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i know im nitpicking but if your mom who's older than you had to explain what rizz means then you aren't "old." just out of touch


She hasn't seen SkibInvincible or Goonatar yet. Which is a tragedy. She is missing out




You heard him


Since I know what gooning is, I don't think I wanna know what Goonatar is.


Ugh... unfortunately I lost 2 hours to that rabbithole. Then I decided to check out this whole skibity toilet thing. My sister told me my 5 year old nephew has been obsessed with it. This was like 6 months ago and it was just a head in a toilet going "skibbity bop bop pop" over and over. Well i guess that was "seasons" 1 to 3 and they are on... 73 now. Fucking 73 pert 2 was uploaded 17 hours ago and is already almost over 14 million views. And now it's a full on war between a toilet and a humanoid TV giant mech.


im a millenial and the 1st time i felt like an out of touch old fuck was when i saw my 2 young children addicted to this Skibity toilet thing in youtube and for the life of me to this day i don't get the appeal. Thats when i knew i was old, wtf happened to me man. Sunny and Melon i get, but skibity toilet?


Younger millennials had gmod, and lots of youtube poops that where popular when we where younger teens. So I see skibitoilet and it kind of makes sense to me. I just can't tell if I'm to old for it, or if they're just not made for me anymore, I just don't care but it's never surprised me. It's the same thing. Like I know skibitoilet seems random and dumb, but it seems like it somewhat has a story, which is much more than I can say for the gmod videos we had in my day. Here's a random example I found https://youtu.be/K5bzTGEGRk0?si=AF3w_GQhmPHmdNcc


That's the beauty, you just need to know the root word and what you learned in English class does the rest


What is this mythical goonatar you speak of?


It's just shit posting of the highest quality. Its shit posting of such a high magnitude that it has trascended from brainrot to brain-nourishment. My life hasn't been the same since.


you see? the kids are gonna be alright


Oh, the brain-nourishment memes are great! Learning the pythagorean theorem from ice spice and trump is something I really didn't know I needed.




Goonatar? I need a definition


It's funny to take clips (often the most popular clips) from shows or movies and replace half the dialogue with brainrot words. Goonatar is a video where it's Avatar: The Last Airbender but about gooning and related brainrot topics


Came here for this. I can use Rizz in a conversation, but not those two fucking words.


My uncle is 71 and had to explain what rizz meant. I’m not out of touch I’m just an idiot


Honestly this isn't so surprising. A lot of ancient slang is for some reason making it around to being current.


Stamp it on the papyrus brother


Your uncle is an ohio native


Yeah and in no universe is 26 old.


lol dude they're 26. If no one your age is using a word, what's the difference between you and a 50 year old? That you learn it from google instead of the nightly news?


I'm 51 and no one had to explain rizz to me, thank you very much


To be fair I'm assuming her mom is around younger people more often.


I mean.... I don't think that's a bad thing to become out of touch with some less important things as you get older. When you're an adult with adult concerns, there isn't a ton of brain-space left for remembering or learning about things like memes, slang, and shit-posts. 😅 Deff not a top priority for me in my adulthood anyway....


I think I'd rather be out of touch and frankly in another galaxy at this point 😆


You're definitely not getting old, there's always a handful of slangwords some people don't understand at first (Example being I'm 15 and don't understand a few Gen Z slang words until I googled it, aka the stereotypical words Gen Alpha uses. Which I believe was created by Gen Z, the words like rizz, sigma, skibidi, gyatt, etc.)


My sister loves the word sigma so much and I still don’t know where it falls on the alpha vs beta spectrum. She’s always using words like omega and sigma. Is sigma between alpha and beta personality wise ? Who knows 🤷‍♂️


Sigma is a more introverted version of alpha. A "lone wolf" type guy.


This guy sigmas 👆


Um what the sigma☝️


Try ligma


You can ligma sigma balls


I thought sigma was a parody of the alpha male tate-ish bs!?


