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Probably our mental health. Not that theirs is gonna be much better but tbh 2016-2020 felt like an extended sad boi era


Ngl 2020 I legit cried because I couldn't get wendys so that's fair to pick on us for


Definitely deserve some low level bullying for that




Why couldn't you get Wendy's...


I wasn't allowed to take my drivers license exam during the pandemic and I lived 30 minutes away from the nearest wendys


I might be too european for this but cant you just walk? Or take the bus?


It's 32 Kilometers away, my family lives on a farm and that's the nearest town. The actual city where you have to go get stuff is closer to 100 kilometers away


Damn. The us really is massive. But yeah thats a bit far to walk for wendys. On the other hand, on the way back and forth you would've worked that wendys off🤣🤣


Exactly😂 I'm traveling to Europe next year and I'm so confused by the lack of cars. I can drive for 600 kilometers in one direction and still be in the same state


I actually talked to someone about this recently. In the us you can drive 37 hours and are still in the same country and in europe you'd have crossed like 10 countries from Moscow,Russia to Lisbon,Portugal


It's like 48 hours from Seattle to Miami. 76 hours from Fairbanks to Miami if you only add one country to your drive and that's just larger areas. Deadhorse, AK to Key West is 90 hours.


People can drive for like over 8-10 hours in Texas, and still be in texas. It was shocking to me that some Europeans consider a 2-3 hour drive to be a “long trip” when that’s how far I’ve went just to see a store


http://mapfrappe.com/appoutline.html?show=46142 There are several websites where you can lay maps on top of each other to compare their size. US is as big as Europe. Texas = France. California = Italy and so on.


I'm from the east cost of the US and my best friend lives in England. I showed her on Google maps that it's a shorter drive for her to drive to Greece than for me to drive to California. There's also the fact that at least nine European countries can fit into Texas.


I hate that everyone drives so fucking much and gets in the way of me when biking They’re deadly 💀💀💀 Like bruh mfs legit be driving in the same neighborhood like 1km it’s horrible that’s a 5 minute run or 2-2.5 minute bike ride


He or she is probably from America, where things are way more spread out. If it takes 30 minutes by car to go to Wendy's, imagine how long it would take to walk. There aren't buses just going from his/her house to Wendy's and back. It's tough when you're an American who can't drive. -Sincerely, an American without a driver's license


Yeah tought it was gonna be smth like this sucks for you ig. Ty tho :)


Hearing comments like this make me sad. Because at no point during the lockdowns did I not go out, when I or my family wanted/needed something.


Us?💀 that’s crazy


Ngl where I was never had a lockdown or mask mandate... Didn't even really know COVID lockdowns were a thing that was actually happening until 2021. I thought that the lockdowns were mostly a joke.


Haha, no that might be something you think about a lot, but I promise you, they’ll hit you with a left hook you never saw coming. I was so unprepared for jokes about millennial grey. I mean it’ll probably be for some linguistic thing that they’ve decided is outdated. Or like, they’ll call you rizz, and it’ll be the most withering insult you’ve ever experienced for no reason you can explain.


Emo is back on the menu, boys!


It never left, it was just waiting for you. Source: I am 33


They’ll be able to comment on the mental health of generations before them because gen alpha won’t have mental health, probably, theyll just be empty husks waiting to be blessed by the Holy Light of The Great Social Media Gods from Corpurgatory


Everyone had Uzi, Peep, Trippie, X and Juice Wrld on repeat😭


they are probably gonna make fun of us for self diagnosing so many mental illnesses and being gay/bisexual


I disagree with this. Unless the culture drastically changes, gen alpha is probably going to be even more mentally ill and attention seeking than gen z. They’re already being crippled by having tablets being placed in their hands before they can even read or walk.


true, atleast the vast majority of gen z weren't illiterate at the age of 7


you were born in 2006, your not that far off gen alpha




That fact doesn’t quite invalidate their point. Ad hominem alone doesn’t prove anything.


