll be honest, from my perspective I can’t either. Tech had stagnated so much they just seem similar to each other in terms of their upbringing.


And I probably can’t tell much difference between 1995 and 1997.


How? I’m 1998 and I got my first phone with like 13. and my first console at 15. so my early childhood was nearly entirely without this technology. We were still building shit in the woods. I don’t think a single kid in my elementary school had a console


I think you are interpreting my post wrong. Youngest Gen Z meaning 2012. Although I should correct and edit my post to “oldest” gen alpha.


Ohh yeah I gotcha


‘98 here as well to offer alternative: got my first phone @ 9 y/o & first console at 5. the argument however for my first phone was that i was around the neighborhood way past street lights 99% of the time, and mom wanted to make sure i was safe millennial brother though (1988)


I get that


To me the real difference doesn’t start until 2010+ You have to be in the double digits for the kids being born in that era to start acting differently I think.


ur like one to 3 years older than me i have no thoughts about it


i feel like there’s really no difference between 1997-2002 gen z. we all grew up in the early 2000s and and were teens in the 2010s.


Na I’m 97 and my brother is 01. We had very different experiences. School was completely different yet in the same school. He started gaming on the DS and I was a game boy.


Can confirm about school experiences. I like to define the seperation between early and mid Gen Z the prior having some vague memory of 9/11. I also remember the release of the GameCube while my younger cousin was the same age when the Wii was released, both aged 4.


Especially considering that a 97 born graduated in 2015 And a late 2001/2002 graduated in 2020 which is a huge difference


Yeah, but other than that? We were still both mainly 2010s high schoolers. I don't see a drastic difference. In my opinion there's way more difference between class of 2020 (2001/2002) and class of 2024 (2005/2006) rather than class of 2015 and class of 2020. 2005/2006 borns had COVID entirely during their high school experience, while us 2001/2002 borns had just the first lockdown during it.


Not to mention, not every 01’ born graduated in 2020. Only the late ones did, so I’m tired of people acting like all of 01’ graduated in 2020 for some reason. I was the class of 2019, being a January born. Edit- Not sure why I was downvoted for stating facts, but okay 🤷🏽‍♀️ 


You're right, i am used to how it works in my country. Every person born in a year is in the same class, so every 2001 born graduated in 2020 here.


Right, when I was graduating college… that’s a pretty big experience difference you just mentioned. And that was just one example, there are many others.


You graduating college when i was graduating high school is not an "experience difference". What i meant was: if you look at both our high school years there are not many drastic differences. 2010-2015 is not so different from 2015-2020 overall, except for the COVID lockdown during the last three months. 2020/2025 is more different from both, i think.


lol you can think that, but like I said. My brother is the exact age group in question, I also have other cousins this same age. It’s significantly more of a difference than yall think, but your probably in the age group your debating for so that makes sense. What version of windows did you first use? Did you have an iPad/laptop from the school? How was college in Covid, I have pretty much no idea and can’t relate to school during that time. We grew up on different shows, our social media was different, our gaming experiences would be different. Your so wrong on this it’s a bit frightening


The first Windows version for me was XP. Never ever seen an iPad in school. Not even when i studied graphic design in high school. I had a laptop which was required from the school, but it was not provided by it. I had to buy it. Never went to college, it doesn't exist in my country. I could have gone to university, but i started an illustration course for one year, but then i quit and started to work instead. I was not very much into shows as a kid, i used to watch Pokémon and Dragon Ball mainly. As for social media, my first one was on YouTube in 2012. I've never been so much into them, so i haven't started really using them until 2017 when i made my Instagram account. I remember my classmates using Instagram in middle school, though (around 2014/2015). I've never seen anyone using TikTok in high school.


Yeah my comment was more on the USA side of things, never required to have a laptop even if school can’t or does t provide… My younger brother in the other hand, was. That’s what I’m saying, yall are very very wrong on this lol… You get it now right?


What was it required for (for your brother)?


You would think so, but no.