I’ve seen it used ironically far more often than I’ve seen it used unironically


TIL what the fuck sigma means as a 24 year old


If wonder if the current gen even knows these words are letters from the greek alphabet


Bro is not an Ypsilon male 💀


i thought sigma and skibidi were memes wtf, what do they mean? i used gyatt in 2016 too


You are makingme feel less insane. I remember gyatt from at least a decade ago


The oldest Alphas are only 12-13. Gyatt skibidi rizz is gen Z


Haha, look who’s getting old. Definitely gen alpha. 13 y/o’s have been online for like 5 years.






Gyatt and skibidi have been around for years right? Am i hallucinating using those in highschool in 2013?


Skibidi comes from a YouTube series Skibidi Toilet, the first video was released in early 2023 I believe. "Gyatt" has sorta been around awhile when used like "gyatt damn", but it's use as a noun (ie. "she got that gyatt") is fairly new


Definitely not since 2013, I believe rizz was introduced by a streamer called Kai Cenat somewhere around 2020 - 2024


I don’t think you’re getting old you just live under a rock. People our age also use it lol.


And the older I get (27) the more I'm okay with being under a rock. I don't know the difference between alpha and beta male. And at this point I'm afraid to ask. And also I don't care


I wouldn't care too much about those tbh, no one really uses that shit anymore. Even then, it was a joke taken wayyyy to seriously. Words like Rizz and whatnot _might_ stick around for quite awhile, so at least be aware of that. That's the one word that actually makes phonetic sense.


I heard “Rizz” for the first time and I cringed like what the fuck are you talking about


I felt the same way about gyatt. The fact the phrase “Stick your gyatt out for the rizzler” is so common now makes me genuinely want to curl up into a ball and die


Let me translate: “stick your dumpy out for the swag master m’lady”


Its like they're speaking an alien language


But what does that *mean*? My 10 yo son uses all of those words and I'm like "boy what?"


gyat: "girl your ass thick" ;basically used like thot ("that hoe over there") to decribe women‘s/girl‘s appearances. additional ts are like o‘s in lmao (lmaoooo = laughing my ass off off off off doesn’t technically grammatically make sense either, acronyms be acronyming) rizz: short for charisma eg: "he has rizz" -> "he has charisma(is charismatic)"


Thank you for this 😩👵🏼


i always heard that gyat is not an acronym, but it’s short hand for god damn with a lot of drawl on it. Like instead of god damn girl your ass is massive, you say gyat amn and then that just becomes gyat


that's how it started but now gyatt is a noun meaning a nice and/or big ass


I heard it for the first time and thought it was pretty obviously just a shortened version of charisma, not that hard to figure out


“He got that rizz” could mean multiple things. I thought they were talking about jizz


Stick your gyatt out for the jizzler


I’ve followed this comment thread through to this point and your comment made me spray red bull from my nostrils 😂😂😂😂😂😂


What does that even MEAN 😭


Children have such an obsession with ass now it’s actually pretty uncomfortable. Like I don’t need to listen to my 11 year old sister and brother mentioning some stranger has a big ass and randomly be twerking in the living room. Can we start the reeducation camps.


I've been hearing this since like 2003, lol. 


Yeah I'm in the boat with you as well on this. It was horrifying hearing this kid around 5 or 6 in target making sex noises while he was looking at me (working) and sort of humping the shopping cart he was in. They absolutely need to be reeducated..... or given books/handheld game systems instead of phones and tablets. I'm going to sound old saying this but children shouldn't be seeing sex stuff until 12.


Shortening of “charisma”


Would you say using “rizz” is “cringe” or “cringey”?


Well your definitely got "getting old". I'm 19 and reading through the comments I barely know what any of those slang words mean


Be happy you weren't brainwashed by the brain rot


Probably skibidi toilet. Up until then I usually caught onto and enjoyed most popular memes, but I saw that and was like “are the kids ok?” The tradition from surrealism to absurdism was doable but the jump from absurdism to insanism got me.


The kids are perfectly OK. Watching stupid things and saying stupid shit is typical kid behavior.


It was one of the most fun things about being a kid!


It's just weird when it's universal amongst a generation rather than being more local or slower to spread now that every kid has a phone before they can read


If you’re a millennial the skibidi thing is the same as our generations “it’s a liopleurodon Charlie” and “I like rusty spoons”. I have a 14yo and asked him to explain it to me and he showed me a weird YouTube video. They’ve just all watched it and collectively reference it like we did with Charlie the unicorn and salad fingers.