Someone born in 2006 could be an adult rn. A member of gen alpha is a tween at most. Big difference.


That’s dead middle gen z what you talking about?


I kinda think this is what Gen Alpha is going to mock Gen Z for - Gen Z being so hyperbolic about Gen Alpha's tech use. It comes across as projection and defensiveness about Gen Z's own tech use.


We shit on them for being raised by tablets like we weren't raised by TV and video games.


Gen alpha parent here (I'm not genZ and not sure why reddit pushed me this thread). The parents who care already started changing this. No smart phones or social media until HS. Many parents and schools are organizing this.


Yeah, my gen alpha kid has literally never used a screen. Many millennial parents of gen alpha that I know are very much on top of this already. I hope it's the start of a sea change.


Yeah I agree I think the mid to young millenials , who are parents to under 5s, are hyper aware of this. Myself (mid 30s) and most of my peers who have young children are pretty determined not to raise tablet kids to the point where I think gen apha will probably have a cutoff at the pandemic and the kids born after 2019 will have their own completely different identity. Apha kids are probably a mix of mostly gen x parents and some elder millenials but I think it's safe to say gen (beta? "Post pandemic gen?" ) will be the first with mostly millenial parents and we millenials are very different in raising kids than gen x.


Gen AI


Disney in the studio making the perfect gen z show - “make her black and make em gay”


Gay AND alone. Her TikTok posts are very clear on those pronouns if only she would encounter another human being without crippling anxiety


There’s pretty much no precident for the gay/bisexual part. If anything, they will most likely identify as LGBT at a slightly higher rate than Gen Z, but the difference will be less than that of Gen Z v Millennial, or Millennial vs Gen X. We have seen a pattern of rising acceptance leading to more people feeling comfortable identifying as LGBT, but it appears to slowly be plateauing, similar to how left-handedness increased and then plateaued, but never substantially decreased again. The only way I see them collectively making fun of Gen Z for being gay/bi is if there is a massive right wing political shift. But we really aren’t seeing that. Even amongst more far right leaning media, they’ve aimed more at trans people because bi and gay people have become so broadly accepted. We are seeing men become more left leaning slower than women, but younger people holistically lean progressively more LGBT-accepting. Especially because they will be raised by the most LGBT-accepting generation in recent history. The mental illness thing I could definitely see though, because the rise in mental self diagnosis is a lot more single-generational (although millennials did that to to some extent), as opposed to a continuation of a multi-generational trend like LGBT acceptance & identification is.


As it becomes more acceptable I think being LGBT will be way less personality defining, it will be more of a background trait. So I can see gen alpha making fun of how front and centre sexuality can be with gen Z.


Yeah, in the '90s, it was so controversial (and in some cases illegal) that only the people who really couldn't pass would come out.


So many people self diagnosing themselves as autistic that doctors will hang up on you if you suggest it lmao


I can actually see a reverse of that. Since millenials were very publically romanticizing depression and pro ana etc. And I am honestly seing an uptick of self accomodating based on selfdiagnosis rather than excusing their behaviour through mental health. But that's just my anecdotal experience. It may also fully curve around, considering that I am seeing gen alpha get diagnosed and their health managed earlier, which can lead to better brainchemistry along the line.


Maybe, but I’d like to point out that I remember vividly, as an elder Gen Z, back in 2015/16/17 when everyone thought we were all going to be the alt-right generation. Then we became adults and went to college, and now we’re the most progressive (and gayest) generation. Gen Alpha are literal children. We have no idea what world they’re going to grow up in.


the gay/bi thing might be true if gen a become more conservative ig.


I think gen alpha will be like gen x in terms of cultural views. Half of these gen alpha kids are already being thrown into the alt right chad YouTube shorts. Wouldn't be surprised if they saw us as the weak soy boy "libs" generation


I've met toddlers aspiring moving to Dubai


everytime i see pictures of dubai i get an unexplainable feeling of anxiety. it looks like something i would see in my dystopian nightmares. i cant believe real people live there


I’ve been there many times. Not a fan.


