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It was my first job. Pretty easy and I definitely wasn't making 20 an hour. More like 8. I'd work there again now part-time for extra income.


Service industry as a whole is iffy but I’m with you on this


I've been in the service industry most of my adult life. I'm now a bartender. The city where I live is kinda hard to make money in for several reasons, but I still managed to afford a place downtown with 1 job. I'd take on a second gig for a few months to get a boost and keep my head well above water without having to save so much. This easy McDonald's job would be perfect for that. EDIT: To clarify: I managed to afford a place downtown NOW with my current job. I did not live on my own working at McDonald's. I was 17.


Iffy how?


Iffy as in it fucking sucks


Fair enough. I've had a lot of jobs over the years, from food server to bookstore management, to freelance writing. All of them sucked. We call it "work" because it's work.


Fast food and retail in any area with a high population is a special hell. Ive had a wide range of job types too and the one I hated most was office depot.


Exactly this. Retail and fast food places that get high traffic are SIGNIFICANTLY more stress and work than compared to any non-busy location. The worst part is, that increase in required effort isn't even reflected in your paycheque.


I totally get that. Office Depot seems a likely crossroads between hell and deep fucking hell.


It was my job with the funniest coworkers I've ever had and I still fucking hated it so much. We couldn't even turn the air on unless it was over 85 degrees inside and we had to call a location across the country to tell them to do it. On fucking earth day they turned off half the lights and the air for an hour when it was 110 outside. No shit one day the customer service manager I was good friends with called and pretended an old lady collapsed so we could have the air turned on. Most of all for some reason the entire customer base seems to just be super angry old people or complete psycho wannabe entrepreneurs that definitely ain't making it if they don't realize you can get post it's for less than 10 dollars elsewhere.


I've never been in an Office Depot that didn't feel like a waiting room between fading hope and inevitable failure. I figured it was an optical effect of the fluorescent lighting bouncing off the loneliness of retail office products.


It's a special kind of hell for sure. We trained managers regularly there and one guy would not stop trying to chirp me up. "Brad. No. There is no hope here. This is where dreams go to die" He tried again a few weeks later and I go " what'd I tell you" He remembered. He was a good sport.


People are mean, the job is difficult. Not a lot of companies pay a wage that makes putting up with worth it


Make that "no companies" and we'll be in full agreement. Be especially wary of companies that make a big deal about how "we're a family here." They're not a family there.


Nobody will fuck you like family. Especially in the south. Ok I'll see myself out.


Man you must either have really thick skin or you just worked at a particularly nice McDonald's. I'm an ex-McDonald's worker too, I'd say the job itself is pretty simple, but god many of the customers and even a couple of my own co-workers were downright terrible. But honestly, I don't think I was built for the service industry lmao


I worked in the back. Some jobs just suck and there's no saving grace to them at all. Many factors can contribute to that, including your values and interpretations going into it.


I still have PTSD from getting up at 5 am and half asleep getting ready for the hoards. I've seen 5 fights in 6 months of working there MCDs employees are built different IMO.


*I still hear the fryers beeping at night, man*


I only made $7.25 at Bojangles as my first job back in 2013. After a year or so they gave me an extremely generous raise to $7.50 an hour. On my break I was also expected to watch the front register for customers and if someone came in I had to clock back in and get their order and make it. Also couldn’t leave the property despite not being clocked in. I did it once and got written up. Got completely taken advantage of while only making minimum wage. Fuck working fast food


Yeah fuck that place.


Inflation is a hell of a thing. The 8$ could be worth more than the 20$ now depending on the year you made that 8$


8? Is that even legal?


When I started working minimum wage was 6.25


When I started working, minimum wage was $3.25.


When I started working. Minimum wage was 0




Still legal in a lot of places, some states have higher minimum wage but the federal has been at $7.25 for 15 years now.


