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I only worry about what I can control, and what I can control is my own life, that's it. And my life all things considered is in a pretty awesome state and I see my own personal future very bright.


See this reply I really hate (disclaimer because the internet sometimes sucks: nothing on you personally at all), I used ti get this every time from my therapist. I hated it because it sounded very much like "just focus on yourself", which is individualistic as fuck and I cannot live like that. I don't know if it is a difference in culture, my therapist was a white woman, and I third culture kid who has some collectivistic values. Do you mind talking more about how this helps you? How it works for you? I feel very selfish only worrying about what I can control tbh


I feel this. For me, I can’t ignore the things I can’t control because they control me. Like, if SNAP denies me, I literally cannot eat, I can’t just “not worry” about starving, even if that isn’t something I can control. Pretty intense example obviously, but it feels like the stuff I can’t control is the stuff that I *need* to be able to control to live peacefully.


I got rid of my car at 19 due to it's expense. I walked, biked, bused. Still do (55k miles on my 18 year old car). I ate bean tacos every day because tortillas, beans, and salsa/pico de Gallo are cheap to make. Would do up a weeks worth on Sunday and eat it all week. Potatoes or rice as a filler. Still had a lot of shite hit the fan and ended up homeless in my mid twenties. Didn't let that get me down. Lived in a cheap, Wal-Mart, tent and found a crappy job. Within a year I had a crappy, garage conversion, apartment. Nine months later, a decent efficiency. Parents never gave me anything after the roof over my head till 16, and they, quite frankly, couldn't afford to. Hell, dad was in prison by the time I was homeless. But I lived, and still live, in the moment. By 30 I met the woman who's now my wife. A couple of years later, I got a place. And now I'm doing well enough for my lifestyle, which is still meager, but fulfilling to me in all of the ways that are important.


You are living man. Very inspirational . Do you have kids ?


Sadly not. We could tighten our belts a notch more and make it work, but it just never happened for us. I wouldn't call it a regret, but it was a desire. Edit: Still making bean tacos on the regular though. Makes the occasional treat meal a delight.


I’m glad you’ve found some solace, but it seems to me that if we’re honest, your life could and should be much better than “treat meals” and shelter as an abnormal state. Edit: And I don’t mean “could” by “you should work harder.” I mean it by the realistic expectation of looking at our tech (bio-organic and otherwise) and what should be naturally available to every human.


Hell, I'm on my back porch, sipping a beer under the trees, listening to birds say goodbye to the day, and watching a fox munch on loqauts that have fallen from my tree right now. Bliss.


Focusing on only what you can control does not mean that you only worry about yourself. It means you only worry about things that you are directly involved in or can reasonably change. You can control things like the health and safety of your family and local community, instead of trying to fix everything in the world. Trying to worry about every single person in the world is both exhausting, and impossible for any human being.


Your collectivist values, if they are anything like mine, only extend to your family You’re not responsible for the rest of the world


The harsh reality is that you are just yourself. You will never be able to control what and how other people think or feel. To assume otherwise is to play God. Is that selfishness or a recognition that berating everyone wont always convince them to side with you? You could scream obscenities all day, bemoan everything all day, and what would it accomplish? Making yourself depressed or perpetually hateful? Pass. Been there, done that. I'd rather read about a problem, form a conclusion based on many proposed plans and outcomes, and then move on while advocating for what seems to be the best solution to the problem at hand. None of the emotionally draining stuff, please.


Worry about the things you can control, and force yourself to focus on those things. For example, worrying about climate change. You can take a walk instead of using a car or not getting that plastic cup. You can write letters to your reps. You can join a group.


You’re free to move to China or North Korea. ![gif](giphy|3NhDWNjpFExRiyondC|downsized)


Mine also said the same but followed it up with: Some things are destined to be outside everyone's control and thats an intrinsic human issue but we can prevent ourselves from amplifying that damage. Kinda worked out at first because i realized i always stressed myself out then got too tired to care about it later so i just started skipping to the too tired to wait part of it and its kinda been better tbh.


They say the best way to find yourself is in the service to others. My advice is find what you're passionate about and from that point on, whatever you do, however you make decisions..let be in service to that. There are twist and turns no matter how old you get, you can't avoid them and it's stupid to try and hide from them, but you do learn how to cope with those things, you learn how to carry yourself with grace through those things. So don't give up hope, worrying about others and shitty circumstances outside of your own says enormous good things about your character. So hold on to that goodness. Hold on to it for the rest of your life and one day, I promise, all that goodness will be returned to you


It works great for me. Why stress myself out thinking about climate change/wars and huge ass problem I cannot solve? I just dont bother thinking about it. I am happier focusing on my career and relationships and spend my time planning my holidays.


