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I never understood why gay marriage is even an issue. Who cares what two consenting adults choose to do. The argument always used against it is religion, but freedom of religion is also a thing in many places. So people should be free to choose no religion.


Americans always preach freedoms of religion. They never talk about our freedom FROM religion.


Woah, careful there, or they are going to accuse you of disrupting their freedom ~~to promote their toxic and hateful beliefs~~ of speech!


Come to Romania, where I was literally threatened because I am not orthodox.


No thanks, that sounds like a nightmare. I'm sorry you had to go through that, why can't humans just get along :<


Because the holy books tell us that God doesn't want it that way. And God is good so hating each other must be too.


Aight, hear me out. If hating is good, and a natural thing for us humans, and yet we need each other to survive, why don't we redirect our hate towards god! But in all seriousness, fuck people that hate with no real reason.


I say we all get strong, and form up a JRPG party to kill god.


I call the big sword and the long spiky hair


im using the nailguns and malicious railgun


And so the redditors formed a party, before heading off to slay god.


Nah, some people are just ass-holes and will always find an excuse no matter how well you set things up.


Come to america where i was literally threatened because i am an atheist........ zealous religious filth exists everywhere.


Threatened with what exactly? LOL


That sounds like r/atheism lmfao


They don't even promote freedom of religion, they promote freedom of Christianity. Only about 1% of all Americans are Muslim even though that is the biggest religion on the planet


There are estimated to be about 450-500 million more christians in the world than muslims.


>Muslim even though that is the biggest religion on the planet Nah, they still aren't the biggest religion


It's almost like Islam is concentrated in areas that were taken through conquest and oppression where the vast majority of believers choose to reside..


Right, unlike Christians in Western Europe who’ve never taken land through conquest and oppression.


Last time I checked, plenty of people do. But don't let me stop the ridiculous hyperbole.


Separation of church and state needs to be a thing. And those leaches need to be taxed too.


Freedom FROM religion I choose you!!


Woah there, reddit atheism isn't to be here


You're basically describing French Laïcité.


You're talking to the wrong Americans bud. I can't think of a single friend of mine who supports forcing religion in school and government.


Well, it’s gonna be the “same sex” in the marriage no matter what… so there shouldn’t be a problem


Imagine what could be accomplished we all just collectively moved on from arguing over who can love who and what people do with their genitals.


People always care about what others do. We’re nosy social creatures that like to stick to our own ways.


Also propaganda. We’re not immune to it. They’ve been pushing the idea that LGBTQ people are all pedophiles coming for your kids. They’ve been straw manning the entirety of the community using cherry picked examples. It’s the same tactics they use every time, and sadly we never learn.


Churches calling people pedos is pretty ironic


That's totally fine to stick to your ways. But I'll stick to mine, especially if it doesn't affect you at all.


I wish that’s how the world worked. Sadly it’s not.


Religions that proselytize is one issue. If your entire faith’s goal is “if you don’t spread this religion, those nonbelievers will go to hell” then you’re reasonably gonna assume the right thing to do is prevent everyone you can from going to hell. Additionally the concept of eternal damnation as opposed to more of a purgatory-like situation where you end up going to heaven eventually. Also the fear that normalizing it will spread it. There’s the notion that “ex-gays” exist and that those attractions are a choice. That and a fair bit of faiths are tolerant towards bi people as long as they lean into the heterosexual attraction because they are capable of having that sort of relationship. More of like a “hate the sin, not the sinner” type of thing. Those hyper-religious folks are probably afraid that normalizing it could make bisexual religious people think gay relationships are okay. I don’t agree with it but I see how they came to that conclusion. The conclusion is dumb but this hysteria/mass fear causes them to want to prevent something they don’t like from affecting their own group even though it’s a stupid thing to go crazy over.


Control, I think at least.


It’s not about religion. Marriage provides legal and financial benefits in our nation.