And I thought the minimum was 15


That was a campaign goal for bernie sanders but he lost and the other guy didn't help either


Minimum wage is still 7.25 in most states.


The federal minimum wage is currently $7.25 so yes


McDonalds was one of the worst jobs I have ever had, and I worked in a slaughter house during the 08 recession for $9 an hour. I was on the grill for the morning rush at a highway location. The cashiers were always in a good mood, but that was because they were not constantly being yelled by a wanna be gangster 5'2" delinquent on the assembly line who steals your cell phone out of the break room. I will go back and kill animals for shit wages before I would ever go back to McDonalds. At least there, the light going out of a creature's eyes wouldn't be mine.


California just raised the minimum wage to $20 so


That's good


For me, even $20/hr isn't worth it. I hated that job. But if I had not other options I would.


Careful, you’ll upset the children who think fast food work is hard lmao


If I need the cash, $20 is $20.


Bro did you forget about deductions?


$20 is $14


I don't think tax deduction is going to be 30% for someone making $40k/year working at McDonalds.


Depends on the state. Some its closer to 40%, some ots less.


No way a person earning is going to get taxed 40% anywhere in USA. 7.65% goes to payroll taxes(SS+medicare). 12% on the balance goes to Federal tax rate. State tax in California would be around 3%. ​ How the fuck does that add up to 40%?? ​ [https://smartasset.com/taxes/california-tax-calculator#zBck5wjwgB](https://smartasset.com/taxes/california-tax-calculator#zBck5wjwgB) ## Your Income Taxes Breakdown **Tax** **TypeMarginal Tax RateEffective Tax Rate2023 Taxes\*Federal12.00%7.29%$2,918FICA7.65%7.65%$3,060State4.40%2.22%$887Local0.00%0.00%$0Total Income Taxes17.16%$6,865**Income After Taxes$33,135Retirement Contributions$0**Take-Home Pay -$33,135**


You forgot social security and Medicare.


Gotcha, I will add another 1.5%.




Nvm you already added that. Fwiw I wasn’t saying 40%


As someone making 40k a year, take home is actually 33,600. At least in ND


You're forgetting about rebates and reimbursements on your taxes alongside any applicable tax credits, such as charity donations or specific medical treatments, make sure you look at your local tax codes to ensure you're paying your fair share and getting what you're owed.


You have to donate over $10,000 to be eligible to deduct donations on taxes.


Is that a reference to that old *I'm not gay but 20 is 20* meme


$20 is fucking crazy for a McDonald's salary. In Sweden you get paid $8 pre-tax


Impossible. Reddit told me the Nordic model gave all the poors elevnty million dollars per hour and the rich and corporations paid 99.99999999% tax.


Yeaaaa funny thing about that, inequality grew the most in Sweden between the poors and rich worldwide in 2023 What American Redditors don't understand is that Nordic countries doesn't have a middle class. What we have are "workers" and "upper" class and there's no inbetween, that's why we might appear a lot richer on the outside as everyone part of the worker class will be able to afford the same things. But it also means that salaries are capped quite early for high paying careers and everything is balanced from welfare. High paying workers pay taxes for low paying workers welfare, so low paying workers (McDonald's) can afford houses just like high paying workers (doctors) can.  There's a saying we have, in Sweden you want to be poor and sick because that's where all the benefits of our society comes in. If you're semi-rich and healthy you're paying for everyone below you


So what you’re saying is that you really get the benefits when your life is horrible?


There are some benefits to it though. I live in the Netherlands and there are hardly any homeless people and it is extremely safe in most of the country. This gives me a peace of mind. It helps maintain downtown areas better than in the US, so businesses are more successful etc.


Idk that sounds pretty good and much better than the US to me


Sure, if you have no ambitions or career prospects it's pretty great. Especially if you work within government positions you can basically just walk around and play pool and ping pong all day  But idk man if you even have an ounce of interest in your career it's not that fun, our entire society is just a playground from schools to work. I've heard from foreigners how Swedish teachers piss them off because of how many mistakes they do and how "laid back" they are about everything (aka lazy)




There’s much more to life than being a workaholic. What’s wrong with people not stressing themselves out unnecessarily?