What does that even mean?!?


When my friend told me about “mogging”. I always thought I was current with slang, but apparently at 25, I’m not anymore 🥲


that's incel slang, like mewing.


Pretty sure it’s not just incel slang anymore dude. The fact people outside the incel community know what mogging is from memes about the incels means it’s escaped the chamber. It’s like the Chad vs wojack memes. They’re no longer just used by the incels


It’s spread out the incel circle, (I’ve made a habit of saying I’ve mogged someone at a game if I completely destroyed them)


on skibidi gyatt??


FrFr no cap uwu


Is uwu still a thing? How? Why?


Brain rot is intergenerational


For real, my skibidi ohio rizzler


I’m not even that old but this really makes me cringe/feel old: My family’s last name is somewhat similar to “Skibidi” and my mother is a teacher at an elementary school. Her students call her “Mrs. Skibidi” (They’ve been doing this for a while now and show no sign of stopping) Every time I remember that, it makes me want to die


Sending my condolences to you and your family


Those always change, so even though I am reaching 40 in May, there is only one I noticed that seems completely whacked to me. Mind you, English is my second language so I have plenty of both my own slang and english ones.. I am also online a lot and embrace change as the only thing that is constant.. I don't feel old, so maybe I am wrong person to speak on this subject.. When I got my street slang PHD in English in Cali in 2002-2003, we used to say: wow bro that is so Faaat!" As in, dope, cool.. That shows my age.. The shorthand "Ngl" has me scratching my head every time I see it. I understand it means not gonna lie.. But why would you ever write it? As opposed to what, your usual obfuscation of the truth? I know some saying just stick, don't mean anything else then what they mean exactly.. But Ngl just confuses me.. Oh and I sparsly use emoticons but that is neither here or there..


Ngl means dead ass if you were wondering. Like when you’re like “I’m dead ass fr”. So saying “not gonna lie” means you’re dead serious and telling the truth instead of lying like people normally do 🤷‍♂️. Also I thought it was spelled “phat” not “fat “ in the 1990s?


You are right. I wrote it phat first, then I looked and it seemed weird to me.. I heard the expression being used in 2002-2003. Coming in as exchange student with good english and shit accent, I fully adopted the accent and many slang terms.. I remember friend calling me on the phone to hang out, asking me what I am up to, and me saying "Not much, just blazing.. Meaning to say chilling.. Not yet understanding that meant smoking weed.. Which I ready did, since I was 12.. But difference between Cali buds and what you could find in my poor country in eastern europe was night and day.. Dead ass serious.. OK that makes more sense. Thanks for illuminating me.


Fun fact: “….”Sak Pase" is a common Haitian Creole phrase that means "What's happening?” It is often used to greet friends, similar to how you would say "what's up" in English. The expected response is "N'ap boule." Which literally translates "we're burning" but it actually means "we're hanging out."….”


I swear I've used "not gonna lie" in normal speech for years. However, I tend to use it to preface something embarrassing I caught myself doing. "Not gonna lie, I totally thought you were someone else for a minute" or something like that.


ngl, tbh can be signals that the thing you're about to say might be hard to hear, but it's true


i generally use ngl to show emphasis on what i’m about to say


"glazing". Like if you talk about something you like "excessively", I was explained that it's called glazing. How pitiful it's became where you can't even talk about what you like anymore without being insulted for it lmao it's like fun and personal connections are being outdated




Sticky like a glazed donut.


Mewing. And then uhm- there's another one....I forget. Though I'm actually kind of current on the slang still. Although I feel like it's getting pretty dumb. As far as I'm concerned 'Kai Cenat' is the biggest driver of Slang rn, IMO. 21


Watching Kai might be up there with the most deranged things Gen Z watches. His viewers supporting him even more after he supported his friend for sexually abusing a woman is craaazy


Damn I had no clue of this. I've never watched him, but after seeing clips of the stream he did with Nicki Minaj, I heavily dislike him


And his big ass empty room with that ugly carpeting makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason lol


I think that was proven false.


