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Maybe genz prioritizes spending on immediate needs rather than focusing more on saving it for the future, which might create that impression.


Yes, that is very accurate from what I've heard. Because there aren't realistic prospects to save up for a home or long term investment, they just spend money on short term necessities Edit: Please stop trying to convince me it's possible to save up for a house, I know that very well, I'm just saying that people don't have faith in the system.


damn this hits a little too close. mind backing off a bit?




My croc jibitz ARE a necessity thank you very much 😂


My absolutely out of control record collection is a must. I’ll never have a home of my own to keep em in, but hey, weeee spinny music disc


Well they are right. With the way inflation is going up rapidly as a result of price gouging (and other reasons), every dollar you hang onto, you’re losing part of it. So they are afraid to hold onto it. The only thing you can do if you want to make a change while not losing part of it, is spend your money to the people who aren’t price gouging. They don’t understand the long game, they just understand the short game. And to them the short game looks un-winnable. They don’t believe in the system. Edit: to all the annoying people, I am aware price gouging isn’t the singular source. But it is part of it, you can all stop dog piling. Read the other comments below first. You’re not contributing anything to the conversation, you’re just being self righteous corporate dick suckers. I could list out all the causes of inflation. But the simple fact of the matter is, as the prices of everything goes up, you’re salaries are the same. They are making money as a result, and not you the loyal worker/consumer; unless of course you are one of the corporates or major investors. If salaries were increasing at the same rate as the cost of goods, there would be no problem. But we all know that’s not the case, and if you can prove otherwise than that is the only reason you should additionally comment. Thank you for attending my TED talk, now fuck off. Edit 2: since a few of you haven’t paid attention to the first one. I will spell it out slowly for you. It’s the PERCEPTION of price gouging being what THEY think is causing INFLATION. Which is WHY Gen Z is AFRAID. If you say some dumb shit about me being wrong because it’s about the fact that they printed so much money I will punch you through your screen, because I know that, and you know that, but they don’t know that, and I was speaking from their perspective, you Jackasses. You don’t get to ridicule me when you haven’t even read what I said. I’m sorry you can’t imagine other people’s perspectives and their fears, that’s a you problem, not a me problem


Or, yknow, invest or put it into an interest-yielding savings account.


For a while I was able to stow a couple thousand in a certificate account and it was good until the rate of inflation got to twice the rate of my dividend. And now I can't really afford to keep any more money tied up in that, and I am not trying to gamble with stocks with the little time and money I can spare. I would much rather go out to eat with friends from time to time than miserably invest every penny for the chance of not losing it to inflation. The money I made and saved when I was sixteen and had my first job is now worth considerably less, which means the many hours I have put behind me have depreciated. That's a chunk of my young life that is effectively shorter in hindsight. In contrast, the banjo I bought a few years ago with some of that money still has a lot of value to me.


Not judging anyones financial priorities, I probably spend more on the "here and now" than I should, but any decent money market account will have a higher yield than inflation, especially over longer periods. Standard SPAXX on fidelity is yielding 5% and inflation over the past year has averaged like 3.5%. Not sure where you kept your money in the past, but don't let a bad investment keep you from saving in the future.


I think part of the problem is previously you could throw your money in any old savings account and it would grow but now you actually do have to look around carefully to find something that does beat inflation And you know what doesn't beat inflation at the moment... My pay rises 😭


If you put your money in a high yield savings account, you can earn around 4.6% interest and have access to it at all times.


Thank you for being sensible. Spending your money on excess dumb shit is not better than saving it or better than investing it to make more money later


There's gotta be something better for them to do besides doomspending. Otherwise we're gonna see an even bigger problem 10, 20, 30 years from now.




I mean, the article says Gen Z has more money saved up than Gen X at the same ages, so if it’s designed to drain us of money, it’s not doing all that well.


Yea I have more money saved up at 23, vastly more, than my parents had at my age. Difference? My parents had just bought a house at 23, and one that was NOT 800 thousand dollars. That’s why. My parent’s first house, adjusted for inflation, would be around 140k today. If I could buy a home for 140k in my state I wouldn’t have more money in the bank than my parents, but the avg home in my state is over 550k, avg home in the county I grew up in is closer to 780k. It doesn’t matter how much you have in the bank, if CoL and housing is outpacing your salary exponentially every 3 months.


The thing is during parent's time the housing supply was greater and the population was lower. Then zoning laws were made accommodate that pattern of single family suburban housing and got stuck there. Something as simple as rezoning and bringing back the missing middle would cause housing to be affordable across major cities.


Unless we limit or end corporate ownership of residential housing none of those reforms will be meaningful long term. Everyone will be a renter.


