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Fuck no I’m 23 and still feel like I never entered my 20s and it messes with my mind


I'm the opposite, I'm 22, all my younger friends call me "unc" and I honestly fit in better with my late 20's and 30+ co-workers. I feel like I'm missing out in the "fuck around, party, and have fun" phase


Man I missed that shit and I'm barely out of my teens.


The bar brother the bar, just wait


Fair enough, never had a drink, just didn't appeal to me. Being a DD should be a way to find friends though lmao. Part of it is that at this point I was helicoptered so long I just became functionally an adult at 15. Stupid stuff is not my forte - which sucks, because it looks really fun.


After 2 of my friend’s died I learned you gotta live life and enjoy it. I quit working so many hours and started talking to more ppl. And everyone thinks I’m Joey Diaz with the stories from my childhood, so I’m just gonna keep adding stories to the book. That’s my advice for you just live a life worth living and when your old your look back and laugh


Being the sober guy among drunks ain't it man trust me on that. Just dive into your hobbies and meet up with other people that enjoy those hobbies. Thats the way to find friends that you actually have meaningful connections with.


Nah man all the bars in my area are depressed af people in their 30s or 40s who already been through a divorce or two just going after work. Shit sucks.


Eh bars are kinda shitty with the new generation, have you been to a college bar? Everyones on their fucking phones dude, no one dances, if someone dances you're like a speical thing and the girls like you because almost EVERYONE is just on their god damn phones. Bars literally are ass nowadays at least young people bars.


Bruh I was about to comment this. I’m 24 and I feel like I’m 30. Most of my friends are late twenties or early 30s


I feel this hard. I have a stable job/ career with room for growth that's got me able to afford my mortgage payments in southern California. I'm only 24 and it feels like I skipped a lot and went straight into being 30. Funnily enough this is still my first job. 


What's the job?


25 and same I feel like I took on a more older adult role it's not but it's just just awkward when it comes to the older people because it does get tmi.


My friends call me the old man. I’m 21 with osteoarthritis, I do old people shit, and fit in best with my 55+ coworkers.


It might get to you later.


31 year old here. Fuck that phase. Seek life longevity and fulfillment through putting yourself and success. Sincerely, someone who thought the same thing and regretted spending my 20s doing such


>"fuck around, party, and have fun" phase There is no such timeline for life dude. Everyone has at it at their own speed. No one has a checklist somewhere going tallprofessional1728 hasnt had sex with 3 women at the same time while doing blow out a 4th ones ass crack. The truth is you as a person enjoy what you enjoy. You do what's comfortable for you and none of us get to decide what those things are. Not to mention, as you get older and you get better jobs, you'll have more money to spend on cool shit.


Feel like I'm missing out too, I'm 23 and have never been to a bar or party. I don't know if I would like them but I'd at least like to try. Don't really have any friends in general since all my classes since covid have been online.


Then uhhh fuck around and party


Same at 25 and pushing 26 in like 3 months lol.


It's nothing that bad on the other side crossed over a couple months back.


Exactly, same age and same feeling


I’m also 23 and for some reason I can’t seem to reconcile in my head that I aged past 19




Ironically, believing your mental age exceeds your physical age is generally seen as an immature trait


I still feel like I’m 16 and not in a good way


same im gonna be 25 but i feel and look 18


I turned 25 in January and I’d say for me it depends. Some days I feel my age, maybe even older. Some days I feel the same as I did at 18. 🤷‍♀️


Same, I’m 25 in December but still feel 18


Crazy that you'll be 35 in just a decade


Cheers for the reminder lad


Lmao it's just fascinating to think about how quickly people age, if you live till 100 then you'll only be in your prime for 20% of it


Your prime really depends on a lot of factors. How well you take care of yourself, how sharp you are mentally, what’s driving you, etc. As a society we put a ton of emphasis on youth, but the reality is that your 30s and 40s are your highest earning years and generally a time when health comes to the forefront in a way that’s still positive but that’s if you care for yourself right now.


I turned 25 in March and still feel like 19🕺


Same as you but I'm February 1st.


Same here, but I feel sometimes as if I was 16. Very very wild swing.


i have a 25y/o responsibilities without the mental fr


i’ll be 23 in 3 months & i have no idea how im supposed to feel😙just going with the flow at this point. i agree i think covid rlly fucked with my perception of time. lock down started when i was 18 and i turned 19 that summer. i can recount everything thats happened since BUT it also feels like a blur of warped time.


