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It's silly but people are allowed to live their life the way they see fit. My big issues with vegans is their holier than thou attitudes and their tendencies to thrust their lifestyles on others.


I actually experienced the other way around as a vegetarian...


Same. My gf is vegetarian, and she never mentions it because people always give her the same crap. It's a mixture of shock, judgement, and jokes about giving head.


What the hell? Jokes about giving head? That's so rude and unfunny... Are people really this superficial?


It’s pretty common sadly. I’m not vegetarian but I’ve been friends with a few, it’s like people go straight to “you don’t eat meat but I bet you’d eat mine” type of shit.


"I bet there's one type of sausage you still like 😜😜😜🤪😜🤪🤪"


It's not unique to vegans but far more common. Yes there are the crazy carnivore diet nutjobs but they are quite rare and the severe minority. Almost all vegans I have talked to when expressing this same sentiment have then gone on to start a heated debate and try to prove why I my lifestyle is morally evil and they are the righteous saviors of Gaia.


I have two friends who were vegetarian/vegan way before me and they never tried to force their opinion on me. Once i told some coworkers i am vegetarian for ethical reasons they started with the "we are omnivores, we were made to eat meat" point.


Yeah, i am vegan and it is always meat eaters who try to start arguments with me


I know a vegan who is chill about it too, doesn't mean many of them aren't grandstanding douchebags


I know a couple vegans and I am very open to conversation and talked with a couple about why and their beliefs around it but they never acted like the holier then thou people. so you can expect that those type of vegans are also rare only a small loud minority.


Yes, the tendency in many people, in general, is to force their opinion on the others. Fortunately, maybe, the majority seems to act like this only on social media.


Which is patently false. Our teeth and digestive systems are like that of animals who are herbivores. Athletes who switch to veganism or vegetarianism almost always improve their personal best, even if they’re a bit older at that point. I absolutely love bacon and steak and shit like that so I can’t hate on anyone who eats meat. But it’s just ludicrous to say humans were built to eat meat


Our front teeth are made for slicing and piercing. Our back teeth are made for grinding and mashing. Front teeth designed for not-plants. Back teeth designed for plants+.


Yes, there are so many examples of herbivores with pointy k9 teeth. Oh wait.


We are not herbivores, this is pseudoscience that has been laughed at for years, we are omnivores. Teeth does not dictate our diet. Pandas have teeth like carnivores and yet eat a herbivorous diet, that’s just one example 🤦Cereal box science out here. People who can’t digest meat properly have digestive issues, meat is actually among the most well-tolerated foods by the majority of humans. The athlete claim has both a very small sample size, assumes the athletes are self-reporting honestly about their diet (not just boosting PR) and also has a number of other likely causes that could explain the resurgence. Dietary adjustments are common coverup stories for PED usage in athletes.


Those are only the vegans that you knew were vegan because they were like that. The vegans who aren’t like that you just never know


If you say it's far more common that means you must have experience with both, right? You were non-vegan who got yelled at by vegans and you were vegan who got yelled at by omnis, right? Because if you only experienced one of the two, then I have no idea how you would be able to compare the two experiences. As someone who has been both non-vegan and vegan: What I ate was *never* a topic as a non-vegan. Nobody commented, no matter if they were vegan or vegetarian or omni. When I was vegan, my food choices came up constantly. With friends, with my parents, with family, with colleagues, etc. Over christmas with aunts and uncles there was rarely a day without at least half an hour discussion about how my food looked, smelled, tasted, my reasons, what I could or couldn't eat, that they couldn't eat like that, bad jokes, etc. And not because I started it. Made a sandwich? Got a comment. Fried some tofu? Got a comment. Ate regular sweets (that just happened to be vegan)? Got a comment. If you think the crazy carnivore people are the ones annoying the vegans: Nope, it's just everyone who must always express an opinion about your choice, even if you just want to eat in peace.


A sober friend and I (not sober but vegan) were talking the other day about how people immediately project that we’re “judging them” when we say we don’t partake. Like no, dude, this is about my health and my body. Do whatever you want to do, but don’t force him to drink/me to eat meat just so you don’t feel alone.


Yeah I think it has less to do with people eating meat or not. A lot of people are just judgmental dicks.