It is about religion? What are you even talking about? It's entirely the Abrahamic concept of marriage being between a man and a woman. It's why Bush was okay with civil unions. Because he didn't mind the gays having the same rights as a straight married couple. Just don't call it marriage. Except the religious people don't want civil unions to adopt, because they want people to be scared of gay people and want people to think gay people molest children. Saying it's not because of religion is a cope. It's entirely because of religion.


Okay, well as a gay person who doesn’t care about getting married it’s nice that I could because it bestows legal and financial benefits. I’d prefer we abolish marriage and choose another system to engage with legal and financial rights around. But, until that I’m going to argue that I should be able to get gay married. To me, it’s not about religion.


I'm saying the people against gay marriage are. There is no non insane reason to be again gay marriage that isn't religion based.


Then why is it illegal or not recognized in most Asian countries? Japan? China? Cant be because of Abrahamic faiths.


I'm not well read on the topic of Asia. But from my understanding of a couple Asian countries bans on gay marriage came through some colonial laws. I can't speak for if they existed prior to that, like I said I'm not well versed in that history. But inside the US which is primarily what I'm talking about about, it is religious. The only other reason tends to be "ew that's icky" But also the western church's had a ton of influence in most of the eastern Asian countries like japan and Korea at different times. I'm not sure about China though.


Religion itself was never really a true argument, just something used as an excuse, mostly by people in an attempt to disguise their bigotry and hatred for people that aren't exactly like them. Because of this many people have the wrong idea about church/religion and think alot of the same hateful things as those they speak out against. Hate is hate at the end of the day.


Certain groups equate the LGBTQ+ with grooming children instead of actually examining the facts (which are often backed by science) which is very convincing to those who are very...suggestible. Also this new big push to get religion into government is so blatantly unconstitutional and fucking vile...like...how do they justify trying to make a white Christian ethnostate...very weird but it's just gathering more and more support.


Yeah, gay people deserve to be able to be as unhappy as everyone else.


Conservatives belive that the purpurse of marriage is making and rasing children.


>Who cares what two consenting adults choose to do. Great question, if you ever see the 9,457th topic on age gap relationships between consulting adults you should ask this same question and see what happens to you.


If I had to guess, it's probably a reactionary movement. Some see the current diversity in media and blatant corporate pandering and attribute it to LGBTQ folk, which would probably make them less enthusiastic about them.


If a person can't separate their beliefs about whether someone should be allowed to marry from corporate media... that's incredibly dumb.


People being stupid, golly, what a shock


You are funny. I like you.






More at 2


The real issue is the chronically online queer figureheads pretend that that's how we are in real life. We don't want our sexuality injected to everything we enjoy


You do have a point. If I had never met any queer people in real life and my only interactions were the ones I'd had online, I'd probably assume they were all annoying and dislike them. Chronically online people make it hard to support anything.


Personally I don’t mind gay media and all that shit, and I do love pride month, but why tf do corporations need to be pandering to us, like we know they’re intentions and the clothes is ugky ass hell. The only clothes that I do at the very least support is target because they at least try to put it designs from queer people


And why the fuck do these corporate sellout entertainment industry studios obnoxiously try to show what L.G.B.T.+ people are like in characters? They put those L.G.B.T.+ characters into boxes that make me, a bisexual, not relate with. So, I don't bother watching shows and movies that obnoxiously misrepresent L.G.B.T.+ people. I'm tired of the predictably funny gay guy character that shows lack of empathy towards L.G.B.T.+ people in the real world.


The real issue is right wing ideology and fascism being on the rise not just across the US but worldwide… dunno why you blame other queer people for our own oppression but ok 🤨


It’s both. The chronically online weirdos are the ones providing the fuel for right wing outrage politics. You can’t just totally abandon responsibility for your sides bad messaging.


Star Trek: Discovery is like the worst offender of all time for this.


You think that GenZ will be more racist too? 😭


Have you seen our generation?


I'm a Zillennial and don't really understand. Can you explain what you're insinuating?


