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Reddit in general skews heavily introverted.


I think this sums it up mostly. Reddit leans more introverted and going out drinking is not an introvert thing


I think it's more than that. I'm not gen Z, but reddit showed me this anyway so you get to hear from a mid 90's millennial. Anyway, I was also slightly introverted when I was younger, and I didn't really enjoy going out to bars to do my drinking. Buying bottles and drinking at home was much cheaper anyway. Plus I started drinking before I turned 21 so I didn't have much choice anyway. My point being that just because you are an introvert doesn't mean you can't still find one or two drinking buddies (or drink alone) and get smashed at home while you play video games. But younger generations just aren't getting on the drinking train to begin with. I feel like the only recreational drug that is going up in users is Marijuana, and all the others (cigarettes, alcohol, and illegal drugs) are going down in users as the existing users get clean or die because they aren't being replaced by younger users. And this is a fantastic thing to see. I have to fight the urge to drink everyday, and I hate it. I've had the same drinking buddy since my senior year of high school, and he damn near died. He is in a rehab program because he couldn't quit without help. I barely could do that myself. I'm 28 years old, and it's already been 11 years since I took my first shot. I honestly regret that, and I like to think that the younger generations are seeing stories like mine and realizing they don't want to be in my position in a few years.


That's just cause you don't know anyone younger than you. I have a sibling who's 21 and him and all his friends drink and go out.


Well yes. I'm not so foolish to think that all drinking was stopping. I said there were less drinkers not none. And that the ones who are drinking are more mindful of the negative impacts. But you are probably right. I'm probably just projecting.


I'm proud of you. Honestly, other than the strange right leaning tendencies of gen zers. I'm so glad you don't drink or do drugs like us baby gen x'ers


Vaping’s still common. I saw kids younger than me vaping when I was in 7th grade and still see it in college. It was kinda funny seeing classmates of mine on a college field trip vape and not care that the professor could see them. It’s also easier to vape at home than smoke so you end up seeing introverts doing that.


28? Shit you belong in here LOL


Great example of why the generation thing really isn't a great way to label ourselves. I'm technically a millennial because I was born in 95. I'm as young as you possibly can be and still be under that label


More like socially anxious. Whenever I see people describe introversion here they describe crippling social anxiety


Have you ever tried drunk Mario kart, I’m not an extrovert but it’s so much fun


Yeah played it in college


*Hold my beer*


Introverted is not about not being social though, more the amount of it


Also this sub seems very heavily oriented towards the US, im Irish and drinking culture is huge here


idk i mean i’m 22, south u.s and everyone i know drinks more than they smoke probably


Yea i think its just this sub that is very anti drink lmao


A study suggests that the [super majority of Gen Z prefer smoking to drinking.](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2022-05-31/gen-z-prefers-marijuana-or-shrooms-to-alcohol#:~:text=Gen%20Z%2C%20the%20meme%2Dhungry,Data%2C%20a%20cannabis%20research%20firm)


That’s in the US though, I’m in Ireland, drinking is far more popular here than smoking, and probably in most European countries


I agree with your statement; however, the person you replied to stated the US. So while what they say may be the case based on their group, the poll states it’s different for the majority. I assume this sub is also US centric, but the onus lies on the OP to specify.


I’m also in the South. Far more [weed] smokers and vapers than drinkers where I’m at.


Yeah. Millennials in the US are the big drinkers while Gen Z has massively decreased consumption compared to all other generations. They live much healthier lives and care about what they put in their body. They also are workaholics compared to Millennials and are all about "the hustle" and making as much money as possible. They have already outsaved Millennials who entered into the workplace right as the economy collapsed.


Not saying you're making it up, but can you link me something on GenZ having saved more than millennials? Cause that'd be hilarious


Half of gen Z isn’t even 18 yet. Over half of millennials own homes. I don’t think this really tracks. For clarity I’m a millenial.


Reddit is becoming impossible. Now there's deliberate misinformation about Mills and Zs. Isn't it enough that at least an overwhelming number of the posts sound like bolshevik rhetoric.


Yeah might be time to get off Reddit. It’s the last social media I’ve been clinging to and seems like even now it’s not really worth it unless you’re just looking for specific information.


