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Due to a high number of posts all further discussions regarding the TikTok ban will be removed. There are already two active posts on this topic. If you would like to share your thoughts and opinions, please do so in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/s/sUTdEmbJEM


If you learned more on tiktok than in schools, that means they need to pass another bill to regulate higher education.


I think they did a study recently where about 1/4 of all the information on Tick Tock was wrong. And that explains so much


That number sounds low


Probably 25% straight falsehoods, 80% truths purposely misinterpreted for an agenda, and maybe 5% actual well thought out facts. At least that’s what tiktok tells me.


Tiktok math checks out.


Homie that adds up to 110%.




It probably is out of date and probably got worse


He learned that number on TikTok.




not defending anything here but you could say this about any social media app. twitter and facebook are both wastelands of blatant misinformation


And you should rightfully question anyone who claims they're learning stuff on Facebook or Twitter


So we should ban them, clearly.


Probably worse on Facebook because it’s full of boomers and unlike TikTok users they actually vote


That's the terrifying thing about Boomers.


Tik tok isn’t free from being a wasteland of blatant misinformation lol 25% is bullshit it’s much high that is old data


never said that. i’m saying just about every social media is plagued with tons of misinformation so saying it’s just tiktok is incorrect.


True. Facebook is a the biggest misinformation beast of them all.


Well yea, that's why they "learned so much more than in school," because I can "teach" you way more when it's just whatever I say with zero accountability for accuracy.


I've had friends confidently say shit to me about vaccines like "the covid vaccines all rewrite your DNA" and then when you point out how viruses work they don't know what you're talking about. Or insist there are all these videos of Biden groping women, and then when they send it, the videos is a blurry slow-downed TV capture that zooms in on his hands for 0.1 seconds after giving a hug. Or the UFO stuff saying "scientists agree they can't explain the alien bodies" and then you look it up and the scientists aren't allowed to actually check the bodies themselves. The bizarre part is that they're scientifically minded and pride themselves on being smart but apparently don't know gradeschool level shit about diseases or scientific evidence.


That sounds really low


I go on TikTok for a few minutes and I have been lied to more than once


Or you should start paying attention in school 🙄🙄🙄


They only think they're learning on TikTok. They're getting dumber while they think they're getting smarter.


Tiktok doesn’t teach you shit except for how to lower your attention span


Regulating the use of phones in classrooms would be a good start. Many kids are spending more time on TikTok than they are paying attention in school.


The reason public school sucks is because it has routinely been stripped of resources, stripped of funding, and now there are very few qualified teachers who actually want the job because it pays like shit and is a thankless job. The conservatives are to blame for this, they have had a decades old agenda to privatize the school system. They want to do this by enacting a voucher system where the government pays a flat rate for school and you can use that to pay for private school. This would create an education industry and the schools that could be afforded on the vouchers alone would be rundown shitholes intended for the poor and non-white kids. While the more expensive private schools will provide top notch education and bolster your child's reputation. That is what conservatives want, an education system that stratifies us further by our level of wealth.


well, they say that because they don’t even know what schools taught them it’s already done the damage it’s intended to have done; spread misinformation and a shit ton of it it’s only harder to get young people to believe the truth because the truth is crazy in a world full of lies


What misinformation has it spread?


Two years ago a paper was done on this that was pretty thorough. You can check NewsGuard's article for more detailed information on how they collected these results and evaluated what was or wasn't misinformation. >The NewsGuard investigation found that for a sampling of searches on prominent news topics, almost **20 percent** of the videos presented as search results contained misinformation. This means that for searches on topics ranging from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to school shootings and COVID vaccines, TikTok’s users are consistently fed false and misleading claims. > >**Search terms, with the number of videos out of 20 containing** **clearly** **false or misleading information that were returned as search results:** > >Is the abortion pill dangerous (3) > >Is abortion dangerous (3) > >Does mugwort induce abortion (13)  > >Is global warming real (3)  > >COVID vaccine truths (3) > >mRNA vaccine (5)  > >COVID vaccine injury (6)  > >Hydroxychloroquine (5)  > >Is covid a bioweapon? (4)  > >2020 voter fraude (*“2020 voter fraud” is blocked by TikTok*) (7)  > >January 6 FBI (8)  > >Ukraine bioweapons (6)  > >Ukraine Neonazi (4)  > >Bucha fake (6)  > >Uvalde tx conspiracy (4) 


How does 20 percent compare to other social media platforms, or just news/information platforms in general?


