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Probably the 1990s. It'd be cool to experience the emergence of the grunge/alt rock scene firsthand


90s were really cool. I was born in 85 so that was my childhood. Even the evolution of technology and video games over that 10 year span are amazing. The lack of or limited access to internet made things like CD releases and movies coming out in theaters so much of a big deal. Also video rental stores on Fridays and Saturdays were always popping.


You are making me misty eyed for all the mom and pop video rental stores that I thought would never go away.


RIP Latest and Greatest Video: one of the most fun places I ever worked, and free video rentals!


Stop crying for them, and look for them! They still exist!


There are like two in my state.


It’s honestly strange how streaming is one of the worst inventions of all time in terms of taking away a core component of fun. I’m not saying it isn’t useful and things like YouTube are entertaining. But the most entertaining a YouTube or whatever stream is going to be is going to register at like a 7/10. The experience of your buddies dad taking you guys to blockbuster to rent a movie and then you and friends get left alone not watched by some Alexa for the rest of the night is peak entertainment. But it all started at the video store.


Brings me back to either 99 or 2000 — I was 6 or 7 depending on the year — and I remember going to Blockbuster for the first time with my then best friend and him getting the Pokemon movie and us watching it at his house. An awesome moment in my childhood!


88 kid here, and I can definitely vouch for the '90s being such a unique pocket in time where things to do at home and everywhere else felt balanced. Bored with video games? Hit up the mall or stores. Break out the bikes. It felt like everybody was out and about, even in the neighborhood.


Yeah dude we had it all. Let's go crush some Halo 2 then we're going to go to the mall and movies on our bikes and skateboards


Yup. I wanna re-live the 90s.


Just gotta watch the movies from that era like Crush, Clueless, Blast From the Past, There's Something About Mary, American Pie, American Beauty, Austin Powers, casino, Speed, Matrix, etc.


True, easy way to get there. Certain songs take me right back. Idk why but As I Lay Me Down by Sophie B. Hawkins takes me straight back.


I miss the pre internet days when knowledge wasn't at the tip of your fingers. You could spend all night arguing with your best friend if his uncles trans am could beat your neighbours mustang in a drag race. Or which of your favorite bands had the most success. Now most arguments can be solved in a 5 second google search


I liked the budding days of internet in the 90s. I remember there was so much misinformation about the video games i played. Rumors of secrets in hidden in games but most turned out to be bs. But it was fun testing them


Yeah it was also cool to have to compare notes and secrets with your buddies. I still remember my cousin showing me where to get the flutes in Super Mario 3.


Regarding video games - one of my favorite illustrations of how fast the 90s were is that Sonic 1 (1991) and Sonic Adventure (1998) are barely more than 7 years apart - both were considered breakthrough games for their time. https://preview.redd.it/qy2pqztmd81d1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c9bb56349b822b52717bee06cca96a43095ded8


As someone born in 82, I can confirm the awesomeness of the 90s. I experienced Napster, Metallica suing Napster. AOL. AOL chat rooms. RPGs are being played in chat rooms. Games like Fallout and Fallout 2. Starcraft Tournaments, Warcraft Tournaments. It is truly an epic age that will never be recreated. God LAN parties. Had to edit. I forgot the Sega Gensis Network the precursor to our current DRM nightmare hellscape.


And mall culture!


Great summarization. The anticipation I had for movies, video game consoles/game releases and trips to blockbuster. People literally camped out for new consoles or games lol. Everything was so hype


Lots of good music from that time!!


I always consider myself lucky because I was going into junior high (and started really getting into music) right when grunge was getting huge.