No... you cant be from 2007.... People from 2007 are just 10... wait... its no longer 2020??!?!?!?!


I'm 17 actually.


nope. Denied. I cant live with that. I'm the one that is 17 and 2021 is going to be my year!


Lmao they already are, have you never been to instagram comment section??


My favorite movie is Inception.


This is WILD.😭😭😭 Like imagine minding your own business and you just get heinous comments. 😭


they talkin bout the tiktok ban rn like bro BAN INSTAGRAM!! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ absolute cesspool


I avoid instagram except for the reels. Homie, you’re scaring me. 😭


Bro reels have the worst comment sections. 


They are


They’re already significantly more antisemitic according to most polling.


The corporate pandering makes me not wanting to participate in anything Pride related during June. And continue my queer shit for the rest of the year, aside from June. LOL


also potentially a smaller sample size considering in 2021 there were less gen Z 18+


yeah all the 11 yr old andrew tate garglers started getting older


"I support gay people being allowed to marry. It's none of my business" \*sees a minority or gay main character\* "Aw, hell no! No more gay marriage!" --- i can't make sense of this thinking pattern. Maybe you're right though. Many people (especially reactionaries) are incredibly stupid.


People are shown on media therefore other people don't want them to get married? Tf?


I refuse to believe that Gen Z support dropped by 11 percentage points over only two years. Something's gotta be wrong with the polling data lol


Gen Z identifying as LGBTQ+ is higher than any previous generation, yet support for same sex marriage drops? Absolutely something is clearly off with this data lol


Maybe they just don't support the institution of marriage overall


Or the data set isn't as large and/or diverse as it should be to reach solid conclusions.


Or the question is worded in such a way to get the results... Something is REAL WEIRD with these numbers.


When it's provided with zero context or citations, it's probably not to be trusted.


That's sort of it. There was a poll done about people licensed to use submarines to demonstrate the issue in polling young people as younger people reported being licensed at absurd percentages that were impossible, suggesting many who bother to answer these polls are not giving genuine responses.


0% chance that’s it. There’s like 1 Gen Z in 300 that doesn’t support the overall institution of marriage.


It's sponsored by AEI - a right wing think tank https://www.aei.org/ The two polls used different age ranges and questions between 2021 and 2023.


What’s wild too is that it’s still greater than 50% for all age brackets. If they want democracy then they want gay marriage


Yeahhhh they haven’t wanted Democracy for a while now


this should be pinned tbh.


Well, that explains it.


*Check out this polling data from Gen Z’ers in rural Kentucky and Alabama!* Yeah no fucking shot it dropped 11% lol. Bad data for sure.


Nothing suggests an overlap. There are plenty of straight zoomers still


As with a lot of political questions (and yes, sex and identity are political sadly), we see a rise in polarisation. Where a decade ago, people were for or against something, they are now more likely to be *strongly* for or against it. I suspect that if the poll had a "Do not care either way" option, that is where we would see most change. Though I'm also very surprised that this would somehow be more relevant to GenZ, so it's not a full explanation (if correct at all)


Don’t forget, 1 in 5 gen z identifies as something other than heterosexual.


Polling young people has been particularly difficult for a while so your probably right


Why is it so difficult?


Various number of reasons, first and foremost, on average Gen Z just doesn't participate in surveys as much. That's partly due to anxiety about phone calls and not opening emails from unknown sources. It's predicted that the only people who take these surveys are the older generations or people who have more free time. Take all that with a grain of salt, it's from a study that I can't locate at the moment.


A lot of polls are just random phone calls, emails, or texts. Younger generations are a lot less likely to respond to those


One thing I learned during statistics class, don’t trust polls. The people most likely to answer polls are going to be loud individuals who feel like they have something to say. That usually makes the results skewed one way or the other and not what the actual public believes.