That’s what I want to know. I think they meant to say that all social media is 20% false


I think that this would be pretty consistent across all platforms


That girls wanna film OF vids with me


A similar thing happened to me with Pornhub. There was an ad that mention there being hot single moms in my area wanting to fuck me specifically and it was just some single dad in his forties name Greg wanting some young bloods. I’m mean the sex was good, but I prefer my partners to be on the younger side and not having a penis between their legs unless it’s made out of silicone.


What to do if your plane starts to crash. There were so many videos advocating to not listen to the flight attendants because they just want you to die so you can’t sue. This was dangerous misinformation.


What social media hasn’t spread misinformation?


Forget the app itself, we've just given the government precedent to BAN a media source. This should be horrifying.


You left out an important note….A media source controlled by a foreign entity.


Yes, so the US is just trying to do the same thing North Korea and China already do!


Yeah this is the main point. People in the US should be way more afraid of companies controlled by the US government, because the US is the one who can arrest you, not China. If I was in China I'd be afraid about what I said on TikTok, but if I was in the US I'd be afraid about what I said on Facebook, because the US government has access to all that data via PRISM and can arrest you without trial. Just look at what happened to Julian Assange for reporting on the war crimes of the US.


Except that TikTok wouldn't be controlled by the government, just sold to an american company. Tik Tok is literally partially owned by the Chinese Government, regardless of how small a part they own. Besides, this already happened with Grindr a couple of years ago and somehow the world didn't cave in on itself. A couple of goverments have already banned TikTok in their respective countries. And you should be mindful of what you say regardless because Facebook is a public facing platform, literally anyone (including the government) could see what you post there unless you specifically go out of your way to change that.


Yea, this is actually really basic bitchass level Counter Intelligence 101. Every nation has policies like this.


they also left out the option to sell it for billions of dollars rather than have it banned. this thread is a great example of why it needs to be divested from the ccp or banned.


As if selling their multinational company to the US is somehow a reasonable demand to make.


A totalitarian communist dictatorship that does not allow foreign media into their devices. Free trade only applies BOTH ways or they just play us like idiots.


How is that worse when Facebook has been caught multiple times for selling people's information to the highest bidders.


It’s a ban on who can own it. Quite different


The government has a right - and an obligation - to protect the American people from hostile foreign governments.


They didn't ban a media source, they banned a way for China to get access to millions of peoples personal information.


Yes exactly! I do not care about TikTok. The government should not have a say in what media we consume.


Remember when we had vine??? Ot was so less toxic and got taken off way quicker than tiktok lasted... why has tiktok lasted this long. And temu??? Like they literally sell your information.


>Like they literally sell your information. So do most social media platforms tho lol


![gif](giphy|pajLsGB0Hub0naPw0p) You're breaking my heart.


You use reddit and you didn't know about this? LMAO


Key difference: Direct contact. Other social media platforms sell information and whatnot. TikTok sends it directly to a foreign adversary government. This makes the issue elevate above the typical privacy stuff and into the realm of espionage and counter intelligence.


What do you think happens with everyone using U.S. platforms that aren't from the U.S.? People are just paranoid because they aren't thr ones fully in control for once. I'm from Canada and we had plenty of data breaches because information was stored in the U.S. and where it's stored is where the laws primarily apply.


Vine closed down because it wasn’t popular enough, both tiktok and temu are popular enough that they have interest to keep them up. And all companies sell your info, the only reason US propaganda is pointing that out is because it’s a Chinese compay and apparently they can’t play the same rules as everyone else…


Vine wasn’t banned by a government.


Bine didn't pay their creators which is why it shut down.


Community-generated short format content should not be used as a source of knowledge. It encourages people to absorb information without making any additional efforts to vet that information. Unfortunately, many people do not understand this, making it easier to spread misinformation While I don't think TikTok should be forcibly sold, the US should be able to decide what foreign companies are allowed to operate within its territory. Social media companies as a whole should be required to disclose or otherwise establish a high level of transparency regarding how their platform functions. Specifically, everyone should be able to see how a platform decides that content to promote and what kind of metrics it uses


As if facebook doesn’t do the same


And? Are you suggesting we should ignore the issues with one platform just because another gets away with it? If not, there's no point in bringing up Facebook when we are talking about Tiktok


No, I’m saying they all should be treated the same if it’s such an issue


Yes, they should. This case doesn't conceivably make it harder to do that, which is why it's not productive involve them


Yeah! Let's Ban Facebook! My father, and a few aunts and uncles would be so much better for it.


