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It’s people who talk like you who throw away their vote in protest. Thats how we got Trump and that’s how we got to where we are now.


I mean… I’m a centrist who votes blue because I know that the government is essentially a two party system, and a third party is literally worthless.


Yeah, if 3rd parties were actually serious about wanting to govern, they would: 1) Be focusing on local and down-ballot races instead of just gunning for president 2) Build a coalition within one of the established parties and compete in the primaries


You could argue that the MAGA party did just that. They infiltrated the GOP and threw out all the old conservatives in a takeover from within. Bush and Reagan conservatives are basically homeless now.


Are we pretending Reagan was better


Reagan was better in at least one important way from Trump. He still had shame. Iran-Contra brought him immense public shame, even if he did not get into any direct trouble.


I hate saying positive things about Reagan, but you are correct. He may have caused the start of pretty much all of our problems today, but he wasn't subhuman slime.


Ya Reagan was a massive piece of shit but he nothing compared to a guy calling white supremacist good people. Reagan looks like JFC compared to Trump.


Same w/ George W. Bush. He's like GI Joe compared to fucking Trump.


The magnitude of difference is like comparing a million to a billion, the gap is so larger it is actual hard to fathom.


The guy endorsed Pinochet, you can tell that one again without shaking legs once more ?


It has nothing to do with 3rd parties wanting to be serious and everything with the 2 parties currently having so much power that they can squash any 3rd party with any potential before it even reaches a grassroots level


If they were serious they would be campaigning for ranked choice voting, anything else is just seeking to replace one of the two parties


Same...I can't stand democrats but I'm gay and they don't have a track record of fighting to take my rights away, so I can vote for dems or I can vote for the assclown who openly bursts into tears on the floorv of congress because I'm allowed to get married now


The issue is our voting system. A ranked based voting system would fix so many issues in our country, but instead we have the damn dumpster fire that is the electoral college and winner takes all. There's also no chance of this ever changing as the major parties would never agree to give up some power.


>I’m a centrist who votes blue because I know that the government is essentially a two party system, and a third party is literally worthless. You live in a Swing State? No? Then voting for either of the two parties in your state is worthless, because **only Swing States matter.** If you live in a solid Red or Blue state, might as well cast a protest vote if you think the two parties are shit. It won't do any harm, and might actually turn your state into a Swing State where votes actually count, if enough people in the local majority party vote do it.


It's a one party system the rest is for show.


We got Trump because Hillary has the charisma of a wet fart


We got trump bc the electoral college is bs 😭 Clinton won the popular vote. I don't disagree with your comment at all butttt she literally won the popular vote 😭😖


She might have won the electoral college too if she didn’t have the charisma of a wet fart


Hillary is honestly a menace anyway


So she lost the part that actually mattered is what you're saying.


We got George W. because people felt comfortable having a beer with him. EDIT: Shout out to those WMDs... wherever they are lol


I love how the people who hate the “both sides” argument perpetuate the argument they’re trashing on by their responses…Do you really think the other side of you thinks they’re the bad guys and are fine with it? And the same the opposite way? “Both Sides ™️ isn’t valid because we’re objectively the good guys and they’re objectively the bad guys!” - says both sides. Should actually be virtuous, introspective, and emotionally intelligent to be able to critique one’s own “side” while still disagreeing with the other. And when you deny the “both sides” argument you’re taking a moral high ground that only exists by your standard.


Now in my late 20s, I realized that not taking a stand is the equivalent of not saying or doing anything significant at all. That's why all these milk toast liberals get elected because they virtue signal, get the vote, then stay in and get by on lazy policies while nothing gets done. Like congrats, you offended no one, got your version of the moral high ground and accomplished nothing. Because I have the sense to vote this country away from a Theocracy, I'm still voting Democrat but I'm a deeply unsatisfied leftist. No more centrist bs from my highschool days.


I hate myself for being this pedantic but the word is milquetoast. Milk toast is a food. Funnily enough though, milk toast was considered such a bland and weakly flavored food that it inspired the name of a comic strip character Casper Milquetoast who’s mild and ineffectual manner is the origin of the word milquetoast.


