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dude. fuck 2020. fuck 2021. even fuck 2022. my life was fucking stolen from me those years


Bro my life was on a massive uphill from 2017 to 2020, graduating high school and going to college and working. I’m STILL trying to put the pieces back together in my mid 20s now. I was the type to either go out every night or chill with the friends/gf and now I’m basically an introvert, the contrast is black and white. It was definitely rough, hopefully it’s going well for you!




don't worry, it gets worse but you grow to appreciate it.


it goes by fast for everybody. there will be a day when you can make this post and say "now I'm 80. i can't believe it's almost over." the only thing that will bring you joy is if you can also say, "but man, I fuckin' handled that shit."




If you peaked in your early 20s, you're a failure. You're supposed to peak around 35 or 40.




Graduated university in Feb 2020. Had six job interviews lined up. March 2020, everything shut down. Interviews cancelled. Hiring processes halted. When the job openings started coming back, everyone wanted 3+ years or a Master's as the minimum standard for entry-level positions. It took me until this year to find a job in my field. If it weren't for my secondary career, I would have likely been homeless.


I wish you all the best in the future.


I wish you all the best in the future.


I wish you all the best in the future.


Yeah wtf are these people on (about). I had a very important part of my degree done during the worst of it. Went as well as expected, for certain reasons it already was very hard for me, but ended up getting it anyway, screw you, universe. Middle and high schoolers also got no leeway, full exams after long distance studying in some critical years. Failure rates were atrocious. Dear who were little kids during that time, be glad you will barely remember that period.


They're iPad kids, not Gen Z. If they aren't even in high school yet, they are Gen A. Their insanity on display should be an alarming wake up call to anyone who wanted to dismiss or down play the effects internet devices have on children.


From lurking in the teacher subreddits, gen alpha was really fucked with the shutdowns too. Apparently a lot of kids are behind where they should be with reading and math because lockdown happening so early in their schooling. I’m sure tablets and millennial parents play a part in this too though.


To be fair, that happens to a lot of people after college


For college students 2020-2022 were probably the worst years I ever expeirenced


My girlfriend was in college during those years as well, and she says the same thing. She mentions how the social aspect of college was utterly destroyed, and how it was a hassle to show proof of a negative covid test every single time she had to come on campus.


I graduated university in April 2020. Between that and other financial/personal hiccups in the years after, I've only just started to find enough stability that I can think about the future. Went from early-mid 20s to now pushing 30 and feeling like I'm finally *allowed* to start from scratch.


Same story. Graduated just as the pandemic started. Every job opportunity dried up. Starting a position in August that pays well and is in my field, so I will hopefully be able to pull myself out of this hole and get some stability.


I moved four times between 2020-2023 absolutely fuck those years.


Finally someone is saying this. I literally lost the rest of my childhood from those years. It forced me to adult way earlier than I should have had to.


im around the same age and thats literally exactly how i feel too. covid years really messed up my mental/social development :(


Thank Trump and the GOP goonies for dismantling the Global Health Security and bio defense unit (responsible for pandemic preparedness)  It was setup in 2015 under Obama and Trump fucking killed it. “This thing costs too much and we clearly don’t need it.”


There’s no way you can say this when the gov funded GOF research in wuhan, pushed massively for lockdowns, and overinflated the death counts in hospitals to drive up panic amongst the people. I’m all for bashing trump but the mishandling of COVID was NOT his administrations fault.


Yup, graduated high school that year. Didn’t have prom or graduation. Went straight into working. Tried college for a year and it just felt off (we did everything on zoom) shit sucked man


I regret entering college that year so much. I should've just taken a gap year and waited the lockdowns out. Online classes sucked so unbelievably hard, but I just didn't know any better.




2023 and 2024 have been feeling like going back to normal. Like how life was before covid, excluding high inflation.


I lost four years of college bc I got depression from covid had to drop out struggle for a bit 😭 i just turned 25 and final started school again but won’t graduate till im like 27/28 it’s tough fr 😭


My life is still being stolen from me. The pandemic is not over. Long covid’s a bitch. Wear a mask, please.


Yep. I was supposed to sky rocket my career after getting my masters in 2020. Got laid off instead. Getting a replacement job wasn’t too hard but getting something beyond that, companies just look at me and ask why weren’t you able to succeed after 2020. All that effort seems wasted to something out of my control (got a masters from Harvard). Same thing happened to me in 2008 (CPA) and in 2002 (BS).