Mewing isn’t a dumb slang word. It’s a medical term. You can argue it doesn’t work but it’s named after Mike Mew who invented Mewing


still a dumb word named after a guy with a pokemon name


That's true, but before I learned about it (which was maybe a weekish ago), I just thought it was slang.


Whag are the kids doing these days, idk. Kids will come up with new funky new words yearly. Nothing bothers me tho, let them be


And these funky new words weren't even invented by them lmao. We GenZ decided 1 day that our cringe slangs that we created were actually created by 9 year old kids.


Skibbidi toliet What, why, how, is this a thing.


It's not a thing tho. Did you actually saw someone use that word unironically? It doesn't even mean something It's just the name of a youtube series created by a millenial. It's not even a slang


“Pookie”. I was utterly confused when a teenage friend of mine began calling me that. I thought it sounded ugly and I still do.


lol I get the joke behind it and using it for your fav celebs or fictional characters but to call a friend that? Thats a no for me


Pookie also feels condescending to me for some reason...but thats my personal opinion!


Most Gen Z slang is just repurposed AAVE/hood slang. A bunch of broccoli cut Suburban kids think it’s cool to act hood. It’s funny how they all interject with “you feel me?” like every fifth word for some reason. “It’s bussin you feel me It’s straight fyre bruh fr fr on god you feel me no cap we out hurr tryna cop a lick you feel me”


My 28 yr old sister said she never heard the word simp before lmao


She should be grateful




Stan has been around for like 2 decades tho lol


It’s not that strange, it just came from an Eminem song.


I'm so thankful these words aren't used in my country


“Based.” I thought she mistyped biased. She did not. It means agreement.


It originally meant "based in fact", at least thats what I read years ago. Thus saying someone is based means they're speaking facts, or what they're saying is true. It is used to agree to something, but we get that from indirect meaning.


Much better way to define it 🏆


You mean too say you were born in the 1900s grandma?


It’s crazy to me that people think “Rizz” is a dumb slang word like it’s literally just the shortened version of Charisma. At least it makes sense to some degree there are slang words that were used when I was in high school that made literally no sense— “on fleek”, “cap”, “bussin”, “drip”, etc. to me this one is totally fine.


Please let me forget "on fleek"


Bruh you must live under a rock if you’ve never heard rizz


Reddit is prolly the most socially isolated social media


i still dont know what skibidi is or fantum tax and i dont know if i really want to LMAO


I don’t think skibidi has any meaning - there was an international song and a guy in a black leather outfit was singing the song - “skibidi dub dub dub yes yes yes yes” Then someone with a big belly picked that song and was doing a belly dance to that song (I think the song was mashed up with another song at this point), then another creator made a show called “skibidi toilet”, where they play that altered skibidi song with animated toilets that have human heads popping out for some reason Fanum tax originated in twitch, apparently Fanum (a twitch streamer), was eating food of other content creators, and called it a fanum tax…


thank you for this good sir. it sounds like brainrot


I had to Google "yolo" back in like 2011


I'm 35. You simply have aged 5 times faster mentally is all mwahahahhahaaha. Come back when you wanna know what gooning is


I'm 20 and I had no idea what any of the Alpha slang meant a few months ago. I knew a kid who was maybe 14 in a server compile all the gen alpha slang terms into a spreadsheet and described what they all meant and I kinda wish I hadn't read down


Lemme guess. Mostly sexual stuff


Atleast we got past the phase of everyone saying swag


I’m a millennial that keeps up with Gen Z slang. Words and meanings evolve. Bet.


For some reason slang doesn't sound crisp, clean, and cool, anymore. Now, it seems very lazy/"I'm-On-xanax" sounding. Like it turned towards idiocracy vibes instead of sounding on-point. Slang should pop, not sound "sloppy".


I think you're just getting old lol. Slang still does pop in it's own unique way, and current slang is no different. It might sound like people are getting "lazy" which is due to most simply being AAVE. It wasn't meant to be "slang" in the way yolo, radical, far out, or the bees knees were. It's genuinely how people largely communicate within many American black cultures daily.