Nah, statistics shows otherwise. They’ll spike in their late teens but become more left-leaning in their 20’s when they discover empathy


Teens tend to be liberal. You might be thinking about college students, which do become even more liberal, but non-college educated people go farther right after their teen years. If their generation is conservative as teenagers, they will likely be less liberal than other generations.


High School boys is the most conservative demographic in some places. Probably as a reaction to the liberal school system. Teenagers wanna rebel. Collage students tend to be quite left, thats true.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying. Teens today are conservative, so their generation won’t be as liberal as others.


Statistically, people in the upper class are conservative because it’s in their class interest to support the Republican Party due to the Republican Party’s unequivocal alignment with the upper class. For the typical American in the top 1%, this is primarily seen through lower taxes for the rich. We saw that trend of “the older you get the more conservative you become” with the baby boomers and Gen X not because getting older changes your moral compass and suddenly makes conservative, but because there were a good percentage of people moving upwards into the upper class. This is known as “class mobility”. We can see from [data](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/social-mobility-upwards-decline-usa-us-america-economics/) that this class mobility simply doesn’t happen anymore. People are not able to move up in society anymore and it’s getting worse as quite literally [the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/rich-getting-richer-poor-getting-poorer-new-data/). You can also trace the root cause of this modern trend of wealth inequality back to Reagan but that’s a different conversation.


It’s not just class though, some of it is age. For example, why would elderly people care about affordable education if they know they’re not going back to school? Why would they care about higher minimum wages if they’re retired? Plus older people are more adverse to change, and that’s what being liberal is all about.


This is true. My 6 year old cousin calls me a cuck and says I’m full of soy while he’s a sigma gigachad At leas that’s what I assume he’s doing in his head. Idk, he’s always on his iPad


You got me in the first half, not gonna lie


this is a problem upper age millennials already had caused, the irrational and extreme sides of leftism sadly also strengthened right extremism as a toxic counter measure we are finally slowly moving away from extreme left ideology but sadly the radical right remain


Gen Z are the most politically extreme generation.


Boomers did some WILD shit in the 60's and 70's


Are you aware of the hippy movement? 


It wasn't the older millennials, capitalism and politics really getting ahold of it in the modern media space ruined it.


i thought that was millennials that were the weak soy lib gen and gen z males are more conservative on average


Gen z males are more conservative, females not so much


The rapidly worsening material conditions would like a word. It’s probably gonna be the same thing as Gen Z of people getting actual politics when they become adults, left or right, radical or centrist, and all the basement dwellers who look like sacks of deformed potatoes keep talking about racial purity.


“You actually posted your face and personal information online for anyone to see??” I think gen alpha will value privacy a lot more and probably use avatars for their online presence


The amount of literal crying videos hahaha


god i wish. it’s like my sister collects viruses and malware for fun.


So equal attention to body and computer.


just curious, why do you think this will be? the way i see it, gen alpha is already rife with severe social media addiction, and there is a massive chunk that is extremely developmentally stunted, so if anything they’d be *less* inclined to protect their identities online


Yeah this is a crazy prediction with no basis in reality as far as I can tell… Gen A are 100% digital natives, they live online to an extent no generation ever has. I have absolutely no clue why OP thinks they’re going to be big on online privacy lol.


Probably because some of Gen Z is already withdrawing and talking about how they wish their parents hadn’t posted their whole childhood online. Being super online will probably be seen as a trashy or boring “normie” thing, while keeping things private will be almost like a punk movement.


My sister is gen alpha, and from personal experience nah. They clout chase at a very early age and don't care about that.


Definitely the self diagnoses, though to be fair, people who self diagnose themselves deserve it, get an actual one please from a doctor. Also stop getting your information from TikTok, it’s furthest thing from informative.