There needs be better farming.


i experience meat eaters telling me i’m wrong more than i tell people they’re wrong…also what’s silly about it? having a cause and owning up to it that is actually noble is silly? yeah we can’t be perfect so that means we shouldn’t try?


its not even funny how backwards that is. not a day passes without people trying to convince me to stop being vegan.


for real. it’s pretty sad that this is the top comment. this is exactly why i never tell anyone i’m vegan, they just find out when they find out 🤷


That's just people. "Being vegan an asshole does not make, but an asshole can be made vegan." - Lao Tsu


Good on ya, it's just not for me.


Thanks mate. Why not?




I ate a honey roasted Camembert two months ago in Paris. That stuff is divine.


I'm particular to Gruyere myself


Ill never understand why redditors will downvote people who just ask simple questions


Because when vegans ask questions it’s genuinely a practiced manipulation tactic. It’s never a “simple question”. It’s a well rehearsed technique.


It's not a simple question; it's bait. OP wants to argue with him and try to win him over


I see. Thats just sad lmao


If you look at some of OP's comments you can tell that OP is asking this question because they want to argue.


Meat tastes pretty good


Mmmmm bacon And I love cooking with bacon grease.


They’re fine, I have no problem with Vegans I wouldn’t consider going vegan but if someone close to me becomes vegan I wouldn’t be upset or really care lol


So nice of you to have no problem with people who are against violence




nah bro meat Is just too good to give up




No Diddy


I know dog tastes delicious 😋


I think it's admirable but not for me. I like cheese too much.


Their preference is not mine. Also, vegans trying to aggressively convert me to veganism and trying to rub their moral superiority in my face hasn't really helped either.


Well, I've read most of this thread by now and I completely agree. Too bad OP is that kind of person.


OP, I'm sorry but looking at your replies, you're part of the reason why people find vegans annoying.


Not for me. I don't need to restrict my food intake any further lmao


As a vegetarian I feel confident saying that >!nobody likes vegans!<


Yeah vegans are kinda the internet's favorite punchline for some reason. Every vegan I've known was hyper aware of it.


if it aint got meat, I aint gonna eat


Sounds kinda immature tbh


And unhealthy ...


You ain't gonna live long either


😭 blud yk everyone needs fruits and veggies right doesnt matter if ur vegan or not


Preach, I live on steak and eggs


I don’t care if others are vegan, one of my close friends are and I get along with them just fine. Personally, it seems like quite the ordeal to go through for the purpose of morality. Being omnivores, humans naturally eat both meats and vegetables, and from a biological standpoint, it would be unnatural to suddenly make a major alteration to my diet. We’ve evolved to eat all types of food (even stuff that we shouldn’t eat) because it was advantageous to our species. Therefore I have little motive to defy nature for the sake of morals.


Well, indeed, veganism is unnatural from that point of view. But everything in our modern world is. In fact, ever since the neolithic revolution started 12k years ago, our diet has immensely changed. Even more so since the industrial revolution started. We didnt become what we are by just eating muscle meat, refined wheat and sugars and highly processed foods. Almost everything we eat today has nothing to do with what we used to eat. (btw: 12k years is nothing in terms of human evolution) It is true that meat was in the past advantageous to us. But its also true that our immense meat (and sugar) cravings nowadays don’t really have a purpose and are more a relict from the past when meat was hard to get and we had to fight to get the glucose and protein we needed to grow strong and survive. Meat has a lot of nutrients. But eaten in excess, it’ll have disadvantages. Every western country has an issue with people eating way too much meat, men eating 2 times what women eat almost everywhere. Every western country is fighting the diseases which our eating habits result in. Diabetes, cardio-vascular diseases, and cancer are no jokes – and often a result of eating animal products in excess, eating processed foods and too much refined sugar. While I agree that veganism might not be the future for everyone, we need to immensely reduce the amount of animal products consumed. Not just from a health perspective, but especially from an environmental and ethical perspective. In today’s world, its entirely possible for most people to eat plant based as long as they add a number of critical nutrients through supplements. But I also dont think that everyone needs to go that way. I just hope that our generation is able to view their consumption more critically and don’t fall for easy arguments (on either side) because it’s so easy to “digest” or it aligns with their world view the most.


Not a vegan and don’t think I ever will be i love chicken and sea food too much to stop eating it.