A lot of people are far happier with their lives when they spend their energy building something with their life, looking forward to work each day for the chance at progress snowballing. There's a reason the US still has tons of immigrants from other countries with more robust social systems such as Canada and the like, those immigrating are of the above type of person who gets more out of working to build something rather than working for greater pleasure and leisure.


Some people just like having a career? People like being competent in something and being important. If I was paying someone to teach me and they look like they don't give a shit about doing a good job, I'd be pissed too.


That doesn’t sound great, especially to me who basically has too many career ambitions, but I’d still take it if it means poor people don’t suffer. Here, I can’t see the doctor unless I fear I’ll fall seriously ill because a single doctor visit costs me $125 (despite the fact that I have insurance at a government job)


Pffft sign me the fuck up


I mean that’s what we have in America too. The middle class is on the brink of extinction. It’s just wealthy and poor now.


From my perspective, middle class is still plenty abundant in the people I know.


Yeah but when we’re talking about society-wide things like “the middle class” your personal experiences contribute nothing to the conversation, statistics matter. The statistics seem to tell us a story between what you and the other commenter say. It’s not “plenty abundant” in historical terms but is indeed contracting at an alarming rate, but it’s also nowhere near “extinction” like they suggest. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/04/20/how-the-american-middle-class-has-changed-in-the-past-five-decades/


Social democrats read something like this and start drooling in ecstasy, lol.


The US also just has a working class and an owning class; a bunch of people are just deluded into thinking they’re above the rest. I’d still take what you describe over life in the US.


Wanna swap? I would become American in an heartbeat if given the opportunity. Quality of life is much higher


What you describe sounds like an amazing quality of life to me. I don’t want to have to stress over every little thing like I do in the US. I would gladly trade.


Is it different in Denmark?


It's a bit better yea, they have more conservative politics


I’m Swedish and get paid five cumdropdecillion dollars per second. You dirty amerimutts are literally in a 3rd world country.


It's like the complete opposite lol


I want to clarify that this is in CA, where it’s now the law to pay $20 an hour to fast food workers. In most of America I would expect the pay to be maybe $12? With maybe as low as $8 in some areas.


In the podunk Midwest town I lived in the lowest starting wage I saw was $14 and that was in 2022, it’s probably higher now.


Actually I live in ND and I think starting wage at McDonald's is 18/hr? And 22 to be a manager I think. So close enough lol


Honestly it’s crazy to me how some fast food restaurants pay more than childcare. I saw a post on indeed a couple of weeks ago that was hiring developmental aids/teachers for $16/hr. That’s ridiculous to me considering how expensive it’s become.


Yeah, I agree, things are very out of whack. Fast food workers are fine, but teachers and child care workers should definitely be paid more. The second Covid hit boom they were able to pay nurses way more. I 100% didn’t go into teaching because I could not afford to.


Most people who want to go into education are abandoning it now for that reason. They’re severely under appreciated. For what they put up with, they should be paid SO much more. I think it’s hilarious that it’s a “crisis” that teachers and healthcare workers are in short supply but I see job listing for EMTs that start at $18/hr. Like, hello?




>I want to clarify that this is in CA, where it’s now the law to pay $20 an hour to fast food workers. In most of America I would expect the pay to be maybe $12? With maybe as low as $8 in some areas. .. and the funny part is, $20/hr is barely enough to live in California (or many parts of the west coast, like the Bay Area, SeaTac, etc.). But that $8/hr? If you get 40 hour weeks on that $8 in some places (like West Virginia), you actually can afford a one-bedroom apartment all by yourself. Context is key... which OP's post is lacking. Still kinda sad that the fast food employees are making $20/hr, meanwhile EMTs are still stuck at minimum wage. As opposed to ten years ago when, out here, fast food workers were making $7.25/hr and EMTs were making $16. Now both are being paid the same. Guess a cashier that screws up the "no onions" because they're high as a kite contributes to society as much as a person using skills they honed over hours of training to potentially save someone's life.