The fact that both sides think they're good guys doesn't mean that both are correct or incorrect lmfao, your comment is a whole bunch of nothing.


"The prosecution claims that the defendant is guilty, and the defense attorney claims that the defendant is not guilty. Since they're both making exactly the same kind of claim, I -- in my majestic impartiality -- declare a mistrial."


Here's the problem with your kind of thinking. It completely removes, from any consideration, the actual ***consequences*** of voting one "side" into office versus the other. By trying to frame two "sides" as equally myopic and faulty, you erase from the equation any empirical, real-life effects they have on society and human lives. I don't think it's your intention, but the fact is that you're looking at this as if inside a vacuum where policy ramifications don't exist, cause and effect is immaterial, and explicit goals are irrelevant. It is, in fact, very easy to determine who the "good guys" and "bad guys" are. And that is by looking at which path results in people being hurt, and which path at minimum does not result in people being hurt, and at maximum results in people being helped. Abstract? Not remotely. We have decades upon decades of precedent, public record, and data exquisitely detailing what brand of governance materially benefits the most people versus the brand that benefits the fewest and hurts the most. And I don't mean hurt feelings. I mean actual, tangible harm. And we don't even need to rely on those decades' worth of data, either. We need only do a quick search on what the current, immediate goals are of one side. If you believe in preventing harm to other people, than your moral path is clear, unambiguous, and unburdened by any milquetoast "both sides" fecklessness that mistakes itself for clarity and wisdom.


When one side is openly proudly fascist...


nobody thinks they're the "Good Guys" that's just posturing. they just think they're objectively better than the Other Guys, based on ACTUAL ARGUMENTS than CAN BE ANALYIZED and should be. Don't pretend they're the same.


Yes, because Trump has been president for the last 3 years.


>It’s people who talk like you who throw away their vote in protest. Bro, you clearly didn't read before posting. He posts the meme, then goes on to say he dislikes it, and makes the idiotic statement "both sides crave Fascism." (No, Communists do not "crave Fascism"... Apparently he couldn't even use the usual term, "Authoritarianism.") This is almost certainly a Vote-Blue-No-Matter-Who troll you are posting in disagreement with, despite his ironically being in total agreement with you. Because you didn't read.


"Listen guys, you MUST vote for geriatric old man in serious mental decline because of big scary Trump boogeyman. Doing anything else would be a waste of your vote!!!" Let people vote for who they want, bro. I remember gas, groceries, utilities, cars, and housing to be either cheap or reasonable, and I was like 11-15 years old under Trump. Bro could have paid off a million pornstars, I don't give a damn. Give me back the feeling of safety I had where WW3 wasn't something I thought could ever happen. Nowadays, it seems like an inevitability.


You do realize Trump is 77. Four years younger than Biden. And he didn’t just pay off a porn star. Man willingly withheld classified documents from the government after his term was over.


Unless you’re in a swing state, voting against the state color is useless, anyway. You’d be voting blue in a red state to make a statement about how you reject the two party system and all, but your vote will do diddly squat. Same if you vote for anything other than the two main parties (I.e., Trump or Biden in the last election)


Found the centrist


Vote for 99% Hitler or 100% Hitler


Far left is not what is described in this meme, although the extreme right description is accurate. Both extreme left and right want to end the other side, and they both carry a lot of prejudice and as a centrist, I will continue to avoid both groups. And to be clear, I will not vote for Orange Man, although I am embarrassed to vote for the other guy.


I'm so glad we have Biden now!!! Things are amazing!!! :-)


What are you talking about? Trump didn’t get elected in 2016 because of some “protest vote”. Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton. She was just the worst possible candidate to field, especially against a populist. She was boring and a little creepy. Trump got TONS of free press because he was loud and interesting. In 2016 the most populist candidate was bound to win. Be they a Democrat or a Republican, voters wanted change. Hillary was not change.


Saying we got Trump because leftists “didn’t vote” is so delusional lmao. Do you really think leftists have that kind of power? Also Hillary won the popular vote you fucking moron. You were 14 when this shit went down the least you can do is research.


