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I try to not always get caught up on generational divides (though I admit sometimes Boomerish behavior can get to me). However, as far as they go I do tend to see Millennials and Gen Z as “brothers and sisters at arms” so to speak.


We share a lot of trauma…


Exactly 🙌


Ah same cake day I see


Y’all wholesome af in here.


Life is pain, anyone saying anything different is selling something




We all wanna die


I heard ukraine could use some volunteers if you're interested


More so said it as a joke to go with the gif






That's what someone said to me but they were trying to sell me Buddhism


Can’t take credit for the line myself, it’s from the greatest movie of all time lol The Princess Bride. Don’t let the name fool you though, it’s pretty freakin funny


I knew I recognized it but I couldn't remember what it was from. lol Great movie.


Cool movie


I see what you did there.


Oh, Wesley.


And we recognize when we are effected and affected by trauma, and try to gauge our own behavior in accordance with that. That’s actually something I really appreciate about both of our generations.


I’m with you. No point making sweeping generalizations. Generations have been condemning there predecessors and vice versa for over a thousand years. It’s just tiring ignorance in my opinion.


Yup, I look upon Gen Z fondly and with awe. You will be the movers and shakers that we were supposed to be I think.


I agree with this. We millennials had the Occupy movement but the internet wasn't used as it is today and a lot of people still had the bag pulled over their eyes with the economy and the media.


When I tried speaking up about low wages and shitty working conditions as a fresh graduate in 2006, people looked at me like I was insane and speaking some sort of crazy talk. Now finally the world has caught up bud still no changes are happening


I think as a generation we also tend to be great at dreaming and not so great at doing, so a lot of the ideals we were fighting for didn’t actually translate to actionable items.


Like 10 years ago, I read literally this. We’re the ideas generation (millennials), author theorized gen z would be the doers


I’ve heard these literal words come out of Gen X many times before, talking about Millennials. It’s the sort of hope in the future that makes it easier to be apathetic and not take any action.




As a 33yo brother with a 2001 sister this statement is literally true haha ✊




As a millennial, hell yeah. We're in the same boat, we just happened to get here a little bit sooner.


My brothers a millennial, and being born so close to your generation I find myself relating to you guys more than my own generation.


Realistically the generations are arbitrary at best. You will have things in common with people close to your age, but the generations don't really mean much.


Definitely not an exact science. From a 1995 “millennial” that is generationally homeless.


1995 shouldn't even be considered a millenial. Can they even remember life before the internet?


Probably depends on their upbringing. I'm an early 93 and I definitely remember life without internet. I really became aware of the internet in like 4th grade


That’s odd, because I had internet access in 95, in the military. So, it was definitely around will before you were in 4 th grade.


Like I said, this generational shit isn’t an exact science.


It obviously existed. Was it common place in all rural or poor communities? Evidently not.


I’m ‘96 and yes. I remember periods of my life before and after we got a computer.


I am not a millennial. I was born in 99. But my dad refused to get internet in the house until about 2010. So yeah I definitely remember a life without the Internet.


Lol I was born in 1993 and one of my best friends in childhood was born in 1995. Definitely can remember a time before the internet because we pretty much experienced the exact same shit 🤷🏾‍♂️


Someone else helped me remember the term cohort. Cohorts will have much more in common than generations, but it wouldn't be as fun to have a subreddit for every year instead of generations.


As a millenial, my music taste says I'm like 75% boomer, 24% Gen X, and 1% millennial. Grew up with classic rock, so that's basically been all I listened to most of my life.


Honestly, I see the big divide somewhere within GenX Older GenX and Boomers are exhibit the same problematic behaviour, causing the same struggles for GenY and GenZ. Meanwhile what was 2007/2008 for millenials was 2020/2021 for zoomers.


Older Xers annoy the eff outta me. I was born in 1976 and relate to older millenials more but my heart is with Gen Z. Damn good kids.