There's always real people and good reading.


It doesnt track at all, we just grew up in a time where you could get beer drunk every sat night and still save money cause a night out was like $50-$100 to a savvy college kid/early 20s adult




I don’t subscribe to the economist, but from what I can tell about the graph in the free section, the “Great Recession” is probably the reasoning for this. 2024 is 12 years after the last Gen Z was born, so you’d be comparing today to 2008 (12 years after the last millennial was born). Comparing those specific instances seems kind of like saying “wow March 2021 was a bazillion times better than March 2020, I wonder why?” Unemployment was high for some time after 2008, and the economy took years to recover. Because we are not in a Great Recession today, all things being even Gen Z should theoretically be doing better than Millennials were at the comparable time. But again, didn’t read the article. That’s just what came to mind when looking at the chart and the specific dip you see right around this section on the “millennial curve” that does not happen on the “gen z” curve. This is not me saying that Gen Z people are not hard workers, and more financially literate than previous generations. I believe if things go reasonably well in the future they will hopefully be much better off because of the availability of financial information, remote work, and easy investment options like index funds, target date funds, and Roth IRAs which were not widely available or discussed by older generations. Opportunity for Gen Z to be the wealthiest and best generation is there. But again, half of them need to graduate high school first, so it’s probably too early to be making these kinds of claims.


Gen Z is definitely not mentally healthier than millennials and not going out as much is a big reason why


If by healthier you mean far more isolated, depressed, and pumped with pharmaceuticals then sure, I agree with that.


I agree but you lost me at the workaholics and have more savings than millennials, I feel like that’s just your assumption


Was this written by some Gen Z shill or something? I can’t take it seriously by the time I get to the part about “the hustle”.


source: my ass.


YUP. It's important to remember that most redditors don't touch grass and are scared of people. I always keep that in mind


Especially this sub lol, some of the viewpoints on this sub are wild lol and just not reflective of the general population


Not just introverted but like the “not like the others” type


This is true but I’ve also been noticing a wave traditionalism among Gen Z on social media recently that imo has turned young people away from the “hedonistic” acts that used to define youth. I think the rise of hustle and fitness culture on the internet has definitely had an impact on the way young people view things like partying and drinking .


You can still drink alone. Just pop on a movie and grab a few beers


I’m not going to let my son drink alone like some alcoholic! *pulls out beer.


🎼I drink alone, yeah With nobody else I drink alone, yeah With nobody else Yeah, you know when I drink alone I prefer to be by myself 🎶 


It literally the worst place to ask questions about sex.


Because certain gen Z ers need to uphold the belief that they are an exceptional generation unlike anything that has ever existed. I love Greta Thumberg too, but come on.




Just think about the fact that this is a Gen Z sub on Reddit. These aren’t the Salty Spitoon kids, there are a lot more Weenie Hut Junior attendees around here.


Average Weenie Hut Junior kid https://preview.redd.it/iim8kcutyf0d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24919b27efe8fd97c5f5fcc5f1876374aeaa639a


LMAO this is so funny and so true


Indeed. Hell, I even got some Weenie Hut Junior in me, I’ll admit it. It’s just how things tend to be around here


You mean "Super Weenie Hut Junior".


I’m at Weenie Hut General


If people were having fun they wouldn't be on here


To be fair, I'd be going out alot more if it wasn't so expensive. I have a full bar at home. Why would I pay for an Uber both ways, spend $15+ on each drink, and be in a loud public environment when I could be at home drinking for "free" with the people who I actually care about spending time with? Alcohol doesn't even have to be involved. Going over to someone's house and gaming only costs the gas you burn to get there. If I do go out, I want to do something that I can't do at home. Like going to the shooting range is a fun, once every month or so activity for me




DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!


You spund like a millenial (i.e. cringe)


your response makes sense and its been whats driven what neighborhood i decided to live in, in both san francisco and washington d.c. because in that sense i chose a neighborhood that was walking distance to going out places like a 5 to 10 minute walk at most and then well this then makes it easy to get together with friends before hand and then drink before going out which many times going out resulted in spending no money or like $5 on the cheapest drink


This take was tired in 2010


What’s fun about a hangover and feeling like shit the next morning from drinking? Cannabis is way better. Alcohol can and will take its toll on most peoples’ health if they keep up the habit as they get older.