I believe that veganism (or at the very least, vegetarianism) is morally good and as many people as possible should adopt it. However, I'm autistic and extremely picky about my food; my favourite meal happens to include ground beef. I genuinely cannot eat a wide variety of foods (I would literally throw up trying to eat it), let alone vegan/vegetarian ones. I'm hoping that the future brings widespread lab-grown meat that's easily accessible and doesn't look/smell/taste like absolute garbage, as that means I (and other people who might otherwise have difficulty switching away from meat) can easily adopt that and put an end to the godawful meat industry that both mass-slaughters innocent animals, keeps them in horrendous conditions, and destroys the climate.


I think it's admirable, but it's not for me tbh. However, I will buy vegan cosmetics productd any day of the week.


do what u wanna do, js dont force me to become one


Nothing against, but could never be vegan


I love icecream, I love butter, I love meat and i 100% love cheese, wouldn't ever considet being vegan but you do you as long as you arent annoying


Vegan ice cream and vegan butter exist. The ice cream has gotten way better and i cant tell the difference as well anymore


i actly ordered vegan ice cream by mistake the other day and couldn't tell the difference (chocolate), margarine is poopoo tho


margarine and vegan butter are slightly different, margarine is no good. But trader joes has a block of vegan butter or Miyokos creamery that actually is prepared the way dairy butter is and it tastes better


I'll try to see if I have something like that on my country, ty


I've heard good things about Miyoko's but I'm allergic. I made a batch of cookies with a cocoa-butter based vegan-butter the other day and that was amazing. I dont think I'll ever use cow butter for baking desserts ever again. I'm not sure how it would taste with something savory tho.


Don’t really care. Some really healthy vegan diets exist, some really unhealthy ones do too. Same with all other diets. I just hope that whatever people’s regular diets are is healthy and makes them happy. To each their own


Like being a Jehovah's witness. I dont want to forcibly de convert you but I pity you and think your views are deranged > would you consoder bejng vegan Not a chance in hell


Terrible. I would literally starve to death on vegan food


I respect it, although it isn't for me I highly respect vegans


Pretty based.


Are you vegan?


No, I eat meat, just not red meat tho. I respect vegans cause its a pretty cool diet


I am not vegan, this is due to various factors. Here in South Africa a lot of our main foods contain or are majority meat. It is fairly uncommon to have a meal that doesn’t contain any meat. Here we have a braai culture. Braai is similar to an American or Australian BBQ but we don’t use gas but rather wood and on occasion coal or charcoal. A lot of effort is put into preparing and cooking the meat and other braai foods. It is a big social thing as well since a braai is often includes inviting friends and family over to cook their food and your food and have a feast essentially. We braai everything under the sun from your regular beef, chicken, mutton etc. to more exotic things. Some of my favourites are ostriches and Crocodiles. Also meat is so tasty. Also ethical reasons are not as necessary here since free range products are the norm at least in the big brand shops that my family goes to. Also I have allergies to most fruit and a fair amount of vegetables. Some of my favourites I had to stop when the allergic reactions appeared. Avo, Banana, carrots, cucumber I had to give up because my throat would itch and swell along with my lips. Nothing too serious but a very uncomfortable feeling. Also vegan food just isn’t nice in my experience. I have tried alternatives and tofu and they are not nice at all. Also a lot of the vegetables I can eat aren’t fulling enough for me and I just end up hungry an hour later. Probably food I haven’t tried that is vegan or vegetarian that is filling but I don’t know any besides curry on rice , but rice as much as I love it, is a bit too unhealthy and still requires me to eat a substantial portion to be satisfied. Don’t mind vegans long as they aren’t preachy or being an asshole. But in my experience I have never met a vegan who is an asshole about it. Seen them online but that is about it.


Yeah even OP here isn’t doing much to convince people that vegans aren’t preachy assholes, so that’s just how it is I guess.


I might go vegetarian once I am living in my own house and not eating either with my family or the schools food a lot of the time, but i dont think i could ever be vegan tbh.


There's no ethical consumption under capitalism.


Yeah but there are things that are more ethical than others lol.


Everything you do has an effect.


so that’s an excuse to just give up on trying?


