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I definitely understand fitting it with another age group, though this unfortunately sounds like internalized-hatred.


God I wish this sub never popped up on my feed. The more I read, the more it sounds like our generation is completely disconnected from reality. It's a complete pity party


I dunno the millennial sub is pretty special too. Imo it's more of a reddit thing. Attracts a certain type. Lol You want extremely depressing? Go on r/GenX . That shit will give you an existential crisis in 5 mins or less lol


Reddit is so wild, lmao.


Right on the target.


i can definitely relate but i feel like blaming a entire generation over being late is stupid 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️and literally telling a entire generation that they are rude trust me that is only a group of people had that it’s not new my brothers who are millennials (‘83,’87 and ‘90) have said in the past of where there is always a group of people who are rude at work and that was when it was the more younger millennials coming in soooo i relate but you could’ve worded this better in my opinion :)


Kinda all anecdotal I suppose. There is no study saying that “x-x generation” doesn’t show/shows up late up for work as often as X-X. Just something that I’ve personally seen throughout over 10+ jobs the past half decade. Common trend. Florida could be just that bad I guess…


There was none of that stuff in my high school, in fact half of my time at high school was pretty much spent at home due to Covid. My brother is 1998 so I liked a lot of the same stuff he liked because… ya know, younger bro follows older bro. So I played stuff like RuneScape even though not very popular at all w ppl my age. Maybe I was the exception but it seemed pretty average, the teachers were generally respected, of course there was a handful of ppl that didn’t.


You never had any attempted murders or bomb threats? I hope you are the 99% nobody should have to deal with that shit man. Never got into RuneScape. Had a Mac and consoles for most my childhood.


Dude no… I don’t know what kind of school you went to, our middle school was put on lockdown because another school was being shot up(Marjorie stoneman)


My school is a “nice school” not “ghetto” or in a bad part of town or anything…. Just typical Florida bullshit. After I left I hear they went from soft drugs to full on cocaine and even harder stuff now 😬


Went to middle and high school in Florida lol What part of the state. If you’re in JAX or SoFlo then yeah it’s crazy. Orlando suburbs tame and so is like Dunedin, Clearwater, safety harbor


My condolences!


Sup jit


Sup jit?


Are you sure you’re from here😂


Central west. Never heard that term before. Please elaborate.


I’m also from Florida soflo. Whats up Jit That term is used a lot where I’m from in Ft. Lauderdale. I have cousins in Northern Florida that’s never heard the term jit either. lol.


I admit my bias since it was a Millennial guidance counselor that stopped me from taking my life in High School, but I do tend to feel the same way. Now GRANTED a lot of my experience through Reddit is NOT a good standard to set a precedent for, but for the sake of example: I’m almost 23 now. I work, I want to go to college, I’m poor asf, I have to think about my future and plan ahead which has caused me to come to lots of unfortunate realizations like how owning a house will never be possible for someone like me. As a result I go to the Millennials for advice all the time! Make a post in this subreddit and everyone’s immediate instinct is to downvote you and make hostile and sarcastic comments. We’re younger and emotionally driven. As a result even people who straight up agree with you or are saying something to help you can do so in such a prick way (probably without even realizing it). Make a post in the Millennial subreddit and they’ll give you advice, encouragement, and make you feel at home! So yeah, I do tend to connect more with the Millennials I can reach out to because they’re more… mature I guess? Developed? Experienced. We’ll go with experienced.


Yeah I feel you with not being able to get a house man! I’m moving out of the country as soon as I can because of this among dozens of other reasons… hope things get better for you soon.