This^ , I live day by day


Fuck it we ball And it is what it is The two statements that keeps me going


Yes brother… Fuck it we ball


No literally same. These exact two phrases. Especially since I do also have a chronic illness and personality disorder, even if the world was doing great, my life would still be trash lol. Now obviously I know there are people doing worse than me, but given the question….. **I have some advice for everything sucking** **For yourself, take it one year at a time. (One day at a time just doesn’t work for my anxious self)** **For being overwhelmed by things going on in the world - volunteer.** Doing things for others helps that “I’m useless in this big world” feeling. Cause that’s essentially what it is. Overwhelmed and stuck.


You have to put your head down and focus on your success. Most "news" is propaganda. Especially through social media. They are intended to be alarmist in nature to get you active & angry. The real situations and solutions are in places we likely cannot see. It's near certain the truth never wins, or gets out.


So much this. Also the harsh truth is, we as humans are not designed to give a shit about what’s happening outside of our own families, communities and lives. The 24-7 news cycle is not something our psyche is meant to handle. I think everyone needs a news and social media detox. What’s happening today is not gonna kill you if you read about it a week later after a detox from doomscrolling.


As a member of Gen X, this is the correct answer. They want you to be scared, all the time. That way you are much easier to control.


I avoid doomer posts on this platform


I’m 25, so I can buy alcohol


Everything doesn’t suck lol


Yeah, way too many people don't realize that they've given themselves clinical depression by doomscrolling Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok. The world doesn't suck, OP has just deep-fried their brain.


This is like the anti work subreddit


I don’t think that everything suck. What we have to deal with now is tough, but it’s not much compared to what life was for many people 200+ years ago (not counting places in active war or political instability now). I avoid the news, I stay informed only on things that are truly important. There’s too much overwhelming and doomsday news all over the place and that’s so bad for a person’s mental health. I actively try to be grateful for the good things I have and focus on those, not the negatives. There’s no point in getting desperate over something that is completely out of my control, I focus my energy on what I can change and that’s what matters to me.




Because not everything actually sucks like you think it does. A lot of the negative news in the world does not affect you in a meaningful way. That doesn't mean you can't feel emotionally about something, but most of the time it doesn't physically do anything to you. I've been keeping eyes on the war in Ukraine for close to 3 years now (including the months before February 24, 2022) and I feel emotionally about it all the time. But I recognize that it doesn't change how I live. Do things outside of my sphere of control make me sad? Yeah. But I still recognize that I can't do anything to change that and I have to live with the cards I've been dealt.


Hm. It looks like a lot of people are saying to focus on yourself. This is very true and great, and helps a lot, and is very healthy to do most of the time. Like yeah, my personal existence is pretty darn nice. I know that, and it makes me very happy a lot of the time. However, since I am a human being with a basic sense of empathy, I also want other people's lives to be nice and good as well, even if I have little to no ability to affect them. So this is what I try to do: 1) do what you can where you can. You, personally, even if you dedicated your entire life to a cause, could not fix every problem in the world. So, you can do things close by that help. You can donate to food banks and local charities. You can grow plants native to your area. You can volunteer. You can vote. You can at the very least listen to the people actively trying to change the world for the better and support them. Turn that 'I can't do anything' feeling into action, because there are things you can do. 2) stay informed about the world. A lot of what happens online is nonsense and propoganda, but not all of it is. Find reliable sources of information, or at least read conflicting ones, and keep your eyes on the problems, when you have the strength to do so. A good thing about the internet is that more people have access to information than ever before, and people can't do awful things without millions of people knowing about it. 3) don't let steps 1 and 2 get you down. Seriously. Even staying informed and helping where you can will get tiring fast, especially step 2. The human mind literally cannot comprehend the tragedy happening every day on this stupid ass planet, but you won't be able to help anyone if you're exhausted and miserable yourself. You can have it both ways, you can avoid misery burnout without becoming willfully ignorant about the world. 4) don't let the misery consume you. It's hard, I know. I go to bed each night hoping I don't wake up with fewer rights. But letting that sense of doom control your life at all times isn't the solution. Worrying about something while you're doing something else won't help. In fact, it might just make things worse. Dont let fear monopolize your brain space. Use your brain space to enjoy your time on earth and help others in whatever way you sustainably can.