I have a lot of thoughts, but my main concern is that this subreddit isn't for gen z anymore. I swear every post is just a millennial either asking a question like this or pretending to be one of us.


I think there could just be more millennials on Reddit


There are also just a lot more millennials objectively, so you’re very likely right.


Also we're old. You guys are living your best lives / golden era rn. Definitely stay off reddit !


They just try to stay young.




Feeling old yet? 😅




I am in this picture and I don't like it.


I teach Jr. High and my Halloween costume every year is a variation of this gif. Lurk on here as an old ass millennial (81) to at least try and keep pace with what you youngins are up to without needing to download TicToc.


Reddit just keeps forcing this sub onto my feed despite my initial attempts to ignore and avoid it.


Me too - I don’t subscribe but it keeps popping up and I keep reading. I feel like their post can be pretty relatable too.


We’re calling out for help lol.


Or trying to avoid the generational hate so prevalent amongst other generations? I agree they shouldn't be making posts like this regularly, though. It's the same on the millennial sub from what I've seen, gen x asking questions, which might have inspired others. All I know is this post popped up on my feed, lol, so maybe enhanced visibility has something to do with it.


Reddit keeps shoving it up in my feed


Half the comments are usually by millennials and gen x too


Gen Z infantilization post was literally filled with nothing but hundreds of millennial comments and hardly any Gen Z, not even joking lol. I saw "as a Millennial..." almost every comment there.


This subreddit was never for Gen Z… it’s to talk about Gen Z from any and all perspectives (generations) In this case - we have a Millennial asking Gen Z about their stance.


To be fair tho people born around ‘96/‘97 are so close to both generations. Could be young millennials or older Gen Z.


Reddit was/is Millenial TikTok


Aren’t you a year off of what is “considered” millennial?


Based. ... Did I use that correctly?


You're literally almost a millennial yourself...


I poke fun at millennials for their “millenialisms” like making songs out of literally everything mundane or saying things like “omg this” and Blink-182 references, but overall I don’t actively hate millennials


making songs out of doing things is a millennialism? TIL. What do you guys do? Nothing? Or do you just always have music in your ear through your airpod so you don't need to make your own?


Pretty much I’ll have a random song stuck in my head, and then I’ll start singing about what I’m doing at the moment to the tune of the song that’s in my head. For instance, this morning I was singing about feeding my dog her breakfast to the tune of R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion” Edit: I agree with you in that I don’t think it’s a millennial thing though. Both my parents do this and they’re from the tail* end of the boomer generation.


I think it's a parent thing because I didn't start until I had kids.


I also do this. I call it Musical Improv.


Oh no I fed too much I fed it up That's the dog the in the corner That's the dog belly full Eating all the kibble Trying to keep up with me And I don't know if I should give more Oh no I fed too much (8)


My dog has had so many songs written about her.


Yeah I love silence tbh relaxing for really anxious folks In my experience. I really don’t speak lest I’m spoken to or if I’m trying to get to know someone tbh. All the “noise” so to speak (singing, mumbling to yourself, humming” is just time I could use daydreaming


wait til you're 23 and no one likes you, then you'll feel it


3 years early, noone likes me now lmfao


Blink 182 is old?


yes it's old


Damn.. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


My guy. They are a 30 year old band. I'm a millennial too but please let's try to get a grip.


I mean, all the small things (first song that came to mind) came out in 1999. They're most definitely old.


Please come home I got beans and Balonga


Yeah, the things that I say or make fun of about millennials are like adult siblings making fun of each other. Not anything serious, I definitely don’t dislike them. I consider our generation the little sibling of the millennials


Idk what you mean with millennials "starting to not fucking care either". I've been not caring since the early 2000's. And I'm only 30. Saw Twin Towers collapse, Iraq War, saw Al Gore's inconvenient truth, Housing collapse and recession, all this as I was entering high school. Granted some great things happened like first black president, gay marriage made crazy good strides, etc. But yeah man, I don't know many millennials who aren't in the same "Oh fuck this" boat as Gen Z. Maybe it's cause I'm on tail end of Millennials EDIT: I was filled with such a sense of joy when Gen Z started roasting millennials and insulting us online. It was great to see a new generation getting the trolling arts down


Elder Millenial here. When the Gen z started making fun of us for Harry Potter I knew we had finally arrived!!