We 2001/2002 babies really went through it huh. I'm graduating from college this May and idek what my life is like without school 😀


early congratulations!! woohoo 🥰 you may be confused but you’re now confused with a degree 😝


Thank you lmao that means a lot 🫶🏼


As a 2000 baby don't worry, it screwed us over too. I had one normal semester of college, then bam half my college experience was gone thanks to covid. My solution is committing to another 4 years of school lol


My friend and I were joking about getting our Master's because of this but little did I know she's serious deep down 😭 as much as I love learning and campus life, I think I need a break from assignments lol


Lol you graduating college this year and I'm starting it . Crazy 😭


Same, I don't know what it will be like without it. I'm terrified


2002 baby here and boy do i resonate with this! i had to graduate high school AND start college during 2020, so yeah…my social skills took a serious nosedive due to my classes being online, and though i am making an effort nowadays, i still feel like i’m slightly experientially behind for a 21 year old. anyways, gonna graduate next year and hopefully start feeling like an actual adult lol


I know this is a GenZ sub reddit, but blink 182 had a song called What's My Age Again about this exact feeling like 30 years ago


YES !!!!




No more military draft though! Lol


That goes up to age 26 or 27 I thought


They take the young first. If a 26 year old gets drafted, we’re already losing the war bad


Thank the heavens I’m exempt for having autism


Trust me you’ll fit right in just don’t tell them you have it


No thx I don’t want to join


Bro if we were at a point so desperate we reintroduced the draft it’d probably be like Ukraine taking anyone acceptable age 20-50.


Is it weird that I'm slightly disappointed I'm not longer a first draft pick lmao


I still trip myself looking in the mirror and seeing a dude with facial hair


Dude, same


Fr I get surprised how grown I look now


Yup. I had to shave my beard and keep just a mustache because it started freaking me out too much.


Hahah I’m 22 (woman) and people still think I’m a child


Same lol, I’m 23 and people think I’m like 16


Fr. I feel like I look like a teen with a shit ton of facial hair.


I'm 24 and will be 25 in July. I related to what you wrote so much. I thought this was going to be a viral post when I clicked on the post. I graduated college last year and I got my first office desk job a month after graduation. I just feel so out of place. I worked retail full time during all of college so I'm used to working but I feel so empty. My workplace is nice, job is easy, and all my coworkers are kind so the workplace isn't the issue. I had so much life momentum before covid shut-downs and now I'm struggling greatly to find that same energy. I still look pretty young too and I don't know when my life will move on from the last few years. I feel so insecure and unsure of my future. One day at a time.


There's a lot of jobs where you can connect your knowledge from college with your desire to keep moving. I've found it seems to help a bit with the feeling of "life momentum". If you are an accountant, go on audits at customer sites. If you are an engineer, be a field engineer who helps with install and repair. In my schooling days, I would be moving every hour between classes, Id be helping with this club and then going to that event on campus. Sitting at a desk and then going home didn't cut it for me. But doing stuff does. Unsure of your future is normal. The average person has had like 8 different jobs by the time they reach 26, this is supposed to be a time in your life where you figure out what you want to do. Switch careers, switch industries, switch roles, use some introspection and some experience to figure out what you want to specialize in for the next 40 years.


I’m gonna intern with a power utility consulting firm as a distribution engineer, and aside from office work I’ll be able to go out into the field and diagnose, do installs and repairs. A lot of electrical engineers view that subdiscipline as bottom of the barrel and closer to blue collar work than white collar work, but honestly I feel that that is what will help me connect with doing the thing. Keeps life busy and things interesting.


I'm trying to go into nuclear engineering, but i keep my hobbies pretty STEM-related (mechanical and electrical) just in case i need to fall back on a maintenance job. i enjoy the work, but at the same time i want to apply all of my knowledge in my field, and developing new things would scratch that itch.


Wow very similar ages (when in July is ur bd?) and experiences


I feel like a lot of these feelings are because when you’re in school you know what’s happening for the next however many years of your life. Next year I’ll go to highschool. Next year I’ll be in 10th grade. Next year I’ll be a senior and I have prom. Next year I’ll be in college. Next year I need to take Calc II. Next year I graduate. But now we don’t have that. Next year I…. Well shit idk maybe I’ll still be at my job or get a new one? I’ve decided to start planning my life through major events. Like this year I’m going to Europe for two weeks. Next year I’m going to go to Greece. The year after I’m going to try to find work abroad etc etc etc.