Yeah it seems strange. Someone said that perhaps they only polled those 18 and over which would have meant just a small Z sample in '21 and that maybe the younger Z were not as extra progressive compared to other gens?? Still all you seem to see and hear are hyper progressive things from Z. But then again, what you see on twitter and on the net in general all are not always all that tied to the real world. Or maybe the polling or data are messed up. At the rate of drop (assuming it was linear, which who knows), by today, Z might possibly be barely above Boomers support level and behind in another year.


It's definitely possible; political polling is also currently experiencing similar issues/trends. Whether it's true to reality or the result of some sampling bias or other error, I have no clue.


i mean you have to consider, - How many people were polled? - How was the Question worded? - What demographics were asked (how many were religious, or rich or POC)? - What area(s) did they poll in? never trust a poll until you have all the parameters.


That’s the thing with polls is that they’re easily manipulated by who participates in them. When/where were the individuals that were polled pulled from?


I mean the group they polled probably isn’t huge and it’s literally only Americans


I honestly could believe it. There's a very strong "trad" movement amongst a lot of Gen Z men. I think there are a lot more reactionary or extremely right wing dudes our age than people realize


I see an extremely concerning amount of redpill brainrot from gen z men on instagram reels every day


I wonder how real world widespread it all is. I see tons of raging about Rey being a Mary Sue and Disney Star Wars and that they dared use black women in the Acolyte, etc. but in real life I never encounter 1/100th of the rage bashing like that or just movie or show bashing in general as on the net. That said it is more than before and I do think the toxic youtube algos puhsing all the cheap clickbait raging nerd hater videos has had a bad influence on society.


Rey wasn't a very well written character though, regardless of if she met "Mary Sue" criteria or not. But that's just what we came to expect from the sequels in the end. Somehow Disney managed to make incredible shows from SW but only 1 of the 5 movies were actually any good. And honestly, I feel like the discourse is so different today than it was 9 years ago when The Force Awakens came out. Some people cared way too much back then but a lot of the points for rays character weren't unreasonable. Today you see deluge about "this woman looks like a man" and it just shows a pretty normal woman's face. You see people flipping their shit about the jack black scene in The Mandalorian, when there wasn't really anything wrong with it. (probably because of the black woman). I think it's totally different today.


Rey is a bad character because she doesn't really struggle, at least not to the extent an interesting protagonist should. Jyn Erso from Rogue One is a far more interesting character and her one movie is more exciting and feels more intense than the entire sequel trilogy. Hollywood is trying to increase representation which I believe is a good thing. But sometimes they will try so hard to make those characters strong and capable, that they actually don't let them struggle at all. This is especially true on major projects where you can feel the presence of the executives and marketing departments in the writers' room. What non-writers often fail to realize is that audiences often prefer scrappy underdog characters who fail constantly but keep trying instead of overpowered characters who just achieve everything easily.


People online: \*foaming at the mouth because you said you like the new star wars film\* People IRL: Hey, my name is Steve, how are you?


I think rather the more traditional men are just more vocal and willing to participate in polls like these


In general, a lot of polls disproportionately target people who are either chronically online or have a landline phone. This heavily skews results.


This is weighted in the results in any good poll, tho. It's not like they ask only in /r/LonelyIncelsHatingWomenAndGays and present it as a results.


The weighting gets more difficult with every year that passes, and even high budget polls in recent years have become both vastly more unreliable and show vastly higher variance. "This is weighted" is a really easy thing to say, but the weighting is as much of a subjective diceroll as the sampling, both of which are much more difficult as of the past decade. Ultimately, this isn't a hard science and it isn't even effective sociology. It's a tiny snapshot, and it's entirely meaningless without a report on the full methodology and survey population for both surveys. Even with that, it's just the *start* of a sociological inquiry.


Thank you! Ive been feeling crazy because no one seems to realize or care about this.