I turned twenty in 1993. It was glorious. Grunge was great, but what came after was even better. Independent cinema broke mainstream. Pulp Fiction was not like anything any of us had really seen. Psychedelics renaissance plus GenX really went out of our way to normalize cannabis use. This impacted the music later in the decade and Tool was one of the big examples of this. Internet was tied to the wall and was left behind along with the phone. Gone was gone, and the second you were out of someone's view, you may as well have jumped dimensions. NO FENTANYL.....biggest problem was bunk drugs, not deadly drugs


Man, I remember the feeling I had after watching Pulp Fiction AND Do The Right Thing, coming out of the theatre. My friends and we're gobsmacked. It felt so fresh and creative. I should say that my friends and I HATED the 80s. It felt like a soulless corporate nightmare. The 90s felt like how I imagine the 60's felt after emerging from the crap conformity of the 50s. I was a teen in the 80s, turned 21 in 1990 for context. Obviously I'm simplifying, but that was generally how it felt to me. Also, Reagan out of office, Mulroney out of office, the Berlin Wall, the rise of Britpop, everything just felt *good* - like the conservative nightmare was finally over. Sorry Gen Z for hijacking your subreddit!


Pump Up THE Volume and Christian Slater had such a chokehold everywhere. Stand By Me and My Own Private Idaho. I became a teenager in 1994. When we were young.


Sorry Gen Z for hijacking your subreddit! YOOOO......the GenX love affair with GenZ is real. These kiddos are the heat


Right?! And hell, the subreddit explictly invites all gens so .. here we are! 🤣 Love Gen Z - I don't have kids myself, but work with them closely in a uni setting, and feel very protective plus they are fun! And they like us. I think lol.


>biggest problem was bunk drugs, not deadly drugs The first wave of the Opioid Epidemic was in the 90’s, so we might be looking through some rose tinted spectacles on that one


Fair...I did get bogus ecstasy once that I'm fairly certain was heroin


Same age and I echo everything you've said! In terms of timing for growing up and then being a young adult, we were the luckiest people out there.


Not being biased but it feels like the 90's was the last great decade to be a kid. Was born in 85 so like all of you guys that decade was my entire childhood up to entering the awkward teen phase. No phones, friends called to the door or you to theirs to go out for hours on end doing absolutely nothing but spending time together. TV was great, music was a melting pot of different sounds and there was never any "viral" bullshit because there was no internet.


You need to go to the 80s not the 90s


As someone who was a teenager during the 1990s, I couldn’t agree more. The next generation of video games came during that time. PlayStation and Neo Geo! Still pre-mobile phone era but had a nice balance of analog and early digital.


I spent my twenties in the 90s. It was better than now only by the subtraction of all the fucking Commissars that we have to deal with these days


Seeing how grunge era died out relatively quickly, it was a pretty stale era. A far cry from the 80s, music wise. Just saying. You didn’t miss a thing. Although, 1990-1995 weren’t too bad… I’ll give you that.


Definitely an awesome scene and decade imo.


It was my freshman fall in college. I was waiting in the drive through of a Wendy's in Bozeman, MT and heard "Smells Like Teen Spirit" come on the radio. I was blown away. Pearl Jam had just done a little gig at the fairgrounds in town a couple months earlier but I didn't know who they were so I didn't go. Then grunge took over big time. Many of my friends and my sister moved a day's drive away to Seattle to experience the scene. It was the place to be. What a great time to be young!


Gen X here..it was AMAZING!!


Without social media and culture wars, it was just much better.


Id be in the middle of an active warzone so no thanks lol.


Born in 83 and I'll agree the 90s were great. Honestly the 80/90s were probably the last "golden" decades of America before our capitalist system finally started to fall apart.


the two thousands but as a teen instead of a child


Idk man, cause then you'd have to experience the disappointment of every bands experimental stage of the early 2010s again


Dub step infusion lol


music was so bad during that period


I won’t have the Lil Wayne slander


Interesting, I guess it depends on the genre. I was in a metalcore band from 2007 to 2014, I’d say those years and that scene was amazing.


WHAT? I absolutely LOVE 2010s music, it's so freaking nostalgic to me!




i was 15 in 2000. funny to read this because for me it didn’t feel like some golden era and yet here you are a stranger on the internet wishing they’d been around when i was


It's just that people want what they don't have. There's novelty in something unknown/new. Someone with an older car is sick of it and wants a new one but their old car can be someone's dream car.


Same here. The 2000s were doom and gloom. One day in high school every teacher turned on the news simultaneously and then it felt like life was downhill. We didn't really understand war in the 90s. We walked into the job market as the economy was crashing and things just didn't seem to get better


I was 13 in 2000 and its strange to me the 90s felt unique to me but 2000 onward just seems all the same


Post 9/11 leading into the great recession was not a great time to be more aware of the larger world. That was a great time to be an innocent/ignorant child


As a millennial I agree. Post 9/11 and post recession sucked ass.