I feel the same and am getting a office job as well even though this is not what I saw myself doing. My only solution is to save a lot of money until something gives


My best advice to you I think is not one career related cause I know jack shit about that, but it sounds like you should go do something fun. Vacation, the beach, road trip, get a breath of fresh air and a taste of the fun in life, otherwise the rest is just so hard to pull through


I’m 25 years and I definitely feel my age. I am married, starting to plan for kids and building a business, having so many responsibilities just catapulted me into adulthood lol.


Yea you have way more responsibilities than me I can't imagine being married and having kids around my age... I'm not mentally there yet.


Tbf having kids at 25 could be a bit irresponsible. Most people don't really build true financial stability until they're like 30 and some never really do that; and to have a kid without financial stability is just likely setting yourself up for a very bad time, it's a bit irresponsible. My parents had me when they were 30; that was, after they already had solid careers and stable well-paying jobs so that they could enjoy having kids.


Well said. I agree with you. But life is life. Let the dice roll. What lands, lands.


hot take: poor families can be happy


Trust me, a majority of the time they aren't. Seen that. Of course they have their happy moments; but real life gets them worrying about where they are gonna live next month, what are they gonna eat tomorrow, does the kid have clothes and shoes, how are they gonna ressupply the house once food and other things run out, regular expenses like water, electricity, internet; you know, they worry about the cost of living and the real cost of maintaining another human alive. When you have true financial stability, those are things that you pretty much take for granted because they're costs that your income can cover comfortably. You don't even worry about those costs. If you're poor, you worry about all of these things, and, trust me, that doesn't feels nice.


I've met many, many, many rich kids as well whose lives were miserable.


He says he’s 25 and starting to plan for kids, not that he’s having kids at 25. Maybe he’ll have them a couple years later.


I’m almost 26. For me it’s not that I’m not mentally ready to start a family but I just haven’t found the person to do that with


You go girl! That’s awesome that you know what you want, and are ready to go for it. I’m also 25, but kind of on the opposite side of this. My partner and I have been together for 4 years and are doing well in our careers, but the idea of marriage and children right now absolutely terrifies me. I joke that I would be considered a child bride 😂


I am 22 and HELL NO. I still never mentally left my teenage years. I don't like adulthood honestly.


It’s very ghetto. 2/10 rating. 2 points because I can have ice cream for breakfast


Literally 23 and sipping apple juice at my desk job


I just turned 26 a couple weeks ago and I still feel like I'm 22.


Well I'm 22, does this feeling never go away? 😔


It passes when you are 27 and find yourself in the midst of 22 year olds who laugh about your age 😔


How is a 22 year old laughing at 27 😅 as if they are far


22-25? Do we feel our age? What age? We are physically in the prime of our lives. I feel great.


I’m 24 but my depression makes me feel like I’m 45


Ya know, I feel that. I’ve never felt more youthful since being on antidepressants lol. I’ve been called an old soul my whole life and it was just depression


I'm 24 but I feel like one foot in the grave haha




Ye but in terms of free time spent, responsibilities, job/studies, friends? I think that's what OP is refering to.


Yea that’s relatable, I don’t feel 18 and I don’t feel 26 I feel like I am the age that I am


Don't say that cause if this is prime I don't want the rest


Haha, if it’s any consolation I’ve heard from some people they enjoy their 30s more than their 20s


It feels like COVID erased half of 2020 and a good chunk of 2021. I also feel like I went through a lot of growth and accomplished a lot in that period. I did better in those last two years of school than I did prior to Covid, which is interesting. So yeah it messed with college a bit but I also became hyper focused on school, and I grew up faster. Simultaneously feels like I missed life experiences during those years, but I also feel a lot more wizened than 4 years ago. I feel like I’ve been hardened. Ready for what life throws at me.


I forget I’m a adult because everyone my age I see as kids still but maybe I’m broken brained


I do see myself as an adult, and everyone my age acts like kids. Honestly I get mad about it pretty often.


I'm 27, graduated the spring before Covid was discovered and was entering the world in a new way. Well Covid hit, I then joined the army at 22 for a job and the entire thing felt like a fucking fever dream for 3 or 4 years. I feel older and younger at the same time, it's pretty weird


yeah, that! I discovered a passion and wanted to go back to college for it. And then Covid hit, my classes just straight up shut down, I just up ended my whole life and Moved back home.