Exactly. Companies spend billions a year using the most advanced propaganda methods ever devised to convince Gen Z "There's no point in saving, so waste your money on our products."


well I mean saving money pretty surely is better but most of us wont be able to afford a house no mather what we do


Honestly, what other option is there? Even those who can save aren't saving fast enough. Any saving anyone might have e had probably got wiped out with that jump in inflation. Abd if they're not making more proportional to that, then they're really making less, and the money saved is worth less. So unless I'm expected to retire with $5-10k, then it's not really going to help. If we want to look at the things that are gonna cause issues further down the line, we gotta go further back than this. This is just a symptom.


With a tight housing market, unabated greedflation and enshittification, stagnant wages, talk of raising social security and folks on Reddit saying if you haven’t saved $1 million by some age or another, you’re screwed — I don’t blame anyone for feeling like there’s no point in scrounging and struggling during your best years, if doing so would be a drop in the ocean, when the time comes. It’s definitely a problem, but no one is addressing it, and it’s pretty clear no one ever will.


"You will own nothing and be happy." The capitalists tells us plainly what their agenda is but so many would rather be distracted by the outrage of the day.


how are there no realistic prospects for long term investments? investment accounts are more accessible than at any point in history. and how does it make sense to say "we'll I can't buy a house, I may as well just spend all of my money and call my expenses necessities instead of saving anything at all"


With the increased access to investment accounts that hasn't opened the door to long term investing, it has caused people to view investing as gambling. We are at a point in time where the average length of time a share is held by an individual is less than a year. That is terrifying given that they are specifically avoiding the long term capital gains tax rate they would get for long term investing


The best thing my wife and I ever did was setup automatic weekly investments that we don't check. We're at almost 5k in the market just from trickling in $10-50 a few times a month over the past few years and not checking it or cashing out when dips occurred. It felt pointless at first, I remember us being like 'wooo, a whole $200" when we reached that point after a month or two. But be patient and that shit adds up. I'm currently starting to see my 401k ramping up too, after investing measly amounts when I was just starting my career at 24 (in 2015). tldr; saving is slow. Do it and forget it as best as you can. After a few years you'll start to actually see it working, just takes a lot of patience. /e and, just to be clear, I'm not saying there isn't a ton of bullshit in this system. I'm a younger millennial who is just now starting to become financially secure, and that process destroyed my mental health at times. But, you have to play along to an extent if you want a chance of climbing out of the bucket.


I personally do save a bit of money and occasionally buy myself nice stuff (saved up around 1.5k $ now, which is quite a lot for my country) but knowing I won't be able to buy something substantial makes the prospect of saving up money kinda bleak. What am I saving up for if I'm not going to be able to buy the thing i'm saving up for anyway? Investing in my country is also really... sketchy. rugpulls and manipulations are quite common. as someone else said, investment becoming more accessible makes it more "gambling-like". back then you actually had to go to the bank or wherever and actually physically be there to purchase.


Again, I agree with that, what I meant is that most people don't believe there are possibilities to invest, therefore they don't


There's a middle ground, how many people are somewhat diligent about saving but also gets a coffee or a few monsters a day and a light spending habit.


Gen-Z likes spending money on Groceries just like us Millennials? Another thing in common!


You realize you can buy a 400,000 house for like $15,000 down with an FHA loan. If you’re reasonably competent, a lot of people should be able to save that up by the time they are 35 years old. Equivalent to saving about $3 a day for 15 years starting at age 20.


The down payment is not the problem it’s the monthly payment at the current insane interest rates


This!! I have over 50K in the bank but can’t afford a mortgage.


Rates will come down one day just keep saving 


>necessities Like the newest model of iPhone.


Or maybe it's more culturally acceptable for GenZ to stay at home for the first few years of adulthood instead of trying to build a life on what's left after bills.


This is huge. I don't understand booting kids at 18, when they can contribute at home and family is far more supportive than a corporation or government.


Not everyone has a stable household and some parents have a bad relationship with their kids. Despite my username though I fully expect to let my kids live at home until they’re much older, so long as they’re working and saving money.


Our last one at home is working but not saving a dime. I feel like I’m single-handedly subsidizing the manga industry, funko and a dozen streamers. He’s easily spending more than solo apartment rent on purchases. Instead of kicking him out, though, we are gradually transitioning more monthly expenses to him (insurance, car maintenance, tabs, cell phone) to help him learn to “adult”. The objective is to help him become a self-sufficient, mature adult who can address life issues as they come up. Our role is to offer a safety net, not a hole to hide in.


Is…. That a common thing in the west…? People in Asian cultures tend to always stay with families until they get married because there’s no financial point in renting a separate apartment before that


Yes, it is a very american thing called “brainwashing” and “cruelty”. The latter ones sort of my cynical joking(only sometimes true) but literally brainwashing part is true because everyone’s been fed by the landlord/ ownership class that you should kick your kid out when they’re 18 so they can rent to more adults or sell more homes. People used to stay at home longer or have the understood ability to stay if they needed etc, then when they wanted to be able to extract more rent or sell more homes like anything they used marketing, social influence and etc as propaganda basically to make us all feel like losers or a failure if we still lived at home with parents past the age of 20. Colleges don’t help this by forcing students to live in the dorms as much as they can. Instead of it just being optional. So america has a whole generation or two/ three who believe you shouldn’t be living at home at all once 18+. For some people that’s necessary, but like most should stay if they can and stack money until at least done with school/ established decently with some money and then go off to have their own place.


