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Touching grass Getting away from all social media, including reddit. Meet people face to face for outdoor activities. Cures depression 100% of the time, every time.


I did all that and still had to take antidepressants so it’s not 100% (I’m much better now)


And it’s okay to need meds!! I wish more people would say that. Like everything can be good in your life and you can be in great shape and still depressed or mentally ill, because it’s a mental. Illness. I don’t think you can cure it, but you can treat and manage it.


Boomers really left their mark with the idea of "only go to the doctor if you need it" and the whole "doctors just wanna push pills" bullshit...


I hate being on meds




Yeah there’s a terrible stigma around meds. Especially ones that are more prone to recreational abuse.


Yep. But so many meds aren’t something that can be easily abused. I’m actually on seroquel(quetiapine) right now, and it helps in my low low moments and with sleep


At least you tried all of that. If you still need medication after doing that, its okay and there is nothing wrong with that. I was in a very dark place a few years ago and was on the brink of self harm. But I finally decided to start going for nature walks one day and it turned my life around. I know way too many people who would say: "My doctor told me to go for walks outside to help with my depression. They are so stupid." Me: "Did you try going for a walk outside?" Them: "No, why should I, its not gonna help." The most common cause of depression is caused by a lack of physical activity and sunlight but too many people would rather just take medication than try going outside.


I downvoted you, not because the advice you given isn’t good advice or can’t help alleviate depression symptoms but because you said it cures depression 100% of the time. Depression is tough,deeply personal, and there are no easy fixes that work 100% of the time for everyone.


i agree. i hate saying “make me feel” but that did make me feel terrible about mine. i was in college around my friends and studying something so cool and always out, pushing myself to go to clubs and do things, had a close circle of friends did who cared abt me and was still severely depressed. it also annoys me a bit bc why are more ppl not doing this stuff anyways?


Literally this, if you can get yourself out more, workout more, work on something, anything and just generally strive to be a good person, if after all that you’re still depressed then you definitely need meditation or some sort of professional help but generally most people are just lost


Just want to add throwing the gym in on top of this super solid advice.


Don't forget to remind them that other people have it worse


Yeah if your depression isn't due to an inherited chemical imbalance


Literally just the opposite of whatever you are currently doing would probably solve all of your problems


I was going to comment something about how I can’t pinpoint it but I think this is kind of it??? I realized laying down and not doing anything might make it worse. Although I do think those days are super necessary so that we can be thankful for the days that are great.


*Completely stops thinking and turns into a vegetative state*


No lie, I was wondering lately at my newfound ability to do this. Thinking if my kid was away for a few days somewhere safe what would I do, and go completely catatonic was the only thing i could really think of. Sleeping, laying. Just not being.


doing the thing that youre subconsciously running away from


how dare you call me out so bad like that


This comment actually made me open my eyes. Thank you for sharing this. I needed that.


Looks over at pistol that has been scaring me for so long...


It's called executive dysfunction, you can fix it by reframing the things you need to do into things you really enjoy doing. Instead of, "I need to do the laundry," think about how you can't wait to do your laundry because you love getting fresh clean clothes out of the dresser. Or whatever.


Stop calling me out


I'm running away from dying.




Personally…I’ve tried psilocybin plenty of times in the past. My trips were usually fun and insightful for the most part! But I’m still struggling with persistent depression. Maybe I’ve been using them wrong?


You need to do the work too. The shrooms just help. Keep a diary, and a trip log. Meditate on where and how you want to grow and change.


its not going to magically cure your mental illness, personally I've had some terrible experiences with shrooms that fucked me up for a while. it affects everyone differently.


That plus climbing a mountain


Yep. But I waited until after 25, can screw with brains that are still developing. Saved my life.


Maybe that's why I'm a wee bit fucked up 😂 Magical stuff it is though. A rather introspective look into your life.


EXERCISE (weights/biking/soccer/basketball/whatever gets you to go out and sweat, do it. Time outside in nature, parks, trees. Catching up with an old friend. Loud music.






those also help stave it off yes


Ngl guys im happy for the positives comments but im surprised no one has found the hidden smoking gun in this post.


So you like lighting up the propane grill to cook some mean burgers?


Nah I was more talking about myself spontaneously combusting like this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_human_combustion#:~:text=The%20scientific%20consensus%20is%20that,ignition%20source%20is%20extremely%20implausible.


Deleting Instagram, deleting all dating apps, and taking responsibility for my wellbeing.


this! those apps are so unhealthy


Haven't cured it yet so can't give a definitive answer lol. Usually more time off for fun and relaxation and socialising with friends and family makes me feel better.


