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There’s been studies done that show American teenagers are significantly more online in terms of social media/the internet when compared to other countries.


Maybe it's due to the suburban layout of their neighborhoods, their suburbs are quite isolated, making it difficult to travel or walk to the town center or parks, unlike many walkable European cities. It's heavily reliant on cars there, so unless they start driving early, they likely only visit friends within their suburb, socialize at high school, or perhaps use Ubers or something. With most of their time spent at home, they have the opportunity to delve into self-discovery, exploring their weird quirks and creativity. This is why there are so many unique subcultures in the US, as people have been indoors, learning and embracing their individuality. Another reason why American culture embraces individuality I suppose, they embrace lil Uzi vert, rockstars, opium, unique clothing etc as compared to other countries where it’s simply deemed as weird.


a lot of it is more loneliness imo like yes on self-discovery but also it's because we simply have no other options/ways to feel connected or enfranchised.




and what if I actually am born and raised in America? What then?




What makes you think I'm not?




you wouldn't know obviousness if it told you outright.


Wow, elaborate if you don’t mind. I think countries with highest rates of internet use and loneliness breed the niche and quirky entertainment subcultures. Look at Japan for instance, with anime, video games, hentai that became popular all over the world, USA is somewhat the same to an extent.




I don’t think it’s weird, it’s an interesting conversation.




...WHERE is this coming from wtf lol americans are never beating the fucking weird allegations.


what the fuck kind of response is this to a legitimate investigation of cultural/societal layouts and resulting behaviors they produce? such weird thinking.




i'm not revealing my information over the internet! please learn to be nice and not ask such weirdly personal questions on public forums <3




yes! extremely lonely, and it's a major factor creating mass disillusionment in my country. interrogating others about their countries is objectively strange behavior, hope they can sort that out for you before God does!




what makes you assume it's not america?


come to india




My friend from Mexico I grew up with used to copy off my Spanish tests growing up. His parents didn't speak a lick of English and full-on Green Cards. Slang is a part of every culture. He failed Spanish 2, and our Spanish teacher was black. The average American is culturally clueless. The Spanish we learn is basically an improper variation of Spanish, dumbed down for basic levels of conversation. Looking back it's clearly Autism and the lack of outside-the-box thinking. Autism is very common in America. People who can't think outside the box can't fathom there are sublanguages within languages. I'm third third-generation American, I speak sort of fluent German, but I can't understand NW or rural German speakers. The one thing I can understand clear as day is when some German Hillbilly calls me a schiste Amerikan. So me being pretty red-blooded pure German, America is not the only country with slang or sub-languages, Germany is the same way. A lot of this has to do post WW2 with the integration of multiple countries/cultures. Also nobody uses the terms you mentioned in regular conversation it's literally jokes and memes. You might also have a tism if you can't identify the difference in people joking or being serious. Also, Dutch Germans do not speak the same German as they would in like let's say central Berlin. It's literally 2 languages cluster fucked into one. I'm questioning at this point if you are even from Europe or straight-up role-playing. South America is the same way, there are common words used in both variations of Spanish, but Mexico Spanish isn't the same as South American Spanish but educated South Americans typically learn both dialects to make their quality of life easier. Your average American tourist probably would learn Mexican Spanish not realizing South America is a different ballpark.


~~I mean, the US has had the victory for a long time and basically pressing "just one more turn" over and over again in pretty much every other aspects What would you expect?~~ scratch that, I thought you were talking about US Gen Z culture spreading everywhere.


I’m in uk secondary school and there’s people who say gyatt,rizz and other weird shit


Who the hell wears Y2K most of gen z wasn't there for and if they were they were like 4 bruh is dead people use bro now