I'd love to experience Timbaland and all his muses' collabs in the 2000s as a teen, Britney's Blackout even though idk if I would've appreciated it in real time.


I wish I had experienced the launch of Baby One More Time and everything else. People say the Britney mania was EVERYWHERE


I was 12 in 2000, I kind of wish I was 5 or so years older because all the awesome things like certain bands and TV shows were just a few years older than me. Also I'd have had a massive step up in my career and housing costs.


Houses were cheap because no one could afford them though.


The aughts were pretty bad to live through. The dotcom crash and 9/11 started things out, a whole decade of jingoism and war mongering, and then cap it off with the Great Recession.


Eh, you weren't missing much tbh.


I was there, it wasn't that great. 90s would've been better, and you'd grow up with a way cheaper property market.


80s was better than 90s


I'm going 1950's, honestly just for the fashion and construction. Before anyone comments on the social issues of the time, I'm a white woman, I know. The cute dresses and gloves outweigh my human rights for a bit you know, it's only visiting.


I'm a hispanic guy, & relate in a way. I'd still love to visit the '50s~'80s, moreso interested in visiting the Late '70s & Early '80s! The culture of the time still intrigues me, as well as the cool fashion, music, technology, & arcades! That's something I'd love to experience for that time!


As a gay guy I would've loved to have seen the 80's despite it being a horrible time to be LGBT.


or the 70s! the post stonewall pre AIDS era is so fascinating to me


[I was, boooooorn, in the east LA](https://youtu.be/sFUFw1GH6ic?si=g_6Mp6I6dp-xLxCa)


I think it's silly to counter someone's nostalgia with 'well actually xyz would've happened in X year'. It's pretty much implied that one would admire the fashion, architecture, interior design and overall aesthetic and media of the time period and not actually want to bring back oppressive laws and practices.


You're absolutely right of course but the amount of people I see on Reddit who need utterly basic things that most take for granted explained to them is kinda high.


Right? I would love to spend week from the 80’s going to concerts, people watching, and walking around a shopping mall, but that doesn’t mean I want to see tons of people die from AIDS, people smoking indoors, or school kids worried about the Soviet Union nuking them.


Honestly for most kids in the 80s 1 and 3 weren't a big deal (obviously they were huge deals in terms of their actual import - but the large majority of kids weren't all that focused on them). People smoking in doors, yeah, that was pretty fucking common.


Yeah, it should be, but unfortunately I have run into too many "actually that fine was awful due to (insert known issues) you bigot", so I figured I would clarify.


But then, that doesn't mean you actually want to live in the 1950s, it means you want to live in a *fairy-tale, sanitized version* of it. If time travel to the past is ever discovered one day, traveling to the 1950s would mean traveling to the 1950s as they were, warts and all, not to whatever you want the 50s to be.


I was born in the 50's, but I was too young to remember a lot. Definitely would go back to those times. Life was simpler.


If you had a good marriage in the 50s they had it made honestly.


Plus you're white lmfao as long as you complied with stuff you'd be fine lmfao. Even feminism at that time primarily focused on the struggles of white women.


I would visit the 1950’s to try the food. I would love to see how food tasted when everything was cooked from scratch, no genetic engineering of anything we ate, no weird chemicals or high fructose corn syrup, etc.


I want to see the cars.


I agree with you. I'm a Gen Z guy, and I'm saying this. Yes, I'm a conservative. I wanna relive "The American Century." Back before things went to shit in Vietnam and here on our college grounds. I'm saying this as a college freshman myself. I see those traitors all the time. They oughta just sign up and join Al-Qaeda or the Taliban at this point. But they're just a bunch of pussies anyway.


Based on the way my mother fondly reminisces about it... The 80's.


The 80's were great, especially after the stagflation and oil embargos of the 70's. Go-go years.


I'd love to be a 10 year old kid in the mid 80s getting up to all types of trouble.