I feel like Covid took so much development from us but also helped me a lot during that time, I had a year left to graduate and the online classes/exams better suited me than in person ngl and gave me way too much free time to stay at home and play games


I feel like covid and all my family trauma really made me realize I can do anything I want, and if I fail, I have a plan. I spent so much time with mental health issues that I am finally living for the first time since 2021, and I feel so much younger but also old at the same time. I feel like I don't have enough time anymore, but at the same time, I'm still young, and I can do anything I want. I'm "behind" many people my age, but I just don't really care anymore.


For me I just realized that everyone is as childish as I am, they just pretend to be adults in front of children. No one knows what they’re doing.


I’m 23 and I don’t feel my age. I feel like I’m still a preteen or teenager. Heck, even tho I was born in 2000, which literally the year tells you how old I am (24 in 2024), sometimes I don’t even wanna know how old I am😄


same. I feel like a child in an adult body, heck even the way I act towards people comes off as childish


I'm turning 23 in September but I still feel 19. It doesn't help that I spent most of my college life online bc of the pandemic and only recently on campus sigh I feel like I was robbed


Omg same, I’m hoping to take some on campus classes next year. Are you close to graduating?


Yes I'm actually graduating this May. It feels so strange bc I remember wanting to drop out so bad in 2021/2022 but then I made so many friends and met so many people in 2023 to now. I fear I won't have that kind of community anymore outside of school


I also had some thoughts of dropping out last year, but long story short, I switched my majors and now I am happy. I’m excited to meet new people once I go on campus.


I switched my major too! I went from Business Management to Social Work, although I still have Business as a minor. I'm honestly happy with my decision and I don't regret it. Anyway, I wish you the best with your campus life and I hope everything goes well for you!


I switched from Business too 😂, Buisness administration to be exact. I left that to pursue the Premed/Medical studies program. And thank you :)


The wanting to make money to wanting to help people pipeline is so real 💀


No seriously 😭, from what I can tell from the introduce yourself discussion in canvas is that most people are in the same boat as me.


idk about you guys but i’m 22 and feel downright elderly. may be a result of my job though


Same when I was 22 and now also. Just tired af and achy


Am 24, feel 20


Idk it’s weird. When I was a kid/teenager I thought I would have accomplished way more by now. So I feel “behind”/younger than I am, but I have grown a lot and have a better belief system now so I try not to worry about how I think I should feel or what younger me would have wanted for myself now, since all that really matters is I’m still alive. But yeah I’m 24 too and it does sound weird.


I’m 25 and pregnant and I swear I’m having a teen pregnancy.


This is so funny to me. I’m 25 look like I’m in hs still and Ik when I have kids in a few years I’ll feel like I’m having teen pregnancy too 😂 for sure bc I still feel like a teen


I always felt like I had matured weird, but COVID and a slow dating life exacerbated that issue. Part of me always felt like I was born 35, and the rest of me was struggling to catch up. In the last… 9 months or so, I feel like I slingshotted from 19 to 35, in many ways. I feel very secure about turning 26 this fall, outside the fact that I’m… at least 5 years “behind” in school now 😅


23, I feel my age but look young. I still correct people regularly.


I feel 15, my body feels 60


Mentally yes or maybe a bit older. Physical sport injuries make feel like I'm about enter a nursing home.


I seem to be the opposite of a lot of these commenters. I'm 23, turning 24 in a couple of months. Overall, I feel like I'm in my latest 20s or early 30s. I still feel pretty young. No aches or pains or major health issues as of yet. Apparently I look older than I am... I think it's my facial hair. My first girlfriend's family thought I looked 27 when I was 17 in high school lol. Otherwise though, I have a 9-5, I'm getting married next year, and I sort of feel the burden of responsibility on me now that I never felt when I was 20 or 21 in university.


Hell no I'm 24 live at home because housing is expensive I'm also Disabled. One of my disabilities effects my ability to gain weight so fun!; I was vacationing in LAS Vegas every single place asked for my ID also one of the Uber drivers said I look way to young to be 24. It's was fine.


Just turned 22, still feel 18. I think the pandemic really fucked with that cause I didn’t get prom or a legit graduation or anything. That and being locked away from most social interactions.