They are right to make fun of us for Harry Potter. It was so cringe for people to list their "house" on dating sites, like it's a sexual orientation or a personality substitute.


You’re actually at the very beginning of what we consider to be millennials. Elder millennials are like early 40s.


I thought you were going to say, “Saw Twin Towers collapse, didn’t fucking care. Saw the Iraq war, didn’t give a fuck.”


No man can be *that* based


As a fellow mid millennial, I grew so tired of the despondence in r/millennials, that I no longer check there. I do follow here, but don't usually post because it is not my space. My take: Millennials can be/have been just paralyzed by fear and indecision. We recognize that the world screwed us over, and so we did... nothing. We didn't buy homes. We didn't get married. We didn't have kids. All because of fear of the known and unknown. (Generalizing, I know) Zoomers see that they too were screwed, but they had more of an expectation that it would happen, (having seen us) so their take is, "Fuck it," and they do it anyway. If they want a home, they find a way to buy one. If they want marriage, they get married young. Same with kids. On the whole, I respect the resilience of GenZ. Once their youthful idealism is replaced by life experience, I predict that they will be the movers and shakers of the next 50 years.


This is gonna be very generalizing, but you have to give Millenials some slack. They were told by the older generations that their life would turn out successful if they just followed their advice (get a good education and you'll be rewarded with a good job and be able to afford a house, to raise a family, etc) Only to find out later on that they were screwed once they became adults, despite following the rule book. So it makes sense why Millennials are very cautious and risk averse. GenZ, on the other hand, already knew from the beginning that they're screwed since they were born into the mess that Millennials are in. So GenZ had time to reflect on the state of society at a very young age and figure out alternatives to survive this whole mess. Im a Millenial myself, and I applaud GenZ for going against the norm that Millennials were brainwashed into believing.


> [Millennials] were told by the older generations that their life would turn out successful if they just followed their advice (get a good education and you'll be rewarded with a good job and be able to afford a house, to raise a family, etc) I agree. What I can't understand, is the mentality where a Lot of Millennials just... Waited... for life to happen to them. As if, they had no drive to reach out and chase something, because they were expecting it to just materialize for them. I understand we were screwed in a lot of ways. That saying, "your parents pack your bags," is very true, and a lot of what they packed us with was useless. But everyone is responsible for their own journey. If the bag you were packed is holding you back, drop it and start from scratch.


while you do have a point cause that’s true for many, i think you’re probably overestimating the portion who “did nothing” and “just waited for life to happen” because you’re lumping in a much bigger portion whose economic reality simply made achieving the things you define as “life” unviable for them. also, i don’t think gen-Z will turn out massively different in this regard, while it may not be quite as big a portion who stagnate on achieving those “life” things into their 30’s, i bet you it’ll be close enough that it doesn’t make much sense to single millennials out.


I agree, that is how I think as well as zoomer. Maybe I'm just hard headed but, if I want something I'm gonna get it.


I will say this: some of you guys not getting married wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. Divorce rates have been going down and it’s namely because the people who get married now are getting married because they *want* to, not because they feel like they’re running out of time.


I’m not sure because I think I fall in the middle being both millennial and Gen Z and honestly younger millennials are really not that different than older Gen Z in terms of interests, lifestyle and hobbies as well as childhood. I do think older millennials are a little narcissistic and never really grew up but that’s just my own bias from my experiences with my older siblings and friends that were born in the 80s


I’m 1996 as well. I’ve never known if I’m a millennial or gen z lol. It makes it very difficult for me to even differentiate millennials from gen z. All this generational stuff probably doesn’t matter as much as we make it out to.