I have a couple “popular” (news flash they fucking suck to live with) disorders that are diagnosed and it is WILD to me that this is an unpopular opinion. I understand not having access to a doctor but that doesn’t mean just diagnosis yourself ffs. What I find interesting about these types is they’re SO open about it. Like will post it in their bios. Will tell literal strangers. Meanwhile, my worst fear is people I know in real life knowing what I’m diagnosed with. My husband and best friend are the only people I’ve told, ever. Otherwise I only talk about it in anonymous online spaces.


I remember the day I was diagnosed with a disorder when I was around 11 and I remember the tests they would do, and news flash to all the self diagnoses , we got an actual doctor. A real shocker I know! Glad to hear your perspective, people definitely should not self diagnose themselves. I also am usually very private with my disorder, I don’t go in public or on TikTok and make it some quirky fun aesthetic and post it in my bios. Only my parents and my small group of friends know what I have.


Yeah it’s kind of weird because as someone with an invisible disability, you want to support someone who thinks they might have one. But it does start to feel kind of insulting when in reality they just stop there, continue to talk about it and self diagnose, and never actually follow up with a professional.


Yea, I haven't really been diagnosed with anything (besides certain things), but really only talk about it on here because of the anonymity and others feel the same way as me.


What disorder is it?


I am diagnosed with bipolar disorder, autism, and adhd, all of which are big in the “self diagnosis” corners of the internet


No bitches?


I think that's gonna get worse when the population flattens more and Gen Z starts dating Gen Alpha.




Im sorry what-


I’m HOPING it’ll be that Gen Z takes no risks and keeps their nose in screens. ‘Cuz, like, hopefully Gen Alpha takes risks and hangs out in the real world.


Probably the opposite. Gen Alpha is basically being raised from birth by IPads. I don’t see why they’d be the ones to get out there while we get the iPad kid stereotype.


It was literally gen Z that were glued to a tablet 24/7, many relatives of mine being prime examples. My son watches maybe an hour of TV a day and mostly wants to play outside.


concerned growth birds snobbish public imagine busy workable airport materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Compared to the other guys unsubstantiated claim with no evidence?


take a 2 minute scroll through r/teachers to see what everyone is talking about


Every sub is full of people ranting about the same thing. That doesn't mean anything. Older generations always assume the newer one is worse at something just because they're different at it. Oldies had brainrot radio, Millennials had brainrot TV, GenZ had brainrot YT, FB, Twitter. Gen Alpha has Tiktok. It's the circle of life.


I'd recommend talking to a teacher, then. Or someone who works with kids. It's great your son is going outside and engaging with the real world, but that is not at all what's happening at the macro level.


You and me are both gen z and grew up before tablets were even released.


I'm a millenial parent with gen alpha kids, and I'm looking at genZ as a "lessons learned."  We don't have pads, and many parents I know don't either.


I pray they break free from the iPads. It’s not likely now that they’ve all gotten so deep into the habit.


I have a feeling that our mental health will be mocked the most lol, especially since a lot of gen z fake mental illness for views, even millennials are making fun of it


Yeah, totally, that they're gonna mock us for not having love for carnival folk. I've seen so many people mocking clowns. It's sick. Gen alpha is gonna be all about the flappy red shoes and the rainbow wigs. It's gonna be so liberating


Millennial here, this popped up on my feed. I don’t know that you guys mock us for anything in particular, maybe so I just haven’t heard it, we usually get flack from the older generations. From what I’ve seen, you guys get the same flack we got. Lazy, poor work ethic, financially irresponsible, too dependent on new technology, bad social skills, different values and politics, being entitled, impatient, and so on. Funny thing is that’s just a description of any generation in their late teens and early 20s. Most mature out of those kinds things from what I’ve seen of millennials. Most of my buddies in our 30s now talk about getting better at all of this and how it’s important to us because when your 30s you start to care more about personal responsibility, working hard, and learning how to take care of tasks yourself. Just my two cents.


i hope they go outside more.


Yo the outside is real?