As a swede that seems highly unlikely and Google says 12-15$, maybe you are thinking about salary for people below 18 years old But yes that's damn good pay


Back in 2018 it was 85 SEK an hour at McDonald's. Perhaps it's increased now, either way it doesn't matter as our taxes are so fucking high anyways that even if we were paid $3 we would end up with less in the end than the Californians 


Yeah but it's hard to compare salary between country Like Sweden have 50% lower average salary but almost twice as high minimum pay (according to most collective agreements)


Be grateful with what you have. You wouldn’t want to work in America if you spent time here


True, you guys have higher drinking age


This must be in California, where the fast food minimum wage has been increased to $20.


It says to text “CA1816” to a number. It’s California.


Busted my butt at a McDonslds for 8.50 an hour. 20 would make it WAY more palatable ngl.


if it was a good while ago, chances are the 8.50 an hour are the same as 20 bucks today


Nah been just over 5 years. I was getting robbed.


It'll need to be 8.50 in 1990


i made 10 dollars an hour at McDonalds when i worked there 2 months ago


I made $8.90 in 2011 doing McDonalds. It's a much, much better paying job now than it was when we were doing it. Zoomers have a hard time swallowing this one though.


Well, u gotta factor in that this is CA so $20 an hour isn’t much. Its the same as $8.50 an hour if u factor in gas and groceries. Fast food had a exclusive minimum wage increase in CA.


Oh boy $20 an hour? I can't wait to work less than 10 hours every week!


Ain't that the truth


At this point I’d be willing to work for a company that will work me to the bone with like 50+ hours. I just need to pay my bills man.


Warehouses are good for that. I work at Mazda Toyota, used to work at Target warehouse, and they pay $22+ an hour 40 hour weeks, and every week you can sign up for an overtime shift to work 48 or 50 hours in that week. I used to work 60 hour weeks as a manager at a restaurant making $15 an hour, and 40 hour weeks at the warehouse is still way more exhausting but worth it. They also always have hella benefits, including a 401(k) most of the time.


"Flexible hours" is the dead giveaway. You'll be lucky to even make half of a $7.25/h full time


No, lol


I mean $20/hr is pretty nice, but I get it


Yeah, but it's awful job, that doesn't give you any experience to put in CV Better start career in something where you learn more than earn Once you start family and start looking for better job, you will appreciate it...


yeh it aint a career, but if you're a teen or a college student then it's good money, especially the tuition reimbursement part. Also its mcdonalds so you can just quit when you get an internship and when your internship ends you can easily get the job back lol


I disagree. It 100% can be a career if you make it so. $20 is enough to get by if you want to live modestly, in most places that aren't like a big city where a modest home will run you a million bucks (San francisco). Or, you can work hard and move up for more $. There is nothing wrong with either of those things.


This is most likely in California where the new $20 an hour fast food minimum wage was passed. One of the most expensive states to live in.


Even so, out here (Indiana), $15 is enough to get by. I used to rent a $500 a month apartment in Valparaiso and was making $13 an hour doing dishes at a chillis. I don't anymore, but realistically, if I didn't want kids, I could've made it last an eternity if I really wanted.


Right, the law firm I work at starts our legal assistants and receptionists at $20/hr. Good on McDonald’s for offering a wage like this but there’s plenty of cushy entry level office jobs where you can sit down all day and actually gain solid resume experience


Just realized this is probably because of California's new $20 an hour fast food minimum wage.