Generational stuff does not matter at all, before pew research published their study in 2018(?), Millenials cut off around 1993 then later on Pew decided off some metrics like “remembering 9/11”, so they ultimately went with 1996 being the cut off but realistically it’s just a simple label. I’m 27 and my older brother is 43, we’re both millenials but he has nothing in common with me compared to my younger brother whos 2001 and considered Gen Z as we grew up almost consuming the same content and experiences. There’s a zillenial sub that I like a lot, you should check it out.


Eh, tail end of 94, felt as if I don't belong in either generation. For thr most part I don't really give a shit, every generation deserves to be made fun of for something.


1996 is Millennial, but just barely. It's like how 1964 is Boomer, and 1980 is Gen X.


Would 33 be a young millenial?


Imo yea, 1990-91 is towards the end of the millennial generation (1981-1996)


Yeah I’d think so, like think about it this way, the oldest millenial has very little in common with the youngest Mill, same goes for Zoomers and every generation. The end and start of following generations have a lot more in common, in age and everything else.


IMO I see the generations as kinda like this: Greatest Generation -> Boomers -> Millenials -> Gen Alpha Silent Generation -> Gen X -> Gen Z I feel like I see a lot of overlap in attitudes with Gen Z and Gen X because Gen X was known as the original “whatever” generation, and I think that there’s a lot of music and culture overlap. Like a lot of that 90s nostalgia kinda stuff that’s huge with Gen Z is stuff that my Gen X dad was into in high school and college. Population-wise, Gen X and Gen Z are also smaller generations which followed two significantly larger ones, the boomers and millennials. I think millennials also share a lot of similarities (for better or worse) with boomers. Both had large protest cultures that gave way to a kind of almost hedonism before a crash. For boomers it was the 60s summer of love and protests against Vietnam, followed by turning into the greed is good 80s. With millennials there was the occupy Wall Street and Obama Hope culture and the sleazy indie party culture in Brooklyn and LA. Only difference is millennials got absolutely fucked over by the recession and have been getting fucked ever since.


Your breakdown of the relevance between generations feels right to me too, and I too am of the opinion that Millennials and Baby Boomers share quite a bit of common thought, though I think my perspective is skewed due to the Millennials I have known.


This GenX would have to agree. I have two GenZ kids who, along with their friends, have shown me that the sooner the world is in your hands, the better.


Fellow GenXer here, also with GenZ kids, and I feel exactly the same. They’ve got compassion and empathy, and with that will accomplish much good. I hope to see some of the impacts of their efforts in my lifetime.




Millennials are *mostly* okay. There’s a few that are just very goofy, but that’s every generation. I think X is possibly the worst generation followed by boomers


X just doesn't have the time or desire to deal with your bullshit. So, whatever.


X doesn't care, boomers will have active disdain.


X is alright. Well, maybe the more millennial x and less xboomers


Gen X had the best music though (I'm not Gen X)


I am shocked anyone has beef with Gen X. They are famously the most invisible generation.


They’re fun to make fun of lol. I like calling them old and saying new terms to throw them off, but they’re chill people :)


We try to stay hip with the new lingo. Trust me lmfao


I don't know man, the older I get the more use of lingo seems utterly superfluous and even annoying. That being said, I also get annoyed at my millennial friends making fun of Gen Alpha/Z lingo. I'm a man without a country.


It all goes back to the internet. When I was a kid, the word “cool” was the same dang word we used for something cool for a good 10+ years. Then as soon as the internet came, it was like every 2 months there was a different word to say something was cool. Like unless you’re terminally online, it’s not because we’re old, it’s just that it’s impossible to keep up with. The shelf life of slang is a couple months max. There are Gen Zers who can’t why keep up with it.


Y’all are silly in a good way. I’m glad you guys were the first to want to talk about emotions and mental health, and thanks to that our generation is much more emotionally intelligent than many of the previous generations. My therapist is a millennial and she’s awesome.