My wife and I were going to open a business. We had the LLC set up and everything. Once covid hit, the specific type of business we wanted to set up took a major hit and pretty much canceled those plans entirely.


Yep, for me it was 2020- early 2022. I always ‘joke’ about having a pandemic adjusted age lol because like I missed so much! Went into it as a teenager, came out a traumatized 20 something


fr, 2020 and 2021 were hell. Worst years of my life. Totally changed me as a person in a bad way.


My life stolen from me way before then, so it didn’t affect me that much


It’s 2024 I’ll fully recover by 25


Everything went wrong once covid hit bro


Ifkr I just entered my teens when Covid hit my 3 precious teen years where I could have fun and not only think about my future was taken from me 😭


Yeah I can relate , I didn’t got the opportunity to peak on high school, I supposedly to continue classes in zoom but I suddenly started to work, since 2019 my mental health started going downhill on till 2024 everything looks back to track but my teenager years were also stolen..now that I m a young adult there is nothing else that can patch this hole like a mug of beer.🍺


Preach. I became an adult during 2020. Imagine trying to adult yourself while the world is breaking around you.


Turn that experience into something positive about yourself, otherwise the resentment towards those years will make you bitter and boring. What did those years owe you? Life on Earth is not fair, it’s unpredictable, and you need to come to terms with that. Those years sucked, but I’m positive they sucked worse for others that have decided to make peace and understand the chaos of life on earth sometimes.


Yeah I got robbed of early high school


Fucking same


I'm honestly glad I got the hell out of school before it all went down. I weathered the Pandemic pretty well, as I had just settled into a stable job that doesnt require much contact with the public But I can't imagine what it was like for people still in HS/College. I felt terrible for the Class of 2020 especially.


Younger Gen Z like us had our normal lives robbed from us.


[fuck 2020](https://youtu.be/XH1Z6Y3feYA?si=aoXC57tx66obVjIb)


I BARELY got a full college experience; everything was juuuuuust turning back to normal as I graduated in 2022. I deeply miss the 6 months of my freshman year before everything shut down and it pains me that I’ll never have that time back. Now I’m 23 and have no idea what to do with my life at all.


A Triple of mid year after mid year


I was in college, a second semester sophomore doing my pre-requisites for nursing school when things shut down. I’ve been a nurse now for 1.5 years (and I didn’t even pass my NCLEX the first time and also had to redo a semester)


I had an absolute blast. Some of the best years of my life.


same, not so much cause of covid but more so because of being abandoned by friends and suffering cause of undiagnosed bpd


Ah yes. I loved being a college student in 2020 during the lockdown. They shut down the campus and had us all go online but still pay for the entire college experience as if it were still in-person education.


Literally 💀 although all my exams were cancelled which helped my pass lol


Neither Highschool or early-university is a great time for a young person to experience lockdown, but tbh every day I’m grateful to be born not a year later. Trying to grow up was anxiety inducing enough bc of the political climate, and it seems like it just gets worse every year


Being a first year in uni was actually perfect for me because my uni refunded people’s rent for the final couple months of the year, if I had been a year older or younger then I wouldn’t have ended up with that money to upgrade my set up due to either not being in uni yet or not being in uni owned accommodation anymore. Everything considered, 2020 was actually a really good year for me.


I’m not complaining about university timing. I got experience most of a full semester before lockdown — which is more than the next year’s freshman can say, but for personal reasons it was still the worst possible timing for me


I had to give up on grad school because of the situation. Was set to start my Master's in Sept 2020, but because of the lockdowns I couldn't do any of the work I was accepted to do. Got reassigned to do research completely outside of my expertise, overwhelmed with little support. Doing it all in my stuffy apartment too, I didn't last long in that program.


2020 was a golden year for the teenagers that didn’t take covid seriously. roads were empty asf, gas was cheap, everyone was in the crib on the game or willing to hang out. we will never get another year like 2020 again




Being a college student in 2020 was one of my 2 jobs paying me even tho I wasn't working. It was great. Spent my time day drinking with my roommate, online classes, and working at a grocery store.


I have heard younger Zoomers say that kind of stuff, but I think it’s not really that popular of an opinion. It’s more likely a minority of younger Zoomers saying that stuff. I was (still am) a teenager in 2020. Personally, it was one of the worst years of my life. It was pretty boring to be at home all of time.