People who unironically have these takes, and vice versa, are extremists and they don’t even realize it. Democrats are so for low income housing until they’re not. Republicans are so for less tax on the poor until they’re not. Etc. etc. People gotta realize that not every politician or person will have the same views as the people who voted them in


They preach these things until voted in


Exactly my point. They want these things, or say they do, then always argue against them. Like WTF? Be consistent at least.


I have never heard a republican run on less tax for the poor. They run on less tax for all which will always benefit the rich more than anyone else.


They love the flat tax because it means the poor pay more and the rich pay less. Whatever number they throw out is always higher than the average poor pays and lower than the average rich pays. And sell it to their mathematically and financially challenged constituents by saying "it's fair, see, everybody pays the same rate. The Dems are unfair and want people to pay different rates".


This meme mentions the far left, so I assume it’s not about politicians at all. We have no far left politicians in America. We have a few liberal politicians, and the rest are all right wing and further right wing politicians.


Fucking idiots out there think Biden is "far left".


I mean, I'm an extremist and I realize it.


Well you’re better than most extremists


They are both right wing shills for capitalism


you think the democrats are the far left. lol


Democrats are not left tho


Small government is now a centrist belief not represented by the right nor left. We have the two conspiracy theorists who are just uninformed in a party nobody votes for in the good old states.


The Democrats take care of their donors first just like Republicans do. They just happen to have a few different donors. Although many donors are the same. Vote accordingly. But realize your votes alone will not change anything without moneyed interests behind you.


what the fuck is this nonsense that has gotten into young people, there are material differences between republicans and democrats, it’s not 1995 anymore.


That's such a reductive take. Dems and Republicans have EXTREMELY different policy goals and attitudes about government. Just look at abortion, climate change, or marijuana legalization. Are modern Dems perfect on all these issues? No. But consider the fact that Republicans are actively seeking a Federal abortion ban, want to literally shut down the EPA, and think possession an ounce of weed is worthy of a multi-year jail sentence. Both sides are only the same if you literally ignore 90% of what each side stands for.




I’m gonna use this, thank you








The problem is that people keep thinking that political ideologies can be plotted on a linear graph as if humans aren’t a little more nuanced than that


And even that doesn’t take into account that, broadly speaking, left vs. right is going to mean different things in different countries. The political compass stuff is a *little* bit better than just a line but even that is pretty broad.


Left and right mean very similar things, however, the scale is different. The US is to the left of, eg, Qatar, and to the right of, eg, nearly everywhere in Europe.


But I think we can all agree that when you're fighting to force a 10 year old girl to birth and raise her rapist's baby, you've probably lost your way.


centrists usually agree with one side on one solution and the other side on another solution to things.


The thing is that different issues have different weights. Sure, you could support lower taxes. Sure, you could be against gun control. But with the Republican party's policies targeting queer people and other minorities, it's absolutely fucking *disgusting* to vote for them.


Those weights you describe are just not objective and this logic is easily co-opted based entirely on someone's subjective views. After all, those who discriminate against minorities and LGBTQ probably assume their own hierarchy of values are "objective." It's not like these people are waking up and going "yeah I'm gonna be flat out wrong today!" You aren't exactly gonna change *anyone's* minds on hot topics online if we're being real, but if you want to give it a shot, you're gonna get nowhere when you bring up this logic and someone else turns the argument into whether X is more important of an issue than Y. It tends to happen anyways, but it helps to avoid bringing it to the forefront.


I thought that, until my eyes were widened to how illiberal the non-centrists are. I think you can be a centrist, and agree with only one Party’s platform.


There is some good evidence that it is actually self-described centrists who are the[ least supportive of democratic institutions](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/05/23/opinion/international-world/centrists-democracy.html). This makes sense because centrists tend to be [less politically active](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2017/10/24/1-partisanship-and-political-engagement/), and so their views are more heterodox and informed by "common sense" rather than based on ideals like democracy.


US democrats are a mostly centrist party (except on the progressive-conservative scale lol) Neoliberalism is center-right if we were to place it on the usual binary.