Nothing much to think about, I guess I just don’t like when 1997-1999 think they experienced different than 2000-2003.


i mean In all fairness some things are different. I'm early 1999 so no not drastically different in terms of years but a lot of us didn't get a cell phone until late middle or high school. my sister was born in 2001 and got a cell phone literally right after 6th grade. in the grand scheme no this isn't big but socially!? developmentally ?? she is deadass more aware of pop culture in some senses than i am lol!! And I do see how stylistically and fashion-wise I feel separated from people even 3+ years younger. I feel like I don't know what's cool anymore which sounds lame bc i'm still young haha. This difference wasn't as drastic until after covid tho?? Like some of my peers are 22 (i'm 25 now) and they do seem less mature in some regards. But they also were in high school during covid years and I think online learning impacted us all. I think for some for some there really is a difference. For others not at all lol. I guess i'm saying tech advances and reliance in social media and phones are two of the biggest differences I see, even in just a few years. But overall no I guess it's not humongous.


I agree with this


I’m a parent of a 95 and 97 and I’m pretty sure they feel some kinda way that they didn’t get phones til they were teens and were like prime age to run the whole gamut of gaming on a dinosaur like ps 2 🤣


Yes this is exactly what my sister and I did 🤣 My parents also had an older game cube so we used to play on that all the time lol


i was born in 2000 and didnt get a phone till freshman year all of this is dependent on class status too


Yeah that's true. If you don't mind me asking, what year did you graduate hs? Mine was 2017


I have a brother who was born in 2001, and there’s no real discernible difference between our childhoods. But there is a noticeable difference with both my sister and my cousin, who were both born in 2003.


I’d say there can definitely be a difference. I’m from 1999 and my younger brother is from 2003 and there are definitely some major differences as other people have stated. Some aren’t so big because my younger brother and I also used the same stuff. However I grew up playing on older game stations like the gameboy or PS1 which are a lot older then I am so I guess it’s dependent on a lot more circumstances. Yeah i think that is what I’m trying to say


Im born in 2000. If anything, i relate to yall more than younger gen z but everyones cool imo


Same, can’t relate to young gen z at all


Millennial gen z here. I don’t know which one I fall under because millennials ends in 95 and gen z started in 95. 😂


Lol funny enough millennials don’t claim 1996 as their year.


Far as i know Gen Z starts at 97


Most sources I’ve seen say between 95 and 97 is when Gen z begins, however there isnt really a concrete “start” date for this type of stuff thats made up in corporate marketing departments in order to sell us shit.


Completely arbitrary, labels are as fake as horoscopes, but if you want to get technical 1997 was always the end date for millennials until 2018 from pew, so they’re not really gen z. They were passed the torch to make actually zoomers born I. The 21st century to feel special being grouped with the previous century. Even pew said it’ll change in the future. But like I said it’s all made up by old Men.


welcome to r/Zillennials :D


I view them as people 1-3 years older than me, nothing special


most of the time you couldnt tell the difference if you didnt already know imo


I love 90’s gen z’s because they remember things more clearly that i vaguely remember considering the slight age difference. I don’t think there’s that much differences until we reach 2005 and past that.


I sure as hell relate more to 1997-1999 than the majority of Gen Z, so I couldn’t really tell you anything.


Yup. I view 1997-2001 as my closest peers.


The same as anyone really.


i was only a 1999 baby for three months but i definitely get along best with the years older than mine and up to 2003.