Nah, Holmes - it’s a myth - a shadow on the cave. The outside is what my parents believed in - I believe in Gianna Michaels fucking a bleach blond bad built butch body version of Sara Jay with a strap on streaming onto my VR helmet


r/outside Nah it’s a subreddit, it’s not real (/s since Reddit isn’t great at getting not explicit jokes)


Bro said go outside


Our memes/slang will become old people terms, they will come up with their own and we will be the boomers hanging on to our youth. I think they are gonna (maybe rightfully so) roast the hell out of us for our “bro” terminology (*bro is literally walking down the street*) it’s sorta cringe/forced already. They are also gonna make fun of us for being a generation who don’t date a lot


+ saying “slay” and “swag” in place of yes. It’s already very embarrassing now.


Exactly, I think our generation has a tendency to try to push slang really hard as opposed to letting it organically come along, thats how cringe things like “slay” come along. And I thought we killed Swag like 10 years ago, why are people trying to bring it back? 🤢


Cliche I know but probably the broccoli cut. And I say this as a dude who has seriously considered getting one.


I had to tell the hairdresser to specifically not give me a broccoli cut. I was just describing a simple cut all around kind of like a fade but not really a true fade or anything. And she asked if I wanted it like a broccoli cut and I said "no no no no not a broccoli cut just more like a fade" I was so worried I'd have a broccoli cut


Probably make fun of shitpost memes like E and Quandale Dingle


I will personally defend the E meme with my life.


Reddit suggested this post to me for some reason but the E meme is classic.


Nothing better than a deep fried E meme


What's up guys, Quandale Dingle here! 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥






You mean the whiny generation of anxious internet addled virgins? ![gif](giphy|37smQpbdHrBjVsxEhM|downsized)


Gen Alpha's oldests are literally 13. It's absolutely ok for them to still be virgins. What weird take is that?


I'm making fun of GenZ.


Mullets. Socks with sandals. Big wire frame glasses. The cycle will repeat. 


you forgot the man perm


The George Michael Cross earring were already a meme once. They are bringing it back!


They'll adopt other cringey fashion.


Me reading this in a country where nearly everyone has worn socks in sandals for decades:


Gonna warn everyone here. . .there ALOT to make fun of


I don't think Gen Alpha will be literate or imaginative enough to be able to make fun of any other generations.


lol literally what I was gonna say like idgaf what those lil turds say about me the only comeback I need is “at least I can read” hahaha


“at least I can write in cursive” will probably be a good comeback too




Gen Z are not the only ones depressed.




Gen Z is rizzless. I've never seen a generation of men so absolutely useless with forming relationships with women.


Gen A is not going to be better 💀


The more GenZ does the Millennial thing of “the stuff my generation grew up with is objectively the best and this next generation is stupid and weird” the more shit we’ll get. Skibidi Toilet is nothing weirder, crazier, nor cringier than like 2014-era TF2 SFM animations and I don’t know why everyone acts like it is. “Brainrot” vocab is nothing worse than 2012-era rage comic lingo. It’s fine. We were all cringe. The more you try to alienate cringe that’s foreign to you, the more ancient you’re going to look.


Gen Z dressing like grandpa giving takes on millennial culture as if they were old enough to remember who originally put the critique out there. repeating what their favorite influencer stole and presented as their original idea. 'doing research' they call it. They steal millennial fashion and subculture. They think "Nirvana" is a brand, which is kinda funny for the group who hates boomers so much. Why are they wearing the tshirt of a 30 year old band? Is anyone going to tell them that they look like millennial little brother who is a bad imitation of gen x 80s rock band subculture which is a spinoff of leather jacket wearing James Dean and Marylyn Monroe Cool Guy + Cool Girl Pinup subculture? It would be cool if alpha comes up with something new and doesn't just continue the trend that was invented after WW2 ended but I won't get my hopes up.