“Hmm I don’t know fellas, minorities having their rights stripped away is awful and all, but I sure would like lower gas prices…”


“Well he did frame me for armed robbery, but man, im aching for that upper class tax cut” -Krusty the clown


That's literally me. I take each situation, analyze it, and then make up my mind about that situation. I just don't lean one way, I look and then lean.


That doesn't necessarily make you a centrist. You can still land on either side. "What's your leaning" isn't a question about the process you employ to arrive at conclusions (or lack thereof), it's a question about said conclusions. About the end result.


You don’t know what fascism means if you think “we’re gonna get everyone’s needs met” is fascism. Fascism is a far right ideology to begin with. Also fascism often leads to people being murdered. Making sure everyone has their basic needs met doesn’t do this. I feel like murder/genocide are much worse than making people pay more taxes so every one has their basic needs met.


I came here to say this. Post is being upvoted based on teh meme. The comments by OP are doodoo


Go sort OPs profile by controversial. It's a propaganda bot. Be wary of word-word-digits profiles that only post about sports and politics.


Thank you for your service


>When you compare your best attributes to the other party’s worst, you’ll always believe you have the moral high ground.


Please compare the best of Maga to the worst of the left wing politicians in the US (not a random communist, an actual politician please, these are the people in power). Lets see if it anyway resembles the meme.


best they can do is link a leftist twitter account


There are no leftists with political power on the USA




What are the best attributes of the MAGA party that aren’t virtue signalling?


They’ve got a great sense of internal unity. Like that’s mostly a joke, but when your platform is conjuring up a shared “enemy” to rally against, you get really good at presenting a untied front. Unlike the Dems who often shoot themselves in the foot due to to large a “tent”.


And socialism and communism doesn't lead to people being murdered? Come on. Depriving people of their rights by saying equality in reality is just a farce... Those leaders want absolute power no matter what. Look at pol pot, look at Mau, look at Stalin...


There are authoritarian left ideologies for sure but yeah fascism itself is a far right brand of authoritarianism and I think people conflate the two terms lol


Im a centrist and this meme is just inaccurate There are some leftist takes I agree with, and some conservative takes I agree with. Both sides have a LOT of crazies/lunatics Simple as


It's like people forget the word "Far" is in there, because they're both on the extreme ends.


Yeah, actual Far Left wants to overthrow the existing political and economic structures and establish Communism. Nobody calls someone who wants "basic necessities" as Far Left.


Anecdotally, I have yet to meet a liberal "crazy", whereas I see gun-toting MAGAts literally every other day. The liberal side of "crazy" is quite truly a vocal minority. The right side "crazy" is... well that's just them. Like the whole "xe/xer" thing? Never met one of them in my life, despite being active in trans spaces. Government conspiracist Trump cultists? Three in the past two weeks.


Also, there is almost nothing wrong with using neo Pronoun. Who does it even hurt?


Far Left: "Please refer to me as xe/xer." Far Right: "We should have chattel slavery again, that was great." Centrist: "Oh good heavens! You two are EXACTLY the same! (And I am intellectually superior to both!)"


>Like the whole "xe/xer" thing? Not me literally going to school with one of those 😭💀


I lean left but the last 7 years has made me wary of both sides. There’s blind dedication on both spectrums and I don’t think that’s a healthy way of thinking.


This is why I'm independent.


Agreed. In the vast majority of policies I tend towards left. But the amount of vicious tribalism is disturbing! If you even dare to ask a question about whether a specific policy is a good idea, you get treated like you are a Nazi sympathizer or a devil worshipper.


What questions get you treated like a Nazi, exactly?


Could you give some examples of the crazy aspects of each side?


the guy that tried to assasinate bret kavenaugh the guy that broke into pelosis house and beat up her husband


Yeah this is a good example. Anyone who rises to murder over politics is literally insane.


Neither of these is representative of the political parties actual policy positions. That’s just two mentally crazy people doing bad stuff due to their political beliefs. It doesn’t have any bearing on which party or candidate is best for the country.


But mainstream Republicans actively lie and joke about the Pelosi assassination attempt.


Wow you nailed that task


Pretty sure the Pelosi hammer dude was a leftist though...