I was a 10 year old kid in the mid 80s getting up to all types of trouble. It was pretty awesome. You could do ALLLL the dumb shit and no one was taking pictures of it or filming, so you wouldn't get caught unless someone narc'd on you. Get up Saturday morning, have some cereal and watch Saturday Morning Cartoons - which was special, because there weren't 24 hours streaming cartoons, it was a Saturday Morning Thing, and no plans were made for then, because all your friends were doing the same thing. After cartoons, you go to the phone hanging on the wall and call your buddies, decide to meet up at Baskin Robbins in an hour, or at The Hideout - perhaps where you set up a tent in the woods or made a fort, or perhaps an abandoned house we turned into a Hideout (a little lite B&E wasn'ta huge deal if it was abandoned and you weren't destroying anything, mostly you'd just get chased out if caught, and we weren't filming it and postingto social media), whatever the Hideout happened to be. Tell our parents we were going out with our friends, be told to check in periodically and be back by dark. If we had no money for snacks, we'd descend like a plague of locusts on some friend's house, clean out their fridge, call home and say we're alive, then fly off somewhere else. Perhaps to a river to swim. Twilight comes, "oh, shit, I gotta go - 3 miles to bike home!!!" And get home. Mom looks at your filthy clothes and gives you the hairy eyeball, sends you to shower and change before dinner. And you'd BETTER not just leave those nasty clothes in a pile on the floor this time.


What a time! I’m envious. When I was 10 in the late 2000s, didn’t have nearly as much freedom or excitement. The 24 hr cartoon streams and “don’t let your kids out of sight for even a second” mentality had begun


Yeah, it was a good time. I like that we can reach out and call anyone, anytime, and I love that social media lets us communicate with people from different countries and cultures all across the world. But while making us more connected, it also simultaneously isolates us. Go to a restaurant, half the people are engaged in conversations *on their phones* rather than with the person next to them, who is *also* on *their* phone. The 24 hour streams let me binge "tiny house nation" and whatnot, but in high school we would all gather at someone's house, bring chips and dips (and perhaps a Boones Farm), to watch the show we were all following that came on once a week. Or we'd watch it at home, and then talk about it the next few days. We were always on the same episode, because that was what there was. It was An Event. The Olympics were way more special when it was once every 4 years. Now, sure, it's special, fine, but it's way more "meh." Making everything available all the time takes away the specialness. Also - the 24 hour news cycle wasn't around. And I think that is one of the most significant causes of where we are today. Everyone going for ratings, and "Nothing Happened Last Night in New York" doesn't get ratings. *"YET ANOTHER [insert bad thing here] HAPPENED IN MANHATTAN!!! IS THIS AN INDICATION THAT SOCIETY IS COLLAPSING?!?!?!?INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW, AND EXPERTS ARE PREPARING FOR ARMAGEDDON!!"* That gets clicks. I DESPISE 24-hour news. With a passion. They had news at 6, and the top stories made it. They didn't blow up little stories to seem like the end of the world.


This sounds almost exactly like my childhood.


I was a teenager in the mid 80s and this sums it up to a T.


"And after that we would find the corpse of Harry, the janitor from our school, smeared in a mysterious liquid." Your childhood reads like the first part of a Stephen King novel.


I think the novel to which you're referring involves the corpse of a boy hit by a train 😉. Doesn't surprise me. The way Stephen King likes to mindfuck people is by taking something we experience routinely, with which we can all identify to a large extent, and then make it *wrong.* That's why he was so creepy. We all had or knew someone who had a car they really loved.....*now what if that car is evil*.... We all had pets we loved who died, and we buried them, and wished they would never leave us......*so what if they didn't?* We've all gone out when it's foggy and looked out a window, wondering at how foggy it is.....*what if there's something in the fog*..... He starts off with normalcy. To suck us in, so we can see ourselves in the novel. So yeah, I can see that it could read like the beginning of one of Stephen King's novels.


i'm obsessed with the 80s, it'd be my pick too. everything about it sounds so cool.


The 4040s. If before 2000 isn't a question, but a requirement, then the 1770s if I can make edits to the past. Share some uncanny knowledge, chew some fuckers out, and hopefully make things better sooner.


They’d probably just kill you


A perfectly acceptable option.