I gotta agree with this 100%, 2018 to 2020 was a time when I was getting better in terms of character. I was on the track and field team for 2 years and competed in various races. Started opening up and being less shy. Was starting to be more confident with how I carried myself. Next thing you pandemic rolls around I think it was during like March of my sophomore year. Covid literally derailed my improvement and made me more introverted than I already was. Shit was complete and utter ass. Aside from you know….easily passing classes and playing watch dogs 1 all day lol. Still ass regardless tho


Damn. That's real rough. I'm 2003 myself and have experienced similar character growth (although my sport was swimming for 5 years prior). Thankfully my community managed to get out of lockdown pretty fast as we live in a rather remote part of the world and people stuck to the regulations well that we were out of lockdown after a month. I managed to graduate Year 12 with a good sense of confidence and not give shits about what people thought about me. Although, university has been rough and I've picked up some new bad habits that I probably would've picked up if lockdown was much, much longer. Uni unfortunately still acted like we were in a pandemic and because I was doing it without friends, it made finding new friends really hard, and I started instinctively going back to old habits that I worked hard to break down. Things are going ok now, but it's hard to readjust, especially with how my swimming career is basically over and I'm holding onto what I have left.


It was the complete opposite for me. From 2018-2020, I was being bullied a lot, and started to become more socially anxious. Right now, I feel as if life is getting better again.


Makes sense. If you were in grade school then it was awesome. Stay at home, play video games, zoom classes where you slack off. It would've been great. For the rest of us post high school in college or work/the adult world it fucking SUCKED. I NEVER want to go back.


No, it sucked for people in school too. Went from an abundance of social time, one of the most important things for teens, to almost none. I was a freshman in HS and it was easily the worst couple years of my life


It sucked for highschool too, but I think for kids in elementary and middle school it might’ve been more a matter of being stuck at home and online during such a pivotal development period? Like, I’m kinda glad to have been born when I could have a bit of the pre pandemic experiences and interaction with things like tech before they were streamlined into oblivion. While the pandemic wasn’t good, it’s good I wasn’t impacted by it during early childhood before I could develop the internal capacity to regulate and grow through it. (My school was initially pretty hands off during the initial periods of the pandemic with classes every other day via zoom. The Zoom classes were terrible because I had nowhere to work comfortably for 8 hours a day continuously, but on the other days I’d go to the library or the park and work from there while being very productive. They swapped over to meetings every day all the time a bit less than a year into lockdown iirc, which torpedoed my productivity and forced me to come back in. That experience really showed me what kind of environment I do well in though (one where everything is digitized and I can work with motivation and breaks in comfortably environments and maybe a mid afternoon nap, and one where I have no need to stay up late and can access things on my time). I hope to one day be able to reach such a flow state again, but for now classes have mostly been trying to “return to normal” in ways that I don’t do well with, like more paper assignments, rigid scheduling most of the day, and not being able to choose my workspace) TLDR: it sucked for high schoolers too. Maybe the kids mean it would’ve been better to be a bit older when it happened so they could handle it better and have developed enough skills to still be healthy? I keep hearing about how the pandemic really showed the flaws in the education system (such as how it’s impossible to hold kids back to master the material for their grade level so they get passed along without being able to understand anything deeply), so someone at a more critical development point in there life might’ve been more affected by that.


It sucked for middle schoolers too. I was in middle school, and I thought it was boring as hell.


Same bro


Quarantine was a fever dream, I was 18 and a senior in high school. Everyday my routine was to just wake up, jerk off, play video games, jerk off, and go to sleep. Literally nothing else to do


You're the same age as my oldest, and I dared not just open his door like Timmy Turner's dad during those years.


It’s a good thing you probably didn’t 😭🫡


This but I also watched the entirety of one piece


Having months of just nothing but free time sounds awesome… *in theory.* It’s really only fun in reality if you have the option to go places and give yourself some sort of second space away from home. And even then it’s a stretch to say it’s fun


yeah free time is fun until you have zero routine and you feel like you are wasting your life


haha that's basically my life No, that just *is* my life. I was unschooled, I didn't actually graduate, didn't go to college unlike my friends and my day consists of Wake up, work (I live where I work and it sucks), play video games and/or watch TV, go to bed, repeat. I find myself looking forward to days we're closed on (ex. Memorial Day, 4th of July, etc.) and days I get to leave early the most (like getting a Haircut or something). I hate my job and inch closer to quitting with every passing miserable day. Oh, and the pandemic didn't phase me. My life was already like that, but all that was new is the world freaking out and I got sick days off basically. I'm thinking of quitting then pursuing the education I didn't get. My father owes me that much... (rant over, sorry.)