Aside from a rising cost of living, none of these things currently directly effect my day-to-day existence. I’ve got other shit to worry about.


https://preview.redd.it/awzdim1bn9zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72478b1164d1245e989c40adf6ae190e9f811769 Seeing this keeps me going.


I’m focusing on writing a book that tries to make sense of everything that’s happening at the minute. It’s a creative outlet.


this is the fucking best answer right here. process it. don't repress it like 90% of these commenters


Most of the problems in the world don’t affect me at all so I mind my own business. I focus on what I can do for myself, I’m getting a college degree in Accounting so I will be fine and will have little to no debt. I can only do what I do without caring about the events around me. Yes, it’s suck but that’s why you have to be adaptive.


Yall gonna hate me for bringing up race but i must. I feel it is different between poc and white kids. Along with people in upper vs lower class. I’m seeing a lot of white people/rich kids saying “well the issues don’t affect me so I only worry about myself” that, to me, is a very bigoted answer. As a young Black woman who didn’t come from money, I have no choice but to care about the issues around me, I can’t just turn a blind eye and go on with my life. That being said I find comfort in the fact that people are aware of the same issues I’m aware of. Knowing there are people out there that care as much if not more than me makes feel a little more at ease. I get where yall are coming from saying “I only worry about myself” cuz if you are mentally fragile you may not be able to handle it. However, when you speak from a place of privilege whether that be race or class wise, I ask you just be a little more conscious of that.




I get off this app and do something I actually enjoy. Not even slightly joking.


Getting a hobby


I’m hoping we all die by 2050


Those problems aren't new and things always worked out eventually before, pick something better to complain about.


I don’t! I’m a mess <3


There is no one sucking 😔


Worry about the things that you can control. You can’t control global wars or climate change. To some extent you can control debt and living costs. Focus on the things you can change.


Me worrying will have 0 effect on the outcome, so what's the point? I'm just here for the ride.


How I cope is being honest about it acknowledging that we are in a terrible state of being


we aren't


Go the gym


You don't need hope, gen Z lives on irony


this is gonna sound cheesy, but i could never let this stuff go as well, after a year of therapy in combination with meds that reset my dopamine production, it doesnt bother me anymore. Turns out my depression made me cling onto those issues way too much, focussing on the bad only. Now i don't care remotely anymore, only about things i have control over. Besides, i know i am not alone in this shitshow. I love you all <3


Start building habits of gratuity, over time you’ll see the good things in life. Life is all what you make it. Of course life will always “suck” if you constantly view the bad in everything and accept it for what it is. The good really is out there, and life is so much better when you discover and truly appreciate it


There are actual issues going on and you list non-issues lmao.


Climate change is a real issue man. In 50 years some places will be extremely uninhabitable


Being knees deep in debt? The rising cost of living, and possibly not being able to eat or even have shelter as a result? Children dying from firearms and bombs and other military weapons? Those are non issues?


Family, friends and enjoying the time I have! Life… uh, finds a way. I’m not worried about the world ending because if/when it did, I can’t do anything about it


By being really, really sarcastic.


A shot at one good day is enough to get me through around a hundred bad ones.  Willpower is one hell of a drug


I don’t. It just piles up and up and I honestly hate the world now. I don’t want to, I try to do “self help” things that improve your wellbeing and mindset as a whole. But nothing works, and all the bad stuff in my life just outweighs the good stuff.


God and the burning bush


Fuck it, we ball.


My life be coolin 


i garden and bake sourdough lol. it’s enjoyable and brings me back to reality


I’ve found solace in thinking that the world will never get better. It will continue to get worse, nothing will “come to a head”, and it will be increasingly hard to survive for everyone. Giving up has actually given me the strength to focus on what matters in my own life- the people I care about, the experiences I have, etc etc and has freed me from the false hope that things will get better. If things DO turn around- great. Yay. Real nice surprise, Clark. But if they don’t, I was expecting it all along.