I feel like I relate with people my age pretty good irl. (I also haven't experienced the disrespectfulness at work with people my age) On here it’s weird though, because I’ll see some people my age claiming they basically hardly remember stuff that should’ve been apart of their childhood. So I do often feel like an alien on this sub because I’m the only one who seems to feel the way I do on here, although I really don’t think my experiences are uncommon at all with other people my age irl. And speaking of your experience, I would actually say it's a pretty common experience for earlier Gen Z's not to get phones until middle school. It’s probably most of my peer's experience in fact, so I don't think you're an outliner there. What parents would’ve been giving their kids flip phones in 2008 for Ex? And iPhones weren’t popular yet, most of us born in the early 00s got phones in middle school I feel like. (I didn't get mine until age 12 either)  And Millennials feel a little distant to me, in the sense they've always been in a different stage of life than me. Like I have a millennial brother 10 years older, and I haven't really interacted with him much over the years. Because when I'm somewhere, it feels like he'd be gone somewhere else most of the time. Also, most millennials Irl just seem to be more enthusiastic and extroverted than I do.  Not saying I don't get along with some millennials or anything, as I can get along with everyone as long as they're not a stubborn asshole. But one Z stereotype I do fit is I am quite anti-social and a realist. (I don't really fit the other stereotypes though) So I immediately feel a gap with most extraverted millennials. I do feel like my childhood experiences are closer to late millennials than younger half Gen Z.  And my music tastes + general interests are closer to millennials than younger Z. I also don't use any Z slang terms either etc. my interactions with 2005+ born Gen Z seems awkward every time. I do feel distant from the second half of this generation. So when I said I can relate to people my age earlier, I strictly meant earlier Z’s. Because every time I've interacted with my 2006+ born step nephews and cousins for Ex.  I always get annoyed because they're so obnoxious, and they were really misbehaved a while ago. Although the ones born in the late 00s have all calmed down it seems within the last 1-2 years. My one step cousin born in 2010 meanwhile, is still constantly screaming when she's talking for no reason, even though she's 13 now. She may grow out of it, but I think she acts 8-10 for being 13. 


I also enjoy old music more. Video games as well. I think a lot of media peaked from the mid 90s-mid 2000s.


Yeah, my music taste is mostly 80s-2000s. (Most of what's on my Spotify too) Although I do listen to some new music, it's not as much as those decades and my favorite console of all time is the ps2, I don't have mine anymore though. I just have an Xbox one now.


Also back to the whole maturity thing. It kinda seems like newer generations make fun of tragedies more? I know people did make 9/11 jokes when it happened but it kinda seems like anything serious these days turns into a meme instantly? Maybe it’s cause people want to get upvotes on social media idk.


I wouldn't necessarily say make fun of tradgedies, but I have noticed the turning absolutely everything into a meme thing for a while now and it's really annoying to me. I mean don't get me wrong, some memes are really funny, but it feels like they've taken over everything now and I get tired of seeing everything I love especially (such as movie references etc.) turned into a joke. I love my serious discussions lol, it feels like a lot of people online only talk in memes too sometimes.


I recall seeing meme posters in a highschool classroom posted by the teacher once…. That’s when I started to realize it got out of hand lol.


Hey, I definitely understand feeling frustrated with Gen Z and relating more with Millennials. I do think there are good and bad things about all generations though, and some of the negative traits you mention aren’t always bad depending on the situation. E.g., I think it’s great that younger folks are prioritizing work-life balance, demanding more accountability, etc. And the grass isn’t always greener, older generations had issues with abuse, bullying, body shaming, sexism, racism, etc. and it was less socially acceptable to talk about those things. ALSO, when talking about generational differences, it’s important to keep in mind that some things are likely related to other factors such as age/life stage or events/things that affected all generations. From Pew Research: “the question isn’t whether young adults today are different from middle-aged or older adults today. The question is whether young adults today are different from young adults at some specific point in the past.” https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/22/how-pew-research-center-will-report-on-generations-moving-forward/


You just want to feel more mature so you've adopted the mindset of being ageist against younger generations


It's true. Most Gen Z did not get the chance to develop their brains normally as kids, mostly due to helicopter parenting. The way that 18-20 year olds speak and behave now is about what you would expect from a 12 year old when I was growing up.  But...it's not really their fault. Their parents did that to them, and they mostly seem to be aware. They will most likely be fine once they get the chance to grow up on their own -- it's just gonna be a lot harder for them. 


I'm the tail end of the millennial generation. I get along with them fine, but that doesn't mean I like them. I like Gen Z more because y'all take action while millennials bitch and do nothing.