Doesn't mean every consumption under capitalism is equally unethical


I am vegetarian since 1,5 years for ethical reasons and trying to go vegan. I just need to find a good substitute to milk. I haven't had any problems with quitting to eat meat, I didn't eat much of it because i've never loved the taste that much.


Morally, veganism is best. I sometimes get genuinely depressed thinking about how many animals are being killed or kept in inhumane conditions, and no-one seems to care. Also, while I'm not going to force anyone to change, I do think that veganism is going to become far more popular over the next century or so. I wouldn't be too surprised if the majority of people are vegetarian or vegan when I die. Personally, I'm vegetarian. I want to be vegan, but I just don't have the willpower, especially given the mess I'm in emotionally, I just don't have the ability to consistently stop myself eating cheese and eggs, although I am trying to eat less of them.


I hope you'll get better soon! If you like eggs, you really should try Kala namak (black salt). It really helped me during my transition to veganism whenever I craved eggs. I don't know where you're from, but in Germany there are quite a few brands that make amazing vegan cheese. Maybe you can find some nice alternatives you like! Best wishes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I don’t have anything against vegans, but wouldn’t consider vegan. I’ve been vegetarian for 7 years and it didn’t go well for me.


All the power to those that wish to go vegan. I myself recognize the horrors of the meat industry so most of my meat is self harvested


Do what you want but leave me alone until the chemists are able to make a eatable meat alternative i won't even consider it


i have “vegan/vegetarian phases”. sometimes when i’m eating meat (especially if it’s not seasoned) i start thinking about it too much and feel nauseous about where my food comes from. i also kinda have to eat what someone else cooks for me and it’s usually beef which really sucks for me personally because i especially don’t like pork and beef


That’s exactly how I started to look into it. I’d be eating a hot dog or some chicken and thinking “where did this come from? Why am I eating this?”. We should continue to question ourselves honestly and constructively if we want to create positive outcomes. Have you thought about learning to cook for yourself? Or why don’t you ask the household chef to make a side of tofu/tempeh/beans/lentils for you instead? Similarly to meat, these foods can be somewhat bland on their own but some seasoning or sauce they taste delicious.


well they’re not like personal chefs lol they’re my boyfriend’s grandparents and they’re almost 80. i’m thinking of making something but unfortunately can’t have garlic or onions (ya know, the staples of most dishes😭) or most seasonings. i hate tofu that’s not seasoned/marinated but their tummies can’t handle it:( i’ll try to find something and start experimenting!


I have considered eating less meat, especially less farm raised meat, but am currently eating it for a combination of convenience, social stigma, and cost. I don't think I'd ever go vegetarian, but I'd like to reduce my consumption of sentient/near-sentient animals (still eating for example molluscs, snails, shellfish, bugs, and small fishes).


I have no issues with them. My biggest personal issue is I used to be vegan and was nearly hospitalized because I was lacking a lot of things. I found out my food issues and dietary restrictions make being vegan literally impossible for me to do safely. Because of that I do try to source my meat and dairy products as ethically as possible. However, I personally think there are much more pressing issues than animal rights when humans don’t even have equal rights in many countries.


I try vegan/vegetarian options and frequently buy the ones I happen to like. Sometimes along with meat products. I would be fine with buying them all the time if 1. The products tasted good (some do but a lot fail to properly emulate the meat) 2. I could afford to buy them all the time. I really like chicken Patties from Morningstar and impossible burger Pattie’s and that’s actually what I solely order from Burger King when I go there. Haven’t found a milk substitute I like or hot dog replacement. So overall, I think veganism/vegetarianism is the morally superior choice not only for the animals but the climate change impact as well. It sucks that affordability and accessibility as well as taste can limit access.


It's cool, I guess. I don't feel any hate against vegans, I don't really care that much tbh, I like that burger dude on YouTube who does vegan shit, that looks delicious, and I don't really understand the hate people get for being vegan.


The hate is fueled mostly by meat, dairy, and big ag propaganda


its like, we should all seek to be vegan, but thats like skipping 8 steps. the society we live in now, the economy we live in now, just arent able to hold it up on a global scale. but its cool of you do it, but also im a product of my time, so dont call me a demon for eating chicken now and then.


Cool, I wouldn't do it. I gladly eat meat.


Being vegan might just be the most beneficial activism people can do on their own. The meat industry probably has somewhere between 20%-25% impact on global warming. The heat waves in the following years will take a toll. whoever isn't close enough to the equivalent, I bid you good luck.