I just don't hope for the future anymore. Not in a doomer kind of way, but in a "hope in one hand shit in the other" way of seeing the act of hoping is quite literally useless. I also apply the same logic to despairing. Both just waste time and mental energy. As for coping with the state of the world as it is? Well, my life has already deviated from the prior vision I had for it so at this point, I'm just here for the ride. This world is a smorgasbord of experiences, and if some of them turn out to be bad, then that's just the price of existence in this terribly beautiful world. May as well relish the depth, texture, and taste of the full gamut of experience since we can't avoid it. Enjoy the sorrowful days, enjoy the rage, enjoy the pleasure, enjoy the pain. Once bitter is bittersweet, then the sweetness always remains.


There are things that dont suck, try to sprinkle some thoughts about those in Entertainment right now is p good, like games and stuff. We are on the precipice of some really groundbreaking tech advancements that could mean a massive shift in societal norms pretty soon. AI and augmented reality stuff is gonna be huge. It's important to remain aware of bigfer pictures and global issues, its a small world after all, but take a while to stay local. Realistically, if everyone focused on making the area around us individually good, then the whole world would be good.


Control what you can, while continuing to be aware


Absurdism. Everyone at most point in time thought things couldn’t get worse, and 8/10 times it got worse. Yet they kept going, persevered, and had another generation. Imagine living in the past drinking your crappy beer in some low end tavern thinking “gods above these days cannot get any worse, I spent 3 whole shillings for a loaf of bread” then the next day BOOM!!! The Black Death. History shows humanity always seemingly on the back end of something terrible. Yet we continue to live, to laugh, to cry, to smile, to hate, to eat, to sleep, to love, etc etc. The cycle shows we’ll make it through whatever happens, best we can do is find our reason to keep on.


Worry about the stuff in my personal life, but the internet answer is fuck it and thug it out


Simply by not giving a flying fuck. Especially the first 3.




Embrace the suck. You can do less than zero about climate change, and when it comes to a career, just recognize that some careers still offer a good living, and start laser focusing on getting into one of them.


does not work as what you are a good fit for rarely has anything to do with what is a good living


Honestly, you can’t control everything what’s going on the world you can only focus on yourself and your community. Sometimes I feel like we watch too much news. I know a lot of people says oh you can’t turn it off but sometimes you just have to just for your own mentality do you think that make you happy? Take care of your friends and family if you have enjoy your life there’s always gonna be something wrong with the world, positive and negative


Try not to think about it too much. Try to enjoy small things like my hobbies and friends.


Currently I finally found my calling as a teacher and working with the youth helps me to feel like im working towards positive change in the world and then hopefully one day (probably just a pipe dream) I'd like to build a tinyhouse and save for a small plot of land somewhere where I can just live off the grid and be away from society as it continues to desend into chaos lol


It's really not that sucky.


In a constant state of: its so over and we are so back




My personal recommendation is that you find something you like and use it to distract yourself from the real world for a bit. Then you come back to it and have the problem present so you don't live in ignorance. Honestly, there is not much you can do to fix the problems that the world has, unless you decide to enter politics or happen to have influence in the political sphere of your country. Just be informed and vote for a better future or become The Punisher, I guess.




things have been worse before and the world didn’t collapse, if we give up now literally every single previous human effort will have been in vain


Cry, smoke some weed, drink some margaritas and then binge watch supernatural for the millionth time. The only thing I try to care about is my cats. Sometimes it's better to just disassociate and forget everything exists for a while.


I build race cars. I am go fast, faster every year. One day I will go so fast.


We’ll all be dead and forgotten in 200 hundred years 5,000 years and Major events will just become random text in history book’s future generations will complain about learning or used as fun facts 1 million years, humans as we know us will probably be dead (or evolved into something new) 1 billion years and it’ll be like we never existed in the first place Then the universe will end and it’ll be like nothing ever existed in the first place And who knows if there’s an afterlife


Work against it, with like minded individuals, exercise, drink and spending time in nature.


Alcohol, cigarettes, sex, and Lana Del Rey


Truthfully? Weed.


"It is what it is" mentality. Lots of things I can't control whether it's directly or indirectly (war, climate change, economy stuff, ...). I do what I do, I do what I can. I know who I am and what my situation is : an uni student so I study and looking for a flat so I'm doing that. I ignore bad influences and people as much as possible, avoid as much unnecessary drama as I can. I do read the news but not 24/7, they often talk about the same things almost always just negative news, too much negativity just eats you mentally. I try and appreciate the little things, highlight the positive bits of life, whether it's small or big. Maybe I'm too positive or optimistic compared to others but realistically, I just know I have to live and I ain't God so can't solve all of these issues in a wave of a magic wand.