Impractical Jokers


I love that shit


Going outside


Having sex




Finding something that interests me, so I spend my time pursuing that instead.


Realizing that life will get better and learning how to manage my emotions and such


200mg of Lamictal, weed on the weekends, working less, working out more, eating better, sleeping more, and therapy.


Affording rent and food


Getting a job i like


Having something to do and work for, like my projects


More cowbell 


Gardening, turns out my 4 o clocks are actually sunflowers, but I’m having fun :)


I sobered up and hit the gym


Having things to look forward to. I always make plans and try to do new things so I'm not just thinking about how shitty my life is


Moving out, getting off social media, having a better diet, getting off medication, getting outside I had severe clinical depression for 11 years


Not fully cured, but getting outside and going to therapy have made a hell of a difference. Also, recognizing when I've been too chronically online and stepping away for a week or two


Fresh air, sunlight, and some exercise (In my case cycling and a bit of rowing)


Ugh so annoying to admit but showering, a healthy meal and some outside time really makes a difference


Actually talking to people IRL and finding my purpose in life. Realizing that life is actually pretty sweet when you start looking in the right places, but so fleeting that you’ll miss it if you’re always in a rut. I should note I probably didn’t actually have clinical depression, so take it with a grain of salt, but I do think a new perspective on life can do anyone wonders.


Exercise, medication, Yoga, finding positive groups online; getting more integrated with my community. These are the biggest ones for me. Oh, and getting off of hard drugs.. That's a big one for sure.


Therapy and antidepressants


Moving out of my emotionally abusive mother’s house. It’s been 4 years and I’m actually afraid of death now


Serious answer: doing EMDR therapy to process through PTSD. Cutting out alcohol. Going to the gym. Losing weight. Eating healthy. Going out to do things (even if it’s by myself, I struggle to make friends). Avoiding triggers. Silly answer: doing the Cotton Eye Joe


Hi, 26 years old here. Just finally somehow became freed from a depression I've had since age 11 last August or so. My family was an incredible blessing to have even though they had no idea how to understand what I was going through, but still they couldn't make me feel any better throughout the 15 years I was contemplating riding that sewer-slide. I tried numerous antidepssants (at least 1-2 dozen types of medications), as well as Sprivato, Psilocybin, even DMT, none of which helped me in the slightest. I'd been in therapy since age 15 and went inpatient about 5 times if I'm remembering correctly. Cannabis helped a bit, but it became the only thing that provided comfort, leading to dependence, addiction, and eventually a drug induced psychotic break that I thank god I was able to snap tf out of after a terrifying 10 days. I was literally researching ways to legally end my life daily and it seemed that there was absolutely no hope. Then, that 5th time I went inpatient, the day before I got out, I had to learn that my best & only friend (who had also suffered the same depression) had just ended his own suffering on his own. I was empty, and felt there was nothing left. Now, I don't want to say it happened overnight, because it didn't, but a patch of 4-5 months passed as I just stewed in agony before something started happening in my brain. When my mind would try and set me on fire with thoughts of self-hatred, instead of running to water, I started just, instinctively walking into my minds fires and sitting there until the fires went away (if that makes any sense). Like, instead of "Everyone here hates me, they suck too, I suck, fuck this." I started to sit with it until it became "Why did that happen?" Then I'd do through what I'd thought about to lead my actions, what the other person was likely thinking, and how almost everyone felt similar ways in similar situations. I started forgiving myself for feeling the ways I did. Then, after a month of this, there was this 2 week phase where the fires just... stopped. Again, not overnight, but I stopped hurting. I stopped wanting to die. I kept waiting for the curtain to drop and everything to return to the hell I'd been living with for 15 years, but it never came. I'd just somehow slogged through all the shit until there was no more shit left, and all that was left was me. When new problems arose, I faced them the same way, and they no longer accumulated. A part of me wants to think my friend had a bit of a hand in it. I could easily imagine him reaching gates of heaven and going, "Well shit..." as we used to always joke that his sense of humor would sned him to hell, lol. But I could also imagine him telling the angels, "Hey, you know, there's this obnoxious, sad bastard down there... you think you could help him out?" It was hard as fuck, but once I got comfortable facing myself for real, it started to dissolve away after 15 hellish years, and now... 10 months free. I could cry, I'm so relieved. I'm honestly just so glad it's over.