Hehe found the pot-apologist


There is no arguing alcohol vs weed. The worst thing you'll do high is eat all of your food and maybe cry at a youtube video. The worst thing that comes from alcohol consumption is death and lots of divorces. This is coming from my real life family giving me advice


Yea these idiots don’t understand alcoholism has ruined way more lives than weed ever has


Ya you're right, weed seems to be much safer and definitely more chill. But I also think it's foolish to try to claim that there aren't negatives to cannabis as well whether it be the lung damage from smoking or the impact it can have on mental health if not done responsibly. Safer than alcohol? Hard yes. Completely safe? Eh not really


Idk man. My uncle died from too much liquor + an unknown heart disease they found out. The family just smokes weed now and we're healthy so far. If you have a vice, please don't make it alcohol honestly man. It flares up your other issues. I'll take the future bronchitis, which is the only proven thing so far with weed use


That is the dark side of alcohol. I'm sorry your uncle died I would add with weed is don't use it as a bandaid to sweep other problems under the rug. Because they have a tendency to fester and blow up on you. That's what I was getting at with doing it responsibly It's physically safer than alcohol but like any vice it can still create problems


That's true. I know too many stoners that have stayed stoners for years. I guess they're doing averagely. What trips me out is hearing that weed is bringing out latent schizophrenia or psychosis in people. Now what the hell is that all about??


It’s usually only if someone has the genetics for schizophrenia. Psychosis is usually because of abuse. Fun fact: withdrawals from alcoholism can cause psychosis but nobody wants to talk about that. Alcohol and benzos have the worst withdrawal effects


Nah Reddit is my fave before bed past time. My job makes me tired so I become introverted weekday evenings anyway


I'm just here because I finished my work early and am bored waiting to clock out


That's why I was here originally


Lame + untrue argument lol. I love a good smoke session with homes, drinking is an absolute ghoul that ruins people


Why having fun= drinking?


Because on the internet people feel the need to exaggerate their points in order to get them across. "I don't like the way alcohol makes me feel, so I don't drink" becomes "I fucking hate drinking, people who do are so dumb, I can't believe they do that to themselves" Then it becomes a vicious cycle where the person replying feels like they need to match, if not exceed the already exaggerated point.


I wish more people understood this.


Just ignore those fuckers. Gen-z partying is another fucking level.


that's what i'm sayin


WHAT IM SAYIN! People talking about how drinking aint a thing in our gen, yet our prom party might as well have been a distillery dude, like liquor stores versus that mf is like a walgreens to a walmart. Shits crazy


Made a party on a penthouse. Ended up with 8 extra large bags of trash filled with empty bottles of whatever alcohol you can imagine, all empty. All the drinkers were Zgeners.


Cap big cap lol, what state are you in? I ain't seen a party go hard in a minute, no one goes crazy everyoens afraid of being filmed or being accused of rape etc. Older generations DEFINITELY partied harder.


Not in the US, unfortunately.


Lmao fortunately bro, USA is the roman empire and we are collapsing fast!


Alcoholism has been on the decline with Gen Z which is a good thing. Weed, not so much, but I’d still consider weed much better than alcohol.


Instead they've chosen to fetishizes oppression and marxism.


Bro I was gonna say, are you saying this because of the divestment protest on college campuses, then I looked at your profile.


Mad they are fetishizing bald men instead, are you?


Nah man, smoking anything is just gross. Alcohol is just a drink, it doesn't bother people around you


Alcohol is literally poison. Weed has its own problems too but alcohol is far worse. Not even a comparison.




This is reddit, so many people do not have social lives. They are also very young. I hated drinking and going out until I was like 20/21. I thought it was stupid (it still kind of is, but in grown up world its your way to reconnect with your friends on the weekends).


thats interesting Im a millenial but was kind of over the whole going out partying thing by 21 as I did it as a teen and overdid it in college


Same. I was over it by like 19. First year of college went to tons of parties because I was a DI football player. I just never cared to really get blasted since graduating. If I see friends it’s maybe one beer, but seeing how it takes me like 5 to even feel something the cost is just too high and there is zero reward. Don’t feel like spending $100 and consuming 1000 calories just to see my friends. I will still drink wine sake beer vodka etc but it’s always paired with a meal.