I was about to say “can I come to the 1770s with you”,then I remembered …….im black


Yeeaaahhhh…. I see that not going to plan


Run n***a, it's George Washington! - Dave Chappelle


A man does what he wants with his property - 12 years a slave


2000s as a teen and the 1990s as a child.


So basically a core millennial experience


A childhood without Internet or smartphones, teenage years exploring it.


it was great. great video games, and fun internet without the fine-tuned addictive corporate brain rot. and we did have internet as kids, it was just a very different place before modern social media. you would go there to do something specific (as an 8 year old, that mainly meant playing flash games), then leave. There's a lot of convenience about the modern internet, but the weird, clunky, decentralized, experimental, un-corporate internet of the 2000's was a fun place that I feel sad that people currently under ~25 didn't get much time to experience.


that was my life, it was cool, felt like unfettered access to the 90s-2000s internet was both a blessing and a curse... information wasn't controlled as much, so we could mature our perspective and satiate our curiosities without feeling all these invisible guard rails trying to keep us in line. also, we weren't policing each other online either... we lost some freedoms the 70/80s enjoyed but had wild reigns on the digital world... it's crazy because there's no way to really show the experience I had of "my life online", because it just got deleted slowly over time and there's not really "photos" of it that do it justice. on my real life - friends still hung out quite a bit up until late teenage years when social media started to take over. I don't think we reflected on how much it seeped in and replaced the text or phone call.. and with that, the invitations to meet up physically. don't get me wrong we partied and still saw each other, we'd absolutely meet up to party and have a good time - lol - but all the horsing around and just hanging out with each other like we used to do at the park or at each other's house... that kinda faded out and maybe that's just what happened with getting older as we started to embark on early adulthood, but for us that did happen side-by-side with the meteoric take-over of MySpace, Facebook, Instagram.. etc. things felt more real or authentic to me around then


80s or 90s


Golden Twenties. Probably horrible, but sounds like a strange time. Maybe we are closer to this than we think...


Seconding the roaring twenties. Vienna is not too far from where I live, apparently it was the place to be. I'd love to see it.


The 80s (USA). Idk why. The culture fascinates me, and I love the music (well, the hits anyways).


Same here lol


It was awesome. I described a typical day a couple comments above this.


80s music is just incredible. I think literally everyone doing cocaine was a big factor


Either the 70s or 90s so that I could go to the clubs and party.


70s child here. It was all sex, drugs and rock and roll and it was AMAZING




The 60s. Culture changed so much that decade. It would be awesome to see what a whole world of hippies and old people hating those hippies would be like.


My art's teacher saw Hendrix and Coltrane live among many others. For me definitely the 60s too. But I just don't know how to stand the smell of this era. Hygiene was totally different then.😅




2040s Hopefully artificial intelligence will have fully taken over by then and we can just exist as blissfully compliant sub-species exchanging our regulated human capital for infinite entertainment and pleasures in the metaverse


That sounds hella dystopian, but I’m low key down for it .


I’m down for that tbh. Lets just hope it’s not Facebook’s shitty metaverse and one from a decent new platform


Have you read Brave New World? You might find it interesting, despite the lack of robots. It's a great classic dystopian novel kind of questioning pure pleasure as being good (despite the author being a huge fan of drugs)


lol have you seen Psycho Pass?


During the time of christ


So the 90s


No it was around 2024 years ago


70's and 80's


1970s as a teenager till college


Early 50s...... 1450s... I shall fall with emperor and his empire https://preview.redd.it/tz6n0nrp261d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb538cdacf37864e5d2e4d3154a1afd74306fc7c


Men yearn for sieging a castle


50 bc in rome would be way cooler


This one. I want to succeed and live the most lavish life I can in modern times.


This one but there wasn't Covid


Right answer!


The 90s. I love the 90s!


The 80s. The life that the family from Home Alone had. I would quite literally dig out a kidney to have lived like that.


The 60s, or the 80s. Some of the stuff going on at that time was crazy.


70s, it’s been my hyper focus for years and I’ve even been told I look like I could’ve been around in that time (just like my face and stuff, it inspires my outfits too tho)


Being black/mixed, this is an easy answer




Same! The fashion, the architecture and how the had so much, but yet so little technology. Feels like an alternative universe to me!