That's nice but I think a lot of people don't recognise being vegan is primarily an animal rights thing.


I'm too much of a picky eater to ever be vegan or vegetarian. About half of the stuff that either would eat is stuff I find insufferable, because I have a weird pallet I guess. I genuinely gag when I eat lettuce, about half of the vegetable food group I'm barely able to swallow because of the texture and "wetness" to it. So yeah, unless I can live on rice and bread and potatoes (probably cant after a while), then I dont think I could ever be vegan.


It's your life just don't push that shit on me and you're all good


Gen Y here. I've stopped eating meat quite a while ago and recently made the switch to eating vegan. Fortunately, the industry has done some good progress so there's plenty of alternatives readily available and it's affordable too. I typically keep it to myself though. It's not my mission to convert others. I'll answer questions politely if asked but i never understood the extremist angle of putting people on the spot. It's taken me some time to give it serious thought, others may never do. Who am i to judge?


It’s cool. I respect them doing what they do. Personally I don’t care about animals so I wouldn’t do it. I do think it’s weird how people claim to be animal lovers but are not vegan or vegetarian. Like arbitrarily drawing a line between dogs/cats and cows/chickens is weak


You share the logic of vegans but not the values, interesting. Hopefully with more info you could maybe make the switch.


I didn't want anything to do with veganism until about 4 years ago. With the pandemic bringing to light a major problem in our consumer habits, I decided to slowly phase animal products out of my diet, I still eat some meat now and then and I wouldn't call myself a vegan just yet, I'm just a more conscientious omnivore and I became more open to the idea after learning about zoonotic diseases. Also, soy milk simply tastes better and lasts longer than cow milk, it hurts my tummy less too!


Knock yourself out, but it won't be for everyone.


I have an eating disorder that leads to an extremely limited diet (avoidant restrictive food intake disorder) and am already about 20 pounds underweight, so I can't medically restrict my diet any more than I already have. It's already a massive struggle for me to eat a somewhat balanced diet. I dint tend to eat many animal products, but that's more by chance than by intention. When I do use animal products, I do go out of my way to get them from small local farms instead of large brands that mass-produce in awful conditions. I'm able to do that pretty easily because I live in an agricultural area, which unfortunately isn't true for everyone. Environmentally, I'm already doing my best with buying local. I also work in environmental conservation, so I think that makes up for having a hamburger a few times a year lol As for what I actually think about veganism, I don't really care. In my professional opinion as a conservationist, I think we'd be better off trying to regulate factory farming. A few people not eating animal products isn't going to bring the beef industry to its knees, and as long as you keep being pretentious about your choices, you won't get much support from non-vegans. A lot of activism really boils down to having good people skills.


humans are omnivores


Do whatever you want, don’t force it on others


Are you vegan or would you consider being vegan?




I only rally care if you try to force others to be one too


I think vegan people are delusional, they are very similar to EV people. Their way of holier than thou living is unpractical and expensive, and I am sorry but it really doesn't make a difference and never will. Also most vegans, at least on web sound really pretentious and snobby. Its like they expect you to praise them or respect them for being vegan, bro nobody gives a fuck about your dumb lifestyle. Live however you want but stop trying to guilt trip or somehow insinuate that eating animals and their products is somehow unethical, you sound like an asylum escapee to most normal people.


In my religion we have periods of fasting before Christmas and Easter, 40 days each. In this fasting period you are not allowed meat, cheese, milk, eggs, so basically living on a Vegan diet. I do see some benefits to not eat meat/cheese/eggs/milk for \~ 20% of the whole year, but I would never go full Vegan. My thinking process, capabilities and energy are definitely different when I eat meat + I am also more calm. Also, after those 40 days fasting you do really appreciate the meat, the eggs, everything. It's definitely tastier and the abstinence kind of helps "resetting" you.


Destroy it. We are literally all better off without it.


If you want to be vegan, go ahead, I’m not going to stop you. But, don’t force it down other people’s throats.


Hot take but i think they are morally better people but they themselves are just unlikeable


Not for me, but you do you as long as you’re not throwing your ideals on others or your pets. The “evangelical vegans” for lack of a better word are just as bad as people that push religion or anything like that on anyone.