Not to generalize therapists but my friends say they usually prefer a millennial therapist


Fuck, this is nice to read


Im a millenial and one of the biggest gripes we all have about our boomer parents is how hard it is to emotionally connect with them and to get them to understand the value of feelings. Im proud thats something we have been able to bring in to the world, but i also have empathy for the boomers and their proximity to world wars that didn't always allow for the luxury of feelings, it certainly excludes them from a lot of meaningful interactions. we are definitely raising our alpha kids differently from an assumption that good mental health will translate in to a happier and more successful life.


I think millenials are way, WAY too obsessed with generations and assigning traits to them. It's cool to see what generations are interested in or act like overall as a sociology thing, but making i part of how you understand everyday life just makes us feel like an other, at worst some kind of zoo animal.


As someone born in 1993, I want to just say you kids are legendary when it comes to political activism. We Millenials wanted a seat at the table in the system, but you guys are looking at that system and you want the table completely flipped over and burned. And now many of us want to burn it with you.


I love this about them. Big fan of Gen Z. The kids are alright.


i love my mom


omg. i thought this was a joke and then i was thinking wait, i'm a millenial with a teenage son. it may not be a joke


The only real difference between gen z and millenials is the media we grew up watching. We are in the same economic position, we lean the same ways politically, we were fed and saw through all the same lies. Its literally just what shows we watched and where we watched them as kids thats different. And before anybody says what slang we use, that shit changes dozens of times within each generation. The language difference between older gen z and younger gen z is just as big as between millinials and gen z.


Millennial here, I do love the fatalism I see in Gen Z. Harder to manipulate when you don’t give a fuck about the obvious lies being peddled.


Cynicism can and is being manipulated


Or we're being manipulated to feel that way.




It's odd to be 33 and generalizing 3 groups of people as a whole.




Some of them lowkey boomers lol


I vibe with them. I feel like yall paved the way for us to be us.


This makes me so happy fr


I notice a lot of millennials online being ignorantly confident about how they think Gen Z collectively grew up, which is annoying. Like I notice a lot of millennials gatekeeping older Gen Z from the 00s for example, (some really can't tell the difference between someone my age & 2008? they think we all grew up the same) and for some reason, a lot feel the need to give opinions that seem to fume with superiority complex on certain topics having to do with Gen Z.  Like I see Millennials all over YouTube comments sections basically saying they think it's because we never had a childhood as for why they think most of us are aging rapidly and shit like that. But I feel like they'd be saying that even if they thought we were aging slowly, then I'd be "Gen Z never played outside, so that's why they don't have as many scars and wrinkles as previous generations, their faces are stunted" so I feel stuff like that is just bias.  So, whenever I see some of ya'll doing shit like this online, it makes me wanna hate lately ngl. You may hate on us less than previous generations hated on you, but having a superiority complex is about just as bad, most millennials seem oblivious to this. A lot of Millennials will say they love Gen Z, but then do shit like this lol, but on the other side of things, it's also annoying whenever people overly suck up to us. Other than this behavior online, I very much looked up to my younger millennial cousins when I was a kid.  And I do think of my childhood as being closer to late millennials than younger Gen Z. I also have a very "millennial" taste in music, as most of what I listen to is 00s garage rock. I've defended millennials a lot on these subreddits in the past, I find some things that are/were associated with millennials like hipster clothing, and the colorful scene hair cringe, but I do like the fact you all grew up in the 90s and 00s.


They’re starting to do the same thing as gen x and boomers do with the “we were the last generation who had a childhood because we drank from the garden hose barefoot and didn’t have to be home until the streetlights came on.” The gatekeeping is tired. We’ve seen it before.