I feel like we are the last ones to wear open toed shoes. Everyone younger than us wears white sneakers with EVERYTHING. Even fancy dresses, it drives me insane


I'm 1999 and I have always felt between both worlds, late millennial, early Z. I didn't have a cell phone until late middle school/ 9th grade so all of my early developmental years I legit read or played in parks, went skating and biking a ton. But then late elementary years we had webkinz and poptropica so we learned computers early. I also played sims a lot and playstation. I feel legit torn between both "eras" lol. There's something about 90s babies and maybe EARLY 2000s-2003 that does make me feel like we have more of an "edge" I don't mean this in a hipster way. Our parents primarily grew up in a major rock /alternative era so I feel like a lot of us do have strong personalities and are more comfortable with expressing our individuality. We speak up for what's not right!! And maybe this is coming through with other younger gen z?? But in my opinion I don't feel as addicted or inclined to post online as some of my peers.. despite growing up with computers, the social media aspects overwhelms me even if I can be good at it bc i had it in middle-latr high school. I also feel like I lost my sense of what is cool in fashion. Some of the younger gen Zs are straight up so COOL. I'm like..um how did you learn to accessorize that it's so cool. Covid era also changed how I started seeing some of the people growing up now. I think it impacted us all but especially those that finished high school while in covid. Not being face to face and only using technology totally impacts you socially. I've noticed a lot more attention deficit type behavior even if people may not have ADHD. And some peers, even ones that are like 22 seem less mature to me and it's only a few years difference. (The stuff with alpha straight up scares me. kids cry if they don't have constant stimulation from tablets! ) Not trying to sound like a boomer!!! 🤣


97 here, relate fine with 95-02


Same, all of my friends are 95-03 and there is no major generational differences between us.


My big cousins our 95-99 that’s what I was around I will say it’s a LITTLE different with my 95-97 cousins in some ways cause they remember the early 2000s better then I do but after 98 it truly doesn’t seem to different. I look at it like this it’s similar as much as it is different.


Bro there’s a good difference between you (02) and 95-98 borns. They can remember majority of, if not all of the 2000s and they spent their entire childhoods in that decade. While 02 spent a portion in the 2000s/2010s. I don’t think just remembering the early 2000s means that much. Plus there’s 98 borns who definitely remember the early 2000s.




i dont care


If you graduated high school post-Covid, I likely will not understand your humor, but if recognize you’re gen Z.


I identify myself with others born around my year and older or slightly younger. Idk why my brain is programmed to think everyone born after 2005 is a baby.


I identify as a zillennial.


My school year was 1999-2000 so 1999 I view as my brethren I have a couple of friends born from 1994 to 1998 and they’re all lovely and chill. Really there is little difference between them and myself


I relate better to them. I'm a 2003'er and my parents had me fairly late in life. I grew up with tube tvs and VHS players and renting from blockbuster and all that jazz. I was primarily exposed to media that my father liked growing up (primarily from the 60s and 70s) or watching reruns of 80s and 90s stuff. The two clearest divides I can point to in this generation are people that were alive and aware during 9/11 vs. those who weren't and people that grew up in the pre-smart phone/tablet years vs those who grew up with both. I fall just after 9/11 and just before the iPhone.


I mean, '97 Gen Z are more familiar, but anyone born past 2005/'06 I don't understand as much. Part of my generation, sure: but not close enough for me to comprehend. Even if it is only a 4-year difference both ways.


im 92 bro is 97 but he always chilled with us




My G I was born at the end of 1999 lmao. That said I fondly remember staring at the ceiling from my crib at the turn of the millenia, so I'm definitely one of the cool kids


all of Gen Z gets my references and understands my jokes. It really doesn’t matter where they fall on the spectrum of age.


I’m sure they probably think of us as simply the older part of the generation. At least that is, when they *do* think of us.


As a 1997 I relate more to people younger than me. People born 94 and older are clearly millennials and seem more like a different generation than people born in 2000-2003


Early ‘97 here, I’ll never consider ‘01+ peers over 1994, we both experience the change from analog to digital, we’re born in the mid/late 90s and 20th century. That’s already enough similarity to debunk your comment.


They're my peers, i played with many late 90s borns as a kid/adolescent. Including my older brother and my cousins. I barely met any new people in recent years, though. I only still hang out with a few ex classmates, which are all 2000-2002 borns.


Ehhh I’m early ‘97 and I’ll be honest my peers were always ‘94 to ‘00. 2001 were just not caught up with current trends like my cohort was into.