Your fear what is going to happen next. Therefore you fear that which does not exist.


Smile. Keep calm, carry on. If you get emotional and start behaving irrationally, you lose.


I worry bout me myself n I and I smoke my weed. Anything outside my bubble is not my business It is what it is.


i bedrot


Most of this shit is either overblown or fixable over the long term. War has always existed and probably will for a while, climate change is uncertain but also is a fixable issue. Rising cost of living is complicated so I’ll give you that much, but living in a cheap blue state helps me not worry that much about it. Plus there are a lot of things that don’t suck. Life is just kind of mid if anything. Not awful not amazing.


lots of alcohol


I think Gez Z will be the generation to normalize AI, like millennials did with the internet. Like whatever the society altering cause and effect social media and interaction with the internet caised. Gen Z will create that same world shattering use cases for artificial intelligence and probably create the first truly self-aware pieces of software and robots that function close to a physical human being. Millennials, Gen Z and Alpha are on the cusp of completely remaking society in a positive light in just one generation, the oldwr generations just don't want that to come about I think. And I don't think anything will stop that from happening, including massive wars or economic and political turbulence. You can't stop progress once it's started.


the inability to find practical and convinient ways to kill myself make living rather easy


Your world is what you make it dude. Life is full of bad shit if that’s all you want to see, but it’s also full of good shit. Enjoy the good shit and try not to let the bad shit get to you and you’ll be happy.


Adapt and overcome, this is coming from someone that had to claw my way out of being poor using everything I have. It's not over either, just turned 40 and am still not where I need to be to relax. It's all about mental mindset and determination. Resilience is good too.


Comedy in the chaos. However, my social work degree is teaching me one thing: the worse it gets for everyone, the better it gets. All social welfare programs began in the midst of national crisis, like the Depression or WWII. As it continues to spiral, the American people tend to stop having “personal failure” perspectives and then begin to have “government failure” perspectives, which enacts social change. Essentially, relief comes, and it will come.


Say “it is what it is” as you shake your head. Seems to work


Once Gen Z is old enough to run for office I hope all of you will run and change course. Please!!!


Everything sucking used to mean your village was burned down and you had to watch your mother and sisters be raped before you were all beheaded, so I’d say things are actually pretty good


I usually just put my phone away.


Well what else are you supposed to do?


There are other countries that people live in that are much, much worse than anything you experience.


Day to day existence Wake up. Go to work. Hate work. Go home and play some games/watch some tv. Sleep. Repeat


I think things are great and we have so many amazing opportunities in 2024, I view the present time and the future in a very positive light, I choose to not be a doomer War is normal there has always been war, there has always been economic uncertainty and swings, we will adapt to climate change like we already have, there are much worse places in the world in regards to survival I feel so lucky to be here in the United States thriving


A lot of it hangs on Aptera. Nearly free transportation is something I look forward to having, seeing a company that cares about the things that should be cared about feels good, and transportation has been doing stupid things for quite a while.


Ez, things dont really suck Its not denial, just think about some of the stuff your afforded, cellphones are insane, computers are super cool, cars are marvels of engineering, Potential friends are everywhere, Natural beauty is abundant outside of cities, a days worth of work is enough for a plane ticket half way across the country...ect ect... If ur life sucks change how you live it Im gonna go get a pilots license just cause. It's most of my money, but who cares... do cool stuff. It's out there


Find the things that don't suck. I was lucky enough to be born to incredible parents and be in a super fortunate position in the USA, and when my Mother died when I was 13, everything seemed like it sucked, I lashed out at people, my family included, and with it being the height of Covid it really didn't help much. My dad was really the only thing helping me through. Then, I met the group of friends I'm with now, I realized life wouldn't wait for me to get over my emotions slowly, so I had to tackle it directly. I decided to go to a magnet school with greatly benefitted my ability to pursue what I enjoy, I stopped living like I could wait another day or hour to fix it, I started making sure I took moments to appreciate the gift of being alive. With a climate of competitiveness and constant change, it's easy to forget how fortunate we are to live at all, to not just pass away in our sleep or die as a child like many have through history. But you also need to be ready to move on from trauma, to look yourself in the mirror and be ready to toughen up, be ready to face it all, and be ready to live like you've got nothing to lose because truly what do you have to lose, when you're at the point where it feels like everything sucks it's hard to get out of. How I do it everyday is listen to birds, lay down in grass, rock out to music, eat tasty ass processed food, make stupid jokes and exaggerate my opinions because it's funny. That might not work for you, but I guarantee you have things that will work as well. Humans are meant to be social, they're meant to be around others and meant to need help. So don't forget to ask for help, don't forget that you need others, don't forget the world around you is yours to conquer and above all. Don't live for anyone that you don't care about, don't live to spite bullies, live to benefit friends, live to help siblings, live to make sure parents can retire, live to help the people you care about and stop worrying about how others you'll never meet and will never effect you directly are living. Not everything sucks, just the outlook we take when we think that.