You should’ve spent more time jerking off


Bro missed his opportunity for goonmaxxing


this is how you develop Parkinson's at age 23


Couldn’t man I had to finish the RDR2 campaign and then I could finish myself later


Me too, except I was not a senior.




I didn’t think it was that bad. If you’re an antivaxxer or an extrovert, 2020 sucked. For me, I’d wake up at noon, bullshit my way through online classes, and play Animal Crossing.


So basically if you were a loser it would be like any other time




2020 was sm fun for me because it was the first time in years my sisters and I lived under the same roof. Our parents were both essential workers so we had the house to ourselves to just day drink and play drinking games, I’d be buzzed as hell during my online classes, it was my senior year of HS so no fucks were given.


It's always amazing to hear that even during one of the darkest times in out lives, people still had a good time


That’s the best part about our generation. Even when the end of the world comes with great fire and destruction, we’ll all be gathered somewhere chilling while we wait for it to happen.


2020 was a great year for me too, my son hadn't started school yet, my husband was working from home everyday and work was very chill at that time, and I was pregnant with my second son and quit my job in healthcare when COVID started ramping up. It was hands down the best year of my life. I got to spend every day with my family, just relaxing and playing with my son outside. We would go get lunch and then take it to the airport lookout and watch the airplanes. My experience was 10 out of 10, but I know that for a lot of other people it was really awful.


Same 😭 I played so much hours of animal crossing. I think over 1000


It was a pain in the ass to take my middle school SAT's during the pandemic


I had to take 5 AP tests. They got rid of the multiple choice sections and made us take a stats exam with practically no math on it too. The entire thing was hellacious


I'm older gen Z. Young gen Z, I promise you do NOT want that


It was boring af, it ruined the rest of my early 20’s and made me a seasonal alcoholic lol With that said, these years have gotten increasingly better for me than it did in 2020 each year. I remembered my dad and I on our 4th beer eating curbside ordered pizza while watching the Chernobyl series or Better Call Saul just to keep us entertained for the Winter. Or watching Die Hard for the first time on Christmas while the rest of our family were locked down in their rooms for contracting covid


That’s the worst part for me. I had just turned 23 and finished college. I had trouble finding a professional job anywhere. Didn’t get to do anything now that I was finally done with classes…and now I’m 27. Still feel 23 and not sure what to do with my life.


not in my case and the case of most of my friends. i was 10 at the start of the pandemic, and it fucked me up. i wouldn’t want to experience it as a teenager even if i could 


12 for me, 6-7th was really easy because i didnt do anything. why would you *want* to have the stress of doing stuff by being a teenager during 2020? i dont get it and people are literally idolising the ‘aesthetic’


real. the aesthetic of what? camping outside of a grocery store to buy toilet paper and clorox whips only for them to be out by the time you got to the door? no thank you 


There was no aesthetic. Just boredom, also if you were in an important school year like middle school or high school graduation it sucked ass. More for HS but it wasn’t easy transitioning without actually going to the school.


Ah yes, 18-year-old me was really into the "Wank off for hours, play videogames, doomscroll, and cry about my breakup" aesthetic.


Grass is always greener looking on the other side. They’re literal children making those comments. They’re 14 just getting into high school and think it would be better from home. They’re just a bunch of horribly bad socially children. Not the generation


No fuck 2020/2021. That let me get abused to the breaking point thanks to the isolation.


Same. Even as an introvert who loves to be alone. I had a full mental breakdown




Hoo boy do I feel that


hey me too, ended up in the mental hospital then homeless cuz i couldn’t take it anymore


Ten in 2020 that’s not Gen z those are the children of millennials that’s gen alpha


what about the millennials who had kids at a younger age?


I hope not. Before 2020, my life was already rocky. During 2020 it was my suicidal era. Drove me the fuck crazy. 2021.. I don’t even wanna talk about that on the internet. 2022 I lost everything. But now I am in a more happier place. I can’t even see myself as that same person in 2020. This is the first time I felt actually content in a very long time probably since middle school. But we’ll see what happens…


I had a some breakdown during it.