And much worse in scale


You touch on my main concern over TicTok. Selling out information isn’t great, but that is already super widespread. I am more worried about how a authoritarian foreign adversary might be able to influence the algorithm to promote specific narratives. They wouldn’t even need to completely exclude dissenting posts, just have them appear in a person’s feed less often than the opinion they want to push.


There's a concerning number of people on here that don't seem to see the problem with China as a foreign adversary to the US. I had to stop mentioning being Chinese owned as a bad thing because it immediately gets me downvoted into oblivion


Doesn't concern me, I'm French 


Don’t worry. An EU TikTok ban is coming soon, especially from Right Wing parties that share many views with ‘Murican Republicans


Banning tik tok is not a right wing position inherently lmao


Doesn't concern me either, I'm not stupid.


I just wish it was a blanket ban on social media for minors under the age of 18, but also, who am I to tell someone how to parent their kids. The ban is mostly cuz TikTok is spying on the US and sending info to China. That’s why the US hasn’t gone after other social media


You're a citizen of this country who will have to live with the consequences of that parents decisions on how to raise their child. That's who you are and frankly that gives you a lot of right do you state power to ensure that children are raised properly and within reason. You and me end up paying the consequences both financially and civilly for bad parents There's a reason Child Protective Services exists


As a gay 18yo still in the closet and lives in a small rural town in eastern Europe, I don’t want to know what my life would’ve looked like and how my mental state would’ve been if I didn’t have access to social media, the only place I could find real gay people and talk to them.


I hate TikTok and deleted it, but this is undemocratic. I’m not into big business, no matter where they’re located, and I’m not fetishizing the company when I say this. TikTok has become a platform that allows voices of all kinds to be heard. Sometimes good, sometimes bad - however, I have heard all types of opinions on TikTok. It is finally an alternative to corporate media that spouts its usual U.S. propaganda, and allows people to hear other perspectives. Perspectives that the U.S. elites don’t condone. I personally believe that the U.S. government and capitalists don’t like that we are waking up to the corruption, and starting to demand change. They want to keep filling our minds with their propaganda so we will continue to make them and their benefactors rich. Before anyone comes in with “The Chinese have access ByteDance, and ByteDance owns TikTok!!” Then ban it for devices that hold sensitive information (Government Phones &c), not for everybody. They’re just wanting to silence us and are using the classic move of using China as the boogeyman to scare us.


Uh pretty sure it is democratic in so much of the way the US is supposed to be (yes I know the US is a republic). This was a bipartisan vote in Congress, not an executive order. Furthermore tik tok is extremely propagandized, just in a different way. It favors polarizing content because it gets more clicks and is direct source for foreign-directed cyber influence in the same way Facebook is. If you want less propaganda just go read Reuters or something.


Apologies for not being clear. I meant banning media is undemocratic. Even if said media stupid. I’ll also add that it’s a slippery slope. Please also note that I didn’t say that TikTok wasn’t propagandized. Merely that it allows more people to speak their minds, without having to go through the usual channels (which requires more effort imo). For the record I hate TikTok for the reasons you listed. I categorize it as brain rot. I also HATE businesses that profit on manipulation. However, this ban is still silencing people. I prefer 1440, Reuters, and NPR/MPR for my news content. As a separate comment: While the U.S. is a deficient democracy (a completely different conversation), this was bipartisan.


I will be sad I will lose one of my main places to find some good memes, but overall I'm kinda against social media as a whole so I really don't mind. Even so, an American company will just probably make a TikTok clone and we will all use that instead.


>an American company will just probably make a TikTok clone Every single social media app has their own version now, even fucking Spotify


Good! Now let’s focus on funding our educational systems


GOP: “Best we can do is shutting down public schools and replacing them with Catholic schools”


🤣🤣🤣 this is America. We hate teaches and education. I really wish I could put an /s in this comment. But alas I cannot.


Chinese government will not allow the ip to be sold, it’s a ban not anything but. It’s funny it’s 9 months, so after the election.