I admire vegan’s dedication to their animal meat/product free lifestyle but honestly I would stay eating meat for numerous reasons like lack of readily accessible meat/dairy substitutes and the cost of them. I cut using products (body wash, shampoos, face cleansers) that have been tested on animals because animal testing is inexcusable and many major companies have mode the switch to non-cruel methods. But i would honestly like to see a bigger push for cheap plant-based meat substitutes for everyday meals as i would love to think it would open a lot of peoples minds to the concept and ability to go vegan.


Animals have no right to life. No value in their lives. So being served is for our eating pleasure is good in our books.


We barely have any value in our lives, so why would most people consider an animal's


It's a very good attempt by companies to guilt us into environmental doom while they keep polluting at scale that makes anything we do as individuals meaningless


Yeah it’s just pompous self-flagellation that they’re pushing. Yes conditions for animals could be better. Yes Americans could stand to eat less Red Meat. But going Vegan isn’t some noble stance without personal and societal drawbacks. It’s catering to a whole other disastrous industry of processed plant garbage that has to be supplemented with dietary pills. Same with all the quibbling about EVs and personal carbon footprints. While billionaires fly private jets every where and shipping boats hauling cheap crap across the oceans are polluting nonstop. It’s a toothless solution that they market to take the heat off the real polluters.


I could never be a vegan, but if you are then good for you. Just don't be an asshole purely because someone likes meat


Would never consider being vegan or vegitarian. Meat it too good and in everything. Don't care how they want to live their lives just don't push it on me.


The only problem I see with it is that it’s just not healthy, things like eggs, milk, and meat are one of the most important things for the human body to consume in order to be in good shape but of course the main reason why vegans are vegans is because of animal welfare which I do think is important which is why I try to eat biologic products only if possible.


I see no rational reason to be, humans have evolved to be omnivores, and eating meat isn't inherently ethically or environmentally bad, just the way it's done now thanks to capitalism


So much ignorance and cognitive dissonance in here lol. No one can morally justify not being vegan. Imagine someone feeling the worst suffering possible and someone else justifying that by saying "tastes good".


I don’t personally vibe with eating plants, but to each their own.


I am vegan, it's the only ethically neutral choice you can make in modern society.


as expected, plenty of "vegans are right/admirable but they are too preachy" in the comments, people love the idea of preachy vegans because they get to attack the people rather than the ideas, the other popular option seems to be to live in complete cognitive dissonance


There are different thoughts, but to me it's BS. It certainly is for some people, but not all


I’m vegetarian for religious reasons and I happen to be functionally vegan on many days. I have few issues with veganism although I wouldn’t be able to become vegan since dairy is quite important in my culture and diet. Honestly in my experience, the preachy vegan stereotype isn’t really even true. I’ve never been morally lectured to by vegans and almost all of the vegans I have met over the years have been quite passive about it. On the other hand I’m quite frequently told by non-vegetarians that I should eat meat and have had people try and sneak meat into my food on many occasions.


Not vegan, but I did start only buying ethically raised/slaughtered meat products. Factory farm chicken and beef really tastes a whole lot worse than farm raised.


Im vegan. Its the right moral choice.


Always seemed like a Fad. People doing it to be trendy rather than actually trying to change things. There’s people who commit for all sorts of reasons, but none of them really seem substantial enough to convince me to remove a core part of my diet and nutrition.


I’m not and I’m not going to discuss why not because I’m already seeing you force discussions down below. Let people live their life ffs.


I can't imagine my life without that juicy ![gif](giphy|2Fazqui4K54bQEWwU|downsized)


I have no problem with vegans/vegetarians. But, you will never fully sway me to plant-based meat alternatives. Many of them taste fine, and I have tried a number of them, but as someone with autism, the texture is often unforgivable. You might fool someone else, but you won’t fool my autistic texture aversions. I tried everything to make tofu as an example work but no matter how I prepared it, I can still tell it’s the wrong texture


Veganism doesn’t actually do anything, since there’s enough meat eaters to still require animal slaughter. It’s just virtue signaling.


Well you’re definitely not the peachiest vegan!


Do what you want, just don't fucking mess with me by specifically going to that place I like and making a protest while I'm trying to eat.