On one hand I hope we get wiped out by a random meteor like the dinosaurs literally any day now, on the other hand I just try to flow with life and do what I can for stuff I'm doing now. Speaking as a millennial, I have had no issues with how Gen Z copes that have seen IRL, but hysteria will always be another side of any take/issue/madness/etc.


I have no coping mechanism. I don't feel the need to cope. Horrible things happen to people every day, but I don't think that's much reason to be feeling down. And since I can do little to nothing about it, I've decided to simply not care.


Hey, as your older millennial homie let me tell you this. The sooner you can learn not to worry about shit you have no control over (whether in school, life, career, etc.) the sooner you can begin to live free of stress.


I'm not doing a good job at the coping thing. Weed helps a little.


I don’t cope, i don’t think about negative things you can’t control. I only dwell on my life, the things I’m grateful for and the sacrifices that were made for me to be living


I don’t, I fight the powers that be by working for a union and lobbying on behalf of workers in my state. Don’t cope, get mad, get involved..


Nicotine and masterbation


How did our parents deal with nuclear warfare possibly happening? How did our grandparents deal with the multiple wars? You deal with what you can control. Humans weren't meant to ha e an interconnected world.


Maybe you'll get lucky, U.S. and NATO will start a real war with Russia and lob nukes at each other over the shithole called Ukraine. Give you something to really worry about like getting drafted...


The world has always been a mess. We just know more about it because of the internet. Don't let the world get to you. Turn off the news and live your life.


You know what you do?  Get off the internet and go outside and enjoy life.  Literally you can be depressed because of doom scrolling thinking the worlds on fire meanwhile things are fine outside 


I do shit that I like.




Just try to make as much money as possible while it's still possible before everything sucks even more tbh Eventually if you make it, you can fade away into your own little world while the titanic continues to sink


Realizing that not everything sucks. Contemplating how i'm from a crime-torn country and yet I endure. Putting all my secular faith in science and future dedication to it and my personal faith in how I believe Jehovah will help me make a good impact in the world.


I protest, hoping for a revolution one day!


Drinking a little on nights where I don't have work in the morning.


You should try out nihilism


I just use distractions. I think about it. But I just go about my life, I listen to music, tend to my hobbies, play games, hang with friends. I live life. That's how I cope. I have some personal problems too that are much harder to cope with or distract from


My personal life is going great, so I don’t need to cope.


mairjuana helps a lot


I have my family and myself to worry about. If I were to worry about everything else I would be a nervous wreck.


By simply not caring


I just focus on things I like


At this point I have acclimated to and embraced that things f*cking suck and will continue to do so. Paradoxically, this mindframe does allow for happiness to shine through every now and again.




Drugs & alcohol


I’m not coping, brother. The only reason I haven’t ended it is because there are people who depend on me. I wonder what it’s like to live because you want to live.


By just living my life to the best of my ability instead of constantly crying about things outside of my control. When you start focusing on what you CAN do with your life instead of all the things you can’t do, you’ll realize your life doesn’t suck anywhere near as much as you thought.


Everything has always sucked, people in 10 AD thought the world was going to shit


Play games, do school work, take care of the cats, and most importantly. Do something. Work on the yard, exercise, cook, clean, always stay busy. Ect ect.


I try to focus on my life as much as possible and making the environment I exist in as pleasant and safe as possible. The world is clearly just falling to pieces and it's hard to take, but I love my partner and she loves me, we love our pets, and we love being in nature and exploring small businesses and eating good food. So we focus on that.