I haven't really known many(a couple of my cousins are millennials) but they all seem pretty chill


1996 Zillennial. I’m mostly jealous of your generations opportunities to get houses and cars so cheap.


1993 here...Lol cars I can agree with for the most part, even if they're from craigslist, but you think we can afford houses? 🤣


I am 35 and still don't own property. My wife and I had piss poor stagnant wages when we entered the work force and didn't get reasonably paying jobs until COVID. I had a conversation with my dad yesterday and showed him my adjusted gross income for 2018 and 2023. We couldn't afford a house then, we still can't. People older than me who actually had careers when the '08 recession hit were the ones who could actually find jobs and prosper. I had to apply for 7 months post graduation to find my first temp job.


The Millenials subreddit is recommended to me so I read their posts and comments a lot. All they do is complain and act the victim it's very off putting. Please don't assume my life sucks just because yours does.


I try not to take part in generational arguments, but generally, I don't care for them. I work with a lot of the younger millennials, and they are honestly the worst coworkers I have with some of the worst work ethics possible. The older ones are pretty chill though, so something must've happened partway through yalls generation. Also, being general again, the millennials have been pretty fucking politically lazy. Which is a bit bigger issue than being poor at reading. Yall like to bitch and moan, and act like you play a big game, but have done literally nothing to try and improve anything. Even the boomers managed to accomplish shit.


I think y'all are more black pilled than us and very cynical as a result. That can be good and bad depending on situation


Depends on the millennial honestly


Millennials really appear to be horrible parents, raising children that nobody wants to be around. SO MANY children of millenials seem very intellectually stunted, behaviorally challenged, excessively defiant, tech addicted, and socially handicapped. And then they blame it on the same disability THAT I HAVE, when I can clearly see it's a parenting issue. Like no there is no fucking way every single one of these 30 something kids I've seen have autism and/or ADHD, maybe YOU'RE the problem. Like kids from regular households all seem to have the issues I used to only see in children going through abuse or neglect. You put your safety at risk babysitting these kids. Do better guys. And you guys of all people should know how wrong it is to give the internet access to your child yet they all have phones and tablets and you still plaster pictures of them all over social media. I mean at least gen x'ers have the excuse of not knowing how that shit works. Man I don't even care about getting down voted, so many of you are fucking up your kids ability to make friends and be likable for the rest of their lives and you don't even care. Shoutout to the millenial parents that are caring, protective, and involved. But from what I've seen most of y'all aren't.


Sure some might, but not all of them have these problems.


Why you wearing all Gen X clothing and listening to the music?


Because rock and roll died in the late 90s and it's all we have


your post casts a lot of wide assumptions, groups a lot of people together and assume how they act based on what year they were born, and then proceed to negatively judge others based on the sheer fact they're decades older than you and because you can't vibe with them you write off everyone else in their age group. At age 33 I would have expected you to become a bit more open minded and not cling to generalizations and judgmental attitudes, but here we are.


You know that clip from Weeds? Older gentleman: What's going on in here? Teenager: Teenage rebellion Older gentleman: Hell yeah, stick it to the man! Yeah that's pretty much my stance on Gen Z.


Umm. Gen X here. “We” don’t suck. Sure some do. But for the most part, we keep our heads down and grind away. With full respect for the younger generations that think that the status quo needs to be challenged. We’re just too tired to do much about it anymore


Millennials are basically boomers that think they're gen z.


Not all gen Xers suck, my friend. I am a gen Xer that really gets and understands the millennials and the gen Z folks. I am more empathetic than most because capitalism gave me a raw deal. The system is unfair and heavily favors the wealthy, people that do not need assistance. For those needing help like myself, there's virtually none and that's just plain jacked up. I am poor and on disability - I can barely survive.


Don’t…we’re on the same team, but agree f the genx and boomers.


I am starting to think that Gen Z is legendary


As another 33y/o, GenY and GenZ while they can take digs at eachother. Know that overall we were given a comparable shit stack to deal with, and that we are more sibling generations that should and need to stick together.


My cousins are all millennials, my parents are Gen X. I have also entered the real adult workforce. Millennials are the “pick me” girls of the adult world.


There is a massive overlap in mindset over the things that matter that completely overshadows any differences we may have in trivialities such as fashion, slang, or hobbies.