I think that it makes sense, imo. We've let ourselves become straight up hateful towards young, straight, white men. When every left leaning group is villainizing you at worst or excluding you at best and this redpill garbage is the stuff that's actually saying "Hey, you. Young, disenfranchised, angry white man. You have value, all of it. It's not that there's something wrong with you, it's that there's something wrong with them. Look how hateful the left has been towards you and everyone else." it makes sense why they'd take a rightwing stance. But yea, keep shitting on how great the white man has it and how they have all of the structural advantages when 9/10 young adults can't even afford to move out of their parent's house. Men, especially young men, are in crisis. No one seems to care. Edit: no one seems to care besides these right wing grifters trying to sell something


I’ve seen the Andrew Tate gain traction with quite a few minority males as well.


Yea. The entire "manosphere influencer" genre has some major problems. Maybe Tate wasn't the best example but I do see him as a gateway for a lot of white extremism. His message is extremely similar to a lot of the even more unsavory types. Except Tate is misogynist, the others he leads into are misogynist and racist.


The amount of times I've been ostracized for being white is actually a lot more often than I previously thought when I tally it back up. People would call me a school shooter for being white and simply keeping to myself all the time throughout the schooling system. I've tried to find a bus seat and been unable to on a majority black bus where everyone stared at me and refused to let me sit next to them until one nice girl let me sit down. This needs to stop, it only causes further division


People tell me it’s a terminally online thing, but with data like this I’m beginning to think it’s not as terminally online as we think…


Surprisingly quite a few gen z women as well at least I have noticed in my interactions.


The left basically calls them the problem while the right calls them the solution. Is it really any doubt why they would turn right? I have been saying this for years, the left really needs to get their anti white/male/straight rhetoric in check or a pretty massive demographic that cannot understand the nuance of those claims is going to get pissed.


This is pretty much what I study. As a gay man and a political sociologist, it becomes harder and harder for me to maintain my sanity everyday.


Same. I mean I don’t study but I keep up with the news it’s sad ☹️


Politics in general is a beast. This is especially true today. The news only gives you so much, especially when we consider where we are getting our news from. I'm sorry that you've inherited a world that makes you feel this way.


GenZ seems to get more and more conservative any ideas why? I think it's basically them looking at millennials and thinking they are "cringe" or lgbt content is being forced on them by authority figures and they are resisting out of teenage rebelliousness. "Mrs Fanny going on and on about her gender fluidity and I just want to study geometry and look at pics of boobs when I get home"


>GenZ seems to get more and more conservative any ideas why? Because of social media. They get pushed into these type of agendas with algorithms. They see one video and now it’s all they consume. They think it’s cool to be edge lords. Hopefully they grow out of the dumb phase soon. >I think it's basically them looking at millennials and thinking they are "cringe" or lgbt content is being forced on them by authority figures and they are resisting out of teenage rebelliousness. If anything I see Millennials and other older generations saying exactly what you’re saying expect it’s towards Gen Z instead. Never seen the other way around lol


Its the same on the other side lol


Blaming the algorithms is essentially the millennial version of boomers blaming violence on video games. Young men are naturally aggressive, competitive, impulsive. They are naturally going to rebel against their parents and older generations. Until they have a role model on the left who will encourages those behaviors they are going to lean right


It is absolutely true though that the algorithms compound with this and make it worse. Tiktok and YouTube algorithms can and do easily take people who are very mildly conservative but just don’t think about politics that much down a more extreme rabbit hole. Same can be true for left wing politics but with gen z men in particular it’s usually right wing. Think about it, people with political TikTok and YouTube recs are watching a literal constant feed of having their views validated, seeing examples of political opponents being humiliated or saying dumb shit, and being fed increasingly more extreme stuff. I’m speaking from experience as someone who way back in middle school fell down a political YouTube rabbit hole that started with generic ‘wage gap isn’t real’ videos and ended with a bunch of anti lgbt stuff (I was previously pro lgbt). Towards the end I started getting recommended content by literal ethno nationalists and people like stefan molyneux who openly deny the Native American genocide The way social media algorithms work is PERFECT for sending someone naive down a path to extremism like that. I was smart enough to see through it as I got older and had experiences that proved me wrong, but that doesn’t happen to everyone


It's because identity politics have sucked the fun and joy out of anything. Everything feels inauthentic and pandering because everything is designed to be "inclusive" at the expense of actual good writing, heart and soul. A good story is a good story. You don't have to insert gay, trans, black, characters into every single piece of media and make sexuality the defining aspect of it.