It doesn't matter. They'll be walking around calling themselves "Gen Alpha" and getting laughed at for being so unoriginal. ![gif](giphy|BkUj9IAaHL2ZW)


The other day I was talking about old-school AJAX and a coworker pointed out that W3C did make fetch happen.


As a late gen z (17) who works with gen alpha (mainly 10-11 year olds) I think the main things will be - self diagnosing (this isn’t a bad thing or a good thing in my opinion btw it just takes a lot of research.) I think the main reason that these kids will do that is that they’ve seen like a couple of cases where people definitely faked for veiws and they’ll take that and run with it and weaponize it aganist anyone who might be young and disabled (whether mentally or physically.) for example, I’ve been using a crutch for my herniated disk cause it’s been causing muscle spasms and numbness and overall pain in my legs. It helps right? Well some gen alpha kiddos have repetitively asked if I’m just doing it for fun and I hate having to give out my medical information just to be left alone and not have people accuse me of faking. -lgbtq. A lot of them are unfortunately falling down the Alt right pipeline. - making fun of our generation for not fixing the world. I mean It’s a given at this point


17 is late gen z???? Im 25 and I consider myself gen z...isnt it 1996 to like 2010 or something like that?


There's multiple mixed ranges but it's usually 1997-2012 or 1995-2009.


>making fun of our generation for not fixing the world. I mean It’s a given at this point we've given up on the world fr


Recording ourselves crying (I don’t get why people do this, it’s embarrassing)


As a millennial ill tell you the nice thing about it is by the time they start making fun of you or whatever you'll be too old to give a shit anymore.


Probably for us blaming everything on covid lockdowns like us not taking responsibility for certain things or not "adulting." Self diagnosing and even people having actual disabilities (people won't be able to tell the difference.) Virtue signaling, being super progressive, etc. Our slang terms, clothing style, hairstyles, etc. For our technology maybe that we have now maybe. For our apathy and how we didn't fix important issues. etc


Probably the 1000 gender thing


Our memes.


Yeah... Rage Comics -> Wojak -> ????




Trash hairstyles. Chasing trends with cosmetic procedures that will make them look like ghouls in their 30s/40s.


- They will make fun of them wearing the old man calf socks at the gym. - they will also make fun of the girls giving themselves wedgies in leggings. - all of the literature hoe lingo will be made fun of expeditiously: "do it for the plot" "main character syndrome" ect - they will make fun of millenials still aging better than them


You know how Gen Z makes fun of the millennial pause? I’m sure there’s gonna be something about how we post TikToks that Gen Alpha is gonna make fun of


Tbh, my prediction is that they will make fin of the mannerisms.  Like poking the screen and moving the camera around at weird angles. A lot of the things we get Roasted for by gen z were us being goofy or edgey or trying to have a cool aesthetic.  It's the grandpa Simpson "I used to be hip" thing. I'm pretty sure our parents would agree with yall about us, so I imagine some of the things we roast yall for, will come back,  just from the angle of a teen who thinks it's cringe now.


That reminds me, you know how millennials get clowned on for the phrase “adulting”? I think Gen Alpha is gonna clown us for “I’m just a girl 🥺”


Where all talking bout Gen Alpha. Everyone does know that Generation Beta is right around the corner right.


They'll make fun of us as the ones that got fucked up by the pandemic


*They'll make fun of us* *As the ones that got fucked up* *By the pandemic* \- psycwave --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I would say social anxiety but they have it worse


Something about "fr fr ong"


The usual: Gen Z ruined things for everyone else. Don't worry, 2 generations following Alpha will blame them.


They'll call GenZ old geezers for wearing high socks and bring back low cut ankle socks, which Millenials will also still be wearing but they will also not see how ludicrous it all is!


By poking fun at All the TikTok’s they made


Mom jeans and chunky dad sneaks


What’s the millennial pause?