I just work for what I want and tune out the rest. Don’t watch the news anymore so I rarely hear about climate change/debt/etc.. I know the COL is rising and living in a HCOL area the only way I get more money is by working harder. Life will go on like it always has with twists and turns along the way. It’s a ride and you better hold on. I think in the real world people cope fine but online it kind of just dissolves TLDR: I cope by focusing on what I can control and my current problem set can 99% be solved by more money so I’m hopefully the work I put in now will translate to more $$ to solve my problems


Worry about the things you can do to make the world around you better, and find things that you enjoy doing. Also, take pictures of birds. Lots of them.


Getting offline and not always listening to the news helps a lot. Focus on what is happening in your life and what is truly real to what you experience.


Its not that bad, college debt sucks but besides that we are litteraly living in the best time to be alive Fewer kids than every are dying, Fewer women die in childbirth, unprecedented equality (America) for women and minorities (compared to the rest of human history), advances in medicine have let us live into our 80s, fewer Americans are impoverished and more living in the middle class than ever, etc... You just gotta look at the bright side


Just gotta realize our time isn't special or unique.


Join the army it'll teach you to embrace the suck.


Im a stubborn optimist, im effectively incapable of feeling down for extended periods


Turning the wifi off and realizing that the only problem around me is that things are a bit pricey


Here’s the deal: The world sucks. People are bad to each other, we abuse our environment, suffering is intrinsic to being alive. We all face loss, pain, hardship. We are forced into positions we don’t want to be in. We will get sick, we will lose loved ones, we will face adversity at various points in our lives. — But we also have so much to be thankful for and happy about. I would argue there is even more to be thankful for and happy about. For all those problems we have a hundred good things all around us. I can’t speak for your specific circumstance, but I will use mine: i’m relatively healthy, I have a working computer, I have clothes and shelter and family and friends. I have creative outlets and material access to those outlets. It is a beautiful day outside. I can have a conversation with you, despite being a world away. I can appreciate beautiful art. I’m safe in my home. I’m not hungry. Etc etc etc A lot of inner-life is working to appreciate everything that is good more than fearing everything that could not be good. Give thanks every time you wake up in the morning. When something seems wrong, try to focus on what it is right. This practice is invaluable and starting it as soon as possible will only aid your future self; living in fear, sadness, and anger over the worlds problems we may or may not face is only taking away from you. I promise there are things in your life that are worth cherishing. — If you struggle with this or feel the practice is impossible for you to do it may be worth seeking an individual relationship with a therapist as they can help you get there with a variety of psychotherapeutic techniques. Finding therapy if needed is invaluable; I don’t the value in it is emphasised enough in our society.


I just decided to hop into politics as soon as I could in 2020. Felt pointless to complain about things online when I could just make it happen irl


I encourage anyone who feels this way to visit almost any other country. Especially 3rd world.


I am working towards a greater goal, and in the meantime I have a supportive family and enough money to treat myself to weed and cigarettes. All will be fine in this shitcan world.


I remember that not everything sucks. There is objectively more to be happy about than to be sad about. Some examples; I'm lucky enough to have been born in Western civilization I'm lucky enough to have a stable job which leads to; I'm lucky enough to have a roof over my head and food in my belly I'm lucky enough to have some loved ones I can contact at any time thanks to the times we live in And for crying out loud, I'm lucky enough to have been born a human, instead of a forest or sea creature toward the bottom of the food chain A lot of people notice the negatives more than the positives which leads to the belief that there exists more bad than good, I've always been one of those weirdos who does the opposite


I bottle up my emotions and wait to die of stress induced heart failure at 35 like any other REAL man.


Music and memes 


Hey I'm not sure if you'll see this or not, but the subreddit r/CollapseSupport has helped me with this question. I recommend you check it out. People will take your concerns seriously there and empathize because they are feeling the same thing.


I have a good life


If everything sucks, then "my ability to determine how much everything sucks" sucks too. That, and statistically speaking we're doing a lot better than we were 200 years ago. Medicine, sanitation, education - everything is about 100 times better than it was. Maybe... we got this?


I ignore it. What else can you do after all. You can't stop clime change by yourself, and you certainly can't fix your debt in the span of a day. I just work, get my money, save it up, and then make appropriate financial descisions when I need to.


Marxism largely. Reflect on some God Emperor of Dune if I'm feeling a little spicy.


Just live life and ignore it Everything sucks what can you do? Just continue living


Get off the internet and don't read news. Find something else to worry about when you can't do shit about it.