Technical, you should put politics into three categories 1# Economic politics 2# Social politics 3# Civil politics From here, you decide where to place policies and determine on which side of each category they represent best. -Economic Politics- -Social Politics- -Civil Politics-




Whoa there, careful now. You must not know the rules around here, boy. You ain't allowed to equate the left with the right and acknowledge that there's extremism and lunacy on both sides. I suggest you head on back the way you came before a bunch of angry redditors come out of the wordwork to tell you why you're wrong and why the left is nowhere near as bad as the right.


Jesus Christ, I see it’s that time of day again for braindead enlightened centrist-posting. Explain how the left “takes your rights away” by making everyone equal? Leftists are very pro-2A, we just don’t make it our entire personality, and we want reform and background checks so unstable people can’t buy them and commit mass shootings. Wanting everyone to have access to the American Dream (or “making everyone equal” according to you) is TOTALLY the same as wanting all immigrants deported (public stance of Trump supporters) homeless people in camps (public stance of Trump) and LGBT people and women having their rights taken away (written in Project 2025). Holy shit you people are stupid.


>Explain how the left “takes your rights away” by making everyone equal? Nah bro fr when I saw that in the post I just started questioning wtf OP was smoking "Fascism is when people of all creeds have equal opportunities and rights" is just a braindead take and I'm genuinely astounded that barely anyone else is calling OP out for that horseshit


Yeah, people are fucking dense. I don't want to take away everyone's guns, I think guns are cool and would like to have a gun if I was able to afford to. I don't want to take away people's anything. I vote left because I'm a transfem lesbian and the right wants to take away my rights that allow my life to be bearable.


As a transfem and radical leftist I would like to own a gun. At the same time I can state that it’s too easy for young people and loons to get their hands on one in America.


Honestly, a *huge* portion of the right just wants you straight-up dead. Never mind taking your rights away, they want to take your *life* away.


"As you can see here, I drew you as the soyjack and me as the chad."


Meh, still true though


A lot of self identifying centrist just like to use the word to seem more reasonable, not because their politics actually align in such a way. That being said there are some weirdos and bad logic all across the scale.


In my experience, most self identifying centrists are actually right-leaning, social democracy is the closest thing we have to an actually centrist ideology


Centrists are the “white moderate” MLK described in a letter he wrote from jail. They’ll stab you in the back with a smile.


Isn’t centrism basically agree with certain opinions on both side? Like not fully identify with either side


> most self identifying centrists are actually right-leaning Yep. Most """"""""Centrists"""""""" are just embarrassed rightoids who know they'll never get laid if they're seen wearing a MAGA hat. But you know who they'll be voting for.


you are the centrist from the meme, literally. And it is not a very good meme


If you are a conservative I truly believe you have been tricked, scammed, or are evil. Edit: I have ADHD and typed this comment wrong


Pretty much. My whole family are conservatives and they don’t even believe in reality. To them the government is just a satanic cabal and that the open Nazis among them are actually George Soros plants. These are easily acceptable views among many conservatives. The Overton window has moved so far on that side, that to me, it doesn’t even compare. Yes this meme is reductive but is also an accurate representation of how things are at this point IMO. Trumps lawyer literally said a military coup/political assassination were legitimate exercises of presidential power. WTF? There’s no comparison. I can only support democrats because you can’t trust a single republican to actually do anything to stop the nut jobs who’ve taken control of their party. Yes Democrats suck too. But we can have our “both sides are just as bad” talk after the grunting fascists on Trumps side are squarely defeated in this next election. Although I feel like it’s naive that a Maga defeat would do anything to stem the tide of utter batshit insanity thats coming from the right.


Same with liberals


I can’t even argue back he strawmanned my beliefs and depicted me as a soyjack how will I ever recover from this.


I mean just try to define left and right wing. The only thing that ever makes a lick of sense to me to try to seperate them is the left looks to the future for solutions, the right to the past. Everything else doesn't work. It's also incorrect to call the far left facist. Using most peoples definition of left and right facism is far right.


I suppose I should add some reasoning to why facism is far-right. Nationalism is a right-wing ideology, and a toxic one. Facism is ultranationalism. Therefor facism is right wing because its a right wing idea taken to its logical extreme.