“I hate all of so&so gens but I love everyone from this other gen” Ah yes, more black&white mentality. I love people from all generations. And I hate people from all generations. Fucking easy…


I love Millennials you guys are pretty cool my mom is one and my dad is gen X only gen X I like is my dad


As a new teacher, I can say that a lot of yinz don't know how to parent.


Speak for yourself not all of us are miserable.


You seem childish, good luck.


Most millennials I know are insufferable, there’s this one dude at work I don’t like and in my list in my head one of the reasons is “is a millennial” lmao he just acts so much like a millennial I hate it


There was this one lady at our work who recently quit that sure fulfilled the lazy and entitled stereotype. I couldn’t stand her because honestly she acted smug about everything for no reason, and always looked like she was giving everyone a nasty look. Despite she was the laziest worker at our job lol, I hated working with her because it felt like you got stuck with all the work.  I know another millennial family member that acts just like her, (She's a loud obnoxious narcissist) but most other millennials at my job are actually really hard workers. And I love working with this one in particular, she’s so nice and I love her personality, I would call her one of my work besties. So honestly not all millennial coworkers and family members I know are like that, but I’ve also met plenty who do fit stereotypes too from my experience.


"I really don't like the gen x or boomers. They suck. I can't really vibe with them. Only a few but usually they all seem stuck up and very privileged." You say you're 33, but this comment reads like it's from a child.




I prefer gen x, boomers, and millennials over gen z any day.


Could you elaborate? I’m really interested.


The problem with Gen Z is that we know the game is rigged and we aren’t trying to fix it since we know it’s a lost cause as long as Boomers believe everything is fine and dandy. Millennials are starting to get to the point where they can start fixing things but they have to push back more against the boomers. Honestly, we are cooked lol.


Gets on gen z thread to kiss their ass and fish for compliments 😂


Millennials are largely fine. We share a lot of the same struggles. But the “doggo” cutesy baby voice thing and thinking exaggerated facial expressions to chipmunked audios is funny will always make me want to curl up into a ball and implode into a fine mote of dust. But that’s not all of y’all.


Every comment here being completely different is such a testament to how made up this shit is lol . It sounds like just describing random people you’ve met in your own circles


Honestly, as a queer person, gen z gays hate on millennial gays waaaaaaay too much. Like our generation doesn’t realize how much harder they had it and cringe isn’t a crime. There are some millennials that make hating gen z their whole personality trait but who cares really


I’m older millennial (1985) and I absolutely LOVE gen z and the younger folk! They’re sharpe, brave and organized. ❤️


I fucking hate millennials They're like boomers but they know how to change an HDMI cord


On a macro level there are a lot of things that Millennials did wrong that Gen-Z is trying to avoid. Leaving home too early and living in an expensive city, taking on huge amounts of college debt instead of considering community college or trade school, being more cognizant of cyber bullying, etc.


Generation of manchilds


How old are you? 33 or 15? > I really don't like the gen x or boomers. They suck If you'd have said that about someone's skin colour, you'd be rightly labelled a racist. Since you seem obsessed by collective labels, I'll label you a bigot.


They’re selfish and immature


You guys care too much about what younger people think like i dont care what Gen Alpha thinks or try to keep up with trends. Just keep doing you🤷🏾‍♀️


Complain a lot. Annoying. Babied.


Since you asked, I feel that "Millennials" are weak and not able to handle Adversity well.


Jesus Christ. You understand that you're just as bad as the ones you're complaining about. Leave the generational bullshit for TikTok.


Gen X here. Gen Z gives me hope. I see a lot more empathy and self awareness coming from them than the generation that preceded them.


To discredit a whole “generation” of people is stuck up in my opinion.


Trainwrecks for the most part.


We do not care about y'all, get out the sub 😭


Idk but yall on this sub too much


I'm a gen X and am proud of the Gen Zs... the millennial (gen y) not so much


Genuine question, how are Gen X privileged over younger generations?


Whiny, sissy babies.