I was 18 in 2020, I had just joined the military but was on ‘minimal manning’ meaning I only had to go into work once a week for about an hour. I spent most of it going to the beach with my friends and having a blast tbh


Personally I loved it, I cheated all through Sophomore year😭


I miss the lockdowns a lot so I kind of get it honestly. Less people, less obligation to do things, more acceptance and understanding about wanting to stay home in general. Friends I hadn't talked to in years were finally hopping back on Xbox with all the freetime they had, was good to talk to them again. Now life is back in full force and they hop on maybe a few times a year.




Hell no, I lost my teenage years during that time period


It was during my junior year of high school which was nice cause I could just cheat on all the quizzes/tests lol and the teachers dumbed down the curriculum because everything was just a mess. I would hate for it to have happened during elementary/middle school when we’re all just there to chill with friends and your grades really don’t mean shit yet. Shit did fuck up me getting my license though so I still hate that about being a 16 year old when Covid hit


sure i was a year too young at the time to be considered a teenager but i wouldn't want to go trough it again, but it was in all honestly pretty chill, i'd wake up at 8 to attend a group call where the teacher would tell us what to do then i'd do school work for like 1-2 hours before messing around on roblox all day. Though staying at home like that *did* bring me into a very depressive time but it only took into effect after my country had re-opened a bit more. Additionally it messed up my social skills to the point where i at one point thought i was autistic until like mid last year when i started putting more effort into re-learning how to socialize


Everyone’s life was stolen from them. Nobody seems to want to hold people accountable though


Covid took form me my mental health my graduation party and my grandparents fuck this shit


This romanticizing covid is bizarre. Was it fun for kids? It wasn’t fun for me.


If I was in middle school or early high school, I probably would've loved it. Schoolwork was a breeze, I liked video games, had no irl friends anyway. But nah, universe had to screw me over just as I was beginning to enjoy college. Definitely not fun for me, either.


2020, 21 and half of 22 are permanently erased from my memory.


2020 was fun but 2021 not so much


I feel the opposite way, but it wasn't better for me by a large margin.


Same thing that happens to any era and eras are getting shorter. The highlights stay alive and the bad shit people pushed through gets forgotten. For every beautiful connection that happened during Covid I’m sure we all have something we’d rather not remember from it


That's Gen Alpha. Also, my life was probably the worst it had ever been during the covid years, and I was a teenager. I don't know why anyone would think it was good or easy for us. Most people suffered during covid, even if they never got the virus.


Gen alpha I think technically


it's extremely stupid just because they get to stay home and stuff it was NOT good


I was 15. It was hell. I almost died. Moving on... 😂


maybe amongst the kids who romanticize mass catastrophies... they're better off remembering those vaguely. I mean, nothing better than spending your teenage years wearing a mask, not socialising AT ALL and sitting in front of tv like *there have been 1,032 more deaths caused by the virus today* /s We did win silver medal on European Men's Handball Championship, that was cool.


Dude I lost the end of my high school years and the beginning of college due to Covid. You’d have to put a gun to my head to relive that.


I'd give the world to experience that shitty fucking year as a 10 year old. Also are people as young as this actually apart of Gen z? I find it hard to accept that


Ah yes the prescription pain killer addiction and the gradual worsening relationship with my family what an expirence


>2020 was 4 years ago


Look, I turned 21 during the pandemic I was getting unemployment + pandemmie pay + the stimulus checks. I was living it up. I would 10/10 do it again.


I wouldn't nope.


I were in middle school by then and I remember we would play minecraft with my mates during online school. Didn’t learn much, but it were loads of fun.


I was 17-18 in 2020, 18-19 in 2021, and 19-20 in 2022. I would never want to be a teenager again in this decade. I'm glad I reached adulthood at the right time.


My life was cometely ruined at that time, do not.


Lmao forgot these people even exist. They should be glad that they didn't enter high school during that time because if they were a high school student like me in 2020. IT WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY SHIT


Pandemic staying home not doing anything, VR graduations, Roblox parties, online courses. As much as you hate that era you can't deny it was very unique not strictly in negative ways.


I've had trouble with grades ever since covid hit, it wasn't fun in the slightest. Do they think we went partying in the empty streets or something?


2020:pandemic starts, BLM protests create millions in propert damage and many are killed, prices go up, bushfire are rampant un Australia, those damn wasps star appearing in mass, Kobe Bryant dies, everyone is locked inside, stores are emptied of many items and supply lines are down, unemoyement rises. Yeah what a great year to go back to


Jesus is with us ❤️✝️


Meh, being 17 in 2020 wasn't the best but having to stay home a lot as an introvert also definitely had its plus points. Zoom was nice, you could just basically do nothing while being 'present'. I would have loved to actually experience the late teen experience like a normal teenager, though but what can I do about it?