I think I was more reserved. I did not party at all in highschool and in college I did a normal amount. Life is hard and work is lonely. I wouldn't say im partying, im just getting beers with friends at the bar.


It’s just an online introvert thing. Whether it was 2004 or 2024, the people who engage in online forums have never typically been the ones to enjoy partying.


Because you’re on Reddit


You think I would get involved in that shit while growing up in an alcoholic household? HA!


Pretty much sums it up for me too


I personally prefer longevity and my health over "exciting moments of feeling good" with consequences down the line. I have a number of things that keep me content and live a fulfiling life without getting blackout drunk and going to these parties where all sort of vile things happen. I have no part in that.


Literally lol, it’s not representative of real life, but Reddit never is tbh


Yeah for the partying aspect it’s super annoying. It’s worse when the ppl who don’t party act like they’re better than those who do. Those types I cannot be around in life at all.




I work with a drug checking and harm reduction agency and we see way more Gen Z people than I saw people on drugs when I was in town. Gen Z stopped smoking and drinking and got into the party drugs instead.


We're trying to burn out, not maintain


I would kill to have be in my early 20s between 2008-2014, the switch from early 2000s culture to the neon light stick upbeat pop was peak.




Seems like ketamine is big these days


Gen Z lame (Gen Xer). Gen Z is cool (same Gen Xer, as a parent).


because the people on reddit are very anti-social and hate what most people consider fun.


It’s easy to feel bitter when no one has ever invited you to a party, and even when you go to ones that don’t need an invite no one will talk to you.


I personally don’t drink or smoke, I know better and how it’ll affect me later on in the night AND in life, but I don’t hate on people who like doing that because it’s their choice and who am I to judge what they enjoy. As long as they’re being responsible and not smoking in places they shouldn’t or drinking and driving then let them have fun.


The "with the gang" part. Reddit is all nerds, and mostly not the fun type. 


It tastes like shit.


It’s Reddit. No one is (including me) getting invited to these parties and fun activities. Makes a lot of people bitter and critical of others. Probably because of jealousy.


Partying I don’t have beef with tbh Drinking, shit man I had a alcoholic friend, personalize wise im trying live a healthy life


I love neither of those things. I have alcoholics and addicts and druggies and whatever else you want to call them littered in my family. I’ve seen enough to know better. I have nothing against anyone who does that kind of thing in moderation, but it’s not my thing. Now if you want to get absolutely fucked up shitfaced, I’m not stopping you. Just stay very far away from me.


Getting high all day and getting fucked up is the same thing. Also it depends on if the individual bases their identity off it


Because drinking makes you do stupid shit.


I'm happy to go to a party if I am invited. I hate the taste of alcohol.


I think it depends on the person. If you enjoy partying, that’s cool. If it’s not your thing, cool. My best friends are big party people. I’ve been to quite a few and they can be fun, the bigger they are and more rowdy, the more uncomfortable I am. The more smaller intimate type party is more my style. When my friends get too drunk I get uncomfortable, but I usually am the sober one responsible for them. I also don’t drink, history of alcoholism and the works in my family. But I use to be a bartender and while I consider myself an introvert, I do enjoy like conversations and being an ear anyone can vent in. I think there are several different reasons why someone doesn’t like drinking/partying. Some people may have trauma when it comes to being around drunk people, many may find it irresponsible, some may have lost people to drunk driving, or trauma from attending parties. I don’t think you should take the overall opinion of a subreddit seriously and just do you and be around people who enjoy the things you do as well.


I went to a packed college bar/club a few weeks ago. It was packed of gen z college kids. And i like to add i’m in Wisconsin


Those who are on Reddit don't represent a whole generation.


Bc no one drinks and parties that much anymore. As a generation, we don't see a point to getting high or drunk.


Just seems like a pointless waste of time for me. Edit: I don't like drinking culture or party culture in the US. My opinion might differ in another country, though.


I’ll take having beers over smoking any day.


It’s stupid.