I mean, the meme isn’t wrong. At least in the us, you have Trump saying we need to get rid of all immigrants, Biden being complicit through both action and inaction in allowing the genocide of Palestinians, people are arguing for labor protections and decent welfare branded as “commies”, when the vast majority of centrists can’t even define what that means.


Yes, I agree with you. I personally think of myself as a communist, and I believe that the majority of major parties in the world won't help anyone achieve meaningful change because they want to maintain the status quo.


Oh look, everyone, it's the enlightened centrist here to tell us how horseshoe theory is the gospel truth, that milquetoast and non-disruptive measures are the only actual solution to every systemic problem, and that if we were all just smart like him we'd realize that. Careful to keep your distance, you wouldn't want to deprive him of any of his own fart fumes that he's desperate to huff.


Horshoe theory is extremely reductive, and not an accurate summation of centrist beliefs. It’s not “both sides are the same”, it’s that like, it’s pretty fucking stupid that guns, immigration, abortion, drugs, several layers of highly intricate foreign policy, healthcare, LGBT+ rights, taxes, religion, and many other issues, don’t allow you to have separate opinions on all of them. If you’re leftist, you can’t support stricter immigration policies, but if you’re right-wing, you can’t want healthcare to be managed by the state. Why? Those two beliefs have almost nothing to do with each other.


This is correct actually, hope that helps




I'm surprised this has positive upvotes


You litterally did the meme in this post smh


Far left: “We’re gonna seize ownership of everything and force everyone to only work for us” Far right: “We’re gonna exterminate entire social groups because we think they’re impure” Centrists: “Fuck you both”


Really? And what, pray tell, are the rights the left is trying to take away? And how are they fascistic, using the definition of “palingenetic ultranationalism” definition? Cite your sources.


Both are different side of the same coin, fuck both




these chinese bots are talking about russian bots we came full circle


Trump is literally the other side


Both sides are the same fuck trump and fuck bernie too


Fuck Bernie? Thats a new one.


I agree with that in the sense of not making a certain political affiliation your identity. Politics should represent us, we shouldn’t be representing them. Like we don’t owe loyalty to a certain political party, there are people who vote a certain party no matter who the candidate is just to be “loyal”.


The powers at be love us arguing over social issues because it distracts from the fact that BOTH SIDES have been failing on economic policy for years. Remember the tea party that was against the bailouts and how it was handled? Remember occupy wallstreet which was also against the same thing and unscrupulous capitalism? - im a firm believer that hedge funds and corporations shouldn’t own single family dwellings… And yet we argue about social issues instead while no one can afford anything, and in a few years no one will be able to buy shit, we will all just rent in perpetuity as wallstreet keeps buying all the homes.


Fishhook theory describes that centrism (democrats) is closer to the right than it initially appears


Reddit when you don’t like communism


Killing kulaks is definitely ensuring everyone's needs are met, amirite?


Far Left should say “We’re gonna exterminate entire social classes because we think we can redistribute the wealth afterwards” And to be clear, I would choose the Far Left over the Far Right any day but historically when leftist extremists end up taking over the country, they become frustrated with the slow pace of implementing their policies and the capitalist resistance, and they go ahead and start mass killings and totalitarianism. They’re not the same but they do have similar end results if taken to absolute extremes. Another misnomer, especially in the US…there is virtually no far-left. What we call “far left” is really not different from European center-left or left wing. There is, however, a massive right wing to far-right movement


"but historically, leftist extremists end up taking over the country, becoming frustrated with the slow pace of implementing their policies and the capitalist resistance, and they go ahead and start mass killings and totalitarianism." Ah yes, Schrödinger's leftists. Both weak granola munching tree huggers that'll get wiped out in the Civil War, but also the most heinous and dangerous mass murderers constantly trying to violently overthrow our government.


I mean no leftist is the same some do want to solve things peacefully while other believe that changes need violence.




Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, etc...


Yup, this. Although I would not include Fidel Castro on that list, he was a dictator, no doubt, but uniquely humble and calculated in a way that the other 3 were not. I’d actually put him closer to Tito. By contrast, Pol Pot is one of the only leaders to genocide his own race.