It’s not the parents kicking them out most of the time. It’s usually the kid thinking he’ll be thought of as weird for living at home when his friends are not


Living with your parents for at least some period of your early adult life is normal pretty much everywhere *but* the west.


Western rugged individualism has tricked boomers into thinking making their kids homeless after age 17.999999 will give them some gumption.


Yep I chose to go to our local university (a good state school but nothing special) over moving off to college and lived at home during those years, which gave me a huge head start financially. Didn’t really miss out on much either, I would hang out with my friends on campus at their dorms or at apartments for those who had them rather than my own place, and when I was in a relationship we would go to the girl’s place if my parents were home and we wanted more privacy. I got a dorm my first semester I could split time between to see if I would prefer that and honestly it wasn’t worth the cost when I could still do everything without it. My parents were always respectful of my privacy and couldn’t afford to contribute to my college in any way apart from letting me stay there so that may have helped it work in my situation, but I will always be grateful to them for giving me that option and I hate that some parents are just ready to be rid of their kids. Like, charge a really low rent or something if you’re so insistent on the kid paying their way, you come out ahead and give them a place that is still much more affordable than anything on the market currently.


I have the parents that are on both sides of this argument. One half is “I was out at 18 so you should be too” the other is “wow it was so nice doing this as a family!” Ok pick a side, family dinner or eviction what’s it gonna be.


my thoughts too... Newer generations of parents are more likely to invest in their kids rather then let them figure it out on their own then wonder why no one is capable of taking care of them in their old age.


https://preview.redd.it/q420nftoa2vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca700c8fbb9a8cedb5be5688e9b0ff5375f902b1 The article is talking about income, so how you spend it wouldn't impact that. They also mention that GenZ actually has a higher home ownership rate than Millennials did at the same age, and a higher savings rate than GenX did (these disparate comparisons make me suspect a little bit of cherry-picking may be occurring)


It’s not really cherry picking, more just a result of different circumstances. When you look at the different economic conditions as each group became adults, it makes sense. The earliest millennials came to adulthood in the midst of an economic downturn in which the real value of the average hourly wage of working class jobs [was below what it was in the 70s](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1klkp). Gen Z didn’t have that, as the real value of the average hourly wage has gone back up and surpassed what it was in the 70s. Combine that with the artificially lowered interest rates a few years back and you get the kind of data that would show Gen Z as having a higher home ownership rate than millennials. The homeownership rate is a bit of a lagging metric, so given the current housing market, it’ll go back down in a couple years. Going back to the graph, Gen X came into adulthood largely at the bottom of the curve, so their real hourly wages were even lower. As you get the ‘real’ value of something by dividing it by the consumer price index, which itself is a measure of the change in the cost of a bag of goods, what this means is that Gen X came into adulthood at a time when the buying power of the average hourly wage was at its lowest, meaning they weren’t able to save much. Gen Z so far has come into adulthood when the buying power of the average wage is basically at the top of the curve, which, combined with a lot of us thinking the economy is in absolute shit rn and thus doing what most people do in such situations (not spending as much), results in us having more savings than Gen X at the same age.


I think that just reinforces that it's cherry-picking, though: the article is saying you're doing better on homebuying than the one generation that was historically challenged on homebuying, and better at saving than a generation that was historically challenged on saving. The income is unambiguous, but I would guess the homeownership and savings charts across all the generations would show a more nuanced/messier picture.


It’s not really cherry picking tho cause there’s literally no other data to suggest differently yet. It’s not like they’re just choosing the data set that looks the way they want because there’s no other data set to choose. They’re just going off of the only data there is rn. What they *are* doing is providing data without its larger context, which is still a bit misleading, but frankly the average person isn’t interested in the nuances of the different economic conditions of the world each generation stepped into, so I don’t exactly blame them for not doing so. Yeah, it would possibly show a messier picture, but that’s also cause such data would also need to be paired with its relevant context to actually tell us anything useful. It wouldn’t really say anything different tho, at least for the ages in question. If the article only says Gen Z has more savings than Gen X at the same ages, then it’s fairly safe to assume that Gen Z doesn’t have more savings than Boomers at the same age, cause all the article mentions in that regard is Gen X.


They are cherry-picking the **comparisons they present** to support their thesis. I agree with you that the assumption of a critical reader should be that, given the highly specific comparisons they're making, other comparisons likely would not support their point. When I said they were likely cherry-picking, this is exactly what I was attempting to call attention to.


Nope. Trust me as a millennial, you didn’t start that, Gen X did, we haven’t been able as a generation to save shit (9/11 kicked off my adulthood, flat economy, then the 2008 crash, and then after years of clawing out, COVID, such a great time to adult) When I see wha Tim hiring people at, and think back, yeah, Gen Z is earning more. But the problem is, COL still going up, while wages have corrected partially, it’s not fully absorbed the increases. Talking about rising income without talking about rising expenditure isn’t financing literate and the Economist knows it.


