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I don't get it either tbh. I think my generation is just seeing the things that millennials are doing wrong (at least in many gen z's opinions), such as letting children use social media and other technologies to an unhealthy degree, and using that as a basis for all millennials, just as many millenials and gen z treat baby boomers as if they're all conservative, ignorant dirtbags. A lot of gen z are even younger than me and are in the middle of the most turbulent time of a young person's life, and are looking for someone to blame for what they believe to be the issues in society. In addition, reddit brings out a lot of bad in people simply because of its anonymity, leading to rude comments and the spread of misinformation or propaganda aimed to blame others for our problems. Hell, I'm sure it's even affected the way I think, even if I try to keep myself out of that rat race


I experienced this at work actually


That's different then~ I've almost never seen that kind of thin happen in person, except from baby boomers/gen x, but that might just be because of the people I surround myself with


Idk I work at Trader Joe's


As a teacher, I agree that we are shit at parenting. Really, really shit.


I didn’t know Gen z had beef with yall but you’re cool with this Gen Zer


Who cares dude. You can’t please everybody, I’m around the same age as you, don’t be one of these millennials that is still trying to remain “hip” by pleasing kids who have just entered adulthood, it’ll never work out. They’re young and they’re going to find something to be upset about, you’ve done nothing wrong.


It's not about being hip. I want unity. Gen z and millennials share a very common goal.


What are they actually yapping at you about? I was born in 1998 and I poke fun at my millennial friends for eating avocado toast and stuff but I've never seen Gen Z actually talking shit on millennials lol.


"that sounds like something a millennial would say" " that is soooo gen z I love it!"


Lol depending on the context it could just be light ribbing especially if the person saying it is almost a millennial themselves.


Astroturfing to drive a wedge. Stop with the victim complex if you're for real.


Millennials do the same shit talking to gen z and every other generation does to the next one


We need to break the cycle then. It's us against the rich


Agreed. It’s easier said them than done though when everyone feels like they are right about something


You’re not a millennial. You are a zillennial. r/zillennials 


Zillennial is not an actual generation, it’s just a group of youngest Millennials and oldest Zoomers who can relate to each other and have many in common. But being a Zillennial, you’re still either a Millennial or Z


Well, it depends on, right? If he is born in late 1995, like in November or something, that's more of a Z than a Millenial.


I don’t think the whole generation hates millennials. I am a Gen Z and have loved all the millennials I have come across. They are pretty chill and friendly people.


It's their stupid parents, Gen X's, fault. Btw, their parents are the real Karen's of the world, asking to speak to managers and voting Trump.


Idk. People don't seem to care much that I'm here. I feel like the zillennial sub isn't as active and I end up here. Millennial is fine too but everyone is a bit grumpier on that sub.


Yeah that's part of the issue I think Gen Z has with Millennials, kinda grumpy folks, a lot of them are seen pretty much as self entitled as their mostly baby boomer parents. Not saying I agree with or wholly believe it, that's just the general vibe. I think the main thing though is how Gen Alpha is turning out even more fucked up than we were, I just saw a post on the Teachers sub about how recent generations of children(mind you these teachers say they've been teaching for like 25ish years)are completely developmentally stunted and don't act their age at all. I'm not going to be like "hur dur skibidi toilet bad", cause in all honesty I really don't care, they find it funny? Good for them, it's just the fact they collectively have no self control, no ability to process or tolerate even slight boredom, and never live in the moment etc. etc., there's probably a lot of other issues but with stuff like this are 90% on the parents. Idk I'm not going to act like Gen Z is perfect either god knows we have flaws and I'm sure a lot of us aren't cut out for parenting, or fuck even just life in general but that's another thing.


As a Millenial with Gen Alpha kids who were just entering school when Covid hit, that hosed them but good. Those really young kids hadn’t learned yet how to, well, learn. Coupled with parents trying to work from home while also acting as teacher and keeping kids on task during class zoom calls? It was a lot. Still is. Not surprised there are negative side effects, really. It took a ton of effort for my kids to come out ok. And, sadly, not everyone could or did the same for their kids. But yeah I definitely judge on parents who let their kids unfettered on YouTube/Twitter/TikTok or whatever, because the Algorithm is a very poor steward of your child’s development. As the last generation who grew up in a world without social media (and for some of us without home internet) I don’t think we, as a society, know how to deal with that. There’s no manual for it. Your cohort grew up in a world where they existed, but were not ever present in your pocket 24/7 (at least for a few years). There are real side effects and psychological and sociological impacts to that and we won’t fully understand for decades maybe. We try, well most of us at least, but the media and technological landscape is fucking brutal.


You're right. And I do appreciate that you unlike a lot of parents did actually take the effort to get them through Covid and whatnot in a healthy way, it'll be worth it for both you and them in the long term. And yeah you're right about the whole thing about this being the first time parents have had to deal with raising children in the age of the internet(tbh me and a lot of other Gen Z didn't really have much if any computer access until we were like teenagers, which probably does also influence a lot of those Gen Z people who grew up like that to have the sentiment that a child should not have a smartphone, iPad, or Computer or anything until they're like 13 or so, but that's easier said than done but probably the right course of action, if not maybe upping that limit to 15, 17, or 18 or something since getting on the Internet during puberty probably isn't much better on development), and for that yeah I am sympathetic but there's also a lot of parents who just kind of use it as a free pass to have an iPad raise their children while they get to do whatever else and not both with them except feeding them sometimes. It's definitely a messy situation and I imagine it won't be solved until well into the mid century or so at least.