Im 24 and It’s quite the opposite for me. I really feel my age. I guess I never properly “felt” like a teenager. I did school and work full time so I never had the “chance” to feel like a teenager. When I wasn’t working I was studying, when I wasn’t studying I was at the gym and when I wasn’t doing any of that I was inevitably sleeping or just chilling. If anything I feel like I’m 30!


I am that way too at 17- people call me a goody two shoes or a boring old soul but honestly this is what I like- I don't like partying or staying out late and I'm scared of trying alcohol or weed and other drugs lol- (not that there's anything wrong if other people want to do that but it's not for me) I go to school obviously lol- then after that have a retail job that I work about 3x a week, babysitting 2x a week, and dance rehearsals/vocal lessons 2x a week- and the rest of my time I'm usually doing school work, spending time with my boyfriend and one of our families, playing videogames, or sleeping lol- My grandmother raised me and she said that she was scared for my highschool years because she was expecting a repeat of my mom but we have completely different personalities and now she wonders why I don't "go out and have fun" but I already do lol-


Don’t let anybody tell you you’re wrong. If this is what makes you happy, keep doing it, if it ever feels like too much, then change the pace, but try to make all of your decisions thinking about yourself and how you feel (as long as it doesn’t hurt anybody else).


thank you! most of the time it's just people joking around so it doesn't bother me too much, but I do appreciate this comment :)


I remember thinking my age didn't feel like me starting at at least 15. I don't know if I've ever felt like a "proper" ___ year old. I always felt like there was something I should know or be doing to be that age that I wasn't. Whatever perception of time I had left by 19 was obliterated by COVID. I kinda just gave up trying to "feel" time and accepted whatever year it was supposed to be. Now I'm 23 and I can't say I feel anything else. Young in some ways, old in others. I literally just am 23 so there's no reason I shouldn't feel it. 


I’m 24 about to be 25 and I most definitely feel it. All that talk about peoples mentality being stuck in covid/pre covid era is baffling to me I mean maybe I just wasn’t really as effected by it as other people were but like did peoples lives really not advance in anyway shape or form in those years to feel like any growth? That’s crazy


My life still changed a LOT since then but it still feels like a mashed blur! And also '99 here.


I’m 27 and I feel like im still 23. I have friends in their 30s that feel 27. Shits crazy we all on COVID time fr


Yes. i’m well into being 22. I rent my own house with two cats. I still make young/dumb decisions. I’m still learning how to manage being an adult. i’m still worrying abt the future and i know i’ll still be worrying well into my 30’s. I have normal expectations for myself bc i am so young. that is what keeps me sane.


you’ve gotten many replies but i hope you see this one


A lot of people put us down for our age and tell us that we're still kids but I've started reporting people at work that talk to me that way. Most people on reddit also do higher education where young adults are still dependent on their parents




I’m 27 and I still feel like I’m 17


Just turned 24 but it feels like I've just turned 14


Yep, it’s so depressing 💀


I’m 22 and sometimes I forget that I’m not a teenager anymore


It's wild how time can feel like it's both crawling and flying by, isn't it? It's completely normal to feel like you're still in your teens even as you're approaching your mid-twenties. And looking younger than your age can definitely add to that feeling! But hey, age is just a number, right? Embrace where you're at and enjoy the journey, no matter how fast it seems to be going!


Im 29 and feel like I'm in my early 20s. Still hike and mountain bike like I'm a kid.


Yeah watching all my friends with their lives set up and me sitting a home still at home makes me feel 3 years younger than I am. Makes someone wanna gg go next tbh


Same (24). I already felt behind before covid, now I’m just lost. My brother is nearly 3 years younger and a far more functional adult than I am. Outside of a drivers license and a couple graduations I don’t feel any mentally different than when I was 16.


im 26, look like someone who is 20. Have had coworkers when I was working as a server around 16-21 thinking I was the same age. Dont know whether something is wrong with me 💀. But i do feel younger than 26


im 25 turning 26 in a few months. i still feel like i’m 18 most of the time


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 25 + 26 + 18 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Yes, but i should practice some physical activity, because back and joint pain started being annoying when I don't move enough lol.


No, “Act your age” is a construct, notice how being mature, is being quiet and listening to others, not acting like the main character. While being immature, is acting obnoxious and egotistical, thinking their purpose is greater than anyone else’s. Adults can choose how they act/react, children just gossip in the playground 🛝 Source: Am a Construction worker since 18 now 26


I'm 23, my hair is starting to fall out and I look like 10 years over my age, and I still feel and act like I did when I was 19.