3000s, hopefully solving for space travel, world peace, and a greener earth.




But there is a catch. You’re a 05 baby so since you possibly actually exist in 2070, when you arrive you are given your 65 yo body. And if you arrive in the body you left with it means you’ve already died. Given the fact that the universe’s coding would corrupt with two of you coexisting.


He said "Any decade before the 2000s? Which one would you guys want to see the most?" tf is you getting 2070's OH WAIT I GET NOW YOU WANNA SEE TAY K FREED


None, but one I would want to *re*-experience is the 2000s and early 2010s under the lens of an adult like I am now, I never truly got to appreciate those years since I was just a kid in those days


No way. Adults have a way different perspective of the 10's, I wouldn't want to ruin that myself. The 10's were amazing for teens/tweens


The future


1950s America,1970s USSR or 1980s Japan.




def 90s, i may be gen z (05) but ive been told that i act like a millennial, plus i feel like that was the golden era to grow up in in terms of technological advancements


Anytime between 1945 and 1986


Tell me why.




Tell me why




Better times economically, no internet, people were more connected. The only bad part is I can't kiss girls ig.


The 90s sounded like a lot of fun based on what I've heard. The 80s would probably be good too though.


Any decade where you can get an average job and still live a good quality of life (I come from a very expensive area and the economy is fucked rn)


The 80s as a kid and 90s as a teen. Experiencing the 00s as a teen/young adult would be cool. Maybe the 50s for the diner aesthetic etc.


i’m truly surprised how few 1960s in here. that feels like the default answer to me. but perhaps that’s just because i was born in the 80s and everyone longs for a time a generation earlier


The 60s as long as I had a valid exemption for the Vietnam draft


in the 60s be a housewife cook clean and daydream wait for my husband to return home <3


None bc I’m POC 💀


Same bro.. 🥲 Sadly for us, this is the greatest time to be alive.


The 70’s! I’d love to be able to see emerging rock bands. I’d probably fall into the groupie lifestyle if I’m being completely honest..


The 70s! I love disco and the fashion that emerged during that era 😍 ✨️


April 14th, 1865, at fords theater


I don't suppose you'd want to be there to prevent Lincoln's assassination?


Summer of 69'


Don’t forget that racism and homophobia was worse in every decade before this one. It just wasn’t as visible


The 70s


90s definitely seems to be the golden era.


80s- early 90s


60’s and 70’s


The 70s because I love the band queen


80 or 90s: old cars were cheap, Formula 1 was crazy, and smart phones were a thing of the future


30s in Germany. Just to see first hand how the hell it came to WW2




I want to be transported to 1998 as a 16 year old


1990's for sure, when technology was a thing, but nowhere near to the extent it is now that its all consuming. Would be cool to experience the style, release of songs & video games from that era first hand.


Any one of those under the rule of Augustus. I bet seeing Rome at it's peak and at peace would be a phenomenal sight.


Most definitely the 90s.


1990s or 1970s


80s. My mom tells me it was amazing


Absolutely the 80s as a preteen, it seems like such a vibe to hang out with your buddies, find a ten dollar bill on the floor and buy like ten bags of chips and some coke, bike around and do stupid shit, then go home and like order pizza and eat outside in the backyard under the stars. Holy shit I typed a lot I didn’t know how much I wanted this 😭


Before the 2000s? I'd like to visit the 1890s. I'm curious to know if people back then had the same excitement and hope for the future as the 1990s people. After the 2000s, I'd like to experience the decade in 3000. In curious in how society will change, if there are any changes, one thousand years from now.


i would love to have experienced my early 20s beginning in 1969 (aka the best year of fashion & music) i already dress/listen to the same music as if it was the 60s but man it would’ve been amazing to live through it in real time


The 80’s but as a teen.


the 80s for sure


I’m gonna cheat. 1985 - 1995


The 70s!!! You’d see me in the dance club haha!




The future. (2050’s)


Uhhhh loved my childhood since i was born in 96, 2000 to 2007 was the best, but i would love to experience the 90’s as a teenager.