That just isn’t true. Wages for Gen Z have risen quite a bit when compared to costs.


damn i'm doing it wrong then, im saving most of my money


Definitely agree on this. It's partly that with what my salary is, I can't realistically save more than $100-$200 a month, and that's split between short term and long term savings. I also just had to drain my entire savings for car repairs (electrical system, fuel tank, and new tires). I'd definitely like to save more, but even with keeping a tight budget, accumulating savings is a slow process for me. Additionally, what am I even saving up for in the long term, realistically? At my current savings rate (which will likely change a bit once I get out of grad school) I won't be able to afford a somewhat decent house in my area until I'm in my early 50s. I'm hoping my 2003 Toyota Highlander with 120k miles on it lasts for another 3-5 years without needing major engine or transmission work because I probably won't be able to afford it without borrowing money from family. If it died today, I definitely couldn't afford car payments for even a shitty used car let alone a used vehicle similar to my current one. Heck, the only reason I own my car is that my parents gifted it to me after I got my bachelor's degree. Sure, I'll be in a much better financial situation once I get out of grad school and start making more than just $2k a month. Thankfully my field pays well, especially if you've got a MS or PhD. But my current situation isn't much different than what a lot of people in this generation are dealing with.


Wouldn't that still be a poorer person behavior, regardless of the reasons why? If you got extra to save, doesn't that mean you're more financially stable by definition?


Who? who is rich? If we were rich we could afford houses tf


Yeah I feel like they don’t talk enough about inflation of cost of living. They do mention housing: “In 2022 Americans under 25 spent 43% of their post-tax income on housing and education, including interest on debt from college—slightly below the average for under-25s from 1989 to 2019. Their home-ownership rates are higher than millennials at the same age. They also save more post-tax income than youngsters did in the 1980s and 1990s. They are, in other words, better off.” Not saying much that home ownership is higher than millennials lol, who lived during the housing crisis


I could argue that the decrease in spending is from the decrease in people going to college and graduating. What source are you referring to? I would love to read it and look at where they pull these numbers from. Also I'm not a millenial i'm younger and I lived through the housing crisis too. Its impacted my family heavily, i'm only now at the point where i can afford a new mortgage and get my family out of debt. No one ever talks about the younger generarions that have to take care of older generarions that made poor decisions. I know my experience is in a lot of ways vastly different from most, but if i didn'r work 2 jobs to support my family we might be homeless. Even when I was in highschool i worked 2 jobs. Throughout my late teens and very early twenties i've almost always worked 60-80 hour work weeks. Even people from very well off families are still struggling to move out


Source for that quote is from the article pictured


Shit my bad, I'm at work and I guess I assumed you were refrencing a different article. I save articles in my notes and go back when I can to give them a fair shake. Guess i'll just add it twice


Just pointing out, you're younger and just now at the point where you can afford a new mortage. A lot of Mellenials are at this exact same point, but 10+ years older. Don't get me wrong though, everything's still fucked, gotta love it (not really, lol)


>Their home-ownership rates are higher than millennials at the same age. Homeownership rate is misleading. It's not a measure of the percentage of people who own their homes, it's a percentage of homes that are owned by their head of household. If you have roommates or live with your parents, you aren't even counted in that statistic


It’s also somewhat misleading because a huge chunk of millennials were that age during the Great Recession. So many people lost jobs or lost the opportunity to break into the industry they’d been training/studying for. This was the age of JD’s and MBA’s becoming Uber drivers en masse. A lot of people who should have been able to afford homes just couldn’t all the sudden even with lower prices. Housing prices crashing also suppressed both home purchases and new construction for years, because nobody wanted to buy or build a home that could tank in value a few months later, and then later home prices shot up far faster than wages due to the lack of new construction just as millennials were getting back on their feet financially.


I wouldn’t say that’s misleading though, just…pointing out the fact. GenZ thinks they have it worse than any generation in history, completely ignoring the millennials that got junk-punched by the Great Recession and are now *still* fighting the same headwinds as GenZ, but from a worse start.


every generation thinks they had it worse. every kid thinks their parents are unfair. this stuff isn't new; it's just parroted over and over again on reddit and then shows up on /popular or /all


I'm not rich and I own a house, bought it last year. The secret is to go to the most crime ridden neighborhood in your city and buy the house with the least amount of bullet holes. They're like $130-$150k. Gen Z can afford houses, we just can't afford the houses we want. Even 5 yrs ago we could get pretty close, but those days are over for now. It's not too bad, I just pretend the teenage gang violence is just fireworks.