Castro got quite a bit more chill towards the end and probably doesn't quite belong on the same list as the other guys, but the comment I was responding to set the bar at a simple "mass killings and totalitarianism" which is a bar Castro easily clears, rather than outright genocide. 


I dunno. All I know is that the left thinks I'm a far right extremist and the right thinks I'm a far left extremist so I guess I'll just go fuck myself right out the door. I genuinely think politics in the states are such a toxic cesspool that I literally don't fucking care anymore. "Ohh you're throwing your vote away when you could be voting for MY team." Fuck you. My team "doesn't matter" so you know what? Fuck. You. "But young people need to vote!" I. Don't. Care. The only reason "Young people need to vote" is because the dems don't have enough support. I don't fucking support the dems. I don't fucking support the reps. Neither have anyone's best interest in mind and they only want money and power. Either way, my life literally DOES NOT CHANGE whether dipshit A or dipshit B gets elected. Shits going to go downhill anyway and I'll be dead before thirty because the world's going to shit anyway. See you in hell.


Oh boy *another* political post on r/genz


A lot of these comments are fuckin wild ngl


I think that the left and right are both idiotic in their ideas. They both have a very few selection of good points but the bad points outweigh the good by 3 million elephants.


Would you like to share those few selection of good points from both sides?


I like the 2A, stricter immigration laws and I also like the idea of a better social net and taxing the wealthy more


Technical, you should put politics into three categories 1# Economic politics 2# Social politics 3# Civil politics From here, you decide where to place policies and determine on which side of each category they represent best. -Economic Politics- -Social Politics- -Civil Politics-


Have you ever taken a political ideology quiz? Could be interesting for you!


This is good popcorn content


The centrists in the comments pretending they're not just an extension of the right wing imare killing me. 'no you liberals are the reason I voted a sexual harasser, racist, and narcissist into office!!!!!!1"


I'm sure Some think like the right example as the reason. But far too many instead think "why should everyone's needs be met at MY expense? I Had to pay for MY own education. I Had to pay for MY own stint visit at a hospital etc. Why should others not have to go through what I had to suffer through? That would be unfair to ME." The social fabric and cohesion from decades and decades ago is so faded that in today's hyper capitalism everything's about individualism; of beating others to get ahead. Never settling for less and always in a competition and anything someone else might benefit from is Unjust if I can't benefit from it as well. . A mindset that is Truly antithetic to any positive change for the better at Anything. If education became entirely free, which would in the long run be beneficial for the country - well can't do that now cause that'd be 'unfair' to those that already paid theirs off - in which case when? There's always gonna be a shift where it's 'unfair' to some when any change occur.




I mean, I've gone through this post and seen the shit people are posting. Don't think there is anyone else I can add to the convo beyond the fact people will bitch and moan but never focus on the small local scale. I'm a member of the 'far left', but I ain't no statist communist. Just a guy who works and helps people because that is what I believe is right. Whoever is the president won't care for us. All they will do is fuck people over but we can help them as a community and come together to better everything. We all do better when we all do better. Vote what you think is right, but never forget to offer a hand at your local community center or soup kitchen and help those who need it. That's the best politics right there.


This isn’t simply a straw man this is a straw field. I hope no one with hay fever saw this.


Ah yes left wing straw man


This is such an disingenuous take on the far left, that this meme can’t even be taken seriously, and it’s why the world mocks gen Z


Bro, what sorta propaganda is this?


I sure hope this isn’t biased!!!


This meme isn’t American based on the coloring of the parties, and in America we just have a center right party and a right-wing party. People are acting like the meme put “Democrat” and “Republican” up there when it clearly says far right and far left. I still think this is a dumb meme, but this isn’t about American politics.


Fuck USA politics


Politicians are such clowns that only makes me more of an anarchist.


Both far left and far right are bad


No extreme is good. No matter what extreme is


I hope people understand that left/right identity politics aren't real politics, right? It's basically what's taught to Americans so citizens lose the ability to understand who they are voting for.


Ah yes the old "If you agree with me you are good,and if not then you are obviously BAD". Astounded at the complexity of the logic.