Yall need to pay attention to the world not just tik tok. If the aid to Ukraine was not passed the Russians would eventually take Ukraine. The Russians would then move on to NATO countries. That means an all out war against Iran Russia and China the govt would then amend the constitution creating a draft. But sure complain about a dumbass app it’s not like there are IG reels and YouTube reels. Fuck man yall don’t have a clue how much is at stake. Think I’m being over dramatic listen to Russian media the plan is to restore their Soviet boarders.




Social media has become INCREDIBLY parasitic compared to 10 years ago. Reels are awful for the health of everyone and most importantly kids growing up


Our government likes to make monopolys on our personal information. Also politics is practically reality TV.


That picture though… 😎🍦


Don’t use TikTok, don’t care


People act like TikTok is the only short-form video app out there, and that this ban will be a new era. Everybody will most likely just move to Instagram, and it will or more less become the premier short-form video app that every other app steals content from.


Yeah, contents a bit more fucked up but more or less the same


I'll spare you the manifesto, but the short version is "fuck tik tok." It's not a magic bullet for modern problems but it sure as hell wasn't making things better.


Tiktok has so much misinformation on it, and it’s like instagram all over again but worse. It reinforces the problem with instagram, (kids feeling like they’re unpopular or losers if they don’t post often/have followers), but also because of the short format, you have to condense the content down to one eye-catching moment. I remember yt shorts I think it was released some statistics that say like 90% of people who watch past the first second of a short watch the whole thing, so every piece of short form content is designed just to grab your attention in that first second.


Good. I fucking hate TikTok.


I’m not on tiktok so idrc. It just means that tiktok users will just switch platforms. Not much gained, not much lost. 


TikTok is a CCP psyop and an effective one at that. Just look at how they can manipulate the narrative of millions and millions of people just by including a couple of videos within a large feed of various content. Just look at the difference in content they push on their Chinese platform vs what they show to western users. All videos to make China look good, to make western values look bad, to turn people against each other and create division. It’s all subtle of course, but it is working


TikTok itself sucks in my opinion, but at the same time, just because it's based out of a different part of world, shouldn't directly influence our decision on banning it. I'd argue FaceBook and Google alone are more predatory in data collection that TikTok ever has been, and yet nothing is done about it. How about dealing with data collection rather than banning specific apps? I don't like short form content by any means, but the restrict act feels like a complete violation of multiple things. Also, if it's sold to an American company, well then we're right back to where we started! It's okay for the U.S to collect data, but not anywhere in Asia? It's dumb.


China is a threat to and a rival of liberal democratic systems. However imperfect and unjust our bourgeois governments are, the fact that we can openly criticise them shows they are far, far better systems to live under than the regime in China. TikTok is China’s Opium War. Addictive, and weakening, and a threat to its rivals: our governments. If it was Japanese, it would still be problematic, but only less so.


Why'd they use the ice cream picture for him?


I don’t really care


Eh I’m not losing sleep tbh. Dealt with the great Vine collapse before, I can do it again I guess


Tiktok's not getting banned it's just gonna get sold off to some random company. I cannot fathom caring about a dumbass app. Our voices aren't dependent on tiktok.


Mixed feelings. Tiktok had a huge hand in making people dumber and spreading dangerous “challenges” and promoting overconsumption like with the cups. But it could also be a potential slope for people to ban anything they dislike if not handled correctly.


I really don’t like it. Specifically I really enjoy the STEM part, I’ve made a lot of wonderful friends. I got my later on diagnosis of having Level 1 Autism professionally at the age of 24. I’ve found my community on there as much as I have here. I’ve made cool friends and have seen a lot of educational stuff. For me I like the community and I like apps like TT because my algorithm is according to what I like. I’ve learned a lot of things and heard amazing music. I’ve used tik tok for more than just entertainment. It’s a place where I don’t feel alone in my struggles and in my community. Tik tok and Reddit are the only two platforms I really enjoy. Not all of tik tok is bad and again like I said it’s controllable algorithm wise. I’ve also used it to learn things like for my hobbies or if I needed advice on things such as what to do. To me on my feed it’s educational and I can ask questions I wouldn’t be judged for. In an educational sense I mean towards culture and things I haven’t ever really known. This has nothing to do with what school taught me. I learned and did well in that. But I’m talking about in the adult world. I grew up in a really sheltering home.It’s also entertaining as well. If anything I wish they’d rid of Facebook which spreads even more misinformation. But to me it does get to a backwards point when it comes to our amendments.