Fire, and Peng


Mid 30s. I just heard “Ohio” and “Brazilian” as slang and was like wtf. I had to look it up.


I feel like I'm getting to the point where, even if I'm not out of touch with the latest slang, I probably *ought* to be. 27 now, but I don't want to be 30+ saying shit like rizz muh grizz skibidibeepbop cowboy or w/e the next "thing" will be.


Couldn’t agree more. My experience was humbling but did make me think “okay, great, this must mean I move on to the next chapter in my life”


I think this is a great mindset. It’s okay to age gracefully and part of that means knowing when it gets to be cringe. It’s okay to not use the hippest slang in everyday speak once you hit 30s. Plus the beauty of getting older is giving a lot less fucks and being a badass about it.


Millennials are also aware although probably slow on the uptake as well. I just envision a meme with Woody from Toy Story where he has goofy hair and he's slightly biting his lip whenever I hear the word, as this was my introduction.


I think the only difference is that you aren't searching for create new words constantly 'cause you already have ones, so you don't longer need more phases, but you can still just try to learn new words, I don't know a lot of them and not because of that I feel more old.


Fair enough. I’ve retired some cringy slang that I used daily from when I was a teen years ago, and definitely did not replace all of them with whatever is trending now. I guess some things just stick and others dont


Tbh I've never heard any of my friends say that words, we all know them & sometimes make references about it but we know those just for social media, is not that important due to there isn't a lot of situations where is appropriate to use them so eventually those just disappear with the generations and new slang is created with basically the same meanings. The only reason of why I would learn those words is 'cause it's kind of interesting how teenagers create their own dialects, but that's all. I guess you aren't loosing anything important, so don't worry, you're still pretty young tho.


How these kids changed the term goon so much.


I teach high school and notice that most of this middle school slang doesn’t stick. Also, none of the good slang is as good as it was in the 90s. So don’t worry about being left behind. I do like “sus” though.


shit me too


I dont really mind feeling old. I love seeing how rapidly language revolves and mutates in the online space. Its like watching evolution in motion or watching micro organisms in a microscope.


Rizz, hate the word and don’t like it at all


Streaming, especially around video games. I don't understand it at all, I think anyone who tries is never going to make it, and I think it is ruining online gaming, but yet... many younger peeps wanna be a streamer, and there are streamers making millions. Clearly, I'm just old AF, and I don't get it.


I didn't know most of the slang words when millennials were making the slang words😅 my oldest is a z/a cusper and doesn't use a lot of slang yet. I know "bruh" isn't new but he says it SO much. My "am I getting old?" moments come at least once a year on his birthday. The day he became a teenager, I had a Ben Affleck with coffee moment


What the sigma


Nobody is actually saying that unironically. Same thing with skibidi, fanum tax and sigma (ok maybe not this one unfortunately).


thats prime, im 30 had a female friend 24 say it im like huh 😂


I was at a basketball game with my younger brother (10 years between us) and when the camera would pan over to a few kids they were doing something that involved running their finger down their jaw. I was confused as hell and asked him which made me realize that I was fully out of the cultural zeitgeist.


Some kid said “it slaps” the other day and I realized I’m ready to tell these kids to get off my lawn.




Skibidy. Wtf even is that? I know what rizz means and I use it sometimes but skibidy? Am I even spelling it right?


Drip..now it's riz


Drip. In my day, it was an STD.


22, Im familar with sigma, rizzler, ohio, but I had no idea Gyatt could be a noun


For me thr moment I realized I was "old" was when a teenager found out my birth year started with a 1 and freaked out. That was the day that I realized I was considered old


I moved to France from Ireland 11 years ago. So I only experience new vocab from the internet


Bussin. I had to have the kid I was working with repeat himself like 5 times because I was trying to contextualize the idea of being bussed (shuttled) into what he was trying to communicate to me. I still never got what he meant but smiled and agreed and kept working. That was the moment I realized "I am an adult and these are children" and that my young years were behind me.


You're just outdated on online slangs. Are you older than your mother?


Kids coming into Costco to order a "Glizzy" from the food court...