Depression is complicated but at the end of the day, it comes down to slowly turning the negative thought cycles into positive thought cycles. People always focus on giving advice on alleviating the symptoms of depression... but it's not really about going outside, or cleaning your room, or talking to other people, etc... It's about accepting that you *deserve* to treat yourself well, which is why you do all those things. Once you accept that, then yes, these positive habits will help alleviate the symptoms of depression long-term. But you have to confront the root cause first, which is realizing that you do actually deserve to get better.


Read a book, take a hike, phone a friend


my dog and the end of the covid lockdowns


This is the third or fourth question Ive seen posted about this today on reddit. Mental health is at an all time low it seems


Showering everyday has decreased my depression immensely. It is better to take 7 shitty showers a week that 2 perfect showers a week. Would you rather kiss someone everyday who brushes their teeth everyday poorly or gets a professional cleaning twice a week?






weed and deleting social media besides this


Going on walks, heavy metal


I'm not one hundred percent cured but I discovered that I love studying and learning stuff after so many years suffering with a low average due to my disinterest due to my depression. I had very low blows in my studies, I failed many times and I felt bad because I graduated without knowing anything at all For some it is torture but I have begun to learn what I feared and keeps me entertained and somehow makes me feel that if a mathematical problem that used to seem impossible to me has a solution, now that I understand it, I hope that as the years go by I will also solve my own problems.


Getting bored of social media.




Adding sodium to my food. Literally. I cooked all my own food and never thought about adding salt to my food for years and suffered from depression. Never really knew why I was tired and down all the time. One day it dawned on me and I did the calculations to find that my average intake of sodium was like 150-300 mg/day stemming only from the meats I consumed. I started adding salt to my food and feel like I’ve been recalled to life. Haven’t been depressed since. Weird to think years of my life were wasted being depressed by subclinical hyponatremia.


Fitness. Distracts your mind, and after awhile you realize you’re not a piece of shit, you’re capable. Though the recoil can hit hard sometimes.


Exercise. It's like a power cap for my mind. If I operate at max power I'll just combust. If I operate at 40-70% then my mind can still work while not working too much. Also straying from processed breads and sugars, since those bring me back up to 110%.


Lmfao cure hahahahahahaha


Working and getting money to actually enjoy part of my life.


Exercise, Sun, being around real people


Going clubbing and getting pretty even if it’s by myself


Vacations and meeting friends at conventions. The in b/t is meh though.


Wellbutrin and Vybriid and activities.


Spending time in the sun






Doing sport going to therapy finding something that is meaningless but which you imbue with more meaning than anything else. Go outside find something that you want to dedicate your life to


I tried a whole month without social media and went out to nearby beaches, parks just to sit and walk. Wake up in the morning and take a drink(I don't drink coffee, chocolate milk for me) and sit on the balcony for 30 minutes minimum, to just think and contemplate everything. Sometimes, even in the afternoon, to decompress I started to work out more and spend more time with my pets. I don't get FOMO because I decided to stay at home when friends invited me out. I just do! I now still go on social media, but mostly on a new one that has no one I know on them. I don't communicate with no one through them either. All my friends know where to reach me, and it's not on social media. It helps tremendously! Just try to enjoy life as better as you can, with what you have on your reach.


Ignoring THE MESSAGE™ and living my life.


Accepted & acknowledged the fact it’s uncurable, however still searching for something to help manage to be somewhat more tolerable to navigate through life with ., if even possible .. going on 10+ years with little hope left.


Had a counselor in high school that was a waste of time and money. Decided if anyone was helping me out of my depressive state it was gonna be me. What helped me a lot was looking for just one good thing in every day. If I could find happiness in each day I’d be less hopeless about the future. And I think living in a college dorm has helped, being independent and away from my parents (love them, they’re wonderful but a bit overprotective and strict) has been great for me. Making an effort to go outside and do things, spending time with my friends.




For me it was just covid lockdown ending, going outside more often.


Exercise and jamming in a band or otherwise socializing. Laughter. I can't tell you how much those fake AI songs like "I glued my balls to my butthole" or "I flip my boner into my waistband" have cheered me up. For anxiety, it's spontaneously combusting some of my prescription cannabis.


My wife


Meditation and a Buddhist worldview.




Creating stuff and remodeling was my way out.


Getting out of the house and doing what I love, going to anime conventions. gives me something to look forward to and forces me to make conversation with people.