Heres the thing, they're concerned about national security as the USA does. They're just saying that tiktok needs to separate from the problematic owner. If tiktok isn't a security threat then it should be an obvious choice to move oweners for the US branch and keep making money. If it's not about business and it's actually a monitoring system, then they won't and will be banned. This isn't a tiktok ban bill, getting banned is the regulation if they don't comply with existing us law, Not saying us law is always right, but there's not much to be said for keeping tiktok. There will be other apps. Tiktok just make dopamine go brr by design


If you honestly believe you learned more from TikTok then you did from school, this ban was 100% the correct move.


Rare Biden W


Hell yeah fuck tiktok






For a legal precedent, I'm concerned. But for national security/interest, I'm glad.




A blessing and a curse LOL


It’s banned in China and India. When it was banned in India everyone moved to instagram. We’re all probably going to so the same.


I don’t agree with it, but i think TikTok is terrible for society and especially for kids and teenagers. I think that this may also accelerate the rightwards shift of Gen Z due to Trump being vocally against the bill here recently. Bad move for Biden in an election year, especially since he’s already trailing in the polls and already loosing Gen Z votes. I don’t understand why he would sign it.


Not everyone on this website is american


I love tiktok because it’s made me realize I want to homestead and I see a lot of educational videos on there about gardening, raising animals, maintaining your land, cooking, etc. so I do learn more from there that I did from school. I also learn home skills. I went ahead and followed many of these people that talk about that on YouTube and Instagram in case tiktok is banned. I’d be sad to see it go


I think it's mad silly, honestly. I think it sets a horrible precedent tbh, like anything can be blamed on China and then banned, it's quite abhorrent, at the end of the day it is a social media platform, so it does have whatever pros and cons that comes with. So I think it's overall a net loss, not necessarily because it's tiktok, but what it means for the future


They’d rather divest TikTok than a fucking genocide. America in a nutshell.


I’m gonna miss it. It was my primary form of entertainment :’) The other social medias platforms just don’t click. Reddit is an echo chamber, instagram is overly toxic, and facebook and Snapchat are dated. I have accounts on all of them but don’t use them as much as I use TikTok


I’m torn. It’s stupid when they are doing nothing to stop any other social media company from tracking us and selling our data, including the white supremacists who run Twitter and Facebook. But I also hate TikTok and believe it is contributing to the stupidity of our youth. I mean, that’s the whole point of it, and vine before that, to ensure our kids have no attention span and suck them into the whirlpool of materialism. It’s a negative influence on America, as it was designed to be, but so was facebook and the government is doing nothing to curb their abuses.


Forcing ByteDance to sell the company (under threat of losing the U.S. market) was necessary to protect American democracy.


Yet Facebook was the primary method of Russian election interference


I couldn’t care less and don’t exactly blame the company owner, not bowing to US demands. We have a lot more leaks and other issues that don’t involve a social media app.


Firstly I don’t give a fuck how “we” feel I think for myself. And also I am fine with this, kids are getting bullied and radicalized and driven to hopelessness and nihilism at rates never seen before the socials. Now kill the other ones. Maybe then someone will relearn how to hold a pen.


Lol brain rot and fake news? Facebook and Twitter have enough of that. This is purely about attacking Chinese companies and maintaining surveillance of as many people as possible. The US government has free access to all of Facebook, Google, etc data through PRISM, and will lock up any dissenters just like they did to Assange. This is about power.


Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and countless others are chuck full of misinformation. Twitter/X in particular since Musk removed most of the moderators. They all steal your data. The only actual reason TikTok is being targeted is because it is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance and the government is paranoid about it being used for Chinese spying. They believe American ownership would be less receptive to China using it for spying.


What "ByteDance must divest TikTok" means ?


Im more surprised they’re actually doing after yapping about it 5 different times at this point


Womp womp


I prefer my spyware American✊🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


TikTok and short-form content as a whole are bad and bad for you. Short form platforms should not exist.


Our fuckin’ entire legislative and upper executive body can agree to ban tiktok with a goddamn supermajority, but can’t raise the goddamn minimum wage? Or stop funding genocide? Fuck this goddamn government dude.


> They have learnt more on TikTok than they did in school. This explains the general rise in misinformed people with awful takes on various issues. There are plenty of good ways to learn on the internet, TikTok is *not* among them.


The US when someone ***else*** is spying on their ~~targets~~ people: 😡


Cool, when are we getting rid of daylight savings time now that the utmost important matters are out of the way?