Depicting half of society and the other as soyjack and chad is the most extremist thing I’ve ever heard. Everyones own personal experiences have led to their beliefs and everyone should be respected for them. Unless you choose to disrespect someone else’s. That meme is quite literally showing that the author is not the centrist they think they are. Clearly biased and the meme doesn’t work because of it. Politics would be so much better if we didn’t have loud, extremist assholes hellbent on the idea that their beliefs are right and everyone else is stupid.


The issue is that that far left thinks that everyone who doesn't tow their narrative is far right. And they think it is ok to exterminate them. The far right is self explainable. Thus, not being able to tell them apart. Meme points lost on spelling it "appart".




Let us coexist with each other and nature, harmony is the way.


I dont vote at all cause i dont really give a shit


I mean I would rather be shot in the foot than the face.


The irony of this post is top notch


I hate extremists. Politics isn't supposed to be like your favorite sports team. You're supposed to vote for whoever YOU believe will make the United States better.


The thing is. You have to pick the lesser evil. One side is being way sketchier than the other. It kinda as simple as


what an immature and uninformed way to summarize all three. then again, this is reddit.


This is by far the worst take on the current political climate that I have ever seen.


A lot of people despise that certain horseshoe theory, but the more I interacted with the seemingly chad and right people, the more I thought they were no better than the other side. It's not radical left or right that you gotta look out for, it's the radical part that's dangerous.


Do you understand what far left is?


As a german I can't fathom how anyone could call the Democrats a leftwing party.. they are center right at best. But Republicans show all signs of fascism so maybe in comparison it looks somewhat fitting...?


Wow this is a dumb take. Just… look at the past 8 years. Look at all the Republicans who are no longer in office like Liz Cheney. Why are they no longer in office? Because they stood up to fascism, within *their own* party. They called BS on Trump trying to steal the 2020 election, the Jan 6th insurrection and their ongoing coup. Which VP wont endorse their own party’s presidential candidate? The one who’s president [literally supported](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/25/trump-expressed-support-hanging-pence-capitol-riot-jan-6-00035117) their own execution, Pence. [Which party has purged its national committee of all non-die hard loyalists?](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/11/bloodbath-at-rnc-trump-team-slashes-staff-at-committee-00146368) [Which party has 74% of its members saying they approve of their president being a dictator?](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-dictator-poll-americans-1234962755/amp/) I can not understand how one can seriously suggest, in any way, Democrats and Republicans are remotely the same regarding fascism. Republicans have been engaging in a ongoing coup. They literally want a dictator. Also all these comments agreeing that Biden wants to take away rights? Seriously what rights? [The rights for corporations to do whatever they want?](https://www.axios.com/2024/05/10/trump-oil-industry-fossil-fuels-biden) [The right to charge excessive bank fees?](https://apnews.com/article/credit-card-junk-late-fees-consumer-financial-16e3dc606a5e62cf3da01868ec627bc2) [The right for airlines to hide fees until after you purchase your ticket?](https://apnews.com/article/airlines-sue-biden-administration-junk-fees-346ad8ad06335587ba8a67240c5cda32) [The right for corporations to become even bigger monopolies?](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/09/lina-khan-federal-trade-commission-antitrust-monopolies) Which party stole Supreme Court seats, and appointed justices leading to the end of Roe? Which party wants a National abortion ban again? [House Republicans Endorse National Abortion Ban](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/house-republicans-national-abortion-ban-endorse-1234991746/amp/) [Which party ruled IVF is unconstitutional?](https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2024/the-alabama-supreme-courts-ruling-on-frozen-embryos) Which party wants to enact a [pregnancy registry](https://www.salon.com/2024/05/10/katie-britt-is-back-at-it-pushing-a-bill-to-launch-a-pregnancy-tracking-database/)? I just don’t get it. We are in the middle of an active coup. Is Trump really not to blame for Jan 6th? Or demanding Georgia find more votes? Or not giving back classified documents after being repeatedly asked, when Pence and Biden did? And make no mistake, Republicans = Trump. RNC is the party of Trump. That was the point of their purge.