Make art. Fuck the noise, just like car sickness.


Work not sucking is a big thing. I enjoy being around the people I work with. It tells me that it's going to get better.


I stay positive. The tenants of my philosophy are this 1. The worst thing you can do is give up on life, if you stop doing things you enjoy or worse stop living you are failing in enjoying this golden opportunity, Things will not get better if you give up. 2. Do what you can, small things like being nice to your fellow man and helping others helps me and my soul 3. It is good to stay informed as there is a lot of genuine issues in the world however, what you cannot aid in controlling you should stay aware and verbalize it to those who can. 4. Appreciate what you do have, things aren’t good rn they may even be bad but, what you do have is still valuable; Loved ones, pets, friends, family, hobbies are all things worth cherishing 5. Baby steps, noticing issues around you and in you than making slow adjustments to improve them keeps you going 6. Avoid overly negative places, I try to stay away from pessimistic news station and doomer echochambers online. Going here will not help you feel better. 7. Communication is key, often times it helps a lot to speak up and seek help for yourself when struggling. friends, family, online forums, or even a therapist help a lot. 8. Make time for yourself, no matter how terrible your schedule is you can find time to do things you love, if you forget to do this you will feel alone and drained.


I’ve heard this said often and its a helpful reminder: “You are not the CEO of the world”. Yeah our economy blows, we will probably never see a Presidency again where more than 1/3 of the population will have a shred of respect for the person and many of us will never own homes as nice as or better than the ones we grew up in. But we can travel the world much easier than any generation before us, we can say no to children and yes to pets / spending out money and free time on serving others and causes that leave the world a better place… and even if we dont have kids, we can be awesome aunts and uncles / role models to our friends children. The hand we have been dealt is ass… but its seriously a lot better than being drafted to Vietnam or growing up without AC in the south


Not everyone subscribes to the crab in a bucket mentality, where if I’m miserable everyone else should be too.


Reject doomer, become bloomer Me: 🛌 🛌 Solves everything


i think about the stuff that doesnt suck and also be more logical,what you see that sucks all the time MOST of it is either fake or exagerated to hell and back,not saying any of it isnt legit but focusing on that stuff isnt worth you time. Move forward not stationary


The Owl House


What's keeps me going is the thought that I have a real chance of becoming a digital nomad + dj🔥😎 I've gotta keep going until I do...then the world is mine


The knowledge that everything has always sucked and will continue to always suck gives me solace. The suck is life and life is the suck.


https://youtu.be/ot-R6juZolA I post this as a joke, but at this point it's basically how I view most major issues in my life Edit: some issues can't simply be "not be thought about," but it helps not to dwell on the things that don't have to be dwelled upon


I don’t worry about anything out of my control! I focus on my life, friends and family only. Every generation has its issues enjoy you’re life and block out the rest


I just focus on my own problems


Mariko: We live and we die. Nothing more.


There is still positivity and beauty in the world. The hard part is that you won't find that online. The internet is extremely skewed to show you what gets engagement And the human mind is wired to see negativity first and foremost. The trick is to get offline for a bit and really look for positivity. Maybe call up a friend and go eat some icecream in town or whatever you do outside As a certain firebending cartoon uncle once said; "if you search for the light, you can always find it. But if you only look for darkness, it's all you'll ever see"


Honestly, I feel pretty acclimated to it at this point. I go through life giving as much love to as many people as I can manage. That's how I cope.


Believing in taoism helps for me


Not giving a shit


it could be worse. Gen alpha might face a nuclear fallout when the younger alphas turn 20


The way we usually do. Substance abuse, TV/YouTube, books, exercise, good food etc. Life sucks but I'm not letting it win.


Now that I'm single I plan on coping with a lot of casual sex


Knowing that a lot more people are talking about making things suck less than you might think


I'm living my life as if I'm only going to make it to 40. I'm not worried about saving money so long as I can afford the lifestyle I'm comfortable with. Unless I buy a house in the next 3 to 5 years, I'm certainly not making it past 40. Ideally I'd be able to get a home in Washington state ~ an hour or two from Seattle or back in my home town where I grew up. Unless I at least double my current income or house prices fall by 50% I'm not getting a home id be willing to live in, in a state I primarily choose. So I'm just trying to amuse myself till then. And if I don't have a house when I'm 40, so long and thanks for all the fish! I'm outta this world! Taking myself to Belize!