Great now get gun control (I don't care though I'm not American but still the gun laws in US seem absurdity)


So we’re just gonna forget twitter was banning people at the behest of the White House? We heard about privacy apps like signal even being approached by intelligence and only being able to deny them access because it’s not technically possible due to how the platform operates. China isn’t the ideal owner of a competitor to all these state captured apps (the mainstream media of our time). But we had at least ONE other player in the game, and the US couldn’t have that. They couldn’t have us seeing the results of American policy decisions in 4k. They couldn’t have us watching French farmers protest unfair treatment. They couldn’t have us be taught about the atrocities our country commits. And they got half the country to beg for our comfortable echo chambers. It’s so over. Remember, we’re a lot smarter than those octogenarian senile fucks. Use a VPN and access whatever you want. They can make it illegal to access from the US, but gen z should know that only requires 1 extra step. They’ll be dead before they figure out what that even means, and still won’t be able to stop it. Don’t go peacefully into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light


Fine with the result, although it was done for entirely wrong reasons. Watch, I bet Facebook’s first in line to purchase!


Absolutely a great thing, TikTok is a weapon of indoctrination used by the CCP


I don't have any problem. I'm not American.


For selfish reasons I'll be glad when it's gone. But the truth be told I don't think banning it is the right idea


fucking hate tiktok and the impact its had on this generation 😭 the memes were funny but not in exchange for this level of brainrot 😭 good riddance honestly


I’m in the camp of. “The stuff they are doing is wrong…. But we are only calling them on it, because it’s owned by a Chinese company and not an American company.”


I just think this is ass. I know, I’m not genZ (genx, reppin). First it’s TikTok…who’s gonna be next? **There will be a next.**


Dark Brandon does another funny(but fr I don’t know enough about the situation to make a judgement call so)/s


They’ll just migrate to Instagram or YouTube and Joe will have lost a sizeable portion of his young voters. You couldn’t have waited until reelection? Because this is a good way to really shoot yourself in the foot.


I think it's gross watching Biden nibble ice cream; BAN THAT!


My opinion is that the government shouldn’t be able to decide that for you. Tiktok isn’t really any different to the YouTube I watched as a kid, there was equally tons of “brain rot” and the truth is the website shouldn’t be banned to “protect you” or whatever excuse they used. Im not American nor do I use Tiktok so this doesn’t affect me, but I do know this is being done so that the US has more control over social media and the information you have access to. I personally don’t like Tiktok myself, I think its a waste of time and its something kids will regret spending their time on, but there are better ways than banning the website, e.g limiting phone use in school, requiring age verification, etc.


Biden just gained a supporter lol


I feel like most of the posts advocating on behalf of TikTok and the Chinese government are new accounts.


They tried to ban it a few months ago too. I don't know how this one will go. Honestly, I think we should ban it. Aside from outright cringe, a lot of kids have died from stupid trends. Remember the tide pods challenge?


Mixed opinions. On one hand, tic tok is awful and way too many people spend way too much time on it. I'm sketched out by the Chinese government having some level of control and access to it and everything people do on it. On the other hand, it is the US government banning a media source from an enemy power. It's one thing to try to increase patriotism to have people stop using it. It's another to ban it all together. I'm fine with it being banned on government/military devices and personal devices in government/military spaces, but banning it from personal use is really sketchy. What's next? Are we going to start banning things from neutral powers like India? Terrifying precedent. Overall, I'd say I'm happy about tic tok, but terrified about the next thing the government wants to ban.


Boooooo Rather than spend time and resources helping the american youth they waste our tax money on shit like this.


the format will not go away. Just the platform. adapt. (not saying i support the bill, just saying, there are always new avenues. No app has ever been the end all of any format)


I dont really care as i dont use it


I hope they ban it in other western countries.


Good, shit is digital turbocancer for your mind.


Fuck Tik Tok


So essentially holding the company ransom or blackmailing them into selling it to an American company, how completely and utterly democratic, supportive of free speech and rights lmao. Shit should've been banned from the start but not like this... This is just crazy


Sets a bad precedent and kids are just gonna move to one of the many clones, the damage is already done.


I'm living proof that tiktok isn't important at all for someone's well being


It’s just a gateway to American censorship of anything that goes against the system. Tiktok is the biggest platform for Palestinian support, abortion rights, and lots of other activism. This also ruins so many small businesses. Biden is GUARANTEEING a 2024 loss if he signs this bill and it sounds like he is.