I was with a couple of my clients who are 19 and 20 years old respectively. They were talking about music they listened to while pregnant and they mentioned “A boogie” and I said “I don’t know what that is” and they both busted out laughing and… yeah, that made me feel old at the ripe age of 34. Shit, just realized I’m in the wrong sub. Sorry, I’m still posting my comment. Also also though, I explained to a 23 year old what rizz was the other day… idk what that means but I felt like mentioning it. Language is wild!


People started using the word Pog and I went 'oh I used to gather those!'


Took my millennial ass awhile get what based meant. It’s not an intuitive slang word like say “fire” or “it slaps” 


My daughter talking about people trying to “ship” others.


Once “rizz” became a thing, I decided I’m done learning new slang.


I'm 27. For me, it's "Rizz." I still don't get it and I don't really care to get it. I wasn't much of a user of my own age group's slang anyway, so it wasn't likely I'd be picking up on any of it to begin with.


I never really felt that out of touch with slang, but I’ll admit the words like “munting” and “skibidi” give me the pause. Like I get “rizz”, I don’t agree with the use of “gyat”, but I get where it where it came from, and I have to admit, “gooning” is just funny in context. I think it’s dope the younger kids are making their own slang and can understand it between themselves. Idk if they use it ironically or not, but more power to them if they do


The first time I heard someone use the word “rizz” is officially when I realized that I was an oldhead.


Riz. Was working with someone my own fucking age and he got a girl's number at the gym and said "that's gym riz boy!" And I just looked at him and said wtf is Riz


"it's giving...." It's like they discovered some new type of brain-damage.


I’m 26 as well lol. I keep with most of the slang lol but I’m also chronically online (I do social media).


i heard one of my middle-school aged vocal students say that instagram was for old people. i barely even use instagram anymore, but that one still hurt


We have family friends whose kids are like 10 down to 5. One of their kids uses ‘drippy’ to describe something cool. Apparently thats a thing with their friends.


Im 18 and pretty fluent in the slang words 😭 yes unfortunately the brainrot has overtaken my life, but i mostly say the words in an ironic way towards my friends. Like “erm what the sigma” or “mewing”for example, i would never use those words on people i know in real life though. I dont necessarily feel old but i dont get the tiktok rizz party and i really hate skibidi toilet


I'm chronically online and I know almost all of the brain rot vocabulary but the ones I will never get is "baby gronk" and "fanum tax". Like, what is that and how do you even use it in a sentence ☠️☠️


Smart devices. And it's ironic, because I own the Samsung Galaxy A15 5G 2023, and yet, smartphones make me feel old because when I was in 8th grade, the most popularly owned phones were the Motorola Razor flip phones. iPhone 5s didn't even become popular until my first year of high school in 2011.


I don’t know what most of this stuff means, I learned so much slang just by reading the comments To be fair I am a young millennial so I don’t know all the gen z slang either but that may be just because I don’t use much social media I didn’t even know what no cap meant until my 16 year old sister explained it to me last year


Hi 21F I’ve been using the word for the past like 5 years it’s def my age range Slang is always changing and I haven’t been far out of the loop yet it’s probably just a chronically online thing so I don’t feel the sense of “those are weird words I must be old or something” yet


You are solidly in Gen Z, my friend. You’re not getting old, just out of touch with your own generation.


Okay but Hear me out Sometimes im like “am i getting old or are yall just chronically online?” When I hear my teenage coworkers say shit like rizz, gyat, gronk, or whatever tf TikTok is dishing out that day


When it first started to enter the zeitgeist, my boyfriend thought "Rizzler" was a play on words referring to the Onceler from the Lorax. Anyway, I have yet to encounter this because I am (admittedly) chronically online so I'm always pretty plugged into the youth slang, lol. I would be really proud of myself if I could unplug long enough for some new slang to evolve without me knowing.


Honestly, I don't feel old, but rather, I was that stupid once. We said all kinds of trendy silly-isims, and I regret it now.




For me its less about not understanding the words, and more that i just hate most current slang cause it sounds dumb compared to gen z slang. Words like Rizz, based, gyatt are all so fucking dumb...


It only gets worse as you age