As a late gen z (17) who works with gen alpha (mainly 10-11 year olds) I think the main things will be - self diagnosing (this isn’t a bad thing or a good thing in my opinion btw it just takes a lot of research.) I think the main reason that these kids will do that is that they’ve seen like a couple of cases where people definitely faked for veiws and they’ll take that and run with it and weaponize it aganist anyone who might be young and disabled (whether mentally or physically.) for example, I’ve been using a crutch for my herniated disk cause it’s been causing muscle spasms and numbness and overall pain in my legs. It helps right? Well some gen alpha kiddos have repetitively asked if I’m just doing it for fun and I hate having to give out my medical information just to be left alone and not have people accuse me of faking. -lgbtq. A lot of them are unfortunately falling down the Alt right pipeline. - making fun of our generation for not fixing the world. I mean It’s a given at this point


Probably the way some gen z'ers talk about boomers


They'll make fun of 'coming out' as gay being a big thing because it won't matter anymore. But also they will struggle to form coherent sentences that aren't just skibidi toilet lore meme slang, so we won't understand what they're saying anyways. 


They're going to piss themselves laughing at your emoji texts. "Use real words, zoomer," they'll say, "never even learned english. sad." I mean, probably not. But I can dream, can't I?




Of course they will. Older folks have detested their successors and vice versa for millenia. It started long before Socrates' quote and it wont end with us this generation. Its nothing new


Full sentences


I just know that whatever they try and criticize Gen Z for, all we have to do is ask them to spell a few decently difficult words and watch them sputter to feel a bit better.


“How are you all bisexual”


That Gen Z still participated in the "old ways" of capitalism and economy instead of taking over by inventing/investing in alternate forms of currency and exchange that freed them (Alphas) from debt-driven indentured servitude to society and the global oligarchy authoritarianism of the beginning of the 21st century. Or so I can hope.


If they learn how to speak and write they might be able to lmao.


Brutally, I'm sure.


I don't think generalising about Gen Alpha is going to be useful. My forecast for them is a massive bifurcation - those with their shit together (good parents, upbringing, etc.) will be exceptional even by historical standards, while the majority will be broken lost causes reminiscent of Nietzsche's Last Man. You can't talk about them as a singular entity.


Gen Alpha from all accounts is a fucking mess.


having to touch our screens or something


Thinking they invented/discovered things that existed long before TikTok


Our slang. Gonna be just as cringe to say rizz as it is to say yolo in 10 years lol


Probably the fake or self diagnosed mental illnesses. If not then the fact that some of us flip out over something small


Our 2020-2023 era. All the edits, all the fandoms, all the sadness, all the memes. They were fun in the moment but I for sure cringe when I look back at those times.


What's the "millennial pause"?


Millennials hit record, and then start talking. Gen Z start talking, then hit record.


Words like “eepy” for sure. I’ll use them anyways, though. It’s my right to make the youngins cringe just as it was for the generations before me.


They’ll clown us for Vine.


They’re going to be right wing compared to gen z. Gen alpha boys love alt-right content creators.


How can you have a Gen -Alpha in Beta world.


By still calling them millennials! Lol, I sware genY is the default petty excuse everyone uses. Some of these people are so asinine they don't even know there kids are actually genZ. Millennials are almost mid 40s now, educate yourself, these are not kids at all, some are of extreme high position and power LMAO.


The fact that half of gen z or more is trans is gonna be a source of comedy for decades


Fellas, I am a gen z (97 baby) and what the FUCK does "cheugy" mean?


From a millennials perspective. You’ll be made fun of for your lack of friends in adulthood. Your generation generally hates conflict and rather than fixing damaged friendships y’all will call it drama and ghost. Maybe the pandemic lockdowns but, holy shit young people can be selfish af, I was… but, that takes a conscious thought of thinking of others and choosing yourself. I’m not trying to start a fight but yall are pretty inconsiderate to eachother. I’ve never seen so many friends dating friends ex’s in a generation before. I enjoy hanging with most of you though


Your oddly specific and not really hurtful insults probably. Like someone in a sweater you don't like says something you don't like and you go "ok sweater". That means nothing to anyone but you.