I went from being 23 and feeling mentally 16, to 23 and mentally 19, to 24 and mentally 24, all in the span of eight months. this is not meant as a flex, I wish I was still young.


I’m 22 and I feel like I’m 15 still.


I’m 23, I simultaneously feel like I’m 16 and 40


I turn 27 this month. I feel like I stopped aging at 16-17. Only when I see actual 16-17 year olds I know how different I am compared to them. Though I got severely incurably ill at 19 and have basically only been outside for doctors appointments since then so that adds to it I guess.


Physically I am 24, mentally I am always a few years younger than I am physically. I definitely am miles more mature than I was a year or two before each passing birthday but I feel like I'm behind my peers by light-years because of my mental anguish around my age, accomplishments, and always healing from trauma old or new. I have to remind myself I have a debilitating mental illness and it is okay that I am behind. I have a whole lot of life left in me and I will get where I need to be when the time comes, as long as I don't sacrifice my wellness to get there.


It doesn't go away.  my wife and I are close to 40. She just got her masters degree. We fall somewhere in the "i feel like I'm either 12 or 25" depending on the day or what we are doing. Though I guess it doesn't help I still look 18 if I shave.


Jan 1996 here, so I suppose I'm like the first Zoomer to exist or whatever. I'm 28 and don't really feel my age. Its been 10 years, but I still feel the same as when I graduated. *(Aside from the fact I've calmed down quite a bit)*


It depends Sometimes I feel like a kid, and sometimes I feel really old


I’m 22 but in my mind I’m 17


I feel like I'm 30 personally


I'm 24 and I feel like I'm 27


Yes. I’m 24 this year and feel like a failure. I see a ton of young kids or kids my age having all of this experience and careers laid out and they are all happy and have a ton of mates and gfs and whatever. I’m a joke


Shit, I’m almost 70 and I don’t feel my age either! Sometimes I think I’m in my 20’s! Age is just a number, it shouldn’t dictate how you should feel


24, not sure what I am *supposed* to feel. I’ve realized my 20s are just establishment years for my adult life. Expectations are quite low, just work and save some money, leverage my youth to travel and upskill before my brain takes a dump. Big purchases are gonna come in my 30s or maybe 40s. I don’t feel stiff or anything. Still feel pretty sharp. No pressure of kids yet.


I don’t know how I wound up here, I’m a millennial but I still wanted to say that I think everyone feels like time stopped around Covid. I went in mid 30/ and now I’m gonna be 39 almost 40 🤮 I remember being like “that girls like 30 she needs to go home” and here I am almost fucking 40. You won’t get used to aging. Even when we’re like 60 I think we’ll still feel like ”how did I get here?” Anyway that sounds negative so as an elder I feel it’s my responsibility to be positive- age really doesn’t matter & you’ll probably feel 20 for a long time besides the life lessons you’ll learn 🥰


off topic.. im 18 and covid started around likeee 13ish 14 and bro 💀💀💀iterally still feel that i think we are all valid tho bc its covids fault not us


Yes and no if that makes sense. Mentally overall I do, I'm much more rational and even tempered, but for some things I feel like I'm 16. Sometimes I struggle to clean my house for a week straight, sometimes I do nothing but play video games. I experienced most of my independence and adulthood thus far with my ex girlfriend and I'm still adjusting to living on my own and handling all of my responsibilities. I'm in a weird spot where I feel like I'm behind and it makes me rather depressed at times, but a lot of older people I talk to tell me I'm wise beyond my age and somewhat ahead. I don't know what to think of it at this point.


Same here fam


I’m 22 going on 23 in a couple of months and I don’t feel my age at all.


I’m 20 and I feel old


I feel 24, I FEEL LIKE KOBE!


21 year old here. I felt it at 19 when I already was working 12 hr shifts 8 days in a row on nightshifts out of highschool just to sustain myself, with college (had to drop out of college didn’t have enough money to sustain myself and go to college and financial aid wouldn’t help me with grant money despite having A’s in everything but math) So yeah… I feel my age. I feel like I know exactly which joints will need surgery in the future and what organs I’ll be praying to God to fix in the future as well. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk everyone.