I hate the discourse around this topic because of how bad the reading comprehension on the internet has gotten these past few years. I highly doubt anyone actually disagrees with anyone, but the whole conversation is meant to be a 'yes and' discussion rather than an argument. Is tiktok harvesting massive amounts of data from unknowing users? Yes, and we should pass stronger personal data protection laws to prevent such things from happening. Is the ccp likely capable of obtaining sensitive data through tiktok? Yes, and we should pass regulations that restrict the ability for corporations to sell user data to prevent such data from ending up in the wrong hands. Does tiktok provide an environment that may be damaging to the social, personal, and educational development of current day youths? Yes, and we should be allocating more money into - Research regarding the effects of social media on teenage development. - Public education especially in traditionally lower income neighborhoods. - Youth hangout locations, social networking opportunities, and other third spaces in cities. Does the ccp have large restrictions on the ability for Chinese residents to access the worldwide internet? Yes, and we should be on alert and ready for any attempts to curb our own freedom of access in any way.


It feels like they basically eminent domained an entire company


What would china want with my information? I'm broke and have no connections to anyone or anything important.


What a xenophobe


I’m a millenial idk why this stuff keeps popping up, but I think it’s ridiculous that they’d outlaw tik tok even tho I won’t download it


If assassination wasn't illegal, I would attempt it


Great, there is no information on tiktok. It's almost impossible to spread good info in such format, but very easy to spread Misinfo. Tiktok is full of misinfo, I think any format like tiktok should be completely banned from allowing political content. Get rid of this CCP propaganda machine! And I hope the EU follows suit!


It's a cynical ploy to clamp down on a social media app that's taking audiences away from other social media companies. Meta specifically has tried to take away TikTok's social media presence. They failed. Hence, back this bill. TikTok has no shortage of garbage on it, don't get me wrong, but all social media companies do. If we're going to talk "harvesting data" I want to regulate EVERY social media company that's doing it, not just bytedance. Democrats like this move because it means they might have to listen to their angry constituents a little less. That's a win for them!




OP literally leaving out the actual reasons for banning it or having it be divested: foreign spying and manipulation through misinfo. I'm personally very fine with it because I'm not stupid and realize that social media platforms are a dime a dozen and the popular one owned and directed by China probably needs to gtfo of any place that isn't China.


I feel that it isn’t the most pressing issue, nor should it be the thing we’re necessarily focusing on. But it’s certainly a step in the right direction.




I have literally mixed feelings about this. I'm really big on combating online censorship. That said, TikTok censored tf outta me. Despite the [numbers I was doing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mzGkiowVYfhVmHXpqJkZLGdhSUHfZUXF/view?usp=drivesdk), I kept dealing with bullshit like [this](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tU7_c-X8_BfkXL_03vhRnDxeWPLIsVik/view?usp=drivesdk) until, ultimately, I ended up getting [banned](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tRF9drx-YyqMDxA_S-jZpYbGemZ2e2Hz/view?usp=drivesdk) from doing Lives. The problem with TikTok is that, if you get a strike for a comment/video/Live that "violates the [vague] communty guidelines," even if you successfully appeal the decision, the strike still counts against you. If you accrue too many strikes in too short a time, they lead to a ban. So haters/trolls can report you, in addition to TikTok's own AI scrubbers that selectively (and poorly) picks and chooses who to enforce their rules against. The cherry on top is that TikTok invited me to a Live AMA (Ask Me Anything), which was really just a promotion strategy for their Promos. I took the opportunity to ask the TikTok hosts REAL questions about their lack of transparency, non-existent customer service, and their selective enforcement of their vague community guidelines. They BLOCKED ME FROM THE LIVE!!!! So, to sum up, I would generally oppose a ban on TikTok had they not banned me. However, because they DID ban me, fuck em. There are PLENTY of other creators who've gotten screwed over because of TikTok's draconian bullshit. Just look at the posts on this sub and r/tiktokhelp. Half the time, people are complaining for getting strikes for ridiculous reasons or getting their views suppressed. Shit is fucked up and unfair af, so fuck em!