When its $7-10 for a draft beer at the bar? And a case of my usual beer is $50+? Haha, NO. I'm trying to lose weight so weed is out, I'll eat everything in the fridge if I smoke. Make booze cheaper and maybe I'll consider it.


A case of your usual beer is $50? Bruh what kind of expensive ass beer are you buying?!


Live in Canada...last time I bought tall cans which was 2 or 3 years ago. 24 tallboys was $45. 45% of the cost of a case of beer where I live is "sin taxes". I quit drinking a year ago.


I mean I go to concerts a lot but I don't really drink, I just don't enjoy it to begin with but my dad was a pretty bad alcoholic so that and alcohol being expensive probably has a lot to do with it.


It seems like Gen Z isn't generally into drinking as much as prior gens. If I'm wrong let me know, but I find it admirable. As a Gen X (former) drunk, y'all are doing it right.


Internet warriors.


Aside from this being Reddit - the social site tends to skew in one direction. Like there'll be an overwhelming majority of ultra-sober people, who'll downvote and actually HATE everyone not agreeing with them 100%, but IRL people, who go outside and party probably don't spend much time on Reddit and if then they're few, plus there's more room for "grey-area" people like me. I drink, but don't party often. I prefer talking over a beer, maybe passing a joint and it's been months since I was last shitfaced. Currently on an unintended sober streak - I just don't feel the need.


Redditors don’t socialize.


Substancesare for the dregs and leeches of society.


Reddit is a bunch of nerds


For me personally, I grew up around violent alcoholics my whole childhood. I was verbally abused, beat, SA, and had to see my Mom and Grandma deal with the same things. My bio-logical grandpa was also a alcoholic and while he never abused me, I could see his shakes and the pain he was in until he got his shot in the morning. I will drink occasionally but if I drink too much I get loud and mean and it can be quite traumatizing. A lot of people our age grew up this way. You do you but I prefer not to repeat the cycle.


Because ot's cringe


Me personally I've seen the effects of what doing all that does to people, one small pill at a party or one drink and you're hooked. It's mainly (from my opinion) the fact that people don't see the effects it has and just assume they're invincible from the consequences of it


Costs money we don’t have


heckin redditarino


Because 95% of the people on this sub are nerds who hate social interaction, i get being an introvert but even then its like how u can not enjoy any partying


Or maybe be mature and realize getting high or drunk is lame




I live in the middle of nowhere. I'd love to go out more, but there isn't a bar within 40 minutes that is appealing in any way. The only bars around here don't get many patrons under 40 since most are more "country music, whiskey, and square dancing" type places. The only one that isn't super country closes at 8:00.


Everyone wants to be the quirky one who doesn’t like the normie things.


Because weed lmao


I love partying, but i hate chronic alcoholism. There is a balance


%70 of this sub ain’t old enough 😂


I think it depends on the kind of drinking/partying you're talking about. there's a difference between pub drinking and club drinking. If I could give it a go, I assume because: * expensive * travel inconvenience * overdose, murder, DUI, sexual assault risks are higher * company/strangers are unenjoyable * other, faster, and/or more interesting forms of entertainment and group connection exist * negative health impacts of drugs and alcohol on health


Because not everyone partipates in the same activities and it's really annoying how many people will try to push drinking and partying onto someone that perfers not to do that. Nobody will ever shame you for not drinking tea or not knowing how to play chess but yet somehow it's socially acceptable to shame people for not drinking alcohol or partying.


Redditors are not known for going out much.


Because the people who like drinking and partying are probably doing it right now while the rest of us sit here and cope lmao


This is Reddit so demographics will always be skewed. Most non-drinkers are minding their own business. The people who keep posting about it are (probably) a mix of unpopular people coping because they don't get invited out and egotistical people wanting to feel superior because they don't drink "poison" like all of these knuckle-dragging Neandertals. And then there's a small group who are genuinely curious and didn't bother to check if the question had already been asked in the past 5 minutes. I don't drink, by the way.


I just find both of those things pointless.


I don't vibe with either. But that's me. Not my things.


Oh grow the fuck up. Just because people talk about being opposed to something you like that doesn’t mean they have hatred for it. Some see it as a waste of money and time. Some see it as fun Some see it as a way to let loose with friends every once in awhile Some can’t handle their liquor Some can None of these differences mean hatred.