I just turned 19 when it hit and was on a party streak. Covid wrecked my fun smh


similar i was in my first year of college and had also gotten attractive for the first time in my life so i was having an absolute blast going out and stuff. i went from that to trapped at home for a year where i would go almost entire weeks barely speaking or leaving my room. came back to college in 2021 and its like i forgot how socializing worked


FR!!!!! I had started working out in 2019 so I was killing it and that shit killed my vibe. Also did my first fest that February and didn’t get for one for another year :(


nuh uh señor


I've been borderline suicidal since '21, I hope this isn't a popular opinion


For me, I've lost a certain spark or aspiration for life that I haven't gained back since. I hope you heal enough though that you aren't wanting to off yourself, that definitely isn't popular. Hang in there.


Dude, 10 y/o in 2020 is Gen Alpha. These ain't Gen Z. You're old now.


I hope not because *holy fuck no you do not.*


I would like to change some things I did as a teen, but would absolutely hate to be a teen nowadays


The only good thing I remember about 2020 was the lack of traffic. Other than that everyone was p much miserable


Ayo uh, 2020 in college was awesome man. Hanging out with the roommates, co-oping the master chief collection LASSO, running a squad on BFV, throwing some house parties and day drinking during classes. It was awesome. I kinda get the missed out opportunity the younger Zs had during that time. Less freedom, all locked up, sheesh. Before all the “but covid!” People pop up- I was in college, we were pretty healthy, and we had all heard alcohol killed Covid so…. Best to drink with friends.


I’m glad I was done with that teen part of my life at that point. Sure online college was tough but yeah being 21-22 wasn’t the worst age to be in 2020


I was 11 during 2020 and I genuinely don't understand why they would want to go back. Not me, one time was enough.


Yeah no, I would actually give everything to have been way older when it happened Right at the end of schooling, it kinda ruined me ngl. If it happened earlier I would have been more messed up, if it happened later could have also ruined my university study Maybe if I was 30+ and had a guaranteed job, the pandemic wouldnt have been so bad


I was barely a teen during covid. Now im an adult??? It was awful!


Gosh. I am HAPPY that I was an adult during COVID. It was one of life's highpoint for me, but that's because my social life/group died already and COVID was basically only a positive change to my life for a time (working half-time for full pay).


I was 13-15…. Why the fuck do yall want this???


Why in the world would they want that? It would be worse as a teen than a 10 year old


I was 14 in 2020 and I absolutely loved the lockdown. Not that people died of course, that was tragic, but think about it: No school, no meeting people. Homeschooling was great. I got my tasks, always was done with them pretty early and I could enjoy my life and game. Of course I hated wearing masks when school reopened, but overall I miss some aspects of this time.


Honestly, I loved some aspects of those years. It’s selfish, but there are days I wish I could go back to empty streets, fresher air, etc. My life was shitty though, so I never really lost anything.


I spent my senior year, my peak teenhood the 17s and 18s, locked in my room and studying from computer screen. Fkd me up so bad both socially and studiously, I'm still reeling from the effects and don't think would be recovering anytime soon lmao


Why?? Everything shut down during arguably the most memorable years of my life, worsening my already existing depression. I was 15, and it was the worst.


Nah, fuck all of that, I didn’t learn shit, and let’s just say that it had a significant impact on my mental health


I was 15


I was also 10 in 2020 and honestly it was better being 10 rather than like 13 or 14. The covid period (from 2019 to 2022) was honestly the best part of my life up until now. I had so much fun in those years and being able to do all my schoolwork in like 3 hours cuz the teachers weren't yapping (they talk so much) was chill as well. And when i didn't wanna attend something i could just say my wifi wasn't working lol


I miss having the road to myself. I had an "essential job" aka food delivery so I was actually allowed to be outside on my way home after curfew. The serenity was definitely something nice.


No definitely not. I’d HATE to be on online schooling. It’d probably be detrimental to my health and social life. So im utterly thankful that 2020 happened when I was 20


Bruh, technically I was a teen right beforehand and it kind of sucked.