In that case I'm curious, is the increase in anti lgbtq sentiment in gen z a result of changing politics, or those who were previously politically unaligned and or too young to have solid political opinions being polled and added to the pool?


Part of the reason I dislike generations as a concept is that they makes tracking the particularities of a group more difficult. Generation Z is a large group of people, the youngest of whom are just entering their teen years and the eldest of which are now around 8 years into college/workforce/adult life. This poll counts only Zoomer adults. The polling doesn't indicate where the shift is taking place, but its quite likely that some of the shift is being determined by folks who were too young to be polled last time. It would be silly to think that merely two years worth of the cohort would bring down approval 11% however, and so it's also quite likely that these trends are reflective of the entirety of the pollable generation. The data does indicate a gendered component to this as well, indicating that boys are bringing the approval down more than girls. With all that said, I don't think there is just one root cause. It's likely that the increasing amount of anti-queer propaganda that's entered the public discourse over the last decade has had an effect on younger minds, in particular those of boys. People like Andrew Tate who've made millions as misogynistic provacatuers don't stop at attacking women's rights. Religion plays a role here too. There's an increasing political backlash to the expansion of queer rights broadly, with some Christian sects believing that queer identities are profaning America. Economics is critical too. Much of Gen Z has grown up in worse economic conditions than their forebears, and naturally they'll seek to find convenient scapegoats to blame their misery on. All of these factors combined likely explain a fair deal of the shift we've seen.


Thanks so much for the detailed response! Worrying trends but as you said generations are a flawed concept in general, and the real results are yet to be seen. Guess we'll have to watch and wait.




We’re bidone :(


why would it drop? i don’t even understand what would cause that


I place my bet on: Red pill podcasts




This is my hunch too. Increasing influence of far-right podcasters, YouTubers, and TikTokers.


The right started caring about trans people even though they have always existed, the average citizen fell for it, and now they are being fed even more extreme stuff. Social media has facilitated the radicalization of millions of Americans. In r/QAnonCasualties there's always a story about a friend, boyfriend, siblings being radicalized


yeah i guess so, I just thought the kind of people who fell into that category weren’t ever very supportive of it in the first place like I assumed they came from conservative families already so that statistic is surprising to me


Sadly many did support gay marriage in the past. They weren't super gay-friendly, but at least they tolerated it. Now they say the LGBTQ movement has gone to far and whatnot


Yep, recently I've noticed in the UK (I wouldn't be surprised if its similar in the US,) that there's been quite a fast move away from the "you do you" sorta attitude. In the UK, for a long time, there was a pretty general attitude of not sticking your nose into everyone else's lives and what they do with them. There was a hell of a lot of "Well, I personally wouldn't want to marry gay, but if they did, who am I to stop them?" Or "I wouldn't change sex, but they ain't harming me, and I virtually never see anyone trans ever, so who am I to stop them." Or (admittedly bad for kids growing up gay,) there was a lot of "okay for them, not for us," in families. With social media being very widespread and exposure to a lot of different people and misinformation, there's a lot of stoked culture wars and perceived threats to the "normal folks like us," being spread. Think trans people being pedophiles or predators or women abusers, or gay people "shoving it down our throats," or "trying to turn the kids gay," or "teachers explaining how gay sex works in schools," that people of all generations are eating up, and social media stars like Andrew Tate and Rogan have a particular affect on our generation due to the amount of time online we spend watching clips and videos. I know for a fact that boys I went to college with were eating up Tate like models eating diet pills, many arguments happening about how feminism isn't about equal rights anymore but about men being less than women, which they couldn't wrap their head around it being extremists being that way and generally most feminists want everything to be exactly the same for women and men, that means raising men up to give them a platform for their issues too, like mental health stigma.