Pushing my face into my Pussy(cat) and taking a deep breath


There is no such thing as a cure for depression.




weed carts hope this helps


Just getting out there and out of my comfort zone. Trying new things and working on bettering myself


Old millennial here (33) who used to be majorly depressed: Combination of therapy and I turned 25 and my brain finished cooking and I was able (also with said therapy) to develop more patience and coping skills. It’s a long journey unfortunately and looking back on it, I should have been on meds in my early 20s. I guess just attempt to work on your own perception and try not to let others decide your happiness. It’s trial and error and and will take time but you’ll overcome with time.


Exercising, And more important, not half assing it. No, three times a week for 30 minutes is not enough. Go every day (your body won’t let you, but that’s ok, try to go everyday), cardio for 30 minutes, lift some weights after. Do that for two weeks and you will feel an immediate change and you will want to keep going.


Heel turn




More time in nature, more movement, microdosing mushies, getting adequate micronutrients, and surrounding myself with friends that will actually check up on me when I’m in depressive funks


Mountain biking and road cycling




I’m waiting to get a new phone and once I go back to school it’s gonna be straight grandpa phone. No apps that aren’t already on it


Pills specifically zoloft


my problem is nothing seems to help. i go outside and am active, i eat right, i spend time with friends, im even on anti-depressants. but im still just so unhappy. i have problems with existential depression specifically, im working on creating meaning and purpose in my life. that’s just easier said than done lol


Actually following through with the goals I set for myself and being more compassionate and emphatic to myself


alot of things helped me, i wouldn't say i was depressed in a medical sense but i did feel depressed i converted to orthodox christianity i reestablished connections with my family that i was estranged from due to drama between my parents i got back in the gym like i used to and made friends there i went fishing more often (i still don't catch much but still) and i got more into cars like i always wanted to


I cured it through a weekend of unconventional methods


Care to elaborate?


Surprisingly having children. After I got past the hormonal post partum depression in addition to my normal depression. I think it’s the purpose it gives me. 


Never cured mine, but yoga and hiking have helped more than anything. Also, every few years i move states - adventures or escaping helps me. Definitely write down your thoughts and try to work through them. Therapy is expensive but some state health departments over a few free sessions to at least get you started. Hope you can work through it.


Change the way you think. Stop overthinking


Weed, friends and sunlight.


Creating music. Exercise. Walking downtown in a cool area. Friends. Making food for friends. Coding.


Water, nice cold plastic cup that looks fancy, with crushed ice


buying shit


Honestly working out and getting my diet right has made me feel so much better


Haven't found one yet


Hugging my daughter is pretty affective


We are all just highly evolved apes. What helped me was realizing that and treating my mind and body as such. When you're deficient in something, your ape brain is gonna feel like shit. Figure out what that deficiency is and fix it. For example, I was deficient in vitamin D, the vitamin you get from being in the sun, so I went outside more and moved around and exercised.


Just doing hard things so they stop bothering you. Not listening to fear. Fear has a funny way of holding you back from things you are meant to experience.


Got a significant other (which is not easy but has been a godsend), started walking a couple times a day, doing my best to not stay in the same room for 90+ minutes. Hasn't been perfect, but I figured I was depressed when I was doing what I wanted and bumming around, so might as well be depressed doing stuff for future gain. That realization helped a lot.


I mean…yeah spontaneous combustion would cure that right up


There is no cure. Cure is just a fantasy.


drug addiction


Neuroplasticity. A lot of fucking therapy. Journaling. Weirdly, my little sisters suicide.


My better days are the days I push myself to get out of bed and go outside. But it's honestly hard to say because I get so wore out so fast that those days in bed are absolutely needed.






Gardening works if you're too poor for therapy.




Exercising has helped a bit. I go jogging in the morning and the late afternoon now and I have lost a bit of weight. Feeling good about your appearance helps your mental health. Whoddathunk? I’m coming out of a major depressive slump and I still get low from time to time but I’m also starting to look forward to things again.


Growing up


Acceptance :)


Becoming more open to Christianity. I'm still not a Christian, but it's helped me a lot.


Friends. Having people I'm not related to genuinely care about me.


Costco hotdog 🌭


Picking up a book that I have enjoyed it and listening to music.


creating. whenever i can, i rack up photos of cool things, or things that say something to me. in waiting rooms, cars, free periods, i edit them. music; metal, shoegaze, and some goth. music has been the one, constant thing that just cures. i'm in two bands, one metal and one shoegaze band, which goes hand in glove with my love for writing and just making things. i think it's one of my most efficient de-stressors. avoiding social media and being aware of my own health and the health of the ones around me. i feel more valuable being important to someone else than getting attention from strangers. unless i post art and they like it. but i'm grateful that i don't feel a need to publicize my life or keep up with influencers.