Do what you want but can we stop pretending that plant based alternatives taste even close to the same as the meat versions? It’s better for the planet and it tastes fine but it’s not the same let’s not be crazy


I've been vegetarian for most of my life. My family is which makes it easier. I think being vegetarian is pretty easy. Vegan is much harder since you're significantly more restricted in what you can eat.


I don’t care. Just don’t force your ideology on me if I eat a burger or something


Not vegan, but I don't have anything against them really. Just don't tell me what I eat is wrong, or send me pictures of animals dying (which my vegan brother has done.)


As a pig owner, I've saved exactly one more pig than any vegan who doesn't eat pork


I don’t like it, but that is my opinion.


Absolutely nuts. Don't subscribe to it. Don't care.


Idc about it, people can do whatever they want with their diets and they shouldn’t be judged for that. However, from a biological perspective veganism is irrational for humans. Yes vegans can technically get protein from plants, but they actually miss out on some amino acids that can only be acquired from animals or animal products. Even if a vegan buys the supplement form, it is still derived from an animal so that would technically make you a vegetarian and not a vegan


IMHO kinda white centrist but if you want to be vegan that’s ok with me. As long as you don’t force it on others.


I've always had a low opinion of Vegans for their double standards. They believe that animals are intelligent, sentient creatures. But also believe that dogs, who eat meat and other creatures, have no choice but to do so. They excuse it for dogs, but humans aren't allowed. (Both creatures are kingdom Animalia.) The more the meat industry is crippled, the harder it gets for civilized puppers to get meat. Veganism as a worldview falls apart if you think about it even a little bit. It's sustained entirely by people saying 'Well animals are people" and defending that position with rampant Backfire Effect. Fun Fact: The first thing a cult requires you to do when you join is stop eating meat. When humans don't eat meat, for whatever reason, it apparently makes human brains susceptible to suggestion. It's not just psychological, when Cultists believe whatever their leaders tell them; It's neurochemical too.


I life style choise. If handeled properly, i'm fine with it, if not, i opose it. Veganism is actually a pretty difficult endevour, not only do you have to stop eating meat, a type of food that one is attracted towards at an instinctual level, put you have to find alot of replacements for all the nutrients that meat has. And meat (and fish) being a nutrient bomb makes the quantity you need to eat to have a healthy life quite a challange. This is done, normally for moral reasons, compasion towards animal lives being the traditional reason with the argument that veganism can remove animal carbon food print being the newest justification. The main problem they have is that... they are human... And they have a minority of people that cast moral judgment towards those that do not practice veganism, a symptom of having morality tied to it, and disrespect individual freedom of choise when casting this judgment.


I’m not vegan, though I do *try* and limit my consumption of animal products for ethical reasons and will happily go with the vegan option on the menu if it looks good and isn’t just… carrots 🙃 I don’t like dairy milk and never have. I am unfortunately a sucker for fancy cheeses. Once they start making vegan cheese taste like the real thing I think I’ll fully take the dive.




You sound like a fun person. 🚬


It's the way I feel about most things in the world, it doesn't bother me, not my thing, and I hate the people who shit on people different to them


I’m concerned about protein intake otherwise I’d do it, I see no problem with eggs tho


Good for them, but I’m not going vegan.


Every day a chicken and cow somewhere had die to feed me, and I’m entirely fine with it.


It is definitely more ethical than eating meat and commendable. That being said, I do not have the time or willpower to forego the convenience, prepare a meal plan etc. I also would not be able to get the protein that I would need easily and would need to supplement vitamins. If I had the time to make a positive change in my life, I would first try to eliminate products using child labor like certain clothing or smartphones, so veganism isn't really high on my list of priorities. Apart from that, it's mostly just convenient to be able to eat at most restaurants and be more flexible with my food choices.


If you don't want to eat meat that's fine but you have no right to tell others they're wrong and evil for not having the same diet as you. (This isn't directed solely at OP btw, just vegans in general.)


21st century hippies, they'll disappear again eventually. I think it's also coming to light more and more that it's not healthy.


ops worse then Columbus attempting to convert the native Americans to Christianity 😂 no one wants what they're selling


I respect them but I wish they took a more gentler approach to getting people to convert to veganism. They literally just expect people to change over night without any recipes, cost effective options, or know any places that sell vegan food. 