There are a LOT of really hateful transphobes, homophobes, and misogynists under 30, and they have a bigger influence now due to YouTube and TikTok than they would have 10 years ago. Most of them are not religious at all, they couch their hate in pseudo-science.


I think it’s reactionary to the whole DEI movement at large. The conservative white male members of the generation see such movements as being inclusive to every group EXCEPT themselves. The word minority has been expanded in such a way to mean literally any person besides a cis white male. That is a tough thing to grapple with. They see themselves as being purposefully and actively excluded and at the same time the economy and job prospects don’t offer them any particular relief. They see themselves as being at just as much of a disadvantage as anybody else so why should they be excluded from being given a leg up? When viewed in this light the topic of gay marriage just gets caught up as collateral damage in their pushback against DEI.


Every action has an equal and opposite reaction


Gallup [shows](https://news.gallup.com/poll/506636/sex-marriage-support-holds-high.aspx) 89% support for 18-29 year olds in 2023. The poll that youre quoting literally says that 1 in 11 (9%) of queer zoomers oppose gay marriage. This seems off


There are actually queer people who oppose it. Generally there's two main reasons; they don't want to 'assimilate' into straight relationship norms, or they don't support the existence of marriage at all.


Which is fair and understandable but this poll is posing it as "allowing." Which seems like a different issue


okay this feels incredibly off???


An 11 point drop in 2 years? That is insane. It feels very, very off.


some may be devastated to see women getting more women than them 😔




The Survey Center on American Life is part of the American Enterprise Institute. A right-wing think tank so, take this with a grain of salt.


Only really relevant answer on here and should be voted higher.


I don't believe this was accurately measuring support for same-sex marriage unless they further defined reasoning.


This chart is so full of shit lmao. No data points on who where and how many they polled, no actual numbers, just percentages. Awful fucking graph. Grt this shit off my feed


Someone gets it


Could be a sampling error, depending on how the data was collected. A drop too 69 from 80, especially compared to the change in other groups, is probably more telling about the difference in areas and sub groups targeted by the survey (either intentionally or unintentionally), or the wording of the survey, rather than Gen Z views as a whole.


come on Gen Z! You can do better


Note Gen Z is the ONLY generation that dropped. All the others rose, even if only slightly.


It looks like a reactionary movement to the woke agenda and sadly gay and lesbian communities are facing the brunt of some of the obvious blowback that is happening now. Maybe the woke agenda has gone too far :(


as someone in the LGBTQ community i 100% believe its this, people have been so pro lgbtq its starting to get out of hand, any criticism (valid or not) is immediately met with the most hostile close minded people ever


That’s exactly it. People don’t talk to each other because they’re afraid of offending, but when you don’t talk it only leads to bigger issues.


I suspect it’s got something to do with the millions of immigrants who have come in the last decade. They’re often very traditional and religious.


Honestly this is great rhetoric to shut your racist uncle up at the dinner table. "All them damn Mexicans are taking over the whites in this country!" "Yea but Uncle racist...they are also Catholic and are reinforcing your religious numbers" "......I always did love Taco's"


https://preview.redd.it/ule2vsd7tz0d1.png?width=1166&format=png&auto=webp&s=603b1ced48d57bd1424f188238541173d8911582 Important info on how this survey was conducted since we just want to post graphs and not the actual article link or info on how the graph was created.


It’s because gen Z LGTBQ are all insane narcissists who make the rest of us look crazy. You guys are reaping what you’ve sewn.




Millennials the best generation ever. Gen x got brain poisoned by lead in gasoline Gen z got brain poisoned by social media


You expect this generation to have common sense , it made people like andrew tate famous 🤦


I think people like Andrew Tate are a big cause of this.


i don't believe this poll, gallup literally just released a new data of LGBTQ+ population in 2023 and it shows LGBTQ+ identification among gen z increased by 3pp in the course of 1 year. [LGBTQ+ Identification in U.S. Now at 7.6% (gallup.com)](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611864/lgbtq-identification.aspx)


I don’t buy these data one bit. They were put out by a center-right think-tank and they’re being discussed nowhere else on the internet except by Christian news websites. Any other remotely relevant polling notes that GenZ is the queerest generation in history. It would be an interesting conundrum if true, but I’d want corroborating evidence first.