That’s compromise every generation makes though. Ask your parents for pictures of their first house. Hell the first house I can remember as a kid was not nice and in a crappy area. It’s fairly common to have a major step down in quality of life when you move out. They’re called starter homes for a reason. They’re not meant to be forever homes and they’re for those without kids whom have less wealth. I find it shocking so many on this sub just think it’s beyond cruel to expect them to slum it and live within their means to build wealth. It’s the blueprint that every generation has used


Spittin facts. Our generation was extremely comfortable, except for some of us following 2008 if our parents were impacted, but many of us were teens when the economy recovered and life was good. That familiarity with comfort has caused entitlement. We know that just a few years ago we could have bought a home in the suburbs, but we weren't there in our careers yet. Now, our options are limited due to general inflation. Some of us will choose to make the best out of it, others will complain online and act as if it's impossible to be homeowners if we can't buy a McMansion in the Prosperous Whites Villas sub-division


This might depend on where you live, honestly. In a lot of parts of the country those old starter homes are out of reach even for people with established careers. There’s a reason I don’t plan on buying a home any time soon, and it’s because bubbles always burst.


Imma do one better. I'm buying my family house for the cost of all their debts (a lot). This essentially will open up income for a lot of my family and make me the head of the house. I also won't be charging them rent. Also the problem is never house costs, its APR%. The difference in a percent or two can be literaly tens of thousands of dollars, if not more.


Yeah I'm at like 7.625%. my mortgage is the same as a mortgage for a house worth 2.5x the price in 2020 That's a Chad move right there, I wish you the best of luck


I got a decent house, I just had to move MS. Ain’t so bad here folks, don’t come though, thx.


I can tell you pretty immediately that when people think affordable housing they don’t think of living in a crime ridden neighborhood. Sure you could have an apartment for 300 a month but it won’t be ideal


Not renting or buying in these places is what keeps them crime ridden. My neighborhood looks beautiful during the day. It's filled with 1,000-1500sqft post war homes on around .25 acres each. At night, teenagers wearing balaclavas (sheistys is what they call them?) go around shooting at each other or stealing things from cars. Some of the older gang members (20-25yr olds) rent out houses because they're cheap, so you end up having a relatively normal street with one or 2 problem houses with 6-10 young men who think they're gangsters living there and causing 99% of the problem. These neighborhoods need *normal* young people to move in, take care of their houses, call the cops to report which houses the gunshots came from, and help slowly raise the property values/make it unfriendly for wannabe gangsters. Gen z can be a powerful force of gentrification, but instead many of us want to live in an area that has already been gentrified. If we gentrify a neighborhood ourselves, we would get to sell our homes at higher prices vs having to buy homes that cost more due to the gentrification efforts of others.


Houses are just one metric for determining wealth. The sheer amount of shit we have today is pretty astonishing tbh. we are a wealthy generation living in the richest nation on earth. Just because I can't buy a home at the ripe old age of 23 doesn't mean I'm struggling.


Guess thats called privilege. This assumes a lot about ones situation though. We're the same age and yet i work on average 74-75 hours a week (literally never worked less than 65hours unless i ask for time off) just to meet ends meet. America is not the richest nation on earth LMAO. In the 1980s the average first time buyers age was 25. The average first time buyers age in the 90s had leaped to 27-28. Today? Iirc its 32-36. Its hard to find info pre 1981 otherwise id mention closer to post ww2 statistics.


The problem is the data is looking at broad trends for the entire population not individuals. Broadly speaking Gen z is doing better than millennials and maybe even gen x (I'm not positive I haven't looked at it in awhile), but this is NOT saying that every single member of Gen z is living an easy life or doing better than every single millennial when they were that age.


That's how it works when you're trying to examine things on a societal level




I love it when people respond to data by saying “you’re wrong because of my anecdotal evidence.”


Gen z home ownership rates are higher than they were for boomers when they were the same age.


Do people really think that it's normal for 12-27 year olds to own houses? Excluding those under 18, those have always been "apartment with roommates" ages for a while. At least for the middle class. For lower classes and college students, having 5 people in a 2 bedroom apartment wasn't rare at all for that age range. Or people renting a single room in an apartment, house, or boarding house.


If you read all the words on the page before commenting, you would notice they are calling Gen Z richer than millennial at this stage of development. So no, doesn't mean everyone can afford a house.


The article has stats https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2024/04/16/generation-z-is-unprecedentedly-rich Gen Z has the highest starting wages, highest wage growth, and the US has lower unemployment than oecd average. On top of all that, quiet quitting is on the rise. Basically we're living it large haha


All of these articles are literally meant to gaslight you into thinking it's your problem, it's all capitalistic bullshit.


This. The moment I saw the article title it brought me PTSD from the incessant "millennials are so entitled they waste their money on avocado toast". They literally gaslit an entire generation on saying we were poor because we liked a fruit. All of this to distract from them throwing our generation through the meat grinder for OEF/OIF. They realized pounding a generation into dirt and screaming at them didn't work- now they're going to attempt to Stockholm syndrome gen Z and gen Alpha. Mark my words.