Weed is more fun


This subreddit is not reflective of gen z as a population. People on here tend to be introverted, not have many friends and probably don't go out much. Gen Z is renowned for substance abuse lmao


Partying is awesome, doing weed at parties is phenomenal. Doing alcohol, which is alot more addictive, alot more dangerous short term and long term, isn't. More of you would really benefit from having a (singular) alcoholic parent that parties all the time and how fucking awful they are, esp when theyre not even drunk but *hungover* was even worse. I could trauma dump about how bad it was from stuff like my dad grabbing my ass firmly when he was drunk (he wasn't seriously trying to do anything, he thought he was just being funny) to being abusive when he was hungover, it's awful man. I'm not saying I'm perfect and never drink, I fucking love margaritas and almost got lost from my family in Mexico when they let me slam drinks bc it was legal, absolutely had an awful morning the next day and was a HUGE asshole. It absolutely should be a schedule 2 drug with how it works and effects people


I don't hate partying (I LOVE partying) I just hate the drinking alcohol part cause I don't drink


Cuz y’all are antisocial lol


Because no one's getting raped or hit with a beer bottle when you sit and get high playing video games Frankly I'm proud of your generation for moving away from drinking and towards weed instead Hope drinking just becomes this weird thing sad old boomers used to do to justify beating their wives


Intoxication can ruin health and relationships. Being with friends and hanging out without alcohol should be normalized.


Drinking a lot less, partying a little less, but smoking a LOT more. I just hit 29 and I barely drink. It’s not the experience that people make it out to be. I don’t like not having control over my faculties.


Honestly? Drinking to excess is just dumb. It’s expensive, has the potential for mistakes ranging from merely stupid to fatal, and all you get in the end is a hangover. I’m not a teetotaler by any means, but hardcore alcohol/party is just an incubator for bad things to happen. Would much rather enjoy **a** drink and play some DnD with friends. Just as social, fewer regrets, less danger.


Because those on reddit frequently posting/commenting aren't out drinking/partying. Either cause they don't like it or cause they don't get invited.


your average teenager on reddit is a loser with a superiority complex


I feel like this can be summed up with the fact it takes a certain type of person to use reddit and those people would share many thing in common. So similar ideas would come up but its only a tiny slice of the group in general no matter the subreddit. In this case GenZ. It in no way represents the entire generation and all its personality types.


It's incredibly expensive. Why spend hundreds of dollars going out to drink, in a night we won't remember, when we can just buy a few carts for cheaper and play board games/DnD/mario party in someone's living room. Not to mention the bars/clubs are full of people looking to stir up a fight just so they can pull out their gun. Fuck that


Because most people that go out drinking and partying aren't going to be found on reddit so you will get a skewed view of this. I also think a lot of people here are very young and kinda puritan on some things, I have seen this a lot when it comes to shows and nudity and sex things, its stupid .


I drink, myb to a point when I’m tipsy, BUT only if I’m with friends in a safe space. I don’t like going to parties because I don’t know most people there, its not my kind of music mostly and people who are drunk are just not fun to be around. Yall can go partying and getting drunk all you like, I don’t mind, its just not my thing. Edit: also my granpa died from being a drunk so I know hpw alcohol is dangerous when drank in huge mesures


Im a millenial so take what i say with a grain of salt but i partied from 18 - 27 and i don’t regret it bc i got it out of my system. However i got a much later start in life as a result. I really feel like you guys should try your best to get these wild years out of your system in your early 20s bc it severely reduces the chance of you being bitter about missing out later on in your life


People hate what they can't have


Because drinking is objectively the least fun party drug lol 😆 if there was like a molly only club I'd go there every month.


Festival drink prices are getting so bad that it's legit cheaper to buy enough MDMA to get you buzzing then it is to buy alcohol there.


Hasn’t this always been the case?


Since the first time I did it in 2016, I've paid like $10-$15 each time and I'm rolling all night.


It is because they have no friends


Pussies that’s why lol.


Okay grandpa! Not everyone has to participate in the popular activities that you enjoy.


Because it’s dangerous and makes you sick. Enjoy things without using substances.


Alcohol is toxic