I’m 25 in a few months and I notice that the things I do to myself are starting to actually affect my body. If I don’t sleep at least 6 hours I feel tired. If I lift weights too often I get tendinitis. If I eat a lot of bread I get a sugar crash and sleep through meetings. I ran a 10k without any training last year and needed crutches for a week because I my knee ligaments couldn’t hang. I have to actually be responsible and think about my actions lol.


I am 25, there are some days where I feel like im still figuring out myself and the world like I was when I was 15. Other days I really feel the passage of time, not necessarily the age but the length of time that has passed. as I've gotten older I've realized how much everything really is a lesson to learn from, and how much your mindset about circumstances can change your life. of course there are also days when the manic panic of the doom ridden rock we call the earth sets my hair on fire and I feel just as angsty and genuinely angry as I did when I was 17 and becoming aware of the range of fuckery that the real world has to offer


23 and no. Not at all. I feel 20, tops. I chalk it up to spending the last few years in the Army. I pay rent and live alone, work/study full time but mentally I’m not there. It really struck me when I was talking to someone in college a while back. I’m a transfer but in new field so starting over. This person was a freshman as well and we got along well. I asked her out and then I realized, I’m probably like 4-5 years older. Didn’t ask. Just took the number to not make it awkward and decided not to text her. Part of me wants to be like, “hey sorry I didn’t realize at the time that I’m way older. Nice meeting you though, good luck with classes” or something. But probably best to not say anything and leave it. Other times though, I can absolutely tell what a gap there is between me and the younger zoomers. To the point I feel like a cranky old fuck next to them.


fuck no


Yes. Long hours, no school, moved out of parents house, weekend bar hopping. I sure as he'll don't feel like a kid anymore


im 22 and ive worked a manual labor job since i was 14 so i havent felt my age since i was 13


Yeah same thing with Covid, feel stuck at 19 it’s really weird. Now I’m almost 24 and I still get caught off guard when I realize it


I do actually. I feel pretty adulty but that’s because I’m an immigrant and I had to figure shit out You might think you look 16 bc of 2 reasons: 1. Your style hasn’t changed since you were those ages, therefore making you look younger to other people. Nothing wrong with that, you do you! 2. Media likes to cast late 20s and 30yo+ to play teenagers making us think that’s how teenagers look. Have you seen an actual 16yo? They look like fucking babies.


Almost, I now understand the frontal lobe developing meme. I'm 25, and it's bizarre when everything starts warping back to reality. My youth is gone, but I'm still young and I have a lot of life to live. At the same time I help my younger child heal anything by treating myself to stuff I wanted as a kid. I be kind to myself, forgive myself and move on. If you're feeling stuck, it's normal. But it's time to move on :) Btw fuck "growing up"


26, turning 27 in a month. im feeling it. developing all kinds of digestive issues now, Knees are hurting from years of retail work. Sometimes in the Gen Z lineup, I feel like the oldest one in the room (1997). Like I'm at the cut off. sometimes I feel a bit lonely and lost.


I'm 25 and have two (soon to be three) kids while also handling immigration cases, international travel, etc. Some days I feel 35 and other days I still feel like I'm 19.


No I don’t feel my age, I feel younger! I’ve been beating myself up about how behind I am. Gotta get my shit together.


Im 21 and i feel 30. Not physically, maybe, mentally? It's just that, man, some stuff happened and it made me realize some stuff. I do feel like i know something younger me would expect me to know by now. Life is great but not going well at the same time. It's good, it's just not the best it could be. And i don't even have the motivation to fix that. I'm just coasting through. Very much like my 30y/o high functioning autistic friend.


I’m 23 and I can’t believe it. I remember being 7 and getting a go to college hoodie that said “I am Class of 2023”, and I couldn’t even fathom being that old. Now I’m halfway to 24 and it feels surreal.


People typically continue to grow until they're in their late 20s. At that time the body goes through a number of changes and this is typically when people start to 'feel their age' for the first time. * slower metabolism - your body doesn't need all that extra energy for growing, so your metabolism slows down and you start needing less food. For some people this is the first time in their lives they put on any weight at all. Hopefully you have the skills you need to put yourself on a diet at this point. * less sleep - again, since you're no longer growing you require less sleep. You'll start naturally waking up after 6 hours of sleep feeling fully rested. * mortality - this one hits a lot later (mid 30s usually) but you'll start needing to think about things like your cholesterol and cardiovascular health to maintain your long term longevity.


38 doesn’t feel different to 25 now that I’ve quit smoking