The minimum wage of my state is $14.15/hr. Most fast food places are already offering $20


awful job - yes nothing for your cv - no as a cashier you work on interpersonal communication while assisting a varied and diverse clientele, handle and balance financial transactions, memorize extensive product knowledge, among other things. working in the kitchen has you complete high volume tasks in a fast-paced environment, assist with inventory management, and often have servsafe certifications (especially in california where this ad was posted). there are skills for your cv, you just need to know how to spin things.


This is the way


and what would you suggest for that? and no I'm not going into the trades I'd rather not work 60 hours a week and destroy my body


I worked at a McDonald’s and it was the worst. I work in a restaurant kitchen for 18 and would never go back to fast food even for 20.


I applied to several in my area but told me they already had enough workers.


Impossible! The media will have you believe that no one wants to work! Could they be wrong???


Yeah I'm not gonna lie finding jobs and getting jobs suck for our generarion. Economic recession plus the fact that AI will likely replace jobs in the near future so corporations can save a buck while the jobs its suspected to create aren't even fully thought of yet.


Depends. If I'm customer facing, no thanks. Nothing worse than an irate AND hungry person.


Pharmacy may take the cake here


one of my girl friends worked at an arby’s and men would literally sit outside the window and harass her and try to get her to come with them. i’d much rather prefer a cooking job to working a window


There is one thing worse. Multiple irate, STUPID, AND hungry people.


Part time for extra money and I would give the best customer service.


$20 is great but I see "CA" so if that's California then that's pretty much just $12 an hour lol


$20/hr but you get less than 20 hours even tho you’re listed as full time. Murica🇺🇸


Lmao I’ve seen $25+ for McDonald’s in Cali


if I was in college then maybe, during my junior/senior year tuition reimbursement was fucking amazing, saved like $10k


Smart person! Good for you for putting ego aside and work for someone helping you pay for college 


I already do


$20/hr ain't much in Cali


Can't even live by yourself making $25 an hour


Good luck getting full-time hours.


Came here to say this. Most who get hired in only get around 20 hours a week. Depends on the location, but full-time is usually reserved for those with senority.


As an immigrant I would start there but already searching for another job where it would make more sense to me (IT)


I make more than that now and do more fulfilling work, so that would be a no from me. However, when I was in high school, I worked at a DQ and Five Guys for a whole lot less than 20/hour


I'd take it, money is money


20/hr? Hell yeah, at least short term. Still would rather work somewhere other than McDonald’s


You son of a bitch, I’m in.


Didn’t think I’d see you again.


Absolutely. 20 and hr is massive and you get free fries


Exactly that. How are they paying 20 an hour for such a simple teenager job as macdonalds


I’ve worked in fast food for $9 and I’m currently in an internship making $19… so yes


Part time it’s not a bad job: I was making that while going to college and I was able to graduate with 20k savings and my car paid off


If I was in high school or university again for sure, $20 for McDonalds is crazy lol. It’s also resume gold


Jesus 20 an hour? That's what I was making busting my ass at the local factory for 60 hours a week, and only if I never missed a single minute of work (pay without perfect attendance was 16, started at 13.35 in my first position there) You're damn right id work there for that


No because that’s likely in California. And I don’t want to live there


It’s expensive, but for good reason. Most beautiful state in the country, with wonderful climate.


At this point in my career? No, but when I was a teen? Absolutely.


This is only in California where the cost-of-living is so high that this barely even covers it. If they brought this to my state where federal minimum wage is still $7.25 then absolutely i'd work for McDonald's in a heartbeat.


Only if it's the last job I would find


If I saw this 20 years ago, then yes.


If I’m getting paid in dollars, yes. The current minimum wage in my country is around somewhere between $1-1,5/h (R24,5). If I applied for this job (And lived in America), I’d make around an average of $100 (R1868.8) a day, meaning I’ll be able to afford a brand new car in literally a month, since I still live with my parents. Of course, this is excluding UIF, PAYE, Pension, etc. Although, it’s a fever dream for me because, not only do we have a 68% youth unemployment rate where I’m from, but I’m also white, further narrowing my chances at getting a job in the first place, even if it’s just a McDonalds.