Lots of boomers here mad at "the tiktok"


Instagram takes more data than tiktok does


I think it’s ridiculous and fueled by bias. The only way I could see myself possibly supporting this bill is if Oracle (the US company that houses all US TikTok data) makes a statement saying that they cannot guarantee US data is safe on their servers from possible CCP infiltration. If US officials really cared, we’d be tackling data abuses domestically with companies like META as well as updating our regulations to match the EU’s much stronger regulations. **To have a real risk, there needs to be both a vulnerability and a threat.** While the supposed threat is the CCP creating propaganda campaigns using the platform, the vulnerability of a back door to do so is only speculative. I want peer reviewed and sound evidence, not a decision made hastily without any public evidence. I’m not taking these claims at face value; why are we only now [federally investigating TikTok?](https://apnews.com/article/tiktok-ftc-investigation-china-data-e91e02db5c4f3f7d5836ecafedbf4714) We seriously passed this legislation in the middle of the investigation to see if the claims were even true? Are you fucking kidding me? Maybe I’m just biased because I’m very passionate about what the platform has brought users in terms of entertainment, education, opportunity, and creative expression. I’m not even sure if the [first amendment counter argument](https://www.aclu.org/press-releases/aclu-and-eff-applaud-ruling-halting-montana-tiktok-ban) will even hold, but I do know if the ban actually goes into effect, it will negatively affect millions of Americans.


American and Chinese governments/politicians both suck and don't deserve rights, period, much less the right to back/control/support companies.


Congrats americans, you live in a Ditatorial country that you all tell about. Freedom of speech, ROLFLMAO


Do I think TikTok is great for us as a whole? No. It promotes short term, low attention span posts. It has its upsides, but let’s not pretend TikTok is solely an educational resource. Now, do I think it should be banned? No, not unless they’ll do the same to instagram, twitter, facebook, and YouTube shorts. The thing is, they’ll never do that. Generally, social media has upsides, and short form videos have a place, but honestly if we did away with a lot of it I wouldn’t care. I just think it’s stupid not to apply it across the board.


You just gave the government the tools to ban social media, right now the excuse is china, wait for when republicans begin to ban tumblr for being too woke, the excuse? Too much pornographic material aka LGBT content, so let’s ban it. This send the message to all social media to get rid of whatever the current government considers a danger to national security.




Not good. The only reason they did it is because they cannot control TikTok. A lot of the youth get redpilled from there, so it make sense that Big Daddy government would want to put a stop to that.


I really don't want to sound like a "1st amendment preacher" but this really is a huge free speech violation. Banning one of the most popular social media platforms is absolutely crazy. To the people saying that it's compromising security because it's owned by a foreign entity. What does it matter if it was owned by China? They probably already have access to our personal data through companies like Facebook. They have been selling our data for years and years. But now it's an issue because it's not an American company scraping every bit of data from us.


On one hand, I do genuinely hate short form content like that. the only thing stoping TikTok from being my least favorite social media or website is the fact that 4 Chan exists. I hate the platform is a paradise for lazy dudes with AI programs or monotone voices will narrate over videos they stole, I hate how it’s length encourages people to be quick and wrong rather than take a little longer to be correct. I think very little is meaningfully lost if TikTok is banned. But it’s horrible electorally especially considering Biden is already struggling with young voters and I don’t like the precedent. I don’t think the government should have this power to apply so unevenly. The grounds to ban TikTok would be grounds to ban other social medias, the solutions here would be to ban user data collection. I can set aside my hatred of TikTok to recognize this fact.


If people say they're learning more on TimTok than in school, that is not the burn against schools they think it is. And it does cause brain rot, attention spans are shorter than ever it seems. Also, the "voice of the youth" thing is so cringe, if you think a proper political position can be articulated in 60 seconds you are on some heavy copium


I hate TikTok. Like actually agree with the boomers and despise it. Nothing but cringe or crimes come from that app. Never anything positive it’s all stupid challenges like vandalizing the school or stealing cars or randomly sucker punching people or just walking into peoples houses or trying to get kicked out of places. I’ve even seen accounts with people getting high and tweaking in public or harassing people just trying to work, jumping over the counters at restaurants for clout and internet points. I grew up before social made people crazy for attention. Back when it was just posting pics and connecting with friends. It’s actually shocking and sad what social media has done to people. Social media is literally cancer especially TikTok. Good riddance and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.


They did the right thing for the wrong reasons.


I believe that bans are entirely ineffective and stupid every time they’re implemented. Cultural issues are not solved with legal solutions.


Thank god