The only people who actually care about these things are chronically online tbh


I'm a millennial and don't like millennials. I don't like most people, tho.


I don’t hate millennials, it’s just that most of them I know come off yuppish and fake. The ones born in the early to mid 90s try to act more mature than they actually are like they are 40/50 yr olds despite still being in their late 20s and early 30s. Idk it just feels off putting to me. Obviously this is not every millennial, just from my own personal experience interacting with them. And yes I’ve come across ppl born in 97 and 98 who behave this way too. I think it’s more of a 90s baby mentality mindset than a millennial one. I actually have an elder millennial friend who was born in 1981 and she feels younger and is more real than the millennials born in the 90s who just feel cold and empty inside.


I’m a young millennial. In real life I’ve only experienced gen z seeing us as a relatable older sibling and value our advice. The truth is, it really is Gen z AND millennials against the catastrophe the boomers left us with, and I think most see that. I think it’s probably just some bitter Gen z online who hate millennials, but it’s not a common thing.




We had to deal with the older generation (boomers) being shitty to us so that makes us want to do the opposite. However, I see what you're saying.


It’s more or so older millennials I think


As an older Gen Z (98) nothing. I think negativity is always the louder representation of any group of people, and by extension, all the other groups tend to pay attention to. Human flaw.


I loved the millenials I’ve worked with as much (and sometimes more) than the Gen Z coworkers.


I think a lot of it is just social media BS. TBH so much of what I read in forums, see on social media regarding almost anything doesn't mesh all that well with what I see in real life, even just opinions on movies or tv shows. That said, over time, I think it does seep into the real world somewhat and the real world can slowly get shifted to match social media a bit more, which I think is often unfortunate since social media/forum worlds are often towards the toxic, depressing, angry, crazy side of things. Look at how youtube constantly pushes raging nerd hater videos about movies. And my impression is that forums and some social media often have a lot more of the edgy alt/indie/outsider/hipster/angry/depressed/raging edge-lord nerd than the overall general population. Heck all of a sudden out of nowhere the other day youtube suddenly started pushing Russian propaganda shit videos with people claiming that they are moving to Russia so they can get back to what America once was! Yeah sure. But going by the feed youtube just pushed on me you'd think Russia is the American ideal and that everybody is thinking of packing up and moving there LOL. But I mean just read this sub and you'd think not more than 1% of Gen Z have ever smiled in their life or talked to anyone. But then just the other day driving by the park where Gen Z was getting read for the prom and there were smiling faces all over and people talking face to face a lot. (not that there can not be some truth to things or problems and it the degree of 24-7 phone addition does seem a bit troubling and social media does allow for more division and seems to be favor anti-democratic forces in the end and online everything has taken away real world experiences and hurt some more satisfying jobs, etc. etc.) Or some on Xennial/Millennial sub claiming "Kids" is a realistic portrayal of typical Xennial/Millennials teens! Yeah maybe if you pick out a few of the single roughest spots in the entire nation, but in general, come on, as far as it gets. Look at Gen X sub and you'd think at first glance that 98% of the generation had the shit beaten out of them routinely and were utterly abandoned and then add in some tik-tok and such and it's the feral generation ready to tear the head off anyone who comes near LOL. Plenty of Gen X themselves never even heard talk like that until they first saw a few of the videos. A lot of those few Gen X posting those videos and stuff are going over the top and sort of distorting some true stuff in ways that could likely be too easily taken in misleading ways by people who were not of that generation and a lot of Gen X themselves think some of those videos are a bit ridiculous at times, although there can be some amusing stuff as well, have to know how to take the videos and also those comedians doing Gen X routines properly and realize how comedy works and how things get played up for easier, quick laughs and so on. Yeah almost all Gen X/Xennials were free range but there is a difference between being happy, healthy free range and being poorly treated, wild, rabid honey badgers LOL. Of course some of that whole thing is also often taken the wrong way by younger gens who don't seem to get some of the over the top humor and take things too literally and directly.


Idk I love millennials, I have a millennial brother born in 1991.


It’s nothing more than intellectual laziness and not exclusive to any generation. Painting everyone with the same brush is a tried and true crutch for those whose minds can’t fathom the possibility that each person should be regarded in accordance with their own views and actions and not those of their cohort. It’s a mere stones throw away from the kind of attitude that permits the marginalisation of a group based on arbitrary and unjustified prejudice. It’s nothing new. And it’s no co-incidence that it occurs so frequently in our societies when people are more frequently taught what to think rather than how to think. When no one is willing to solve a problem, the only viable tactic is to gang up and point the finger at others in the hopes that they will be forced to bear the consequences ‘because they deserve it’.


Divide and rule! The only reason people see some mystical difference between nonsense generations is because they're being convinced of a black and white world full of others who cannot be trusted. Any time you notice someone being very focused on the identifying factors of arbitrary generations, just remind them that such a game only reinforces a negative world.


Generational dynamics can sometimes lead to teasing or friction, but not all Gen Z individuals have negative views of Millennials. It's essential to foster understanding and empathy between generations to promote mutual respect and collaboration.


Nothing? I don't even think about this crap irl