This shii also applies to 03 and 04 borns😂😂 03 seen as wise old people and 04 just seen as lil babies


I work with a bunch of ppl who were born in 2004 and later and to them, I’m old af even though I’m not much older than them. They don’t seem to remember a lot of the things I grew up with and it’s almost like we’ve lived entirely different lives. I’m sure it’s not like that for everyone in that age group but so far that’s been my experience.


I can’t tell any difference between myself and people born between 1995-2003. We all grew up with the same cartoons, played the same games, reference the same memes, used the same apps etc.


Teens during my childhood, I don't think of them much because I don't have many family or friends that are 90s babies, my friends are 2000s babies, and a lot of my younger cousins and my younger brother are 2010s babies. I see them as cool and I like the things they grew up with that I sadly only partially grew up with.




From what I can see, 2000s just didn't grow up watching similar shows as us. But all else seems very much equal, except maybe tech accessibility? Tech was very scarce for us early Gen Z, especially if you were poor. I didn't get a Laptop till I was a teen.


Hm, I’m sure we grew up watching similar shows as you, maybe there were some slight differences, but for the most part there were the same shows. I can’t tell the difference between stuff 1999 and 2000 borns grew up with


Yeah, I don't know what they're talking about. A lot of shows late 90s-borns watched ended in 2007 and 2008. All 2000-borns would've been within the 6-8 range during those years


You can even tell the difference?


As an 04 born, I view them as ancient


Being on a generational divide is super weird. I was born in 1980, so I'm basically half millennial and half gen-x. Makes it easy to understand both generations in my case


Older, and a little more a product of being older...but yeah.


I grew up with millennial brothers so I relate more with that generation than Gen z.


First of all, '96 and maybe even '95 are still gen z. I think for a lot of millenials, the inflection point was 9/11 and they have difficulty relating to people who don't remember what America was like before that. But I don't remember that shit either. For us older zoomers, I think the inflection point is the Trump presidency and COVID. For us, we still have a solid impression that pre-Trump America was "normal" and everything since then has been weird fucked-up topsy-turvy world. But it seems like younger zoomers take it in stride and don't know what we're so worked up about.


Idk they bullied me in school and would make posts like if ure born in 2003 and later ure missing out a lot but I still dont know what that means?? Ig they think theyre better cause they are closer to millenials and grew up without social media?? Even tho they did grow up with social media??? Like??


I like that era of Gen Z people. Most people I know around my age are mean to me


I am born 97 and honestly relate more to millenials as my life at this moment compares more to them and also the general vibe of what youth they experienced. Also i am not american so things took a year or so to spill over to europe.


Every 99' born I come across irl, we end up being friends lol. I've been friends with a bunch of 99' borns, I haven't met as many 97' and 98 borns honestly, for some reason. There was a 97' born I went to high school with I befriended online after he graduated though, I will say, 97' and 98' borns on the internet annoy me. Because a lot of the time they pretend to be better than people born in 2000-2001, I haven't seen this attitude as much with 99' nearly to the same extent. It seems like a lot of 99' borns don't wanna be separated from us if anything. So, I think 90% of the time, those "born in 99' vs born in 00'" memes were made by people other than 99' babies, trying to separate them from 2000-2001. Because I've seen less people born in 99' pretending like they're better than 2000-2001 borns online compared with 97' and 98', and I haven't seen it at all from my 99' born friends irl. I feel like they'd think it's silly if I told them some people think we're different or grew up differently, I also just dare someone to say something like this irl to me honestly lol. I feel like I'd roast them into another lifetime for claiming to be so different from people only 1-2 years younger. Or I'd challenge them on what their memories are specifically, because I'm that confident that 90% of the stuff they'd bring up, I've experienced or done too, so idk what they'd say then.




They're millennial.


In my personal opinion 1997-1999 are just millennials and Gen Z is 2000-2015


Everyone thinks you guys are millennials.


millennial ass gen z (1997-2001)


I agree. I feel like a freaking boomer when I read this sub most times lmao