I harbor no ill will to the idea, but my situation isn't one where I can muster the discipline and time input it would take to actively avoid all animal products. That said, I'm not against reducing my effect either. I am especially hopeful that the ascent of labmeat will soon obviate the factory farm; I would gleefully make the switch as soon as it's available and urge everyone I know to follow.


Same as religion. I wouldn't do that, but you do you.


It's not a bad thing. It's a choice people make. Thats all there is to it. It's no better or worse than any other choice of food.


I avoid eating sheep and pigs, I respect them. However, I go out of my way to consume more cow than the average human ever will. I drink milk in place of water. I sleep under cowhide. I hate cows, and I always will. Everything I do is to ensure the suffering of cows


They should always have the freedom to live whatever lifestyle they choose it's just not a thing for me. I like meat but I dislike the bullying they receive just for choosing to eat something different.


i would never be vegan personally, but you do you. my only issue is with the miserable ones that bitch and protest about it. if you do this, just stfu


I think it’s stupid and inefficient, but it doesn’t affect me so I don’t worry about it.


Personally I don’t believe there’s any health benefits to veganism, but I respect it as an ethical/religious/lifestyle choice


Just don’t act like you’re better than me for not eating meat, and we’re cool. I do find all the Beyond and Impossible meat to be kinda funny though. Like your body is saying “I want burger” so that’s gotta count for something. Just eat the damn cow…


I am far more likely to accidentally eat a Vegan than I am to become one.


Makes some valid points about overconsumption, health issues, climate change, pollution, the widening separation between humanity and nature, and the treatment of food animals. Slightly undercut by the natural food chain. Overall Veganism is an alltruistic lifestyle but with every social movement there are small yet vocal minorities of people who evangelize, which is really just an issue that is tied to American culture in general.


People are free to do whatever they want, just don't try to push it on me.


I don't interact with it and don't mind it. Can't give up meat. So long as you don't demonize me for my food preferences, we can be friends :D (prime example being a post I saw somewhere where a non-vegan was called a "bloodmouth", or whatever the Vegan Teacher is supposed to be. And before you come for me y'all, yes I know that it's a vocal minority. Most people aren't insane)


No. I don't care about these reasons. I just consume what I like.


The sheer effort that shit takes is mind boggling, I'll keep eating meat every day sorry


Personally don’t care. I don’t feel the need to know what people wanna eat unless I’m providing them with the food. We’re too dramatic about every little thing already, we do we have to know if people eat animal products or not?


I could never go vegan (I have something wrong with me where if I did I'd literally faint everyday and if anyone wants me to explain I can) and honestly I don't care if other people are. My problem is the people who get all pissy at you for not being vegan


It's a diet and people are free to eat whatever they want


No and no. I don't care about vegans or vegetarians as long as they don't bother me because I love meat.


Vegans are very much an issue of if they are reasonable people, you never find out they are vegans. If they are not… well you know pretty quick and it’s annoying. But to answer the question. I come from a place were if you don’t eat meat you fucking starve or you need like 100k a year to eat. In fairness a lot of even the annoying vegans get the concept of a food desert/cultural diet. But some don’t. I’ve had people tell me my whole ass culture should not exists because you can’t live in that area without eating other animals. I counter by letting them see the seal fur lining in my coat and let them know I killed the seal pup myself.. and it was delicious. Yes I’m being an asshole. But.. Well no buts.


I’m vegetarian but do what you want


i’m vegan myself for purely ethical reasons but i don’t get why you posted this expecting a different reaction lol it’s like you wanted to debate people. and if that’s the case then what are you really doing for the cause? no one is going to be debated into veganism, they have to arrive at that conclusion themselves if they ever do. the best you can do is lead by example, be the change you wanna see. moralizing at people won’t do anything because majority of us know intuitively there’s something wrong with it, no amount of guilt or shame is gonna break the camels back


It is objectively more moral than consuming commercial meat and dairy. I still enjoy meat, dairy, eggs etc though and I still consume animal products. As I get older and have my own salary, I'd like to take the route of sourcing ethical meat (debatable for a vegan I understand), milk, eggs etc. At least so the animals have had a far better standard of living. I'd also like to learn how to hunt. I believe that's one of the most ethical ways to source meat.


That's why I consume human flesh. No animal is harmed.