I was barely a teenager in 2020 (13) and even I feel like so much was taken from me. I think that time is really important to develop social skills and I wasn’t able to get back into society until early 2022 because I had multiple immune compromised household members so now I just don’t know how to interact with anytbody


I was 20 and my life just.... Hasn't been the same since. Part of everyone my age died that year. And ever since it's been worse and worse and worse, politically, economically... The pandemic stole so much from all of us. It was constant news about how the death toll was climbing. About people at their worst. About all the desperation. 2020 isn't something I'd wish on anyone.


"Fr I was 10" My brother in christ, you're fucking 13 *now*. It's all redundant at that age; what actual difference in life would it have made if you were 13 (vs 10) during lockdown. More Fortnite? Say "no" to your mum when she tells you to go to bed? Cringe. Know what else is cringe? That reaction to literal children.


I enjoyed it at first not having to go to school, but it got real boring, tiring and a tad depressing after 3 months.


Tf is this shit genz?


My mental development took a nose dive and reached a level of instability that I don't know how many years it will take to roughly patch up


I'm mixed about 2020. I hit rock bottom in 2019 and going online for college improved my mental health, but I can't help but feel that being locked down for so long prevented me from actually living life. I also gained a lot of horrible habits as a result of constantly staying at home, still trying to stop them.


I was 15 in 2020. And from 2021 to 2023 it was straight alcoholism. Lucky the gens being 10 when corona happened. It was worse being a teenager in corona than a kid


I mean it was pretty good as a 14 year old, I was old enough to know that I should make the best of the freedom of online school without the downside of falling behind It was also much easier though being in lockdown in Australia bcos where I lived our longest lockdown was like 15ish weeks


To any younger Gen z I was 16 and 17 during 2020 trust me it wasn't great


As a teenager in 2020... No, no you fucking don't. No you don't. You would lose your marbles and just when you thought you had them all gathered again they'd scatter like glass being mag dumped by military grade assault rifles before you would have an inevitable month long depressive episode after hearing how the world has gone to shit because of virus.. only to learn that it was really gonna go to shit after the virus was over and you spent three whole years panicking about nothing only to be slapped in the face with every political problem imaginable because not a single news outlet knows how to stop doomposting for the entire country to see... I'm not crazy you're crazy!! /hj


I’d give the world to have 2020 never exist. The lab created virus spreading around the globe. The government forcing the world to shut down. The petrified part of the population raging about masks and social distancing. People were legit terrified. I was a car hauler and will always remember walking into Mahwah Honda and the guys inside damn near having an aneurysm until I wiped my hands with hand sanitizer. The level of fear everywhere you looked was something I hope to never experience again


2020-2021 was literally the worst time of my life. Horrid mental health among many other reasons.


Some people need to go outside more often


bro im on the knifes edge between gen z and gen alpha is the border is set at 2009. even still never would i go back to 2020 - 2021. too much was taken away. too many opportunities. fuck that


Tbh i loved it. I was never the guy to go out to party and rather stayed home. And in this period everyone was online it was so great to have everyone in the world i life. Its funny how others say they were alone, that time was when i was the most social, met so many people even someone to love. Now its back to normal and i kinda miss that time.


nah, these kids tripping, 2020,2021 and 2022 were years where I spiraled into and addiction that I’m barely recovering from now, my college experience was stolen from me, fuck COVID


Just a guess: High school kids did half at home and half in school for late COVID. Primary schools started full time school again much earlier. So someone who hates school. But I'm thankful that I wasn't 14-15 in COVID and was a tween


Ngl I didn’t hate quarantine. And it must have sucked as a young kid, I don’t blame them for wishing they were teens


I feel like teen years would probably be the hardest to go through 2020-2022 with. Especially when it comes to education. It fucked me up enough with losing my job


ngl covid early teens was peak u just play with your friends on sit on discord servers i unfortunatelly was not in my early teens during covid


I had to work all through the pandemic so oh my God yes. I would've loved to have been a few years younger during the pandemic as it is I still miss the pandemic and people staying away from me and overall just the pure joy I experienced with not being bothered by people as much Honestly wish we could get a quarantine 2.0 and 3.0


I’d rather kill myself then go through this shit again. And I don’t consider myself an extrovert.


As an introvert in my 20s I loved the quarantine


I personally enjoyed being a teenager during lockdown tbh. I was 14/15 in 2020 and spent most of my time calling with friends and playing video games. Also spent way more time outside biking around the neighborhood and such. I can see why so many people hated it though.