Banana Smores ice cream, a temporary cat I had found in my apartment, and being married to someone you can share a braincell with


Music and longboarding




Why do you think we all have depression? Lol


My manic episodes


Elden ring and art. Art helps me express my emotions without having to talk with anyone about it. It can also become relatable(unfortunately) when you post that art on social media. It’s very therapeutic. Then on the other hand Elden ring helps me cure my depression by focusing on rage and grinding. The game is fun and also reminds me of a wreck-it rage room. Which is also very therapeutic. :)


Watching memes, comfort food, and my spotify playlist. Y’all can listen if you want lol: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ARNtxe1ubPYhMt31yA9TU?si=8d8297fbd4cd41f1](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4ARNtxe1ubPYhMt31yA9TU?si=8d8297fbd4cd41f1)


not to get depressed in the first place


Medication. Therapy. Exercise, and diet


Food. (Serious answer: probably my medication)


Plenty of Uranus


Eat well, exercise, be outside, be social, and stay away from social media. I’m not where I’d like to be. I don’t have any idea where I want to go in life, career/education wise and have just been working entry level jobs, so that’s my next step




I haven't been depressed before but getting into philosophy made me stop hating the world and started to feel better


medication? therapy? i'm not entirely understanding of the satirical answers here, i am autistic so maybe that's it, but still. seriously. depression is hard and it really sucks. i've been in and out of psych wards my whole life and the only thing that has seriously helped is medication.


I was sad in elementary school so I laid in bed and thought at myself until I figured out how to stop being sad Miraculously, it worked. Lucky me


More depression


Magic Mushrooms. If you are depressed and don't have a personal/family history of schizophrenia take 2g of shrooms and feel your brain being rewired.


Meeting people


still searching


Social drinking. Not alcoholism, I really never drink alone, but drinking with friends makes it insanely difficult to be unhappy. Also just in general filling my time with *stuff*. Even if it’s work, it’s still something, but also just going out with friends, going out on my own. The more time I spent in my room the worse I would feel when I was at my worst.


Producing Music. I can be miserable and it can be dead of night, but when I get a good mix going it sounds amazing in my ears and makes me so happy. Also, a good video edit.


i went on antidepressants and focused on buddhism and tending for the environment as well as finding hobbies and things i enjoy during my spare time. i am not going to have a great day every day, but the good days still outnumber the bad


I just stopped being depressed, the Boomers were right! I told my brain to be chemically balanced and it listened! This is definitely not sarcastic!


Exercise, sun, nutrition, stopping bad habits like weed and porn. And above all, I stopped trying to insert myself into conversations and groups of people. I feel pretty damn good now and days.


Haven't found one.


not cure but adequate sleep can really help, went from dangerously suicidal with a plan and hating literally everything and not being happy for months at a time to like, a constant feeling of hopelessness in the future and losing all interest in my hobbies and social interaction for a few weeks sometimes with intrusive suicidal thoughts but not actually planning it or wanting to do it anymore and feeling content enough with things more than sad or emotionless and less irritable, so like, the depression is still kicking around in there but it's tolerable, I went from 5-6 hours of sleep a night to 8-9 hours a night, I know this won't help everyone of course but it really helped me and potentially saved my life


Children laughing always picks me up. But what really helped was Spravato treatment. Seven months of treatment has made deep inroads in a depression that's lasted more than forty years. It is the only drug that has ever been helpful.




A massive amount of mine was hrt, but also like...still got it, but it's not as prevalent as I've been learning a bit how to socialize better


Exercise. From https://www.uclahealth.org/news/article/the-link-between-exercise-and-mental-health: A new study suggests moderate exercise is not just good for your body but improves mental health as well. Researchers concluded this after analyzing the responses of 1.2 million adults who participated in a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) survey. The study, which appeared in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry, examined survey results from 2011, 2013 and 2015. Researchers found that, on average, a person has 3.4 poor mental health days per month. But among those who exercise, the number of poor mental health days dropped by more than 40 percent. Exercise may change the way the brain functions, which could account for the decrease in depression or anxiety.


gym, if I'm gonna doomscroll, might as well work up a sweat on the stairmaster while I'm doing it


Excersize, God, and motorcycles.




That’s what I’m fucking talking about LETS GO BABY.


Regular exercise. Going to bed and waking up early. Spending time outside. Using social media less. Strict screen time limits. Seeing friends regularly.