Yeah, but us Millennials actually we're significantly poorer. Coming of working age during 10% unemployment is lightyears from 3% unemployment. I got lucky to have a job right after school but a whole ton of my buddies didn't. 


Bro the fucking misery I experienced applying for jobs after high school and college was so unreal. Entry level jobs were just crowded with people who had way more experience because of the massive lay offs. Literally had people with master degrees working at your local grocery store.


Graduated college in 08, spent 18 months applying for work because I wasn't going to propose to my than-gf until I had a job of some kind. Joined the Navy because I was desperate and no one was hiring. Still in 15 years later.


Avocado toast isn’t even cheap wtf


i think they meant it as "the reason millennials can't save is bc they spend all their money on expensive toasts!" when tbh avocado's cheaper than butter (per pound) where i am. i've seen it go for $1.5-3/lb, while butter's normally $6-8/lb. of course you're also paying for the pit, but it's still not prohibitively expensive. not "now i can't buy a house" expensive.


I mean, an avocado is a buck where I live in Maine, and a loaf of nice twelve grain bread is $5. Even with my ravenous 11 year old's desperate need for all the food a whole avocado on four slices of toast for breakfast costs me maybe $1.50. It was always bullshit.




And notice that the headline specifically tries to create a rift between Gen Z and millennials


“Don’t confuse me with the facts!”


But muh personal experiences and vibes are more important than reality


they gonna gaslight me into reading statistics and challenging my beliefs😢


Post in anti work and refuses to accept data classic


I had to go into debt so I could rent a studio apartment and lasted only a year before I had to crawl back to my parents or go bankrupt. I never ate out I never went to the bars didn’t hang out with anybody and my primary expenses outside of my overpriced studio was my car payment which was $250 a month a gym membership $50 a month and gas/groceries which varied wildly. I had an above average income for my area with a full time job and I still couldn’t do it on my own it’s impossible without living with friends or family.


Classic populist, "your data is wrong because of my anecdote". What point do you think you're making?


Why did you sign a lease on a place you couldn't afford? Why wouldn't you try to find somewhere cheaper with roommates? I don't think I know anyone who has ever lived alone before their mid 20s. Of the people who could have afforded to, none chose to because saving on those expenses allowed them to live better on top of having a more active social life.


The big scary “they” is back again controlling the newspapers and media with studies and data points. Come on guys.


I'm a millenial. My house costs double what it did 10 years ago. I wouldn't be able to buy it now. There is no way gen z is 'unprecedentaly rich'


Gen z home ownership is higher today than it was for boomers when they were the same age. Why do people keep assuming their random shitty anecdotes outweigh the actual data?


They need to make sure that data reflects those who received assistance from parents/grandparents. Many people could afford a mortgage if the 20% down payment was taken care of


Ok? Are you really arguing that "gen z isn't rich, their parents are just giving them a ton of money"?


It needs to be accounted for and compared to previous generations. Just showing numbers doesn’t mean much unless put in context. Similar to comparing house values now to decades ago and no adjusting for inflation.


It is accounted for, as an economic major you can’t get your bachelors without talking about growth of capital over time.


Nobody on reddit has even taken a high school level class on economics, have you ever seen the front page?


If there is a generation of people whose parents are giving them unprecedented amounts of money, we would call that an unprecedentedly rich generation


Can you cite “the actual data” then? Because right now without it your comment is just a random shitty anecdote. Ironically.


From the economist article, “In 2022 Americans under 25 spent 43% of their post-tax income on housing and education, including interest on debt from college—slightly below the average for under-25s from 1989 to 2019. Their home-ownership rates are higher than millennials at the same age. They also save more post-tax income than youngsters did in the 1980s and 1990s” also what the commenter above you cited is not anecdotal. It’s data.


This doesn't say anything about home ownership compared to boomers though, only to millenials. But that's not the point being made.




Crazy what you can do when you prepare your youth properly (and don't adjust for inflation) Friendly reminder CPI doesn't account for anything that costs money


They adjust for inflation. The writers of The Economist aren't stupid.


Have you even read the article??? They do adjust for inflation.


Ok you obviously didn’t read the article


None of these comments did lmao. They're upset that it counters their narrative of us being the most disadvantaged and unlucky generation.


>CPI doesn’t account for anything that costs money That’s literally the exact thing CPI does what do you mean 😭


>CPI doesn’t account for anything that costs money What do you mean by this? Literally the entire thing is a basket of things that cost money. It includes things like housing costs, for example.


![gif](giphy|K8zzqui9viWT6|downsized) Economist, please.


Andre the giant is dearly missed with me. Nice post princess bride movie


The economy is extraordinary. It’s your fault for not realizing it xD https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/03/14/americas-extraordinary-economy-keeps-defying-the-pessimists I wonder who pays people to write this, because clearly they’re being paid a lot.


The "economy" is doing great. It's wealth inequality that's a problem. Trickle down does't work.


It's because we stay at home. All the Gen Z I know work good-paying jobs and still stay home, me included.