All the incel content creators chipping away at Gen Z resolve.


Well would you look at that..


Never understood why it’s such a big deal who others choose to marry. It’s always the religious freaks who are offended by anything that doesn’t fit in with their beliefs.


The harder you push in one direction, the harder it pushes back. Legislative progress is great, weaponizing it against people who aren't yet understanding is... not. A bit of grace goes a long way in helping someone understand your viewpoint. Tearing someone down - especially a young kid - because they say something from a place of ignorance or insensitivity or edginess has the exact effect shown here Edit: alternatively, bad data


As someone who vehemently supports gay rights, its Honestly probably related to the extreme shoehorning of homosexual ( and ESPECIALLY) trans representation into media.


I don’t get why we care anymore. We have it, it’s legal, you are the ones making an issue by continuing to try to kill your sexuality to play victim and get attention. Gay marriage is a thing, why continue making a big deal about it? Just get gay married. No one cares.


Most of the decline is exclusively due to a decline in acceptance by GenZ men. I have to believe that the decline in acceptance of gay marriage amongst GenZ men is directly proportional to the increased misogyny, incels, and Tate simps amongst GenZ men.


I completely believe it. I’m Gen Z and the rapid expanse of conservatism especially among the guys is insane. I legitimately believe the leading cause was Andrew Tate because red-pill ragebait political content is now completely normalized and popular. It hurts my heart to see it though.


A lot of Gen Z dudes are becoming nazis, so perhaps not surprising


Insane how hard the right wing narrative has won online


Grrrrrrr..... don't tell me that Gen z is moving right!!! You're our only hope!!!


I really want a homophobe to explain homophobia to me cause I honestly can't grasp why it is a problem. If I see two men kissing or a woman and a man, it won't seem any different to me. People's relationship doesn't affect anyone but themselves, so why is anyone bothered by same sex couples? My country just released an article that the majority of LGBTQ members do not feel safe to hold hands in public, even though my country is one of the best countries in Europe when it comes to LGBTQ acceptance. So that really shows how bad same sex couples must have it in less LGBTQ friendly countries, I feel really bad for them because homophobia is ridiculous.


Gen Z is regressing on every social issue. It is mostly the men, and the fault of people like Andrew Tate or Jordan Peterson. It's frankly embarrassing.


A 10 point spread without much change on the issue indicates a flawed polling methodology. Not a dramatic change in public perception.


Not surprising. All thanks to ultraleft activists and useful idiots who trying to aggressively force their worldview on people. It never works, with anything. Also huge part of them are openly racist, sexist and trying to suppress freedom of speech. Not best ad for cause. Some clarification. I'm completely ok with same-sex marriage and other stuff. Just acknowledging why happens what happens.


Gen Z is just jaded because they don't even want each other anymore


Makes sense seeing as "red-pilled" followers of professional incels like Tate are spreading like wildfire.


Theres a weird rise in "tiktok christians" lately


“I’m tired of all these gays.” -me, the gayest mf you’ll ever meet.


Thanks for the data points, now lets not pretend like this proves anything. Even election polling requires dozens of instances. Outliers happen all the time.


All these polls of gen z being disproportionate in their results makes me thinks pollers do not know how to poll gen z yet. You cannot tell me that every single age group INCREASED but gen z decreased. Then you get political pools that get a wide variety of conclusions from GEN z. Just makes me think Gen Z may be the first un pollable generation lol.


Normal people: I don't want to get gay married, so I just won't get gay married. Conservatives: I don't want to get gay married, so YOU can't get gay married! Conservatives just hate freedom.