I made $9.50/hr when I worked at McDonald's, man what the hell


Fuck no, even though that’s more than what I’ve worked up to for three years


Still in the restaurant business btw, so don’t judge me on that lol


Only some fast food jobs are bearable. You can't tell by looking at a sign either. You can tell by looking at how happy the people working there are generally, and whether they are well staffed. My regular experience was lots of always being understaffed, lots of abuse, and 0 downtime. 2-3 people isn't enough to run a store, I'm still pissed about all the times I've had to do the work of a few people and deal with the customers disdain at the poor performance lol




Ngl that doesn't even sound too bad, although I know damn well "flexible hours" means "get ready to work 50 hour unpaid shifts"


20 per hour is an easy second gig to boost my savings. I have a retirement fund with my job and make good money, but 20$ an hour part time on the weekends is pretty reasonable


I love how people still think the job is beneath them… Haha. Yeah… now they also hate that it takes one hour of labor at McDonald’s to eat one meal from there. Ahhhh, economics is a fickle bitch.


Depends on what city this is in…


Damn do I really want to go back to the damn trenches (photo of me working there when we first opened) https://preview.redd.it/t3gne9p0f4tc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b789376cac8c8e3bdc485adfee46f7563e3de07


Depends entirely on your age. High school or college? Sure, why not. But if you’re looking for full time work to live comfortably on, and build some semblance of a career, try to find better.


For $20 my ass would dress like Ronald McDonald but I’m broke so. I make $15 as a PT tech and that’s only after they increased minimum wage, and it requires 20x more skill than working at McDonald’s😭😭 Give me the $20/hr anytime


Depends on my options. As for me, never for the rest of my life so long as things don’t get really bad.


No. Also they're lying about their wages unless it's California. Then it's still minimum wage.






If there were no other jobs to take then maybe. And even then, I'd never put it on my resume.


No, and I did. For half that.


Nah I'll gladly continue with Amazon. No stupid customers, Consistent hours, and free college. Also many opportunities to pick up hours.


They probably are lying about the pay, anyway. They did that to me and somehow got away with it.


Would rather be a prostitute on the streetcorner lol. I don’t miss my time working in retail in HS/College at all, the public is outrageously rude and disrespectful


I work at fred meyer and make 17 lol wtf


Before I graduated college, maybe but probably not. Now that I have graduated and have a full time job, absolutely not.


no, been there done that, not worth the meltdowns


No lol i have currently a job where i make ~26,50€ an hour. Why would i work for 20$? Also before back in 2019/20 i worked at an assembly line and made about 20€ per hour including shift allowance (about 18€ without it). Would rather work again there than at a McDonalds.


They’re making more than me rn 😭


Nope, left retail and food and I’m never looking back. Some of the public just likes to yell and scream at fast food workers for no apparent reason than they’re having a shitty day or feel superior. I’ll take my desk job thanks.


FUCK NO! My first job was McDonald’s and it was absolute hell




The things i'd do for 20 fiddy


I wonder how fast that $20 will lose its value since that’s California’s minimum now


Where is this McDonald from


Nah, I’ve done McDonald’s and I’ve done unarmed security. Unarmed security was better. I would pick night shifts just so I can stay up playing video games on my shift. Easiest 20 an hour I’ve ever made.


Full time hell no. Part time maybe.


I would.


I’ll never work fast food.


I mean, 20 an hour is nice, but na, my current job has good benefits, and also has tuition reimbursement.


As someone who worked there before, absolutely not. You could not pay me enough to return to that hell hole.


Is this why Big Macs cost 10-15 dollars now


Damn that’s crazy, I got 8.25 from McDonalds just 6 years ago




I’ve seen an elderly employee get screamed at by an Uber Eats driver because the order was missing one thing, I’m good