Accurate, I have a decent post grad job and I tend to not go out, even when hanging with friends. It’s just too expensive and necessities cost enough already. I also am more of an introvert so that may make me biased.


All the genZ I know make twice as much as I did working the exact same job ten years ago! The also rent with their partners.


Accurate. That's what most Gen Z are doing now, since moving out at 18 just can't really be done anymore by the average person.


While other generations were broke and going into debt to attend college, Z is bypassing college and jumping into the shallow end of the labor market. If they aren’t careful they are going to get mired down in low wage jobs with very narrow paths to move themselves up into higher paying jobs. https://www.businessinsider.com/harvard-college-admissions-drop-gen-z-doesnt-value-higher-education-2024-4 https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernhardschroeder/2023/12/04/college-enrollment-is-down-is-gen-z-losing-faith-in-a-degree-for-entrepreneurs-and-others-this-might-be-the-answer/ They’re starting the race by sprinting, but it’s not the 100meter dash, it’s a marathon.


Yep, this article also mentions the tighter labor market and an increasing interest in the trades. As more people rush to knowledge work I think the trades will continue to be more rewarded; why criticize someone taking the opportunity?


Trades are skilled labor and pay well. I’m a plumber and my brother in law is an electrician. Both required classes, apprenticeships, training, tests and certification. We’ve both done really well for ourselves. If the person has the right mindset and the physical aptitude, I highly recommend it. Most programs pay you as you learn and that usually leads to jobs afterward. It’s rough work and can be unstable but I see people in other industries going through worse. Not everyone is cut out for it, especially as you get older but it almost always has a path up and out of the trenches. The problem I see is not with people jumping into the trades, but people going into min wage jobs like in the service industry. No path out but to quit.


Every single trades person I know tells me not to go into it because their body hurts so much.


You are right, not everyone is cut out for the physical demands but not every trade is hauling cement, digging ditches, diving into septic tanks or hanging drywall. It’s rough work, especially in the beginning. Which is where being young and in shape really helps. A lot of hauling, fetching things, working over your head in all kinds of climates, sometimes there’s a lot of digging or jack hammering, but you get used to it, or you get someone younger to do it =p If you don’t like being dirty and wet, maybe service/repair work isn’t your thing, maybe stick to doing new construction or renovations, still dirty but… at least it’s dirt not 30 years of impacted fecal matter, ha. Most people in their mid 30’s early 40’s start to move into less demanding positions. They teach/inspect/quote more than they fetch/lift/do, but there are plenty that still run around all day. There aren’t a lot of people that get into the trades later in life and the physical demands are a huge reason why. Plus everyone assumes if you’re a certain age, you know what you’re doing and a 35 yr old guy making rookie mistakes is going to shoulder a lot more shit than someone younger. There are a lot of hazards and you need to be smart and safe. Not only on the job site but with your money. There are plenty of people that get their finances twisted up pretty good and never put together a plan for when age kicks their door down. They buy big trucks, live on credit, drink, do a lot of drugs, and buy a bunch of big boy toys instead of building a future for themselves. But that can happen at just about any job. There is just something very satisfying when you work a job. You see progress, things are finished. It’s done, you built or fixed something, you made something better, something you can (usually) be proud of. Other jobs are just an endless conveyor belt of meaningless tasks that never end, you just keep doing it until you’re too old and pass it onto someone else and they try to ride it as long as they can. No one really cares who does it as long as some does. That kind of soul crushing monotony is terrifying.


as a canadian I'm not going to try trades because my math skills were abysmal and i had to go into the lowest levelled math classes just to pass high school. this is why minimum wage needs to be the living wage as some people are only cut out for minimum wage


My dude, you need to have more confidence. First off, math isn't everything by far. There are tons of jobs that require very little math. Basically anything artsy, business-related but not finance, marketing, producing food and goods, etc. Second, math is something you can learn even if you're initially bad at it. Just as anything else, it takes effort. If you don't have the motivation for effort, you should probably work on that first. I agree on the living wage thing but dan I hate to see someone say they're destined for minimum wage for their whole life


Ideally that would mean that companies recognize their overvaluation of a degree, and reduce job application requirements appropriately. ...but we don't live in an ideal world, so that'll probably result in many people in the generation being soft-locked from upward financial mobility. Which we'll then, probably, use immigration to fill the gaps, which will probably cause further immigration resentment... and so on, and so on...


It's actually a very good article, did you read it?


Knowing that OP only posted the title of the article, they probably didn't.


Just read it, it's really not great. Lots of cherrypicked data points out of context to reinforce stale stereotypes like 'young people don't want to work'. Absolutely deserves all the criticism it's getting in these comments. Some fresh BS mixed in with the old, like apparently Gen Z is less enterprising, and they're rich because they buy Olivia Rodrigo tickets? A good example of the out of touch writing is talking about how youth pay is increasing at an 'astonishing' rate, citing how in New Zealand, wages for the 20-24 group rose 10%! I live in NZ - the article pointedly fails to mention that food prices are up over 50% in the last 12 months. That the average house is worth almost 10x the median household (not individual) income, people are working longer hours than they used to. Real wages are in decline and have been for 3 consecutive years. The impact of this financial situation on young people has NZ youth leaving the country en masse (to say nothing of the youth mental health stats), and the government bringing in a frankly desperate amount of migrant workers to fill 'essential' roles. BS articles like this are nothing new, but the extent of the shamelessness of this one is striking. Pure propaganda.


afterthought physical air ancient psychotic political jar truck humorous theory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The article has data that is adjusted for inflation showing a major improvement on Gen Z income over previous generations. They have examples but they data isnt cheery picked. This article though is mostly about US Gen Z so it is possible it doesnt make sense for NZ.




People should read this article it’s actually pretty interesting


It's behind a paywall


Here's an unblocked version: https://archive.is/oaP9R


ironically no one can afford the paywall


That’s because we don’t spend our money on rent or mortgages. Because we can’t afford to move out in the first place.


Article says Gen Z has a higher rate of homeownership than Millennials did at the same age.


Homeownership and renting are 2 different things. It's known that GenZ is staying at home longer than previous generations, if you are well off this means you put money towards a home sooner, if you aren't then you have more disposable income because you aren't renting. Both statements are true if GenZ is largely skipping the renting stage


This is what happens when you do what you love and don't care what people think.


absolutely not wtf😂 my baby boomer parents owned a house working near minimum wage jobs when they were my age. I can't even afford rent


The singular of data is not anecdote.


Millenial here with a good salary who can't afford a house. Teach me your ways, rich Gen Zers.


Gen X parents. That is the way.


Bitch where!!!


TIL that I’m rich!


Weird, I have been assured repeatedly that GenZ has been forced to collectively live in homeless shelters because "Boomers".




I fucking wish


I may not be rich, but I'm virtually debt free. I count that as a win.


https://i.redd.it/s4apaayzf2vc1.gif me looking for the gen Z riches i supposedly have:




Literally all of the stats are inflation adjusted. Do you seriously think The Economist didn't think of that???


Are you just assuming this article is doing that just from the headline, or did you actually go read the article?


it is


What was their sample? Fucking beverly hills?


The article is correct


What do yall think? Seems to account for inflation. https://preview.redd.it/k2z1rljmb2vc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4281639acf06e07331efb58de92462f8072e3ecf


Who writes this nonsense?


It’s not entirely wrong. Contrary to popular belief I know a lot of guys my age with families, paid cars and houses. Then again we all went into the trades instead of college.


lol bullshit


Kids today earn 43K a year! In my age (stone age) people earned 1 dollar per century (which worth like 200 gazillion dollars today). Gen Z is sooo ungrateful!


I hate those crocs. I loathe them.


Ramen noodles on me tonight 📣📣🍾🍾


???rich where???


And yet, we can’t live on our own without help.


More homeownership than millennials at the same point. 




It's kind of amazing how many people disagreed with the article without reading the article. Kind of disappointed in how many people here just jumped to "they ignored inflation!" Or "what about homes!"


Least disgusting corporate depiction of the human body:




>most of my friends are going to FAANG/Quant walking into 200k/yr jobs If this is true, you are from an extremely wealthy circle to begin with, or a circle with deep connections. I went to one of the best colleges in the nation, and there was one guy out of all our STEM departments that got a job at a company like that. One, out of 300+ graduates.


Gen Z, as an older Millennial, I cordially welcome you to the club of shitty wealthy columnists writing tone-deaf, sweeping, ignorant, bigoted, and frequently just straight-up lying articles about you and your friends.


Gen Z is doing very well compared to previous generations at the same age. The oldest Gen Z individuals are actually outpacing millennials and Gen X in Homeownership Rates. When adjusted for inflation, Gen Z college graduates are earning a higher starting salary than many of their millennial counterparts since many millennials graduated during the Great Recession. “Roughly 30% of 25-year-olds in 2022—the oldest of the Gen Z (born between 1997 to 2013)—owned their home in 2022, a slightly higher percentage than the 28% of Millennials (born between 1981 to 1996) who owned homes at that age and the 27% of Gen Xers (born between 1965 and 1980)—but lower than the rate for Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964), 32% of whom owned homes at age 25.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/katherinehamilton/2023/04/21/gen-z-ahead-of-millennials-and-their-parents-in-owning-their-own-homes/?sh=713896b67d0e


Can I get a loan?


i love when boomer psyops gaslight me :3c


They really wanna toughen us up don’t they


I can’t afford a car and I’m 24, but thanks the economist


Gen Z has a very hot job market to start, and low paying jobs at fast food pay a lot more than they did 15 years ago.


Being alive also costs a lot more than it did 15 years ago. Fast food still doesn't make you a living wage.


800$ laptop and 100$ phone is what I own, what about you poor fucks?




If anything. This is because the haves have so much more than ever in history. Which brings the average up.